Is white paper one word

White papers/Whitepapers. We deal with these informative pdfs on a daily basis, whether it’s reading them, writing them, promoting them, or reporting on their effectiveness. For better or worse, they play an important role in today’s B2B marketing.

As often as these digital documents come across our desks, most of us never stop to put much thought into the spelling of the term. You probably have a preference one way or the other – maybe even a strong preference – but have you ever thought about why you choose to spell it that way?

Whether you prefer white paper or whitepaper, your justification is probably something like, “Because that’s the right way to spell it!” And you probably wouldn’t have to look far to find someone with the same justification for the opposite stance.

It’s time to settle this debate. Which spelling is really correct? We’ll compare the two prevailing spellings of everyone’s favorite content format on multiple levels to determine which spelling you should stick with.


As Shakespeare famously wrote, “what’s past is prologue.” History is a good place to start when trying to settle a debate like this. So, where did the term white paper/whitepaper come from?

The best guesses trace the origin of white papers/whitepapers to Great Britain in the 19th century. In this time period, the British government produced and distributed official reports that outlined issues coming up for discussion in Parliament. These reports were called “Blue Papers” or “Blue Books,” named for their trademark blue covers.

If the subject matter for a proposed Blue Paper was too light or informal, it would be printed with a white cover instead. These white-covered reports became known as “White Papers.”

From the British government, White Papers made their way to the United States government. There, they were (and continue to be) used for the similar purpose of outlining and presenting policy.

Eventually, White Papers made their way to the public sector. They found a home among technology companies looking to announce and position complicated new offerings. It’s at this point that White Papers became the white papers/whitepapers that we know today.

The words white and paper were separated by a space throughout their history. If they’re now a compound word, it’s a new development, rather than something with historical precedent.

Advantage: White Paper


It’s not uncommon for two words to start out separated and then become a compound word as it becomes more popular in day-to-day speech. After all, it’s not long ago that email was to be written as e-mail or website was to be written as web site. Could this be the case with white paper/whitepaper too?

For many people, a word isn’t really a word until it appears in the dictionary. Beyond that, a dictionary entry is an important step for a term to become widely accepted. Let’s see how white paper and whitepaper are represented in some popular online dictionaries:

White Paper vs Whitepaper Dictionary Chart

Advantage: White Paper

Style Guides

Though respected, dictionaries aren’t exactly known for being on the cutting edge of new terms. It’s not uncommon for print sources to adopt a word before it’s formally recognized in dictionaries.

Because, these outlets often work outside of dictionaries, they use comprehensive, publication-specific style guides to outline which words can and can’t be used. Most style guides use the AP Stylebook or the Chicago Manual of Style as a basis and add their own rules and exceptions as needed.

As far as the issue of white paper vs. whitepaper, the base stylebooks tend to fall on the white paper side. Both the AP and Chicago styles list the two-word version as the preferred spelling.

On the other hand, many technology companies choose to list whitepaper as a company-specific exception in their style guides. Two notable examples of this are HubSpot and Google. HubSpot has a publically available style guide that notes the one-word version as its preferred term. Google’s stylebook isn’t as readily available, but it’s fairly easy to see they opt to use the one-word version throughout their content.

Though white paper is currently the default in style guides, it says something that large (and influential) companies are taking the time to make their own exceptions.

Advantage: Whitepaper


As nice as it is to be validated by a dictionary or style guide, the most important question is, “Which one are people actually using?”

A rough, but fairly effective, way of determining the popularity of term is by checking the number of search results connected to it. Let’s see what the results look like for white paper and whitepaper.

White Paper Google Search Results

Whitepaper Google Search Results Image

Advantage: White Paper

Usage Trend

Alright, white paper is currently the more popular term, but what about the trend. Is it gaining popularity, losing popularity, or staying the same? It’s certainly possible for whitepaper to be gaining ground (as is the case in company style preferences).

Luckily, Google Trends can help to answer some of these questions. The “Compare” feature shows you both trend lines side by side.

Google Trends White Paper vs Whitepaper

While the whitepaper line might not be as steep as its white paper counterpart, they’re trending in generally the same direction. There’s certainly not any evidence that whitepaper is making any sort of significant push to overtake white paper.

Advantage: White Paper

The Verdict: It’s White Paper

While there are some encouraging signs for fans of whitepaper, white paper is the better choice right now. White paper is more widely used and it has strong documentation to back it up.

At the end of the day, white paper is the safer choice. You won’t be wrong for choosing to use the space-separated version. When it comes down to it, whitepaper is an acceptable preference at best, while white paper is the standard.

Let us know what you think?

  • Do you use white paper or whitepaper?
  • Did this post change your thinking?
  • Why or why not?


What Is a White Paper?

A white paper is an informational document issued by a company or not-for-profit organization to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer.

White papers are also used as a method of presenting government policies and legislation and gauging public opinion.

Key Takeaways

  • A white paper promotes a certain product, service, or methodology to influence current and prospective customer or investor decisions.
  • Three main types of white papers include backgrounders, numbered lists, and problem/solution white papers.
  • A white paper provides persuasive and factual evidence that a particular offering is a superior product or method of solving a problem.
  • White papers are commonly designed for business-to-business marketing purposes between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. 

Purpose of a White Paper

White papers are sales and marketing documents used to entice or persuade potential customers to learn more about a particular product, service, technology, or methodology.

White papers are commonly designed for business-to-business (B2B) marketing purposes between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. It can provide an in-depth report or guide about a specific product or topic and is meant to educate its readers.

The facts presented in white papers are often backed by research and statistics from reliable sources and can include charts, graphs, tables, and other ways of visualizing data. A white paper can communicate an organization’s philosophy or present research findings related to an industry.

Types of White Papers

A startup, large corporation, or government agency will use white papers differently. There are three main types of white papers, including backgrounders, numbered lists, and problem/solution white papers.

Backgrounders detail the technical features of a new product or service. Designed to simplify complicated technical information, they are used to:

•Support a technical evaluation

•Launch a product

•Promote a product or industry leader

Numbered lists highlight the key takeaways of a new product or service, and are often formatted with headings and bullet points such as the following familiar format:

•3 Questions to Ask

•5 Things You Need to Know

•10 Tips

Problem/solution papers identify specific problems faced by potential customers and suggest a data-driven argument about how a featured product or service provides a solution to:

•Generate new sales

•Educate salespeople on product characteristics

•Build industry interest.

How to Write a White Paper

White papers differ from other marketing materials, such as brochures. Brochures and traditional marketing materials might be flashy and obvious, but a white paper is intended to provide persuasive and factual evidence that solves a problem or challenge.

White papers are commonly at least 2,500 words in length and written in an academic style.

A white paper should provide well-researched information that is not found with a simple internet search and have a compelling narrative to keep the reader’s attention. The author of a white paper should:

• Research and fully define the topic.

• Create an accurate outline of information.

• Write an attention-grabbing introduction.

• Format the paper for easy reading.

• Revise and proofread.

What Is an Example of a White Paper?

All of these documents, publicly available on Microsoft’s website, focus on aspects of the company’s suite of cloud services. In contrast with brochures, these white papers don’t have a clear sales pitch. Instead, they dive into relevant topics, such as cloud security, hybrid clouds, and the economic benefits of adopting cloud computing.

  • An AI-First Infrastructure and Toolchain for Any Scale
  • Moving your Mission Critical Mainframe Data to Azure
  • Mesh and hub-and-spoke networks on Azure
  • Backup and recovery overview for Azure users
  • Backup and recovery overview for users new to Azure

How Have New Industries Used White Papers?

Cryptocurrencies have also been known to publish white papers during initial coin offerings (ICOs) and frequently issued white papers to entice users and «investors» to their projects.

Bitcoin famously launched a few months after the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto issued its famous white paper online in October 2008.

Why Is It Called a White Paper?

White Papers may have developed from the use of “Blue Papers” in 19th century Britain, where a Parliamentary report cover was blue. When a topic for the government was less serious, the blue cover was discarded and published with white covers. These reports were called White Papers. In the United States, the use of government white papers often means a background report or guidance on a specific issue.

The Bottom Line

A white paper is an informational document issued by a company, government agency, or not-for-profit organization to promote the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer. The facts presented in white papers are often backed by research and statistics from reliable sources and commonly written in one of three formats that include backgrounders, numbered lists, and problem/solution papers.

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Art is accusation, expression, passion. Art is a fight to the finish between black charcoal and white paper.

Gunter Grass





White paper is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


White paper

A white paper is an authoritative report or guide helping readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. White papers are used in two main spheres: government and business-to-business marketing. They may be considered as grey literature.

Definition of white paper in the English dictionary

The definition of white paper in the dictionary is an official government report in any of a number of countries, including Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, which sets out the government’s policy on a matter that is or will come before Parliament.

Synonyms and antonyms of white paper in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «white paper» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of white paper to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of white paper from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «white paper» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

papel blanco

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

श्वेत पत्र

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

ورقة بيضاء

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

белая бумага

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

papel branco

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

সাদা কাগজ

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

Livre blanc

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

kertas putih

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Kertas putih

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

giấy trắng

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

வெள்ளை காகிதம்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

पांढरा कागद

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Beyaz kağıt

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

libro bianco

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

biały papier

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

біла папір

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

Cartea albă

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

λευκό χαρτί

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

wit papier

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

vitt papper

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

hvitt papir

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of white paper


The term «white paper» is quite widely used and occupies the 23.350 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «white paper» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of white paper

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «white paper».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «white paper» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «white paper» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about white paper


Famous quotes and sentences with the word white paper.

Art is accusation, expression, passion. Art is a fight to the finish between black charcoal and white paper.

A lot of progressives really believe that if we can turn out one more white paper with bullet points about how to fix Problem X, we can fix it. But that’s not primarily the way you reach people or move them. You reach the heart first.

The mind is like a sheet of white paper in this, that the impressions it receives the oftenest, and retains the longest, are black ones.

It’s that I don’t like white paper backgrounds. A woman does not live in front of white paper. She lives on the street, in a motor car, in a hotel room.

Handwritten political posters — often composed in an artless and unadorned style, usually just words on plain white paper — were ubiquitous in South Korea in the 1970s and 1980s and were one of the few outlets available for expressing political views. Most posters were anonymous and put up under the cover of night.


Discover the use of white paper in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to white paper and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Writing White Papers: How to Capture Readers and Keep Them …

Writing White Papers provides more than 200 pages of how-to details for every step of any white paper project—from performing the needs assessment to attracting prospects with creative marketing tactics. —from publisher description

Michael A. Stelzner, 2007


The French White Paper on Defence and National Security

The book considers questions that lie at the heart of modern military and political strategy.

Accordingly, the ROK military is endeavoring to establish a flawless defense
posture that enables a rapid response to any conceivable threat on die basis of
the seamless ROK-US alliance. In addition, it is strenuously pushing for a …


Natural environment white paper: fourth report of session …

those countries, but if the language and thinking in this White Paper is
implemented, I think it puts the UK within the dozen leading countries in the world
looking at this issue. We absolutely welcome the content of the White Paper. Just
to …

Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, 2012


Disorderly Decolonization: The White Paper of 1939 and the …

This work examines the motivations for the White Paper, foremost among them to keep the world Jewish problem separate from Britain’s Palestine problem and to assure stability throughout the Middle East.


European Commission White Paper on Sport: Seventh Report of …

Nonetheless, this is a matter for individual governing bodies to decide.78 We
believe that governing bodies should be free to decide whether or not to
introduce quotas for locally-trained players, and we regret that the White Paper,
while …

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Culture, Media and Sport Committee, 2008


White paper on universal credit: evidence and written …

It has applied these skills to understanding the proposals in the White Paper.
Summary — The White Paper itself is lacking in necessary detail on the
proposals and, more importantly, appears to contain misleading information
about the …

Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Work and Pensions Committee, 2011


Commission for Equality and Human Rights: the Government’s …

In addition to these specific points, there are areas where the White Paper does
not specifically deal with issues raised in the Joint Committee’s recommendations
, for instance the suggestion that the CEHR and the Legal Services Commission

Great Britain. Parliament. Joint Committee on Human Rights, 2004

Standing outside her door, Peggy looked down and saw a white paper rose. This
was the first time she saw the roses he talked so much about. She was about to
go to her parents when they opened their bedroom door too. H. P. stooped down


The Government’s Public Health White Paper (Cm 6374): …

This memorandum reflects: — The extent to which the White Paper does or does
not accord with the views expressed by Forum members; — The views of the
Commission on the patient and public involvement issues relevant to the White …

Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Health Committee, 2005


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term white paper is used in the context of the following news items.

Federal Government unveils long-awaited plan for Australian …

The Federal Government has released the long awaited Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper, which it had promised to deliver within 12 months of the … «ABC Online, Jul 15»

Energy white paper ‘wilfully deluded’ on climate change

The Abbott government’s energy white paper is «wilfully deluded» for failing to put climate change at the centre of Australia’s future energy policy, say climate … «Sydney Morning Herald, Apr 15»

Tax white paper: Treasury urges more GST, less income tax

In a discussion paper released to encourage contributions ahead of a white paper that will set out the government’s priorities on tax, the Treasury says that of the … «Sydney Morning Herald, Mar 15»

Independence White Paper ‘failed to meet civil service standards’

Scotland’s most senior mandarin should have blocked the publication of swathes of Alex Salmond’s White Paper on independence that were politically “partisan” … «, Mar 15»

UK avoids comment on Beijing’s ‘white paper‘ on Hong Kong

China in June released a “white paper” on Hong Kong which stated that judges in the territory must be “patriotic” – an assertion that critics interpreted as being … «Financial Times, Jul 14»

Full text: Chinese State Council white paper on ‘One Country, Two …

The Information Office of the State Council issued a white paper on the practice of the «one country, two systems» policy in Hong Kong on Tuesday. Following is … «South China Morning Post, Jun 14»

Scottish independence: Ministers quizzed on White Paper

Asked by chairman Iain Macwhirter why the Scottish government did not go ahead now with the ambitious extension of free childcare outlined in the White Paper … «BBC News, Dec 13»

Scottish independence: Referendum White Paper unveiled

The 670-page White Paper promised a «revolution» in social policy, with childcare at its heart. The launch came ahead of next September’s independence … «BBC News, Nov 13»

No pledge on currency in upcoming referendum White Paper

A senior official has revealed that the White Paper, the Scottish Government’s blueprint for the new state, will acknowledge that Alex Salmond’s key economic … «Herald Scotland, Nov 13»

Japan criticises China over maritime disputes in white paper

In the first national defence white paper issued under Shinzo Abe, the conservative prime minister who won power in December, the defence ministry said: … «Financial Times, Jul 13»


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Достаточно широко (особенно в инфобизнесе) распространены бесплатные электронные книги, руководства и разнообразные how­to­guides — дальние, а зачастую ещё и бедные родственники настоящих хардкорных вайт пейперов. Так чем же WP отличается от электронных книг (e­book) и электронных буклетов?

E­book — это более широкое понятие чем WP. Под e­book понимаются электронные книги в принципе, будь это детская сказка или что-­то там еще. Что касается маркетинговых e­book’ов, то они могут быть откровенно водянистыми и скорее являются информационными, чем решают конкретную задачу.

То есть вайт пейпер — это тоже электронная книга, но определенного формата и содержания, и, самое главное, в ней всегда содержится концентрированно-полезная информация.

Отличить электронную брошюру от WP ещё проще, там тоже может быть размещена полезная для клиента информация, но:

  • Часто, в электронной брошюре графические изображения преобладают над графическими данными. Оно и понятно, цель брошюры — продать товар. В электронной брошюре вы не найдёте решений проблем своего бизнеса. Это скорее информационный материал, направленный на эмоции и возникновение в сознание читателя мысли «хочу себе такое».

  • Идеи и инструменты для WP можно начать применять для своего бизнеса сразу же, в отличие от брошюры!

Вот вкратце и всё. Теперь вы знаете, что такое White Paper и чем он отличается от своих собратьев.

В следующих выпусках мы расскажем о принципах работы вайт пейпера.

P.S. Хотите бесплатно получить единственный в России вайт пейпер о вайт пейпере?

Table of Contents


  1. What Is White Paper?
  2. Types of White Papers
    1. #1. Technical White Paper
    2. #2. Business Benefits White Paper
    3. #3. Product Comparison White Paper
    4. #4. How-To / Problem-Solving White Paper
  3. White Paper Examples
    1. #1. Problem & Solution
    2. #2. Technical
    3. #3. Educational
  4. How to Write a White Paper
    1. #1. Introduction
    2. #2. Problem Statement
    3. #3. Information
    4. #4. Solution
    5. #5. Conclusion
  5. What Is White Paper in Crypto
    1. Examples of White Paper in Crypto
  6. Why Is White Paper in Crypto Important?
  7. What Is White Paper in Marketing
  8. Benefits of Using White paper in Marketing
    1. #1. Boosts Your Authority
    2. #2. Brings in Revenue
    3. #3. Boosts Participation
    4. #4. Aids in the Creation of a Mailing List
  9. What Is the Purpose of a Whitepaper?
  10. Choosing a Topic for a White Paper
    1. #1. Audience
    2. #2. Expert Analysis
    3. #3. Problem-Solving
  11. Uses of White Papers
    1. #1. Case Study
    2. #2. Reference
  12. What Is Meant by a White Paper?
  13. Why Is It Called a White Paper?
  14. What Is a White Paper vs Research Paper?
  15. What Is Another Name for a White Paper?
  16. Final Thoughts
  17. Related Articles
  18. References

A white paper is a professional manual that examines problems with a certain topic and offers a solution. White was used to denot public access in the government’s color-coded reports, which gave rise to the name “white paper.” This article explains white paper examples, and what white paper in crypto and marketing is. It also comes with a guide on how to write a white paper. Enjoy the ride!

An entity that offers or plans to offer a solution, product, or service may release a white paper as an educational resource to highlight or promote its qualities. Governments also use white papers to introduce new legislation and policies to the public and get a feel for their reactions. Sales and marketing materials and white papers aim to pique the interest of potential buyers in a given product, service, technology, or process.

White papers are frequently created for business-to-business (B2B) marketing objectives between a wholesaler and a manufacturer, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. It can offer a comprehensive report or how-to about a particular item or subject and aims to inform its audience. The data offered in white papers might take the form of graphs, tables, charts, and other data visualizations and is frequently supported by research and statistics from reputable sources. A white paper can explain an organization’s philosophy or showcase industry-related research findings.

Types of White Papers

You need to get familiar with the types of white papers to make your writing easier. Here are the types of white papers:

#1. Technical White Paper

A technical white paper explains how a particular problem is solved through technology. White papers in this category typically describe a single product or the technical methodology behind a single solution.
However, technical documentation libraries and security centers frequently include technical white papers as part of their content hubs. White papers sometimes include visual aids like tables, images, and flowcharts to simplify even the most intricate concepts.

#2. Business Benefits White Paper

A non-technical audience is the focus of business benefits white papers. Business advantages white papers provide a business case for a product or technology, as opposed to technical white papers which demonstrate how technology works.
These white papers are written to help the reader find and acquire a suitable solution to a particular problem. They become especially useful in the middle of the sales funnel when a potential customer is weighing the relative merits of various solutions.

#3. Product Comparison White Paper

Consumers who have decided on a product category but haven’t settled on a specific provider are the ones who will benefit most from a white paper that compares many options in that category. This structure allows you to compare your product’s attributes to those of similar products on the market.

#4. How-To / Problem-Solving White Paper

Is there a challenge that many people in your field face? A problem-solving white paper is a great format to employ if you have the answer but it’s more in-depth and sophisticated than what you’d cover in a typical blog post.
Your sales team may utilize this how-to white paper in talks with prospects and customers at every step of the funnel since it establishes you as the industry authority with the necessary experience.

White Paper Examples

Here are some white paper examples to make you get a better understanding of what white paper actually is:

#1. Problem & Solution

The problem and solution style is one of the most popular forms of whitepapers. In a whitepaper outlining both the problem and the proposed solution, the former takes center stage. This style of whitepaper aims to clearly define the issue at hand and convince the reader that it must be addressed. The whitepaper’s concluding section is where you pitch your wares as the obvious fix. A crucial component of a whitepaper on products and solutions is persuasion using facts.

#2. Technical

In a technical whitepaper, the operation of a product will be described, and the reader will often be given information about the product. When demonstrating a new product, companies often resort to this style of white paper to explain the product and its features. The following are typical components of a technical white paper:

  • Evidence of the product’s efficacy in the form of data and statistics.
  • statements that your company is successful and at the top of its field that is backed up by solid evidence.
  • Outline of the Product’s Function.

#3. Educational

The purpose of a whitepaper in the field of education is to serve as a resource for learning more about a certain subject. Instructional or explanatory whitepapers can be used to guide readers through a process or introduce them to a concept. As a rule, educational whitepapers will be formatted with bulleted lists, detailed instructions, and other aspects that facilitate comprehension. Instead of convincing or encouraging the reader to purchase your good or service, the aim is to inform them.

How to Write a White Paper

When compared to other types of marketing collateral, like brochures, white papers stand out. While brochures and conventional marketing tools may be showy and obvious, a white paper’s goal is to offer convincing and accurate proof that addresses a particular issue or situation.

A white paper should offer thoroughly researched content that cannot be acquired with a quick internet search and has an engaging narrative to hold the reader’s interest. Here are some steps on how to write a white paper:

#1. Introduction

Briefly summarizing the white paper is what the introduction is all about. It talks about the key ideas in the paper. Also, it aids the client in determining whether the report’s information pertains to them.

#2. Problem Statement

The problem statement identifies the concrete challenge experienced by clients that will be addressed in the white paper. The claim must be consistent with the commodity or service. Also, it must be stated in a way that the reader can understand it.

#3. Information

The most crucial element of the essay is the information section, where the introduction and issue statement is combined to detail the product and all of its advantages. The knowledge will result in a resolution.

#4. Solution

The solution section, which describes how the product or service will benefit the reader, will aid in generating leads for the business. To substantiate the assertions made in the paper, the solutions must be pertinent and supported by data. Both quantitative and qualitative data must be included in this area.

#5. Conclusion

In the final section of your paper, you should summarize all you’ve written and highlight the most important points.

What Is White Paper in Crypto

A cryptocurrency whitepaper is a document that can be used to introduce a project and its intended audience to the product or service being presented. Each project has the option to provide as much or as little information as it sees fit, although whitepapers often include a summary of the project’s objectives, tokenomics, products, features, and team members. As a result, while conducting research on a particular topic, whitepapers might be a useful place to start.

A white paper is a written description of the key characteristics and technical details of a particular cryptocurrency or blockchain project that is used in the blockchain industry. Despite the fact that many whitepapers are centered on a particular coin or token, they can also be based on other kinds of projects, such as a play-to-earn game or a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform. It could also include a summary of important data in the form of graphs and statistics. A whitepaper could also describe the project’s governance structure, the people working on it, and its present and future development ambitions (i.e., their roadmap).

Nonetheless, there is no canonical approach to creating whitepapers. The best whitepaper for each project’s needs is produced. The whitepaper should, at the very least, be objective and informative and clearly describe the project and its objectives. Users should always exercise caution when reading whitepapers that use persuasive language and while working on projects that make unwarranted claims.

The business strategies for cryptocurrency initiatives are frequently referred to as cryptocurrency whitepapers. They do this by giving investors a thorough project overview. Whitepapers, however, are typically made public before the debut of a coin, in contrast to business plans. So, a whitepaper serves as a good place to start for a crypto project to describe the purpose and direction of its idea.

Examples of White Paper in Crypto

Here are some examples of white paper in crypto:

#1. Bitcoin Whitepaper

Bitcoin’s whitepaper was released in 2008 by a mysterious person or people going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is described as “A Peer Peer Electronic Currency System” in the Bitcoin whitepaper. The whitepaper explains how Bitcoin can be used as an alternative to the current financial system. In it, the technical underpinnings of how the Bitcoin network enables users to send digital cash on the peer-to-peer network without intermediaries are laid forth. The document also elucidates the measures taken to safeguard the Bitcoin network against censorship and double-spending.

#2. Ethereum Whitepaper

In 2014, a teenage programmer named Vitalik Buterin released a whitepaper for the cryptocurrency Ethereum. Yet even before that, in a 2013 blog post titled “Ethereum: The Ultimate Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform,” Vitalik introduced the concept of the whitepaper. Turing-complete blockchains, which can theoretically run any program given enough time and resources, were introduced in the post.

The Ethereum whitepaper outlines how it is different from Bitcoin in terms of its goals. If Bitcoin’s sole purpose is to facilitate digital peer-to-peer payments, then Ethereum’s whitepaper describes a platform wherein developers can create and launch any number of distributed programs (DApps). A cryptocurrency or a decentralized lending platform are two examples of such alternatives. The whitepaper also describes the technological innovations, such as smart contracts and the Ethereum Virtual Machine, that enabled Ethereum.

Why Is White Paper in Crypto Important?

There would be no cryptocurrency industry without whitepapers. Despite the lack of consensus on how they should be written, whitepapers have become a standard for learning about new blockchain initiatives. It is often advised to begin your investigation into cryptography by reading the project’s whitepaper. Whitepapers are a great tool for users to find possible red flags and promising ideas. They also allow viewers to see if a project is staying true to its stated objectives.

Having the most important details about a project laid out in a whitepaper is also a great way to promote openness and parity. Whitepapers serve multiple purposes and are useful to many people. For instance, investors can use them to make more informed investment decisions, while developers can choose whether or not to participate in the protocol. Similarly, after reading it, a curious reader will have a better grasp on whether or not he wants to participate in the community.

What Is White Paper in Marketing

A whitepaper is an in-depth study of a topic with the goal of promoting the reader’s use of the company’s goods and services. Whitepapers often detail the benefits of a product or service and why they are the best option for solving a given problem.

Two primary purposes define a white paper in marketing:

  • Informing the reader and establishing the publisher’s credibility as an industry expert.
  • Inducing target audiences to act on an advertisement and buy the promoted product or service.

Whitepapers are often prepared in an academic style and contain at least 2,500 words. They serve a teaching and practical purpose and not a promotional one. Whitepapers are meant to be utilized before making a purchase. It should also be factual and devoid of any interpretation.

A product pitch, which can also be used to convince clients to acquire a certain good or service, is not the same as a whitepaper. One key distinction between a whitepaper and a sales pitch is the tone taken. Whitepapers are meant to inform, while product pitches are more likely to be produced in an aggressive and forced manner.

Benefits of Using White paper in Marketing

Here are some of the benefits:

A whitepaper is a terrific approach to building your brand’s reputation because you’re sharing information with readers. A whitepaper is evidence-based rather than opinion-based, making the reader more likely to trust the information you give, including the possibility that your product or service is a solution.

#2. Brings in Revenue

To increase sales for your company, using whitepapers is one of your internal aims. Whitepapers have a high conversion rate since they are both informative and promotional. As a result, readers will find more value in what you have to say.

#3. Boosts Participation

A whitepaper is one method of doing this if you want to increase engagement for your business. Whitepapers are frequently offered as a download link. That makes them perfect for spreading the word. Including whitepapers in your social media postings, emails, and other marketing materials can also boost customer involvement with your company.

#4. Aids in the Creation of a Mailing List

Creating a mailing list might be difficult, but you can make it simple by offering a whitepaper as a free product to encourage people to subscribe to your newsletter. This will also allow you to expand your email list. To increase the likelihood that people will stick around after downloading the whitepaper, make sure the contents are pertinent to your business and your target.

What Is the Purpose of a Whitepaper?

The main goal of a whitepaper is to inform the reader by delving deeply into the subject. Nevertheless, you are also utilizing it to promote your company’s offerings to potential clients. While this may be the goal of your content, you should avoid making it seem too promotional by avoiding being too blatant. Whitepapers aren’t the place for overt advertising. They are also designed to convince potential clients to choose your product or service based only on the facts and evidence that it is a good fit for the issue they’re experiencing.

However, a whitepaper’s purpose is to establish credibility and prove that the service or product being offered is a practical response to the reader’s issue. An informative whitepaper can also do wonders for your company’s public relations efforts.

Choosing a Topic for a White Paper

Choosing a topic for your white paper is as important as your white paper itself. Here are some things to consider while choosing your topic:

#1. Audience

When creating a white paper, the audience is taken into account first, just like when writing an article or essay. For a business, they may be current customers who have been doing business with them for a while or new clients who will read the document to learn more about the company, its goods, and services.

The government’s white papers will also inform the public about pressing concerns and recent developments in the economy.

#2. Expert Analysis

The author of the white paper must have in-depth knowledge of the product or service’s market and a solid grasp of the topic at hand. However, the document for businesses should also include an in-depth analysis of the product and emphasize how it may aid customers.

#3. Problem-Solving

The white paper should not only contain in-depth information about the product or service but also address client pain points and how the company’s offering might help. Furthermore, the issue must also be pertinent to both the target market and the industry. White papers are frequently created to discuss how a product can assist the consumer in keeping up with changing trends and methods in the industry.

Read Also: HOW TO WRITE A WHITE PAPER: Step-By-Step Guide

Uses of White Papers

A business’s authority and credibility with clients can both be improved by publishing white papers. They can be used in a variety of ways, such as the following:

#1. Case Study

Several businesses use case studies as white papers for marketing purposes. A case study tells the tale of a company, the difficulties it encountered, and how its product assisted in resolving those issues.

Furthermore, customers can visualize utilizing the product by reading a case study, which is filled with specific technical information. Case studies assist in giving an actual illustration of how the business assisted a client in succeeding.

#2. Reference

Long and in-depth white papers often contain a lot of unnecessary material the buyer doesn’t really need. Yet, they frequently can act as a reference manual for other businesses in the sector to help them develop their operations.

What Is Meant by a White Paper?

White papers are informative documents published by businesses and nonprofits to promote or emphasize aspects of the solutions, products, and services they provide or intend to provide to their target audience.

Why Is It Called a White Paper?

Common topics covered in white papers include common problems and their solutions. However, the word dates back to when government documents were given out in different colors, with white indicating that it was available to the general public.

What Is a White Paper vs Research Paper?

A white paper, in contrast to a research report, is written to persuade its readers to take action based on what they have read, rather than simply reporting the results of an investigation. White papers also work well as marketing tools to generate interest in a company’s distinctive services.

What Is Another Name for a White Paper?

Other names for a white paper are command paper, position paper, state paper, and white book.

Final Thoughts

An entity that offers or proposes to offer a solution, product, or service may release a white paper to market the features of the solution, product, or service. However, white papers typically take one of three forms (backgrounders, numbered lists, and problem/solution papers) and convey their information backed by research and statistics from reputable sources.

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