Is unless a conjunction word

Words that are used as connectors can be regarded as conjunctions. In this article, we will be addressing the question whether the word “unless” is a conjunction.

The word “unless” is a conjunction as it aids in connecting or linking a dependent clause (subordinate clause) with that of an independent clause (main clause).  Any word that aids in connecting two or more words, clauses, phrases, or sentences fall under the part of speech “conjunctions”. 

With the some interesting facts and examples, let us explore further on the usage of the word “unless” as a conjunction.

We already know that the word “unless” can be a conjunction, here, let us get to know when (at what places), “unless” can be a conjunction.

“Unless” is a conjunction when it connects two clauses. In this usage, the action in one clause will take place only if the action in other clause does not take place. “Unless” denotes a condition and can be placed in the beginning or in the middle of a sentence depending on the subordinate clause’s position.

Position of “unless” in the sentence Examples Explanations
1. Beginning of the sentence Unless I feed her, she will not eat her food. Subordinate Clause: unless I feed her
Main Clause: she will not eat her food

Here, the conjunction “unless” is present in the beginning of the sentence as the subordinate clause is placed before the main clause.

“Unless” here is used to say that she will eat her food, only if “I” feed her.

2. Middle of the sentence Ruhi will not sleep unless you tell her a bedtime story. Main Clause: Ruhi will not sleep
Subordinate Clause: unless you tell her a bedtime story

Here, the conjunction “unless” is present in the middle of the sentence as the subordinate clause is placed after the main clause.

“Unless” here is used to say that Ruhi will sleep, only if “you” tell her a bedtime story.

When is “unless” a conjunction

How is “unless” a subordinating conjunction?

With different types of conjunctions present in English language, the word “unless” falls under subordinating conjunction category. Let us find out the reason for that.

The word “unless” is a subordinating conjunction because it is utilized to introduce a subordinating clause (dependent clause). It helps to connect the dependent clause with the main clause of a sentence. Any conjunction that introduces a dependent clause falls under the subordinating conjunction category.

Example: Unless you complete your homework, you cannot go for playing.

  • Subordinate Clause: unless you complete your homework
  • Main Clause: you cannot go for playing
  • Subordinating Conjunction: unless

In the above sentence, the word “unless” is a subordinating conjunction since it is introducing the dependent clause “unless you complete your homework”. It also aids in connecting this clause with the independent clause.

Examples of “unless” as a conjunction

We can have a better understanding about the conjunction “unless” with the aid of some examples and related explanations.

The table below consists of sentences in which the word “unless” is utilized as a conjunction.

Examples Explanations
1. Unless you learn every day, you will not be able to score good marks in your final tests. Subordinate Clause: unless you learn everyday
Main Clause: you will not be able to score good marks in your final test

Here, the word “unless” is performing the role of a conjunction as it is introducing the sub clause thereby connecting it with the main clause.

“Unless” here is used to convey that “you” will be able to score good marks in fail tests, only if “you” learn every day.

2. Let us not contact the manager, unless it is an urgent and important matter. Main Clause: Let us not contact the manager
Subordinate Clause: unless it is an urgent and important matter.

Here, the word “unless” is taking up the role of a conjunction as it is introducing the sub clause thereby joining it with the independent clause.

“Unless” here is used to convey that we will contact the manager, only if there is something urgent and important.

3. Do not take any tablets, unless it is prescribed by a doctor. Main Clause: do not take any tablets
Subordinate Clause: unless it is prescribed by a doctor

Here, the word “unless” is used as a conjunction as it is introducing the subordinate clause thereby linking it with the independent clause to form a single sentence.

“Unless” here is used to tell us that we should take tablets, only if it is prescribed by a doctor. Else we should not take it.

4. Unless we find a proof against her, we cannot prove her wrong. Subordinate Clause: unless we find a proof against her
Main Clause: we cannot prove her wrong

In this sentence, the word “unless” is functioning as a conjunction as it is utilized to introduce the sub clause and thereby linking it with the main clause to form a single sentence.

“Unless” here is used to convey that we can prove her wrong, only if we find a proof against her.

5. The students will not stop coming late to the class, unless they are punished. Main Clause: the students will not stop coming late to the class
Subordinate Clause: unless they are punished

Here, the word “unless” is performing the function of a conjunction as it is introducing the subordinate clause thereby linking it with the main clause to form a single sentence.

“Unless” here is used to convey to us that the students will stop coming late to the class,  only if, they are punished

Examples of “unless” as conjunction


Thus from this article, we came to know that the conjunction “unless” is a subordinating conjunction of condition and it is used to connect clauses that depicts a condition for the actions to take place or not to take place.

Asked by: Kaela Stanton III

Score: 4.1/5
(23 votes)

Unless means something similar to ‘if … not’ or ‘except if’. … We use the conjunction unless to mean ‘except if’. The clause which follows unless is a subordinate clause (sc): it needs a main clause (mc) to make a complete sentence. …

What does unless mean in a sentence?

Unless is defined as except something else happens. … An example of unless is saying you’re going skiing this weekend, except if it doesn’t snow — «I’ll go skiing unless it doesn’t snow.»

Why do people say unless?

Unless is used to introduce the only situation in which something will take place or be true. In the 1940s, unless she wore gloves a woman was not properly dressed… You must not give compliments unless you mean them. You cannot use unless to talk about a situation that results from something not happening.

What does unless mean?

1 : except on the condition that : under any other circumstance than. 2 : without the accompanying circumstance or condition that : but that : but. unless.

Is unless a conjunction word?

As mentioned above, unless is a conjunction which we use in conditional phrases. In written English, the clause that follows unless is the subordinate clause (SC) meaning that it needs a main clause (MC) to make a complete sentence.

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Can a sentence start with unless?

Expert Answers

Starting a sentence with «unless» is much the same as starting a sentence with «because.» Although our 4th grade teachers told us NEVER TO DO IT (because in 4th grade it often resulted in a fragment) we can write a complete sentence starting with «unless» or «because.»

Is if a conjunction word?

If is a conjunction.

What does unless mean in logic?

The strategy for an “unless” statement is simple. … The part of the sentence that follows the “unless” is the necessary condition. The other part of the sentence constitutes the sufficient condition, but you must make sure to negate it! For example: A unless B.

What is the word class for unless?

Unless is a conjunction — Word Type.

What’s the difference between until and unless?

“Until” is a conjunction that is used to refer to the time that took place before an incident while the word “unless” is a conjunction that is used in the same manner as the words “if” and “except.” 2. “Until” means “up to the time” while “unless” means “under the circumstances.”

Is it right to say not unless?

Yes, “not unless” is grammatically correct, if you’re saying a statement is wrong or negative, except under special circumstances. E.g. “Can I park here?

Is it okay to say not unless?

«Not unless» is a little more situational. You would probably only use it if asked a yes/no question, to which the answer is «no» with an exception. For example, «are you going tomorrow?» «Not unless there’s food.» In this case, the person is saying he will only go if there is food.

How do you explain unless to a child?

The easiest way to explain “unless” is to say it is the equivalent of a negative if-clause. If I do NOT win the lottery, I will not be able to buy a car. Unless I win the lottery, I will not be able to buy a car. This explanation is a good introduction to unless-clauses, but it is not the whole story.

Why does the Lorax say unless?

The Lorax is the book that anti-environmentalists don’t want you to know about. … Well, at the end of the book, The Once-ler gives us his interpretation: «Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.» In other words, the Once-ler screwed up.

Is unless If correct?

Unless means except if or simply it means if…not. Both of these examples have the same meaning and refer to the present time. «You can’t go on vacation unless you save some money.» «If you don’t save some money, you can’t go on vacation.»

How do I replace Unless?

Replace «If…not» with «Unless»

  1. Steps:
  2. Put Unless in place of ‘if ‘.
  3. Remove ‘do not , does not, not’ .
  4. Add s/es to the verb if you remove «does not» .
  5. Write remaining sentence.
  6. Using ‘unless’ in place of ‘If’ (in case ‘not’ is missing ) means you have to make other part negative if is Affirmative and vice versa .

What does P unless Q mean?

Unless has no real formal analogue, being an informal and imprecise statement. We can say that P unless Q means: P <—> ~Q. In which case the truth table is.

What is PQ and R in logic?

In words, [p, q, r] is equivalent to: «if q then p, else r», or «p or r, according as q or not q». This may also be stated as «q implies p, and not q implies r». So, for any values of p, q, and r, the value of [p, q, r] is the value of p when q is true, and is the value of r otherwise.

Does unless mean if and only if?

In addition to ‘only if’, another conditional term in English that causes problems of translation is ‘unless’. This differs from ‘only if’ in that embeds a negation, and so it is akin to the complex ‘neither … nor’ connective we encountered in earlier chapters.

What is the word if in grammar?

This word is most commonly used as a conjunction because it can connect two clauses to form a single sentence by presenting the conditional clause. Furthermore, the word “if” can also mean “whether.” In the sample sentence below: You can walk, if the rain stops.

What are the 7 conjunctions?

The seven coordinating conjunctions are for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

What is the word if in a sentence?

Sentences containing the word if are called conditional sentences because they usually express a condition. Examples: If he comes, ask him to wait. If it rains, we will get wet.

What conjunction is unless?

subordinating conjunction

Is unless a coordinating conjunction?

A conjunction is a word that joins words, clauses, phrases or sentences. e.g. but, and, or, nor, yet for, so, although, since, because, unless, when, where, while, etc. There are three major types of conjunctions: Coordinating Conjunction.

What category is unless?

Unless is a conjunction – Word Type.

What are the 4 types of conjunctions?

Summary. Now you know the four types of conjunctions (coordinating, correlative, subordinate, and adverbial), and the punctuation that those conjunctions take.

What is conjunction give 10 examples?

Subordinating Conjunctions

1. Because She usually eats at home, because she likes cooking.
3. Whereas She is very funny whereas he is boring.
4. But I am very hungry, but the fridge is empty.
5. Besides She speaks three languages besides Spanish.
6. Unlike Jack is completely unlike his father.

What are the 10 examples of interjection?


  • Hurrah! We won the game! ( Emotion of joy)
  • Alas! I failed the exam! ( Emotion of sorrow)
  • Wow! What a beautiful car! ( Emotion of surprise)
  • Oh! I forgot to bring my purse! ( Emotion of sorrow)
  • Ouch! It hurts! ( Emotion of pain)
  • Eww! It tastes so bad! (
  • Yahoo! I got a job! (
  • Huh! I don’t care! (

What is conjunction in a sentence?

A conjunction is a word that is used to connect words, phrases, and clauses. There are many conjunctions in the English language, but some common ones include and, or, but, because, for, if, and when. There are three basic types of conjunctions: coordinating, subordinating, and correlative.

How can I use conjunction in a sentence?

Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases, or clauses together.

  1. I like cooking and eating, but I don’t like washing dishes afterward.
  2. I work quickly and careful.
  3. I work quickly and carefully.
  4. Your writing, at its best.
  5. I’d like pizza or a salad for lunch.

What is conjunction and examples?

Conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, clauses or sentence. e.g. but, and, yet, or, because, nor, although, since, unless, while, where etc. Examples: She bought a shirt and a book. A conjunction can be a single word or a group of words.

What’s another word for conjunction?

What is another word for conjunction?

combination concurrence
alliance meeting
partnership coincidence
coexistence agreement
affiliation convergency

What is another word for as well as?

What is another word for as well as?

also additionally
as well still
along with further
besides furthermore
including more

What’s the opposite of conjunction?

Opposite of the act of joining, or the condition of being joined. divergence. antagonism. detachment. disagreement.

What does synchrony mean?

synchronynoun. synchronicity, the state of two or more events occurring at the same time.

What are joining words called?

A CONJUNCTION is a word that connects or joins together words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. There are two kinds of conjunctions, a primary class of COORDINATING conjunctions and a secondary class called SUBORDINATING or SUBORDINATE conjunctions.

What is meant by in conjunction?

: in combination with : together with The concert will be held in conjunction with the festival.

Is used in conjunction with?

If one thing is done in conjunction with another, the two things are done or used together. Textbooks are designed to be used in conjunction with classroom teaching.

What does in conjunction mean in law?

Definitions of in conjunction with together; jointly. “Unisys is willing to market its computer equipment in conjunction with MA computer products.”

What is the full meaning of conjunction?

In grammar, a conjunction (abbreviated CONJ or CNJ) is a part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses that are called the conjuncts of the conjunctions. For example, “after” is a preposition in “he left after the fight”, but it is a conjunction in “he left after they fought”.

What is conjunction in simple words?

Conjunctions are words that join together other words or groups of words. A coordinating conjunction connects words, phrases, and clauses of equal importance.

How many types of interjections are there?

6 types

What is a conjunction kid friendly definition?

A conjunction definition for kids is, “a word that acts as a ‘joining word’, connecting pairs or groups of words and clauses in a sentence.”

What are the 3 main conjunctions?

Since they serve such an important role, it may not come as a surprise that there are three distinct types of conjunctions used in sentences: coordinating, subordinating and correlative.

What is a conjunction word list?

A Look at Subordinate Words: A List of Subordinating Conjunctions

Although As if Because
Even Even though If then
In order that Lest Now when
Provided Rather than

At what age do kids learn conjunctions?

Conjunctions. Conjunctions are words used to connect phrases and clauses. Between 25 and 40 months, children begin to use the conjunctions and and because (Owens, 2001) to join phrases and clauses. And is the most frequently used conjunctive form for children in the three- to five-year age range.

What age do children start using adverbs?

Many children begin to understand adverbs as early as age 6, but they become much more proficient by age 10. Depending on the type of adverb and the difficulty level, there are some that continue to be confusing for people in their adult years.

What are the types of conjunction?

Types of Conjunctions

  • Coordinating Conjunction Words.
  • Subordinating Conjunction Words.
  • Correlative Conjunction Words.
  • Conjunctive Adverbs.

What age do kids use prepositions?

Between the ages of 24-36 months, grammar becomes more precise in a child’s vocabulary. The first prepositions comprehended arein, on,andunder. By 40 months, children understand the prepositional phrase next to,and at 4 years old, children understand behind, in back of,and in front of.

What are the 5 stages of language development?

Students learning a second language move through five predictable stages: Preproduction, Early Production, Speech Emergence, Intermediate Fluency, and Advanced Fluency (Krashen & Terrell, 1983).

In English grammar, Until and Unless are identified as subordinating conjunctions. They are normally used to join two or more than two sentences. Look at the following sentences:

  • Stay here quietly until I ensure your safety.
  • You can’t realise your dream unless you are honest and hardworking.

In the above examples, the word Until is connecting two clauses/sentences i.e. “Stay here quietly” and “I ensure your safety”. Similarly the word Unless is joining two clauses/sentences i.e. “You can’t realize your dream” and “you are honest and hardworking.”

Where lies the difference between these two subordinating conjunctions? We shall now discuss in detail with examples and try to find out the core meanings of Until and Unless and the situations where they can be used.

As we have discussed earlier that the word Until is a conjunction and connects two or more than two sentences. Now we shall proceed with the core meaning of this conjunction and the situation where it is used.

The word Until as a conjunction expresses time and is used in the sense of “Up to the time” in a sentence. It has a negative meaning. Therefore, the negative word “Not” is not used with Until. It conveys that a particular thing will occur but when it is going to occur, is quite uncertain. Whereas the word Unless as a conjunction is used in the sense of “If not” in a sentence. It has a negative meaning and expresses a condition that may or may not occur. In simple words, we can say that the word Until is a conjunction of time, and the word Unless is a conjunction of condition. Look at the following sentences and try to identify differences.

Until in a sentence

  • We should wait until the rain stops. (Expresses Time)
  • I won’t leave you until you finish your work.
  • He will not go abroad until he gets married.
  • The officer can’t initiate any action against him until he reaches here.
  • Please stay in the shed until it gets dark.
  • Wait until I return.
  • You will not get to play with your ball until you complete your assignment.
  • The company will not refund your money until you send the original bill.
  • I can’t start work on this project until it is approved by the competant authority.
  • You have to wait until you are called.

Unless in a sentence

  • My business will collapse unless you help me. (Expresses condition)
  • You can’t apply for this post unless you are a graduate.
  • The doctor will not operate unless she deposits the fees.
  • Unless he compromises, the dispute will not be settled.
  • Unless they report the officer, they will be in trouble.
  • Merry can’t pass the examination, unless she joins the coaching institute.
  • Don’t turn off the television unless the show ends.
  • Unless you pay in full, we can’t ensure the guarantee of this device.
  • The lender will not provide you with a loan unless you show them your income proof.
  • The employer will not promote you unless you complete this project.

Until as a Preposition

The word Until also functions as a preposition and is used in the sense of “Up to” in a sentence. It is always used before a noun or pronoun to show its relation with the other words in a sentence. For example:

  • The captain of the Titanic continued sending SOS until his death.
  • Danny works in his office until 9:00 p.m.
  • The guest will stay in the hotel until next monday.
  • I could not get a seat in the train until Luxemburg.
  • Lucy will get no allowances until her retirement.
  • She is unmarried until now.
  • The child listented to the story until midnight.

Unless and Until – Can we use both of them together in a sentence?

In our day-to-day life, we hear people using a set phrase of conjunctions “Unless and Until” either in speech or writing. It is frequently used during conversation. Now the question arises if it is semantically correct. Can we use two conjunctions together in a sentence? Some grammarians are of the opinion that it is grammatically incorrect and some say that it can be used only during the conversation but not in writing. Since the opinion of the experts differs in this regard, we can only conclude keeping in view the general acceptance of this phrase that it can be used only for the purpose of emphasis. For example;

  • I will not resign from the post unless and until I complete 35 years of my service. (Emphasis)
  • Parents will not permit their children to join the schools unless and until the Covid pandemic persists in the country. (Emphasis)
  • The officer will not release his salary unless and until he asks for the forgiveness. (Emphasis)
  • John will not be permitted to take the examinaion unless and until he pays all the dues. (Emphasis)
  • Unless and until you realize your mistake, you will not be allowed to join the party. (Emphasis)
  • The farmers will keep on protesting against the government unless and until their demans are accepted. (Emphasis)
  • The candidates have to stay in the examination hall unless and until the invigilator collects the answer sheets. (Emphasis)
  • CBSE will not issue any certificate unless and until the teacher completes the online course in teaching pedagogy. (Emphasis)
  • I will not go anywhere unless and until you refund my money. (Emphasis)
  • Unless and untill I am paid handsomely, I will not do any extra work. (Emphasis)

Unless and until or Until and unless – Which is in proper sequence?

There is another query from the readers regarding the proper sequence of these two conjunctions whether it should be written or spoken as “Unless and until” or Until and unless”. Which of the two is correct? Now I tell you the correct proper sequence of this set phrase in a layman’s lingo. Try to understand with the help of the following example:

  1. Using the sequence “Until and unless” would be just like as you say – “John killed his friend and severely thrashed him.”
  2. Using the sequence “Unless and until” would be just like as you say – “John severely thrashed his friend and killed him.”

Which of the sequence do you think, is most appropriate. Definitely, the second example seems to be correct and in proper sequence. Now it is clear that we have to avoid the use of the sequence Until and unless” as it seems to be quite irrelevant.

There are some other phrases like “Unless and Until” that are equally acceptable in the English language. Grammar experts discourage this redundancy but have to accept it as it has become a part of our life. Look at the following phrases:

  • Over and above
  • Anyone and everyone
  • Any and all
  • Forever and always
  • Each and everyone

Unless перевод и употреблениеОпределенные грамматические правила и части речи употребляются носителями языка «на автомате», то есть для них это естественно, поэтому даже не приходится задумываться, перед тем, как сказать что-либо. Но когда их спрашивают о том, как употребляется определенное слово или выражение, они теряют дар речи. Тут волей-неволей начинаешь задумываться о том, действительно ли хорошо ты знаешь и понимаешь свой родной язык.

Сегодня попробуем разобраться в том, как используется в английском языке слово «unless». Это очень интересное и в то же время не такое простое, каким кажется на первый взгляд, слово. Поэтому нужно внимательно изучить его особенности и случаи употребления. Однако, почитав сегодняшний урок, вы убедитесь, что при правильном подходе к объяснению, можно понять даже самые сложные вещи.


Unless — это союз, используемый в условных фразах. В письменном английском предложение, которое следует за unless, является придаточным (subordinate clause — SC) и дополняет главное предложение (main clause — MC). Эта ситуация похожа на употребление if в условных предложениях.

Если unless идет перед главным предложением, то ставится запятая:

Unless it rains, we’ll go for a picnic tomorrow.
(SC)                  (MC)

Если первым идет главное предложение, то запятая не нужна:

They won’t come unless you invite them.
(MC)                         (SC)

«Unless» похож на «if» и в том, что мы не используем после него will или would. В таких случаях употребляется только настоящее время (Present Simple).

Unless I hear from you, I’ll see you at 5pm.

Unless — это то же самое, что и конструкция «if… not«, они оба имеют значение «except if» (за исключением, если не). Замечание: речь идет о реальных условных ситуациях, невозможные к ним не относятся.

If you don’t study, you will fail your exam./ Unless you study, you will fail.
Если не будешь учиться, то провалишь экзамен.

We could eat at Frankie and Benny’s if they’re not closed on a Monday/ We could eat at Frankie and Benny’s unless they are closed on a Monday.
Мы могли бы поесть в «Фрэнки и Бенни», если они не закрыты в понедельник.

I’ll make dinner if nobody wants to/ I’ll make dinner unless someone else wants to.
Я приготовлю ужин, если никто не хочет.

If you don’t stop smoking, you will feel bad/ Unless you stop smoking, you will feel bad.
Если не перестанешь курить,то начнешь чувствовать себя плохо.

Заметьте, что предложение после unless всегда имеет позитивный характер. Отрицательным предложение после unless быть не может, так так тогда в предложении будет двойное отрицание и отсутствие смысла.

Пример: Unless you don’t study, you will fail.

Типичная ошибка при употреблении unless:

Нельзя использовать unless, когда мы подразумеваем «если» (if).

Пример: If you feel ill, I can drive/ Unless you feel ill, I can drive


Разговорный английский:

В разговорном английском unless используется, когда дело касается дополнительной информации или какой-либо мысли:

He didn’t even know about the crash – unless he’d heard about it on the radio.
Он не знал об аварии, пока не услышал об этом по радио.

A: Oh look. Neil next door’s got a new car.
B: Unless they’ve got a visitor.

А: Смотри, у соседей новая машина.
В: Пока не наведался инспектор.

Как же насчет «not unless»?

Not unless по значению аналогично «only if» (только если). Например:

“Shall I tell Liz what happened? Not unless she asks you (= only if she asks you)
Сказать Лиз, что произошло? Если только она сама спросит.

Will you come shopping with me? Not unless you offer me lunch (= only if you offer me lunch)
Пойдешь со мной по магазинам? Только если ты предложишь мне ланч.

Вот и все. Надеюсь, этого разъяснения достаточно, чтобы вы раз и навсегда поняли, в каких случаях нужно употреблять unless. Как видите, все намного проще, чем кажется на первый взгляд. Если у вас все еще остались вопросы, то попробуйте самостоятельно поискать примеры предложения, содержащих «unless». Постарайтесь чаще читать, так вы сможете научиться понимать английский гораздо быстрее.

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