Is well received a word

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Twenty-five hundred well-received words, I might add.

Другие результаты

Fear not how well-received your words are this week.

I hope my words are understood and well received.

There is no guarantee that this word will be well received.

With her father’s disapproving words echoing in her ears, Cassatt submitted the well-received painting under the name Mary Stevenson.

После неодобрительных слов своего отца, отзывающимися эхом в ее ушах, Кассат подписала свою первую отмеченную картину именем Мэри Стевенсон.

The first single «Distance» was recorded in the words of Tamerlane, which was well received in the Ukrainian r’n’b environment.

Первый сингл «На расстоянии» был записан на слова Тамерлана, который был хорошо принят в украинской r’n’b среде.

But I’m an actress, and when I see a word, I bring it to life, just like I did in not so well-received production of «Wood for Laney» — story of Hawaiian mother with wooden arms, who desperately wanted to dance hula.

Но я актриса, и когда я вижу слово, я должна дать ему жизнь, как в не очень хорошо принятой постановке «Леса для Лэйни» — истории гавайской матери с деревянными руками, отчаянно хотевшей танцевать гавайские танцы.

In the course of our conversation, the Count told me that the resolutions of Congress with which I am particularly charged, (these are my words and not his) had been well received on the part of Russia.

В ходе нашей беседы граф сообщил, что постановления конгресса, в которых содержатся указания лично мне (последние слова мои, а не его), были благоприятно восприняты [Россией] 2.

This were the words of Lilienthal’s whose idea was well received by officials at the World Bank, and, subsequently, by the Indian and Pakistani governments.

Идея Лилинтэла была хорошо получена чиновниками во Всемирном банке, и, впоследствии, индийскими и пакистанскими правительствами.

His words and actions were well-received in Georgia, as they were in Bulgaria, Romania, and of course Ukraine.

Его слова и действия были позитивно восприняты в Грузии, а также в Болгарии, Румынии и, конечно же, на Украине.

My words were well received.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 11. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 217 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

well received — перевод на русский

— It was very well received.

— Их очень хорошо приняли.

I think it was well received.

Мне кажется, её хорошо приняли.

They are called love and pain you shall well receive them both

Их зовут любовь и боль ты должна хорошо принять их обеих

So, I’ll just say I put together a staged reading with some fabulous young actors, and it was very well received.

Так что, скажу просто, я собрал вместе нескольких знаменитых молодых актеров, и это было очень хорошо принято публикой.

Kaji Sensei, the program you did the other day was very well received.

программа с вами была очень хорошо принята.

Words of wisdom, well received, well, well, received.

Слова мудрости. Хорошо, понял.

I’m sure it’ll be well received.

Я уверена, что тебя поймут.

Since I recently discovered that my fruitcake was not well received, I thought I’d get in on the action.

Так как недавно я обнаружил, что мой фруктовый кекс не очень хорошо приняли, я подумал принять участие.

My book wasn’t exactly well received.

Мою книгу приняли не очень хорошо.

I think, when you want to talk to someone important you have to bring something to be well received.

Я думаю, что если ты хочешь поговорить с кем-то очень важным, Ты должен принести что-нибудь, что бы быть хорошо принятым.

I anticipate that you will be well received.

Я предвижу, что вас прекрасно встретят.

Mr. Welles received the tribute from the people of Jerez from the civil governor’s granddaughter.

ћистер «эллс получил дань уважени€ от народа ‘ереса и от внучки гражданского губернатора.

Programme is most well received in this week bleed ceremony

На этой неделе в нашей популярной рубрике «Кровавые церемонии»

Well received with pure heart!

Хорошо получили. От души!

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Kenya has opened up its doors to foreign investors, an opportunity which is well received.


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While Manufacturing,

WINKY also concerns on new product developing, which is well received by merchants both at home and abroad.

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Во время производства WINKY

также заботится о разработке новых продуктов, что хорошо воспринимается торговцами как дома, так и за рубежом.

This stylish and elegant USB driver is well received by customers



proved to


a very effective promotion device.

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и оказался очень эффективным устройством продвижение по службе.

and it has brought great benefits to both the Chinese and African peoples.


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и оно весьма полезно как китайскому, так и африканским народам.


Each includes strong graphics that


instantly recognizable as RTG games,



improving with new releases and the inclusion of animation is well received by those who love the RealTime games.

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В каждом номере имеется сильная графика, которая мгновенно узнаваемый как

РТГ игры, звуки улучшаются с новыми выпусками и включение анимации хорошо получали те, кто любит игры в реальном времени.

Although the gender issue


addressed in the course of this evaluation and is well received, the evaluation team noted that it



documented in the evaluation reports, and


raised only selectively during the interviews.


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Хотя гендерный вопрос учитывался в ходе данной оценки и воспринимается положительно, группа, проводившая оценку, отметила, что он скудно документирован

в оценочных докладах и затрагивался лишь выборочно в ходе бесед.


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Results: 597673,
Time: 0.2661





His film work included roles well received by critics in «The Group,» «Harry and Tonto» and «Primary Colors.»
Его работа в кино включала роли, хорошо принятые критиками, в «The Group», «Harry and Tonto» и «Primary Colors».

He grumbles that Clinton hardly opened her mouth, which he interprets to mean that his plea was not well received.
Он ворчит, что Клинтон едва ли открыла рот, что он интерпретирует как мотив, что его заявление не было хорошо принято.

Granted, President George W. Bush was well received by all his hosts in the five countries he visited, with traditional Latin American hospitality and cordiality.
Джордж Буш был хорошо принят всеми главами пяти государств, которые он посетил, с традиционным латиноамериканским гостеприимством и радушием.

The most recent offer of the 5+1 group (the United Nations Security Council’s five permanent members and Germany) was well received in Teheran.
Самое последнее предложение группы 5+1 (пяти постоянных членов Совета безопасности ООН и Германии) было хорошо принято в Тегеране.

When I put Seattle on the path to divestment in 2013, my decision was well received by the young people who will have to live with the consequences of global warming, as well as the general public.
Когда я вывел Сиэтл на путь отзыва инвестиций в ископаемые виды топлива в 2013 году, мое решение было хорошо принято среди молодых людей, которые будут вынуждены жить с последствиями глобального потепления, так же как и широкой общественностью.

The road map, calling for a negotiated settlement on the basis of a two State solution, had generally been well received by delegations, which had urged the Security Council to endorse it and demand its immediate implementation, with both sides making reciprocal parallel concessions.
Этот план, содержащий призыв к урегулированию в рамках переговоров на основе сосуществования двух государств, был в целом хорошо принят делегациями, которые призвали Совет Безопасности одобрить его и потребовали его немедленного осуществления на основе взаимных параллельных уступок с обеих сторон.

My thesis, «Get Over It,» wasn’t well received.
Моя работа «Преодолей это» не получила высший балл.

A number of models from your collection were very well received.
Отдельные модели из Вашей коллекции нашли большой отклик у аудитории.

In contrast, Obama’s inaugural address was well received both at home and abroad.
Напротив, речь при вступлении в должность Обамы была равно хорошо воспринята дома и заграницей.

In Eastern Europe, the EU choice will no doubt be well received by the fortunate five.
В Восточной Европе, несомненно, выбор ЕС будет благоприятно воспринят счастливой пятеркой.

“I told her it was going to be hard and that she would not be well received.
— Я сказал, что ей будет трудно, и что примут ее не очень хорошо.

Being a psychiatrist and saying you want to learn or study about psychedelics it’s not that well received.
Быть психиатром и говорить, что ты хочешь изучать психоделики — это не то что нормально воспринимается обществом.

Since I recently discovered that my fruitcake was not well received, I thought I’d get in on the action.
Так как недавно я обнаружил, что мой фруктовый кекс не очень хорошо приняли, я подумал принять участие.

There’s a longer story to this, but I did get them all done in time, and they were extremely well received.
и история тут несколько длиннее, но мне удалось всё сделать вовремя, и они были восприняты с исключительным энтузиазмом.

Being a psychiatrist and saying you want to learn or study about psychedelics it’s, you know, it’s not that well received.
Быть психиатром и говорить, что ты хочешь изучать психоделики — это не то что нормально воспринимается обществом.

Trump’s priorities won’t be well received by allies to the north or east — though members in the Mediterranean may think differently.
Северные и восточные союзники по НАТО негативно воспримут приоритеты Трампа, а вот у членов альянса из Средиземноморья может возникнуть иное мнение.

That will be particularly well received in the Asia-Pacific region, where countries are focused on cooperating in developing their counter-terrorism capabilities.
Это будет с особым энтузиазмом встречено в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе, где страны нацелены на сотрудничество в формировании собственного антитеррористического потенциала.

That was well received too, so it’s like a big sign from the gods, saying, ‘This is what you should be doing.»»
Её тоже приняли хорошо, так что это было как знак свыше, показывающий: «Вот чем тебе надо заниматься»».

I believe the ECB will unleash the mother of all QEs or at the very least, it will be well received by the market.
Я полагаю, что ЕЦБ обнародует полномасштабное QE или как минимум, будет благоприятно воспринят рынком.

The strategy paper prepared by the team was well received and supported by the Executive Board, the Executive Team and the HDRO statistical advisory panel.
Подготовленный группой документ о стратегии был воспринят положительно и поддержан Исполнительным советом, Группой исполнительных руководителей и статистической консультативной группой Отдела.

Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

Asked by: Maybell Mertz

Score: 4.9/5
(72 votes)

adjective (well provided when postpositive) having been furnished or supplied with a sufficient amount. (foll by for) having been supplied with sufficient means of support, esp financially.

What does well supplied mean?

adjective (well supplied when postpositive) provided or furnished with a sufficient amount.

What does it mean when something is well received?

adjective (well received when postpositive) having been greeted or reviewed with approvalhis well-received books.

What does the word well well mean?

Filters. (idiomatic, dated, US, Canada) Indicating pondering or consideration, often with sarcasm or mock surprise.

What is a synonym for well meaning?

Synonyms:generous, hospitable, kind-hearted, open-handed, benevolent, selfless, good-hearted, liberal, big-hearted, gentle, nice, sensitive, generous, warm, kind, caring, warm-hearted, tender.

45 related questions found

Is well received grammatically correct?

1 Answer. If you want simply to confirm to your professor that you have received a message, well received conveys more than that. Well received, which is sometimes hyphenated, means that something has gotten a good reaction or has been viewed with approval.

Can you say received with thanks?

«Received with thanks» is understood to be an abbreviation of «I received it with thanks«, so it is clear that «with thanks» describes how you received it. But if you are looking for another way to say it, you can say «Thank you for…» Thank you for the email.

How do you use well received in a sentence?

Examples of ‘well-received’ in a sentence well-received

  1. He has written three well-received books.
  2. Mostly, it has been well-received.
  3. The appointment was well-received by the players.
  4. The quiz’s comeback was well-received by viewers. …
  5. But to come home and be well-received is fantastic.

What does well stocked mean?

adjective (well stocked when postpositive) having or containing sufficient goods, wares, food, etc.

What does stocked up mean?

: to get a large quantity of something for later use —often + on We made sure to stock up on food before the storm hit.

What does it mean to be stocked?

slang. : being in an enthusiastic or exhilarated state.

Is there a better way to say write received with thanks?

Can I say received with thanks? “Received with thanks” is understood to be an abbreviation of “I received it with thanks”, so it is clear that “with thanks” describes how you received it. But if you are looking for another way to say it, you can say “Thank you for…” Thank you for the email.

How do you say thank you for the appreciation?

Personal thank you

  1. I appreciate you!
  2. You are the best.
  3. I appreciate your help so much.
  4. I’m grateful to you.
  5. I wanted to thank you for your help.
  6. I value the help you’ve given me.
  7. I am so thankful for you in my life.
  8. Thanks for the support.

How do you say received and thank you in email?

These general thank-you phrases can be used for all personal and professional communications:

  1. Thank you so much.
  2. Thank you very much.
  3. I appreciate your consideration/guidance/help/time.
  4. I sincerely appreciate ….
  5. My sincere appreciation/gratitude/thanks.
  6. My thanks and appreciation.
  7. Please accept my deepest thanks.

Is it polite to say well noted?

1 Answer. It is a «yes». It is both acknowledgement and assurance. Someone might casually say, «Noted,» but to say, «Well noted,» or «Duly noted,» is to emphasize that they have read your message, understood it fully, and will act according to your wishes.

Is well received one word?

How was the show received? A) Oh, the show was well received! «well-received» before a noun is an adjective.

How do you say well received?


  1. attractive.
  2. beloved.
  3. famous.
  4. fashionable.
  5. favored.
  6. prominent.
  7. suitable.
  8. trendy.

What is a better word than kind?

kindly, good-natured, kind-hearted, tender-hearted, warm-hearted, soft-hearted, good-hearted, tender, caring, feeling, affectionate, loving, warm, gentle, mellow, mild. considerate, helpful, thoughtful, obliging, unselfish, selfless, altruistic, good, cooperative, accommodating, attentive.

What is a stronger word for good?

adj.pleasant, fine. adj.moral, virtuous. adj.competent, skilled. adj.useful, adequate. adj.reliable; untainted.

Do you say I am good or I am well?

Therefore, «I’m good,» is a proper response. «I’m well» is also allowed but not for the reasons many think. That response only works if «well» takes on its adjectival form, meaning «in good health» or «good or satisfactory.» Now, if someone asks «How are you doing?» «I’m doing well» is the correct response.

Do you say I’m good or I’m well?

To sum it up, if someone asks you how you’re doing: “I’m good” is correct. “I’m well” is correct.

Why do you say well instead of good?

The rule of thumb is that good is an adjective and well is an adverb. Good modifies a noun; something can be or seem good. Well modifies a verb; an action can be done well. However, when you’re talking about health, well can be used as an adjective.

  • #1

I’m not a native speaker and I would like to seek your advice…

I was told that «well received» means «getting good reaction from people» and is not a proper way to mean «I have received it», which is very commonly used in business emails, for example:

«Thank you for your email and your message is well received.»
«The files are well received and thanks.»

In fact I receive quite a lot of this phrase from colleagues / secretaries / clients every day at work. I would say, instead:

«Thank you for your email and you message has been noted.»
«The files have been received and thanks.»

Can anyone advise better expressions, please?

    • #2

    I agree with you that «well received» means «getting a good reaction from people».

    If someone is worried that their email might not reach you for some reason, I would reassure them with:

    Thank you. Your email was safely received (or: received safely).

    If it’s just a normal response to an email, I’d say:

    I received your email, thank you.

    • #3

    I agree with you that «well received» means «getting a good reaction from people».

    If someone is worried that their email might not reach you for some reason, I would reassure them with:

    Thank you. Your email was safely received (or: received safely).

    If it’s just a normal response to an email, I’d say:

    I received your email, thank you.

    Thanks Chez for your kind advice!

    I wonder if my expressions sound weird:

    «Thank you for your email and you message has been noted.»
    «The files have been received and thanks.»

    May I know you thought, please?

    • #4

    Your messages are fine.

    The first (your email has been noted) sounds rather cold and formal, but is perfectly correct. I would only use this if, for example, I received a complaint – formally ‘noting’ that I have received their email complaint.

    • #5

    Your messages are fine.

    The first (your email has been noted) sounds rather cold and formal, but is perfectly correct. I would only use this if, for example, I received a complaint – formally ‘noting’ that I have received their email complaint.

    Thanks for your explanation! It’s useful :)

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