Is would a connective word

Сегодня для изучения темы нам потребуется воображение. Зачем, спросите вы? Об этом вы узнаете уже через несколько минут. А сейчас, не будем терять время и приступим к изучению темы — would, правила употребления в английском языке. По традиции, начнем с примера.

Would правила употребления

I would love to have a car. But it’s too expensive. (Я хотел бы иметь машину. Но это слишком дорого)

Модальный глагол Would — образование предложений

Прежде чем перейти к употреблению would в английском языке, давайте рассмотрим, как образуются предложения с данным глаголом.

Утвердительные предложения:

Подлежащее + would + глагол в первой форме.

Вопросительные предложения:

Would + Подлежащее + глагол в первой форме?

Отрицательные предложения:

Подлежащее + would + not + глагол в первой форме.

Часто модальный глагол would сокращается до ‘d — I’d, you’d, we’d.

А теперь переходим к употреблению would в английском языке.

Would, правила употребления в английском языке

Мы используем модальный глагол would для воображаемых действий и ситуаций. Аналогом в русском языке служит частица «бы».


  • I’d like to have a dog. (Я хотел бы иметь собаку);
  • I would never eat a slug. (Я бы никогда не съел личинку);
  • What would you do in my position? (Что бы ты сделал на моем месте?);
  • I wouldn’ t do anything. (Я бы ничего не делал).

Подобно другим модальным глаголам (could, can, may, might), модальный глагол would может употребляться в прошедшем времени.
Для этого используется вспомогательный глагол have.

Мы используем конструкцию would have для воображаемых событий или действий в прошлом, которые не произошли.


  • We went to a restaurant yesterday. The food was so delicious. You would have liked it. (Вчера мы ходили в ресторан. Еда была великолепна. Тебе бы понравилось);
  • You made such a mess in your room. Your mother wouldn’t have been pleased. (Ты устроил такой беспорядок у себя в комнате. Твоей маме это бы не понравилось);
  • I was in a hurry and didn’t see you. Otherwise I would’ve stopped. (Я спешил и не заметил тебя. Так бы я остановился).

Would и Will

Would может выступать формой прошедшего времени от will. Как правило, это используется в косвенной речи.

  • Sara said, «I’ll call you tomorrow». (Сара говорит: -Я позвоню тебе завтра.);
  • Sara said she would call me tomorrow. (Сара сказала, что позвонит мне завтра);
  • Why did you tell everyone about our secret. You promised you wouldn’t tell anybody. (Зачем ты всем рассказал о нашем секрете. Ты обещал не рассказывать).

Wouldn’t do

Мы используем wouldn’t, чтобы показать, что кто-то или что-то наотрез отказывался что-то делать.

  • I was late to work yesterday. My car just wouldn’ t start. (Я вчера опоздал на работу. Моя машина просто отказывалась заводиться);
  • I tried to talk to him. But he wouldn’t listen. (Я пытался с ним поговорить. Но он никак не слушал).

Would и used to

Мы можем употреблять модальный глагол would для описания событий, которые регулярно повторялись в прошлом. В данном контексте would очень схож с конструкцией used to.


  • We used to go to the beach a lot when we were children. We would spend there all day long. (Когда мы были детьми, мы ходили на пляж. Мы проводили там весь день);
  • Harry was always friendly. Whenever I met him he would say hello and shake my hand. (Гарри всегда был дружелюбным. Всякий раз, когда я его встречал, он всегда здоровался и дал мне руку).

Would, правила употребления -тест на закрепление

“would” is a modal verb.

Pronunciation: /wʊd/

In this lesson, you will learn the form of would. You will also learn the many different uses and meanings:

  • Past habits
  • Past refusals
  • Future relative to the past
  • Indirect speech
  • Polite offers and requests
  • Conditionals
  • Past unreal situations

Affirmative form

Full form Contracted form
I would like I’d like
you would like you’d like
he would like he’d like
she would like she’d like
it would like it’d like
we would like we’d like
you would like you’d like
they would like they’d like

Negative form

Full form Contracted form
I would not like I wouldn’t like
you would not like you wouldn’t like
he would not like he wouldn’t like
she would not like she wouldn’t like
it would not like it wouldn’t like
we would not like we wouldn’t like
you would not like you wouldn’t like
they would not like they wouldn’t like

Question form

Full form
Would I like …. ?
Would you like …. ?
Would he like …. ?
Would she like …. ?
Would it like …. ?
Would we like …. ?
Would you like …. ?
Would they like …. ?

Uses and meaning of “would”

Past habits

We use “would” to describe a regular activity or habit in the past.  This use of “would” is very similar to “used to“.

When Jane was at university, she would study for 3 hours every evening.


When my grandma came to visit, we would play cards every day.

Play cards

Past refusals

We use would to describe a refusal from the past. (A “refusal” is the act of not wanting to do something or the act of not agreeing to do something.) This use is usually in the negative form.

Jane was angry. She wouldn’t speak to me!

Sarah: Why are you late?
Mark: My car wouldn’t start.

Future relative to the past

We use “would” to describe an action that is in the FUTURE relative to an earlier action from the past. The action in question is therefore in the past but it is in the future relative to an earlier action. “would” is therefore a past form of “will”

To explain this, let’s first look at a normal future. Normally, the future tense is relative to the present and we use “will”:

Mark: I think that I will pass the exam.

“I think” is in the present and “I will pass” is in the future relative to the present. We use “will” (future simple)

Now let’s pretend that several days have passed. Let’s look back in time at the same situation. We say:

Mark: Last week, I thought that I would pass the exam.

“I thought” is in the past and “I would pass” is in the future relative to that past. We use “would”.

More examples:

I know that I will see you again. (with will)
I knew that I would see you again. (with would)

He’s sure that I’ll like his house. (with will in the contracted form.)
He was sure that I’d like his house. (with would in the contracted form.)

Indirect speech (Reported speech)

When we use indirect speech, we use “would” after past reporting verbs where “will” was used in direct speech.

Direct speech is when we quote the exact words said by the person and we write those words inside quotation marks. The words are therefore from the perspective of the speaker. Indirect speech (reported speech) is when we report what the person said without necessarily using the exact words used by the person. It’s from our perspective.

When the reporting verb (“say”, “reply”, “shout” etc) is in the PAST form, we transform the word “will” from the direct speech into “would” in the indirect speech version.  This is a similar application of the “future” relative to the past” use described above.


Direct speech:
Mark said, “I will go to London.”
Indirect speech:
Mark said that he would go to London.

Direct speech:
Jane said, “I will help you.”
Indirect speech:
Jane said that she would help me.

Polite offers and requests

We use “would” to make polite offers and requests.

Would you like a glass of orange juice?
Would you help me carry my bags?
Would you close the door please?

Notice that these are in the question form.


We use would in conditionals to describe unreal situations.

Second conditionals

The second conditional describes an unreal situation in the present.
If I had a car, I would drive to Paris.

Third conditionals

The second conditional describes an unreal situation in the past.
If I had known her, I would have introduced you to her.

Video lessons explaining conditionals

I have several video lessons on my YouTube channel that explain conditionals. Here are the links:

Introduction to conditionals (video)
Zero conditionals (video)
First conditionals (video)
Second conditionals (video)
Third conditionals (video)

Unreal situations in the past

We use “would” to describe unreal situations in the past that are not necessarily conditionals.

would” + “have” + past participle
Note that “have” + past participle is called a perfect infinitive.

would have lived
Jane: Why did you live in Manchester?
Mark: Well I would have lived in London but it was too expensive.

(This is an unreal situation because Mark did not in fact live in London. In the above sentence he is explaining why.)

would have studied
I would have studied law but I chose medicine instead.

Other lessons

Modal verb COULD – Form, use and meaning
3 ways to use the word BUSY
Present perfect verb tense in English
Future simple tense – will and shall
How to express change in English
Over 180 video lessons on our YouTube channel.

Video lesson

Watch more English video lessons on our YouTube channel.

Ironically, one of the things that makes learning English tense challenging is the fact we have fairly few forms. Also, the question «is this grammatical» is tough to answer for short utterances without context, as we can almost always come up with some scenario when a native speaker might say it and be understood by other native speakers without anyone noticing anything out of place. A better question is «Does this mean what I think it means» and «Is this what native speakers would say.»

So with that in mind, let me actually answer the question you asked!

These two sentences are very similar, so it is not surprising that you would be confused. There is a subtle technical distinction, but the more important distinction is a difference in meaning, which I’ll get to.

Is This Grammatical

«I’m sure that would happen»

Grammatically this is fine by itself. I would take it to mean someone has asked you what would happen given some specific circumstances, e.g.:

a. «If I ran naked down the street, would someone call the authorities?»

b. «I’m sure that would happen.»

«I’m sure that will happen»

Again, grammatically this is fine by itself. To me the most obvious context would be someone is asking you about your prediction of future events. E.g.:

a. «If I run naked down the street, will I be arrested?»

b. «I’m sure that will happen.»

Which Should I Use?

or, «What’s the difference?»

Technical Difference

I intentionally chose two examples that are very close together to make a point about agreement, not so much between verbs but between speakers: in the first example, person A says «If I RAN down the street». That «ran» is expressing a hypothetical circumstance (I believe it’s technically known as «conditional II» because it’s using a past tense verb to indicate something counterfactual). So it is only natural that person B would reply treating it as a hypothetical circumstance, too. Person A didn’t say he was going to do it, he just wondered what would happen if he did.

In the second example, person A says «If I RUN down the street». This could still be hypothetical; in fact it probably is, since people don’t usually run naked down the street. But because it’s being phrased as an action that the person is actually contemplating, it seems a little more natural for person B to respond with «will». But note: «I’m sure that would happen» would also be a perfectly appropriate response.

Semantic Difference

In all the examples I used, everyone is still talking about things that haven’t happened. By definition, then, these are «imagined events or situations» like it says in your grammar book. The difference is really based on how definite or how likely the imagined events seem to the speakers. Someone who says «I will» is implying that their imagined event is going to become reality, in a way that someone who says «I would» is not.

If you have a more detailed context, we can probably give you more definite advice to distinguish between the two.

For further reading, please see which discusses a LOT of different possible uses of conditional in English (with sentence patterns).

What for do we use linking or connective words?

Linking or connective words and phrases are used to show relationships between ideas. They can be used to join two or more sentences or clauses.

Linking words help to connect ideas and sentences when you speak or write English. We can use linking words to give examples, add information, summarise, sequence information, give a reason or result, or to contrast ideas.

Using linking or connective words and phrases

  • can improve the quality of your speech
  • your ideas flow more smoothly
  • the logical relationships between the ideas are expressed clearer
  • act like bridges between parts of your writing and speaking
  • you decorate your written work or speech by making them sound or read better.

Here’s a list of the most common linking words and phrases:

To state personal opinion

In my opinion

In my opinion, Sunday is the best day of the week.

In my view

In my view, golf is just a game and not a sport.


Personally, I am against zoos.

I believe that

I believe that new sports facilities are necessary for our school.

It seems to me that

It seems to me that this magazine will be very popular among teenagers.

I think that

I think that the problem of polluted environment is one of the most urgent.

As for me

As for me, I am greatly interested in art.

As far as I am concerned

As far as I am concerned, art plays an essential part in my life.

There are a number of reasons why I believe

There are a number of reasons why I believe that television is one of the main sources of information.

To my mind

To my mind, there are many good sportsmen in our school.

To my way of thinking

To my way of thinking, tests are not a good way of measuring someone’s knowledge.

Personally I believe that …

Personally I believe that learning about survival skills sounds incredibly interesting.

It strikes me that

It strikes me that so few of them were willing to help.

I feel very strongly that

I feel very strongly that we have to do community work, such as helping the elderly.

I’m inclined to believe that

I’m inclined to believe that students have to wear a school uniform.

Based on what I know

Based on what I know, school helps to become a better person.

I am convinced

I am convinced you should avoid fizzy drinks.

Speaking for myself

Speaking for myself, I watch TV no more than two hours a day.

I am confident that

I am confident that children should use computers sensibly.

To list points

First(ly), first of all, to start with, to begin with

Firstly it is wrong and secondly it is extremely difficult to implement. First of all, let me ask you something. She wasn’t very keen on the idea to start with. To begin with, his is a genuine talent.

For a start

You’re bored and don’t knowwhat to do? Well, you could go play outside, for a start! I’m sick of living in this city —for a start, the traffic makes  commuting to work an absolute nightmare!

In the first place

Why didn’t you tell me in the first place that you’ve decided to leave?

initially (at first)

Iitially, he thought the new concept was nonsense. Initially, Steve cleared tables and washed up

first and foremost

He is first and foremost a teacher. First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for being here tonight.


I want two things from my boss – firstly, a pay rise, and secondly, a longer contract.


There are three factors to take into account: firstly cost, secondly time, and thirdly staff.i

in the second place

I don’t want to go yet – in the first place I’m not ready, and in the second place it’s raining.

subsequently (after a particular thing has happened; afterward)

The officer decided to stop and subsequently made an arrest.

simultaneously  (at the same time)

The telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks.

and then

Data were systematically analysed separately and then compared with one another.


Next, entire cities banned smoking in all indoor public places.

formerly (previouslyearlierbefore)

Formerly, a hectare of this precious vineyard was worth 30,000 francs.


Previously, there had been 25 houses sold at or above the independent appraised value.


Finally, I’d like to thank everyone for coming this evening.

on the whole (all in all, altogether)

On the whole, it was quite a good speech.

ultimately (finally; in the end)

Ultimately, it’s a question of who is more popular.


Lastly, I’d like to ask you about your plans. Lastly, add the lemon juice.

last of all

Last of all, I again want to say a lot of thanks to you for this rare occasion and for the possibility of explaining the position of Ukraine in relation to very important issues discussed here today.

last but not the least

I would like to thank my publisher, my editor and, last but not the least, my husband.

To add more points on the same topic

what is more

He was now a king, and what was more, a well-beloved king.

You should remember it, and what’s more, you should get it right.


Computers are cheaper nowadays; furthermorethey are lighter.


The report is badly written. Moreover, it’s inaccurate.

in adding (to this)

in addition

You haven’t paid the rent yet.  In addition, you owe me money. Chris is on the basketball team this semester at Indiana School for the Deaf. In addition, he is on the soccer team.

in addition to this

John’s grades are terrible because he has been so lazy these days. In addition to this, his relationship to his parents got worse.

another reason

We will be here for one more week so we can finish up our work. Another reason we are staying longer is because we do not want to miss the conference.


The trip is too expensive. Besides, I don’t really like hot weather.


John likes camping in the mountains. Also, John is an experienced hiker.

too (in addition; also)

not only … but

If the project fails this will have terrible consequences not only on our department, but also on the whole organization.

above all (most importantly)

Above all, don’t forget to call when you get there.

along with ( in addition to)

This is a plane carrying heavy radar equipment along with full fuel tanks. I went to the concert along with my friend.

additionally (also)

“Additionally, 45,000 people have already exhausted their unemployment benefits this year,” he said.

as well as

Rural women include farmers, as well as domestic servants.

equally important

This agenda item is equally important. Promoting inter-cultural dialogue was equally important.

To show sequence

Beginning: First, First of all, To start with

Continuing: Secondly, After that, Then, Next

Concluding: Finally, Lastly, Last but not least

To show cause and effect


We can’t go to Sue’s party because we’ll be busy working on our project.

because of

The plane was delayed because of the foggy weather. I was late to work because of the heavy traffic.

consequently  (as a result)

He had spent most of his time hanging around instead of revising his lessons. Consequently, he had a lot of trouble answering the exam questions. The company is expanding. Consequentlythere are jobs on offer. They have recruited more people and consequently the service is better. Flexible workers find themselves in great demand, and consequently earn high salaries

due to the fact that

This is partly due to the fact that many of them lack a basic education certificate. This is partly due to the fact that certain expectations cannot any longer be met.

as a consequence

This is constantly growing population of the Earth and as a consequence growing level of consumption. Many Arab countries were involved in actual military confrontation with Israel and, as a consequence, some of their territory was occupied.

as a result

Prices were reduced by 20%. As a result, sales increased. The weather is supposed to be drizzly and chilly today; as a result, the Festival will be cancelled.


A hurricane has been announced. Therefore, air traffic will be disrupted. I was too tired; therefore I decided not to go to the state fair last night.

for that reason

The school bus broke down last week and has not been repaired yet. So for that reason, our dance group is unable to go to Washington, D.C. to perform at Kennedy Center.

owing to (because of)

The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of interest.

since (for the reason that, because)

Delegates were delighted, since better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species.

as  (whilejust as, at the time that)

Frank watched him as he ambled through the crowd.


She remained silent, for she was so depressed to talk.


It is raining today thus we are not going to the beach.

that’s why

Ricky worked all day, from 8am until 11pm. That is why he stayed home instead of going camping with us.

To show similarity

likewise (in the same way; also)

The dream of young people is to grow old, and it is likewise the dream of their parents to relive youth. Just water the plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom. Informal: “I don’t have time to spend hours preparing one dish!” “Likewise!” (= it’s the same for me)

similarly (in a similar way)

The children were similarly dressed. Cars must stop at red traffic lights: similarly, bicycles have to stop too.

in the same way

My mother did everything she could to educate us. In the same way, we put a high value on our children’s education.

To show contrast


Sharon has not visited the Land of the Dragons, yet if she had had a kid, she would have gone by now.


The hotel was open. However, nobody came to the reception desk.

nevertheless (despite what has just been said or referred to)

Brain drain has terrible consequences on the developing countries. Nevertheless, nothing has been done to solve the problem or at least reduce its negative effects. He had severe injuries; nevertheless, he completely recovered.

nonetheless  (in spite of that; nevertheless)

The weather was bitterly cold.  He went hiking nonetheless. The play was great, nonetheless, I was sick of seeing it after the fourth time.


She’s very hard-working but not very imaginative. This is not caused by evil, but by simple ignorance. The play’s good, but not that good – I’ve seen better. I’m sorry, but I think you’re wrong when you say she did it deliberately.

Call me old-fashioned but I like handwritten letters. You can invite Keith to the party, but please don’t ask that friend of his party,  but please don’t ask that friend  of his. She’s not a painter but a writer. She’s not only a painter but also a writer. We mustn’t complain about the problem, but help put it right. I think it’s true, but then, I’m not an expert.


Though I eat green beans because they are healthy, I hate them.


Although she’s very nice, her classmates hate her. Although Steven was extremely tired, he washed the dishes.

even though (although)

Even though he left school at 16, he still managed to become prime minister.

even if 

He is poor and has no house, but even if he had money, he wouldn’t buy a house.

in spite of the fact / despite the fact 

In spite of the fact that he is rich, he lives in a small house.

in spite of / despite

In spite of/despite being blind, he walked to the station. Despite Fred’s old age, he goes jogging every morning. In spite of the cold weather, they enjoyed themselves.

whereas (in contrast or comparison with the fact that)

They have got two children, a boy and girl. The boy takes after his father whereas the girl takes after the mother. Tom is rich, whereas Jack is poor.

on the other hand

Laptops are convenient; on the other hand, they can be expensive.

on the contrary / conversely

Northern European countries had a great summer. On the contrary/converselysouthern Europe had poor weather.

To give examples

for instance / for example

There are several problems to consider; for instance/for examplethere is a lack of public transport. Not all birds eat berries. For example, vultures eat dead animals.

such as

I have a few things to take care of such as paying bills, cleaning the house, and going to the post office.

like (such as; for example)

They study lots of subjects at school, like history, languages, maths, science, etc.

particularly (especially)

We’re particularly interested to hear from people who speak two or more European languages. I didn’t particularly want to go, but I had to.

in particular (especially)

What in particular did you like about the last apartment that we saw? Are you looking for anything in particular?


He didn’t especially like dancing. I like sports games, especially basketball.

to illustrate

Jeff is an interesting person to know. To illustrate, he knows a lot about the history of Ireland.

Expressing purpose

in order to

She wakes up early in order to be on time to work.

in order not to

I left home early in order not to be late for the appointment.

so as 

They visited him so as to offer their condolences for the death of his wife

so as not 

He helped the new policewoman so as not to fail in her first mission.

so that

She arrived early so that she could help her colleagues.

To assert obvious truth

no doubt

There is no doubt that the dog buried the bone in the garden.


Jeff told us an undoubtedly true story that was very scary.

without a doubt

The judge, without a doubt, thinks capital punishment is wrong.

of course

Of course, Sarah is going to the beach this weekend with her parents. She needs a break from Gallaudet.


Naturally Steven is not going to agree with that plan.

in fact

In fact, he thinks that the idea of setting up a business selling scarves would surely fail. Lisa decided not to go to King Islands. In fact she told me, “No, way.”


Certainly, you may borrow my book on the history of the community. But, be sure to return it to me next week.

conceding that

Conceding that Sally is a strong skater, Rachel still believes she will be able to beat her in the Olympics. Rachel wants to become the first deaf ice skater to receive a gold medal.

in other words

I feel that our last Student Council meeting did not go well. In other words, it was a fine mess.

needless to say (obviously)

Needless to say, because of the accident he won’t be at work for a while.

To introduce a conclusion


Finally, I’d like to thank everyone for coming this evening.

Lastly (used to show when something comes after all the other things in a list)

In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter, and, lastly, the film crew.

All in all

Sure, it rained on our vacation, but all in all we had a great time. All in all, the team has a bright future, even though 

they didn’t make the playoffs this year. All in all, it was a very good party. All in all, I’m glad that I visited New York


Taking everything into account

But taking everything into account, we can state that the general situation in the region is improving.

On the whole

On the whole, it is clear that tobacco production represents a small part of most economies.

In conclusion

In conclusion, she stressed the need for realistic and achievable targets.

To conclude

To conclude, I want to wish you all a very happy holiday season.

To crown it all

I had lost my ticket, was soaked to the skin and, to crown it all, discovered that my purse had been stolen.

To sum up

To sum up, our team is now one of the best in the world.

In brief

In brief, some improvements in the middle school program need to be made.

In a nutshell

Well, to put it in a nutshell, we’re lost.

Would — глагол-загадка. В одних случаях он переводится, в других — нет. Почему и зачем would присутствует в предложениях? Что обозначает?

Would появляется на всех уровнях, на нем строится несколько важных грамматических конструкций, но ни один учебник не дает полную характеристику этого важнейшего глагола. Поэтому знания о глаголе would у многих фрагментарные. Я знаю, что большинство изучающих используют would чисто автоматически — потому что запомнили правило или отдельную грамматическую формулу. Используют правильно, но не вполне осознанно.

Хватит по кусочкам собирать знания и догадки об использовании и значениях would, пора получить полную картину и основательное понимание того, что такое would и когда его нужно использовать в английском.

В этой статье я расскажу вам о девяти случаях, в которых нужен would. Конечно, чтобы понять их все, вам уже нужно обладать определенным языковым бэкграундом, но уверена, у вас получится разобраться.

Для начала — общая характеристика. Как любой модальный глагол, would всегда используется только с другим (смысловым) глаголом, которому придает дополнительную «модальность». Глагол после would употребляется в форме инфинитива без частицы to.

Второй признак глагола would как модального — ему не нужны вспомогательные глаголы для образования вопросительной и отрицательной формы.

Сокращенная форма would — ’d, а отрицательной его формы — wouldn’t.

О значениях: would — это, прежде всего, прошедшая форма will. Когда мы говорим о будущем в прошлом, нам нужен не will, a would. В этом случае на русский язык would переводится как «буду», «будет» и так далее.

Кроме того, would имеет функцию условного наклонения, и может переводиться как частица «бы» рядом с глаголом. Would обладает рядом вполне самостоятельных значений, которые мы тоже рассмотрим.

1. Requests and Offers (Просьбы и предложения)

Первое значение, с которым мы знакомимся на уровне Elementary: просьбы и предложения. Такие обращения называют interpersonal uses — в вежливом общении мы иногда добавляем частичку «бы», чтобы сделать предложение мягче, чем просто будущее время:

Would you like some tea or coffee? — Не хотели бы вы чаю или кофе?
I would like to ask you a question. — Я хотел бы задать вам вопрос.

Would like в этих примерах — более вежливая версия глагола want.

Would you mind sitting down for a moment? — Не могли бы вы/ вы не возражаете сесть на минутку?

Would you open the door, please? — Не могли бы вы открыть дверь, пожалуйста?

Менее «изысканный» вариант последней просьбы звучал бы как «Can you open the door?», а вариант «Will you open the door?» — могут воспринять как требование, близкое к повелительному наклонению.

2. Indirect Speech (В непрямой речи)

На уровне Pre-Intermediate вы разобрали тему «Непрямая речь». И здесь вы выучили что will заменяется на would, что логично, так как would — это прошедшая форма will. И если говорящий сказал: «Я завтра поеду на работу», то в непрямой речи will go будет трансформироваться в would go. Это происходит, потому что слово said переносит все высказывание в прошлое, то есть мы смотрим на будущее из прошлого. Will используется только когда мы смотрим в будущее из настоящего.

He said he would go to work the next day. — Он сказал, что поедет на работу на следующий день.

She asked if I would join her. — Она спросила, не присоединюсь ли я к ней.

I told my friends that I would travel to Italy in winter. — Я сказал своим друзьям, что поеду в Италию зимой.

Обратите внимание, что с изменением глагола на would указатели будущего времени тоже будут меняться. Я уже писала подробно о том, как переводить утверждения и вопросы из прямой речи в непрямую.

3. Future in the Past (Будущее в прошлом)

Здесь у вас вполне может возникнуть вопрос: чем Future in the Past отличается от предыдущего пункта? Основное отличие в том, что в предыдущем случае вы всегда переводите чьи-то слова. А этот случай подразумевает нарратив, то есть рассказ, повествование: если вы рассказываете историю о прошлом, и говорите о событиях, которые еще не произошли на тот момент, о котором вы говорите, то вам нужна эта форма.

Такой прием часто используют писатели, чтобы создать интригу в рассказе и «закинуть удочку» наперед, чтобы удержать интерес читателя:

That evening she met the man who she would marry one day. — Тем вечером она встретила мужчину, за которого вышла замуж.

We believed that he would win the race but the reality was different. — Мы верили, что он победит в гонке, но реальность была другой.

Читайте подробнее о том, как рассказывать истории на английском языке.

4. Conditional Sentences (Условные предложения)

Разумеется, у многих из вас would вызывает ассоциацию прежде всего с условными предложениями. В каких именно типах условных предложений его употреблять? В какой их части? Что would обозначает в условных предложениях?
Дам вам несколько коротких объяснений, которые помогут расставить все по своим местам. К счастью, русский язык позволяет нам провести параллели с английским.

Существует три основных типа условных предложений, один из которых (первый тип) описывает реальное условие в будущем, то есть здесь нам понадобится will, а вот второй и третий тип условных предложений относится к воображаемым, предполагаемым, нереальным действиям. Это то самое «бы», то есть would.

If I were taller, I would play basketball better. — Если бы я был выше, то играл бы лучше в баскетбол.

If we lived in the city centre, we would go shopping every day. — Если бы мы жили в центре города, то ходили бы за покупками каждый день.

If I had learned English better at school, I would not have paid so much for my courses. — Если б я лучше учил английский в школе, то не платил бы столько за курсы.

If he had not been at that party, he would never have met her. — Если б он не пришел на ту вечеринку, то никогда бы ее не встретил.

В какой части использовать would?
Пожалуйста, запомните универсальное правило: в условных предложениях после IF ни will, ни would не используется!

Помимо основных типов условных предложений есть и так называемый смешанный тип, для использование которого придеться пожонглировать формами и частями разных типов условных предложений. Если вам интересна эта тема — когда закончите читать эту статью, переходите по ссылкам и изучайте нюансы условных предложений. Все проще, чем может показаться.

5. Would = Used to

Чем выше уровень, тем сложнее грамматика. И в определенный момент вы встречаетесь с конструкцией used to, которая используется для описания привычных, повторяющихся действий в прошлом, которые больше не повторяются в настоящем:

I used to play with dolls when I was a child. — В детстве я часто играла в куклы.
We used to go to the park every weekend. — Мы ходили в парк каждые выходные.

Так вот, в этом случае, помимо used to можно использовать также would:

I would play with dolls when I was a child. — В детстве я часто играла в куклы.
We would go to the park every weekend. — Мы ходили в парк каждые выходные.

Но учтите, что would заменяет used to только с глаголами действия, но не с глаголами состояния. А также на сайте есть отдельная статья, посвященная used to и would.

6. Типичное поведение (Typical Behaviour) и критика поведения (Criticizing Behaviour)

Следующий случай использования would немного похож на предыдущий. Речь, опять же, о прошлом. Только в этом случае would употребляют для описания типичного поведения человека в прошлом.

When I was younger, I would read for hours. — Когда я был моложе, я читал часами.

My grandfather would sit in his armchair watching TV. — Мой дед часто сидел в кресле и смотрел телевизор.

Узнайте про 9 способов рассказать о привычках на английском языке.

Высказывая критику поведения, свойственного кому-либо, тоже используют would, который для придания эффекта выделяют ударением в предложении:

She was friendly and nice, but she would interrupt others. — Она была хорошей и дружелюбной, но любила перебивать других

Would также можно встретить в предложениях, где он употребляется для выражения критики и неодобрения определенного действия в прошлом, в значении «это в твоем духе»:

You would leave the door open, you are so absent-minded. — Не закрыть дверь — это в твоем стиле, ты такой рассеянный.

Критикуя чей-либо поступок, мы можем сказать: «Я бы никогда так не сделал»:

I would never have said what he said. — Я бы никогда не сказал то, что он сказал.

7. Willingness (выражение готовности/неготовности)

Под понятием willingness объединим две крайности: выражение отказа и выражение требования.

Это, пожалуй, самый сложный и мало описанный случай употребления, поэтому его нужно научиться распознавать. В учебниках он практически не упоминается, но часто встречается в разговорной речи.

Would not используют для выражения отказа в прошлом. В этом значении would not обозначает refused to do something и выделяется ударением в речи:

He could see she was crying but she wouldn’t tell him the reason why. — Он видел, что она плакала, но она не объяснила причину.

I invited them to my house but they wouldn’t come. — Я пригласил их в дом, но они не зашли.

The laptop wouldn’t work yesterday again. — Ноутбук вчера опять не работал.

Кроме того, говоря о прошлых событиях, would может передавать требование, настойчивую просьбу и обозначать то же самое, что и insisted on doing something. В этом значении встречается реже, чем в предыдущем.

I wanted to change the topic, but she would go on about her job. — Он хотел сменить тему, но она продолжила говорить о работе.

8. Wish + would

Уверена, вы встречали предложения, в которых слово wish стояло рядом с would. Would применяется для того, чтобы вежливо высказать пожелание по поводу чьего-либо поведения или приказания:

I wish you would stop talking on the phone. = Please, stop talking on the phone. — Я хотела бы/попросила бы вас, чтобы вы прекратили разговаривать по телефону.

А также, чтобы высказать недовольство и критику чьего-либо раздражающего поведения или раздражающей ситуации, выразить желание изменить чье-то поведение:

I wish she would not boast. — Я хотел бы, чтобы она не хвасталась.

Больше примеров и объяснений — в статье «Использование слова wish в английских предложениях».

9. Предпочтения (would rather, would sooner)

И снова русский язык позволяет провести понятные параллели с английским. Для выражения предпочтения, когда вы говорите: «Я скорее сделаю одно, чем другое» используйте would rather или would sooner:

I’d rather work at home, if there is such an option. — Я бы предпочёл работать дома, если есть такая возможность.

Sorry. I’d rather not discuss it. — Простите, я бы предпочел это не обсуждать.

He would sooner die than talk to them. — Он скорее умрёт, чем поговорит с ними.

Надеюсь, эта статья разложила все по полочкам в шкафчике ваших знаний под названием «Модальный глагол would». Мы выделили 9 случаев использования, не обошлось, конечно, без исключений. Запомните, пожалуйста, эти семь значений и функций глагола would и всякий раз, когда вы встречаете его в английской речи, определяйте его назначение.

И чтобы закрепить ваши знания, предлагаю вам использовать их прямо сейчас! Перед вами девять предложений-примеров, в каждом из которых использован глагол would. Теперь, друзья, вы можете соотнести их с функциями:

a. She said she would do the shopping.
b. She tried to calm the child down, but the boy would not stop crying.
c. I wish he would stop talking.
d. He would stand by the window gazing outside.
e. If I were the president, I would pay more attention to education in our country.
f. I’d rather not drive at night.
g. I would like a glass of water, please.
h. He could not think then that he would be famous one day.
i. We would go to the swimming pool on Sundays.

Если нужно — просмотрите статью еще раз и предлагайте свои ответы в комментариях! Отвечу каждому из вас.
И не забудьте, пожалуйста, написать, насколько полезна для вас была эта статья, что было новым, а что — нет. Мне важно знать, что вы думаете.

А если для изучения английского вам нужен профессиональный помощник — команда преподавателей ENGINFORM всегда готова помочь. Записывайтесь на бесплатное вводное занятие прямо сейчас!

Успехов вам в изучении!

Увидели ошибку в тексте? Выделите её и нажмите на появившуюся стрелку или CTRL+Enter.

Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья. Сегодня мы разбираем тему «will как модальный глагол в английском». В статье будут представлены таблицы и правила, вы узнаете разницу между will и would. Как обычно в конце статьи можно пройти онлайн-упражнение для закрепления материала.

Модальные глаголы Will и Would в английском языке.

Модальный глагол Will в английском языке имеет следующие формы: will – Present Indefinite и would – Past Simple. Вторая форма используется несколькими способами:

  • a) в контекстах прошлого времени, чтобы выразить реальный факт;
  • b) в настоящем времени выражает нереальность или как более мягкую и вежливую форму.

Рассмотрим таблицу построения утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений данных слов.
Формы образования модального глагола WillФормы образования модального глагола Would

Употребление модальных глаголов Will (Would)

Помимо того, что will является чисто модальным глаголом, он еще сочетает в себе функции вспомогательного глагола, выражающего будущие действия.

В современном английском языке слова shall и should рассматриваются как два разных глагола, а will and would считаются формами одного и того же глагола.

Они используются для выражения:

1. Воля (желание, готовность, твердое намерение или решимость)

Это значение находится в утвердительных и отрицательных предложениях. Настоящая неопределенная форма will помимо выражения своего модального значения, служит для передачи модального смысла и действия в будущее.

Простая прошедшая форма would обычно используется в косвенной речи, а также служит для передачи модального значения и действия в будущее, но в этом случае рассматривается с прошлого момента.
В основном данное значение передается на русский языке выразительной интонацией, но иногда глаголом хотеть.


– I will definitely pay you back next week. – Я обязательно верну тебе деньги на следующей неделе.
– He won’t answer her questions. – Он отказывается отвечать на ее вопросы.
– She decided that she wouldn’t interfere. – Она решила не вмешиваться.

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2. Привычные (повторяющиеся) действия

– David would always help us with our Russian homework. – Дэвид обычно помогал нам с домашним заданием по русскому.
– Selena will sit talking to herself for hours. – Селена обычно сидит и разговаривает сама с собой часами.

Предложения с ударением на глаголы могут использоваться для критики типичного поведения людей или для разговора о лицах, которые продолжают вести себя странно или раздражающе. Запомните, что эти глаголы не сокращаются, когда используются для описания такого рода действия:

– He will fall in love with the wrong people. – Он постоянно влюбляется не в тех людей.
– James was a nice guy, but he would talk about himself all the time. – Джеймс был хорошим парнем, но постоянно говорил только о себе.

Предлагаем подробно ознакомиться с правилом «когда употребляется would и used to».

3. Настойчивость или отказ от выполнения действия

Это значение используется в утвердительных предложениях для выражения настойчивости и в отрицаниях – отказ. На русский язык обычно переводятся словами: продолжает, никак не хочет, ни за что не хочет.

Примеры предложений:

– I ask her to stop talking but she will. – Я прошу ее прекратить разговор, а она продолжает.
– He was wet through, but he wouldn’t change. – Он промок насквозь, но не хотел переодеваться.
– Dad! Tim won’t give me back my guitar. – Папа! Тим не отдает мою гитару.

4. Неодушевленные предметы отказываются выполнять свою непосредственную функцию

В этом случае два модальных глагола используются в отрицательных предложениях, и за ними идет Indefinite Infinitive. На русский язык переводится следующим образом: никак не пишет / не писала, никак не открывается / не открывалась и тому подобное.

– My pen won’t / wouldn’t write. – Моя ручка не пишет / не писала.
– The suitcase won’t / wouldn’t open. – Чемодан никак не открывается / не открывался.

5. Вежливые предложения и просьбы

Такое значение используется только в вопросах:

Will you bring us the menu, please? – Принесите нам меню, пожалуйста?
Would you lend me your cell phone for a moment? – Ты не могла бы мне одолжить свой мобильный на минутку?

Нет никакой разницы между двумя глаголами в этом пункте; роль слова Would в форме сослагательного наклонения состоит в том, чтобы просьба звучала еще более вежливой.

Давайте посмотрим, какие лексические эквиваленты можно использовать в этом значении:

– Could you…? – c помощью модального глагола Can (Could);
– May I ask you…? – Модальный глагол May (Might);
– I offer you…

6. Предположение, подразумевающее сильную вероятность

Здесь только will используется со ссылкой на будущее или настоящее время в сочетании с простым инфинитивом. Комбинация с перфектным инфинитивом дает нам знать, что предложение относится к прошедшему времени. Это значение встречается со вторым и третьим лицами единственного и множественного числа.


– This will be the university, I believe. – Это, по-видимому, и есть университет.
– I sent the invitations on Wednesday, so he will have received them by now. Why hasn’t he replied? – Я отправила приглашения в среду, вероятно, он их уже получил. Почему он не ответил?

Следует отметить, что употребление глагола в этом значении не распространено.

7. Глаголы, с помощью которых мы звучим вежливо

Часто would используется со словами, такими как advise, imagine, recommend, say, suggest, think:

– advise = I’d advise you not to tell her the truth. – Я бы посоветовал не говорить ей правду.
– imagine = I’d imagine that job is very stressful for you. – Полагаю, эта работа для тебя очень напряженная.
– recommend = I’d recommend that you try this size. (formal) – Я бы рекомендовал вам примерить этот размер.
– say = I’d say you are about 30.  – Я бы сказала, тебе около тридцати.
– suggest = We’d suggest that you take this route. It’s more scenic. (formal) – Мы бы предложили вам воспользоваться этим маршрутом. Он живописней.
– think = It’s much further than Manchester, I would think. – Думаю, это гораздо дальше, чем Манчестер.

Устойчивые фразы с Will and Would

  • a) Will not have (won’t have) somebody do something – Я не допущу, чтобы…;
  • b) Would rather (‘d rather)/ would sooner (‘d sooner) do smth – Предпочитаю/ пожалуй…;
  • c) Would…mind… – Возражать против чего-то;
  • d) Would like / would love – Хотелось бы/ Сделаю с удовольствием.

Мини-таблица всего правила:

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Will would разница между глаголами

Will используется для того, чтобы просить других делать что-то для кого-то. “Will you” – очень прямолинейная фраза почти приказ. Модальный глагол Would – это вежливая форма. Сравните два предложения:

Would you help me carry this, please?
Will you help me carry it NOW – I’m dropping it!

  • 1. Вежливая просьба:

Help me! = Will you help me, please? / Help me, will you please?

  • 2. Резкие просьбы и приказы:

Утвердительная форма will используется, если кто-то на чем-то сердито настаивает, а отрицание won’t употребляется, чтобы умолять или просить:

– Be quite! = Will you be quite! / Be quite, will you? / Be quite, won’t you?

Где еще можно найти глаголы Will/Would

Will would правило простое, но немаленькое, так как эти глаголы могут встречаться и в других темах. Посмотрим в каких:

  • 1. Future in the past – будущее в прошедшем.


– My sister said that she would be working at this time tomorrow. – Сестра сказала, что завтра в это время будет работать.

  • 2. Indirect speech (Reported speech) – Косвенная речь.


Прямая речь: Neil said, “I will go to Minsk”. – Нил сказал: «Я поеду в Минск».
Косвенная речь: Neil said that he would go to Minsk. – Нил сказал, что поедет в Минск.

  • 3. Conditionals – условные предложения.


– If I had a car I would drive to Amsterdam. – Если бы у меня была машина, я бы поехал в Амстердам. (Second Conditional).

  • 4. Future forms – Будущие формы. А также предлагаем вспомнить, когда употребляется will и going to.


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Глагол Would употребляется в качестве вспомогательного и модального глагола для образования глагольных форм Future in the Past, для выражения сильного желания отказа выполнить действие, для выражения намерения и так далее.

Модальный глагол Would в английском языке

Краткие формы

Утвердительная форма Отрицательная форма
I’d (I would) I wouldn’t (would not)
he’d (he would) he wouldn’t (would not)
she’d (she would) she wouldn’t (would not)
we’d (we would) we wouldn’t (would not)
you’d (you would) you wouldn’t (would not)
they’d (they would)      they wouldn’t (would not)

Глагол would в английском языке употребляется:

  • 1. В качестве вспомогательного глагола для образования глагольных форм Future in the Past (будущее в прошедшем) во 2-м и 3-м лице единственного и множественного числа (вместо глагола will).

He says he will come to see me tomorrow.
Он говорит, что (он) навестит меня завтра.

Не said (that) he would come next day.
Он сказал, что навестит меня на следующий день

He said he would come early.
Он сказал, что придёт рано.

  • 2. Для выражения сильного желания отказа выполнить действие. В отношении неодушевленных предметов would в этих случаях выражает сопротивление усилиям человека.

Не wouldn’t go to the doctor.
Он ни за что не хочет идти к врачу.

I tried to close the case but it wouldn’t.
Я пытался закрыть чемодан, но он никак не закрывался.

В выражениях:

a) would like вместо глагола want (хотеть) в настоящем времени для выражения более вежливой формы.

I would like to see you. Мне бы хотелось увидеть тебя.
I would like an (some) ice-cream.
Мне бы хотелось мороженого.

б) would like в вопросительных предложениях для выражения предложения чего-либо, приглашения к чему-либо.

Would you like to try on this hat?
He хотите ли примерить эту шляпу?

Would you like a well-done steak?
Не хотите ли хорошо поджаренный бифштекс?

Would you like another cup of coffee?
(Не хотите ли) ещё чашечку кофе? (Хотите…?)

в) would care вместо глагола want (хотеть) в значении настоящего времени, но только в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.

Would you care to see my etchings?
He хотите (ли) посмотреть мои гравюры?

Would you care to have some more tea?
Не хотите ли ещё чаю?

г) if only + would для выражения сожаления о действии, которое не совершилось.

If only he would drive more slowly.
Если бы только он ехал медленнее.

If only she would go by train.
Если бы только она поехала поездом.

  • 3. В качестве модального глагола в следующих случаях:

а) для выражения намерения, желания.

Не said he would lend me some money to buy a car.
Он сказал, что одолжит мне деньги, чтобы купить машину.

НО: В утвердительной форме, если would выражает намерение, он употребляется в придаточном предложении.

I said that I would help him.
Я сказал, что помогу ему.

В отрицательной форме would употребляется самостоятельно в значении нежелания что-либо сделать — wouldn’t (часто с оттенком «ни за что», «ни под каким предлогом»).

I wouldn’t lend him money to buy a car.
Я не хочу одалживать ему деньги на покупку машины. (Я отказался…)

He wouldn’t come to see me. (He refused to come.)
Он не захотел навестить меня. (Он отказался прийти.)

б) для выражения повторности действия или настойчивости.

Не would wait for me
at the corner of our house.
Он обычно ждал меня на углу нашего дома. (Или: А он (но он) всё ждал меня на углу нашего дома.— В зависимости от контекста.)

в) для выражения вежливой просьбы.

Would you show me that suit?
Будьте добры, покажите мне вон тот костюм.

Would you tell me where the nearest underground station is?
Не скажете ли мне, где ближайшая станция метро?

Просьба, выраженная с помощью глагола would, — более вежливая и разговорная (неформальная) форма, чем просьба, выраженная с помощью глагола will.

г) для выражения сожаления, что что-то не делают, на чем настаивает говорящий, или делается то, что не одобряет говорящий.

I wish he would study two foreign languages.
Мне хотелось бы, чтобы он изучал два иностранных языка (но он не хочет ).

Mother wished her son wouldn’t be playing football.
Маме хотелось, чтобы её сын не играл в футбол.

The English language is a vast and diverse landscape of words, phrases, and nuances.

One area that can often trip up writers is transition words in writing.

Discover how to use the most common transition, connective, and linking words: and, but, and however, and many others.

Writing Skills

English Transition Words, Connective Words, Linking Words

Transition/Linking words are helpful in essays because they help make sentences cohesive.

They connect ideas and concepts to help your writing flow better.

The most common transition word is «and» to link two phrases or sentences together.

  • «Amy picked up her books and headed out the door for school.

  • «Sam hitched his backpack higher on his shoulder and hurried after Amy.»

In the first example, Amy picked up her books + she headed out the door

(she did 2 actions)

In the second example, Tom hitched his backpack + he hurried after Amy

(he did 2 actions)

Thers is more than one category of transitional words based on their purpose.

For example:


Words such as also, furthermore, and besides.

These words add more information to what you already said/wrote.

For example, you mentioned

  • «Sam loves green food»
  • and want to add some more information about what Sam likes

  • «Sam likes blueberries»)
  • Using a linking word(s) helps the reader understand there is another fact about Sam.

    In this case, the second fact (likes blueberries) contrasts with the first fact (loves green food) because blueberries are not a green food.

    You can write a sentence like this:

    «Sam loves green foood but also likes blueberries.»

    In this sentence, but indicates contrast, and also indicates an additional fact (about Sam).


    Words such as whereas, while, on one hand, and on the other hand.

    These words help organize paragraphs and essays by contrasting ideas between each other.

    Cause and Effect

    Words such as so, because, since, for, therefore.

    These show a cause or effect relationship within sentences.

    For example, «Sam has been working all day long, so he will probably go home early.»

    In this sentence, Sam goes home early because he worked all day (he is tired!).

    This is an example of a cause and effect linkage in writing.


    Words like similarly, likewise, also known as correlative conjunctions tie (connect) two similar items together into one thought process to help organize paragraphs in essay writing.


    Linking words/phrases that show opinion include words like In my opinion, I believe, and From my perspective.


    Conclusion transition words and phrases at the end of a paragraph, final analysis, or essay show closure between topics.

    They include words like in conclusion, finally, and eventually, which all help express the idea of closure in the writing process.


    Linking words that indicate time:

    • before

    • after

    • since

    Use these when giving information about chronological order, as they help the reader understand how one event occurred before/after another.


    These linking words (transitional conjunctions) link reasons to events by showing cause and effect relationships, including because, for example, and so that while also indicating purposeful action when writing your essay or other content.

    Linking Words Examples

    What are linking words?


    The words that connect sentences are called linking words.

    These can be difficult to remember, but there are a few to help you get started.

    They include:

    • therefore
    • in addition
    • finally
    • even though
    • also

    When you use these words to begin a sentence, make sure to put a comma after them.

    You can use many linking words within sentences to add variety to your writing.

    How do you use as a result in a sentence?


    Sam crashed his car. As a result, the car needed to be repaired.

    Our new fire alarm alerts us before there’s time for sparks or flames to spread. As a result, we don’t need to worry about a fire starting anymore.

    How to use despite in a sentence?


    Despite the rain, people still walked to work.

    We laughed despite it being awkward.

    It was too expensive, but he bought it despite his budget.

    Despite my fear of heights, I climbed to the top of Mount Everest in 2021.

    How to use apart from in a sentence?


    «Apart from my cat, I don’t like animals.»

    The speaker doesn’t like any other animals — only their pet cat.

    Apart from can mean excluding. It is often used with this meaning these days.

    Here are some more examples:

  • «How was your holiday?» «Apart from the terrible food, I enjoyed myself.»
  • Apart from can also mean: as well as, in addition to

  • «Apart from winning another gold medal, he wants to break the current world record before retiring as an athlete.»
  • How to use but for in a sentence


    Use when you are trying to show that something would not have occurred if not for another thing.

    But for the cold, Tom would have fit right in.

    But for the severe weather, Tom would have felt very comfortable.

    «I would love to ski today but for my fall yesterday when I injured myself.»

    But for can also be used in sentences where it essentially means if it were not for.

    «But for the lack of time, I would stay longer.

    «If it were not for the lack of time, I would stay longer.

    how to use even though in a sentence


    Meaning: despite the fact that

    «Even though he was an old man, He enjoyed the beautiful sunset with his cat.»

    «I love you even though I cannot always show it.»

    «Listening to your inner spirit is more important than material wealth, even though having both is preferable.»

    Even though it was very expensive, I bought it because I wanted it so much!

    What is the difference between though and although in a sentence?


    Though is an adverb (meaning nevertheless or however ) often used in negative sentences/phrasess.

    It means that something happened despite opposition or disappointment.

    Use it to state contrast with an expected outcome:

  • Though he was rich, he did not spend much money.
  • Although is a conjunction, or linking word (meaning in spite of the fact that (wordy) or even though).

  • Although he didn’t want her there, she came anyway.
  • In spite of the fact that he didn’t want her there, she came anyway.
  • Even though he didn’t want her there, she came anyway.
  • You can interchange although and though in most cases.

    In writing, although is more traditional — but people use both although and though in academic and formal writing — it is okay.

    What are connective words for essay writing in English?


    Connective words for essays are important for essay writing because they help to organize and connect ideas. Some common connective words include:

    • First of all
    • Secondly
    • Additionally
    • In addition
    • Moreover
    • Finally
    • To conclude


    What are transition words?

    Transition words are connecting or linking words in writing that connect one idea to another. They help the reader understand how the ideas in a text are connected and related to each other.

    How can I use transition words in my writing?

    There are many different ways to use linking words; essay writing, for example, uses them to connect ideas in a logical way. In fiction writing, they can be used to connect scenes or events.

    Do I need to learn all the transition words and phrases used in academic writing?

    No, not all of them. But you should learn the most common transitional words and phrases used in writing. Many transition words are not specifically for academic writing. However, some common transition words include «however,» «therefore,» and «thus,» can be used in academic writing essays.

    Transition words and phrases help connect ideas and make your writing flow smoothly. Without them, your writing would sound choppy and abrupt.

    Learning various transition words and phrases will help you improve your writing skills and become a better communicator overall.

    Is a transitional word the same as a connective?

    A connective is a word that connects two clauses or two sentences. A transitional word is a word that indicates the relationship between two ideas in a text.

    Which transition word/phrase should I use to indicate a contrasting view to a previous argument?


    • However, despite this evidence, some people still believe that video games are harmful. On the other hand, there are those who argue that video games can actually be beneficial.

    • While it is true that video games might have some negative effects, there are also positive outcomes associated with playing them

    • In contrast to what has been argued, there are also many benefits of playing video games.

    Which transition word/phrase should I use to indicate a supporting view to a previous argument?

    There are a few different transition words and phrases that can be used to indicate a supporting view to a previous statement, such as «furthermore,» «additionally,» «in addition,» or » moreover.»

    More transition words that indicate support: In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, Besides

    How do I use sequential transitions, words like «first,» «second,»…?

    First, second, third, fourth, fifth… These are all words that can be used to signal transitions in your writing. By using these words (or others like them), you can create a clear and easy-to-follow structure for your reader. In addition, using sequential transition words and phrases can also help to make your writing more concise.

    Here are some tips for using sequential transitions in your writing:

    Use them to signal the order of events. When you are recounting a series of events, transitions can help to indicate the order in which they occurred.

  • For example, if you were describing a process, you might use the following sequence of transitional words and phrases: first, next, then, finally.
  • Use them to signal time. Transitions can also be used to signal when something happened.

  • For example, if you were writing about a family vacation, you might use the following sequence of transitional words and phrases: last summer, this past weekend, a few months ago, yesterday.
  • Which transition words are best for SEO writing?

    The best transition words SEO writers use vary depending on the content and the audience. However, some general tips that may be useful include using transitions that are common and easily understood by readers, as well as those that help to create a logical flow between ideas.

    Top transition words used in SEO writing:

    • Clearly: used to introduce a point that is obvious
    • Specifically: used to provide exact details
    • Actually: used to introduce a point that contrasts with expectations
    • Obviously: used to indicate something that is easy to understand
    • Moreover: used to add additional information in support of an idea
    • Hence: used to emphasize the logical consequence of an idea
    • Finally: used to emphasize the last point in an argument.
    • Lastly: used to conclude a topic or list.
    • Undoubtedly: used to express certainty
    • Unquestionably: used to express strong agreement
    • In any case: used to introduce an alternative point of view
    • At any rate: used to indicate a different viewpoint or opinion
    • All things considered: used to express that all arguments have been weighed.
    • Given these points: used to introduce a new point or summarise prior points
    • In conclusion
    • Provided that: used to introduce a condition
    • So long as: used when introducing a condition that must be met for something to happen.
    • In other words: used to restate a point in different terms.
    • To put it another way: also used to rephrase an idea.
    • That is to say: used to express something in different words.
    • Therefore: used to introduce a logical conclusion or inference
    • However: used to introduce an opposing viewpoint
    • Consequently: used to express the result of an action
    • Furthermore: used to add additional information in support of an idea
    • Additionally: provides extra information in the same vein as ‘furthermore’

    Top SEO transition words recommended by Yoast SEO:

    • On the other hand: introduces a different viewpoint
    • Despite this: acknowledges an opposing stance
    • In addition to: provides additional information that is related
    • Instead of: presents an alternative option
    • As a result of: expresses the consequence of a particular action
    • For example: provides an illustrative case or situation

    Additionally, it is often helpful to use keyword-rich transitions to signal to search engines what the content is about and how it is related to other pieces of content on the website. Ultimately, the goal is to create a writing style that is both effective and efficient in terms of SEO.

    Are there any special copywriting SEO transition words?

    Yes, there are a few key transition words that can signal to search engines that your content is relevant and informative. These include:

    • First
    • Secondly
    • Thirdly
    • Finally
    • In conclusion
    • To summarize

    When you’re writing an essay or assignment, you need to use every trick in the book to maximise your marks. And one of the best tools for radically improving your writing is the power of connective words.

    Used correctly, connective words can give your writing new depth and meaning, improve readability (important for your examiner!) and demonstrate the logic of your arguments.

    Luckily for you, we’ve got plenty of categories, definitions and connectives examples to help you get started…

    Table Of Contents

    1. What are connective words?
    2. How to use connective words
    3. Types of connective words
    4. The TOP 70 connective words for effective essay writing!
    5. Good luck with your essay!
    6. The Science Of Studying Smart

    Psst – this article uses loads of connectives. See if you can spot them in use: we’ve italicised the best examples!

    What are connective words?

    Simply put, connectives are words – or phrases – that link parts of your writing together.

    You’re probably familiar with the most common connective words: and, as, because, but, if, or, so. In fact, I’ve used a few of them already – did you spot them?

    Don’t limit your essay writing to the basics though, because there are hundreds of connectives that can help you to demonstrate different ideas, such as cause and effect, or the chronology of events.

    We’re going to explore ten types of connectives below, but first, here’s a quick refresher on the grammar behind connective words:  

    Definitions: The grammatical bit

    Understanding the grammar behind your writing might not be your thing – but bear with me, because remembering these six definitions will help you know which connective to use when, and where to place them!

    (If you’re just looking for examples of connectives, feel free to skip straight past this bit!)

    Connectives fall into three grammatical categories: conjunctions, prepositions, and adverbs.

    • Conjunctions: are a type of connective BUT they’re not the same. Conjunctions join words, phrases, clauses and sentences together to form longer complex sentences.
      • For example: and, but, for, or, yet.
      • Today, I finished my history assignment but forgot to workout.
    • Prepositions: describe the relative location, place and time between two things. They demonstrate time and space, direction and agency.
      • Such as: at, in, of, on, under.
      • I need to finish the conclusion of my essay before I go to dinner.
    • Adverbs: modify verbs, adjectives and clauses. Adverbs explain how an action is carried out by adding detail, describing manner, and showing the how, when, where and why of the action.
      • For instance: upwards, quickly, fortunately.
      • My deadline is tomorrow. Fortunately, I proofread my thesis chapter already.

    Using adverb and preposition connective words adds specific meaning – and thus clarity – to your writing. They are particularly useful for successful essay signposting.

    Definitions part 2: Connectives in sentences

    When using connectives, it’s also important to remember that not all sentences are created equal in importance. And so, when connecting them into longer sentences, different types of connectives create different results:

    • Co-ordinating connectives: link phrases and clauses of equal importance to create compound sentences.
      • For example: I find French tricky but I love learning Spanish.

    On the other hand,

    • Subordinating connectives: connect main clauses and subordinate clauses to create complex sentences.
      • A subordinate clause relies on the main clause to make sense. Therefore, these connectives give information about the relationship between the clauses by specifying an order or place to events, or a cause and effect link.
      • Here’s an example: I need to do my homework if I want to get a good grade.

    A useful type of subordinating connective for essay writing is the:

    • Sequencing connective: which will help you establish the logical sequence of events/ideas, or demonstrate a chronological order. Great for signposting!
      • For instance: Firstly, I carried out the experiment, and secondly, I analysed the results.

    And that’s your grammar refresh done!

    If you’re struggling with essay-writing grammar, a great tool for checking your writing is Grammarly * – we use it at Exam Study Expert because it catches a broad range of mistakes. Their blog is also a great place to learn how to use conjunctions, prepositions, adverbs and more.

    How to use connective words

    So how do you go about using connectives?

    In this section, we’re going to discuss the where, what and how

    Where to add connectives:

    As we’ve seen, connective words are often found in the middle of a sentence, joining two clauses. But don’t forget you can also use them at the beginning of a sentence to link two consecutive sentences – OR two ideas within your paragraphs (did you see what I did there?).

    Some of your connectives will even be linking entire paragraphs and sections – these are often examples of signposting to guide the reader through your section or argument.

    What’s more, many connectives are not just single words but phrases. These connectives are particularly useful for essay writing and academic vocabulary. For example: as well as, for an example of this, for instance, in addition to, on the other hand, such as.

    What to use connectives for:

    When you’re writing an essay or assignment there are plenty of tasks you need to achieve: presenting evidence, making arguments and more.

    Happily, connectives can help you achieve all these tasks by clarifying your meaning. You can use connectives for:

    • Reinforcing or emphasising a point
    • Exemplifying and showing results
    • Comparing and discussing points of view
    • Constructing a timeline or sequence of events
    • Listing points (and signposting them)
    • Explaining your argument
    • Drawing together conclusions

    It’s a long list! So master using connectives and you’ll drastically improve the readability of your writing across all sections of your essay.

    How to add in useful connective words:

    You’re probably already using basic connectives in your writing.

    But if you want to get serious about the benefits to your grades, make sure you’re systematic about how you add them during your essay construction – and (later) proofreading to check they make sense on a large(r) scale!

    From experience, I would suggest that the best method for choosing and adding effective connectives is to:

    1. Sketch out a rough draft of your paragraph or essay section
    2. Separate out the points you’re making and identify how these arguments relate to each other
      • Are they separate arguments for the same thing? Or opposite points of view? Do they follow on logically (cause and effect) or chronologically?
    3. Mark where you want to add signposting connectives to indicate structure
    4. Check your examples of connective word types and choose options that convey the meaning you need…

    And for that purpose, we’ve compiled four lists of connective words for you – including the TOP 70 connectives for effective essay writing! So read on…

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      Types of connective words

      So let’s get down to the really useful stuff: examples of connectives you can use in different situations in your essays!

      There are three main types of connectives that we’re going to explore in turn:

      • Comparative, Causal, and Temporal

      Comparative connective words

      These helpful words and phrases are perfect both for comparing similarities in data and arguments, and for pointing out their differences and oppositions. Use them to compare, discuss and argue.

      When comparing points, you’ll often be adding to your argument, so these connectives are used for “addition”. The most common connectives for addition are: and, also, furthermore, moreover.

      Here are some examples in practice:

      • Leonardo Da Vinci was an artist and inventor, and also an influential Renaissance humanist.
      • Exam Study Expert’s psychologist William offers expert one-on-one exam coaching. Furthermore, you can sign up for a free introductory session!
      • My empirical data demonstrates that … ; similarly, theoretical models projected …

      On the other hand, you might need to demonstrate and contrast your argument with the opposing point of view with a connective for “opposition”. The most commonly used are: alternatively, except, however, unless.

      connectives examples

      These examples all demonstrate opposition:

      • Winston Churchill is best known for his wartime leadership of the United Kingdom, yet he was already in his 60’s when he took office.
      • Some students find great study motivation from starting the day with their hardest task. In contrast, others find getting the ball rolling with smaller tasks more effective.
      • Our first questionnaire was comprised of six questions. However, for our second questionnaire we …

      Causal connective words

      Causal connectives are effective for discussing cause and effect – relationships that have logical links that you want to point out and prove.

      As such, academic writing is often full of causal connectives, and many of them demonstrate a very academic vocabulary (great for bonus points in your assignment!).

      Most essays and assignments have a section (or several sections!) where you need to draw together your facts, ideas and arguments and point out the connections. These are the connectives to turn to at those moments!

      The most commonly used are: as such, as a result (of), because, consequently, therefore, thus.

      connective words

      Here are some examples:

      • The brains of London taxi drivers have a larger than usual area that deals with memory because they are required to memorise and navigate thousands of streets.
      • Flashcards are a highly effective learning and memory tool, provided that you use them correctly.
      • This study surveyed over 3,000 students. As a result, we were able to …

      Temporal connective words

      Whether you’re explaining the sequence of events that led to a historical battle, or demonstrating the steps in your experiment, temporal connectives are a highly valuable tool.

      They’re all about discussing time and the chronology of events – what happened before, during and after. Therefore, they make for great signposting words too!

      temporal connective words

      These examples explore each of the four sections in our temporal connectives lists:

      • The law of gravity was not widely understood until it was mathematically formulated by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687.
      • If you’re stressed about your exams, mindful meditation can be a great help. At the same time,an inspirational quote might give you the boost you need!
      • Initially, the experiment was expected to demonstrate … Eventually, we came to the conclusion that …

      The TOP 70 connective words for effective essay writing!

      To make sure that you’ve got the tools you need to improve your grades, we’ve compiled this epic list of all the best connectives to use in academic writing.

      This is just a selection from the hundreds of connective words and phrases available. So there’s no need to make your essay stale by over-using the same one or two!

      If there’s nothing else you grab when you’re ticking off Step #4 from the connectives methodology above – make sure you grab this list!

      It covers all the stages of essay structuring and writing, from introduction to conclusion. And includes lists of connectives for:

      • Signposting and listing
      • Showing your results by:
        • Comparing and contrasting
        • Illustrating your findings
        • Demonstrating cause and effect
      • Emphasising points
      • Qualifying your arguments

      We’ve highlighted the best and most commonly used connectives for each section to ensure you’ve got THE best resource to improve the quality of your essay immediately.

      connective words list

      To finish off, here are some examples to get your essay-writing inspiration flowing:

      • Firstly, it is well-known that retrieval practice is an effective learning method as compared with re-reading study texts and notes.
      • I’m feeling tired tonight. Nevertheless, I must finish my homework and I want to take the dog for a walk.
      • When it comes to …, however, there are several effective methods to …, in particular, …

      Good luck with your essay!

      Now you’ve mastered adding effective connective words to your essay you’re ready for the next step. Be sure to check out our guide on proofreading your assignment before you hand it in. Good luck!

      And for more expert, science-backed study resources, sign up to the Exam Study Expert newsletter right here:

      ** Please note: Grammarly is one of very few products we’re sufficiently enthusiastic about to recommend to our Exam Study Expert readers, and we may earn a small commission if you sign up to Grammarly services through the above link.

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