Is user friendly one word

user friendly

1) Общая лексика: удобный в пользовании

2) Компьютерная техника: дружелюбный к пользователю

3) Вычислительная техника: дружественный , дружественный, удобный для пользователя

4) Сетевые технологии: дружественный по отношению к пользователю, ориентированный на пользователя

5) Безопасность: лёгкий в использовании

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «user friendly» в других словарях:

  • user-friendly — ˌuser ˈfriendly adjective easy to use or operate: • a user friendly computer manual • If gas isn t perceived as user friendly, a lot of customers will find alternatives. user friendliness noun [uncountable] : • Interface design is one of the… …   Financial and business terms

  • User Friendly — est une bande dessinée en ligne journalière, réalisée par J.D. Frazer sous le pseudonyme d Illiad . Au travers de blagues sur la technologie et d une utilisation intensive de l humour geek, les bandes narrent la vie de l équipe d un petit… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • User Friendly — es una tira cómica diaria acerca del personal de un pequeño ISP ficticio, Columbia Internet. El humor de la tira se centra en bromas tecnológicas y humor geek. Contenido 1 Personajes principales 1.1 A.J. Garrett 1.2 Chief …   Wikipedia Español

  • user-friendly — adj easy to use, understand, or operate ▪ a user friendly guide to computing >user friendliness n [U] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • user-friendly — adjective a user friendly system or piece of equipment is easy to use or understand ╾ ,user friendliness noun uncount …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • user-friendly — /juserˈfrɛndli, ingl. ˌjuːzəˈfrəndli/ [vc. ingl. propr. «amichevole (friendly) per l utente (user)»] agg. inv. (elab., tecnol.) facile, amichevole …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • user-friendly — user friendliness, n. /yooh zeuhr frend lee/, adj. easy to use, operate, understand, etc.: the most user friendly personal computer now on the market. [1980 85] * * * …   Universalium

  • user-friendly — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ easy to use or understand. DERIVATIVES user friendliness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • user-friendly — [adj] easily operated accessible, adaptable, convenient, easy to use, feasible, foolproof, handy, manageable, practical, simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, useful, wieldy; concepts 560,576 …   New thesaurus

  • user-friendly — ☆ user friendly [yo͞o′zərfrend′lē ] adj. easy to use, operate, or understand: said esp. of computer hardware, programs, etc …   English World dictionary

  • User Friendly — This article is about a popular webcomic titled User Friendly. For the term used generically, see Usability. For other uses, see User Friendly (disambiguation). User Friendly …   Wikipedia

Что такое User friendly?

User friendly — обозначение интерфейса, дружественного пользователю в теории юзабилити. Этим словосочетанием обычно обозначают среду (в том числе и сайта), продуманную с учетом удобства пользователя.

что такое user friendly

Как правило, если сайт является User friendly, то он отвечает следующим признакам:

  1. Он интуитивно понятен. Это первое, о чем нужно позаботиться, ведь если пользователь не поймет, как пользоваться сайтом, то через некоторое время, не добившись нужного результата, покинет ресурс. Возможно, на долгое время или даже навсегда.
  2. Он минималистичен. Сложный интерфейс тяжело понять. Например, вместо трех фраз всегда лучше использовать одну, если это, конечно, возможно. Дополнительные элементы и категории на главной странице тоже сильно отвлекают внимание. Однако здесь нужно уметь различать «лишние» элементы и по-настоящему необходимые.
  3. Он быстро загружается. Медленная работа сайта отталкивает очень многих посетителей, и к тому же вызывает неприязнь к ресурсу. Кстати, это часто имеет прямую связь с минималистичностью — чем меньше на страницах «тяжелых» сложных элементов, тем быстрее он загружается.
  4. Он привлекателен. Посетители всегда обращают внимание на визуальную составляющую, пусть даже и подсознательно. Им приятнее иметь дело с интерфейсом, который радует глаз. Однако нужно понимать, что оценка красоты дизайна — это очень субъективно. Поэтому нужно ориентироваться на целевую аудиторию и ее потребности.
  5. Он сразу демонстрирует все важные опции. Желательно сразу показывать пользователю все возможности. Использовать выпадающие списки и меню стоит только там, где без этого нельзя обойтись. Если часть возможных действий будет скрыта, пользователь может не догадаться, как их совершить. А если эти действия целевые (например, купить товар, оставить номер телефона), то стоит уделить им особое внимание.
  6. Он умеет общаться с пользователем. Система должна наглядно демонстрировать пользователю, что его действия обрабатываются. Например, если он отправляет сообщение, то этот процесс должен сопровождаться выводом на экран фразы «сообщение отправляется», а окончание этого процесса — «сообщение отправлено».
  7. Он предсказуем. Предсказуемость сайта не означает скуку и отсутствие интереса. Речь идет о том, что пользователь, увидев какой-либо элемент сайта должен понимать, как он (элемент) будет «вести себя» при взаимодействии. Если объект выглядит как меню, он должен вести себя как меню, если похож на кнопку, то соответственно, должен куда-либо вести или производить какое-то действие.
  8. Каждая кнопка имеет собственное назначение. Это может быть переход, раскрытие меню, команда открыть в новом окне, отправить письмо и так далее. Активные и неактивные элементы должны отличаться друг от друга, для этого их можно выделять стилем. Пользователь должен понимать, на какие кнопки он может нажать и перейти на другую страницу, а какие присутствуют просто для декора или дополнительной информации.

См. также:
Eye tracking
User experience ( UX от англ. «опыт взаимодействия»)
Аудит сайта
Баннерная слепота
AB test

This site gives you the best casino games with a platform that is user friendly.

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Distributing the software as a free copy is user friendly but


it business


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It is user friendly without any additional programming needs, although certain plug-ins may be used to further extend it’s capabilities.

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Он является удобной для пользователя без каких-либо дополнительных потребностей программирования, хотя некоторые подключаемые модули могут быть использованы


дальнейшее расширение его возможностей.

It is user friendly software which allows the composite designer flexibility

to create winding programs that will completely fulfill the product requirements.


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Это софтвер легкий в употреблении, дающий возможность конструкторам композитных моделей

быть креативными


создании намоточных программ, удовлетворяющих требованиям изделия.


Like most of NetEnt video slots, Secret of the Stones is user friendly and easy to play featuring clearly marked paylines,

coin values, and bets per line.

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Как и большинство других автоматов NetEnt, Secret of the Stones имеет дружественный интерфейс и очень прост в освоении, благодаря четко обозначенным линиям

выплат, номиналам монет и ставкам по линии.

Ensuring universal access to contraception, including emergency contraception,

of high quality and variety, that is user friendly and appropriate to the needs of girls, adolescents and women, while ensuring confidentiality.


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Обеспечение всеобщего доступа к высококачественным и разнообразным средствам контрацепции,

включая средства срочной контрацепции, которые должны быть удобными для пользователей и отвечать потребностям девочек, девушек- подростков и женщин при непременном соблюдении принципа конфиденциальности.


Urges UNDP to ensure that guidance is user friendly and better aligned with national realities,

and emphasizes the need for UNDP to ensure that national partners are aware of the principles of effective capacity development;


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Настоятельно призывает ПРООН обеспечить, чтобы руководство было удобным для пользователей и в большей мере согласовывалось с национальными реальностями,

и подчеркивает необходимость


ПРООН обеспечить, чтобы национальные партнеры были осведомлены о принципах эффективного укрепления потенциала;


The program is user friendly, leading the


in a simple and fast way through individual steps,

i.e. from the insertion of a model into the scanner to the file export to the CAD program.

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быстрым способом от установки образца


сканер к экспорту файла


программу CAD для проектирования.

The Chair of the meeting(USA) added that BLS has

experiences with a module/layered approach for the documentation of the US CPI, which is user friendly, easy to review and update,

and which can


produced as a searchable pdf document.


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Председатель сессии( США) добавил, что БСТ обладает опытом

использования модульного/ многослойного подхода в отношении документации ИПЦ США, которая является удобной для пользователей, легко поддается пересмотру и обновлению и

может производиться в виде pdf- документа с функциями поиска.


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context icon

Ручные насосы, установленные в некоторых сельских общинах адаптированы для женщин.


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Sound stays clean and clear, and song, artist,


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Звук остается чистым и ясным, а отображение песен, исполнителя,


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Установки- просты в руководстве и


функционировании и они нуждаются


небольшой количестве реагентов для эксплуатации и оперативности.

Software: Video surveillance software will

typically have a graphical


interface(GUI) that is user


and will easily adapt to a scalable video network system.


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Программное обеспечение: программное обеспечение для

видеонаблюдения, как правило, имеет графический пользовательский интерфейс( GUI), что позволяет даже самым неподготовленным пользователям с легкостью управлять системой сетевого видеонаблюдения.




no evidence, however, that NDEM


linking various data flows to help studying cause-effect relationships and

to develop an environmental database that is user


and accessible to all interested public authorities and the general public.


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Однако отсутствуют свидетельства того, что ГДМОС увязывает различные потоки данных с целью оказания содействия изучению причинно-следственных связей и

разработке экологической базы данных, которая была бы удобной для пользователей и доступна


всех заинтересованных государственных органов и широкой общественности.


There have been steps to provide a legal regime,

fiscal and financial system, which

is user 

friendly to shelter delivery

and also to promote environment


and low cost housing.


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бюджетной и финансовой системы при обеспечении жильем и


поощрению строительства благоприятного для окружающей среды и недорогостоящего жилья.


It is


friendly and very intuitive and almost all IQ Option reviews can confirm this.


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Она интуитивно понятная и имеет дружественный интерфейс, что могут подтвердить все мнения о IQ Option.


The ST3 engine is user-friendly, offering ample power in any situation.

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В ST3 двигатель является более удобным для пользователей, предлагая достаточную мощность в любой ситуации.

In addition, the interface is user-friendly and simple to follow and understand.


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К тому же, интерфейс является удобным и просто следовать и понимать.


Smartphone installation is user-friendly and intuitive, and takes only a few seconds.

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Установка смартфона в стеллаже очков является очень простой и интуитивной и занимает несколько секунд.

Be user-friendly, consistent, comprehensible and standardized;


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Быть удобными в применении, последовательными, всеобъемлющими и стандартизованными;


PRTRs should be user-friendly and ensure accessibility.


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РВПЗ должны быть удобны для пользователя и обеспечивать доступность.


They must thus be user-friendly, affordable and appropriate.


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Поэтому они должны быть удобны для потребителей, доступны по цене и соответствовать потребностям.


This should be user-friendly and acceptable to all such programmes.


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Информационная система должны быть удобной для пользователей и приемлемой для всех таких программ.


In the words of technology,»A good dictionary should be user-friendly.


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По словам технологии,» хороший словарь должен быть удобным для пользователей.


It should have chat rooms and testing tools and be user-friendly.


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Он должен обеспечивать диалоговое взаимодействие пользователей и

применение интерактивных инструментов проверки и быть удобным для пользователей.


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I remember that we had a fierce discussion in school around the term “User Friendly” where our lecturer with emphasis stated that “… there is no such thing as user friendly. The only valid term you can and will use is useful. An application can never buy you coffee”. I never paid any thoughts on it since then, but I came to think of it again this weekend.

The thing is, my (windows) phone broke down and went to repair. In the mean while I picked out an iPhone 4 (which will later be used by my seven year old daughter) and started to use it. As I started to learn the iPhone UI it really felt “friendly”. Nice looking, simple and everything worked from the start with very little configuration. So in a sense – it is friendly to me as a user.

But Wikipedia has an additional meaning of user friendly:

“The term user friendly is often used as a synonym for usable, though it may also refer to accessibility. Usability describes the quality of user experience across websites, software, products, and environments.”

Smashing Magazine uses the term in a slightly different form, calling on aesthetics:

Web design has significantly improved over the last years. It’s more user-friendly and more appealing today — and there is a good reason behind it: over the years we’ve found out that design with focus on usability and user experience is just more effective.

… and …

In the past we didn’t cover web applications the way we should and now it’s time to take a closer look at some useful techniques and design solutions that make web-applications more user-friendly and more beautiful.


From the looks of it user friendly is a term used, sometimes a synonym for usable or the equivalence of accessible. Other sources uses user friendly as something related to aesthetic qualities. But from the university, I learnt that user friendly as a term is invalid. It all boils down to the question is ”User Friendly” a valid term in User Experience?

Community's user avatar

asked Feb 4, 2013 at 10:32

Benny Skogberg's user avatar

Benny SkogbergBenny Skogberg

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It is accurate that the term «user friendly» has a specific history that has since caused it to go out of general use among many practitioners. (A significant ‘exception’, if such a large contingent can’t rightly be called an ‘exception’ is that one of the largest most well-respected UX conferences in China is called, you guessed it, «User Friendly»!). In the evolving history and value-laden terms of our profession, this one had limited connotations and scope, that were corrected as the vision and understanding of what goes into a truly stellar design expanded with inventive capabilities and methods for making people happy (or productive, or successful, or all of the above.) It was used as validation of «If a product is pleasant and people like it, then that’s all it needs to be.» Your professor was responding to the dismissive way that the term came to be used that failed to account for whether or not a product or design allowed the users to reach their goals, whatever those might be. Now it also fails to account for a number of known variables of great design that extend even past the ‘gold standard’ of goal-achievement.

Take note, though, that the term «user friendly» is making its way back into the vocabulary of designers and user experience practitioners and product managers and executives, even of the users, themselves. It now has a certain connotation that can not easily be captured any other way. It is a term that serves as a shortcut for a holistic concept of qualities and characteristics that cannot easily be captured in a few words of definitions.

To give a sense of what it means now, picture it this way, «A design that is the source of a simple experience after which a user visibly relaxes, with a moment of ‘knowing,’ or the faint glow of a smile, before moving on to the next thing.»

answered Feb 5, 2013 at 4:01

Laura Faulkner's user avatar

I’ve separated the original question into two questions.

Is ‘user friendly’ a valid term in UX?
Yes, but only when communicating with people outside the field. Inevitably, when I hear ‘user friendly’ it is from somebody that is not a UX professional but has a legitimate role in the design, evaluation, or use of the system.


  • Review from an industry analyst: «Monolithic Technology would be in our leader’s quadrant but their offering is not user friendly.»
  • A claim in a competitor’s marketing material: «Customers love our software because of its user friendliness.»
  • A directive from somebody high up in Monolithic Technology’s organization: «Our software needs to be more user friendly.»

In all three examples, ‘user friendly’ could refer to any of the following:

  • feature set

  • integration with surrounding technologies

  • task model

  • interaction patterns
  • aesthetics
  • documentation
  • packaging

In each case, the person making the statement may not be able to identify the contributing factors to ‘user friendliness’. However, they are aware that ‘user friendly’ is an important quality of the system. For their purposes, ‘user friendly’ is an appropriate term.

As a UX professional, our job is to figure out which aspect of ‘user friendly’ is relevant for the person using the term.

Is ‘useful’ a synonym for ‘user friendly’?
No. A useful system may not be user friendly. Similarly, a user friendly system may not be useful.
Most models of technology acceptance, e.g., Venkatesh’s UTAUT, separate ease of use and usefulness. This figure is from an older version of the TAM. Usefulness and ease of use are distinct factors. Ease of use contributes to technology attitude toward using whereas usefulness contributes directly toward behavioral intention to use.

answered Feb 5, 2013 at 1:46

user1757436's user avatar


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Interesting question! I think your lecturer doesn’t have a valid argument with: «An application can never buy you coffee». Take Siri for example: I think nowadays (or sometime in the very near future) an application can buy you coffee. Alas, you still have to pay for it yourself, but the time has definitely come that apps can be friendly.

Also, if the willingness to buy someone something is a measurement of friendliness then where does it end and how would you measure this? Compare an app who buys you coffee with an app that buys you a new car, would the second one be friendlier?

To me personally, user friendliness (or UX in general) is about going the extra mile. A good app is (easily) usable (you can measure this using usability measurements). A great app delights you and goes the extra mile.

Take the Clear app for example. Is it usable? Yes, but so is Evernote. Does it delight you by being something extra? Yes, definitely. Whether you, as an individual, care about the fact that the interaction is special, is left to your own judgement. But I think this simple example illustrates the difference between usability and user friendliness. People were surprised by the fact that a ToDo list could behave like that.

Another good example of user friendliness is software-with-a-personality and tone-of-voice. MailChimp does this really well. Yes, their software is usable. But it’s more than that: it’s friendly! It supports you when times are rough (people unsubscribing: «Well, who needs them anyway?») and it cheers you on when things are going well (high open rates).

Finally, how you would measure such a thing as user friendliness I’m not so sure about. Sure you can do qualitative research, but I can imagine it could be quite hard to attribute results to concrete steps you took regarding the user friendliness.

answered Feb 4, 2013 at 10:52's user avatar

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User-friendly clearly stops short of user-experience.

The thing to remember is that while user-friendly is front end focused, the user experience is influenced heavily by the back end needs — this is what affects experience and doesn’t impact the front end in anyway. To improve friendly you only need to re-arrangement front end matters (structure, style) but unless the back end weight requirement is truncated the UX will not magically go away.

User-experience is measure of perceived burden.

answered Jun 25, 2015 at 11:13

Con Roy's user avatar

User-friendly is a term we use to describe anything that is easy to learn how to use. It is also easy to use. In other words, even if it sophisticated, using it is simple and straightforward. We use the term for computer interfaces, devices, equipment, facilities, and systems. The term describes anything that is compatible with its user’s knowledge, skills, concentration span, and other aptitudes.

We use the term when describing, for example, devices, with the same meaning as ‘intuitive.’ If getting to know how to use a device is intuitive, it means you can probably simply ‘feel’ your way along. has the following definition of intuitive:

“Application, equipment, facility, process, or system that is compatible with its intended user’s ability to use it easily and successfully.”

A user-friendly system

A user-friendly system is one that is easy for novices to learn. It is also easy to use.

When personal computers first came out, the term was extremely popular. Sellers used it when they wanted their product to stand out.

However, sellers overused the term. Today, ‘user-friendly’ has become a bit of a cliché. Therefore, vendors today are reluctant to use it.

Mobile phone applications must be user-friendly because of their tiny screens. However, many applications in the world of IT are downright ‘user hostile,’ says PC Magazine. IT stands for Information Technology.

A PC Magazine article criticizes desktop applications. It says that most of them are impossible to use for people who have never worked with a similar program.

User-Friendly - definition and example

Consumers today value quality and ease of use. If something is complicated to use, it will not sell well.

User interface

The user interface or IU is the space where interactions between machines and humans occur. The goal of machine developers is to allow effective operation and control of the device. Effective operation and control of the device, that is, from the human end.

At the same time, the device feeds back data that helps the operators in their decision-making process.

The goal of user interface designers is to produce a user interface that makes it self-explanatory, efficient, and enjoyable.

In other words, they want to make the user interface to be user-friendly and for the device to produce the desired result.

Regarding making the user interface user-friendly and efficient, Wikipedia writes:

” This generally means that the operator needs to provide minimal input to achieve the desired output, and also that the machine minimizes undesired outputs to the human.”

User-friendly computer software

Computer software that is not user-friendly tends not to sell well. Even experts prefer user-friendly programs.

If given a choice, we will opt for the one that is easy and enjoyable to use. Software refers to the programs, i.e., instructions and codes, that make it possible to use a computer.

User experience and usability

How user-friendly something is is part of a broad field we call ‘user experience’. User experience is a description of how much individuals enjoyed using something. It is the outcome of their interaction with something.

Within the broad term ‘user experience’ is usability, which refers to how easily we can use something and learn how to use it.

Video – a user-friendly website

Every year, more people are doing business, shopping, watching movies and TV series, and having fun online. If your business does not have a user-friendly website, it is doomed.

This DocStoc TV video explains how to make your website effective, easy to use, and enjoyable for visitors.

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