It is exceedingly difficult to ascertain precisely what is meant by the word ‘culture’.
That is a sentence from exercise for English learners where they are asked to determine the part of speech of the word in bold. My decision was that difficult is an adverb in this context because of an adverbial meaning but the author writes that this is an adjective. Who is in the right?
asked Feb 24, 2018 at 18:23
The author is correct in saying it as an adjective. The word in this sentence is a predicate adjective. Is is a linking verb, so the word will either be a predicate nominative or a predicate adjective. In this case, it is describing the pronoun it so it is an adjective. It is difficult.
answered Feb 24, 2018 at 18:42
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It is exceedingly difficult to
ascertain precisely
what is
meant by the
‘culture’. The word is commonly used to refer to almost anything
connected with a person’s
customary behaviour when considered distinctive in form to that of a
from another
background. The problem is that this definition begs the question. Is it race
that determines the
difference in culture? Or is it nationhood? Certainly, there are noticeable
cultural differences between citizens of various nations, although they may share membership of
the same race. Is language perhaps the determinant of culture? Or class? After
all, even within the same nation there are extreme differences between
the lifestyle and language of the classes that make up society, as well
as varying attitudes towards
acceptable behaviour and manners. The problem appears to be
that, on closer analysis,
each and every one of us belongs to a unique culture, regardless of the apparent general
culture into which we are categorised. It all depends on how narrowly the word
is defined for its intended purpose. By analysing the word ‘culture’,
anthropologists are
beginning to accept
that the word is much overworked.
Task 2.
Certain suffixes indicate that the word is a noun, an adjective, a verb or an
adverb. Sort the suffixes below into the correct boxes according to the parts
of speech they indicate:
-al -ly -ment -er -ous
-ise (-ize) -ish -tion -ive -ic -ism -ist -ship -fy -ness -ate
Noun Indicators |
Verb Indicators |
Adjective Indicators |
Adverb Indicators |
Task 3. There are
mistakes with the part of speech or the form (positive or negative) of underlined words. Correct the mistakes.
is really healthy. He
smokes a packet of cigarettes every day and he never does any exercise.
very difficult to get a job without experienced and if you’ve just left school
you probably don’t have any.
had the very good fortunate
to meet someone who warned him about the current as he was going into the
was able to
finish the match because of an ankle injury.
flatmate and I had a serious
about the housework and didn’t speak to each other for a couple of days.
seats for the match were so far back that it was possible to see what was
happening on the court.
feelings of insecure
stopped her taking part in competitive sport.
was unconscious
of someone watching me but when I looked up round, I couldn’t see anybody.
We calculated
how long it would take us to get to the airport and we missed our plane.
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Пособие «Английский язык. Практикум по СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЮ. Готовимся к итоговой аттестации» поможет подготовиться к выполнению заданий по словообразованию ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку. Вы узнаете, как правильно образовывать слова английского языка при помощи суффиксов, как работать с приставками, ознакомитесь с рекомендациями и алгоритмами, с помощью которых выполнять подобные задания можно легко и без ошибок, а также получите возможность потренироваться выполнять задания экзаменационного типа. Пособие можно использовать как при классной работе в школе, так и для самостоятельной подготовки к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку. Пособие может быть использовано для подготовки к международным экзаменам FCE, IELTS, TOEFL и других.
Фрагмент текстового слоя документа размещен для индексирующих роботов.
Для полноценной работы с документом, пожалуйста, перейдите в
Ю.С. Веселова АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ПРАКТИКУМ ПО СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЮ Готовимся к итоговой аттестации Москва Издательство «ИнтеллектЦентр» 2021 2-е издание, электронное
УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111 (075.3) ББК 81.432.1я721.6 В38 В38 Веселова, Ю.С. Английский язык. Практикум по словообразованию. Готовимся к итоговой аттестации / Ю. С. Весе- лова. — 2-е изд., эл. — 1 файл pdf : 83 с. — Москва : Издательство «Интеллект-Центр», 2021. — Систем. требования: Adobe Reader XI либо Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 ; экран 12". — Текст : электронный. ISBN 978-5-907339-91-0 Пособие «Английский язык. Практикум по СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЮ. Готовимся к итоговой аттеста- ции» поможет подготовиться к выполнению заданий по словообразованию ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку. Вы узнаете, как правильно образовывать слова английского языка при помощи суффиксов, как работать с приставками, ознакомитесь с рекомендациями и алгоритмами, с помощью которых выполнять подобные задания можно легко и без ошибок, а также получите возможность потренироваться выполнять задания экзаменационного типа. Пособие можно использовать как при классной работе в школе, так и для самостоятельной подготовки к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ по английскому языку. Пособие может быть использова- но для подготовки к международным экзаменам FCE, IELTS, TOEFL и других. УДК 373.167.1:811.111+811.111 (075.3) ББК 81.432.1я721.6 Электронное издание на основе печатного издания: Английский язык. Практикум по словообразованию. Готовимся к итоговой аттестации / Ю. С. Веселова. — Москва : Издательство «Интеллект-Центр», 2019. — 80 с. — ISBN 978-5-907033-40-5. — Текст : непосредственный. В соответствии со ст. 1299 и 1301 ГК РФ при устранении ограничений, установленных техническими средствами защиты авторских прав, правообладатель вправе требовать от нарушителя возмещения убытков или выплаты компенсации. ISBN 978-5-907339-91-0 © ООО «Издательство «Интеллект-Центр», 2019 © Ю. С. Веселова, 2018
ВВЕДЕНИЕ Пособие «Английский язык. Практикум по СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЮ. Готовим- ся к итоговой аттестации» предназначено для подготовки учащихся 9–11 классов общеобразовательных школ разного типа к выполнению заданий на словообразо- вание раздела «Грамматика и лексика» государственной итоговой аттестации, для самостоятельной подготовки к ОГЭ и ЕГЭ по английскому языку и для индивиду- альных занятий с репетитором. Также пособие «Английский язык. Практикум по СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЮ. Готовимся к итоговой аттестации» может быть использо- вано для подготовки к международным экзаменам FCE, IELTS, TOEFL и других. «Английский язык. Практикум по СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЮ. Готовимся к ито- говой аттестации» состоит из теоретических и практических материалов, с помо- щью которых можно наиболее полно подготовиться к выполнению заданий на сло- вообразование. В пособие включены следующие темы: - рекомендации для выполнения заданий на словообразование; - полный разбор частей речи, для того чтобы учащиеся могли правильно клас- сифицировать требуемые части речи в ходе выполнения заданий; - разбор приставок английского языка и дополнительные упражнения на упо- требление приставок; - разбор суффиксов имен существительных, прилагательных, наречий, глаго- лов, причастий и упражнения на отработку словообразования данных частей речи; - правила орфографии английского языка и упражнения на орфографию, с по- мощью которых закрепляются правила написания слов и правильное образование новых слов в английском языке; - более 50 упражнений экзаменационного типа, которые можно использовать как для подготовки к экзамену, так и для итогового контроля приобретаемых умений и навыков словообразования; - дополнительные упражнения, объединенные в таблицы для наглядного при- менения правил словообразования. В конце пособия включены ответы к упражнениям. Все вышеперечисленное поможет правильно и полно подготовиться к одному из наиболее сложных разделов экзамена. Желаю успехов! Автор и составитель Ю.С. Веселова
РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ДЛЯ ВЫПОЛНЕНИЯ ЗАДАНИЙ НА СЛОВООБРАЗОВАНИЕ Для того, чтобы Вы могли набрать максимальный балл в задании на заполнение пропусков (словообразование), Вы должны уметь образовывать от однокоренных опорных слов с помощью приставок и суффиксов новые части речи, заполняя про- пуски в связном тексте. Данные ниже рекомендации помогут наиболее правильно выполнить задания на словообразование. 1. Прочитайте весь текст и поймите его основное содержание для того, чтобы определить, какая часть речи необходима для заполнения пропуска. 2. Прочитав предложение, определите какая приставка или суффикс данной части речи придает образованному слову нужное по смыслу текста значение. 3. Для того, чтобы не допустить орфографических ошибок в словах, образован- ных с помощью приставок и суффиксов, проверьте написание всех вписанных в пропуски слов и убедитесь, что они написаны четко и разборчиво. Обратите особое внимание на суффиксы, в которых могут быть допущены орфографические ошиб- ки, например, ance-, ence-, и т.п. 4. Все слова в ответе должны быть написаны правильно, иначе при наличии даже одной орфографической ошибки в ответе весь ответ оценивается в 0 баллов. 5. Помните! Когда возможны разные варианты правильных ответов, они пред- усмотрены в ключах, и Вам достаточно написать один ответ, который Вы считаете верным. 6. Если Вы не уверены в заполнении какого- либо пропуска, все равно впиши- те слова, которые кажутся Вам наиболее приемлемым. 7. Значительную трудность при выполнении заданий представляет употребле- ние отрицательных приставок. Для правильного употребления слова с отрицатель- ной приставкой необходимо: внимательно вчитаться в смысл всего текста и пред- ложения с пропуском, чтобы увидеть заложенный в нем отрицательный смысл; вспомнить, какая именно отрицательная приставка употреблялась с данным кор- нем. Помните о том, что для обозначения противоположного состояния, процесса или противопоставления в английском языке существуют разные отрицательные приставки: un-, dis, im-, in-, il-, ir-, mis-… Добавление к слову приставки не меня- ет часть речи. 8. При образовании исчисляемых имен существительных иногда нужно поста- вить существительное во множественном числе – в этом случае помогает смысло- вой перевод предложения. 9. Помните, что в некоторых случаях Вам нужно вспомнить про исключения!
ЧАСТИ РЕЧИ (PARTS OF SPEECH) Прежде всего, при выполнении заданий на словообразование, вам нужно по- нять, какая часть речи должна находиться на месте пропуска, и какая однокорен- ная часть речи дана заглавными буквами для словообразования. В помощь этому дана таблица ниже. Слова в любом языке делятся на части речи – классы, отличающиеся друг от друга по значению, форме и функциям, которые они выполняют в предложении. В английском языке обычно различают следующие части речи. NOUN Имя существительное Существительное обозначает предметы, живые существа, аб- страктные понятия, явления. Отвечает на вопросы «кто? что?». Все существительные делятся на одушевленные и не- одушевленные, нарицательные (common), собственные (proper) и конкретные (concrete). Также существует классификация на исчисляемые (countable nouns) и неисчисляемые (uncountable nouns). Имя существительное обладает категориями рода (gender), числа (number) и падежа (case). a flower (цветок), Henry ( Генри), tea (чай), money (деньги), kindness (доброта) В английском предложении существительное выступает либо в форме подлежащего (в начале предложения), либо в форме дополнения. Всегда нужно обращать внимание на единствен- ное и множественное число имен существительных. Для опре- деления числа нужно обратить внимание на число глагола (сказуемое), или на артикль (a или отсутствие артикля), или слова-определения числа (any, every, a few, many, several, a great number of, etc). VERB Глагол Глагол обозначает действие или состояние. В зависимости от значения и роли в предложении глаголы бывают смысло- вые (notional), служебные (semi-auxiliary), вспомогательные (auxiliary). Все английские глаголы делятся на правильные (regular) и неправильные (irregular). Помимо этого глаго- лы в личной форме обладают такими категориями как: лицо (person), число, аспект (aspect), время (tense), залог (voice) и наклонение (mood). В английском предложении глаголы обычно выступают в роли сказуемого (после подлежащего) и согласованы по числу с подлежащим. to run (бегать), swims (плавает), must (должен), be (быть), has lived (жил до настоящего момента)
ADJECTIVE Имя прилагательное Имя прилагательное обозначает качества, свойства, состоя- ния, признаки предмета, лица или явления. По характеру признака все прилагательные можно разделить на качествен- ные (qualitative) и относительные (relative). По принципу сло- вообразования они бывают простыми (simple), производными (derived) и сложными (compound). Также прилагательные об- ладают степенями сравнения (degrees of comparison): положи- тельной (positive degree), сравнительной (comparative degree) и превосходной (superlative degree). В английском предложении прилагательные обычно стоят пе- ред именами существительными. difficult (трудный), golden (золотой), long – longer – the longest – (длинный – длиннее – самый длинный) ADVERB Наречие Наречие определяет глагол и обозначает признак действия или качества и отвечает на вопросы «Как? Где? Когда? Почему? Ка- ким образом?» (How? Where? When? Why? In what manner?). Наречия также делятся на группы: наречия места (place), вре- мени (time), образа действия (manner), частоты (frequency), степени (degree). В английском предложении наречия обычно располагаются либо в начале предложения, либо после глагола, либо в конце предложения. here (здесь), today (сегодня), usually (обычно), rather (достаточ- но) PARTICIPLE Причастие Причастие – неличная форма глагола, обладающая призна- ками глагола, прилагательного и наречия. В русском языке английскому причастию соответствует как причастие, так и деепричастие. Как и глагол, причастие в английском языке имеет формы времени (а причастие переходных глаголов имеет также фор- мы страдательного залога) и может определяться наречием. Как и прилагательное, причастие может выполнять в предло- жении функции определения и именной части сказуемого. unknown (неизвестный), well-made (искусно выполненный), stolen (украденный), thinking (думающий), understanding (по- нимающий) PRONOUN Местоимение Местоимение обозначает предмет или признак предмета, не на- зывая его. Местоимения обладают категориями рода и числа. В английском языке существует несколько групп местоимений: личные (personal), притяжательные (possessive), указатель- ные (demonstrative), неопределенные (indefinite), возвратные (reflexive), отрицательные (negative) местоимения. Местоимения обычно заменяют имена существительные, и рас- полагаются на месте существительных в английском предло- жении. he (он), my (мой), this (этот), something (что-то), herself (сама), nobody (никто) CONJUNCTION Союз Союз – служебная часть речи, которая соединяет слова, фразы, предложения. but (но), so (итак), and (и), because (потому что) PREPOSITION Предлог Предлоги – служебные слова, которые указывают на связь су- ществительных (или местоимений) с другими словами в пред- ложении. on (на), in (в), with (с), under (под)
NUMERAL Числительное Числительное обозначает количество и порядок предметов при счете. Числительные бывают порядковыми (ordinal numbers) и количественными (cardinal numbers). twelve (двенадцать), thirtheenth (тринадцатый), first (первый) ARTICLE Артикль Артикль – служебное слово, определяющее существительное. the (определенный артикль), а, an (неопределенные артикли единственного числа существительных) В английском языке также существуют служебные части речи. К ним от- носятся частицы (Particles), междометия (Interjections), модальные слова (Modal words) и восклицания (Exclamations). С их помощью соединяются слова и предло- жения, констатируется или усиливается значение других слов, определяется отно- шение говорящего к содержанию высказывания. Слова категории состояния (the Stative) – это разряд слов, обозначающих физическое или психическое состояние. В предложении они играют роль сказуемого безличного предложения. Примеры: alive (живой), pity (жалость), afraid (испуганный).
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ НА ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ЧАСТЕЙ РЕЧИ Task 1. Decide on the part of speech for each of the words in bold in the following short passage. Choose between the following grammatical categories or parts of speech given in the table below: noun pronoun gerund adjective past participle present participle phrasal verb adverb verb It is exceedingly difficult (_________________) to ascertain precisely (_________________) what is meant by the word (_____________) ‘culture’. The word is commonly used to refer to almost (___________) anything connected with a person’s customary (_______________) behaviour when considered (_____________________) distinctive in form to that (__________________) of a person from another background (______________________). The problem is that this definition begs the question. Is it race that determines (____________________) the difference in culture? Or is it nationhood? Certainly, there are noticeable cultural differences between citizens of various (_______________________) nations, although they may share membership (_______________________) of the same race. Is language perhaps the determinant of culture? Or class? After all, even within the same nation there are extreme (__________________) differences between the lifestyle and language of the classes that make up (_______________________) a society, as well as varying attitudes towards acceptable (_______________________) behaviour and manners. The problem appears to be that, on closer (____________________) analysis, each and every one of us belongs to a unique culture, regardless of the apparent (_____________________) general culture into which we are categorised. It all depends on how narrowly the word is defined for its intended purpose. By analysing (______________________) the word ‘culture’, anthropologists are beginning (___________________) to accept that the word is much overworked.
Task 2. Certain suffixes indicate that the word is a noun, an adjective, a verb or an adverb. Sort the suffixes below into the correct boxes according to the parts of speech they indicate: -al -ly -ment -er -ous -ise (-ize) -ish -tion -ive -ic -ism -ist -ship -fy -ness -ate Noun Indicators Verb Indicators Adjective Indicators Adverb Indicators Can you think of three more words ending with each of the suffixes listed above? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Task 3. There are mistakes with the part of speech or the form (positive or negative) of underlined words. Correct the mistakes. 1. Simon is really healthy. He smokes a packet of cigarettes every day and he never does any exercise. 2. It’s very difficult to get a job without experienced and if you’ve just left school you probably don’t have any. 3. He had the very good fortunate to meet someone who warned him about the current as he was going into the water. 4. He was able to finish the match because of an ankle injury. 5. My flatmate and I had a serious understanding about the housework and didn’t speak to each other for a couple of days. 6. Our seats for the match were so far back that it was possible to see what was happening on the court. 7. Her feelings of insecure stopped her taking part in competitive sport. 8. I was unconscious of someone watching me but when I looked up round, I couldn’t see anybody. 9. We calculated how long it would take us to get to the airport and we missed our plane.
ПРИСТАВКИ (PREFIXES) Образование слов может происходить при помощи приставок, которые хотя и изменяют значение слов, но не меняют его принадлежности к той или иной ча- сти речи. Многие приставки имеют своё собственное значение и вследствие этого бывают ударными. Приставок, характерных только для какой-либо части речи, в английском языке нет. Приставка anti- соответствует в русском языке приставкам «противо-», «анти-»: anti-fascist – антифашист anti-aircraft – противовоздушный Приставка counter- cоответствует русской приставке «контр-», «противо-»: to counteract – противодействовать Приставка dis- придает отрицательное значение; часто переводится на русский язык приставками «не-», «дез-», «бес-», «без-»: disobedient – непослушный disorder – беспорядок dishonest – бесчестный disappear – исчезать Приставка ex- имеет значение «экс», «бывший»: ex-champion – экс-чемпион Приставка en- часто имеет значение «делать» и образует глагол от прилагатель- ных и существительных: to enlarge – увеличивать, делать большим to encircle – окружать, делать круг Приставка fore- имеет значение «перед»: forehead – лоб Приставка inter- имеет значение «между», «среди», «взаимно»: international – интернациональный Приставка il- означает отрицание. Употребляется, если слово начинается с соглас- ной l: illegal – незаконный illiterate – неграмотный Приставка im- означает отрицание. Употребляется, если слово начинается с со- гласных b, m, p: immortal – бессмертный imbalance – неустойчивость imparity – неравенство Приставка in- придает противоположное значение. Слова с префиксом in- нужно запоминать. inconsistent – несовместимый indefinite – неопределенный; неясный; безразличный independence – независимость Приставка ir- означает отрицание. Употребляется, если слово начинается с соглас- ной r: irresponsible – безответственный irrelevant – неподходящий; неуместный irregular – неправильный; нерегулярный Приставка mis- имеет значение «неправильно, неверно»: to misunderstand – неправильно понять
202 Useful Exercises for IELTS
i. Which is the best title for the passage in Exercise 1.3?
a) |
Utzon Quits Australia |
c) |
History of a Queen |
b) |
An Architectural Disaster |
d) A Dane in Our Lives |
ii. What is the main point of the second paragraph? |
a) |
… |
to describe the |
c) |
… to state where |
Opera House visually |
the Opera House is located |
b) |
… |
to tell the |
d) |
… to say why |
history of the building |
the building was built |
iii. Which is (are) the topic sentence(s) of the third paragraph? |
a) |
Sentence number one |
c) |
The last sentence |
b) |
Sentence number two |
d) |
Sentences number one and two |
iv. To what do the following pronouns in the passage refer?
a) |
it |
(line |
10) |
c) this |
(line 17) |
b) |
their |
(line |
11) |
d) them |
(line 23) |
1.6 G A P F I L L : |
The following is a summary of the passage in Exercise 1.3. |
Choose words from the box below and refer to the passage to fill the gaps: |
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous (1) |
buildings in the world. |
Officially opened in (2) |
, its eye-catching and <3> |
shape was the dream |
of a Danish (4) |
called Utzon. Unfortunately, his design for the (5) |
could |
not be completed for financial reasons. Nonetheless, the building was finally ready after |
(6) |
years of (7) |
and argument, and is now (8) |
as a |
(9) |
of modern architecture. World-class performances are regularly given in |
the Opera House by Australian |
(10) |
from the worlds of opera, ballet and theatre. |
architecture |
1973 |
famous |
queen |
controversy |
£5.5 million |
interior |
artists |
modern |
hail |
acclaimed |
exterior |
originally |
14 |
petty |
architect |
1975 |
rehearsals |
masterpiece |
distinctive |
star |
curve |
£60 million |
the 1950s |
1.7 WORDS & PHRASES WITH SIMILAR MEANINGS: Refer to the passage in Exercise 1.3, and see page 126 for advice on recognising pattern types. Circle the appropriate pattern type in each case.
i. |
well-known design |
—> |
(para. |
1) |
( Pattern Type: |
1 |
2 |
3) |
ii. |
angry talk |
—> |
(para. |
1) |
( Pattern Type: |
1 |
2 |
3) |
iii. |
located amidst |
—> |
(para. 2) |
( Pattern Type: |
1 |
2 |
3) |
iv. competitive world |
-> |
(para. 2) |
( Pattern Type: |
1 |
2 |
3) |
v. |
original designs |
-> |
(para.3) |
(Pattern Type: |
1 |
2 |
3) |
vi. |
restricted budget |
-> |
(para. 4) |
( Pattern Type: |
1 |
2 |
3) |
vii. |
petty quarrelling |
-> |
(para. 4) |
( Pattern Type: |
1 |
2 |
3) |
1.8 M A T C H I N G S E N T E N C E HALVES: Refer to the text in Exercise 1.3 and match the halves of the given sentences together:
a. |
The Sydney Opera House … |
+ |
b. |
The city of Sydney is … |
+ |
с |
Plans for the interior of the building … |
+ |
d. |
The interior of the building was unfortunately never … |
+ |
e. |
It seems that some artists are only … |
+ |
f. |
The cost of the project… |
+ |
g. … interesting to audiences from all over the world. |
h. … have recently been implemented. |
i. |
… built like a queen on Sydney Harbour. |
j. |
… completed by Jorn Utzon. |
k. … was the most well-known building in Australia. |
1. |
… was not completed in accordance with the architect’s original plans. |
m. … described as trying hard to survive in the business world. |
n. … were lost for many years. |
o. … interested in complaining about the facilities. |
p. |
… was eventually met from the proceeds of gambling. |
1.9 TRUE / FALSE / NOT GIVEN: Refer to the text in Exercise 1.3.
a. The building is possibly the most famous of its type in the world. |
T |
F |
NG |
b. The Opera House drew world attention to the Arts in Australia. |
T |
F |
NG |
с Utzon designed the roof to look like the sails of a sailing ship. |
T |
F |
NG |
d. A few people claim that it is a major architectural work. |
T |
F |
NG |
e. |
According to the author, Sydney is a quiet and graceful city. |
T |
F |
NG |
f. The cost of construction went more than £50 million over budget. |
T |
F |
NG |
g. Utzon never returned to Australia to see the completed building. |
T |
F |
NG |
h. There is only one theatre within the complex. |
T |
F |
NG |
i. |
The Government was concerned about some artists’ complaints. |
T |
F |
NG |
j. |
Australian artists give better performances in the Opera House. |
T |
F |
NG |
202 Useful Exercises for IELTS
1.10 SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS: Refer to the text in Exercise 1.3.
i. What two images have the shape of the Opera House roof been compared to:
ii.Why is it almost impossible to talk of the Arts in Australia without mentioning the Opera House?
iii.What did the government hold to ensure a world-class design for the building?
iv.What does the author say is not surprising?
v.What were cut out or scaled down from the original interior design?
vi.How are the walls of the Opera House described? (MAXIMUM OF TWO WORDS)
1.11C R O S S W O R D : Refer to the Part 1 Listening Passages and the Reading Passage (and questions) for most answers. Across:
1.related to the Arts or the mind (adj)
6.region (n)
7.not any (adj)
8.unimportant, small (adj)
9.circular (adj)
11.present plural form of ‘to be’ (n)
13.not trusting of something (adj)
14.(to) apply colours to a drawing (v) important person in the arts (n)
17.(to) flow back like the tide (v)
19.opposite of ‘practice’ (n)
20.shown on your watch (n)
21.period of time (n)
23.many (adj)
26.(to) meddle (v)
27.lessened (adj)
28.dramatic performance artform (n)
1. dispute often about a topical issue (n)
2. person who studies languages (n)
3. (to) allow (v)
4. (to) tell (v)
5. region between certain limits (n)
10. science of building structures (n)
12. gambling with numbered tickets (n)
16. among (prep)
18. short for ‘goodbye’ (n)
22. quick (adj)
23. only, no more nor better than (adj)
24. past form of ‘lead’ (v)
25. length measurement (n)
1.1SENTENCE INSERTION: Practice for Writing Task 1:
First, insert the statistical information from the table below in the twenty numbered blank spaces in the model answer and in the ‘missing’ sentences labelled ‘a’ to ‘e’. Then insert the missing sentences into the model answer.
The table below summarises some data collected by a college bookshop for the month ofFebruary 2000.
Write a report describing the sales figures ofvarious types ofpublications, based on the information shown in the table.
NODBook ClubMembers |
Book Club |
Total |
College Staff |
College Students |
Members of Public |
Members |
Fiction |
44 |
31 |
76 |
151 |
Non-Fiction |
29 |
194 |
122 |
942 |
1287 |
Magazines |
332 |
1249 |
82 |
33 |
1696 |
Total |
405 |
1474 |
204 |
1051 |
3134 |
WRITING TASK 1 — Model Answer:
The table shows the sales figures of fiction books, non-fiction books, and magazines in a college bookshop for February (1) . (i)
The nonBook Club member figures comprise sales to college staff, college students, and
members of the public. (ii) |
College students |
bought (2) |
magazines, <3) |
non-fiction and (4)_ |
fiction books. |
(iii) |
Although no fiction books were sold to |
members of the public, they purchased (5) |
non-fiction books and (6) |
magazines. |
para.3 |
(iv) |
On the other hand, magazine sales |
to Club members ((7) |
) were fewer than for any other type of customer. |
para.4 |
The total number of publications sold for the month was (8) |
((9) |
to college |
students, (10) |
to staff, |
(11) |
to the public, and (12) |
to Book Club members). |
(v) |
Therefore, magazines accounted for |
the greatest number of sales |
((13) |
). |
a. |
College staff bought (14) |
magazines, (15) |
fiction and (16) |
non-fiction books. |
b.More magazines were sold to college students than to any other group of customers.
c.The figures are divided into two groups: sales to nonBook Club members and to Book Club members.
d. |
Of this figure, (17) |
items were fiction books and (18) |
were non-fiction. |
e. |
Book Club members bought more fiction ((19) ) and non-fiction books ((20) |
) |
than other customers. |
202 Useful Exercises for IELTS
Identify the number of instances of the passive voice in the completed model answer on the previous page. Some are in the present and some are in the past. Can you explain why?
Next, rewrite the sentences below with the underlined verbs in the passive:
a.The data in the graph give figures for both males and females.
b.The table shows information regarding TV sales to various age-groups.
c.The statistics displayed by the bar chart include data on radio listeners.
d.The chart denotes figures for the rate of vocabulary acquisition at various ages.
e.The diagram divides into four sections, one for each language.
f.The user places the CD into the CD-ROM and the program loads into memory.
g.The music store sold 2000 CDs in the month of May to persons aged 20-25.
Circle the topic and write the topic question as a ‘wh’ or yes/no question:
a.Compare the success of various methods of learning a foreign language. Give advice to students intending to learn another language.
b.To what extent does television have a negative effect on society? Discuss the effect of widespread television viewing.
c.The Arts should be better funded by the government, but there must be more control over where the money goes. Discuss.
Your college tutor has asked you to write a short essay on the following topic:
‘Studying the English language in an English-speaking country is the best but not the only way to learn the language.‘
WRITING TASK 2 — Model Answer: Add linking and sequencing words from the box below:
para. 1 Studying a language in a country where it is widely spoken has many advantages. It is
(1) |
a good idea to study English in a country such as Britain. (2) |
, I believe |
it is not the only way to learn the language. |
(3), most students in n o n — English-speaking countries learn English at secondary school
and sometimes at university nowadays. (4) |
their spoken English is not usually of |
very high standard, their knowledge of grammar is often quite advanced. |
This is certainly |
useful when |
students come to an English-speaking |
country to perfect |
the language. |
(5) |
, studying the basics of English at secondary school is less stressful than learning |
the language while overseas. This is because students living at home do not have to worry about problems such as finding accommodation, paying for their study and living costs, and trying to survive in a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress.
para.4 |
(6) |
, there are obvious advantages of learning English in Britain. |
Every day there |
are opportunities to |
practise |
listening |
to |
and speaking |
with British |
people. |
(?) |
, |
students |
can experience the |
culture first-hand, which is a great |
help |
when |
trying |
to |
understand the language. This is especially true if they choose to live with a British family, |
as exchange students for example. (8) |
, if students attend a language school full-time, |
the teachers will be native speakers. |
In this case, (9) |
will students speaking |
and |
listening skills improve, do) |
attention can be given to developing reading and writing |
skills as |
well. |
para. 5 |
(11) |
, (12) |
it is preferable to |
study English in an English-speaking country, a |
reasonable level of English can be achieved in one’s own country, |
if a |
student is gifted |
and dedicated to study. |
therefore |
however (x2) |
although |
in general |
also |
furthermore |
secondly |
even though |
but |
in the first place |
not only |
1.5ARTICLES : Next, cover the model answer above and add the missing articles where necessary to the following sentences taken from the answer:
a. |
Studying |
(1) |
language in (2) |
country where it is widely spoken has many |
(3) |
advantages. |
It is therefore (4) |
good idea to study (5) |
English |
in (6) |
country such as (7) |
Britain. |
However, I believe it is not (8)_ |
only way to learn (9) |
language. |
b. |
Secondly, |
do» |
studying |
(11) |
basics of |
(12) |
English |
at из) |
secondary |
school is less stressful than learning |
(14)_ |
language while overseas. |
15 |
202 Useful Exercises for IELTS |
c. |
Every day |
there |
are |
us) |
opportunities to practise |
(16) |
listening to |
and |
(17) |
speaking |
with |
(18) |
British |
people. Also, |
(19) |
students |
can |
experience |
<20) |
culture |
first-hand, which is (21) |
great |
help when |
trying to understand |
(22) |
language. |
d. |
In general, |
even |
though |
it is |
preferable to |
study |
(23) |
English |
in |
(24) |
English-speaking |
(25) |
country, |
(26) |
reasonable |
level |
of |
(27) |
English can be achieved in (28) |
one’s own |
country, |
if (29) |
student is |
gifted and dedicated to |
(30) |
study. |
1.6SCRAMBLED SENTENCES: Without looking at Exercise 1.4, unscramble the following sentences taken from the model answer:
a. |
of learning | |
English | |
there are |
| in Britain |
| obvious advantages |
b . |
to understand |
| |
when trying |
| |
a great help |
| |
which is |
| |
the culture first-hand |
| can experience |
| |
the language |
| |
students |
c. |
native speakers | |
if |
| |
will be |
| |
attend | |
the teachers |
| |
full-time | students |
a language |
school |
d. English | to | English-speaking | an | study | country | in | it | preferable | is
e. |
of | reasonable level |
| gifted and dedicated |
one’s own country | |
English | |
is | a | |
can be achieved | |
study |
to |
a | in | student | |
if |
1.7PREPOSITIONS AND PUNCTUATION: Add the missing prepositions and punctuate these sentences from the passage in Exercise 1.4:
a. |
although |
their |
spoken |
english is |
not |
usually |
(0 |
a |
very high standard their |
knowledge (2) |
grammar is often quite advanced |
b . |
students |
living |
(3) |
home do not have |
(4) |
worry |
(5) |
problems |
such as |
finding |
accommodation |
paying |
(6) |
their |
study |
and |
living |
costs and |
trying |
(7)survive (8) a foreign country where day to day living causes much stress
c. |
there |
are |
obvious advantages (9) |
learning english do) |
britain every day |
there |
are |
opportunities |
(11) |
practise listening (12) |
and speaking (13) |
native |
speakers |
d. |
this is especially true if they choose 04) |
live us) |
a british family as exchange |
students (16) |
example |
PAGE 112) |
In each of the exercises below match the example to the rule. Note that there are exceptions to the rules — marked with an asterisk (*). These are given with the answers:
a. |
enlarge — enlargement / |
mere — merely |
-> |
example ofRULE |
b. |
fine + er — finer / fit + |
ed = |
fitted |
-> |
example ofRULE |
c. |
free, freeing, freed |
-> |
example ofRULE |
Rule 1. |
Words ending with a consonantfollowed by an ‘e’: drop the ‘e’ before a suffix beginning |
with a vowel. (* see also Rules 10 & 11.) |
Rule2. Suffixes beginning with a consonant: keep the final ‘e’. (*) |
Rule 3. |
Words ending in ‘ee’: do not drop the ‘e’ before a suffix. |
a. |
travel — travelling / dial — dialling |
-> |
example ofRULE |
b. |
big + er = bigger |
-> |
example ofRULE |
c. |
infer + ed = inferred / omit + ed |
= omitted |
-> |
example ofRULE |
Rule4. |
Words with 1 syllable and 1 vowel which end in a single consonant: double the consonant |
before a suffix beginning with a vowel. |
Rule 5. |
Words with 2 or 3-syllables ending with a single vowelfollowed by a single consonant: if |
the stress is on the last syllable, double the final consonant. |
Rule6. Words ending in ‘l’ after a single vowel (or two separately pronounced vowels): double the ‘1’.
a. |
marry + ed = married / busy + er = busier |
-> |
example ofRULE |
b. |
ceiling / conceit / believe / chief |
-> |
example ofRULE |
c. |
convey + ed = conveyed / play + er = player |
-> |
example ofRULE |
Rule7. |
Words ending in ‘y’ after a consonant: change the ‘y’ to |
‘i’ before a suffix except ‘ing’. |
Rule8. |
When a ‘y’ comes after a vowel: |
do not change the vowel. (*) |
Rule 9. |
The |
vowel ‘V comes before ‘e’ |
except after ‘c’. (*) |
a. |
colour + full — colourful |
-> |
example ofRULE |
b. |
skill + full — skilful |
-> |
example ofRULE |
c. |
space — spacious |
-> |
example ofRULE |
d. |
enforce — enforceable / |
courage — courageous |
-> |
example ofRULE |
Rule 10. |
Words ending in |
‘ce’ or ‘ge’: keep the ‘e’ before suffixes beginning with ‘a’, ‘o’ or ‘u’. |
Rule 11. Words ending in |
‘ce’: change the ‘e’ to ‘i’ before ‘ous’. |
Rule 12. |
When adding ‘fill’ to a word: drop the second T. (*) |
Rule 13. |
When adding ‘ful’ to a word ending in ‘ll’: drop the second T. |
202 Useful Exercises for IELTS
1.1PARTS OF SPEECH: Decide on the part of speech for each of the words in bold in the following short passage:
1 It is exceedingly difficult to ascertain precisely what is meant by the word ‘culture’. The word is commonly used to refer to almost anything connected with a person’s customary behaviour when considered distinctive in form to that of a person from another background. The problem is that this definition begs the question. Is 5 it race that determines the difference in culture? Or is it nationhood? Certainly, there are noticeable cultural differences between citizens of various nations, although they may share membership of the same race. Is language perhaps the determinant of culture? Or class? After all, even within the same nation there are extreme differences between the lifestyle and language of the classes that make up a society, as well as
10 varying attitudes towards acceptable behaviour and manners. The problem appears to be that, on closer analysis, each and every one of us belongs to a unique culture, regardless of the apparent general culture into which we are categorised. It all depends on how narrowly the word is defined for its intended purpose. By analysing the word ‘culture’, anthropologists are beginning to accept that the word is much overworked.
line 2
line 3
line 5
line 7
17. even |
, |
18. extreme |
.. |
21.make up
22. |
acceptable |
.. |
23. |
closer |
24. |
us |
25. |
a |
26. |
apparent |
27. we |
28. |
its |
.. |
30.beginning ,
Choose between the following grammatical categories or parts of speech:
noun pronoun
—possessive pronoun gerund
adjective verb
—past participle
—present participle phrasal verb adverb
preposition conjunction definite article indefinite article
1.2UNFINISHED SENTENCES?: Underline the nouns (or noun phrases) in the following part or whole sentences. Next, circle the verbs. Then, complete the sentences with either a full-stop if the sentence is already complete, or with suitable words of your own choice.
a.Television, a recent invention, has changed the way in which we view the world
b.The photographer who had the best photograph in the competition
c.Few people know that the world’s first feature film was made in Australia
d.The film medium, which is an extremely difficult art form to learn, I think
e.When studying a foreign language, students should follow a regular study plan
f.Watching movies in English, a good way to increase your listening skills
g.If you are earnest about improving your writing
h.The essay, Writing Task 2, is perhaps the most difficult of all the IELTS test tasks
i.Pronunciation of the language you are learning, always difficult for students
j.These days you can find opportunities to practise your English almost everywhere in Europe k. One of the most remarkable sculptures in the world of art, Michelangelo’s ‘David’
1.Although ballet is seldom appreciated, which is a pity
m.One way of emphasizing what one says in a conversation, if the intent is to strongly suggest that what is being said is the truth, is to use open hand gestures
n.Evaluation of an argument in an essay can only be successful when the rules of formal essay writing, committed to memory
1.3SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT: Check and correct the subject and verb agreement where necessary in the following sentences:
a.The pen and the paper is on the desk.
b.The box of chocolates are on the shelf.
c.Every one of the students have practised very hard.
d.The skill of understanding personal communications is crucial to good business.
e.Not many people know the truth about the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
f.The number of people who are mobile phone owners rise every year.
g.It used to be thought that learning languages waste time,
h.A great many success stories are due to hard work.
i.She is taking the test twice because she believe it is best to have a trial run.
j.In the ’50s, the comedy team of Abbott and Costello were world famous, k. Every day there is another driver who lose his driving licence due to speed.
1.None of the students sit at the back of the lecture theatre,
m.No-one know exactly why economics are more important now than in the past,
n.Neither of the debates were successful.
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Question: 1. It is difficult to ascertain precisely the decline in the
value of most assets as they grow older. As exception is
automobiles. Assume that a new car costs $5000; that its value at
the end of one year is $4000, at the end of two years $3000, at the
end of three years $2000; and that it loses $250. In value for each
of the following eight years. What is
1. It is difficult to ascertain precisely the decline in the
value of most assets as they grow older. As exception is
automobiles. Assume that a new car costs $5000; that its value at
the end of one year is $4000, at the end of two years $3000, at the
end of three years $2000; and that it loses $250. In value for each
of the following eight years. What is the true economic
depreciation? What is the present discounted value of this,
assuming a 5% after-tax interest rate? What will be the
depreciation allowances under the current system? What is the
present discounted value of these depreciation allowances? (Cars
are treated as 5-year assets).
2. Supporters of accelerated depreciation in 1981 acknowledged
that it favored heavy industry («smokestack America») but argued
that this was desirable. Why do economist tend to look askance at
such arguments? Can you identify any major market failures? If it
were decided to subsidize these industries, in what other ways
might it be done?
3. In the debate concerning repeal of the provision allowing
capital gains on assets passed on to one’s heirs to escape
taxation, some have reasoned that death is not voluntary, and
therefore one should not tax capital gains upon death. Evaluate
Answer of Part (1)
Value at beginning of the year
Value at year end
PVF @5%
PV of Dep.
PV of Asset
$ 5,000.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 4,000.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 5,000.00
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