Is worthwhile one word

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Miss Jaclyn Walter DVM

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In the past, careful users of the language wrote it as one word when it was used as an adjective – when it was used before a noun. For example, Abhai wants to get involved in some worthwhile cause. In all other contexts, it was written as two words.

How do you use worthwhile in a sentence?

Worthwhile sentence example

  1. It was worthwhile to pursue the ghost writer. …
  2. It was worthwhile to contribute. …
  3. As with all the best presents, the wait was definitely worthwhile . …
  4. I’d like to think we were doing something worthwhile instead of wasting our time on pointless errands.

What kind of word is worthwhile?

Worth and worthwhile are adjectives. Worth is only used after verbs such as be, seem, look (as a predicative adjective).

What is a one one word?

A sentence word (also called a one-word sentence) is a single word that forms a full sentence. Henry Sweet described sentence words as ‘an area under one’s control’ and gave words such as «Come!», «John!», «Alas!», «Yes.» and «No.» as examples of sentence words. … Wegener called sentence words «Wortsätze».

Is worthwhile an adjective or a noun?

worthwhile. / (ˌwɜːθˈwaɪl) / adjective. sufficiently important, rewarding, or valuable to justify time or effort spent.

44 related questions found

Can a person be worthwhile?

For an individual to be worthwhile they will need to be able to show respect. There are different kinds of respect, respect for authority and position, respect for character and achievement, respect for human dignity, respect for property and respect for yourself.

What is the synonym of worthy?

noble, satisfying, worthwhile, admirable, reliable, excellent, desirable, valuable, honest, trustworthy, deserving, decent, laudable, true, sterling, good, pleasing, choice, upright, moral.

What is another word for one on one?

In this page you can discover 5 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for one-on-one, like: man-to-man, face-to-face, person-to-person, and one-to-one.

What is a one word sentence called?

An imperative sentence can be as short as one word, such as: «Go.» Technically, a sentence must contain at least a subject and a verb, but in this case, the subject (you) is assumed and understood.

What is worthwhile in life?

To find the purpose, we have to be able to trust our hearts, our instinct and allow it to lead us. If you get a general feeling of well-being and happiness most of the time when you think of your day, you have found your purpose and are leading a worthwhile life.

What’s the difference between worthwhile and worthy?

Worthy is indeed used more for people, meaning «deserving». Worthwhile is something «worth the time, money or effort spent» because, as e2efour said, it will come in useful in later life.

Can I make it worthwhile?

make (something) worth (one’s) while

To ensure that something is beneficial to one or not a waste of one’s time.

What is a worthwhile experience?

If something is worthwhile, it is enjoyable or useful, and worth the time, money, or effort that is spent on it.

What things we should do to make your life worthwhile?

How to live a worthwhile life

  1. Recognize how much of your life is made up of your own self-limiting beliefs, and then, manage those beliefs. …
  2. Remember that clarity is a choice. …
  3. Stop trying to achieve everything. …
  4. Never stop building. …
  5. Connect to your mind, body, and spirit. …
  6. For your body, move it.

What is 0 called?

«Zero» is the usual name for the number 0 in English. In British English «nought» is also used. In American English «naught» is used occasionally for zero, but (as with British English) «naught» is more often used as an archaic word for nothing.

How do you spell 14?

14 (fourteen) is a natural number following 13 and succeeded by 15. In relation to the word «four» (4), 14 is spelled «fourteen».

Is Ain’t a word?

Is ain’t a word? Absolutely. Ain’t is a perfectly valid word, but today, ain’t is considered nonstandard. At worst, it gets stigmatized for being “ignorant” or “low-class.” At best, it’s considered a no-no in formal writing.

What is an antonym for one?

Opposite of being a single, sole or solitary member a kind, type, or class. combined. collective. multiple.

What is the meaning of one-to-one meeting?

A 1:1 meeting (pronounced one-on-one or one-to-one meeting) is a regular check-in between two people in an organization – typically a manager and an employee. … It’s often considered the most important meeting you can have because it lays the foundation for a trusting and productive work relationship.

What is another word for one of a kind?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for one-of-a-kind, like: unique, in a class by itself, unparalleled, unprecedented, special, distinctive, rare, original, covetable and null.

Who is a worthy person?

The definition of worthy is someone or something that has desirable qualities and is entitled to respect or attention. An example of someone who would be described as worthy of an award is a person who has all the qualities required to obtain the award. adjective.

What is a good word for powerful?

Synonyms & Antonyms of powerful

  • heavy,
  • heavy-duty,
  • important,
  • influential,
  • mighty,
  • potent,
  • puissant,
  • significant,

стоящий, путный, дельный


- стоящий; дающий результат

worthwhile / worthy cause — важное, общественно значимое дело
is the experiment worthwhile? — есть ли смысл /стоит ли/ ставить этот опыт?
we tried it but found it was not worthwhile — мы попробовали, но убедились, что зря теряем время
in a worthwhile manner — результативно

Мои примеры


to be worthwhile — иметь смысл  
worthwhile nuclear target — выгодная цель для ядерного удара  

Примеры с переводом

He wanted to do a worthwhile job.

Он хотел заниматься полезной работой.

Is it worthwhile to try to fix my computer?

Стоит ли пытаться починить мой компьютер?

The money is for a worthwhile cause.

Эти деньги пойдут на достойное /общественно значимое/ дело.

It wasn’t worthwhile continuing with the project.

Продолжать этот проект не было никакого смысла.

I thought it was worthwhile to clarify the matter.

Я подумал, что стоит внести ясность в данный вопрос.

We decided to give the money to a worthwhile cause (=one that helps people).

Мы решили отдать эти деньги на благое (т.е. полезное людям) дело.

Seeing my children’s joy made building the tree house all worthwhile.

Этот домик на дереве стоило построить только ради того, чтобы увидеть, как радуются мои дети.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…somewhere, lost within all that wordage, is a modestly worthwhile idea…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

rewarding  — стоящий
worthy  — достойный, заслуживающий, достойный человек, герой, особа

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Therefore, limiting but not completely avoiding sugar — specifically added sugar — is worthwhile for your health.

Следовательно, ограничение, но не полное избегание сахара — особенно добавленного сахара — имеет смысл для вашего здоровья.

To convince investors and developers that installing green roofs is worthwhile, economic arguments are still the most important.

Чтобы убедить инвесторов и разработчиков в том, что установка зеленых крыш имеет смысл, экономические аргументы по-прежнему являются наиболее важными.

Than again, if you feel that your contribution is worthwhile, please feel free to ignore this advice.

Чем опять же, если вы чувствуете, что ваш вклад имеет смысл, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь игнорировать этот совет.

Even saving one life is worthwhile.

In their world, data is worthwhile like gold.

В деловом мире ваша личная информация может быть такой же ценной, как и золото.

Nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks.

Вы не добьетесь ничего значимого в жизни, если не будете рисковать.

What is left is worthwhile seeing.

Однако то, что осталось, стоит посмотреть.

Everything I do is worthwhile in some way.

Everything we do for children is worthwhile.

«То, что мы делаем для детей, бесценно.

Show him that music is something that is worthwhile.

Social skills can be improved and the effort is worthwhile.

Но улучшение социальных навыков приносит положительные результаты, а все усилия окупаются.

Therefore a look into the forums is worthwhile in any case.

A walk around the village itself is worthwhile, too.

But even if you do not get to see them in the summer months, this unforgettable experience is worthwhile.

Но даже если вы не увидите их в летние месяцы, этот незабываемый опыт стоит того.

When pressed to demonstrate that what they do is worthwhile, digital marketers quickly point to traffic numbers.

Нажимая, чтобы продемонстрировать, что то, что они делают, стоит, цифровые маркетологи быстро указывают на цифры трафика.

The smooth incorporation into existing processes is a great advantage and is worthwhile especially for the long term for a stable production.

Плавное включение в существующие процессы является большим преимуществом и особенно важно в долгосрочной перспективе для стабильного производства.

Even with these shortcomings the book is worthwhile.

We believe that when an idea is worthwhile, there should be no a priori constraints to its acceptance.

И мы полагаем, что, когда идея того заслуживает, для ее принятия не должно быть априорных препон.

This is worthwhile because it is natural and it can be a remedy to the pain and symptoms you feel daily.

Это определенно стоит попробовать, так как это естественное средство, которое может помочь вашим ежедневным симптомам и боли.

That is why judicial travail is worthwhile.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат is worthwhile

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worthwhile — перевод на русский


She wanted that boy to have something worthwhile.

Она хотела, чтобы у этого парня было, что-то стоящее.

Mr. Benedict, wanting to honor his sister’s wishes… and, of course, right along with his own personal feeling for you… He wants to see to it that you get something really worthwhile.

Мистер Бенедикт, желая уважить пожелания сестры и, конечно, в согласии с собственными личными чувствами к тебе, он хочет, чтобы у тебя действительно было что-то стоящее.

It was the first time anyone ever asked me to do anything worthwhile.

Наверное, впервые кто-то попросил меня сделать что-то стоящее.

If only you could put your mind to something worthwhile.

Если бы ты мог направить свою энергию в что-нибудь стоящее.

I want to do something with my life-— something worthwhile.

Я хочу что-то сделать со своей жизнью, что-то стоящее.

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But the headache… the next morning is worthwhile if you drink it with the right toast.

Но головная боль на утро стоит сказанных тостов.

They’re the only people worthwhile knowing around here. Ring them.

Это единственные люди во всей округе, с кем стоит иметь дело.

Isn’t that worthwhile?

Разве это ничего не стоит?

It isn’t worthwhile!

Это ничего не стоит!

somebody of the inhabitants of coliseum in a friendly way gave to them to understand that he does not be worthwhile to persist, because the characters, whom Fellini attempted to find, most likely were invented.

Кое-кто из обитателей Колизея по-дружески дал им понять, что не стоит упорствовать, потому что персонажи, которые Феллини пытался отыскать, скорее всего вымышлены.

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Well, I told Sergeant Block to bring them back if he thought it was worthwhile, if there’ll be time between now and dinner.

Ну, я сказал сержанту, чтобы он привёл их обратно, если будет смысл возвращаться, то есть если останется время до обеда.

In which case this entire unnecessary business will have been worthwhile.

В таком случае все эти ненужные действия будут иметь смысл.

We’ll see if I can show you that it has all been worthwhile.

Увидим, смогу я доказать, что все это имело смысл.

But you know what made it worthwhile?

Но знаете, что придало этому смысл?

A long life is only worthwhile if one can fill it with the extraordinary.

Долгая жизнь имеет смысл только тогда, если можно заполнить ее чем-то экстраординарным.

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Doubtless you will let me know what immensely worthwhile… or at least useful thing that it is you find to do.

Ты, без сомнения, сообщишь мне, …какое достойное или хотя бы полезное занятие ты себе найдешь?

I’ll still do something worthwhile with my life

Потому что верю, что когда-нибудь совершу что-то достойное.

But getting a good person out of government is a worthwhile endeavor.

Но вытащить хорошего человека из правительства – это достойное стремление..

I need to do something to make this miserable existence worthwhile.

Мне нужно сделать что-то, достойное такого жалкого существования.

It’s a worthwhile job.

Это достойная работа.

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I mean, why not make this trip worthwhile?

В смысле, почему бы не сделать это путешествие полезным?

So instead of hassling me, maybe you two should be doing something worthwhile.

Поэтому вместо того, чтобы напрягать меня, вам двоим, может, стоит заняться чем-то полезным?

I think it would be really worthwhile to build in some publicity opportunities while he’s hot.

Я думаю, будет полезным сделать ему рекламу, пока он еще такой горячий.

I’ve never done anything worthwhile in my life.

За свою жизнь я не сделал ничего полезного.

I never done nothin’ worthwhile in my life.

Я не сделал ничего полезного за всю жизнь.

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Our lives are more worthwhile, fuller, more important, and simply better, because they have been touched by yours.

А наши жизни станут более ценными, более насыщенными более важными, и просто лучше потому что они соприкоснулись с твоей жизнью.

Still with a brain, worthwhile opinions, maybe even some valuable wisdom.

Всё так же с разумом, с ценными мыслями, может, даже имея с глубокой мудростью.

Do you all think that at this point in life a person has anything left to say, that is worthwhile?

Неужели все вы думаете, что на этом жизненном этапе человеку всё ещё осталось, что сказать, осталось что-то ценное?

But nothing worthwhile ever is.

Но за всё ценное надо платить.

The only thing that makes that crazy ride worthwhile is

Единственное, что делает эту сумасшедшую гонку ценной, это

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It’s adventurous customers like you who make what I do worthwhile.

Благодаря таким смелым клиентам, как вы, я работаю не напрасно.

That it’s all worthwhile because our cause is just.

«то всЄ это не напрасно, потому что наше дело правое.

Make it worthwhile.

Это не будет напрасно.

The sacrifice might be worthwhile.

Эта жертва стала бы не напрасной.

There are days that make the sacrifices seem worthwhile.

Иногда жертвы кажутся не напрасными.

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From winning to wise, there are dozens of positive words that start with W.

Words Beginning With W That Have 6 or More Letters.

Word Definition Synonyms
worthwhile (adj.) important enough to warrant an investment of time and energy worth it

Simply so What is a worthwhile life? If you get a general feeling of well-being and happiness most of the time when you think of your day, you have found your purpose and are leading a worthwhile life. … It doesn’t matter what the purpose is so long as it translates into making our lives and those of others worthwhile and happy..

What does nothing worthwhile mean? 4 indicating the absence of anything perceptible; nothingness. 5 indicating the absence of meaning, value, worth, etc. to amount to nothing.

also What is a better way to say is worth it? “It’s generally not worth it unless you are a time-pressed business traveler on an expense account.”

What is another word for worth it?

worthwhile good
helpful profitable
useful valuable
worthy beneficial
constructive gainful

What is another synonym for worthwhile?

advantageous, beneficial, constructive, excellent, good, important, invaluable, justifiable, lucrative, productive, profitable, rewarding, useful, valuable, worthy, estimable, gainful, meritorious, paying, priceless.

How do you feel worthwhile? You can then build on the increased well-being and inner peace you will experience by:

  1. Talking to yourself in a kind and caring manner.
  2. Eliminating your inner critic.
  3. Showering yourself with self-acceptance and hopefully self-love.
  4. Appreciating your good qualities.
  5. Taking great care of yourself.

What can I do thats worthwhile?

6 Simple Things You Can Do To Your Life To Make It Worthwhile

  • Make friends as opposed to networking. …
  • Become an expert by learning as much as you can and deeply seeking out the things you are curious about. …
  • Volunteer to help out those less fortunate. …
  • Become as independent as possible.

How do I make my life worthwhile? How to live a worthwhile life

  1. Recognize how much of your life is made up of your own self-limiting beliefs, and then, manage those beliefs. …
  2. Remember that clarity is a choice. …
  3. Stop trying to achieve everything. …
  4. Never stop building. …
  5. Connect to your mind, body, and spirit. …
  6. For your body, move it.

How do you make something worthwhile?

6 Simple Things You Can Do To Your Life To Make It Worthwhile

  1. Make friends as opposed to networking. …
  2. Become an expert by learning as much as you can and deeply seeking out the things you are curious about. …
  3. Volunteer to help out those less fortunate. …
  4. Become as independent as possible.

Is it worthwhile or worth while? What is the difference between ‘worthwhile’ and ‘worth while’? In terms of meaning, there is no difference between the two words. When you say that something was ‘worthwhile’, you mean that the time, money or energy you spent on it was worth it. In other words, you are quite happy with the result.

Is the saying worthwhile or worth wild?

Worthwhile is spelled as one word. It means worth repaying your time, your interest, work, trouble, attention ( This definition is echoed by almost all other sources.

How do you say worth it professionally? worthwhile

  1. advantageous.
  2. beneficial.
  3. constructive.
  4. excellent.
  5. good.
  6. important.
  7. invaluable.
  8. justifiable.

Is it worth or worthy?

Worth is a noun, approximately synonymous with value, so it doesn’t fit there. Worthy is the correct part of speech (an adjective), but I don’t think it means what you want to say. Worthy means ‘deserving (of)’, whereas ‘worthwhile’ means ‘worth the effort/money/etc spent on’.

What type of word is worthwhile?

Good and important enough to spend time, effort, or money on.

What is a word for hard but worth it? Exhilarating, soul-satisfying, rewarding, enriching, challenging, stupendous, enthralling, meritorious, ennobling, character-building, gratifying, strengthening, mind-bending, —-these probably need another word to give the full meaning you are seeking, but they may be useful starting points.

How do you say worth my time? advantageous

  1. auspicious.
  2. beneficial.
  3. expedient.
  4. for the best.
  5. fortunate.
  6. helpful.
  7. opportune.
  8. profitable.

How do you tell someone they are worthy?

You could say, “thank you”, make eye contact while talking, listen with interest, or you could wish someone “good morning”. You could also give small gifts or a handwritten note as a token of appreciation, or send a message with a “you are worth it” quote at the right time to help them feel worthy.

How can I work on worthiness? 5 Activities and Exercises for Developing Self-Worth

  1. Increase your self-understanding. An important activity on the road to self-worth is to build self-understanding. …
  2. Boost your self-acceptance. …
  3. Enhance your self-love. …
  4. Recognize your self-worth. …
  5. Take responsibility for yourself.

How do you build worthiness?

Here are five ways to nourish your self-esteem when it is low:

  1. Use positive affirmations correctly. …
  2. Identify your competencies and develop them. …
  3. Learn to accept compliments. …
  4. Eliminate self-criticism and introduce self-compassion. …
  5. Affirm your real worth.

How do you live a simple and fulfilling life? 16 Ways to Be Happier and Live a More Fulfilling Life

  1. Prioritize your time wisely.
  2. Build relationships over possessions.
  3. Take what you can from life, but always give back.
  4. Be accountable for your words and actions.
  5. Be disciplined in your personal and professional life.
  6. Expunge hate from your heart.

How can we make our life worthwhile paragraph?

How do you live your life worthy successfully and peacefully? How to Live a Meaningful Life: 10 Inspiring Ideas to Find Meaning

  1. Know What’s Important. Know what’s important for you. …
  2. Pursue Your Passion. …
  3. Discover Your Life’s Purpose. …
  4. Be Self-Aware. …
  5. Focus. …
  6. Spend Money on People More Than Things. …
  7. Live With Compassion. …
  8. Find a Way to Give Back.
  • 1

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > путный

  • 2

    (= значение, см. также разумный, бессмысленный) sense, meaning, point, significance

    А также мы можем увидеть более ясно геометрический смысл… — Also we can see more clearly the geometrical significance of…

    В более широком смысле мы могли бы определить… — In a more extended sense we may define…

    В данный момент имеет смысл рассмотреть более глубоко… — At this point, it is worthwhile to go more deeply into…

    В такой ситуации имеет смысл (вычислить и т. п.)… — In this situation it pays to…

    Геометрически это условие имеет следующий смысл. — Geometrically the condition has the following meaning.

    Данное решение противоречит физическому смыслу в том, что… — A nonphysical aspect of this solution is that…

    Действительный смысл этого примера состоит в том, что… — The real point of this illustration is that…

    Для того чтобы это сравнение имело смысл, мы дополнительно предполагаем, что… — For the comparison to be meaningful, we also assume that…

    Его/ее точный смысл достаточно труден для понимания. — The precise meaning of this is rather difficult to grasp.

    Здравый смысл подсказывает нам, что… — Common sense guides us to suppose that…

    Имеет смысл ожидать, что… — It is reasonable to anticipate that…

    Имеет смысл проверить… — It is worthwhile to examine…

    Имеется и другой смысл, в котором… — There is another sense in which…

    Итак, кажется, имеет смысл… — Hence it seems reasonable to…

    Казалось бы, что здравый смысл подсказывает нам… — Common sense seems to tell us that…

    Мы истолковываем смысл этого эксперимента как… — We interpret this experiment to mean that…

    Никакого простого физического смысла не может быть приписано… — No simple physical meaning can be attached to…

    Обе части уравнения имеют смысл. — Both sides of the equation have meaning.

    Однако имеет смысл использовать факт, что… — But the sensible thing is to use the fact that…

    Однако имеет смысл проиллюстрировать данную технику следующим примером. — It is, however, worthwhile to illustrate the technique by the following example.

    Однако необходимо рассмотреть смысл… — However, it is necessary to consider the significance of…

    Полностью оценить смысл данного принципа можно лишь после того, как у нас будет… — The full meaning of this principle can be appreciated only after we have…

    Следовательно, имеет смысл… — It is therefore sensible to…

    Следовательно, редко имеет смысл (находить и т. п.)… — It is, therefore, seldom worthwhile to…

    Смысл в том, что… — The point is that…

    Теперь, кажется, имеет смысл спросить, действительно ли… — It seems reasonable at this point to ask whether…

    Физический смысл этого результата состоит в том, что… — The physical significance of this result is that…

    Эти уравнения теперь принимают форму в некотором смысле аналогичную… — These equations are now in a form analogous in some respects to…

    Это придает смысл определению… — This gives a means of defining…

    Это противоречило бы здравому смыслу. — This would run counter to common sense; This would go against common sense; This would oppose common sense.

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > смысл

  • 3

    sensible; worthwhile

    пу́тный разгово́р — a worthwhile talk

    ничего́ пу́тного из э́того не вы́йдет — nothing worthwhile will come of it, this won’t get you anywhere

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > путный

  • 4
    иметь смысл

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > иметь смысл

  • 5

    It is profitable (or well) to consider the ways in which points can be arranged to give a repeating array.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > целесообразно

  • 6
    есть ли смысл ставить этот опыт?

    1) General subject: is the experiment worthwhile?

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > есть ли смысл ставить этот опыт?

  • 7
    она никак не могла решить, стоит он внимания или нет

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > она никак не могла решить, стоит он внимания или нет

  • 8
    стоить отметить

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > стоить отметить

  • 9



    : human




    1. to be engaged in work, occupy


    with some activity

    X дело делает — X keeps (himself) busy

    X attends to his work

    X-y надо дело делать — X should be doing something

    давайте дело делать =• leVs get to work.

    2. to do


    needed, important

    X дело делает = X is doing real work

    X is doing something worthwhile (useful



    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Д-80

  • 10

    (= проверить) check (for, on, with), test (for), verify, examine, inspect

    А теперь мы проверим свойства… — We shall now examine properties of T which follow from (2.9).

    В качестве другого примера мы можем проверить… — As a further example we may examine…

    Всех их (соотношения и т. п.) можно легко проверить. — These can all be easily verified.

    Результатом, который можно легко проверить, является… — The result, which may be easily verified, is…

    Имеет смысл проверить… — It is worthwhile to examine…

    Легко можно проверить, что… — It may be verified without difficulty that…

    Легко проверить справедливость следующих утверждений. — It is easy to verify the truth of the following statements.

    Легко проверить, что… — It is readily verifiable that…; It is easy to verify that…; It is easy to check that…

    Лучше всего проверить, действительно ли… — It is usually best to determine whether…

    Между тем мы должны проверить… — Meanwhile we should examine…

    Можно немедленно проверить, что… — It can be immediately verified that…

    Можно проверить, что уравнения (1) и (2) эквивалентны. — It can be verified that (1) and (2) are equivalent.

    Наконец, мы должны проверить… — Finally we ought to examine…

    Нам все еще необходимо проверить, действительно ли… — We still need to examine whether…

    Непосредственно можно проверить, что… — It is directly verifiable that…

    Непосредственной подстановкой можно проверить, что… — It may be verified by direct substitution that…

    Остается проверить, действительно ли… — It remains to examine whether…

    Остается проверить, что… — It remains to verify that…

    Перед тем как упростить данное решение, давайте проверим… — Before simplifying this solution, let us examine…

    Поучительно будет проверить, что… — It will be illuminating to examine…

    Поучительно проверить это. — It is instructive to verify this.

    Применяя данную теорему, важно проверить, что… — When applying the theorem it is essential to check that…

    Следовательно, стоит проверить… — It is therefore worthwhile to examine…

    Строго говоря, мы должны проверить, что… — Strictly speaking we should verify that…

    Теперь мы готовы проверить, действительно ли… — We are now ready to test whether…

    Читатель должен проверить выполнение этих соотношений. — The reader should verify these statements.

    Читатель должен проверить, что это справедливо. — The reader should verify that this is the case.

    Читатель легко может проверить, что… — The reader will have no difficulty in verifying…

    Читателю предлагается самостоятельно проверить, что… — The reader is welcome to check that…

    Чтобы проверить это предложение… — То verify this suggestion we…

    Чтобы проверить эту гипотезу, мы продолжим… — То test this hypothesis, we proceed to…

    Это можно проверить (путем)… — This can be verified by…

    Это стандартная процедура для того, чтобы проверить, что… — It is a routine matter to verify that…

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > проверять

  • 11

    (= заслуживать) be worth, cost, be worthwhile, be a matter of

    В связи с данной задачей стоит заметить, что… — In connection with this problem it is worth noting that…

    В связи с этим стоит отметить, что… — In this connection, it is worth noting that…

    Имеются несколько моментов, которые стоят

    (= заслуживают) упоминания. — There are several points worth noting:

    На этом шаге стоит отметить, что… — It is worth remarking at this stage that…

    Однако стоит проиллюстрировать данную технику следующим примером. — It is, however, worthwhile to illustrate the technique by the following example.

    Прежде чем продолжить изложение, стоит отметить, что… — Before we go further, it is worth observing that…

    Проделывая это, стоит помнить, что… — In doing so, it is well to bear in mind that…

    Стоит заметить, что… — It is noteworthy that…; It is worth noticing that…

    Стоит особо подчеркнуть, что… — It is worthy of special emphasis that…

    Стоит отметить, что… — It is worth pointing out that…

    Тем не менее, стоит кратко рассмотреть (вопрос и т. п.)… — Nevertheless, it is interesting to look briefly at…

    Русско-английский словарь научного общения > стоить

  • 12
    дело делать





    : human;






    1. to be engaged in work, occupy


    with some activity:

    ♦ «Чем в губернское правление-то шататься… лучше бы дело делать!»(Салтыков-Щедрин 2). «Instead of wasting his time in government departments…he should have been doing something!» (2a).

    ♦ Вышинский? Законченный негодяй. Всю жизнь был меньшевиком, понятно, в меньшевиках можно дела не делать, только краснобайствовать (Рыбаков 2). What about Vyshinsky? He was a thoroughbred scoundrel. All his life he’d been a Menshevik. That was understandable: among the Mensheviks you didn’t have to do anything, other than engage in rhetoric (2a).

    2. to do


    needed, important:

    X is doing something worthwhile (useful etc).

    ♦ «Эхе, xe! двенадцать часов! — сказал наконец Чичиков, взглянув на часы. — Что ж я так закопался? Да ещё пусть бы дело делал…» (Гоголь 3). «Oh, my, it’s twelve o’clock already,» said Chichikov, glancing at his watch. «Why have I been lingering over the stuff so long? Had I been doing something worthwhile, it wouldn’t have been so bad…» (3c).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > дело делать

  • 13
    иметь смысл

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > иметь смысл

  • 14

    прич. от стоить; разг.

    worthwhile; worth doing

    * * *

    прич. от стоить ; worthwhile; worth doing предик.

    * * *






    Новый русско-английский словарь > стоящий

  • 15
    стоит рассмотреть

    Стоит рассмотреть, каковы возможные стратегии игроков для некоторых из простых игр в орлянку. — It is worthwhile to consider what the players’ possible strategies are for some of the simple Matching Pennies games.

    Russian-English Dictionary «Microeconomics» > стоит рассмотреть

  • 16

    cost, be worth, be worthwhile, be a matter of; стоит, costs, is worth (while); stands, stops, remains, is, there is; стоит только доказать, it remains only to prove

    Русско-английский словарь математических терминов > стоить

  • 17

    1) be a matter of

    2) be worth
    3) be worthwhile
    4) cost

    Русско-английский технический словарь > стоить

  • 18


    To see the relative role of…, it is instructive to compute these parameters for a 1 metre cuvette.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > полезно

  • 19

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > целесообразен

  • 20

    Because of the high neutron output associated with deuterium-tritium fuel, a heat-cycle conversion system would be appropriate.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > целесообразный

  • Here is the simplest advice I can give on the difference between the adjectives worthy and worthwhile:

    1. If you are talking about a person or thing (a noun) that deserves respect/attention/recognition/etc, use worthy.

    • John is worthy of a promotion.
    • That idea is worthy of consideration.

    2. If you are talking about the value of doing an activity, use worthwhile.

    • Brushing your teeth is worthwhile.
    • If you’re going to travel abroad, getting health insurance is worthwhile.

    That is the most important distinction. See below for more details.

    Word Family for ‘Worth’

    Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
    worth worth worthily
    worthlessness worthless worthlessly

    As you can see, worth, worthy, and worthy are all adjectives, but worth is also a noun. Let’s focus on adjectives and their most common uses.

    ‘Worthy’ Means Something/Someone is Deserving of Recognition/Respect/Attention

    The adjective worthy describes something that deserves recognition, respect, or attention. For example:

    • His songs are worthy of recognition. (= The songs are good enough/deserve to be recognized.)
    • The offer was not worthy of consideration. (= It did not deserve to be considered.)
    • He is a man worthy of respect. (= He deserves to be respected.)

    As you can see, worthy is often combined with the preposition of.

    Worthy can also be used before a noun:

    • The boxer wanted to find a worthy opponent. (He was looking for an opponent that deserved his attention.)
    • I think this charity is a worthy cause. (The charity deserves respect/recognition as a cause.)

    In summary, if you are talking about a noun (a thing or person) that deserves respect or attention, use worthy.

    ‘Worthwhile’ Means an Activity Has Enough Value to Spend Time On

    The adjective worthwhile describes an activity (never a person) that has enough value to spend effort or time on.

    Remember that the word while is always used with an activity that takes time. For example, I read while I take the train. Here, taking the train is an action that takes time.  Similarly to how we use while, you can only use worthwhile with activities that take time.

    • Reading on the train is worthwhile.
    • It is worthwhile to read on the train.

    (Note: Worthwhile is sometimes written as two words, ‘worth while’, and sometimes ‘worth my/your/his/her/their while’.)

    Both of these sentences mean that reading is an activity that has enough value to justify doing it. Here are some more examples with the actions in purple:

    • Getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist is worthwhile.
    • Meeting Jane was worthwhile
    • Mark is not sure if getting a Master’s degree would be worthwhile.

    Note: Expressions ‘Worth the Time’ & ‘Worth Your While’

    Instead of using worthwhile, you can also use the expressions worth your time / worth your while / worth it:

    • Getting your teeth cleaned by a dentist is worth your time / worth the while / worth it.
    • Meeting Jane was worth my time / worth it.
    • Mark is not sure if getting a Master’s degree would be worth his time / worth his while / worth it.

    Worthwhile + Noun

    Even without the verb representing the activity, we can still use worthwhile when the activity we are referring to is understood.

    • I hope reading this lesson is worthwhile. > I hope this is a worthwhile lesson. (‘This’ refers to reading the lesson)
    • Visiting the dentist was worthwhile. = It was a worthwhile visit. (‘It’ refers to visiting the dentist)

    That’s the end of the lesson on worthy vs worthwhile. If you’d like to read a little about worth, see below.

    ‘Worth’ Describes the Value of an Object

    The adjective worth tells you the value (usually financial) of an object.

    • That book is worth $10.
    • I bought a table worth $300.

    Worth can also refer to the value of investing time or effort. As mentioned above, when used this way, it is the same as worthwhile.

    • It is not worth the time. (= It is not worthwhile.)
    • It’s not worth the effort. (= Doing it is not worthwhile.)

    Worth + Gerund (Verb in ~ing Form) = Worthwhile

    If you follow the adjective worth with a verb in the ~ing form, it has the same meaning as worthwhile. Compare:

    • The movie is worth seeing. = Seeing the movie is worthwhile.
    • It’s worth getting travel insurance. = Getting travel insurance is worthwhile.


    1. If you are talking about a person or thing (a noun) that is deserving of something, use worthy.

    He is worthy of respect/recognition/consideration.

    1.  If you are talking about the value of doing an activity, there are a few options:
      1. Worthwhile: Exercising regularly is worthwhile.
      2. An expression (such as ‘worth your time/while/trouble/effort’): Exercising regularly is worth your time.
      3. Worth + gerund: It is worth exercising regularly
    1. If you are talking about the value (usually financial) of a thing (a noun), use worth.

    This house is worth four million dollars.

    a hat for a university graduation ceremony

    Is attending university worthwhile? What is the worth (value) of a university degree?

    Do you think you understand? Try these exercises.

    Exercises: Worthy, Worthwhile, or Worth

    1. I think her book is  of an award.
    2. Reading to your child is .
    3. Roger Penrose won the Nobel Prize for his work in physics. He is of respect.
    4. His car is  $80,000.
    5. This story is  of your attention. It’s important.
    6. The company decided that opening another store would be .
    7. Ana had an idea, but she decided that it wasn’t  mentioning.

    Answers & Explanations

    1. worthy — The word ‘book’ is a noun, not an activity. We are saying the book is deserving of recognition.
    2. worthwhile — This is an activity. We are saying that this activity has value.
    3. worthy — We are talking about a noun here (a man), and ‘worthy’ collocates with the preposition ‘of’
    4. worth — We are talking about the financial value of an object here.
    5. worthy — We are talking about a noun here (a story), and ‘worthy’ collocates with the preposition ‘of’
    6. worthwhileOpening another store is an activity.
    7. worth — Remember that worth + v~ing (gerund) means has the same meaning as worthwhile

    I hope reading this lesson has been worthwhile. If you find a mistake or have a question, please leave a comment below.

    — Matthew Barton / Creator of (copyright)

    Перевод для «is worthwhile» на русский

    • Примеры
    • Подобные фразы

    Примеры перевода

    • стоит

    I believe that would be a worthwhile endeavour.

    Я считаю, что это стоило бы делать.

    Transparency efforts were resource-intensive but worthwhile.

    Усилия по повышению транспарентности требуют много ресурсов, но они того стоят.

    We sometimes wonder if the continuation of the Group is still worthwhile.

    Иногда даже возникает вопрос, а стоит ли сохранять существование такой группы.

    A repetition of last year’s discussion would not be worthwhile, however.

    Однако нам не стоило бы повторять прошлогодние дискуссии.

    In addition, it might be worthwhile to combine chapters 4 and 7.

    Кроме того, возможно, стоило бы объединить главы 4 и 7.

    We agree with Ambassador Mason that these efforts have been worthwhile.

    Мы согласны с послом Мейсон в том, что эти усилия стоило приложить.

    But, again, one wonders if the effort to revive this body would be worthwhile.

    Но и в этом случае можно задаться вопросом, стоит ли предпринимать усилия в целях возрождения этого органа.

    It is also worthwhile to note that regional Congresses of Women are regularly held.

    Наряду с этим стоит отметить регулярное проведение региональных конгрессов женщин.

    There was also concern as to whether it was worthwhile to qualify the reservations according to validity or invalidity.

    Вызывает беспокойство также и соображение о том, стоит ли классифицировать оговорки на действительные и недействительные.

    We see at least two areas on which it would be worthwhile to focus.

    Мы видим, по крайней мере, две области, на которые стоило бы обратить внимание.

    Or if it is worthwhile or if it is all wasted.

    Может, дело того стоит,.. …а может, всё напрасно.

    But the headache… the next morning is worthwhile if you drink it with the right toast.

    Но головная боль на утро стоит сказанных тостов.

    Was it worthwhile, for example, trying to intrigue so that Svidrigailov would not go to Porfiry;

    Стоило ль, например, стараться интриговать, чтобы Свидригайлов не ходил к Порфирию;

    Harry had the impression that the Minister was wondering whether it was worthwhile opening hostilities this early.

    Гарри показалось, что министр прикидывает, стоит ли обострять разговор с самого начала.

    And was it worthwhile now, after everything that had happened, to try to overcome all these measly new difficulties?

    Да и стоило ль теперь, после всего, что было, стараться побеждать все эти новые мизерные затруднения?

    All these five years I did not live with him, and yet I took his money, and considered I was quite justified. «You say, take the hundred thousand and kick that man out. It is true, it is an abominable business, as you say. I might have married long ago, not Gania—Oh, no!—but that would have been abominable too. «Would you believe it, I had some thoughts of marrying Totski, four years ago! I meant mischief, I confess—but I could have had him, I give you my word; he asked me himself. But I thought, no! it’s not worthwhile to take such advantage of him.

    Ты вот говоришь, сто тысяч возьми, да и прогони, коли мерзко. Оно правда, что мерзко… Я бы и замуж давно могла выйти, да и не то что за Ганечку, да ведь очень уж тоже мерзко. И за что я моих пять лет в этой злобе потеряла! А веришь иль нет, я, года четыре тому назад, временем думала, не выйти ли мне уж и впрямь за моего Афанасия Ивановича? Я тогда это со злости думала; мало ли что у меня тогда в голове перебывало; а ведь, право, заставила б! Сам напрашивался, веришь иль нет?

    context icon

    Вы хотите, чтобы я признал, что эта терапия стоящая? Хорошо, я признаю это?

    Whether the trip is worthwhile in the lounge, you will learn in this review.


    context icon

    Если поездка стоит в гостиной, вы узнаете в нашем обзоре.


    The calculation of desired values is worthwhile only if start()


    launched by a

    tick at which the new bar




    context icon

    Вычисление искомых значений имеет смысл только в том случае, если специальная функция start()

    запущена тиком, на котором и образовался новый бар.


    Therefore, in order to increase% conversion,

    on the interim landing page you need to convince them that the game is worthwhile.

    context icon

    Именно поэтому дабы увеличить%

    конверсии, на промежуточном лендинге вам нужно убедить их, что игра стоящая.

    By reducing the positive and negative impacts of a project to their equivalent money value

    Cost-Benefit Analysis determines whether on balance the project is worthwhile.

    context icon

    Путем уменьшение положительных и отрицательных ударов проекта к их Цен- Preimu5estvu стоимость в

    деньгах эквивалента анализ обусловливает ли на балансе проект worthwhile.

    If the discounted present value of the benefits exceeds the discounted

    present value of the costs then the project is worthwhile.

    context icon

    Если уцененное наличное значение преимуществ превышает уцененное наличное

    значение цен после этого, то проект worthwhile.

    In fact, any transition to a new model is worthwhile only if it entails serous alterations of the curricula

    and the basic organizational principles of the higher education system.


    context icon

    На самом деле переход на новую модель имеет смысл только в том случае, если он сопровождается серьезным

    изменением программ и принципов организации системы высшего образования.


    Independent rounding The positive net present value of $50.35 million and

    benefit/cost ratio of 1.2 indicate that the project is worthwhile if the cost of capital


    2 percent.

    context icon

    Положительное сетчатое наличное значение$ 50. 35 миллиона и

    коэффициент benefit/ cost 1. 2 показывают что проект worthwhile если капитальные затраты 2 процента.

    In which books a look is worthwhile, you will find out in our book favorites for fall.

    context icon

    В каких книгах стоит посмотреть, вы узнаете в нашей книге фавориты для осени.

    Any diplomatic effort, even if it


    not successful, is worthwhile when the consequences of war for the peoples of the two nations


    context icon

    Любое дипломатическое усилие, даже если оно и не приносит успеха, не может не быть полезным в условиях, когда война может обернуться для народов этих

    двух стран катастрофическими последствиями.


    We believe that when an idea is worthwhile, there should


    no a priori constraints to its acceptance.


    context icon

    И мы полагаем, что, когда идея того заслуживает, для ее принятия не должно быть априорных препон.


    While consensus is worthwhile and indeed necessary on some matters,

    in other cases it


    often time-consuming and results in decisions that provide little added value.


    context icon

    Хотя по некоторым вопросам консенсус важен и действительно необходим,

    по другим вопросам его достижение часто требует больших затрат времени и приводит к принятию мало что дающих решений.


    Contact with the national accounts and

    the system of priorities in the national accounts is worthwhile, even today,

    because national accounts divisions stand out as the most obvious user of the index.


    context icon

    Связь с национальными счетами и

    системой приоритетов национальных счетов даже сегодня представляется целесообразной, поскольку основными пользователями индекса,

    очевидно, являются отделы национальных счетов.


    And the waiting is worthwhile, because this species


    impressing due to the quality

    and the quantity of its buds.


    context icon

    И ожидание стоит того, потому что сорт впечатляет особенно качеством и количеством почек.


    This is worthwhile for anyone to achieve, but for someone who has


    heavily on

    drugs and suffered their ill effects it can


    a revelation.

    context icon

    Это полезно для каждого, но для тех, кто употреблял наркотические вещества в больших количествах

    и испытал их пагубное воздействие, это может стать настоящим открытием.

    Do you all think that at this point in

    life a person has anything left to say, that is worthwhile?

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    Неужели все вы думаете, что на этом жизненном

    этапе человеку все еще осталось, что сказать, осталось что-то ценное?

    Some people on your world see terrorism as a way of doing business,

    that the sacrifices and the loss of life of individuals is worthwhile to the larger cause.


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    Некоторые люди в вашем мире видят терроризм как способ ведения бизнеса,

    что жертвы и потеря жизни индивидуумов достойны того для больших причин.


    Having an exciting period of entertainment while on an Amlogic S905X Android TV Box


    displayed for viewing on the large TV screen is worthwhile.

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    Имея волнующий период развлечений во время на Amlogic S905X Android TV Box

    отображается для просмотра на Телевизоре с большим экраном стоит.

    Purchasing a demonstration or used machine from the manufacturer’s factory is worthwhile in every respect!


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    Покупка демонстрационного или бывшего в употреблении станка с завода- изготовителя стоит того в любом случае!


    It wasn’t until about twenty years later in the 1950’s that economists tried to provide a rigorous, consistent set

    of methods for measuring benefits and costs and deciding whether a project is worthwhile.

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    Она не быть до около 20 лет более поздно в й9щ0′ с что економисты попытались обеспечить rigorous,

    последовательный комплект методов для измерять преимущества и цены и решать ли проект worthwhile.

    Such openness is worthwhile, we believe, not only because it enhances the transparency of humanitarian assistance operations,

    but also because it draws the attention of the international community to the plight of the country concerned.


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    Мы считаем, что такая открытость является целесообразной не только потому, что она повышает уровень транспарентности операций по оказанию гуманитарной помощи,

    но и потому, что она привлекает внимание мирового сообщества к бедствию соответствующей страны.


    It is worthwhile, I believe, to dedicate some time to reflection,

    and to keep this unique capital of knowledge, experience, wisdom and negotiating skills alive so that this machinery


    always well oiled and ready to function when the time for negotiation comes.


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    Как я полагаю, имело бы смысл отвести какоето время для размышлений

    и поддержки жизнеспособности этого уникального фонда знаний, опыта, мудрости и переговорного мастерства, с тем чтобы этот механизм был все время хорошо» смазан» и готов к функционированию, когда настанет пора для переговоров.


    The Secretary-General


    of the view that continuation of the lump-sum option is worthwhile only if the level of the lump-sum rate


    sufficiently high

    so as to motivate staff to waive their other entitlements.


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    Генеральный секретарь считает, что смысл сохранять систему паушальных выплат имеется только в том случае, если уровень ставки паушальных выплат будет достаточно высоким для того,

    чтобы побуждать сотрудников отказываться от своих других материальных прав.


    The Libera’s educational project involves thousands of students every year in activities aimed at raising the awareness that living in an environment

    where legality pervades every aspect of their lives is worthwhile and by far the best choice.


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    В рамках просветительского проекта организации тысячи студентов ежегодно участвуют в мероприятиях, направленных на пропаганду идеи о том, что жить в условиях,

    когда законность пронизывает все аспекты жизни,- достойный и, безусловно, наилучший выбор.


    When one considers the figures cited in the Secretary-General’s report on the horrific price that the indiscriminate

    use of mines


    in fact exacting, it is worthwhile, even from a purely financial point of view,

    to ensure that the most effective implementation measures




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    Если рассмотреть цифры, приведенные в докладе Генерального секретаря и свидетельствующие об ужасающей цене,

    которую человечество платит в результате широкого применения мин, то представляется целесообразным— даже с чисто финансовой точки зрения-

    обеспечить принятие наиболее эффективных мер по осуществлению.


    A historical perspective on the desirability of paying attention to a study of the effects of armed conflicts on treaties would suggest that a contemporary

    study of this subject based on more contemporary practice is worthwhile, considering the number of armed

    or violent conflicts witnessed in all corners of the world in the post-cold-war era.


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    Исторический взгляд на желательность уделения внимания исследованию, посвященному последствиям вооруженных конфликтов для международных договоров, навел бы на мысль о том, что современное исследование этого предмета,

    основанное на практике последнего времени, является целесообразным, если учитывать число вооруженных или насильственных конфликтов,

    происходящих во всех уголках мира в эпоху после окончания<< холодной войны.


    Because of this serious-minded commitment to an objective that we believe is worthwhile and attainable, my delegation has for the last three years joined Canada

    and New Zealand in urging on the States that


    traditionally the joint sponsors of this draft resolution a number of fundamental changes that


    required to reflect reality.


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    Руководствуясь этой серьезной приверженностью цели, которую мы считаем стоящей и достижимой, моя делегация в течение трех лет вместе с Канадой

    и Новой Зеландией, призывала государства, которые традиционно являются совместными авторами этого проекта резолюции, внести ряд основополагающих изменений, которые требуются для отражения реальности.


    One of the features that the Castles report and

    this report have in common


    that both address the questions of whether ICP is worthwhile in the sense of meeting a specific demand

    and whether that demand


    well met by the Programme as it currently exists.


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    Одна общая особенность доклада Каслса и настоящего доклада

    заключается в том, что в обоих документах рассматриваются вопросы о том, представляет ли ценность ПМС с точки зрения удовлетворения конкретного спроса и

    достаточно ли удовлетворяется этот спрос программой в том виде, в каком она существует.


    Worthwhile is spelled as one word. It means worth repaying your time, your interest, work, trouble, attention ( This definition is echoed by almost all other sources. Example: We think it is worthwhile/ worth while to spend time listening to the lecture.

    What does make it worthwhile mean?

    : worth doing or getting : good enough, important enough, etc., to be worth spending time, effort, or money on. See the full definition for worthwhile in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

    What does worthwhile mean in a sentence?

    If something is worthwhile, it is enjoyable or useful, and worth the time, money, or effort that is spent on it. The president’s trip to Washington this week seems to have been worthwhile. Synonyms: useful, good, valuable, helpful More Synonyms of worthwhile.

    What is the synonym of worthwhile?

    Words related to worthwhile profitable, beneficial, productive, useful, advantageous, good, valuable, constructive, rewarding, important, lucrative, worthy, excellent, invaluable, justifiable, estimable, gainful, meritorious, priceless, remunerative.

    What is someone worth?

    Worth is defined as having value, whether in money or otherwise. The definition of worth is excellence, usefulness or value. An example of worth is a person with superior charm.

    What does Worthpoint cost?

    So my question is: is Worthpoint worth the $20 per month?

    How do you describe your worth?

    English Language Learners Definition of worth

    1. : an amount of something that has a specified value, that lasts for a specified length of time, etc.
    2. : the amount of money that something is worth.
    3. : usefulness or importance.

    What type of noun is worth?

    As detailed above, ‘worth’ can be a noun, an adjective or a verb. Noun usage: I’ll have a dollar’s worth of candy, please. Noun usage: They have proven their worths as individual fighting men and their worth as a unit.

    What is the verb of worth?

    worthen. (transitive) To give worth to; value; make or become worth or worthy; appraise.

    Is worths a word?

    Worth is not a verb. Don’t say ‘His yacht worths $1.7 million’. You use worth as a noun after words like pounds or dollars to show how much money you would get for an amount of something if you sold it. I can’t believe we’re arguing over fifty pence worth of chocolate.

    What is the meaning of worthless?

    1a : lacking worth : valueless worthless currency. b : useless worthless to continue searching. 2 : contemptible, despicable a worthless criminal.

    Is it really worth it meaning?

    “It is worth it” means that it is worth whatever price was necessary to obtain it. “It is worthy” has a more abstract meaning, similar to “it is good” or “noble” or “fine.” For example, you might say, “I paid $20,000 for this car, but it’s worth it.” You would say, “That is an excellent essay.

    Is it worth the hype meaning?

    When you look at this word it’s really an adjective as depicted in the dictionary and the definition is “rated or valued too highly.” So this ties into the idea that something is made into a much bigger deal than is warranted.

    Does it worth the effort?

    If you say that something is worth the effort, you mean that it will justify the energy that you have spent or will spend on it.

    Had been worth it meaning?

    1. To be worth the cost or work involved to attain something; to have benefits that outweigh the costs. This tool set cost me an entire paycheck, but it has been worth it—I’ve already used it for six different projects. 2. To be worthy of something; to be deserving of something.

    What is worth doing is worth doing well?

    “In truth, whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well; and nothing can be done well without attention.” Good morning peeps, meditation done. Quote for the day: “In truth, whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well; and nothing can be done well without attention.”

    Is it not worth or not worth?

    The other two options are both grammatical, however. You can say either “It is not worthy of it” or “It is not worth it”. Both “worthy” and “worth” are adjectives; when using “worthy”, you must say “of” to introduce the object of value. When using “worth”, you do not use “of”.

    How do you know if he’s worth your time?

    Here are the signs a man is worth your time:

    • He is single. You are worth having a man who you could have a future with.
    • He is kind and respectful.
    • He takes personal responsibility for himself and his circumstances.
    • He handles his finances responsibly.
    • He has good manners.
    • He is faithful.
    • He is truthful.
    • He is easygoing.

    How do you know if he is worth fighting for?

    10 Signs Your Relationship is Worth Fighting For

    • Your partner is one of your most favorite people.
    • You both know how to communicate and express how you feel.
    • You don’t want to be with anyone else.
    • Boredom is not in your vocabulary.
    • Your differences complete your relationship.
    • You still feel giddy whenever they do something sweet.
    • It feels good when you’re together.

    How do you know if a girl is worth dating?

    It’s more of an instinct thing for them.

    • 9 signs to know you’re with a girl worth keeping.
    • #1 She lets you have your guy time.
    • #2 She helps you become more responsible.
    • #3 You can talk to her about anything.
    • #4 She’s secure with herself.
    • #5 She can take care of you.
    • #6 She can make you laugh.

    How do you tell a guy not to waste your time?

    4 Ways to Ensure He Doesn’t Play Games and Waste Your Time

    1. Be very clear about what you want up front. If you don’t want a guy who is going to waste your time then be very clear up front.
    2. Don’t tolerate the games and be ready to call him out on it.
    3. Keep some sort of control throughout.
    4. Be willing to ask him what’s going on if things seem strange.

    How do you know if a girl is wasting your time?

    5 Signs You’re Wasting Your Time On Someone Who Won’t Like You Back

    1. They Always Dry Text You. Giphy.
    2. They Never Casually Touch You. Giphy.
    3. They Don’t Look At You. Giphy.
    4. They Don’t Interact With You On Social Media. Giphy.
    5. They Don’t Initiate Dates Or Make Time To Spend With You. Giphy.

    When you should stop pursuing a girl?

    12 Signs You Should Stop Pursuing The Girl You Like

    • You’re not her type. You are Mr.
    • Her texts are always formal.
    • She is always busy.
    • She wants an emotional relationship with you.
    • Her phone is more important than you are.
    • She is still getting over a breakup.
    • She is too nice to say no.
    • It’s not going anywhere.

    How can you tell if a woman is playing you?

    • She Always Bails on Plans.
    • She’s Constantly Flirting With Other Men.
    • You’ve Never Been to Her Place.
    • She Won’t Take Any Pictures With You.
    • She Won’t Let You Meet Her Friends or Family.
    • You’re an Alias in Her Phone.
    • She Never Spends the Night.
    • She Never Refers to You as Her Boyfriend.

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