Is unexpectedly a word

Asked by: Winfield Powlowski

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adj. Occurring without warning; unforeseen. un′ex. pect′ed.

How do you use unexpectedly?

1) The terrorists were killed when their bomb detonated unexpectedly. 2) The train stopped unexpectedly and we were jolted forwards. 3) I happened on him in the street unexpectedly. 4) Having to pay out unexpectedly for car repairs made a big hole in my savings.

Whats mean unexpectedly?

not expected; unforeseen; surprising: an unexpected pleasure;an unexpected development.

Is the word unexpectedly an adverb?

unexpectedly adverb — Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What’s another name for unexpectedly?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unexpectedly, like: suddenly, without warning, surprisingly, startlingly, regularly, quickly, out-of-the-blue, like a bolt from the blue, unawares, according to prediction and as anticipated.

36 related questions found

What is the meaning of lying in English?

adjective. telling or containing lies; deliberately untruthful; deceitful; false: a lying report.

What is the verb of unexpected?

Word family (noun) expectancy expectation (adjective) expectant expected ≠ unexpected (verb) expect (adverb) expectantly unexpectedly.

What is the adverb of safe?

» Safely is recognizable as an adverb since it ends in -ly. … In fact, the adverb safe is what’s called a flat adverb. That is, it’s an adverb that has the same form as its related adjective—like safe in «drive safe,» slow in «go slow,» or easy in «take it easy.»

What is it called when something happens unexpectedly?

unforeseen, unanticipated, unpredicted, not bargained for, unlooked for, unhoped for, out of the blue, without warning, without notice. chance, fortuitous, unplanned, serendipitous, adventitious. sudden, abrupt, surprising, startling, astonishing, uncommon, abnormal, extraordinary.

What is the opposite of unexpectedly?

Opposite of unexpectedly, typically without warning. predictably. expectedly. unsurprisingly. inevitably.

What is enthusiastic person?

noun. someone who is very interested in something or excited by it and spends time doing it or learning about it.

What does not unexpected mean?

Not unexpected and so not causing surprise. unsurprising. foreseeable. predictable.

What is the root word of unexpectedly?

The Latin root is expectare, «await, look out for, desire, or hope.» Definitions of unexpected.

What is the meaning of unexpected ways?

If an event or someone’s behaviour is unexpected, it surprises you because you did not think that it was likely to happen. adj. His death was totally unexpected…, He made a brief, unexpected appearance at the office… ♦ unexpectedly adv ADV adj, ADV with v.

How do you use unexpected in a sentence?

Unexpected sentence example

  1. Her breath escaped in an unexpected sigh. …
  2. The unexpected information was coming so fast it was hard to absorb. …
  3. Just an unexpected memory, I guess. …
  4. But then something totally unexpected happened. …
  5. His gentleness was unexpected as he examined the wrapped injury.

What type of word is harm?

Harm is both a noun and a verb — when you inflict harm on your brother, you harm him. Physically hurting someone is only one way to harm them. If a classmate spreads a mean rumor about you, that also harms you. The Old English root word is hearm, which means «hurt» and «pain,» but also «evil» and «insult.»

What is safety full form?

Full form of SAFETY is Stay Alert for Every Task You do. … The Term safety means a state of being protected against physically.

What type of word is unexpected?

not expected, anticipated or foreseen.

What is the plural of unexpected?

unexpected (plural unexpecteds)

What are the two meanings of lie?

1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive She was lying when she said she didn’t break the vase. He lied about his past experience. 2 : to create a false or misleading impression Statistics sometimes lie. … 2 : something that misleads or deceives His show of remorse was a lie.

How do you use the word lie?

Here are a few examples of “lie” in the following sentences:

  1. I lie here, waiting for something to happen. (present tense)
  2. The dog lies on its bed, reclining upside down. (present tense)
  3. Last night, he lay on the bed. ( past tense)
  4. She is lying on the sofa. ( present participle)

Is lying in bed correct?

Hi! Mary Lying in bed is correct. Both “laying” and “lying” are the present participles of the verbs “lay” and “lie.” “Lay” is a transitive verb that refers to putting something in a horizontal position, while“lie” is an intransitive verb that refers to being in a flat position.

What is the word for sudden and unexpected?

Frequently Asked Questions About sudden

Some common synonyms of sudden are abrupt, headlong, impetuous, and precipitate. While all these words mean «showing undue haste or unexpectedness,» sudden stresses unexpectedness and sharpness or violence of action.

What type of word is unexpectedly?

adjective. not expected; unforeseen; surprising: an unexpected pleasure; an unexpected development.

What does the word unexpected mean?

: not expected : unforeseen.

What part of speech is unexpected?


Can unexpected be a noun?

the-unexpected noun – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

What is the root word of unexpected?

The Latin root is expectare, “await, look out for, desire, or hope.” Definitions of unexpected.

What is a word for someone who is unpredictable?

capricious. The definition of capricious is someone or something that is subject to sudden, unpredictable changes.

What are different ways to say unexpected?


  1. accidental.
  2. amazing.
  3. astonishing.
  4. startling.
  5. stunning.
  6. unforeseen.
  7. unpredictable.
  8. wonderful.

What is the meaning of in effect?

phrase. You add in effect to a statement or opinion that is not precisely accurate, but which you feel is a reasonable description or summary of a particular situation. [vagueness] That deal would create, in effect, the world’s biggest airline.

What is effectively in English?

in a way that is successful and achieves what you want: The tablets work more effectively if you take a hot drink after them.

What does fruitful mean?

1a : yielding or producing fruit fruitful soil. b : conducive to an abundant yield fruitful rain. 2 : abundantly productive a fruitful discussion a fruitful career.

What is immediate effect?

phrase. If you say that something will happen with immediate effect or with effect from a particular time, you mean that it will begin to apply or be valid immediately or from the stated time. [British, mainly formal] We are now resuming relations with Syria with immediate effect.

What type of word is affect?

Affect is both a noun and a verb, but the verb is far more common; it means “to act on or change someone or something,” as in “The change will affect everyone.” The noun affect is used primarily in psychology contexts to refer to the facial expressions, gestures, postures, vocal intonations, etc., that typically …

Is the word affect positive or negative?

To start with ‘effect’ is a noun and ‘affect’ is a verb. AFFECT does not connote either negative or positive result, “affect” merely indicates that something influenced or caused some response or change in another person/object/event.

What is the root word of affect?

late 14c., “mental state,” from Latin affectus “disposition, mood, state of mind or body produced by some external influence,” noun use of adjective affectus “disposed, constituted, inclined,” literally “furnished, supplied, endowed,” past participle of afficere “to do; treat, use, manage, handle; act on, do something …

What is the noun for affect?

affection. The act of affecting or acting upon. The state of being affected. An attribute; a quality or property; a condition.

What does effecting mean?

1. something that is produced by a cause or agent; result. 2. power or ability to influence or produce a result; efficacy: with no effect.

Is effected a word?

The verb form of the “e” word means “to bring about,” and it can act as an adjective in its -ed form: “The effected change in the garden while I’ve been away is far beyond what I’d hoped.”

Is it an effect or affect on me?

The everyday use of ‘affect’ is the verb, meaning ‘to influence’ (his mood affected me greatly), but it also means ‘to feign’ (he affected nonchalance). The everyday use of ‘effect’ is the noun, meaning ‘result’ (the effect of this has been to make him proud) or ‘influence’ (he has had such an effect on me).

What does Affected mean in English?

acted upon; influenced. influenced in a harmful way; impaired, harmed, or attacked, as by climate or disease. (of the mind or feelings) impressed; moved; touched: She was deeply affected by their generosity.

Are affected or are effected?

Affected can be used as a past tense verb that means influenced or changed. It can also be used as an adjective to refer to a noun that has been affected (the affected body part). Effected is a past tense verb that means brought about or achieved.

unexpectedly — перевод на русский


«Do you think I can’t guess why Bielecki’s talent has so unexpectedly developed?»

«Вы думаете, что я не догадываюсь, почему талант Белецкого так неожиданно раскрылся?»

It was dark down here, and Mrs. Reed coming in unexpectedly frightened me.

Просто здесь было темно и мисс Рид вошла неожиданно. Я испугалась.

Then, in case anything should happen to you unexpectedly…

Ведь, в случае, если вы неожиданно…

It wouldn’t be unexpected now, Isaac.

Это будет не неожиданно, Айзек.

Harvey told me last night that Mrs. Macklehenny’s Aunt Rose was going to drop in on her unexpectedly.

Харви сказал мне вчера вечером, что Роуз, тетя миссис МакЭлхайни… неожиданно приедет к ней…

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My dear Inspector, how unexpected!

Мой дорогой инспектор, какая неожиданность!

They’re going to drive us crazy with their questions. Separating like this… it’s so… unexpected.

Такое расставание… это… полная неожиданность.

What unexpected pleasure!

Какая неожиданность!

Something unexpected that made it impossible for him to…

Какая-то неожиданность, и он не смог выбраться…

This is a most unexpected pleasure.

Крайне приятная неожиданность.

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I came unexpectedly.

Я пришел внезапно.

Like so many of this country’s citizens, he’s a victim of this horrible disease which so unexpectedly attacked us.

Подобно другим гражданам своей страны он пал жертвой ужасной болезни, которая так внезапно атаковала нас.

‘Earth was unexpectedly demolished ‘to make way for a new hyperspace by-pass.

Земля была внезапно снесена с лица Вселенной в целях освобождения места для нового гиперпространственного объездного шоссе.

Otto’s mother died unexpectedly.

Внезапно умерла мать Отто.

(sing) This was unexpected (sing) (sing) What do I do now (sing)

Все случилось так внезапно Что мне делать сейчас?

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Let me know if anything unexpected turns…

Дайте мне знать, если случится что-нибудь непредвиденное…

Something unexpected has come up.

Кое-что непредвиденное случилось.

«An Unexpected Occurrence»? !

«Непредвиденное происшествие»?

Something unexpected has happened.

Произошло нечто непредвиденное.

Anyway, I was close to winning the bet when something unexpected happened.

Тем не менее, я был близок к тому, чтобы выиграть спор, когда произошло кое-что непредвиденное.

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This is an unexpected visit.

Какой нежданный визит.

Suddenly, in the midst of the ceremony, and to everyone’s surprise, an unexpected guest arrived.

Внезапно посреди церемонии и ко всеобщему большому удивлению прибыл нежданный гость.

I’d hate to see it spoiled by an unexpected downpour.

Мне очень не хотелось, чтобы нежданный ливень испортил все удовольствие.

What a delightfully unexpected surprise running into you here.

Что за чудесный нежданный сюрприз пришел к тебе.

But nine months later, he received an unexpected souvenir.

Hо 9 месяцев спустя он получил нежданный подарок.

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That was unexpected.

Такого я не ожидал.

— You’re, er… unexpected.

-Я не о…ожидал тебя.

— Most unexpected. — I gotta get outta here.

Вот уж чего не ожидал.

Hmm. Her electrolyte balance is deviating, but that’s not entirely unexpected.

Ее баланс электролитов колеблется, но я этого ожидал.

Well, not unexpected.

Ну, не то, чтобы я этого не ожидал.

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Well, this is unexpected.

Не ждали, не ждали.

You may have been unexpected, but, given time, I am sure you’ll make a fine addition to the crew.

Возможно, мы тебя не ждали, но, со временем, я уверен, ты отлично впишешься в экипаж.

That’s not good… this was unexpected.

Плохо дело… его мы не ждали.

It’s often the case in science that answers to the most profound questions can come from the most unexpected of places.

В науке нередко случается, что ответ на какой-нибудь необычайно сложный вопрос находится тогда, когда его совсем не ждали.

‘But hope prevailed, ‘and help came from unexpected sources.’

Но победила надежда, и помощь пришла, откуда не ждали.

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What an unexpected surprise.

Вот так сюрприз!

It was unexpected.

Какой сюрприз…

Well, this is unexpected.

Вот так сюрприз.

I have to admit this is an unexpected surprise.

Признаюсь, для меня это сюрприз.

This is unexpected.

Вот так сюрприз.

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Well, my friend, this is an unexpected pleasure.

Сейчас-сейчас, друзья мои. Какая приятная неожиданность.

This is an unexpected pleasure.

Это приятная неожиданность.

Mr. Furlong, what an unexpected pleasure.

Мистер Ферлонг, какая приятная неожиданность.

Mr. Woolf, what an unexpected pleasure.

Мистер Вульф. Какая приятная неожиданность.

What an unexpected pleasure to see so many old friends in one place.

Какая приятная неожиданность видеть стольких старых друзей в одном месте.

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I have to something unexpected to deal with

Непредвиденные обстоятельства.

I got caught up in something unexpected.

{cHBDDF93}Возникли непредвиденные обстоятельства.

what did you mean by «something unexpected»?

говоря «Непредвиденные обстоятельства»?

They’ve promised that the United States is gonna honor its deal with you, but something unexpected has come up.

Они гарантируют, что США выполнит свою часть договренностей с вами, но возникли непредвиденные обстоятельства.

What? What unexpected?

Что за непредвиденные обстоятельства?

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- неожиданно, внезапно

Мои примеры


unexpectedly facile hydrolysis — неожиданно лёгкий гидролиз  
come unexpectedly — нагрянуть  
quite unexpectedly — нежданно-негаданно; невзначай  

Примеры с переводом

His father died unexpectedly.

Его отец внезапно умер.

The engine failed unexpectedly.

Двигатель неожиданно отказал.

Unexpectedly he pounced on the right answer.

Неожиданно он наткнулся на правильное решение.

I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly.

Я только поставила ужин на плиту, как неожиданно вошёл Джим.

Meeting you unexpectedly certainly compensates for missing the train!

Ну и что, что я опоздал на поезд, зато я встретил тебя!

He bought a pocket Derringer, which had a trick of going off unexpectedly.

Он купил карманный крупнокалиберный пистолет, который имеет обыкновение неожиданно выстреливать.

The fighter reeled back when the heavy blow landed unexpectedly on his chin.

Боксёр зашатался от неожиданного сильного удара в подбородок.

The philanthropist unexpectedly deeded his entire fortune to the animal shelter.

Этот филантроп неожиданно передал всё своё состояние в пользу приюта для животных.

The proposal received an unexpectedly inhospitable response from the city council.

Это предложение получило от городского совета неожиданно суровый ответ.

Two of my friends came by unexpectedly, and we had an impromptu little party in my kitchen.

Ко мне неожиданно зашли двое друзей, и мы устроили импровизированные посиделки у меня на кухне.

The bicyclist ahead of me unexpectedly pulled up short and I unavoidably plowed into him.

Ехавший впереди меня велосипедист неожиданно резко затормозил, и я, конечно же, в него врезался.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…their unexpectedly harsh words put him on the defensive…

…a man unexpectedly emerged from the tenebrific shadows of the cave…

…unexpectedly elevated to the throne, the new king acknowledged that many misdoubted his ability to lead his people…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

unexpected  — неожиданный, непредвиденный, нежданный, внезапный

Table of Contents

  1. Is unexpectedly an adjective or an adverb?
  2. What’s the word for unexpected?
  3. What’s a word for quickly?
  4. What is a word for someone who is unpredictable?
  5. What is a 10 letter word meaning not predictable?
  6. What is the synonym of consistent?
  7. What is the word for consistent?
  8. What are two synonyms for consistent?
  9. What is a antonym for consistent?
  10. How do you describe a consistent person?
  11. Is consistency a skill?
  12. What is consistent behavior?
  13. Is being consistent a good thing?
  14. What is the benefit of consistency?
  15. Is consistency a value?
  16. How do you gain consistency?
  17. Why do I struggle with consistency?
  18. What does the Bible say about consistency?
  19. Is consistency the key to success?
  20. What is the power of consistency?
  21. What is the key of consistency?
  22. What means consistency?

unexpectedly adverb – Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary at

—unexpectedly adverb His father died unexpectedly. Examples from the Corpusunexpected• Bobby’s decision to leave the band was totally unexpected. Her decision to leave was completely unexpected.

What’s the word for unexpected?

What is another word for unexpected?

fortuitous chance
unforeseen casual
fluky inadvertent
unplanned unintentional
unpremeditated unintended

What’s a word for quickly?

What is another word for quickly?

fast rapidly
hastily posthaste
briskly quick
apace hurriedly
fleetly snappily

What is a word for someone who is unpredictable?

capricious. The definition of capricious is someone or something that is subject to sudden, unpredictable changes.

What is a 10 letter word meaning not predictable?

What is a 10 letter word meaning “not predictable”? Complement. Contingent. Conciliate.

What is the synonym of consistent?

Consistent Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for consistent?

constant stable
steady dependable
even regular
reliable unchanging
undeviating uniform

What is the word for consistent?

Words related to consistent steady, persistent, logical, dependable, rational, true, coherent, even, expected, homogeneous, invariable, same, unchanging, unfailing, uniform, unvarying, of a piece, undeviating, accordant, agreeable.

What are two synonyms for consistent?

other words for consistent

  • dependable.
  • logical.
  • persistent.
  • rational.
  • steady.
  • even.
  • expected.
  • homogeneous.

What is a antonym for consistent?

consistent. Antonyms: incongruous, at variance with, not agreeing with, incompatible, inharmonious. Synonyms: congruous, accordant, consonant, agreeing, compatible, harmonious.

How do you describe a consistent person?

1. adjective. Someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitudes towards people or things, or achieves the same level of success in something. He was never the most consistent of players anyway. Synonyms: steady, even, regular, stable More Synonyms of consistent.

Is consistency a skill?

Consistency is not a skill or talent, you have direct control over it.

What is consistent behavior?

Definition: Behavioral consistency refers to people’s tendency to behave in a manner that matches their past decisions or behaviors. Behavioral consistency acts at both the individual and the social level.

Is being consistent a good thing?

Your productivity increases significantly and you’re constantly motivated to just keep going, and do better every time. Consistency sets the guidelines and expectations you have of yourself, and ultimately you start looking for new ways to conquer your day. Once you gain that momentum, keep going!

What is the benefit of consistency?

Being consistent will help build momentum. This means we’ll also feel good about what we’re working towards. It can fast track your improvement or development in any area. Consistency will lead to progress, which can speed up the accomplishment of what we want.

Is consistency a value?

Why Consistency, Consistency, Consistency is our Third Core Value. Consistency: Conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. In our RICHER series of blogs, we will explore each core value and how it relates to our everyday life.

How do you gain consistency?

To be consistent, you have to replicate positive behavior or performance day after day, until it defines you….Here are a few best practices:

  1. Isolate one goal. Developing consistency goes against human nature.
  2. Focus on incremental improvement.
  3. Fight your emotions.
  4. Forgive your failures.

Why do I struggle with consistency?

One of the pitfalls to consistency is the pressure to feel like you have to keep doing something you are no longer engaged with. “There will also reach the point when the burden of doing it outweighs the joy, or when you’ve gotten all that you possibly can out of it.

What does the Bible say about consistency?

Here are the 30 most important bible scriptures on consistency. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

Is consistency the key to success?

Consistency is the key to success . Consistency leads to habits. Habits form the actions we take every day. Action leads to success.

What is the power of consistency?

The power of consistency is profound and underrated. Once you’re able to learn how and be comfortable with changing your behavior, anything is possible. Doing the little things repeatedly will help you accomplish those big life goals you’ve always been wanting to achieve.

What is the key of consistency?

The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals. Over time, as you become more consistent, keep yourself motivated and accountable.

What means consistency?

consistency noun (BEING THE SAME) the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way, or of always happening in a similar way: It’s important to show some consistency in your work.

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