Is weeding a word

полка, прополка, очистка, искоренение, мелкое воровство


- с.-х. полка, прополка; пропалывание (сорняков); прореживание (посадок)
- очистка, искоренение; удаление (ненужного)
- амер. сл. мелкое воровство

Мои примеры


cleaning/weeding — рубка прочистки  
crop weeding — уничтожение сорняков; прополка  
hand weeding — ручная прополка  
mechanical weeding — механическая борьба с сорняками  
oil weeding — уничтожение сорняков минеральными маслами  
one-side weeding knife — полольная бритва  
weeding machine — прополочный культиватор; полольник  
weeding out — искореняющий; искоренение  
weeding rod — штанга штангового культиватора  
weeding tooth — полольный зуб  

Примеры с переводом

She was on her knees (=kneeling) weeding the garden.

Она полола огород, стоя на коленях.

Возможные однокоренные слова

weed  — сорняк, сорная трава, табак, марихуана, полоть, пропалывать, выпалывать, очищать
weeder  — рыхлитель, культиватор, полольщик, полольник

  • 1

    Персональный Сократ > weeding

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    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > weeding

  • 3

    Англо-русский технический словарь > weeding

  • 4

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > weeding

  • 5

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > weeding

  • 6

    1) прополка, выпалывание

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > weeding

  • 7

    1. n с. -х. полка, прополка; пропалывание; прореживание

    2. n очистка, искоренение; удаление

    3. n амер. сл. мелкое воровство

    English-Russian base dictionary > weeding

  • 8



    полка, прополка; пропалывание (); прореживание ()

    2. очистка, искоренение; удаление ()

    НБАРС > weeding

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > weeding

  • 10


    4) Сельское хозяйство: полка

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > weeding

  • 11


    выпалывать пропалывание; удаление пропалываемый; выбраковываемый; от



    Англо-русский медицинский словарь > weeding

  • 12


    удаление, искоренение, избавление

    Politics english-russian dictionary > weeding

  • 13

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > weeding

  • 14

    (n) искоренение; мелкое воровство; очистка; полка; пропалывание; прополка; прореживание; удаление

    * * *

    прополка, выпалывание

    Новый англо-русский словарь > weeding

  • 15

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > weeding

  • 16

    Англо-русский словарь по авиации > weeding

  • 17

    Англо-русский сельскохозяйственный словарь > weeding

  • 18

    English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > weeding

  • 19

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > weeding

  • 20

    English-Russian library and information terminology dictionary > weeding


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Weeding — Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding. {Weeding… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weeding — Weed Weed, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Weeded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Weeding}.] [AS. we[ o]dian. See 3d {Weed}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To free from noxious plants; to clear of weeds; as, to weed corn or onions; to weed a garden. [1913 Webster] 2. To take away,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weeding — ravėjimas statusas T sritis augalininkystė apibrėžtis Priemaišų, piktžolių ir kitų nereikalingų augalų rovimas iš auginamo pasėlio. atitikmenys: angl. weeding rus. прополка …   Žemės ūkio augalų selekcijos ir sėklininkystės terminų žodynas

  • weeding — see one wedding brings another one year’s seeding makes seven years’ weeding …   Proverbs new dictionary

  • Weeding chisel — Weeding Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weeding forceps — Weeding Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weeding fork — Weeding Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weeding hook — Weeding Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weeding iron — Weeding Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • weeding iron — Weeding Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Weeding tongs — Weeding Weed ing, a. & n. from {Weed}, v. [1913 Webster] {Weeding chisel}, a tool with a divided chisel like end, for cutting the roots of large weeds under ground. {Weeding forceps}, an instrument for taking up some sorts of plants in weeding.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

weeding — перевод на русский

You know people whisper behind my back that I am the Devil incarnate— -that I’ve harvested all the weeds that grow on the Isle of Love.

Обо мне и так уж повсюду болтают, называют прислужницей сатаны. На Острове Любви не осталось лужайки, где бы я не примяла травку.

— I’m looking for some weed.

— Ищу травку.

— No, you find your own weed.

— Нет уж, ищи собственную травку.

Which, FYI, Ross, one of your neighbors, growing weed.

Где, к твоему сведению, Росс, твой сосед выращивает травку.

I think it’s where the Stokes brothers keep their weed.

Думаю, что тут братья Стоксы хранили их травку.

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Do you ever take that smoldering weed out of your mouth?

Ты когда нибудь вынимаешь изо рта эту чадящую траву?

Did you get the weed? Hey, man, opcays.

Ты траву вырубил?

Now, the weed is separated from seed.

Траву отделяют от семян.

I see your hobbies are drinking, smoking weed and all types of ill shit.

Значит, Ваши увлечения: пить, курить траву, и всякое другое говнецо.

— You know, just ordinary weeds.

— Представляешь, обыкновенную траву.

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You seem bent on destroying the flowers and cultivating the weeds!

Ты стремишься уничтожить цветы, и культивировать сорняки!

Do you pull weeds out of the crop field?

Ты сорняки выпалываешь?

«Where I’ve planted corn weeds have grown.»

Где я посадил кукурузу, выросли сорняки.

The weed is eating what’s left.

Нам придется есть сорняки.

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I was checkin’ out these kids selling some weed down on the beach.

Я наблюдал за парнями, продающими марихуану на пляже.

In the end Parkie won because of the Cadillac, Kevin Head because he had the killer weed and Joe Hill Conley because he won school prizes — …which Trip thought would impress Mr. and Mrs. Lisbon.

Парки взяли из-за его Кадиллака. Кевина за его убийственную марихуану. А Джейка Конли за его спортивные заслуги, которые должны были.

They give you food and cable and weed.

Там тебе дают пищу, кабельное телевидение и марихуану.

Do any of you smoke weed?

Да или нет? Кто-нибудь из вас курит марихуану?

Well,if you’re looking for weed,I wouldn’t think you’d have to look very far.

Если вы ищете марихуану, так зачем далеко ходить?

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Time to kick back, drink some beers, and smoke some weed.

Время бить лохов, пить пиво и курить дурь.

I had some girlfriends too, but all they wanted from me was weed and shit.

У меня тоже были подружки, они только и делали, что качали из меня дурь и бабки.

Actually, I ran out of weed, and the smoke cleared.

Вообще-то, у меня закончилась дурь, вот дым и рассеялся.

And she put weed in it? !

И она в него дурь положила?

— You don’t put weed in my cornbread!

— В мой хлеб дурь не кладут!

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I still had a connection, it was insane because you couldn’t get weed anywhere.

У меня были связи, с ума сойти можно, так косяк найти было практически нереально.

— Everyone’s blazing away, smoking trees of weed. — Word to the «mummyfucker.»

— В последнюю ночь мы делили косяк с двумя мощными растаманами.

You know, that was the last of our weed.

Это был последний косяк.

She bought weed.

Она купила косяк.

I got a little weed, parked out behind the diner.

Я раздобыл косяк и расположился снаружи, позади закусочной

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I’m carrying the weed in a bag, and I gotta take a piss.

косячок я оставил в сумке, и мне захотелось ссать.

So Michael had weed…

— У Майкла был косячок…

Maybe the rule should be somebody can buy the medicinal weed for others.

А может, разрешат посылать кого-нибудь вместо себя, чтобы купил косячок?

I smoked a little weed.

— Я выкурил небольшой косячок.

Whatever. I smoked a little weed.

Я выкурил небольшой косячок.

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I will as long as I can weed it out.

— Я могу отсеять кого-нибудь?

Should help us weed out the, you know, most evilest which I’m sure you’re not.

Это поможет нам отсеять наиболее злобных, к которым, я уверена, ты не относишься.

If they weren’t able to weed you out in the application process. Or deny you the care your doctor said you needed. And somehow ended up paying for the operation.

Если они не смогли отсеять вас в процессе подачи заявления, или отказать в лечении, которое как говорит врач, вам нужно, и кое как подошли к выплатам за операцию,

Play date being their code for way to weed out the paste sandwiches.

Вся эта игра для того, чтобы отсеять джем для сендвичей.

I find it weeds out the ones who like to keep secrets, like they’re already married or they store body parts in their freezer.

Это позволяет отсеять тех, кто любит скрывать факт женитьбы или человеческие органы в холодильнике.

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Oh, and you can put your weed in there.

Ах да, а сюда вы можете прятать шмаль

A lot of people don’t realize this, but you can put your weed in there.

Очень много людей не могут этого понять но все же, сюда вы можете прятать шмаль.

Where do you keep your weed, though?

А куда ты прячешь шмаль, кстати говоря?

Oh, my weed!

Ой, моя шмаль!

Hanging out and smoking weed with your neighbor’s dog?

Болтаю и курю шмаль с соседским псом?

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«The great Bull Weed — closing another bank account.»

«Великий Бык Уид сводит очередной баланс»


Да почиет с миром Бык Уид

«What were you before Bull Weed picked you up?»

«Кем ты был, до того как Бык Уид тебя подобрал?»

«What were you before Bull Weed — er — found you?»

«А вы кем были, когда Бык Уид… ээ… нашёл вас?»

«Bull Weed’s our best friend, isn’t he?»

«Бык Уид наш лучший друг, правда?»

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WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
weed n often plural (unwanted plant) сорняк м
  This garden’s full of weeds.
  Этот сад полон сорняков.
weed n slang (marijuana) (сленг) трава, травка ж
    марихуана, конопля ж
  Do you want to buy some weed?
  Не хочешь купить травки (or: травы)?

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

weed [wiːd]
n сорня́к#
vt (garden) поло́ть*(вы́полоть perf)

weed out vt устраня́ть (устрани́ть perf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

weeding‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


Definitions For Weeding


  • To remove weeds from (an area of land, such as a garden)

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The word Weeding is worth 12 points in Scrabble and 14 points in Words with Friends

Examples of Weeding in a Sentence

  • We need to weed the garden.

Words that Start with Weeding

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Words that Rhyme with Weeding

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weed 1



1. A plant considered undesirable, unattractive, or troublesome, especially one that grows where it is not wanted and often grows or spreads fast or takes the place of desired plants.

2. An aquatic plant or alga, especially seaweed.

3. Something considered useless, detrimental, or worthless.

4. Slang

a. Tobacco.

b. A cigarette.

c. Marijuana.

v. weed·ed, weed·ing, weeds

1. To clear of weeds: weeded the flowerbeds.

2. To remove (weeds). Often used with out: weed out dandelions.

3. To eliminate as unsuitable or unwanted. Often used with out: weed out unqualified applicants.

[Middle English, from Old English wēod, herb, grass, weed.]

weed 2



1. A token of mourning, as a black band worn on a man’s hat or sleeve.

2. weeds The black mourning clothes of a widow.

3. often weeds Archaic An article of clothing; a garment.

[Middle English wede, garment, from Old English wǣd.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Horticulture) horticulture the removal of weeds

2. (Agriculture) horticulture the removal of weeds

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



[wiːdɪŋ] N to do the weedingdesherbar

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nUnkrautjäten nt; to do some weedingUnkraut ntjäten

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈwiːdɪŋ] ndiserbatura

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

Mentioned in

  • alligator grass
  • alligator weed
  • Alternanthera philoxeroides
  • apple of Peru
  • Baptisia tinctoria
  • Barnaby’s thistle
  • benweed
  • bitterweed
  • blueweed
  • bristly oxtongue
  • California dandelion
  • Canadian fleabane
  • capeweed
  • carpetweed
  • Cassia occidentalis
  • Centaurea solstitialis
  • cocklebur
  • cockle-bur
  • cockleburr

References in classic literature

Silently, and rather surprised at her own compliance, Phoebe accordingly betook herself to weeding a flower-bed, but busied herself still more with cogitations respecting this young man, with whom she so unexpectedly found herself on terms approaching to familiarity.

Remove as much of the root as possible when weeding. This requires some weed identification since weeds may have taproots (roots that grow straight down into the soil), rhizomes (roots that travel under the surface of the soil), stolons (roots that travel on top of the soil) or fibrous root systems.

Why is the weed still prevalent?It is a weed which is very special in that it sprouts when farmers have done their weeding. By the time it is germinating, the damage is already done.

However, the increase in weed density and biomass did not translate to yield loss when weeding was done twice and within three weeks from transplanting period.

It contains 21 chapters that cover weed ecology and integrated weed management principles, including weed population dynamics, weed-plant interactions, invasive weed species and their effects, ethical issues, surveillance, risk assessment, and planning an integrated weed management program; the role of herbicides, including site-specific weed management, assessing and minimizing environmental effects, and trends in the development of herbicide-resistant weeds; cultural and physical methods of weed control, such as the use of rotations and cover crops, flame weeding techniques, soil solarization, and organic crop cultivation; and biological techniques, including the use of allelopathy and competitive crop cultivars, bioherbicides, and microorganisms, bacteria, and insects.

For this reason, the sesame fields which left free of weeds by harrowing or hand weeding become highly reinvaded within few days.

| HAVE a collection of tools to make the job of weeding easier — hoes for borders, a knife for paving and a sprayer for paths.

Remember the old adage — one year’s seeding, seven years’ weeding? So get on them before they take over your garden.

The old saying, «one year’s seeding, seven years’ weeding» is spot-on, unfortunately.

The treatments comprised eight weed management methods viz., weedy, weed free, Sesbania co-culture + cutting and residue incorporation, Sesbania co-culture fb 2,4 D 0.5 kg [ha.sup.-1]at 35 DAS, pendimethalin 1.0 kg [ha.sup.-1] (pre-emergence) fb hand weeding at 30 DAS, pretilachlor 0.5 kg [ha.sup.-1] fb hand weeding at 30 DAS, pendimethalin 1.0 kg [ha.sup.-1] (pre-emergence) fb bispyribac-Na 0.025 kg [ha.sup.-1] (early post-emergence) at 18 DAS and pretilachlor 0.5 kg [ha.sup.-1]fb bispyribacNa 0.025 kg [ha.sup.-1] (early post-emergence) at 18 DAS.

Beside that impact of weeding plus whitefly control on tomato yield was also determined, therefore each weeding practice plot were repeated and sprayed with Confidor 200SL.

Dictionary browser

  • wedgies
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  • Wedgwood Josiah
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  • wee small voice
  • Weech-elm
  • weed
  • Weed hook
  • weed killer
  • weed out
  • weed through
  • weed whacker
  • weeder
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  • weedhead
  • weedicide
  • weeding
  • Weeding chisel
  • Weeding forceps
  • Weeding fork
  • Weeding hook
  • Weeding iron
  • Weeding tongs
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  • weedily
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  • weediness
  • weediness
  • weeding
  • Weeding chisel
  • Weeding forceps
  • Weeding fork
  • Weeding hook
  • Weeding iron
  • weeding it out
  • weeding out
  • weeding out
  • weeding out
  • weeding out
  • weeding something out
  • Weeding tongs
  • Weeding-rhim
  • weedkiller
  • weedkiller
  • weedkiller
  • weedkillers
  • weedkillers
  • weedless
  • weedless
  • weedless
  • weedlessly
  • weedlike
  • weedlike
  • weedlike
  • Weedon Classic Car Club
  • Weedon Repair Standard
  • weeds
  • weeds
  • weeds

Too heavy seeding and untimely weeding result in drawn plants and a drop in yield.


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Чрезмерное загущение, несвоевременная прополка приводят к вытягиванию растений и снижению урожая.


Advantages of the FREUND VICTORIA weeding trowel.


context icon

Преимущества извлекателя сорняков FREUND VICTORIA.


We will start with weeding, cutting the grass, hauling markers from the stonemason.

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Мы начнем с прополки, постриг газона, перевозка изделий от каменщика.

When you opt for artificial grass weeding should be a thing of the past.

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Когда вы выберете для искусственной травы прополка должно быть делом прошлого.

Lawn care becomes exciting with the FREUND VICTORIA weeding trowel!


context icon

С извлекателем сорняков FREUND VICTORIA уход за газоном становится захватывающим!


They are nearly self-sufficient, and require maybe an annual weeding or fertilizing.

context icon

Они почти самодостаточной, и требуют возможно ежегодный прополка или подкормку.

AGK-3.0 is used for the treatment of compacted soil, weeding and grinding plant residues.


context icon

АГК- 3. используют для обработки уплотненной почвы, уничтожения сорняков и измельчения растительных остатков.


Simultaneously collecting the best in breed and weeding out the runts.

context icon

Одновременно собирая лучших в породе и выдергивая сорняки.

Best quality 150watt 12*12w RGBW

4in1 led moving head spot for Weeding effect.


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Лучшее качество 150 Вт 12* 12 Вт RGBW

4in1 привело перемещение головы пятно для прополки эффект.


Caring for them is not complicated: timely cultivation of Mezhdurechie, weeding and thinning.


context icon

Уход за ними не сложен: своевременное рыхление междурядьев, удаление сорняков и прореживание.


Handling of plants involves weeding and watering.


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Уход за растениями включает прополки и поливы.


The weeds are pulled out simply by stepping on the weeding trowel’s foot pedal.


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Прополка происходит совсем- достаточно лишь нажать на педаль извлекателя сорняков ногой.


Other benefits include significant savings in labour and

energy for tillage and weeding.


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Оно требует значительно меньше трудовых и энергозатрат на

обработку почвы и удаление сорняков.


Wheels with handle on each weeding unit;

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I will come back to my weeding when I want!

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Я вернусь на свою свадьбу, когда захочу!

Aw, a six day weeding, you know we really should get back.

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О, шестидневная свадьба? Вы знаете, мы действительно должны возвращаться.

This practice reduces weeding costs and improves coffee quality and taste.

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Данная практика позволяет снизить расходы на прополку, а также повысить качество и вкус кофе.

Yes, so there is no weeding to be done, you see.

We can’t be late, I am in the weeding.

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Мы не можем опаздать, я участвую в свадьбе.

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In particular,

labour shortages have marred farming operations such as planting and weeding while movement restrictions

and fear of the disease have disrupted agricultural market chains.


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В частности, дефицит рабочей силы осложнил такие сельскохозяйственные операции,

как посадка и прополка, а ограничения на передвижение из-за опасений дальнейшего распространения

заболевания привели к сбоям в сельскохозяйственной производственно- сбытовой цепи.


They are also heavily involved in packaging while men are involved in the more heavy manual labour such as harvesting, spraying,


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Кроме того, они привлекаются к упаковке продукции, в то время как мужчины заняты более тяжелым трудом, в частности сбором урожая, опрыскиванием растений,


Other cultivation techniques(such as watering, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, trimming and mowing) may be performed as a preventive measure only, not to improve

the growth of trees or other plants.

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Другие работы, такие как выращивание, полив, удобрение, прополка, опрыскивание, обрезка и кошение могут совершаться только в качестве превентивной меры,

но не для улучшения роста растений.

Important factors for farmers include proper agrotechnical aspects-

the timely sowing of beans, weeding and timely irrigation.


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Важными факторами фермеры называют правильную агротехнику- своевременная

посадка фасоли, пропалывание сорняков и планомерный полив.


The camera identifies the individual plants and controls a weeding rotor to take out the weeds not only between the rows but also between the plants.


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Камера фиксирует положение отдельных растений и управляет пропалывающим ротором, который удаляет сорняки не только между рядами,

но также и между растениями внутри ряда.


So if you don’t want to be left with the precarious job of weeding your fake lawn make sure you install a reliable weed barrier before laying your fake grass!

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Так что если вы не хотите быть левый с нестабильной работой прополка газон поддельные убедитесь,

что вы установить надежный сорняков барьер перед укладкой поддельные травы!

It is mainly used in vegetable and salad crops and can weed up to 98.5% of the total soil surface area,

which means that no other weeding is necessary.


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Агрегат используется при обработке посадок овощей и салатных культур, обрабатывает до 98, 5% поверхности грунта,

что устраняет необходимость применения других методов удаления сорняков.


Selection, acquisition and weeding of core information sources in traditional media(books,

serials, government documents, etc.);


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Отбор, приобретение и отсеивание основных источников информации в традиционной форме(

книги, периодические издания, правительственные документы и т. д.);


Selection, acquisition and weeding of core information sources in traditional media(books,

serials, government documents, etc.)(Library and Information Resources Division);


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Отбор, приобретение и отсеивание основных информационных ресурсов в традиционной форме(

книги, периодические издания, правительственные документы и т. п.)( Отдел библиотечных и информационных ресурсов);


A kink in which a submissive weed stands in a hole up to their neck covered in dirt and a dominate farmer pulls the dirty weed out of the ground by their hair and throws them in the weed pile where dirty weeds belong because they’ve been so naughty in the farmer’s garden.

I really need a weeding session soon — I’ve been such a naughty dirty weed lately and I need a good farmer to do what dirty weeds deserve.

by Ferdinand The Fungus September 13, 2021


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1. A gathering amongst friends/family/peers/

acquaintances to smoke marijauna.

2. A sesh

hey man, are you finna make it to the weeding?

by Hella Ripped September 17, 2007


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1. A gathering amongst people (whether it be friends, family, peers, or just acquaintances) to smoke marijuana.

2. A sesh

hey t-dub, u gunna make it to the weeding tonight?

by Hella Ripped September 10, 2007


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To read a book while high on weed.

Julia: Hey, you wanna come out with us tonight?

Kim: Nah. I think I’m just gonna smoke a bowl tonight and catching up on my weeding.

by Origilingo June 13, 2009


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is the process of being caught extracting unwanted plants from your green house where marijuana is grown, while smoking weed at the same time.

Dude 1: And then I went around the house and found Brian «weeding» in his greenhouse bro

by 33beegees May 8, 2013


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Smoking up

Got good stuff,let’s go weeding

by tanzannia July 23, 2015


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When you are having a campfire and the you take a used paper plate, leaves, and an assorted bunch of grasses, and you roll them up into a joint and you light it on fire using the campfire.

That dumbass Ian over there is so retarded, he thought he would get high from Weeding.

by Theepicboss2 December 12, 2016


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The Collaborative International Dictionary


Weed Weed, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Weeded; p. pr. & vb. n.
Weeding.] [AS. we[‘o]dian. See 3d Weed.]

  1. To free from noxious plants; to clear of weeds; as, to
    weed corn or onions; to weed a garden.

  2. To take away, as noxious plants; to remove, as something
    hurtful; to extirpate; — commonly used with out; as, to
    weed out inefficiency from an enterprise. «Weed up

    Wise fathers . . . weeding from their children ill

    Revenge is a kind of wild justice, which the more
    man’s nature runs to, the more ought law to weed it

  3. To free from anything hurtful or offensive.

    He weeded the kingdom of such as were devoted to

  4. (Stock Breeding) To reject as unfit for breeding purposes.


Weeding Weed»ing,
a. & n. from Weed, v.

Weeding chisel, a tool with a divided chisel-like end, for
cutting the roots of large weeds under ground.

Weeding forceps, an instrument for taking up some sorts of
plants in weeding.

Weeding fork, a strong, three-pronged fork, used in
clearing ground of weeds; — called also weeding iron.

Weeding hook. Same as Weed hook, under 3d Weed.

Weeding iron. See Weeding fork, above.

Weeding tongs. Same as Weeding forceps, above.



n. action of the verb »to weed#Verb». vb. (present participle of weed English)


Weeding (library)

Weeding is the systematic removal of resources from a library based on selected criteria. It is the opposite of selecting material, though the selection and de-selection of material often involve the same thought process. Weeding is a vital process for an active collection because it ensures the collection stays current, relevant, and in good condition. Weeding should be done on a continuous, on-going basis.

Usage examples of «weeding».

Number 189 acknowledged this gesture with shy, solemn respect, then returned to his work weeding hawkbit from the ordered files of the chrysanthemums.

But her childhood friend and university acquaintance, Robbie Turner, was on his knees, weeding along a rugosa hedge, and she did not feel like getting into conversation with him.

The Simonites were weeding out the troublemakers in their traditional role as protectors of holy places.

Sometimes, as if from long-standing habit, he would take his sharp, heavy sheers out of his overcoat pocket and painstakingly, without asking any money, set to work in the yard in front of the main building, trimming the thuja bushes, pruning the acacias, and weeding the garden beds.

Apothecary and Herbarist, and the Weeding Woman of the Earthly Paradise.

And I knew the weeds would have a fine time of it with Adela, as Weeding Woman, in a tissue-paper bonnet!

I was that I had let Adela be the Weeding Woman with a good grace, and could open my book parcel with a clear conscience!

Apothecary and Herbarist, or Weeding Woman, and Alphonse Karr does not seem to have had any by-name of that sort.

It is also advisable to be your own weeding woman, that you may be sure that the weeds come up by the roots!

She walked across the fields to Little Farthing, where she found Fiona Goddard weeding her rockery.

But if he can report to his superiors that he, as always vigilant in weeding out bad elements in his district, had his constables locate and apprehend a longsought murderer and duly delivered him in chains to the magistrate in whose district the murder was committed, that will make an excellent impression on the higher authorities, and may accelerate his promotion.

My challenge is to examine the previous methodology, weeding out the bad and keeping the good.

Through the open window she caught a glimpse of Miss Greenshaw in a puce-coloured sprigged print, bending over the rockery, weeding assiduously.

She found a trowel and a small stoot and spent the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon weeding.

It was he who set up the Office of Human Background, which processed and evaluated the ordinary Americans, weeding out the extraordinary and subordinary ones.

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