Is vulnerability a word

Other forms: vulnerabilities

Vulnerability is the quality of being easily hurt or attacked. Some seniors think it’s funny to pick on the ninth graders because of their vulnerability.

Vulnerability comes from the Latin word for «wound,» vulnus. Vulnerability is the state of being open to injury, or appearing as if you are. It might be emotional, like admitting that you’re in love with someone who might only like you as a friend, or it can be literal, like the vulnerability of a soccer goal that’s unprotected by any defensive players.

Definitions of vulnerability

  1. noun

    the state of being vulnerable or exposed

    vulnerability to litigation”



  2. noun

    susceptibility to injury or attack

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  • 1

    vulnerability [ˏvʌlnǝrəˊbɪlətɪ]


    уязви́мость; рани́мость

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > vulnerability

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > vulnerability

  • 3

    уязвимость; поражаемость; степень защищенности

    English-Russian military dictionary > vulnerability

  • 4

    уязвимость; чувствительность

    Англо-русский словарь по компьютерной безопасности > vulnerability

  • 5

    1. уязвимость системы
    2. уязвимость
    3. поражаемость

    Внутренние свойства объекта, создающие восприимчивость к воздействию источника риска, которое может привести к какому-либо последствию.
    [ ГОСТ Р 53114-2008]

    Слабое место, которое может быть использовано Угрозой. Например, открытый порт файрвола, неизменяемый долгое время пароль или легковоспламеняющееся напольное покрытие. Отсутствие Контроля также рассматривается как Уязвимость.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    A weakness that could be exploited by a threat – for example, an open firewall port, a password that is never changed, or a flammable carpet. A missing control is also considered to be a vulnerability.
    [Словарь терминов ITIL версия 1.0, 29 июля 2011 г.]


    • защита информации
    • информационные технологии в целом


    • vulnerability

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > vulnerability

  • 6

    1. n уязвимость; ранимость

    2. n воен. степень защищённости

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. disadvantage (noun) burden; disadvantage; encumbrance; exposed position; handicap; misfortune

    2. exposure (noun) exposure; liability; openness; susceptibility; vulnerableness

    English-Russian base dictionary > vulnerability

  • 7

    подверженность; уязвимость

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > vulnerability

  • 8

    уязвимость; незащищенность

    aerial vulnerability

    aircraft vulnerability

    bird strike vulnerability

    FOD vulnerability

    Авиасловарь > vulnerability

  • 9

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > vulnerability

  • 10

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > vulnerability

  • 11


    single-fault vulnerability вчт. чувствительность к одиночным неисправностям vulnerability уязвимость; ранимость vulnerability уязвимость

    English-Russian short dictionary > vulnerability

  • 12


    1) уязвимость; ранимость

    НБАРС > vulnerability

  • 13

    уязвимость; незащищённость

    * * *


    * * *

    уязвимость; незащищённость

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > vulnerability

  • 14

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > vulnerability

  • 15

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > vulnerability

  • 16

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > vulnerability

  • 17

    1. уязвимость, ранимость;

    2. степень защищенности.

    * * *


    1) уязвимость, ранимость;

    2) степень защищенности.

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > vulnerability

  • 18

    чувствительность; уязвимость

    English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > vulnerability

  • 19

    уязвимость, слабое место, слабое звено

    «I have used both technical and nontechnical means to obtain the source code to various operating systems and telecommunications devices to study their vulnerabilities and their inner working» (Kevin D. Mitnik). — Я использовал как технические, так и другие средства, чтобы получить исходные тексты различных и телекоммуникационных систем для изучения их внутреннего устройства и поиска слабых мест ethical worm, loophole

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > vulnerability

  • 20

    степень защищенности; чувствительность, уязвимость

    English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > vulnerability


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
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  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Vulnerability — Vul ner*a*bil i*ty, n. The quality or state of being vulnerable; vulnerableness. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vulnerability — index danger, frailty, jeopardy, liability, peril, risk Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Vulnerability — For other uses of the word Vulnerability , please refer to vulnerability (computing) You may also want to refer to natural disaster. Vulnerability is the susceptibility to physical or emotional injury or attack. It also means to have one s guard… …   Wikipedia

  • vulnerability — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ extreme, great ▪ critical ▪ potential ▪ known, well known ▪ economic …   Collocations dictionary

  • vulnerability — In information operations, a systematic examination of an information system or product to determine the adequacy of security measures, identify security deficiencies, provide data from which to predict the effectiveness of proposed security… …   Military dictionary

  • vulnerability — noun a) Susceptibility to attack or injury; the state or condition of being weak or poorly defended. The country recognized their defence vulnerability after an airplane landed in front of the central square without any consequences. b) a… …   Wiktionary

  • vulnerability — vulnerable ► ADJECTIVE ▪ exposed to being attacked or harmed. DERIVATIVES vulnerability noun (pl. vulnerabilities) vulnerably adverb. ORIGIN Latin vulnerabilis, from vulnerare to wound …   English terms dictionary

  • vulnerability — noun 1. the state of being vulnerable or exposed (Freq. 3) his vulnerability to litigation his exposure to ridicule • Syn: ↑exposure • Derivationally related forms: ↑expose (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vulnerability Scanner — sind Computerprogramme, die Zielsysteme auf das Vorhandensein von bekannten Sicherheitslücken hin untersuchen. Der Scanner bedient sich dabei Datenbanken mit Informationen zu diversen Sicherheitsproblemen wie z. B. Einsatz bzw. Vorhandensein …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Vulnerability (song) — Vulnerability is a hardcore punk song by the ska punk band Operation Ivy written by Lead Vocalist Jesse Michaels released on the Energy LP.=Overview=Meaning and Style Vulnerability is about drunk driving and how people react to it. Many say… …   Wikipedia

  • Vulnerability (computing) — In computer security, the term vulnerability is applied to a weakness in a system which allows an attacker to violate the integrity of that system. Vulnerabilities may result from weak passwords, software bugs, a computer virus or other malware,… …   Wikipedia

уязвимость, ранимость


- уязвимость; ранимость
- воен. степень защищённости

control vulnerability — уязвимость системы управления
vulnerability factor — коэффициент вероятности попадания

Мои примеры


vulnerability analysis — анализ уязвимости (объекта или системы)  
vulnerability assessment — оценка уязвимости  
civilian vulnerability — уязвимость гражданского населения; уязвимость гражданских целей  
close down the window of vulnerability — закрыть «окно уязвимости»  
electromagnetic-vulnerability test — испытание на стойкость к воздействию электромагнитного излучения  
electromagnetic vulnerability — чувствительность к воздействию электромагнитных излучений  
vulnerability/hardness — уязвимость и прочность  
interception vulnerability — уязвимость к перехвату  
intrusion vulnerability — уязвимость к вторжениям  
joule/cm2 radiation vulnerability — уязвимость при потоке излучения с поверхностной плотностью Дж/см2  

Примеры с переводом

The troops were in a vulnerable position.

Войска оказались в уязвимом положении.

He was very vulnerable after his divorce.

Он был очень уязвим после его развода.

The fort was undefended and vulnerable.

Форт был незащищённым и уязвимым.

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UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti/US:USA pronunciation: IPAUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪlɪti/

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Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

vulnerability [vʌlnərəˈbɪlɪtɪ]
n (see adj) уязви́мость f
; рани́мость f

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

vulnerability‘ также найдено в этих статьях:



Обсуждения на форуме на тему ‘vulnerability’ в заголовках:

Нет ни единой темы с «vulnerability» на форуме Russian.

a point of vulnerability — English Only forum
a symbol of Republican vulnerability… — English Only forum
Confident Vulnerability — English Only forum
In a situation of balance <but vulnerability / a vulnerable one> — English Only forum
It was a stunning vulnerability, confirmed by Ukrainian reconnaissance teams and small drones. — English Only forum
more than expose our vulnerability — English Only forum
political vulnerability — English Only forum
psychological vulnerability — English Only forum
raw, disarming vulnerability — English Only forum
soft vulnerability — English Only forum
take this vulnerability seriously — English Only forum
Taking advantage of someone’s vulnerability — English Only forum
the increased vulnerability of stabilizing support systems — English Only forum
The naked foot can also suggest vulnerability — English Only forum
the threat of vulnerability — English Only forum
try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here — English Only forum
Unwilling vulnerability — English Only forum
Vulnerability — English Only forum
vulnerability to disease <in subjects.> — English Only forum
vulnerability to something / vulnerable to something — English Only forum
vulnerability vs. vulnerableness — English Only forum

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Vulnerability refers to «the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.»[1]

A window of vulnerability (WOV) is a time frame within which defensive measures are diminished, compromised, or lacking.[2]

The understanding of social and environmental vulnerability, as a methodological approach, involves the analysis of the risks and assets of disadvantaged groups, such as the elderly. The approach of vulnerability in itself brings great expectations of social policy and gerontological planning.[3][4] Types of vulnerability include social, cognitive, environmental, emotional or military.

In relation to hazards and disasters, vulnerability is a concept that links the relationship that people have with their environment to social forces and institutions and the cultural values that sustain and contest them. “The concept of vulnerability expresses the multi-dimensionality of disasters by focusing attention on the totality of relationships in a given social situation which constitute a condition that, in combination with environmental forces, produces a disaster”.[5] It is also the extent to which changes could harm a system, or to which the community can be affected by the impact of a hazard or exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.

Within the body of literature related to vulnerability, one major research stream includes the methodology behind said research, namely measuring and assessing indicators of vulnerability. These include external—sudden shocks and continued stresses—and internal indicators, such as defenselessness or inability to cope with incapacities.[6] Vulnerability research covers a complex, multidisciplinary field including development and poverty studies, public health, climate studies, studies, engineering, geography, political ecology, and disaster risk management.[7] This research is of importance and interest for organizations trying to reduce vulnerability[8] – especially as related to poverty and other Millennium Development Goals. Many institutions are conducting interdisciplinary research on vulnerability. A forum that brings many of the current researchers on vulnerability together is the Expert Working Group (EWG). Researchers are currently working to refine definitions of “vulnerability”, measurement and assessment methods, and effective communication of research to decision makers.[9][10]



Social vulnerability is one dimension of vulnerability that responds to multiple stressors (agent responsible for stress) and shocks, including abuse, social exclusion and natural hazards. Social vulnerability refers to the inability of people, organizations, and societies to withstand adverse impacts from multiple stressors to which they are exposed. These impacts are due in part to characteristics inherent in social interactions, institutions, and systems of cultural values.[11][12] It was also found that marital status, employment, and income have an impact on the level of vulnerability presented in individuals.[13] In this respect, there is a need to place an increased emphasis on assets and entitlements for understanding ‘catastrophe’ as opposed to solely the strength or severity of shocks.[14] The capacity of individuals, communities and systems to survive, adapt, transform, and grow in the face of stress and shocks increase when conditions require it.[15] Building resilience is about making people, communities, and systems better prepared to withstand catastrophic events—both natural and man-made—and able to bounce back more quickly and emerge stronger from these shocks and stresses.[16]


A cognitive vulnerability, in cognitive psychology, is an erroneous belief, cognitive bias, or pattern of thought that is believed to predispose the individual to psychological problems.[17] Cognitive vulnerability is in place before the symptoms of psychological disorders start to appear, such as high neuroticism.[18] After the individual encounters a stressful experience, the cognitive vulnerability shapes a maladaptive response that may lead to a psychological disorder.[17] In psychopathology, cognitive vulnerability is constructed from schema models, hopelessness models, and attachment theory.[19] The attachment theory states that humans need to develop a close bond with their caregivers. When there is a disruption in the child-parent bonding relationship it may be associated with cognitive vulnerability and depression.[20] Attentional bias is a form of cognitive bias that can lead to cognitive vulnerability. Allocating a danger level to a threat depends on the urgency or intensity of the threshold.[21] Anxiety is not associated with selective orientation.[22]

Environmental or climate change[edit]

Climate change vulnerability (or climate vulnerability or climate risk vulnerability) is defined as the «propensity or predisposition to be adversely affected» by climate change. It can apply to humans but also to natural systems (ecosystems). Human and ecosystem vulnerability are interdependent.[23]: 12  Climate change vulnerability encompasses «a variety of concepts and elements, including sensitivity or susceptibility to harm and lack of capacity to cope and adapt».[23]: 5  Vulnerability is a component of climate risk. Vulnerability differs within communities and across societies, regions and countries, and can change over time.[23]: 5  Approximately 3.3 to 3.6 billion people live in contexts that are highly vulnerable to climate change in 2021.[23]: 12 


Brene Brown defines vulnerability as «uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure.» Brown goes on to suggest that vulnerability is our most accurate measure of courage; we allow ourselves to be seen when we are vulnerable.[24] Vulnerability is typically thought of as the center of emotions, such as grief, shame, fear, and disappointment, but it is also the center and birthplace of love, belonging, authenticity, creativity, courage, and accountability.[25] Selective reinforcement and modeling has been used to help children learn from a young age how to regulate and take accountability for their emotions. Unpleasant emotional states are managed by their subjective discomfort.[26] Emotional vulnerability is also impacted by respondents that express feelings of sadness about the uncertainty of climate change.[27] Increasing awareness and impact leads to heightened emotional responses. Along with this, emotional vulnerability can affect the physical well-being of older adults when they suppress their emotions in highly distressing situations.[28] When these vulnerabilities are supported through conversation with an emotionally safe «other,» this vulnerability can lead to resilience and the capacity to support others.[29]


In military terminology, vulnerability is a subset of survivability, the others being susceptibility and recoverability. Vulnerability is defined in various ways depending on the nation and service arm concerned, but in general it refers to the near-instantaneous effects of a weapon attack. In aviation it is defined as the inability of an aircraft to withstand the damage caused by the man-made hostile environment.[30] In some definitions, recoverability (damage control, firefighting, restoration of capability) is included in vulnerability. Some military services develop their own concept of vulnerability.[31]


Political vulnerability can be understood as “the weakness of the democratic system, with its negative effects on the efficiency of public policies, the legitimacy of the government action, limited participation of citizens and the private sector in national efforts, linkage with local governments and civil organizations, the handling and management of emergencies, processing of citizen’s demands and needs, and the capacity to meet them.”[32] Democratic backsliding is a direct result of political vulnerability, and has been documented across the globe throughout history.[33][34] Political vulnerability can also refer to elected officials’ or political candidates’ chances of election, with municipal and local elections often signifying a shift one way or the other on a national scale.[35]


Invulnerability is a common feature found in science fiction and fantasy, particularly in superhero fiction, as depicted in novels, comic books and video games. In such stories, it is a quality that makes a character impervious to pain, damage or loss of health.
There are many levels of invulnerability, just like there are many level of immortality (the highest level is absolute immortality). Many superheroes in comic books have invulnerability but it is often superhuman invulnerability (aka Strength-Based Invulnerability). It means that these superheroes develop a form of relative invulnerability, the user becoming impossible to harm by beings or forces less powerful than themselves. They are immune to most kinds of attacks but they can still be hurt or even killed by stronger characters.

In video games, it can be found in the form of «power-ups» or cheats; when activated via cheats, it is often referred to as «god mode». Generally, it does not protect the player from certain instant-death hazards, most notably «bottomless» pits from which, even if the player were to survive the fall, they would be unable to escape. As a rule, invulnerability granted by power-ups is temporary, and wears off after a set amount of time, while invulnerability cheats, once activated, remain in effect until deactivated, or the end of the level is reached. «Depending on the game in question, invulnerability to damage may or may not protect the player from non-damage effects, such as being immobilized or sent flying.»[36]

In mythology, talismans, charms, and amulets were created by magic users for the purpose of making the wearer immune to injury from both mystic and mundane weapons.[37]

Invulnerability in Adolescents[edit]

Hill, Duggan, and Lapsley state in their article that it is commonly accepted that teenagers have no regard for physical danger, which might indicate that they have a sense of danger invulnerability. Additionally, they predicted that the teenagers might have a sense of psychological invulnerability, or a sense of being able to remain unaffected by negative thoughts and emotions. In order to test the effects of both types of invulnerability, the researchers used the Adolescent Invulnerability Scale created by Lapsley and Hill in 2010, which includes twenty statements assessing to what extent the adolescents felt invulnerable psychologically and in danger situations.[38]

Hill et. al found that having a sense of psychological invulnerability benefitted adolescents in combatting negative emotions such as depression. Adolescents who rated themselves as more psychologically invulnerable demonstrated more effective coping mechanisms during times of stress or depression. This lead the researchers to believe that psychological invulnerability during adolescence is beneficial for identity formation.

Danger invulnerability highly correlated with illegal or criminal activity but had no correlation with mental health. However, danger invulnerability was able to effectively predict “delinquency, lifetime drug use, and drug use frequency.” Gender differences in the data showed that adolescent males were more likely to feel invulnerable to danger and psychological effects. The researchers did not observe any difference between the ages of participants.[39]

Invulnerability in Emerging Adults[edit]

In this study, Lapsley and Hill (2010) created the AIS for the purpose of studying the invulnerability of college students in Barnett’s emerging adulthood (hyperlink) stage of life. Researchers predicted a positive correlation between the adolescents’ and emerging adults’ scores and subsequently found said correlation. They observed no significant differences in negative and positive optimism biases, which were other elements of the same study. But, as predicted, male participants scored higher on both areas of invulnerability.

High danger invulnerability strongly correlated with social issues, such as risk behavior and substance use. Both types of invulnerability, psychological and danger invulnerability, proved to be high predictors of self-esteem problems in emerging adulthood.

Psychological invulnerability in emerging adults showed various effects on mental health. For one, the higher the participants scored on the psychological invulnerability portion of the AIS, the researchers predicted lower symptoms of depression. Additionally, a converse relationship was observed between self-esteem problems and psychological invulnerability. Emerging adults with high invulnerability showed less struggles with self-esteem. Another finding from the psychological portion of the study found that interpersonal problems also tended to decrease as psychological vulnerability increased. Researchers concluded that psychological invulnerability can be used to the social and mental advantage of emerging adults.[38]

See also[edit]

  • Courage
  • Gullibility
  • Emotional insecurity
  • Exploitation of labour
  • Representativeness heuristic
  • True self and false self
  • Vulnerabilities exploited by manipulators
  • Vulnerability and care theory of love
  • Vulnerability in computing
  • Vulnerability index
  • Vulnerable adult


  1. ^ «VULNERABILITY — English Definition and Meaning». Lexico Dictionaries — English. Archived from the original on January 18, 2021. Retrieved 2022-03-07.
  2. ^ «KBpedia: Vulnerability Reference Concept». KBpedia. Retrieved 2019-11-21.
  3. ^ Sanchez-Gonzalez, D.; Egea-Jimenez, C. (2011). «Social Vulnerability approach to investigate the social and environmental disadvantages. Its application in the study of elderly people». Pap. Poblac. 17 (69): 151–185.
  4. ^ Sanchez-Gonzalez, D (2015). «Physical-social environments and aging population from environmental gerontology and geography. Socio-spatial implications in Latin America». Revista de Geografía Norte Grande. 60 (60): 97–114. doi:10.4067/S0718-34022015000100006.
  5. ^ Bankoff, Greg; et al. (2004). Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development and People. London: Earth scan.
  6. ^ Villa-gran, Juan Carlos. «Vulnerability: A conceptual and methodological review.» SOURCE. No. 2/2006. Bonn, Germany.
  7. ^ Rumpf, Clemens M.; Lewis, Hugh G.; Atkinson, Peter M. (2017-03-27). «Population vulnerability models for asteroid impact risk assessment». Meteoritics & Planetary Science. 52 (6): 1082–1102. arXiv:1702.05798. Bibcode:2017M&PS…52.1082R. doi:10.1111/maps.12861. ISSN 1086-9379. S2CID 49320450.
  8. ^ «Promotion of Roma’s access to Education [Social Impact]. WORKALÓ. The creation of new occupational patterns for cultural minorities: the Gypsy Case (2001-2004). Framework Programme 5 (FP5)». SIOR, Social Impact Open Repository.
  9. ^ Birkmann, Joern (editor). 2006. Measuring Vulnerability to Natural Hazards – Towards Disaster Resilient Societies. UNU Press.
  10. ^ Wolters, Michel L.; Kuenzer, Claudia (2015). «Vulnerability Assessments of Coastal River Deltas – Categorization and Review». Journal of Coastal Conservation. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. 19 (3): 345–368. doi:10.1007/s11852-015-0396-6. ISSN 1400-0350.
  11. ^ Luis Flores Ballesteros. «What determines a disaster?» 54 Pesos May. 2008:54 Pesos 11 Sep 2008. Archived 2012-03-20 at the Wayback Machine
  12. ^ See also Daniel R. Curtis, «Pre-industrial societies and strategies for the exploitation of resources. A theoretical framework for understanding why some settlements are resilient and some settlements are vulnerable to crisis»
  13. ^ Turner, Heather A.; Turner, R. Jay (December 1999). «Gender, Social Status, and Emotional Reliance». Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 40 (4): 360–373. doi:10.2307/2676331. JSTOR 2676331. PMID 10643161.
  14. ^ Prowse, Martin (2003), Towards a clearer understanding of ‘vulnerability’ in relation to chronic poverty (PDF), Manchester: Chronic Poverty Research Centre, ISBN 1-904049-23-0, OCLC 53854016
  15. ^ Pelling, Mark (2003). The Vulnerability of Cities: Natural Disasters and Social Resilience. Earthscan Publications LTD. ISBN 1-85383-830-6.
  16. ^ Wells, Linton (2017). «Cognitive-Emotional Conflict: Adversary Will and Social Resilience». PRISM. 7 (2): 4–17. ISSN 2157-0663. JSTOR 26470514.
  17. ^ a b Riskind, John H.; Black, David (2005). «Cognitive Vulnerability». In Freeman, Arthur; Felgoise, Stephanie H.; et al. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Cognitive Behavior Therapy. New York: Springer. pp. 122–26. ISBN 9781429411738.
  18. ^ Jeronimus B.F.; Kotov, R.; Riese, H.; Ormel, J. (2016). «Neuroticism’s prospective association with mental disorders halves after adjustment for baseline symptoms and psychiatric history, but the adjusted association hardly decays with time: a meta-analysis on 59 longitudinal/prospective studies with 443 313 participants». Psychological Medicine. 46 (14): 2883–2906. doi:10.1017/S0033291716001653. PMID 27523506. S2CID 23548727.
  19. ^ Ingram, Rick (February 2003). «Origins of Cognitive Vulnerability to Depression» (PDF). Cognitive Therapy and Research. 27 (1): 77–88. doi:10.1023/a:1022590730752. ISSN 0147-5916. S2CID 16148365.
  20. ^ Lawton, M. Powell (1980). «Psychological Vulnerability». IRB: Ethics & Human Research. 2 (8): 5–7. ISSN 0193-7758. JSTOR 3563995.
  21. ^ «Time course of attentional bias for threat information in non-clinical anxiety». Behaviour Research and Therapy. 35.
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  31. ^ Carlo, Kopp (5 July 2005). «Warship Vulnerability». 1.
  32. ^ «A Matter of Development: How to Reduce Vulnerability in the Face of Natural Disasters | Publications» (PDF).
  33. ^ McCoy, Jennifer. «The Vulnerabilities of Democracy». The Carter Center.
  34. ^ «6 in 10 Americans say US democracy is in crisis as the ‘Big Lie’ takes root». NPR.
  35. ^ Gabriel, Trip (21 February 2022). «The Senate’s Most Vulnerable Democrats». The New York Times.
  36. ^ Madigan, Michael L (2017). Handbook of Emergency Management Concepts: A Step-by-Step Approach. CRC Press. ISBN 978-1351337472.
  37. ^ William Godwin (1876). «Lives of the Necromancers». p. 17.
  38. ^ a b Lapsley, Daniel K.; Hill, Patrick L. (April 16, 2009). «Subjective invulnerability, optimism bias and adjustment in emerging adulthood». SpringerLink. Retrieved March 27, 2023.
  39. ^ Hill, Patrick L.; Duggan, Peter M.; Lapsley, Daniel K. (February 24, 2011). «Subjective Invulnerability, Risk Behavior, and Adjustment in Early Adolescence». SAGE Journals. Retrieved March 27, 2023.

External links[edit]

  • Community based vulnerability mapping in Búzi, Mozambique (GIS and Remote Sensing)
  • MunichRe Foundation
  • Satellite Vulnerability
  • Survivability/Lethality Analysis – US Army
  • RESIST RESIST Vulnerability Assessment Code
  • Top Computer Vulnerabilities
  • United Nations University Institute of Environment and Human Security
  • VULNERABILITY LABORATORY (Verified Vulnerability Research Project)
  • Vulners vulnerability database with API

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