It is a verb often used with the word bike


Page 15: Vocabulary Collocations

A. Complete these statements with suitable expressions from the box.

  1. Because of tight monetary regulations company profits could not be taken out of the country.
  2. Red tape and other examples of government bureaucracy hinder a company’s entry into a market.
  3. The country is attractive to exporters because it has enjoyed political stability for the last 50 years.
  4. The purchasing behavior of consumers can be described as their buying habits.
  5. The economic situation is improving leading to a rise in employment.
  6. Income distribution is a term used by economists to describe how wealth is shared in a country.

B. Discuss these questions.

  1. What are some of the main benefits of political stability?
  • Tax system would be consistent with the minor changes.
  • Investment would be consistent.
  • Progress will be consistent and flow of benefits to the public without much change for decades.
  1. How would you describe the present economic situation of your country compared to 10 years ago?

That the economic situation is much different than the currently Crisis Happened in 1998 first. Jokowi even Mentioned Economic growth in the third quarter 2015 can reach 4.85 percent and inflation Year-End can be pressed Up Down 4 Percent.

  1. Is it possible to achieve equal income distribution in a country? Explain why or why not.

No, because in my country are not evenly distributed education and employment is not yet widespread. And then, there was unemployment causing lower income compared with other countries.

C. Look at the words and phrases below. Underline the odd one but.

  1. d.) Declining market
  2. c.) Promotion
  3. b.) Market research
  4. c.) Domestic market
  5. b.) Withdraw a product
  6. a.) Slogan
  7. d.) Manufacturer

D. Complete this exercise and the compare answers with a partner.

  1. Give an example of an expanding market in your country.
  2. Give some examples of products or services which are targeted at niche markets.Example might include top-of-the range cars, life-coaching, etc.
  1. Another name for a home market is a domestic market.
  2. If a product has a design fault a company may decide to withdraw it, correct the fault and relaunch it at a later date.
  3. ‘Just do it’ is an example of a slogan.
  4. What’s the difference between a retailer and wholesaler? A retailer sells to general public, a wholesaler sells to a retailer, usually in large quantities.

Page 16: Reading

A. Answer these questions.

  1. Which hot drink are popular in your country? Coffee and tea.
  2. What is your favorite hot drink? Hot chocolate.
  3. Which five words do you associate with coffee? Good, enjoyable, fresh, not sleepy, perfectly.

Page 17: Reading

B. Read the article quickly and identify the country or countries where the statement is true.

  1. People in this country would rather drink tea than coffee. Chile
  2. People in this country would rather drink instant coffee. Peru
  3. In this country coffee is usually free after dinner in restaurants. Mexico
  4. In this country people drink 345 cups of coffee a year. US
  5. In this country people drink 4kg of whole or ground coffee beans per year. Argentina, Peru.

C. Answer these questions.

  1. Where and when did Starbucks begin? Pike place market, Seattle in 1971.
  2. How many stores does it own in
  • North America? 3,907
  • The rest of the world? 437
  1. How many stores does it allow others to operate in
  • North America? 1,378
  • The rest of the world? 1,180
  1. Which overseas market did Starbucks enter first? Japan
  2. In what sort of places can you find Starbucks’ sales-point? Airline offices, sport stadiums, hotels, bookshops.
  3. According to the article what four problems has Starbucks had? Home market saturation, bad experience in Japan, security problem in Israel, opposition from anti – globalization movement.

D. Which of the following verbs can form a word partnership with a) a product, b) a market?

a Product a Market
License Phase out
Introduce Penetrate
Withdraw Saturate
Launch Retreat from

Page 18: Language review

A. Find noun phrases in the article on page 16 which have similar meanings to the phrases below.

  1. The key facts about someone who buys goods or services. Consumers
  2. The activity of visiting outlets that sell hot beverages to a lot of people. Mass market
  3. Places that sell unusual products that are different in some why. Supermarket
  4. The amount of goods or materials used by each person in a particular period of time. Capital consumption
  5. A group of people trying to stop international companies controlling the world economy. Anti-globalization

B. One word in each group does not make a compound noun with the word in bold. Cross it out.

  1. Marketing campaign / budget / leader / strategy
  2. Market research / survey / check / sector
  3. Product market / range / features / manager
  4. Advertising campaign / exchange / agency / slogan
  5. Brand awareness / loyalty / image / contract
  6. Sales figures / condition / forecast / targets
  7. Price promotion / rise / product / range

C. The words in each of the noun phrases below are in the wrong order. Write the phrases in their correct form.

  1. Impressive figures sales really. Sales figures really impressive.
  2. Department new public relations.New public relations department.
  3. Highly research market ambitious programmer. Research market programmer highly ambitious.
  4. Overseas expanding operations. Expanding overseas operations.
  5. Rapidly sheet balance improving. Balance sheet improving rapidly.
  6. Extremely rate exchange volatile. Rate exchange extremely volatile.
  7. Highly marketing report confidential. Marketing report highly confidential.


Page 23: Vocabulary

A. The verbs below are often used with the word relations. Use them to complete the table.

Positive meaning Negative meaning
Build up relations Break off relations
Cement Cut off
Foster Disrupt
Develop Endanger
Encourage Jeopardise
Establish Damage
Improve Sour
Maintain Undermine

B. Choose the correct verb in each sentence.

  1. Sales staff who are impolite disrupt / damage the reputation of a company.
  2. We are planning to promote / establish branch offices in Singapore.
  3. By merging with a US company, we greatly strengthened / maintained our sales force.
  4. Our image has been fostered / undermined by poor after-sales service.
  5. Thanks to a new communications system, we are souring / improving relations with suppliers.
  6. A strike at our factory resumed / disrupted production for several weeks.
  7. We could not agree on several points so we broke off / cut off talks regarding a joint venture.
  8. The success or our new product launch we resumed / jeopardized by an unimaginative advertising campaign.
  9. In order to gain market share in China, we are building up / cutting off a sales network there.
  10. Relations between the two countries have been endangered / fostered by official visits and trade delegations.

C. Match the following sentences halves. Then make five more sentences with the verbs in exercise A and B.

  1. E
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C

Page 24: Reading

A. What area of business do you think the company America International Group (AIG) is involved in? is it a

a. Tobacco?

b. Insurance?

c.    Oil?

B. What do the following numbers in the article refer to?

166      : AIG’s capitalization in billion dollars

1992    : the year that AIG became the first foreign insurer to be allowed into China

1919    : the year that AIG was founded.

80,000 : the number of people employed by AIG

130      : the number of countries in which AIG has affiliated agents

C. Who are the following people mentioned in the article: Maurice Greenberg, Cornelius Vander Starr, Edmund Tse?

Maurice Greenberg     : the chairman of AIG.

Cornelius Vander Starr : an America entrepreneur, the founder of AIG.

Edmund Tse                : the man who runs AIG’s Asian operation and life insurance worldwide.

Page 26: Language review

C. Rephrase these comments using the multi-word verbs from exercise A.

  1. We can’t hold the meeting tomorrow. We’ll have to call the meeting off tomorrow.
  2. Let’s have the presentation next week – we’re too busy at the moment. Let’s put off the presentation until next Sunday.
  3. We always know our supplies will meet their deadlines. We know our suppliers will never let us down / we can count on our suppliers to meet the deadlines.
  4. We have now established a first class distribution network in Europe. We have now set up a first class distribution network in Europe.
  5. Could you please prepare a contract as soon as possible? Could you please draw up a contract as soon as possible.
  6. Could you fix a meeting with them for next week? Could you set up a meeting with them for the next week.
  7. We’ve kept the same market share as we had last year. We’ve held on the same market share as we had last year.
  8. The new sales manager is very popular with his team. The new sales manager gets on really well with this team.


Page 99: Vocabulary

A. Different companies have different cultures and ways of working.Complete these sentences with the words in brackets.

Dress (uniforms / casual Fridays / weekend clothes)

  1. We don’t have to wear business suits at the end of the week. My company has a system of casual Fridays.
  2. In many banks, staff can’t wear what the like. They have to wear uniforms.Time keeping (flexible hours / part-time / shift work)
  3. For two weeks each month, I work at night. I can’t sleep during the day. I hate shift work.
  4. We have a flexible hours system in our office. Some people work from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. others work from 10 a.m to 6 p.m.

Time off (childcare / annual leave / public holiday)

  1. I am so busy at the moment that I worked on new years day, which is a (n) a public holidays.
  2. How many days’ annual leave do you get in your company?

Reporting procedures (written report / face-to-face / e-mail)

  1. We often speak on the phone but never face-to-face.
  2. He sends us a (n) a written report in the post each month.

Types of meeting (informal / formal / social)

  1. Our department starts everyday with a (n) an informal meeting. It is very relaxed.
  2. Companies have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year. It is a very formal meeting, with a lot of people.

Names (job title / first name / family name)

  1. In some countries, the company culture is formal. Staff use family names when they speak to each other.
  2. What’s your job title now? Are you ‘Chief Executive’?

B. Would you like to work for an organization which has:

I would like to work for an organization which has uniforms and flexible hours. Because I think wear a uniforms look neater and flexible hours.

Page 101: Language focus 1

A. Complete these sentences using should or shouldn’t and a phrase from the box.

  1. Our online business is bad.

We should develop a better website

  1. Our team is working too many hours.

We should speak to our boss.

  1. The meeting is very important.

We shouldn’t be late.

  1. She wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain.

She should stay three days.

  1. We have to cut costs.

You shouldn’t buy an expensive a computer.

B. Give the opposite advice by using should, shouldn’t or I don’t think.

  1. I think he should go to Paris next week.

I don’t think he should go to Paris next week.

  1. You should buy a franchise.

You shouldn’t buy a franchise.

  1. She shouldn’t take the customers to an expensive restaurant.

She should take the customer to an expensive restaurant.

  1. I think we should launch the new product now.

I don’t think you should launch the new product now.

  1. My boss think it is too late to send the report now.

My boss doesn’t think it is too late to send the report now.

  1. We should order online.

We shouldn’t order online.

Page 102: Reading

A. Match the word to their meanings. Use a good dictionary to help you.

1. Franchise (b) One company allows another company to sell its good or services.
2. Franchisee (e) A person or group of people who can sell another company’s good or services.
3. Adapt (d) charge
4. Outlet (a) A shop or other place to buy things.
5. Chain (c) A number of shops owned by the same company.

B. Which of these companies do you think have franchises?


C. Read the article about a fast-food chain in Japan. Mark each statement true or false.

  1. Subway has 14.000 outlets in Japan. False
  2. McDonald’s is the biggest fast-food chain in America. False
  3. A lot of Subway franchises failed because the Japanese don’t like fast food. False
  4. The company said to Mr. Ono, ‘Thank customers when they leave the shops’. False
  5. Subway ran a lot of advertisements. False
  6. Mr. Ono’s store was not successful. True
  7. Mr. Ono took a lot of holidays. False
  8. Mr. Ono has a new job. True

Page 103: Language focus 2

A. These questions were asked on a plane journey. Which does a flight attendant ask, and which does a passenger ask?

  1. Could I have another drink, please? Passenger
  2. Would you out your seat up, please? Flight attendant
  3. Would you like a newspaper? Flight attendant
  4. Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? Passenger
  5. Would you like another drink? Flight attendant
  6. Could I have the chicken, please? Passenger
  7. Would you like coffee or tea? Flight attendant
  8. Could you fasten your seat belt, please? Flight attendant
  9. Could you help me find the movie channel, please? Passenger

C. Would you like any duty-free goods? Flight attendant

  1. You are at a hotel reception desk. Use the verbs in brackets to make polite requests.
  2. You want to make a phone call. (use)

Could I use the phone, please?

  1. You didn’t hear that. (say)

Could you say that again, please?

  1. You want a taxi. (call)

Could I call a taxi, please? / could you call me a taxi, please?

  1. You don’t know the way to the station. (tell)

Could you tell me the way to the station, please?

  1. You want to pay by credit card. (pay)

Could I pay by credit card, please?

  1. You want to go to a good restaurant. (recommend)

Could you recommend a good restaurant, please?

  1. You need a map of the city. (have)

Could I have a map of the city, please?

Page 105: Writing

Subject            : New office equipment

Date                : 12 January 2017

Participants     : PC, CBX, EXO

Agenda Item Decision Reason Action
New LG LED Agreed Because LG LED has been damaged and is not proper to use. PC to buy by 8/4
New computer Agreed Because computer to employed not good, must upgrade to good. CBX to check computer by 8/5
New Scanner Agreed Because Scanner has been damaged and is not proper to use. PC to buy by 8/5

Unit 137- Part A

galka.jpgWe often use verbs with the following words:   


So you can say look out / get on / take off / run away
etc. These are phrasal verbs.

We often use on/off/out
etc. with verbs of movement. For example:

get on
drive off
come back   
turn round
    •    The bus was full. We couldn’t get on.
    •    A woman got into the car and drove off.
    •    Sally is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.
    •    When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned round.
But often the second word (on/off/out etc.) gives a special meaning to the verb. For example:
break down
look out
take off
get on
get by
    •    Sorry I’m late. The car broke down (= the engine stopped working)
    •    Look out! There’s a car coming.  (= be careful)
    •    It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane took off
(= went into the air)
    •    How was the exam? How did you get on (= How did you do?)
    •    My French isn’t very good, but it’s enough to get by.  (= manage)

For more phrasal verbs, see Units 138-145.

Unit 137- Part B

galka.jpgSometimes a phrasal verb is followed by a preposition. For example:

phrasal verb
run away
keep up
look up
look forward
    •    Why did you run away from me?
    •    You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep up with you.
    •    We looked up at the plane as it flew above us.
    •    Are you looking forward to your holiday?

Unit 137- Part C


{slide=1 Complete each sentence using a verb from A + a word from B.}flag.jpgComplete each sentence using a verb from A (in the correct form) + a word from B. You can use a word more than once.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    sit down
3    flew away
4    get out
5    speak up
6    get by
7    gone up
8    looked round{end-tooltip}

A{xtypo_rounded3}fly     get     go     look     sit     speak{/xtypo_rounded3} B{xtypo_rounded3}away     by     down     on     out     round     up {/xtypo_rounded3}

1    The bus was full. We couldn’t    get in  .   
2    I’ve been standing for the last two hours. I’m going to ________________ for a bit.
3    A cat tried to catch the bird, but it ________________ just in time.
4    We were trapped in the building. We couldn’t ________________.
5    I can’t hear you very well. Can you ________________ a little?
6    ‘Do you speak German?’   ‘Not very well, but I can ________________.’
7    House prices are very high. They’ve ________________ a lot in the last few years.
8    I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I ________________, there was nobody there.

{/slide} {slide=2 Complete the sentences using a word from A and a word from B.}flag.jpgComplete the sentences using a word from A and a word from B. You can use a word more than once.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    back at
3    up to
4    forward to
5    away with
6    up at
7    in through{end-tooltip}

A{xtypo_rounded3}away       back       forward     in     up{/xtypo_rounded3} B{xtypo_rounded3}at       through      to     with{/xtypo_rounded3}

1    You’re walking too fast. I can’t keep     up with    you.
2    My holidays are nearly over. Next week I’ll be ____________ work.
3    We went ____________ the top floor of the building to admire the view.
4    Are you looking ____________ the party next week?
5    There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got ____________ £50,000.
6    I love to look ____________ the stars in the sky at night.
7    I was sitting in the kitchen when suddenly a bird flew ____________ the open window.

{/slide} {slide=3 Complete the sentences using the following verbs.}flag.jpgComplete the sentences using the following verbs + it/them/me:
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    wake me up
3    get it out
4    give them back
5    switch it on
6    take them off{end-tooltip}

{xtypo_rounded3}fill in    get out    give back    switch on    take off    wake up{/xtypo_rounded3}

1    They gave me a form and told me to    fill it in  .   
2    I’m going to bed now. Can you ___________ at 6.30?
3    I’ve got something in my eye and I can’t ___________.
4    I don’t like it when people borrow things and don’t ___________.
5    I want to use the kettle. How do I ___________?
6    My shoes are dirty. I’d better ___________ before going into the house. {/slide} {slide=4 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.}flag.jpgUse your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use a noun (this newspaper etc.) or a pronoun (it/them etc.) + the word in brackets (away/up etc.).
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}3    I have to take them back
4    We can turn the television off or   We can turn off the television
5    I knocked it over
6    I don’t want to wake her up.
7    (example answer) You should put your coat on    or    You should put on your coat.
8    I was able to put it out
9    (example answer) they’ve put the price(s) up    or    they’ve put up the price(s)
10  Shall I turn the lightlsl on? or    Shall I turn on the lighi(s)?{end-tooltip}

1    Don’t throw     away this newspaper    I want to keep it.  (away)
2    ‘Do you want this postcard?’    ‘No, you can throw     it away    .’ (away)
3    I borrowed these books from the library. I have to take _______________ tomorrow.  (back)
4    We can turn _______________. Nobody is watching it.  (off)
5    A: How did the vase get broken?
      B: I’m afraid I knocked _______________ while I was cleaning.  (over)
6    Shh! My mother is asleep. I don’t want to wake _______________. (up)
7    It’s quite cold. You should put _______________ if you’re going out.  (on)
8    It was only a small fire. I was able to put _______________ quite easily. (out)
9    A: Is this hotel more expensive than when we stayed here last year?
      B: Yes, they’ve put _______________. (up)
10  It’s a bit dark in this room. Shall I turn _______________?  (on)


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Ответы к странице 79

5c. Grammar in Use — Грамматика на практике

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. — Поставьте глаголы в скобках в корректную форму.


1. I remember falling off my skateboard when I was young. — Я помню свое падение со скейтборда, когда я был маленьким.
2. Remember to lock the door when you leave the house. — Не забудь запереть дверь, когда будешь уходить из дома.
3. While she was walking home, she stopped to buy some sweets. — Пока она шла домой, она остановилась купить конфет.
4. I stopped doing my homework when my mum called me for dinner. — Я прекратил делать мою домашнюю работу, когда моя мама позвала меня ужинать.
5. Ben will never forget seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time. — Бен никогда не забудет тот момент, когда он увидел Эйфелеву башню в первый раз.
6. James forgot to bring his football kit to practice. — Джеймс забыл принести свою футбольную экипировку на тренировку.
7. I have tried taking the bus to work, and it takes me an extra thirty minutes. — Я попробовал поехать на автобусе до работы, получилось на 30 минут дольше.
8. I tried to finish the project before the deadline. — Я пытался завершить проект в срок.
9. Getting good grades means studying a lot. — Получение хороших оценок подразумевает долгие занятия.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Give reasons. — Поставьте глаголы в скобках в корректную форму. Объясните.


Мы объясняем принятые нами решения терминами из грамматического справочника.

1. A: Did you remember to feed the cat today? — Ты помнишь, что нужно покормить кошку сегодня? (Не забыть сделать что-то в будущем).
B: Sorry, I forgot! I promise to do it as soon as I get back. — Извини, забыл! Обещаю сделать это как только я вернусь. (Действие, относящееся к будущему).
2. A: Let me give you a lift to the airport. — Позволь мне подбросить тебя до аэропорта. (Инфинитив без частицы to после глагола let).
B: Don’t worry. I’ve decided to take the train. — Не волнуйся, я решила поехать на поезде. (Имеет отношение к процессу мышления)
3. A: Do you like to watch/watching wildlife documentaries? — Тебе нравится смотреть документальные фильмы о дикой природе? (В учебнике неверно сказано, что с глаголом like нужно использовать только герундий, на самом деле с ним можно употреблять и герундий, и инфинитив без потери смысла)
B: Not really. I prefer to watch/watching ones about technology. — Не особо. Я предпочитаю смотреть документальные фильмы про технологии. (Тот же самый случай. С глаголом prefer можно использовать и герундий и инфинитив без потери смысла)
4. A: There’s no point in trying to make him change his mind. — Бессмысленно пытаться заставить его изменить мнение (Устойчивая фраза)
В: I know! He seems to be very stubborn. — Я знаю! Он кажется очень упертым. (Глагол seem требует инфинитива)
5. A: I can’t reach that box! — Я не могу достать эту коробку! (После модальных глаголов используется инфинитив без частицы to)
B: Why don’t you try using a ladder? — Почему бы тебе не попробовать взять лестницу (Попробовать что-то новое, в качестве эксперимента)
6. A: I meant to tell you there’s a chance of rain tonight. — Я намеривался сказать тебе, что сегодня, возможно, будет дождь (Намерение сделать что-то)
B: That’s OK. I don’t have any plans to go out anyway. — Все нормально. Я все-равно не планирую выходить из дома. (Указание цели, глагол отвечает на вопрос «Для чего»)
7. A: What would you like to do tonight? — Что ты сегодня вечером хотела бы сделать? (Конструкция would like)
B: Let’s go to the cinema. — Давай пойдем в кино. (После глагола let используется инфинитив без частицы to)
8. A: It’s no use talking to him. — Бесполезно разговаривать с ним. (Устойчивая фраза)
В: I know. He is too angry to listen to anyone. — Я знаю. Он слишком злится, когда слушает кого-нибудь. (Инфинитив после прилагательных/наречий)
9. A: I want to help the animal shelter. — Я хочу помочь приюту животных. (Глагол выражает желание)
B: Great! How about collecting donations for them? — Отлично! Как насчет сбора пожертвования для них? (Герундий выступает в качестве отглагольного существительного)

6. Look at the pictures. In pairs, use the verbs to continue the story. Use infinitive or -ing forms. — Посмотрите на картинки. В парах используйте глаголы, чтобы продолжить рассказ. Используйте инфинитив или герундий.

Возможный ответ:

The Browns had been looking forward to having a relaxing holiday at the beach. They were hoping to enjoy their holiday in Thailand. They spent their time swimming in the sea, sunbathing and making sandcastles. Suddenly they noticed a huge wave rushing toward the beach. Everyone was in a panic. The Browns left all their clothes on the beach and started to run. The huge wave smashed everything on its way. All beach infrastructure were destroyed in a moment. This wave almost fell over the Browns but they managed to run to safety. They were very frightened but relieved to find out that the whole family was in safe.

Брауны с нетерпением ждали расслабляющего отдыха на пляже. Они надеялись насладиться отдыхом в Таиланде. Они проводили время, плавая в море, загорая и делая песчаные замки. Внезапно они заметили огромную волну, устремившуюся к пляжу. Все были в панике. Брауны оставили всю свою одежду на пляже и побежали. Огромная волна снесла все на своем пути. Вся инфраструктура пляжа была уничтожена в один миг. Эта волна почти сбила с ног Браунов, но им удалось убежать в безопасное место. Они были очень напуганы, но с облегчением узнали, что вся семья в безопасности.

7A. Study the table. Are there similar structures in your language? — Выучите правило в таблице. Есть похожие конструкции в вашем языке?

used to + infinitive

These elephants used to live in Yala National Park before the tsunami. (They don’t live there any more — past state). — Эти слоны обычно обитали в Национальном парке Йала до цунами. (Они больше там не живут — это было в прошлом)
be/get used to + -ing form/noun

He is used to working long hours, (is in the habit of) — Он привык много работать (демонстрируется привычка)
These tigers are getting used to their new home. (are becoming accustomed to) — Эти тигры привыкли к своему новому дому (сделаться привычным)

7B. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold and two to five words. — Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте слово, выделенное жирным шрифтом, и 2-5 слов.

Можно ответить так:

1. He doesn’t mind working overtime because he does it often. — Он не возражает работать сверхурочно, потому что он делает это часто.
He is used to working overtime. — Он привык работать сверхурочно.
2. He’s in the habit of waking up early. — В его привычке просыпаться рано.
He’s used to waking up early. — Он привык просыпаться рано.
3. Katie doesn’t live there any more. — Катя там больше не живет.
Katie used to live there but now she doesn’t. — Катя когда-то там жила, но сейчас не живет.
4. Jane has settled into her new school quickly. — Джейн быстро обустроилась в своей новой школе.
Jane quickly has got used to her new school. — Джейн быстро привыкла к своей новой школе.

8. What did/didn’t you use to do when you were 10 years old? Write ten sentences. — Что вы делали/не делали, когда вам было 10 лет? Напишите десять предложений.

Возможный ответ: Вы можете подобрать собственные варианты.

1. I used to spend my holidays by the sea when I was ten. — Я проводил мои каникулы у моря, когда мне было 10 лет.
2. I used to go to bed very early when I was ten. — Я ложился спать очень рано, когда мне было 10 лет.
3. I used to read a lot of books when I was ten. — Я читал много книг, когда мне было 10 лет.
4. I used to eat five ice-creams at once when I was ten. — Я ел по пять мороженых за раз, когда мне было 10 лет.
5. I used to do my homework in half an hour when I was ten. — Я делал свою домашку за полчаса, когда мне было 10 лет.
6. I used to hang out with my friends all my free time when I was ten. — Я гулял с друзьями все свободное время, когда мне было 10 лет.
7. I used to believe in Father Frost when I was ten. — Я верил в Деда Мороза, когда мне было 10 лет.
8. I used to be jealous of my little sister when I was ten. — Я ревновал к моей младшей сестре, когда мне было 10 лет.
9. I used to play my favourite games for hours when I was ten. — Я играл в свои любимые игры часами, когда мне было 10 лет.
10. I used to visit my grandparents every Saturday when I was ten. — Я навещал своих бабушку и дедушку каждую субботу, когда мне было 10 лет.
11. I used to ride my bike every afternoon when I was ten. — Я катался на велосипеде каждый день, когда мне было 10 лет.

1.Choose the sentences in Passive Voice and translate them into Russian.
a) They speak English in Australia. _______________________________
b) My granny cooks tasty pies. ___________________________________
c) America was discovered by Columbus. __________________________
d) The letter must be sent. _______________________________________
e) The babies will be looked after. _________________________________

2.Choose the correct form of the verb.
The church ________ built in the 14th century.
is b. was c. will be
The exhibition ____________ decorated soon.
is b. was c. will be
Two bottles ___________ drunk because it was too hot.
are b. were c. will be
Such films ____________ shown on this channel.
isn’t b. can’t c. aren’t
This painting ____________ sold for 2,000$ last month.
is b. was c. were

3.Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in passive.
The rooms __________________ (clean) every day.
This book _________________ (translate) into many languages.
A lot of parties ___________________ (held) here.
The cake _____________________ (buy) tomorrow.
This rule must ____________________ (explain) to the pupils.

4.Write the same in a different way. Use the Passive Voice.
Fleming discovered penicillin. __________________________________
You must learn the words. ____________________________________
He saw Mary in the park. _____________________________________
I won’t forget your help. ______________________________________
A lot of people recycle bottles to help our planet. _________________


  • #1

I wrote this:

It’s very odd to see a young lady biking down a road and grab her raincoat as a sudden shower was passing.

I guess there may be many flaws but I’d like to focus on the use of bike as verb.
Is it common to use this verb in speech?
Which does it refer to, bicycle or motorcycle?

There are a group of nouns that add to the confusion that can be used as verb as well.
: bike, motorbike, bicycle, cycle, motorcycle.

Are these common as a verb?

  • Copyright

    • #2

    If you tell me she is biking, I won’t know what she is riding.

    We can use all those as verbs, yes.

    • #3

    Is it common to use this verb in speech?


    Which does it refer to, bicycle or motorcycle?

    The word bike (noun) was originally short for bicycle. When motorcycles came along, they were called motorbikes. Now the word bike can mean either.

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015


    • #4

    Thanks! It’s good to have confirmed that ‘bike'(verb) in reference to ‘motorcycle’, which was my intention, wasn’t wrong.


    • #5

    Thanks! It’s good to have confirmed that ‘bike'(verb) in reference to ‘motorcycle’, which was my intention, wasn’t wrong.

    Well, it was wrong to the extent that I thought she was on a bicycle. :)

    • #6

    I thought you were referring to a bicycle too. I have the feeling bike as a verb is used with bicycles more than motorcycles but I’m not sure.

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2015


    • #7

    I have never heard the verb «to bike» applied to motorcycling; to me it only means to ride a bicycle.
    Similarly the noun «bike», without any context, means only «bicycle» to me.
    I do know that motorcycles—among motorcyclists—are called «bikes».
    So (please pardon the stereotype) if a young man in a black leather jacket told me «I came here on my bike», I would understand that he had arrived on a motorcycle.
    The word «biker» for a person is probably applied more often to a motorcyclist than to a bicycle rider. To avoid ambiguity, the latter is called a «cyclist».


    • #8

    It’s very odd to see a young lady biking down a road

    In BE, the distinction is made:

    It’s very odd to see a young lady cycling down a road…
    It’s very odd to see a young lady on a motorbike going down a road…

    Biking is usually only used as a noun (uncountable) unless the context makes the meaning clear.


    • #9

    Thanks everyone. So what’s the usual way of phrasing this? Ill take Paul’s answer for this: A woman on a motorcycle was going down a road.

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