It all depends on the meaning of the word is


“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

Years from now, when we look back on Bill Clinton’s presidency, its defining moment may well be Clinton’s rationalization to the grand jury about why he wasn’t lying when he said to his top aides that with respect to Monica Lewinsky, “There’s nothing going on between us.” How can this be? Here’s what Clinton told the grand jury (according to footnote 1,128 in Starr’s report):

“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is. If the—if he—if ‘is’ means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement. … Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true.”

The distinction between “is” and “was” was seized on by the commentariat when Clinton told Jim Lehrer of PBS right after the Lewinsky story broke, “There is no improper relationship.” Chatterbox confesses that at the time he thought all these Beltway domes were hyperanalyzing, and in need of a little fresh air. But it turns out they were right: Bill Clinton really is a guy who’s willing to think carefully about “what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” This is way beyond slick. Perhaps we should start calling him, “Existential Willie.”

Timothy Noah

  • Bill Clinton

Via Sovereign Man

By February 1868, President Andrew Johnson had been at odds with Congress for years.

Johnson had been Vice President for barely a month when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1864, and his battles with Congress started from practically Day 1.

Johnson shared Lincoln’s view that the Confederacy should be swiftly and gently reintegrated back into the Union after the Civil War; neither wanted to penalize the South.

But at the time, Congress was filling up with politicians known as “Radical Republicans” who were anything BUT moderate.

They wanted to punish the South and mandate reunification with all sorts of strings attached– the opposite of what Andrew Johnson wanted to accomplish.

So Johnson vetoed nearly reunification bill that Congress passed.

Congress only had one key ally in the Executive Branch– Secretary of War Edward Stanton, a Radical Republican who did not see eye-to-eye with his President.

And just as Johnson was about to fire Stanton, Congress passed a bill called the Tenure of Office Act, which prohibited the President from firing ANY member of his cabinet.

The law was specifically designed to ensure that Stanton could not be fired– which is COMPLETELY unconstitutional.

Johnson vetoed the bill, but Congress had enough votes to override his Presidential veto… so the Tenure of Office Act still became law of the land.

Johnson ignored this unconstitutional law and fired Stanton anyhow. And within a matter of days he was brought up on 11 articles of impeachment. In addition to violating an unconstitutional law, Johnson was also accused of:

* Making speeches to the public which were “intemperate, inflammatory, and scandalous…against Congress amid the cries, jeers, and laughter of the multitudes…”

* bringing “the high office of the President of the United States into contempt, ridicule, and disgrace, to the great scandal of all good citizens…”

Mostly, Johnson was severely disliked by these Radical Republicans. He was a southern ex-slave owner… a potent combination that attracted seething hatred from his contemporaries. And his impeachment articles were just code for “We hate this racist asshole.”

Realistically, though, Johnson’s impeachment was just an attempted coup.

Congress had a policy agenda they wanted to pass, and Johnson kept getting in the way. So they came up with a bunch of silly charges, including the fact that he violated an unconstitutional law, in order to neutralize him.

Johnson was ultimately acquitted by the Senate and finished out the rest of his term. But it still set a precedent.

I know there are countless people losing their minds today because Congress just impeached the President of the United States on charges they find incredibly flimsy.

And there are plenty of talking heads saying that if a President can be impeached on such flimsy charges, that it ‘sets a very dangerous precedent.’

Well, technically this dangerous precedent was set more than 150 years ago; accusations against Andrew Johnson were appallingly flimsy, yet he was still impeached.

In the tenth charge of his Articles of Impeachment, for example, Congress cited a speech Andrew Johnson had given in 1866 in which he said,  “God willing, with your help I will veto [Congress’s] measures whenever any of them come to me…”

According to Congress, that simple statement was an impeachable offense… and set a precedent that they can impeach anyone for anything.

So if you think that today’s impeachment charges are too flimsy and set a dangerous precedent, this is really nothing new.

At the same time, there are also countless people losing their minds because they think ‘there’s a crime in progress’ and they want the President thrown out of office immediately.

Well, if you’re going to impeach someone and throw him out because he’s ‘abused his power,’ then you should apply the same standard to EVERYONE.

Politicians invariably abuse power for personal gain. Every time Barack Obama went to a campaign event for his own re-election in 2012, it cost taxpayers millions of dollars between the Secret Service, Air Force One, Presidential motorcade, etc.

Taxpayers foot the bill for his benefit. And every President in modern history has done the same.

These people pardon their friends, elevate campaign donors to important government posts, and lie constantly. They spend taxpayer resources and pass legislation for the sole purpose of elevating their approval ratings or solidifying their legacy.

Presidents do it. Cabinet secretaries do it. Senators and Members of Congress do it.

And it’s all abuse. Terrible, terrible abuse.

But if people are so juiced up to see one person punished for abuse of power, then why not have a real purge and throw everyone out? I would humbly nominate my 5-week old kitten to take over.

At the end of the day, though, we know this is just more bread and circuses. There’s no chance of anything real happening other than a giant waste of time and money.

Two decades ago they caught then President Bubba Clinton lying through his teeth when he said “I did not have sexual relations with that woman!” and “There’s nothing going on between us,” referring to White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

It was later found that, yes, in fact, Clinton used Lewinsky as a cigar holder. And when confronted about his lie, he had the most remarkable response in US political history:

“It depends on what the meaning of the word is is…”

Clinton was impeached and put on trial in front of the Senate.

But relying on the prevailing legal standard from the 1990s– “If it doesn’t fit you must acquit”, Clinton and his cigar were acquitted by 50% of the Senate, who were apparently also confused about the meaning of the word is.

Historian Will Durant often wrote that, despite the tremendous growth in knowledge over 5,000 years of human history, wisdom is little changed.

I couldn’t agree more. Enjoy the show.

From Wikipedia

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The Lewinsky scandal was a political sex scandal emerging from a sexual relationship between United States President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. The news of this extra-marital affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges (of perjury and obstruction of justice) in a 21-day Senate trial.[citation needed]

In 1995, Monica Lewinsky, a graduate of Lewis & Clark College, was hired to work as an intern at the White House during Clinton’s first term, and began a personal relationship with him later that year. As Lewinsky’s relationship with Clinton became more distant and she left the White House to work at The Pentagon, Lewinsky confided details of her feelings and Clinton’s behavior to her friend and Defense department co-worker Linda Tripp, who secretly recorded their telephone conversations.[1] When Tripp discovered in January 1998 that Lewinsky had signed an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying a relationship with Clinton, she delivered the tapes to Kenneth Starr, the Independent Counsel who was investigating Clinton on other matters, including the Whitewater scandal, Filegate, and Travelgate. During the grand jury testimony Clinton’s responses were guarded, and he argued, «It depends on what the meaning of the word is is».[2]

The wide reporting of the scandal led to criticism of the press for over-coverage.[3][4][5] The scandal is sometimes referred to as «Monicagate«,[6] «Lewinskygate«,[7] «Tailgate«,[8] «Sexgate«,[9] and «Zippergate«,[9] following the «gate» nickname construction that became popular in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal.


  • 1 Allegations of sexual contact
  • 2 Denial and subsequent admission
  • 3 Perjury charges
  • 4 Impeachment
  • 5 Aftermath
    • 5.1 2000 presidential election
    • 5.2 Collateral scandal
    • 5.3 Personal acceptance
  • 6 References
  • 7 External links

Allegations of sexual contact

Lewinsky alleged nine sexual encounters with Bill Clinton:

  • November 15, 1995, in the private study of the Oval Office
  • November 17, 1995, while Bill Clinton was on the phone with a member of Congress
  • December 31, 1995, in a White House study
  • January 7, 1996, in the Oval Office
  • January 21, 1996, in the hallway by the private study next to the Oval Office
  • February 4, 1996, while Clinton was meeting in the Oval Office
  • March 31, 1996, in the hallway near the study of the Oval Office
  • February 28, 1997, near the Oval Office (this is when the blue dress stains were created)
  • March 29, 1997 (Clinton, however denied that this day’s encounter actually happened)

According to her published schedule, First Lady Hillary Clinton was at the White House for at least some portion of five of these stated days.[10]

In April 1996, Lewinsky’s superiors relocated her job to the Pentagon because they felt that she was spending too much time around Clinton.[11]

According to his autobiography, then-United Nations Ambassador Bill Richardson was asked by the White House in 1997 to interview Lewinsky for a job on his staff at the UN. Richardson did so, and offered her a position, which she declined.[12] The American Spectator provided evidence that Richardson knew more about the Lewinsky affair than he declared to the grand jury.[13]

Lewinsky confided in a coworker named Linda Tripp about her relationship with Clinton. Tripp convinced Lewinsky to save the gifts that Clinton had given her, and not to dry clean what would later be infamously known as «the blue dress».[citation needed] Tripp reported these conversations to literary agent Lucianne Goldberg, who advised her to record them,[14] which Tripp began doing in September 1997. Goldberg also urged Tripp to take the tapes to Kenneth Starr and brought the tapes to the attention of people working on the Paula Jones case.[15] In the fall of 1997, she began speaking to reporters (notably Michael Isikoff of Newsweek) about the tapes.[16]

In January 1998, after Lewinsky had submitted an affidavit in the Paula Jones case denying any physical relationship with Clinton and attempted to persuade Tripp to lie under oath in the Jones case, Tripp gave the tapes to Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr. They added to his ongoing investigation into the Whitewater controversy. Now armed with evidence of Lewinsky’s admission of a physical relationship with Clinton, he broadened the investigation to include Lewinsky and her possible perjury in the Jones case.

Denial and subsequent admission

News of the scandal first broke on January 17, 1998, on the Drudge Report website,[17] which reported that Newsweek editors were sitting on a story by investigative reporter Michael Isikoff exposing the affair. The story broke in the mainstream press on January 21 in The Washington Post.[18] The story swirled for several days and, despite swift denials from Clinton, the clamor for answers from the White House grew louder. On January 26, President Clinton, standing with his wife, spoke at a White House press conference, and issued a forceful denial, which contained what would later become one of the best-known sound bites of his presidency:[19]

Now, I have to go back to work on my State of the Union speech. And I worked on it until pretty late last night. But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you.[20]

Pundits debated whether or not Clinton would address the allegations in his State of the Union Address. Ultimately, he chose not to mention them. Hillary Clinton publicly stood by her husband throughout the scandal. On January 27, in an appearance on NBC’s Today she famously said, «The great story here for anybody willing to find it, write about it and explain it is this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.»

For the next several months and through the summer, the media debated whether or not an affair had occurred and whether or not Clinton had lied or obstructed justice, but nothing could be definitively established beyond the taped recordings because Lewinsky was unwilling to discuss the affair or testify about it. On July 28, 1998, a substantial delay after the public break of the scandal, Lewinsky received transactional immunity in exchange for grand jury testimony concerning her relationship with Clinton. She also turned over a semen-stained blue dress (which Linda Tripp had encouraged her to save without dry cleaning) to the Starr investigators, thereby providing a smoking gun based on DNA evidence that could prove the relationship despite Clinton’s official denials.[21]

Clinton admitted in taped grand jury testimony on August 17, 1998, that he had had an «improper physical relationship» with Lewinsky. That evening he gave a nationally televised statement admitting his relationship with Lewinsky which was «not appropriate».[22]

Perjury charges

In his deposition for the Jones lawsuit, Clinton denied having «sexual relations» with Lewinsky. Based on the evidence provided by Tripp, a blue dress with Clinton’s semen, Starr concluded that this sworn testimony was false and perjurious.

During the deposition, Clinton was asked «Have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1, as modified by the Court?» The judge ordered that Clinton be given an opportunity to review the agreed definition. Afterwards, based on the definition created by the Independent Counsel’s Office, Clinton answered «I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.» Clinton later stated that he believed the agreed-upon definition of sexual relations excluded his receiving oral sex.[23]

President Clinton was held in contempt of court by judge Susan D. Webber Wright.[24] His license to practice law was suspended in Arkansas and later by the United States Supreme Court.[25] He was also fined $90,000 for giving false testimony[26] which was paid by a fund raised for his legal expenses.[citation needed]


Most Republicans in Congress – who held the majority in both Houses at the time – and some Democrats believed that Clinton’s giving false testimony and alleged influencing Lewinsky’s testimony were crimes of obstruction of justice and perjury and thus impeachable offenses. The House of Representatives voted to issue Articles of Impeachment against him which was followed by a 21-day trial in the Senate. President Clinton was acquitted of all charges and remained in office. He was not given any penalty beyond attempts at censure by the House of Representatives.


2000 presidential election

The scandal arguably affected the 2000 U.S. Presidential election in two contradicting ways. Democratic Party candidate and sitting Vice President Al Gore claimed that Clinton’s scandal had been «a drag» that deflated the enthusiasm of their party’s base, effectively suppressing Democratic votes. Clinton claimed that the scandal had made Gore’s campaign too cautious, and that if Clinton had been allowed to campaign for Gore in Arkansas and New Hampshire, either state would have delivered Gore’s needed electoral votes regardless of what happened in Florida.[27]

Collateral scandal

During the scandal, supporters of President Clinton claimed hypocrisy by at least some of those who advocated for his removal, alleging that the matter was private and «about sex». According to The Guardian,

Larry Flynt…the publisher of Hustler magazine, offered a $1m (£500,000) reward… Flynt was a sworn enemy of the Republican party [and] sought to dig up dirt on the Republican members of Congress who were leading the impeachment campaign against President Clinton.[…]Flynt claimed at the time to have the goods on up to a dozen prominent Republicans, the ad campaign helped to bring down only one. Robert Livingston — a congressman from Louisiana…abruptly retired after learning that Mr Flynt was about to reveal that he had also had an affair.[28]

Congressman Livingston had been widely expected to become Speaker of the United States House of Representatives in the next Congressional session,[29] then just weeks away.

Personal acceptance

Historian Taylor Branch implied that Clinton had requested changes to Branch’s 2009 Clinton biography, The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President, regarding Clinton’s revelation that the Lewinsky affair began because «I cracked; I just cracked.» Branch writes that Clinton had felt «beleaguered, unappreciated and open to a liaison with Lewinsky» following «the Democrats’ loss of Congress in the November 1994 elections, the death of his mother the previous January, and the ongoing Whitewater investigation».[30] Publicly, Clinton had previously blamed the affair on «a terrible moral error» and on anger at Republicans, stating, «if people have unresolved anger, it makes them do non-rational, destructive things».[31]


  1. «Tripp: I Am Not Intimidated». CBS Worldwide Corp. July 7, 1998. Retrieved January 26, 2010. «In January, Trpp[sic] gave Starr the tapes. She made the recordings secretly at her home at the urging of her friend Lucianne Goldberg, a New York literary agent.»
  2. Timothy Noah (September 13, 1998). Slate magazine. Retrieved July 15, 2009. «Bill Clinton and the Meaning of «Is»»
  3. Gitlin, Todd. «The Clinton-Lewinsky Obsession: How the press made a scandal of itself». The Washington Monthly. Retrieved June 11, 2009.
  4. Kalb, Marvin (September 2001). One Scandalous Story: Clinton, Lewinsky, and Thirteen Days That Tarnished American Journalism. Free Press. ISBN 0684859394.
  5. Layton, Lyndsey (July 27, 2004). «The Frenzy Over Lewinsky: As the Scandal Unfolded, a Media Storm Swirled in Washington». The Washington Post: pp. B04. Retrieved June 11, 2009.
  6. ↑ Frank Rich. «Journal; Monicagate Year Two», New York Times, December 16, 1998.
  7. ↑ Frank Rich «Journal; Days of the Locust», New York Times, February 25, 1998.
  8. ↑ Melinda Hennenberger «The President Under Fire», New York Times, January 29, 1998.
  9. 9.0 9.1 James Barron with Phoebe Hoban. «Dueling Soaps», New York Times, January 28, 1998.
  10. «Lewinsky and the first lady». Associated Press. March 19, 2008. Retrieved January 19, 2010.
  11. ↑ Jeff Leen (January 24, 1998). «Lewinsky: Two Coasts, Two Lives, Many Images». The Washington Post.
  12. ↑ Irvine, Reed and Cliff Kincaid. «Bill Richardson Caught In Clinton Undertow». Media Monitor. August 21, 1998.
  13. Plotz, David (June 23, 2000). «Sidebar». Retrieved November 7, 2008.
  14. US News and World Report, «The Monica Lewinsky Tapes», Feb 2, 1998 v124 n4 p23
  15. Evan Thomas and Michael Isikoff (November 9, 1998). «The Goldberg-Tripp-Jones Axis». Newsweek.
  16. John Cloud, Edward Barnes, and Richard Zoglin (February 2, 1998). «Lucianne Goldberg: in pursuit of Clinton». Time Magazine.,9171,987748,00.html.
  17. ↑ © 2008
  18. ↑ Special Report: Clinton Accused
  19. ↑
  20. ↑
  21. «Starr Report». Retrieved July 10, 2008.
  22. ↑ August 17, 1998, address to the nation, at
  23. ↑ «Peter Tiersma, The Language of Perjury»,, November 20, 2007
  24. ↑ «Clinton found in civil contempt for Jones testimony»,, April 12, 1999
  25. ↑ «Clinton Disbarred From Supreme Court», by Anne Gearan, Associated Press Writer, Oct. 1, 2001
  26. ↑ «Clinton ordered to pay more than $90,000 for contempt in Jones case»,, July 29, 1999
  27. ↑ «Bill Clinton on Lewinsky Affair: «I Cracked»» by Brian Montopoli, «Political Hotsheet», CBSNews, September 21, 2009, As Retrieved September 21, 2009
  28. ↑ «Porn king offers $1m for US political sex scandal» by Suzanne Goldenberg, The Guardian, ©Guardian News and Media, London, England, As Retrieved September 21, 2009
  29. ↑ «Robert Livingston, The Heir Apparent With a Black Belt», The New York Times, November 10, 1998, page A24, As Retrieved September 21, 2009
  30. ↑ «Secret interviews add insight to Clinton presidency» by Susan Page, USA TODAY, September 21, 2009, As Retrieved September 21, 2009
  31. ↑ «Clinton: Lewinsky affair a ‘terrible moral error'»,, June 21, 2004, As Retrieved September 21, 2009

External links

  • Washington Post story from Jan. 21, 1998
  • Transcript of Jim Lehrer interview with Bill Clinton on Jan. 21, 1998
  • a BBC in-depth archived report from 1998
  • Investigating The president: The Trial
  • Famous Trials UMKC — Clinton Impeachment Discusses Lewinsky in detail.
  • Clinton denying that he had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky

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Bill Clinton


Presidency (Foreign policy · Clinton Doctrine · Judicial appointments) · Electoral history


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References in periodicals archive

One is that it depends on who you are a medical director for—an HMO or an IPA.

It depends if I wanted to go to this place to do the photo, if there’s madness there then it gets a bit weird.

Those who don’t, or can’t afford to do so, needn’t or can’t do it.» A possible outcome—and I say possible because it depends a little bit on how much it actually does cost and what can be achieved and so on— is that the children of the wealthy will have capacities that will enable them to succeed in life, and the children of the poor won’t.

«It depends on what sort of climbing you are doing,» says James Healy, president of MountainFIT Inc.

First, «the level of HCAs in food can vary by two-hundred fold or more, since it depends so much on cooking conditions,» points out Lawrence Livermore’s James Felton.

It depends on if you’re applying the economic model in the sense of a consumer has choices, whereas if you’ll pay anything because it’s an emergency and you have to be treated right away, it becomes a different issue.

I fall back on the famous Harvard Business School answer to all complex questions: «It depends

«It depends» is the correct answer, not because «it depends on the subject to be influenced» as might have been first thought, but because «it depends on the environment and circumstances affecting a person’s ability to influence.»

«It depends on how many buildings they converted below 50 percent of sales.

«It depends on where the company feels confident, since the City of Timmins is one of the largest geographic areas in North America, they usually don’t have trouble finding a spot to accommodate their specific needs.»

«It depends on how large the house is, how much activity there is and how often the client wants it cleaned.

Idioms browser

  • it
  • it (all) depends
  • it (always) pays to (do something)
  • it (just) so happens (that)
  • it (only/just) goes to show (you)
  • it ain’t fittin’
  • it ain’t over till/until it’s over
  • it ain’t over till/until the fat lady sings
  • it ain’t the whistle that pulls the train
  • it ain’t/it’s not over till the fat lady sings
  • it all boils down to
  • it all comes out in the wash
  • it always/never pays to do something
  • it beats me
  • it behooves (one) to (do something)
  • it behooves one to do
  • it blows my mind
  • It blows my mind!
  • it boggles the mind
  • it can’t be helped
  • it could happen to a bishop
  • it cuts both ways
  • it cuts two ways
  • it depends
  • it does no harm (for someone) to do (something)
  • it doesn’t hurt to (have or do something)
  • it doesn’t take a rocket scientist (to do something)
  • it don’t make (me) no never mind
  • It don’t make me no nevermind
  • It don’t make no nevermind
  • it escapes (one)
  • it factor
  • it figures
  • it girl
  • it goes to show
  • it goes without saying
  • it happens
  • it has (one’s) name on it
  • It has name on it
  • it is a long lane that has no turning
  • it is a matter of (doing something)
  • it is a poor heart that never rejoices
  • it is a sad heart that never rejoices
  • it is a wise child that knows its own father
  • It is all over with
  • it is all up with
  • it is all up with (someone or something)
  • it is better to be born lucky than rich
  • it is better to give than to receive

Full browser

  • it dawned on them
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  • it dawned upon her
  • it dawned upon him
  • it dawned upon me
  • it dawned upon one
  • it dawned upon them
  • it dawned upon us
  • it dawned upon you
  • it dawns on her
  • it dawns on him
  • it dawns on me
  • it dawns on one
  • it dawns on them
  • it dawns on us
  • it dawns on you
  • it dawns upon
  • it dawns upon her
  • it dawns upon him
  • it dawns upon me
  • it dawns upon one
  • it dawns upon them
  • it dawns upon us
  • it dawns upon you
  • it defeated the purpose
  • it defeats the purpose
  • it defied description
  • it defies description
  • it depends
  • it did a 180
  • it did a flip flop
  • it did a flip-flop
  • it did a one eighty
  • it did a one-eighty
  • it did a recce
  • it did a reccy
  • it did a split
  • it did a stretch
  • it did a swan dive
  • it did a ton
  • it did legwork
  • it did not add up
  • it did not come cheap
  • it did not cross her mind
  • it did not cross his mind
  • it did not cross mind
  • it did not cross my mind
  • it did not cross one’s mind
  • it did not cross our mind
  • it did not cross our minds
  • it did not cross their mind
  • it did not cross their minds
  • it did not cross your mind
  • it did not cut the mustard
  • it did not enter her head
  • it did not enter her mind
  • it did not enter his head
  • it did not enter his mind
  • it did not enter my head

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