Is upcoming one word

Is upcoming one word or two words?

The word upcoming has been used since the 1300s, but its use as an adjective isn’t recorded until the 1800s. It is simply a combination of the words up and coming. Things that are upcoming are coming up.

Does upcoming have a hyphen?

Hyphenation of upcoming This word can be hyphenated and contains 3 syllables as shown below.

What does it mean upcoming?

: happening or appearing soon : forthcoming, approaching a list of upcoming events the upcoming election …

How do you spell upcoming?

Correct spelling for the English word “upcoming” is [ʌpkˈʌmɪŋ], [ʌpkˈʌmɪŋ], [ʌ_p_k_ˈʌ_m_ɪ_ŋ] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Whats the opposite of upcoming?

What is the opposite of upcoming?

late recent
departing leaving
current receding
passing delayed
unlikely avoidable

Where can I use upcoming?

Use “upcoming” in a sentence | “upcoming” sentence examples

  1. Tickets are selling well for the group’s upcoming concert tour.
  2. Much joy to you in the upcoming year.
  3. With this upcoming deal we hope to establish a permanent foothold in the US market.
  4. The upcoming election looks likely to be a close run thing.

What is the difference between upcoming and forthcoming?

“Upcoming” only means imminent, soon to occur, and it refers almost always to scheduled public events or scheduled meetings. “Forthcoming” could have two meanings. With reference to a promised document or promised information, “it will be forthcoming” means “it will be delivered, you will get it”.

How do you say upcoming events?

Synonyms for Upcoming event

  1. future event. n.
  2. coming event. n.
  3. forthcoming event. n.
  4. next event. n.
  5. upcoming episode. n.
  6. change in the future. n.
  7. further development. n.
  8. further evolution. n.

What is the difference between incoming and upcoming?

As adjectives the difference between incoming and upcoming is that incoming is coming (or about to come) in while upcoming is happening or appearing in the relatively near future.

How do you use the word upcoming?

Upcoming sentence example

  1. Brandon Westlake wandered in and was overjoyed at the news of the upcoming sale.
  2. The destiny of our nation is riding upon the upcoming election.
  3. Check out the online calendar for upcoming performers at the theater.

What’s the difference between incoming and outgoing calls?

An inbound call center receives incoming calls from customers. An outbound call center, on the other hand, makes outgoing calls to shoppers. Sales teams typically run outbound centers to cold call potential customers about their products.

What is the synonym of incoming?

SYNONYMS. arriving, entering. approaching, coming, coming in.

What is another word for current?

Current Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for current?

contemporary modern
present present-day
ongoing topical
happening now
up-to-date recent

What’s another word for possible?

What is another word for possible?

feasible achievable
practicable viable
attainable realisableUK
realizableUS workable
doable manageable

Is achievable a word?

If you say that something you are trying to do is achievable, you mean that it is possible for you to succeed in doing it. A 50% market share is achievable.

Is unfeasible a word?

“Unfeasible” is in fact the more traditional, being the more popular of the two until “infeasible”, for some reason, leapfrogged it in the late 1970s. Above is the British usage. (Both words have declined in popularity in American usage, but “infeasible” overtook “unfeasible” at roughly the same time in America.)

What is the opposite of perfect?

Imperfect is the opposite of perfect. Imperfect comes from the Latin word imperfectus, meaning “incomplete.” If you have an imperfect knowledge of French, you might be able to order a coffee in Paris but not chat with the waiter. Something imperfect is unfinished or damaged in some way.

What is the perfect word?

Something that is perfect is complete and without defect or blemish. It might also be precisely accurate or exact. The word perfect can also be used as a verb meaning — you guessed it! It originally comes from the Latin word perficere, which breaks down into per- (“completely”) and facere (“do”).

What’s a word better than perfect?

pluperfect Add to list Share. The word pluperfect comes from the Latin phrase plus quam perfectum, “more than perfect.” The Latin perfect tense refers to the past, while the pluperfect references “more than past.”

How do you say someone is perfect?


  1. absolute,
  2. faultless,
  3. flawless,
  4. ideal,
  5. immaculate,
  6. impeccable,
  7. indefectible,
  8. irreproachable,

Is cute synonym for pretty?

In this page you can discover 83 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pretty, like: beautiful, lovely, attractive, enchanting, gorgeous, cute, good-looking, stunning, bewitching, pleasant and ravishing.

Asked by: Emmanuelle Mills

Score: 4.7/5
(27 votes)

The word upcoming has been used since the 1300s, but its use as an adjective isn’t recorded until the 1800s. It is simply a combination of the words up and coming. Things that are upcoming are coming up. An upcoming election is the one happening next or within a relatively short amount of time.

What is the word upcoming?

: happening or appearing soon : forthcoming, approaching a list of upcoming events the upcoming election …

Is future a real word?

time that is to be or come hereafter. something that will exist or happen in time to come: The future is rooted in the past.

Is up and coming correct?

likely to succeed; bright and industrious: an up-and-coming young executive.

Has been have been?

«Has been» and «have been» are both in the present perfect tense. «Has been» is used in the third-person singular and «have been» is used for first- and second-person singular and all plural uses. The present perfect tense refers to an action that began at some time in the past and is still in progress.

34 related questions found

What is being self assured?

: having or showing confidence in yourself and your abilities.

What is the synonym of future?

by-and-by, futurity, hereafter, offing, tomorrow.

What type of word is future?

future used as a noun:

The time ahead; those moments yet to be experienced. Something that will happen in moments yet to come. «There is no future in dwelling on the past.» (grammatical terminology): verb tense used to talk about events that will happen in the future. future tense.

How do you say most upcoming?


  1. approaching,
  2. coming,
  3. forthcoming,
  4. imminent,
  5. impending,
  6. nearing,
  7. oncoming,
  8. pending,

What is the difference between forthcoming and upcoming?

«Upcoming» usually refers to an event that is going to happen in the near future, such as an election or a concert. «Forthcoming» usually refers to an object that will become available in the future, such as a book that will be published.

What is the noun for future?

future. noun. English Language Learners Definition of future (Entry 2 of 2) : the period of time that will come after the present time. : the events that will happen after the present time.

Is it for the future or in the future?

In future and for the future both mean «from now on, from this point forward.» In other words, the desired change is to come into effect now and continue on: For the sake of my nerves, dear, I would prefer to do the driving in future.

What is the word for future plans?

Use the noun foresight to describe successful planning for the future.

What is the synonym and antonym of future?

future. Synonyms: forthcoming, coming, advenient. Antonyms: gone, bygone, past.

How much is Eminem worth in 2020?

Eminem (Net worth: $230 million)

Who is the richest rapper?

Kanye West is an American rapper, songwriter, record producer, fashion designer, and entrepreneur. He is now the richest rapper in the world, with a net worth of $6.6 billion.

How can you tell if a woman is confident?

10 Signs of a confident woman

  • They know they are not perfect and accept that. None of us are perfect let’s just get that out there right now. …
  • Never compare. …
  • Remains positive. …
  • Knows when to say no. …
  • Has set goals. …
  • She knows her strengths and weaknesses. …
  • Body language. …
  • They don’t envy the success of others.

What does a self-assured person look like?

Confident people don‘t over-promise. They understand the value of time and effort and are conscious to commit to things that are aligned with their ultimate goals, passions, and beliefs. By doing this, confident people are able to give their best at all times.

Is self-assured negative connotation?

Are there any differences between the words self-assured and self-confident? Subtle, but self-assured may have negative connotations; self-confident is almost always positive (negative could be over-confident). According to OED, they are exact synonyms.

Can I say futures?

2 Answers. In such contexts, «future» is considered by the large majority as uncountable and singular, even though it relates to a multitude of people. Thus the plural is used by some authors trying to emphasize that those futures are separated, individual, but that is quite unusual (about 100 to 1!).

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Janiya Mann II

Score: 4.6/5
(74 votes)

coming forth, or about to come forth; about to appear; approaching in time: the forthcoming concert. ready or available when required or expected: He assured us that payment would be forthcoming.

How do you use forthcoming in a sentence?

Forthcoming sentence example

  1. You weren’t exactly forthcoming about who you are. …
  2. The feds weren’t very forthcoming with that information. …
  3. Now he wants a picture «of darling Helen and her illustrious teacher, to grace the pages of the forthcoming annual report.»

Is it upcoming or forthcoming?

«Upcoming» usually refers to an event that is going to happen in the near future, such as an election or a concert. «Forthcoming» usually refers to an object that will become available in the future, such as a book that will be published.

How do you use forthcoming?

Forthcoming in a Sentence ?

  1. The author’s forthcoming novel will be released next month.
  2. Once the investigation is complete, additional charges against the suspect will be forthcoming.
  3. The singer’s forthcoming album will feature many of her own songs.

Is upcoming one word or two words?

The word upcoming has been used since the 1300s, but its use as an adjective isn’t recorded until the 1800s. It is simply a combination of the words up and coming. Things that are upcoming are coming up. An upcoming election is the one happening next or within a relatively short amount of time.

16 related questions found

What’s another way to say upcoming?


  • approaching,
  • coming,
  • forthcoming,
  • imminent,
  • impending,
  • nearing,
  • oncoming,
  • pending,

What is the opposite of upcoming?

Opposite of happening or appearing in the relatively near future. late. recent. distant. later.

Where is the word forthcoming used?

forthcoming adjective (SOON)

  • At the forthcoming elections, the government will be seeking a fresh mandate from the people.
  • He is expected to win by a large majority in the forthcoming elections.
  • She has announced that she will retire from the sport after the forthcoming Olympics.

What does forthcoming mean?

1 : being about to appear or to be produced or made available the forthcoming holidays your forthcoming novel funds are forthcoming.

What does Formor mean?

Former refers to something that came at an earlier time, or before something else. For example, someone who believes in reincarnation might wonder about their former life — or even lives — before their present existence. When something or someone has changed, we can refer to them as former.

What is forthcoming behavior?

Considerate and affable; willing to cooperate. I am really a forthcoming person. … An example of forthcoming is a person who tells his life story to anyone he meets.

What is the difference between oncoming and upcoming?

As adjectives the difference between oncoming and upcoming

is that oncoming is approaching; coming closer while upcoming is happening or appearing in the relatively near future.

What is the difference between next and upcoming?

As adjectives the difference between upcoming and next

is that upcoming is happening or appearing in the relatively near future while next is following in a sequence.

What does it mean staked?

transitive verb. 1 : to mark the limits of by or as if by stakes. 2 : to tether to a stake. 3 : bet, wager. 4 : to fasten up or support (something, such as a plant) with stakes.

How do you say something is forthcoming?


  1. approaching,
  2. coming,
  3. imminent,
  4. impending,
  5. nearing,
  6. oncoming,
  7. pending,
  8. proximate,

What is forthcoming month?

1 adj A forthcoming event is planned to happen soon.

Is not forthcoming meaning?

available or ready when needed. the promised help was not forthcoming.

Is forth a preposition?

Forth a preposition. Forth is used as a preposition (from): “Steal forth thy father’s house.

What does forthcoming mean in publications?

Forthcoming material consists of journal articles or books accepted for publication but not yet published. «Forthcoming» has replaced the former «in press» because changes in the publishing industry make the latter term obsolete. … For journal articles you may also include the exact volume and issue number if known.

What is forthcoming year?

Something that as soon as it is done becomes decided upon to repeat the next year and years to come. Does not necessarily have to had been done previous years to be defined an instant tradition.

What is meant by forthcoming film?

You know when you go to a movie and they show the previews under the heading «coming soon?» They could just as well say forthcoming, because it means the same thing.

Does forthcoming mean honest?

The 16th century origin of the word is the combination of ‘come’ and ‘forth’, so literally the word means to come forth with something. For example: I am eagerly anticipating the forthcoming concert. In time, it eventually came to have the meaning of being readily available, honest or open about something.

What is the suitable word for that is going to happen soon *?

Inevitable comes from the Latin word inevitabilis, which means unavoidable. If you say something is inevitable, you give the sense that no matter what scheme you come up with to get around it, it’s going to happen sooner or later.

…find a word that could mean current and upcoming … Or [other] shorter ways to describe it?

From en.wiktionary, pending has three senses that make it a suitable answer:

  • awaiting a conclusion or a confirmation
  • begun but not completed
  • about to happen; imminent or impending

( and
include similar senses.) As you can see, the latter two senses correspond reasonably well to “current” things and “upcoming” things.

In spite of those dictionary entries, I tend to discount or disregard the “begun but not completed” sense, so I’m not able to enthusiastically back pending as an answer to the question. In addition, many of the British English synonyms suggests seem to me inappropriate or irrelevant, but you may find them worth considering:

unresolved, undecided, unsettled, unconcluded, uncertain, awaiting decision, awaiting action, undetermined, (still) open, hanging fire, (up) in the air, in limbo, in the balance, on ice, in reserve, in abeyance, ongoing, awaiting attention, outstanding, to be done, undone, not done, unattended to, unfinished, incomplete, left, remaining for first two senses, and
imminent, impending, about to happen/be, forthcoming, upcoming, on the way, coming, approaching, looming, gathering, prospective, near, nearing, close, close at hand, in the offing, in the wind, to come, -to-be, anticipated, expected for third sense

Other terms I think relevant include looming, on the docket, on deck, pipelined, near term, and peri-, a prefix meaning near, on, around. However, none of the 132 terms that begin with peri- look applicable.


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I will promote your up coming movie

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    The difference between them is one is a decision and the other is a statement.

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    Is this even suitable for this type of app?😂😂

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    I don’t think it means anything, it doesn’t look like proper English to me.

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    i will receive

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    No entenc el que vols dir

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    @lolipopins literally the same but gonna show you is a short way of saying gonna be showing you

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