Is wive a word

You may want to show possession or use it as a verb. In any case, the usages of ‘wife’ and ‘wive’ will vary. It is easy to misuse these two forms in speech and writing if not familiar with their meanings.

In short, ‘wife’ is a noun and can be used in a possessive form. ‘Wive’ is a verb form used to describe ‘to take as a wife’ or ‘marry a woman.’ You can write my wife’s certificate, or I would like to wive her; I think she is the one. ‘Wives’ is also used as the plural of ‘wife.’

A wife is a female partner who is part of a marital relationship. Both ‘wife’ and ‘wive’ are cognitive semantics. There are cases where you can replace ‘wife’ with ‘wives,’ as they are similar nouns. We will look more in-depth into their different usages.

Origin Of Terms

The first known use of the word ‘wive’ dates back before the 12th century, in the meaning defined as the intransitive verb form of «to marry» a woman.

The history and etymology for ‘wive’ come from Middle English wiven, and the Old English wīfian, from wīf woman, wife.

Of Germanic origin, the word ‘wive’ is from Proto-Germanic *wībam meaning «woman.» In more recent times, it is related to Modern German Weib (woman, female) and Danish viv, telling ‘wife.’

The original meaning of ‘wife’ as simply ‘woman,’ unrelated to marriage or husband, is used in ‘midwife,’ ‘goodwife, ‘fishwife,’ and ‘spaewife.’

It is anticipated that women take their husband’s surname in many cultures. A wedding ring, primarily in Western culture, represents a woman’s marital status. The title of «Mrs» is most commonly used as a respect to a known married woman, although some women choose to be referred to as «Ms.»

Nowadays, the term ‘wife’ still refers to a woman separated from her partner. Because she is still not legally divorced, or the death of her spouse is not recognized, she still carried the title of a ‘wife.’ In the case of the partner’s death, the wife becomes a widow.

Wives have different rights and responsibilities within their status and community based on each particular culture.


How People Use The Terms

‘Wife’ and ‘wives’ are related words that can be used as a possessive form of the singular ‘wife,’ as a verb meaning ‘to take as a wife’; ‘wive’ a woman, or as the plural’ wives.’

«Your wife’s business,» referring to one wife. «Your wives’ families,» in the case that you would have more than one wife.

As a noun, the word ‘wife’ can be used as follows:

  • Wife (noun)

A married woman, particularly in relation to her spouse.

  • Wife (noun)

A married woman; a man’s partner in marriage.

  • Wife (noun)

The female of a pair of coupled animals.

  • Wife (noun)

The lawful consort of a man; a woman who is united to a man in wedlock.

A woman who has a husband; a married woman- the correlative of husband

  • Wife (noun)

A woman; an adult female; – now used in literature only in some compounds and phrases, as alewife, fishwife, goodwife, and the like.

As a verb, the word ‘wive’ can be used as follows:

  • Wive (verb)

To marry a woman

  • Wive (verb)

To provide someone with a wife; to match them to a wife

  • Wive (verb)

To marry, as a man; to take a wife

  • Wive (verb)

To take for a wife; to marry

  • Wive (verb)

Take someone as a wife

  • Wive (verb)

Marry a woman, take a wife


Examples Of The Phrase In A Sentence

Examples of the word ‘wife’ in a sentence:

  1. The Volvo XC60 is my wife’s favorite car.
  2. This morning they brought in a new wife for the stallion in the barn.
  3. We ran into Tim and his wife at the concert last night.
  4. I admire a husband and wife who treat each other with respect in their marriage.
  5. Sadly, he and his wife got divorced in the previous year.
  6.  Hoping that his wife would forgive him, Abraham bought her a ticket to Europe.
  7. His wife was not happy with his financial decisions, and eventually, she decided to leave him.
  8. He always listened to his wife’s suggestions; that’s how he overcame the many obstacles in his path.
  9. After going to prison, he was never able to see his wife again.
  10. Someone once joked that a man brings his wife flowers when he wants her to remember an event or, better yet, forget one.
  11. My brother’s wife had two daughters and two sons before they married.
  12. His wife is a couple of years older than him; I think they look great!
  13. Bryant’s wife is so kind; I will invite her over for dinner sometime.
  14. They suffered a tragic accident; he lost his wife five years ago.
  15. Carl said that when he saw his wife, it was love at first sight.

Examples of the word ‘wive’ as a verb in a sentence:

  1. «If he has the condition of a saint and the complexion of a devil, I had rather he should shrive me than wive me.» – Portia
  2. He must have tried to wive all of them in a year; it is customary in his culture.
  3. They should not wive Viking warriors.
  4. I was wived too young; I wish I hadn’t agreed to it.
  5. I prefer not wiving if this is the woman I am to woo.
  6. First thrive and then wive.
  7. I hope I can wive her as my wife; she has all the qualities I have ever dreamed of.
  8. Gloria and her best friend wanted their children to marry so bad that Gloria’s son ended up wiving her best friend’s daughter.

Examples of the word ‘wife’ in the plural in a sentence:

  1. I’m getting married again, but I’ve already had two wives.
  2. That’s all poetry and old wives’ talk!
  3. Working girls her age were usually wives, or they had managed to escape before such eventuality.
  4. Husbands of adulterous wives are advised not to remarry during the lifetime of the guilty party.
  5. The team extended the ceremony invitation to the husbands and wives for the charity convention.
  6. Dan had three wives, a Greek woman from Athens, Maria, an Italian, and a Native American daughter to the great chief Teres.
  7. Eaton is the wife of the secretary of state with whom the wives of the cabinet officers had a confrontation.
  8. Do not eat more than one can digest, and do not have more wives or husbands than are needed.
  9. It appears that they had a community of wives and lived on funds provided by the more affluent members.
  10. He had several sons by different wives, and none wanted to take on his successful business.
  11. Both lost their wives to severe illnesses; that is how they became close friends.
  12. Men get creative when their wives are at home trying to be everything their husbands expect of them.
  13. They carried the wives and children out of the town during the raid.
  14. The sight of the mothers, wives, and children was not pretty. The men were going away and the guarantee of them returning was very limited.
  15. His two wives, Fatima and Stacy, are both daughters of my uncle.



The usages of ‘wife’ and ‘wive’ may have caused some confusion at some point. However, as an English speaker or someone who just started learning, these terms may have well been in your vocabulary.

Learning the meanings of ‘wife’ and ‘wive’ is a lot faster in the form of sentence examples and, of course, practicing. Hopefully, you have learned the difference between using these words and will be off to applying and writing them correctly!

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

Asked by: Alvena Veum III

Score: 4.8/5
(61 votes)

Yes, vive is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the definition of vive?

a : lively, brisk. b : having active properties : forcible. 2 chiefly Scottish. a : lifelike. b : vivid.

Is Vive an English word?

Vive is defined as French for live or long life.

Is Viva a word in scrabble?

Yes, viva is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is Vive in the dictionary?

Definition of ‘vive’

long live (someone or something specified)!

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/ (viːv) / interjection. long live; up with (a specified person or thing)

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No, ga is not in the scrabble dictionary.

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Yes, vin is in the scrabble dictionary.

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No, iq is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What does Vibe mean in slang?

informal. : a distinctive feeling or quality capable of being sensed This place has a good/bad vibe. She gave me a weird vibe. =

Is it vibe or vive?

As verbs the difference between vive and vibe

is that vive is while vibe is to relax and enjoy oneself.

Is wive a word?

verb (used without object), wived, wiv·ing. to take a wife; marry.

How do you use Vive in a sentence?

Vive sentence example

  1. The battalions shouted «Hurrah!» and » Vive l’Empereur!» …
  2. Vive ce roi valiant! …
  3. To earn his freedom Lucas must learn how to live among the colony and sur vive the perils of the insect world. …
  4. The soldiers, on seeing him, lit wisps of straw and ran after him, shouting, » Vive l’Empereur!»

What is the definition of vibing?

A distinctive emotional quality or atmosphere that is sensed or experienced by someone: a nostalgic vibe to the decor; a stranger who gave off bad vibes.

What are the 2 letter scrabble words?

Scrabble/Two Letter Words

  • AA, AB, AD, AE, AG, AH, AI, AL, AM, AN, AR, AS, AT, AW, AX, AY.
  • BA, BE, BI, BO, BY.
  • DA, DE, DO.
  • ED, EF, EH, EL, EM, EN, ER, ES, ET, EW, EX.
  • FA, FE.
  • GI, GO.
  • HA, HE, HI, HM, HO.
  • ID, IF, IN, IS, IT.

What does LA mean before a word?

—used for emphasis or expressing surprise. la. noun.

What is La Familia?

Meaning “the family” in Spanish, la familia variously refers in English to one’s family, circle of friends and coworkers, teammates, or other close communities or organizations.

What does it mean when someone has a vice?

A vice is a moral failing or a bad habit. … But anything can be a vice, as long as there’s someone out there who views it as bad behavior or a moral weakness.

What part of speech is Vive?

Vivano in plural is rare), Vive in French, and Vivat in Latin (plural Vivant) are subjunctive forms of the verb «to live.» Being the third-person (singular or plural agreeing with the subject), subjunctive present conjugation, the terms express a hope on the part of the speaker that another should live.

How do you pronounce HTC Vive?

So when I ran into HTC Executive Director of Emerging Products (i.e. the guy running the VR program at HTC), Daniel O’Brian, I made sure to ask him to clarify that point. Here is what he had to say: So there you have it. It’s the Vive, as in rhymes with five.

Is wive a valid scrabble word?

Yes, wive is in the scrabble dictionary.

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Yes, xi is in the scrabble dictionary.

Is wives a scrabble word?

Yes, wives is in the scrabble dictionary.

waɪv гл.;
уст. брать в жены
v уст. брать в жены
wive уст. брать в жены

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «wive» в других словарях:

  • Wive — Wive, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Wived}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Wiving}.] [AS. w[=i]fian, gew[=i]fian. See {Wite}.] To marry, as a man; to take a wife. [1913 Webster] Wherefore we pray you hastily to wive. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wive — Wive, v. t. 1. To match to a wife; to provide with a wife. An I could get me but a wife . . . I were manned, horsed, and wived. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To take for a wife; to marry. [1913 Webster] I have wived his sister. Sir W. Scott. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wive — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Art Pop[1], Noise Rock[2] …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • wive — (v.) to marry (a woman), O.E. wifian, from wif woman (see WIFE (Cf. wife)). Cf. M.Du. wiven …   Etymology dictionary

  • wive — [wīv] vi. wived, wiving [ME wiven < OE wifian, to take a wife < wif, woman, WIFE] Archaic to marry a woman; take a wife vt. Archaic 1. to marry (a woman); take for a wife 2. to provide with a wife …   English World dictionary

  • wive — un·wive; wive; …   English syllables

  • wive — verb (wived; wiving) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English wīfian, from wīf woman, wife Date: before 12th century intransitive verb to marry a woman transitive verb 1. to marry to a woman 2. to take for a wife …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wive — /wuyv/, v., wived, wiving. v.i. 1. to take a wife; marry. v.t. 2. to take as wife; marry. 3. to provide with a wife. [bef. 900; ME wiven, OE wifian, deriv. of wif; see WIFE] * * * …   Universalium

  • wive — verb a) To marry (a woman). b) To provide (someone) with a wife …   Wiktionary

  • wive — v. n. == marry. RG. 35 v. a. part. ‘iwived.’ RG. 529 …   Oldest English Words

  • wive — v. marry a wife; take a wife; get married; give a woman as a wife …   English contemporary dictionary

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Giovanni Deckow

Score: 4.3/5
(43 votes)

: to marry a woman. transitive verb. 1 : to marry to a woman. 2 : to take for a wife.

What does Wived mean?

verb (used with object), wived, wiv·ing. to take as wife; marry. to provide with a wife.

Is Wived a Scrabble word?

Yes, wived is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is a wife plural?

A wife is a married woman. … The plural of wife is wives.

What is difference wife and wife?

wife; a married woman : the woman someone is married to. @ailinreimer wife is one wife/female partner and wives are more than one.

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Is a boyfriend a spouse?

“Boyfriend” and “girlfriend” can cover a wide range of points with a relationship’s progression. … A spouse is different, from a legal perspective than an unmarried romantic partner, regardless of how long they’ve been together or what their relationship is like.

Is wife a wife?

The singular possessive of the word wife is wife’s. However, the plural of the word wife is wives. For example, if you were talking about “your wife’s shoes.” If you had more than one wife (as in polygamy), it would be “your wives’ shoes.”

What is the plural of person?

As a general rule, you’re absolutely right – person is used to refer to an individual, and the plural form is people. … Similarly, persons is considered to be quite formal and isn’t used often in day to day language.

What is the popular form of wife?

The plural form of a noun ending with -f or -fe is formed by removing -f or -fe and replacing the same with -ves. The plural form of the word wife is wives.

How do you use wife in a sentence?

It’s a good horse that never stumbles, A good wife that never grumbles.

  1. He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.
  2. My wife was ruining her health through worry.
  3. He left the packing to his wife.
  4. He didn’t show his wife any affection.
  5. She will make a good wife.
  6. He was in deep mourning for his dead wife.

What is the meaning of Vives?

(vaɪvz) noun. a glandular disease occurring in horses.

What is full form of Kiss?

KISS, an acronym for keep it simple, stupid, is a design principle noted by the U.S. Navy in 1960. The KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.

What is full form of girl?

Abbreviation : GIRL

GIRL — Graph Information Retrieval Language. GIRL — Goddess In Real Life. GIRL — Glamorous Intelligent Respected Leaders.

What is full form of love?

Love is not an acronym so it does not have any full form. Love is one of the most intense emotions that we experience as humans. It is a variety of different feelings, states and attitudes that range from interpersonal affection to pleasure. … Pragma: Committed, Married Love.

Can I say two persons?

Generally, persons is a decent substitute for individuals, and appears more in legal contexts that demand precision. People is the ordinary plural of person. Asking for a table for two or a table for two people is better than asking for a table for two persons.

Is it correct to say 2 persons?

Many usage guides over the years have suggested that there is a clear distinction between these two words; people is used when referring to a collective group or indeterminate number, and persons serves better when referring to individuals (or a number of individuals).

Which way is manner?

Manner is used with actions and only actions. For example if you have one of three different ways of completing something you can say «I am not sure in which manner I am supposed to complete this» Manner is something that can be completed. «Way» is a direction, a road, or a path (can be metaphorical).

How can I wish my wife?

Birthday Wishes for Wife

  1. To My Wonderful Wife, Happy Birthday. You are the light of my life and make every day special. …
  2. Happy Birthday To My Wife. You dazzle me. …
  3. Happy Birthday. Some say the happiest day of their life was when they said “I do.” …
  4. Happy Birthday. …
  5. For My Special Wife, Happy Birthday.

Is wifes a word?

(nonstandard) Plural form of wife.

What is the plural form of husband?

Plural form of husband.

What do you call a couple living together but not married?

A cohabitation agreement is a contract between two people who are in relationship and live together but are not married.

Can a spouse be unmarried?

Common-law marriage, also known as non-ceremonial marriage, sui iuris marriage, informal marriage, or marriage by habit and repute, is a legal framework where a couple may be considered married without having formally registered their relation as a civil or religious marriage.

What is legally considered a spouse?

Legal Spouse means an individual married to another, or who has a legal relationship to another that this state accords rights and responsibilities equal to, or substantially equivalent to, those of marriage. Sample 1.

Why do we KISS?

Kissing causes a chemical reaction in your brain, including a burst of the hormone oxytocin. It’s often referred to as the “love hormone,” because it stirs up feelings of affection and attachment. According to a 2013 study, oxytocin is particularly important in helping men bond with a partner and stay monogamous.

Definitions For Wive


  • Provide with a wife; marry (someone) to a wife
  • Marry a woman, take a wife
  • Take (someone) as a wife

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And on the scene arrives the proud Petruchio, who vows to wive it wealthily in Padua — even though Cole Porter won’t compose those lyrics for another 400 years.

Tom Titus,, 5 Apr. 2018

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘wive.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English, from Old English wīfian, from wīf woman, wife

First Known Use

before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense

Time Traveler

The first known use of wive was
before the 12th century

Dictionary Entries Near wive

Cite this Entry

“Wive.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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