Is trout a word


  • #1

I’ve been looking for some information about a trout and I came across this question:
1. «What is Trout?». Source: The answer to this question is : «Trout is a group name for fishes belonging in the family Salmonidae.».
I wonder how different is that question from this question:
2. What is a trout? (count noun)

Is «Trout» in question 1 a spiecies? That is the name of a fish called a trout? Or is it the flesh of a trout? (non-count noun)
An answer to question 2 could be: A fish usually found in streams and lakes.
So, is «Trout» a species or a flesh? Or maybe it is a trout in a plural form.

Last edited: Jan 12, 2011

  • wolfbm1

    • #2

    I guess I can use both questions. But what is the difference between those two questions. What do you think the author of the first question intend?
    Thanks for explaining the additional meaning of «trout».

    • #3

    To note, «trout» predominantly remains the same in the plural form.

    He caught a lot of trout yesterday.

    But again that would require «are» after «What», I guess.

    It makes sense to assume that the author would say «What is «trout»? if he/she implied the word itself, whereas in the second case, it would be about the kind of fish.


    • #4

    So you ask «What is trout» when you would like somebody to define the alien word «trout».
    And you ask: What is trout? or What are trout? when you would like somebody to elaborate on this matter. And you cannot ask: What is a trout?
    That’s how I understand it now.


    • #5

    Yes. So when I ask «What’s a trout?» I mean «What kind of fish is that?».

    Uncle Bob

    • #6

    I suggest, like tamerlane, that the original question is incorrect and should be:
    «What are trout?» Answer: «trout are».
    «What is a trout?» Answer: «A trout is…».
    The definition of «a trout» being an silly, elderly woman doesn’t really fit with useage as usually one says «an old trout» («elderly» would make the «old» redundant) and I would have thought an old trout was disagreeable rather than silly.


    • #7

    Thanks tamerlane and Uncle Bob. So question 1 «What is Trout?» is actually an ambiguous question. And in answer you can either say what the word «trout» means or you can elaborate on this topic.
    I also found on that website ( my kind of question:
    3.»What Is a Brown Trout?». And the reply is: «The brown trout is a relative of the Atlantic salmon, and is found in freshwater rivers and lakes throughout the European continent, North America, and the British Isles.»
    Now I wonder why you can ask «What Is a Brown Trout?» and you cannot ask «What is a trout?».

    By the way. Although the expression «an old trout» certainly is not very nice I remember I once felt like saying that. It was when I rushed into one of the carriages of the London Tube and I almost landed on an elderly English lady sitting on one of the seats opposite the door. And I heard: «You must be crazy or unkind!». I didn’t quite understand what she was trying to say. Me crazy? Me unkind? It was definitely my fault but I didn’t like her remark very, very much.

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011

    • #8

    I’ve been looking for some information about a trout and I came across this question:
    1. «What is Trout?». Source: The answer to this question is : «Trout is a group name for fishes belonging in the family Salmonidae.».
    I wonder how different is that question from this question:
    2. What is a trout? (count noun)

    Is «Trout» in question 1 a spiecies? That is the name of a fish called a trout? Or is it the flesh of a trout? (non-count noun)
    An answer to question 2 could be: A fish usually found in streams and lakes.
    So, is «Trout» a species or a flesh? Or maybe it is a trout in a plural form.

    If I have understood you correctly: you found the question while seeking on the web, and you wonder why the question has not got an ‘a’ before ‘trout’?
    My suggestion is that the question refers to the word, and is equivalent to «What does the word trout mean?». The question suggests that the asker has no idea if it would be appropriate to use ‘a trout’.
    Omitting the ‘a’ may be, however, just a typo.


    • #9

    I think the answer: «Trout is a group name for fishes … ? to the question: «What is Trout?» confused me a bit. I would expect: «Trout is a kind of food that you can buy at a fish counter in your local supermarket». Similarly you could ask about pork (non-count noun): «What is pork? and expect the following answer: «Pork is a kind of food that you can buy at a meat counter.». But then about an apple (count noun): «What is an apple?». Answer: «An apple is also a kind of food. Actually it is a kind of fruit. You can buy it at the greengrocer’s. «. Or maybe the question should be «What is «apple»?» or «What does «apple» mean?».

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011


    • #10

    I agree with Wolf’s post No. 11. What is trout? puzzled me at first, but it differs from What is a trout? (and What is the trout?) because it demands an explanation of the uncountable sense(s) of the word trout. One possible answer is: Trout is the flesh of fish in the subfamily salmoninae.

    I am not sure that Trout is a group name for fishes belonging in the family Salmonidae is a possible answer, because I am not sure that trout is used in an uncountable sense in that sentence.

    It reminds me of the question What is truth? at verse 38 here:

    Last edited: Jan 12, 2011

    • #11

    Trout, like deer, is the same in singular and plural; the latter has no «s».

    I caught a trout. There are a lot of trout in that stream.


    • #12

    I guess I could also say:
    I have already caught three trout. Look at these trout! Aren’t they beatiful? Look! There’s a trout over there. Try and catch it.
    What about this sentence:
    «The trout found in the North River are brook trout; many of them may be fish from the Indian Head and Drinkwater Rivers who go downstream.» Source:

    Is «The trout» in the sentence above a specific type of fish? I think it is in the plural form.
    Could I use the singular and say: «The trout is my favourite of all fish.» if I can say: «The giraffe is the tallest of all animals.»?

    • #14

    I suggest, like tamerlane, that the original question is incorrect and should be:
    «What are trout?» Answer: «trout are».
    «What is a trout?» Answer: «A trout is…».
    The definition of «a trout» being an silly, elderly woman doesn’t really fit with useage as usually one says «an old trout» («elderly» would make the «old» redundant) and I would have thought an old trout was disagreeable rather than silly.

    And how would you ask if you never had heard the word trout before, and had not idea if the noun is countable or uncountable?
    What about water? What is a water? What are water?


    • #15

    Is it widi or wiki? Your link has sent me to «».

    The word encompasses several species. Read all about them at

    I think you meant:
    Yes, I have checked this webpage already. It is very interesting and I found a lot about the word «trout» and that «trout» (singular — a trout, plural — trout) encompasses (that woud be the word) or encompass (that woud be the plural) quite a lot of species of this fish (or of these fish).
    The thing is that I always have to make a conscious effort and look for clues to decide what is at stake — a singular, a plural or a mass noun. It would be much worse if I were to paraphrase the introduction to this above-mentioned article about «trout»:
    «Trout is the name for number of species of freshwater and saltwater fish belonging to the Salmoninae subfamily of the family Salmonidae. Salmon belong to the same family as trout but, unlike most trout, most salmon species spend almost all their lives in salt water. Trout are classifed as an oily fish.[1]
    The word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as Cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout.»

    Let me repeat what I said in post #14:
    Could I use the singular and say: «The trout is my favourite of all fish.» if I can say: «The giraffe is the tallest of all animals.»?
    Or, if «trout» is mostly used in the plural then I should say: «The trout are my favourite of all fish».
    And thinking about «beans» as a specific type of vegetable I should say: «The beans are my favourite of all vegetables».

    Edit: I have found the answer to my question in post #14″: «The trout also has a bigger and noticeably longer mouth compared to the salmon.»
    So I can use the singular form and say: «The trout is my favourite of all fish». I think I have found the truth about «trout».

    Last edited: Jan 14, 2011


    • #16

    And how would you ask if you never had heard the word trout before, and had not idea if the noun is countable or uncountable?
    What about water? What is a water? What are water?

    What about «cattle»? This word is used in the plural form in the example sentences below:
    1. «Cattle were first domesticated in Neolithic times.» Source: Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
    2. «Cattle belong to an ancient and diverse group of mammals, … associated with human civilization since Neolithic times 8000–10000 years ago.» Source:
    So one could ask: What is «cattle»? or What are cattle?
    One could not ask:

    What is a cattle?

    Let me quote the original question from the website (post #1):
    «What is Trout?»
    Why was «Trout» capitalised if the inquirer had had no idea that it could be capitalised?
    Check out this site:
    It says: «All capitalised names are official common names of species or families.»

    • #17

    The word «trout can be used as a singular or plural noun. A trout (singular) is a fish, one of the species of fish known as «trout» (plural). You don’t use the «a» when using «trout» in its plural sense, unless you’re using it in tamerlane’s sense of an elderly, silly woman. «These ladies are a couple of old trouts». Hope this helps.


    • #18

    The word «trout can be used as a singular or plural noun. A trout (singular) is a fish, one of the species of fish known as «trout» (plural). You don’t use the «a» when using «trout» in its plural sense, unless you’re using it in tamerlane’s sense of an elderly, silly woman. «These ladies are a couple of old trouts». Hope this helps.

    It sure does! Thanks.


    • #19

    Trout, like deer, is the same in singular and plural; the latter has no «s».
    I caught a trout. There are a lot of trout in that stream.

    Trout is unlike deer in that trout has uncountable senses; whereas I can’t think of any grammatical sentence that begins Deer is

    Trout is the flesh of fish in the subfamily salmoninae, especially when considered as food. I had lovely trout for lunch yesterday.OK

    Deer is the flesh of ruminant mammals in the family cervidae, especially when considered as food. I had lovely deer for lunch yesterday. NO


    • #20

    Trout is unlike deer in that trout has uncountable senses; whereas I can’t think of any grammatical sentence that begins Deer is

    Trout is the flesh of fish in the subfamily salmoninae, especially when considered as food. I had lovely trout for lunch yesterday.OK

    Deer is the flesh of ruminant mammals in the family cervidae, especially when considered as food. I had lovely deer for lunch yesterday. NO

    Actually I had a whole trout for dinner yesterday. The trout was really lovely. It just had a couple of bones. I don’t think I could manage a whole deer in one sitting. But I would like to try some venison to see how the deer tastes.
    However I found this on the Web: «I had a deer for lunch today, for that is what we had caught. I am not sure what we will be having for dinner, but I am sure it will be good. I hope tomorrow when we go hunting that we will get a bison, we have not had that in a long time.» Source:


    • #21

    It may be useful to point out that almost all of the entries on the wisegeek website are «What is/are <something>».
    Where the <something> is clearly plural, the question is «What are…» otherwise it is «What is…».
    I wouldn’t put much weight on that example.


    • #22

    Actually I had a whole trout for dinner yesterday. The trout was really lovely. It just had a couple of bones. I don’t think I could manage a whole deer in one sitting. But I would like to try some venison to see how the deer tastes.
    However I found this on the Web: «I had a deer for lunch today, for that is what we had caught. I am not sure what we will be having for dinner, but I am sure it will be good. I hope tomorrow when we go hunting that we will get a bison, we have not had that in a long time.» Source:

    What is your purpose in providing these examples, Wolf?


    • #23

    What is your purpose in providing these examples, Wolf?

    Well, I got so obsessed with this „trout” thing that when the day before yesterday I was passing by a fish counter I decided to buy some trout. To my delight there was a nice display of two species of the Salmonidae family, namely the Trout and the Salmon. They were mostly salmon and trout fillets. There were just three whole trout left. After careful deliberation I decided to buy a whole trout with its head and tail. After I prepared it at home it tasted delicious.
    The above story puts my knowledge of the word “trout” to the test but also with it I would like to make a point. I deliberately used the word “whole” with “trout” rather than the word “a” only. It is because “a whole trout” looks for me as more of “a trout in one piece” than just “a trout” which starts to be ambiguous. “A trout” could potentially mean “a package of trout” in the same way the expression “a water” means “a glass of water” even if one does not use “a trout” in that way.
    Also in my mother tongue when I speak about “trout” as a class it always has a singular form. So the idea expressed in the sentence “Trout are tasty fish.” in my mother tongue would be translated as “A trout is a tasty fish” — in a word for word translation.
    Similarly it could be difficult for you to understand why in Polish the exact equivalent of the noun “door” has a plural form and is used together with a plural form of “be” although it denotes a single object. It is simply used that way.
    So this is an example of difficulties that a learner of a foreign language has to overcome.
    As for the example sentence from the Web I suspect that the author should say «I had some venison for lunch today» or «I had some deer meat … .» instead of «I had a deer for lunch today.».

    Asked by: Louisa Pfeffer IV

    Score: 4.9/5
    (20 votes)

    Trout are species of freshwater fish belonging to the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus, all of the subfamily Salmoninae of the family Salmonidae. The word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as Cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout.

    How do you use trout in a sentence?

    Trout sentence example

    1. Trout and salmon are plentiful in the river. …
    2. The streams in the neighbourhood are in favour with trout fishermen. …
    3. It is well stocked with trout , and the steep declivities of the lower valley furnish red wines of excellent quality.

    Is trout an English word?

    noun, plural (especially collectively) trout, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) trouts. any of several game fishes of the genus Salmo, related to the salmon. Compare brown trout, cutthroat trout, rainbow trout.

    What is trouth?

    1 : loyal or pledged faithfulness : fidelity pledged my troth. 2 : one’s pledged word I don’t remember the details or, by my troth, even the gist— Stanley Elkin also : betrothal. troth. verb.

    What does it mean to call a woman a trout? Old Trout An older woman, delusional about her sexual allure, who dresses, flirts or otherwise behaves in a manner inconsistent with her age and appearance. wiktionary (UK, pejorative) An elderly woman of dubious sensibilities.

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    It’s a fish catching machine from K&E lures! … Add this trailer to your favorite jig and start targeting panfish and trout hangouts with confidence. The subtle action, slender size and fish catching colors make this a go to choice when the fishing gets tough.

    Is trout a fish?

    Rainbow trout and steelhead are ray-finned fishes in the salmon family, and they are one of the top sport fish in North America. … Steelhead are anadromous—meaning they spend part of their lives in the sea before going to rivers to breed—while rainbow trout spend their lives mostly or entirely in freshwater.

    What is the synonym of trout?

    In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for trout, like: brown-trout, game-fish, seatrout, grilse, barramundi, salmon, sea-trout, rainbow-trout, mackerel, stillwater and halibut.

    What does a trout eat?

    Trout eat a host of aquatic insects, terrestrial insects, other fish, crustaceans, leeches, worms, and other foods. The food items that are most important to trout and fly fishers are the aquatic insects that spend most of their life cycles underwater in rivers, streams, and stillwaters.

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    the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle). 1 Discretion is the better part of valor. 2 He showed valor and skill on the battlefield. 3 With characteristic rashness and valor, Peter plunged into the icy water.

    What is a sentence for salmon?

    1 He landed a huge salmon. 2 I ordered a fine fillet of salmon. 3 Poach the salmon in white wine and water. 4 The salmon was alive and kicking when it was dragged out of the river.

    Is trout a good fish to eat?

    Trout is an excellent option when eating fish due to its high omega 3 fatty acid content and its low levels of mercury.

    Can trout bite you?

    Yes, Trout have teeth. Large trout have strong jaws and can easily bite aggressively and draw blood. Smaller trout have teeth but usually small enough not to worry about. So don’t haphazardly stick your fingers into a trouts mouth.

    What do you call a big trout?

    For large trout, he sometimes used the terms sockdollager, jumbo, and buster (perhaps for one that would bust your tackle). Gordon’s favorite terms for tiddlers were baby trout, small chaps, and little chaps.

    What’s another name for rainbow trout?

    The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a trout and species of salmonid native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. The steelhead (sometimes called «steelhead trout») is an anadromous (sea-run) form of the coastal rainbow trout (O.

    What is another name for white trout?

    Well, September is a great month to find one of the easiest-to-catch species that is perfect for that fish fry. That species is white trout, also called sand or silver seatrout.

    Are trout native to NZ?

    Brown trout are native to Europe and were first introduced into New Zealand in 1867 from British stock which had been established in Tasmania only three years earlier. … In New Zealand, the first live trout to hatch here was a brown in Christchurch on October 10, 1867.

    Does trout taste fishy?

    Does Trout Taste Fishy? Trout is a mild fish, so you won’t notice much of a “fishy” taste. If your trout does taste fishy, there’s a good chance that it’s gone bad.

    Which is healthier salmon or trout?

    Rich in protein as well as minerals, salmon has always been considered a very healthy choice of meal. There isn’t a big difference between the calorie content between trout and salmon. Salmon has around 208 calories for every 100 grams so if you had to choose the lower calories option, trout would be the best choice.

    Can you eat raw trout?

    So can you eat trout raw? The quick answer is that yes, you can eat trout raw if you’re desperate – but otherwise, you should not. It’s not recommended and could be bad for your health. Freshwater fish (including trout) have a higher chance of carrying parasites that could harm you.

    What does being called a fish mean?

    It has many meanings,for example a good looking young girl or a newbie at school or someone who is a virgin or also someone who drinks too much-we would say, he drinks like a fish.

    What’s the meaning of trouty mouth?

    In Born This Way, Sam admits that he is, or at least used to be insecure about his mouth through his t-shirt in the group performance. … From that song and on, many people use the phrase «Trouty Mouth» to describe Sam and his lips; especially Santana.

    What does sorehead mean?

    : a person easily angered or disgruntled. Other Words from sorehead Example Sentences Learn More About sorehead.

    Yes, trout is a valid Scrabble word.

    TROUT is a valid scrabble word.

    Is Traut a Scrabble word?

    trauts is a valid English word.

    How many words can you make with the word trout?

    18 words can be made from the letters in the word trout.

    Is Rei a Scrabble word?

    Yes, rei is a valid Scrabble word.

    Is trouter a word?

    TROUTER is a valid scrabble word.

    What words can you make out of Ttrou?

    Words you can make with the letters TTROU

    5 Letters Scrabble® WWF®
    trout 5 6
    tutor 5 6

    What words can you make with these letters trout?

    Words that can be made with trouty

    • rutty.
    • trout.
    • tutor.

    What do you mean by Trout?

    Definition of trout
    1 : any of various salmonid food and sport fishes that are mostly smaller than the typical salmons and are anadromous or restricted to cool clear fresh water: a : any of various Old or New World fishes (genera Salmo and Oncorhynchus) — compare brown trout, rainbow trout.

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    30 words can be made from the letters in the word lemon.

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    Words that can be made with whole

    • helo.
    • hole.
    • howe.
    • howl.
    • lowe.

    Is IQ a Scrabble word?

    No. To make it clear right now, IQ is not a valid word in Scrabble. This is according to the official Scrabble dictionary, even though IQ is a legitimate word in the dictionary. That’s because, generally speaking, you cannot use abbreviations in Scrabble.

    Is Oi a Scrabble word?

    OI is a valid scrabble word.

    Is QI a Scrabble word?

    Although it’s most commonly spelled CHI in standard usage, the variant form QI is the single most-played word in SCRABBLE tournaments, according to game records of the North American SCRABBLE Players Association (NASPA).

    Do you say trout or trout?

    The plural of trout is trout. The plural is the same as the singular.

    What is the synonym of trout?

    In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for trout, like: brown-trout, seatrout, game-fish, sea-trout, salmon, grilse, barramundi, rainbow-trout, mackerel, stillwater and halibut.

    What is plural for trout?

    trout /ˈtraʊt/ noun. plural trout also trouts.

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    • aid.
    • air.
    • day.
    • dry.
    • rad.
    • rai.
    • ray.
    • ria.

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    27 words can be made from the letters in the word diary.

    How many words can you make out of pillow?

    23 words can be made from the letters in the word pillow. This page is a list of all the words that can be made from the letters in pillow, or by rearranging the word pillow. These words should be suitable for use as Scrabble words, or in games like Words with friends.

    Gerardo Gonzalez

    Gerardo Gonzalez loves cooking. He became interested in it at a young age, and has been honing his skills ever since. He enjoys experimenting with new recipes, and is always looking for ways to improve his technique.

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    - (без измен.) зоол. форель

    speckled trout — пятнистая форель


    - ловить форель

    Мои примеры


    old trout — пренебр. старая калоша (о женщине)  
    trout breeding — форелеводство  
    brook trout — ручьевая форель; голец  
    common brook trout — голец  
    coral trout — коралловый лосось  
    golden trout — золотая форель  
    gray trout — серый горбыль  
    rainbow trout — форель радужная; радужная форель  
    angle for trout — удить форель  
    silver sea trout — судачий горбыль  

    Примеры с переводом

    April and May are prime time for trout fishing.

    Апрель и Май — лучшее время для ловли форели.

    The trout snapped at the bait.

    Форель схватила наживку.

    We spent the afternoon fishing for trout.

    Послеобеденное время мы провели ловя форель.

    The trout were darting about in all directions.

    Форель носилась туда-сюда.

    A trout was already cut into fids of five or six inches in length.

    Форель уже была порезана толстыми кусками длиной 5-6 дюймов.

    The trout population in the stream is burgeoning now that the water is clean.

    Теперь, когда вода стала чистой, популяция форели стремительно растёт.

    He supervised the stocking of the stream with trout.

    Он руководил заселением реки форелью.

    The fish is not an endemic species of the lake, and it is rapidly devouring the native trout population.

    Не являясь эндемичным обитателем данного озера, этот вид рыбы стремительно пожирает местную популяцию форели.

    The park authorities operated a trout hatchery.

    Администрация парка занималась разведением форели.

    Few fishers of lake trout are more ardent or adept than my father.

    Мало кто из ловцов озёрной форели превосходит моего отца в страсти или мастерстве.

    You will be pleased too, if you find a trout at one of our angles.

    Вам тоже будет приятно, если на одном из наших крючков вы обнаружите форель.

    Owing to these causes, they soon considerably outnumber and override the trout.

    По этим причинам они вскоре значительно превысят по численности форель и станут преобладающим видом.

    Формы слова

    ед. ч.(singular): trout
    мн. ч.(plural): trout


    1) Общая лексика: ловить форель, форель

    2) Биология: голец, ручьевая форель , кумжа , палия , радужная форель , голец

    3) Зоология: форель

    4) Разговорное выражение: крокодил (об очень непривлекательной женщине), уродина

    5) Сленг: «льдышка», «холодный человек»

    6) Нефть: терпуговые

    7) Рыбоводство: кумжа , форель

    8) Океанология: форель

    9) Табуированная лексика: влагалище, искать женщину для совокупления, фригидная женщина

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь.


    Смотреть что такое «trout» в других словарях:

    • Trout — (trout), n. [AS. truht, L. tructa, tructus; akin to Gr. trw kths a sea fish with sharp teeth, fr. trw gein to gnaw.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of numerous species of fishes belonging to {Salmo}, {Salvelinus}, and allied genera of the family… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • trout — [trout] n. pl. trout or trouts [ME troute < OE truht < LL tructus, tructa < Gr trōktēs, kind of fish < trōgein, to gnaw: see TROGLODYTE] 1. any salmonid; esp., any of various food and game fishes that are usually speckled and found… …   English World dictionary

    • Trout — ist der Familienname von: Jack Trout, US amerikanischer Unternehmer und Eigentümer des strategischen Marketingbüros Trout Partners Walter Trout (* 1951), US amerikanischer Komponist, Gitarrist und Sänger Siehe auch: Trout (Louisiana), Ort in den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • trout — trout·er; trout·less; trout·let; trout; trout·ling; …   English syllables

    • trout — [traut] n ↑fin, ↑gill [Date: 1000 1100; : Late Latin; Origin: tructa type of fish with sharp teeth, from Greek, from trogein to bite ] 1.) plural trout [U and C] a common river fish, often used for food, or the flesh of this fish 2.) …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • trout — O.E. truht trout, in part from O.Fr. truite, both from L.L. tructa, perhaps from Gk. troktes a kind of sea fish, lit. nibbler, from trogein to gnaw, from PIE root *tere (see THROW (Cf. throw)). In late 17c. slang, trusty trout was used in a sense …   Etymology dictionary

    • trout — ► NOUN (pl. same or trouts) ▪ an edible fish of the salmon family, chiefly inhabiting fresh water. ● old trout Cf. ↑old trout ORIGIN Old English, from Greek tr gein gnaw …   English terms dictionary

    • trout — [ traut ] (plural trout) noun count a fish that lives in rivers and lakes a. uncount this fish eaten as food …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • trout — is the same in the plural, except that old trout (a depreciatory slang term for an old woman) has the plural form old trouts …   Modern English usage

    • Trout — For other uses, see Trout (disambiguation). Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss …   Wikipedia

    • trout — troutless, adj. troutlike, adj. /trowt/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) trout, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) trouts. 1. any of several game fishes of the genus Salmo, related to the salmon. Cf. brown trout, cutthroat trout …   Universalium

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