Is workplace one word

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Do you spell birthdate as one word or two words?

You can spell it one word or two words. Your choice.
Actually, it is two words.

Is can not one or two words?

Cannot is one word not two words!!

Is in front one word or two?

in front … two words.
upfront … one word or two words, depending on how you are
using it.
confront … one word.

Is wrist watch one word or two words?

no it is not an one word it is of two word

Is face lift one word or two?

Facelift can be one word, two words, and/or two words separated
by a hyphen.

ali likes the stars

  • #1

Hi guys,

EDIT: What is the difference between workplace and job location?

in our software it is possible to create [Locations]. These may or may not contain addresses (which is why it’s not named [Addresses]).

As an employer, I may create the [Location] «Central Building». I may invite applicants to this location for their job interview. However, «Central Building» may not necessarily be the place of work for that applicant. Instead, the [Location] contains a [Yes]/[No] radio button group for the field [Job Location].
If [Yes] is selected, the [location] «Centrail Building» also becomes a [Job Location].
In the application form, the applicant can select from available [Job Locations] that he wishes to work at. The name of that field is [Desired Job Location].

My questions are:
— Is [Job Locatoin] the right term? Would [Place of Work] or [Job Site] be better?
— Is [Desired Job Location] the right term? Or does «desire» sound off in this context?

I am specifically not asking for a sentence like «Where do you want to work?», no matter how much better that sounds. The point is to find very short and very precise strings, the shorter the better.

Last edited: Oct 24, 2018

    • #2

    «Preferred Location» might be better.

    ali likes the stars

    • #3

    «Preferred Location» might be better.

    Thank you! «Preferred» is definetly better than «desired».

    But still, I need to differntiate «location» from «job location», since they differ technically in the software. So, is «job location» better than «job site» or «work place» or «place of work»…


    ali likes the stars

    • #5

    It sounds fine to me. Do you think it’s better or more easily understandable than «job location»? Or is that just as fine?


    • #6

    Your workplace is very specifically the building or work area in which you work. Your job location is a much looser description, which could cover anything from your actual place of work to the geographical area in which it’s situated.

    ali likes the stars

    • #7

    Your workplace is very specifically the building or work area in which you work. Your job location is a much looser description, which could cover anything from your actual place of work to the geographical area in which it’s situated.

    This is what I wanted to know. Thank you, sir. And sorry for not finding the right words to nail it down.

    ali likes the stars

    • #8

    Your workplace is very specifically the building or work area in which you work. Your job location is a much looser description, which could cover anything from your actual place of work to the geographical area in which it’s situated.

    Now that you have explained this, how does «job site» fit into this?


    • #9

    I like it. It means the same as workplace but is entirely specific to the location (whereas “workplace” is often used in contexts relating to interactions etc. between people who work there).


    • #10

    Your workplace is very specifically the building or work area in which you work. Your job location is a much looser description, which could cover anything from your actual place of work to the geographical area in which it’s situated.

    In addition to that, we usually use workplace when we are already working there.

    ali likes the stars

    • #11

    In addition to that, we usually use workplace when we are already working there.

    Oh, that’s good to know!

    Thank you guys


    • #12

    This has a difficulty that may or may not be relevant:

    A «job» can be (i) employment (ii) a piece of work

    A: «What is your job?»
    B: «I am a teacher.»

    A: «The job is to fill in the holes in the road.»
    B: «Where is the job?»
    A: «It is on London Road.»

    A: «I am advertising a job.»
    B: «Do you mean that you are advertising an position within the company for someone, or do you mean that you have a piece of work that needs doing and you are advertising for someone to do it?»

    ali likes the stars

    • #13

    This has a difficulty that may or may not be relevant:

    It is very relevant. The problem for me is, what my product owner is aiming at. Our customers stem from a huge variety of industries. From dentists to movie companies, from local family companies with 30 employees to global logistic providers with well over 100K employees. Therefore, it is always very vague, how exactly a function is actually used.

    • A logistic company that employs truck drivers may define «France» as «job location», to imply that a truck driver may have to drive throughout all of France but not beyond it’s borders.
    • A supermarket chain that frequently changes the workplace of their employees by sending them to another branch every 6 months (yes, such companies exist) will define «job location» as multiple districts, e.g. «London — Tower Hill», «London — Forest Gate», and «London — Finsbury». (I don’t really know how London works…)
    • A dentist will probably hire for his dental practice, which is most likely a very specific address, such as 204 Lower Rd, London SE8 5DJ, UK.
    • A company that sends project managers for different projects, that is different kinds of jobs, to different places must also be covered.

    My job is to find terms that are both precise and can cover this vagueness.


    • #14

    «Job Location» covers permanent, temporary and broad locations for work in general: it should work.

    ali likes the stars

    • #15

    Thank you everybody, it helped me lot!

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    • 1

      Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > workplace

    • 2

      English-Russian short dictionary > workplace

    • 3

      workplace noun 1) производственное помещение 2) рабочее место

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > workplace

    • 4

      Персональный Сократ > workplace

    • 5

      1. рабочее место
      2. рабочая зона
      3. место выполнения работ

      3.23 место выполнения работ (workplace): Физическое пространство, в котором связанная с работой деятельность осуществляется под управлением организации.

      Примечание — При рассмотрении того, что представляет собой место выполнения работ, организация (см. 3.17) должна принимать во внимание условия и факторы, которые влияют или могут повлиять на состояние здоровья и безопасность персонала, который, например, находится в пути (перемещается на транспорте), работает на объекте клиента или заказчика или же работает дома.

      Источник: ГОСТ Р 54934-2012: Системы менеджмента безопасности труда и охраны здоровья. Требования оригинал документа

      3.23 место выполнения работ (workplace): Физическое местонахождение, в котором связанная с работой деятельность осуществляется под управлением организации.

      Примечание — При рассмотрении того, что представляет собой место выполнения работ, организация (см. 3.17) должна принимать во внимание влияние ОЗиБТ на персонал, который, например, находится в пути (перемещается на автомобиле, самолете, корабле или поезде), работает на объектах клиента или заказчика или же работает дома.

      Источник: ГОСТ Р 54337-2011: Системы менеджмента охраны труда в организациях, выпускающих нанопродукцию. Требования оригинал документа

      Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > workplace

    • 6

      English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > workplace

    • 7

      English-Russian big medical dictionary > workplace

    • 8

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > workplace

    • 9

      Англо-русский экономический словарь > workplace

    • 10

      English-russian automobile dictionary > workplace

    • 11

      English-Russian electronics dictionary > workplace

    • 12

      English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > workplace

    • 13

      1) рабочее место

      2) рабочая среда

      3) рабочая зона

      maximum allowable concentration of toxic substances in workplace air максимально допустимая концентрация вредных веществ в воздухе рабочей зоны

      English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > workplace

    • 14

      место работы; строительная площадка; фабрика; мастерская

      * * *

      рабочее место

      elevated workplace

      Англо-русский строительный словарь > workplace

    • 15

      1. n производственное помещение

      2. n рабочее место

      English-Russian base dictionary > workplace

    • 16


      1. производственное помещение

      2. рабочее место

      НБАРС > workplace

    • 17

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Workplace

    • 18

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > workplace

    • 19


      производственное помещение

      рабочее место

      Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > workplace

    • 20

      English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology > workplace


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • workplace — work‧place [ˈwɜːkpleɪs ǁ ˈwɜːrk ] noun [countable usually singular] HUMAN RESOURCES the room or building where you work: • Good design involves adapting the workplace environment to the needs of workers, rather than trying to make workers adjust… …   Financial and business terms

    • workplace — 1828, from WORK (Cf. work) (n.) + PLACE (Cf. place) …   Etymology dictionary

    • workplace — [work′plās΄] n. the office, factory, etc. where one works …   English World dictionary

    • workplace */ — UK [ˈwɜː(r)kˌpleɪs] / US [ˈwɜrkˌpleɪs] noun [countable] Word forms workplace : singular workplace plural workplaces a) the place where you work b) the workplace used in general for referring to places where people work discrimination in the… …   English dictionary

    • workplace — [[t]wɜ͟ː(r)kpleɪs[/t]] workplaces also work place N COUNT Your workplace is the place where you work. …the difficulties facing women in the workplace… Their houses were workplaces as well as dwellings… Workplace canteens are offering… …   English dictionary

    • workplace — work|place [ˈwə:kpleıs US ˈwə:rk ] n the room, building etc where you work in the workplace ▪ a report into discrimination in the workplace …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • workplace — work|place [ wɜrk,pleıs ] noun count * the place where you work a. the workplace used in general for referring to places where people work: discrimination in the workplace …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • workplace — /werrk plays /, n. 1. a person s place of employment. 2. any or all places where people are employed: a bill to set safety standards for the workplace. [1820 30; WORK + PLACE] * * * …   Universalium

    • workplace — noun Workplace is used before these nouns: ↑discrimination, ↑environment, ↑nursery school, ↑safety, ↑stoppage, ↑violence …   Collocations dictionary

    • workplace — darbo vieta statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. working site; workplace; workstation vok. Arbeitsplatz, m; Workstation, f rus. рабочее место, n pranc. poste de travail, m; station de travail, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

    • Workplace bullying — Workplace bullying, like childhood bullying, is the tendency of individuals or groups to use persistent aggressive or unreasonable behavior against a co worker. Workplace bullying can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal, psychological,… …   Wikipedia

    производственное помещение, рабочее место, место работы, планировка рабочих мест


    - производственное помещение
    - рабочее место

    Мои примеры


    a report into discrimination in the workplace — отчёт о дискриминации на рабочем месте  
    using current trends to prognosticate what the workplace of the future will be like — использование современных тенденций для прогнозирования того, что будет из себя представлять рабочее место будущего  
    humanization of workplace — повышение эргономичности рабочего места; гуманизация рабочего места  
    maximum workplace concentration — максимальная концентрация рабочих мест  
    mobile workplace — перемещающееся рабочее место  
    pillar-drawing workplace — участок выемки целиков  
    substances in the workplace — нормативы в отношении вредных веществ труда  
    substances or conditions in the workplace — нормативам в отношении вредных веществ или условий труда  
    work workplace design — проект рабочего пространства  
    workplace air — воздух рабочей среды  
    workplace capacity — загрузка рабочего места  
    workplace harassment — преследование на рабочем месте  

    Примеры с переводом

    Foul language will not be tolerated in the workplace.

    Нецензурная брань на рабочем месте недопустима.

    The company accommodates employees near the workplace.

    Компания предоставляет своим работникам жилье недалеко от места работы.

    The company took positive steps to create a safer workplace.

    Компания предприняла конструктивные шаги для создания более безопасных рабочих мест.

    Women still face prejudice in the workplace.

    Женщины по-прежнему сталкиваются с несправедливым отношением на работе.

    The company has softened its stance on dating in the workplace.

    Компания смягчила свою позицию относительно служебных романов.

    Women have yet to achieve full equality with men in the workplace.

    Женщины ещё не добились полного равенства с мужчинами на рабочем месте.

    Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.

    Коренные изменения в организацию рабочего места внесли компьютеры.

    He has antediluvian notions about the role of women in the workplace.

    У него допотопные представлений о роли женщин на работе.

    We need effective strategies to combat sexual harassment in the workplace.

    Нам нужны успешные стратегии борьбы с сексуальными домогательствами на рабочем месте.

    Each employee brings his or her own psychological baggage to the workplace.

    Каждый сотрудник приносит на рабочее место свой собственный психологический багаж.

    The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.

    Компания наняла Боба для проведения независимой проверки своего внутреннего рабочего распорядка.

    The survey revealed that, for the first time, there are more women in the workplace than men.

    Исследование показало, что количество работающих женщин впервые превысило количество мужчин.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    Employees expect flexibility in the workplace.

    Smoking in the workplace is becoming less and less acceptable.

    …their froward pranks are not appropriate in the workplace…

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): workplace
    мн. ч.(plural): workplaces

    : a place (such as a shop or factory) where work is done

    Example Sentences

    Foul language will not be tolerated in the workplace.

    Recent Examples on the Web

    Muxes also encounter physical violence and discrimination in education and in the workplace, as well as legal and public health barriers.

    Harmeet Kaur, CNN, 7 Apr. 2023

    Seventy-six percent of respondents say their company doesn’t encourage the use of ChatGPT in the workplace, according to the survey.

    Sheryl Estrada, Fortune, 7 Apr. 2023

    Some states even have protections in the workplace for domestic violence victims, and employers may be required to make reasonable accommodations such as schedule modification or leave.

    Johnny C. Taylor Jr., USA TODAY, 4 Apr. 2023

    Age bias Ageism in the workplace affects people young and old.

    Caroline Castrillon, Forbes, 2 Apr. 2023

    Enforcing the importance of open communication in the workplace will help employees feel more comfortable speaking up if they are subjected to this quiet firing behavior.

    Anna Oakes, Quartz, 31 Mar. 2023

    Our colleagues at Aberdeen also research phones and carriers in the workplace.

    Eric Griffith, PCMAG, 31 Mar. 2023

    Flexibility is necessary, but can be hard to ask for Foutty said Deloitte surveyed women about flexibility in the workplace.

    Detroit Free Press, 29 Mar. 2023

    By speaking openly about her own difficult experiences, Consuelos believes Ripa has made a difference for women in the workplace.

    Elizabeth Wagmeister, Variety, 28 Mar. 2023

    See More

    These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘workplace.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

    Word History

    First Known Use

    1708, in the meaning defined above

    Time Traveler

    The first known use of workplace was
    in 1708

    Dictionary Entries Near workplace

    Cite this Entry

    “Workplace.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


    More from Merriam-Webster on workplace

    Last Updated:
    11 Apr 2023
    — Updated example sentences

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    Merriam-Webster unabridged

    • building
    • company
    • enterprise
    • organization
    • structure
    • system
    • abode
    • concern
    • corporation
    • factory
    • firm
    • foundation
    • house
    • institute
    • office
    • outfit
    • plant
    • quarters
    • residence
    • setup

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    On this page you’ll find 21 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to workplace, such as: building, company, enterprise, organization, structure, and system.

    How to use workplace in a sentence


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • abode
    • building
    • company
    • concern
    • corporation
    • enterprise
    • factory
    • firm
    • foundation
    • house
    • institute
    • office
    • organization
    • outfit
    • plant
    • quarters
    • residence
    • setup
    • structure
    • system
    • workplace

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


    Now it’s a workplace for most.

    A studio is a photographer’s workplace.

    Другими словами, фотостудия — это рабочее место фотографа.

    Only every third employee has noticed that its present workplace allows developing professionally.

    Только каждый третий россиянин (36%) отметил, что его сегодняшнее место работы позволяет профессионально развиваться.

    No less important issue is your workplace.

    Не менее важным аспектом для человека является его рабочее место.

    Another area in which immigrants can also find a decent workplace is medicine.

    Еще одна сфера, в которой иммигранты также могут найти себе достойное рабочее место — это медицина.

    A job where I could have my own workplace.

    Работу, на которой у меня может быть собственное рабочее место.

    No workplace is completely hazard-free, and industrial environments are particularly risky.

    Ни одно рабочее место не является полностью безопасным, а промышленные условия особенно рискованными.

    First, enterprises are still unclear what a digital workplace means.

    Во-первых, у предприятий до сих пор нет чёткого понимания того, что представляет собой цифровое рабочее место.

    Nutrition-sensitive interventions can easily be integrated into the workplace.

    Чувствительные к питанию вмешательства могут быть легко интегрированы в рабочее место.

    Environmental sustainability, workplace wellness).

    Learning how to handle workplace pressure.

    Your employees and workplace applicants have rights.

    И у работодателей, и у претендентов на рабочие места, есть определенные требования.

    We never compromise on workplace safety.

    Мы никогда не пойдем на компромисс в отношении обеспечения безопасных условий труда.

    Another study claims that coffee can reduce workplace accidents.

    Кроме того, исследователи также предположили, что кофе влияет на сокращение количества несчастных случаев на рабочем месте.

    Conflicts at the workplace are inevitable.

    Смиритесь с тем, что конфликты на рабочем месте неизбежны.

    Make sure your workplace is welcoming.

    Следите за тем, чтобы пребывание на вашем рабочем месте приносило вам удовольствие.

    I was so anxious over workplace issues.

    «Я чувствовал, что у нас проблемы с рабочими местами.

    I guess it just depends on your workplace and colleagues.

    Orkla aims for a workplace characterised by diversity and anti-discrimination.

    Orkla стремится к созданию таких рабочих мест, где будет царить многообразие и не будет места для дискриминации.

    Most people have experienced an accident at their workplace.

    В организации произошел несчастный случай с работником на его рабочем месте.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Предложения, которые содержат workplace

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