Is well functioning a word

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Support to establishing a well-functioning QI often involves extensive staff training.


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Strong immunization systems are an integral part of a well-functioning health system.


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Надежные системы иммунизации являются неотъемлемой частью отлаженной системы здравоохранения.


Effective cooperation requires solidarity and a strong, well-functioning United Nations.


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Эффективное сотрудничество требует солидарности и сильной, хорошо отлаженной Организации Объединенных Наций.


Political stability and economic prosperity will depend on well-functioning Kosovo institutions.


Through well-functioning cooperation among organizations, considerable results have been achieved

in recent years.


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Благодаря хорошо налаженному сотрудничеству между организациями в последние годы были

достигнуты значительные результаты.


A well-functioning SAI should deal authoritatively with all aspects of financial accountability.



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здоровья и производительности.



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и производительности пользователей.


Inclusive, balanced and well-functioning national systems of migration management;


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Austria stressed the importance of maintaining a well-functioning website with updated information.


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Misty” technology makes it possible to maintain well-functioning organisms under“emotional skirting”.

Acknowledging that a well-functioning housing sector is key to attaining

sustainable urban development.


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для достижения целей устойчивого городского развития.


I hardly need emphasize that a well-functioning, multi-party system is essential to democratic governance.


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Было бы излишним подчеркивать, что эффективно функционирующая многопартийная система безусловно необходима для демократического правления.


Lack of well-functioning national systems for the estimation of anthropogenic greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions;


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Отсутствие отлаженных национальных систем по оценке антропогенных выбросов парниковых газов( ПГ);


The establishment of a well-functioning permanent criminal court is important in this regard.


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Create the basic legal and institutional framework for a well-functioning market economy;


The main ingredients of a well-functioning innovation cluster include the following.


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We need to ensure that

States parties are adequately serviced by a well-functioning support unit.


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Нам необходимо обеспечить, чтобы государства- участники адекватно обслуживались хорошо функционирующим вспомогательным подразделением.


Achieving and keeping equitable access depends on a well-functioning water and sanitation sector.


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Достижение равного доступа и сохранения его таковым зависит от хорошо функционирующего сектора водоснабжения и санитарии.


An active civil

society is an essential component of a cohesive and well-functioning state.


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Asked by: Serena Wiegand

Score: 5/5
(36 votes)

To entangle; to intertwine.

How do you say within budget?


  1. be frugal.
  2. be prudent.
  3. be sparing.
  4. conserve.
  5. cut back.
  6. cut corners.
  7. cut down.
  8. keep within means.

Is there a word functionable?

func•tion•a•ble (fungk′shə nə bəl), adj.

How do you say something is functional?

  1. active,
  2. alive,
  3. busy,
  4. employed,
  5. functioning,
  6. operating,
  7. operative.

What is the meaning of the word intermingled?

English Language Learners Definition of intermingle

: to mix together.

25 related questions found

What type of word is intermingled?

verb (used with or without object), in·ter·min·gled, in·ter·min·gling. to mingle, one with another; intermix.

Is well functioning a word?

Definitions for well-functioning. well-func·tion·ing.

Can functional be a noun?

(uncountable) The ability to perform a task or function; that set of functions that something is able or equipped to perform.

How do you spell functionable?

Functionable Definition & Meaning |

What is not functional?

: not functional: such as. a : having no function : serving or performing no useful purpose Naive art … tends to be decorative and nonfunctional.— Robert Atkins. b : not performing or able to perform a regular function …

Is irregardless a word in the dictionary?

Irregardless is a nonstandard synonym for regardless, which means “without concern as to advice, warning, or hardship,” or “heedless.” Its nonstandard status is due to the double negative construction of the prefix ir- with the suffix -less. … The bottom line is that irregardless is indeed a word, albeit a clunky one.

Is Underbudgeted a word?

furnished with an insufficient budget; not having sufficient funds made available.

What is meant by over or under budget?

budget ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

on/within budget (=spending only as much money as you have): … over/under budget (=over or under the amount you have to spend): The film is already way over budget. a tight budget (=a small amount of money): They run the magazine on a pretty tight budget.

What does Overbudget mean?

: beyond the amount of money than had been planned for The director always goes over budget on his films.

What’s a better word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

What is the difference between function and functionality?

The subtle difference between the two words is this: functionality refers to the capability and suitability of a thing, whereas function refers, without value judgment, to the action a thing performs or is intended to perform.

What does non functioning mean?

1 : not performing or able to perform a function : not functioning : nonfunctional a nonfunctioning telephone a nonfunctioning kidney. 2 medical, of a tumor : not secreting hormones or not secreting hormones that produce clinical symptoms a nonfunctioning pituitary adenoma nonfunctioning islet cell tumors.

Is functioning an adjective?

Functioning can be an adjective, a noun or a verb.

What is difference between mingle and intermingle?

As verbs the difference between mingle and intermingle

is that mingle is to mix; intermix; to combine or join, as an individual or part, with other parts, but commonly so as to be distinguishable in the product; to confuse; to confound while intermingle is to mix or become mixed together.

What is intermingling of molecules called?

Intermingling of molecules is called diffusion .

What is intermingled yarn?

Intermingling is a technology which is very economical than the older technologies like sizing, twisting in synthetic yarn weaving. In this technology air causes the filaments will be intertwined and mingled with each other to form a compact section.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Well-functioning credit registries — through which banks and other lenders are required to share information about the quality of borrowers — have been shown to improve SMEs’ access to credit over time.

Доказано, что хорошо функционирующие кредитные регистры — через которые банки и другие кредиторы должны обмениваться информацией о качестве заемщиков — со временем расширяют доступ МСП к кредитам.

Before the crisis, most even had well-functioning economies.

International trade depends critically on well-functioning transport links.

«Международная торговля в решающей степени зависит от хорошо функционирующих транспортных связей.

Well-functioning justice institutions were critical to building peace and consolidating development gains.

Хорошо функционирующие судебные органы имеют ключевое значение для обеспечения мира и укрепления результатов в области развития.

Well-functioning university technology transfer offices were an important tool and should be supported.

Хорошо функционирующие университетские подразделения, отвечающие за передачу технологий, выполняют важную функцию, и их следует поддерживать.

Well-functioning health systems are not a luxury.

Well-functioning international organizations, not least our world Organization, are cornerstones in this endeavour.

Хорошо функционирующие международные организации, не в последнюю очередь и наша всемирная Организация, являются краеугольными камнями в этих усилиях.

Well-functioning markets provide choices, and ultimately, the ability to express one’s pursuit for happiness.

Хорошо функционирующие рынки дают нам выбор, и, в конечном счёте, способность высказать стремление к счастью.

Well-functioning and efficient port facilities provide economies of scale in all sectors including the service sector which huge ports have difficulties competing with.

Хорошо функционирующие и эффективно работающие портовые объекты обеспечивают экономию, обусловленную увеличением масштабов деятельности, во всех секторах, включая сектор услуг, с которым большим портам трудно конкурировать.

Well-functioning institutions are needed to effectively administer this broad array of fairly complex combinations of management measures.

Хорошо функционирующие институты должны эффективно управлять этим широким кругом довольно сложных комбинаций мер управления.

Well-functioning legal and policy frameworks can minimize bureaucratic barriers and maximize the quality and coordination of international aid.

Хорошо функционирующие правовые и политические рамки могут свести до минимума бюрократические барьеры и максимально увеличить качество и координацию международной помощи.

Well-functioning parents respond appropriately to soothe the baby, which Schore calls «reattunement» (2008).

Хорошо функционирующие родители отвечают соответствующим образом, чтобы успокоить ребенка, который Schore называет «reattunement» (2008).

Well-functioning markets, from the village to the national and international levels, are important in providing an economically viable option for creating income and employment, especially in rural areas.

Хорошо функционирующие рыночные механизмы — начиная с уровня деревни до национального и международного уровней — играют важную роль в предоставлении реальной в экономическом отношении возможности для получения доходов и обеспечения занятости, особенно в сельских районах.

Well-functioning health information and surveillance systems should ensure that data are reliable, transparent and consistent, while protecting the right to privacy of children and their families.

Хорошо функционирующие системы сбора информации о состоянии здоровья и наблюдения за ним должны обеспечивать надежность, транспарентность и последовательность таких данных, обеспечивая защиту права на неприкосновенность личной жизни детей и их родителей.

Well-functioning civil registration and vital statistics systems enhance the credibility of national and local administrators and their capacity to deliver services by helping them to identify what services are needed and by whom.

Хорошо функционирующие системы регистрации актов гражданского состояния и статистики естественного движения населения повышают доверие к национальной и местной администрации, ее способности предоставлять услуги путем оказания им помощи в определении того, какие требуются услуги, и кто в них нуждается.

Well-functioning industrial relations including collective bargaining are keys to achieving fair living wages and improved working conditions in our supply chain.

Хорошо функционирующие производственные отношения, в том числе коллективные переговоры, служат ключом к успеху в деле обеспечения справедливой заработной платы не ниже прожиточного минимума и улучшения условий труда в нашей цепочке поставок.

Australia has well-functioning but limited markets for crop insurance.

Well-functioning and efficient borders are the foundation for regional mobility and development.

Надежные и эффективные границы являются основой региональной мобильности и развития.

Well-functioning, it allows you to give and receive love and easy to express the feminine side of your nature.

Хорошо функционируя, она позволяет вам отдавать и принимать любовь и легко выражать женственную сторону вашей натуры.

Well-functioning and open financial markets can help smooth the economic impacts of demographic change.

Хорошо отлаженные и открытые финансовые рынки могут помочь смягчить экономические последствия демографических изменений.

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Corporate solutions



Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1. v жить; существовать

2. v жить, проживать

3. v выдерживать, не погибать, не портиться

4. v перенести, пережить

5. v питаться

to live low — жить в бедности, скудно питаться

6. v возвыш. осуществлять, воплощать

7. v жить; сожительствовать

8. v мириться; терпеть

9. a горящий, непогасший

10. a действующий; неиспользованный; не взорвавшийся; заряжённый

11. a эл. находящийся под напряжением

live working — работа с проводкой, находящейся под током

12. a живой, энергичный, деятельный, полный сил

13. a актуальный, важный, жизненный

14. a шутл. настоящий, реальный, невыдуманный

15. a проточный

16. a чистый

17. a яркий, нетусклый

18. a полигр. подлежащий набору

19. a преим. горн. естественный, нетронутый; натуральный

live ore — рудное месторождение ; рудная порода

20. a спорт. находящийся в игре

радио, передающийся непосредственно в эфир; транслируемый с места действия ; прямой

21. adv непосредственно, прямо

Синонимический ряд:

1. active (adj.) active; animate; animated; dynamic; energetic; functioning; going; living; operative; running; vigorous; vigourous; vital; vivid; working

2. broadcast directly (adj.) broadcast directly; in the flesh; real; unrehearsed

3. not dead (adj.) alive; aware; conscious; existing; incarnate; not dead

4. be (verb) are; be; be alive; breathe; continue; exist; feed; move

5. be remembered (verb) be remembered; endure; last; persist; prevail; remain; survive

6. enjoy life (verb) delight in; enjoy life; experience; live richly; love; make every moment count; relish; savor; savour; take pleasure in

7. gain subsistence (verb) acquire a livelihood; earn; earn a living; earn money; gain subsistence; subsist; support oneself

9. reside (verb) abide; bide; domicile; dwell; hang out; inhabit; live in; reside

Антонимический ряд:

dead; desist; die; lifeless


well-behaved function — доброкачественная функция
well-integrable function — вполне интегрируемая функция

Перевод по словам

well  — ну, что ж, уж, хороший, хорошо, вполне, колодец, бить ключом
function  — функция, назначение, должность, прием, функционировать, работать, действовать


The new machine functions well.

Новое оборудование функционирует хорошо.

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How to pronounce well-functioning?

How to say well-functioning in sign language?

How to use well-functioning in a sentence?

  1. Marie Haga:

    We don’t have a well-functioning global system for conservation of coffee, if you’re dependent on coffee for your business, it’s a good idea to conserve coffee. If you’re dependent on citrus for your business, it’s a good idea to make sure that farmers have the right varieties to use when they produce lemons and oranges.

  2. Representative Bill Shuster:

    A strong, healthy and well-functioning freight rail system is critical to the movement of goods in this country, however, CP’s pursuit of a merger over the last two years has done nothing but create uncertainty in the rail industry, and there continues to be no clear path forward for such an arrangement.

  3. Tad Gerlinger:

    The military has changed the requirement for a disability board and possible medical discharge for a well functioning total joint replacement, service members receiving a total joint arthroplasty are now assumed fit for duty with minor modifications to their activity.

  4. David Maxwell:

    I can’t imagine that many people are as well qualified as Andrew Kim. Andrew Kim established the North Korea Mission Center. From everything I have heard it is a very well functioning center.


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  • W
  • Well-functioning


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [wel fuhngk-shuh n]
    • /wɛl ˈfʌŋk ʃən/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [wel fuhngk-shuh n]
    • /wɛl ˈfʌŋk ʃən/

Definitions of well-functioning word

  • noun well-functioning the kind of action or activity proper to a person, thing, or institution; the purpose for which something is designed or exists; role. 1
  • noun well-functioning any ceremonious public or social gathering or occasion. 1
  • noun well-functioning a factor related to or dependent upon other factors: Price is a function of supply and demand. 1
  • noun well-functioning Mathematics. Also called correspondence, map, mapping, transformation. a relation between two sets in which one element of the second set is assigned to each element of the first set, as the expression y = x 2 ; operator. Also called multiple-value function. a relation between two sets in which two or more elements of the second set are assigned to each element of the first set, as y 2 = x 2 , which assigns to every x the two values y = + x and y = − x. a set of ordered pairs in which none of the first elements of the pairs appears twice. 1
  • noun well-functioning Geometry. a formula expressing a relation between the angles of a triangle and its sides, as sine or cosine. hyperbolic function. 1
  • noun well-functioning Grammar. the grammatical role a linguistic form has or the position it occupies in a particular construction. the grammatical roles or the positions of a linguistic form or form class collectively. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of well-functioning

First appearance:

before 1525

One of the 28% oldest English words

1525-35; < Latin functiōn- (stem of functiō) a performance, execution, equivalent to funct(us) (past participle of fungī) performed, executed + -iōn- -ion

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Well-functioning

well-functioning popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 95% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

See also

  • All definitions of well-functioning
  • Sentences with the word well-functioning
  • well-functioning pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with w
  • Words starting with we
  • Words starting with wel
  • Words starting with well
  • Words starting with wellf
  • Words starting with wellfu
  • Words starting with wellfun
  • Words starting with wellfunc
  • Words starting with wellfunct
  • Words starting with wellfuncti
  • Words starting with wellfunctio
  • Words starting with wellfunction
  • Words starting with wellfunctioni
  • Words starting with wellfunctionin
  • Words ending with g
  • Words ending with ng
  • Words ending with ing
  • Words ending with ning
  • Words containing the letters w
  • Words containing the letters w,e
  • Words containing the letters w,e,l
  • Words containing the letters w,e,l,f
  • Words containing the letters w,e,l,f,u
  • Words containing the letters w,e,l,f,u,n
  • Words containing w
  • Words containing we
  • Words containing wel
  • Words containing well
  • Words containing wellf
  • Words containing wellfu

How to pronounce well-functioning?

How to say well-functioning in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of well-functioning in Chaldean Numerology is: 2

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of well-functioning in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4

Examples of well-functioning in a Sentence

  1. Tad Gerlinger:

    The military has changed the requirement for a disability board and possible medical discharge for a well functioning total joint replacement, service members receiving a total joint arthroplasty are now assumed fit for duty with minor modifications to their activity.

  2. Marie Haga:

    We don’t have a well-functioning global system for conservation of coffee, if you’re dependent on coffee for your business, it’s a good idea to conserve coffee. If you’re dependent on citrus for your business, it’s a good idea to make sure that farmers have the right varieties to use when they produce lemons and oranges.

  3. Representative Bill Shuster:

    A strong, healthy and well-functioning freight rail system is critical to the movement of goods in this country, however, CP’s pursuit of a merger over the last two years has done nothing but create uncertainty in the rail industry, and there continues to be no clear path forward for such an arrangement.

  4. David Maxwell:

    I can’t imagine that many people are as well qualified as Andrew Kim. Andrew Kim established the North Korea Mission Center. From everything I have heard it is a very well functioning center.


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  • English (English)

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