Is throughout one word or two

“Throughout” is a helpful word to add to your vocabulary, but it can be tricky to know which way to write it. Is “throughout” or “through out” correct? 

Throughout is correct and should be written as one word. When through and out are used as separate words they retain their individual meanings. While the compound word throughout shares the definition of from one side to the other with through, throughout can also indicate every part of a space or object.

Let’s continue the journey to see how to use “throughout” correctly in your writing and in what scenarios you would need to use “through” alone. We’ll also look at some other compound words that you’ll often see in your writing and that of others.

Is “Throughout” One Word or Two?

In the case of “throughout” vs. “through out” in your writing, you will always use “throughout” as one word. Remember that “throughout” describes something in its entirety, in every part, while the word “through” alone describes going from one direction to another. “Out” simply means going away from something or leaving somewhere. 

Let’s take a look at an example.

  • The floodwaters spread throughout the land. 

Here, you can see that “throughout” describes all of the land area. If we separate throughout and write it as two words, you’ll read it like this:

  • The floodwaters spread through out the land.  

Writing the word this way will probably not confuse your reader too much — they’ll likely still understand your intended meaning. However, the word “out” here is unnecessary. 

Instead, you can write, “The floodwaters spread through the land.” In other words, the waters spread from one end to the other.

If you want to learn more about whether the word you are using is two words or one, check out “In Spite” or “Inspite”: Which is Correct?”  You will gain more insight into what to look out for in your writing.

Additionally, a useful dictionary that you can count on for definitions, origins, and phrases would be The Oxford New Essential Dictionary. In addition to finding more definitions and uses for “throughout,” you will find more creative ways to use it, too. 

Understanding the Difference Between “Through” and Throughout”

“Throughout” describes something in its entirety, while the word “through” generally suggests motion, usually focusing on a direction or goal. You can also use it to describe results, usage, completion, and success. 

You can use both “through” and “throughout” when describing space and time, but you would not use “through” and “out” successively as separate words. Both “through” and “throughout” refer to space, as in an area.

We use “throughout” in the sense of “in every part” or “the entire duration of time,” beginning to end. It occupies the entire area or location and the entire point in terms of space (source).

So how do you use “throughout” in a sentence? Below, you’ll find a few examples.

  1. The news updated the story throughout the day.
  2. He never left his wife’s side throughout her illness.
  3. The bells rang throughout the countryside.
  4. She could feel the pain throughout her whole body.

Each of the sentences above indicates that the duration of time or space occurs from beginning to end.

“Through” goes in a linear pattern, usually from one end to another or side to side. It can mean entering from one side and going through the other. “Through” can also mean to go all of the way. 

If you team up “through” with the word “go,” as you’ll see in the first example sentence below, it means to examine something. But when referencing time, “through” shows that something occurs from beginning to end. 

  1. We will go through this together.
  2. It rained all through the week.
  3. The accident happened through no fault of your own.
  4. Are you through with that book?

What About Thru? 

As a side note, “through” is the preferred spelling over its rarer partner, “thru.” “Thru” is considered shorthand or slang, and it is better for informal writing such as messages to friends or in the example of “drive-thru.” 

It is best not to use this in situations such as in academic writing or for a job application as it will appear unprofessional and unnecessary.

Using “Throughout” In a Sentence: More Examples

You can use the word “throughout” as a preposition, indicating a spatial relationship, or adverb (a modifier) in a sentence. 

To use “throughout” in a sentence as a preposition, you’ll need to place it before a pronoun or noun. As an adverb, “throughout” modifies an adjective, verb, or another adverb. Below are some examples:

  • He remained in the city throughout his vacation

“Vacation” is the noun, and it follows “throughout.”

  • He repainted throughout the building. 

“Repainted” is the verb that “throughout” modifies.

When you use “throughout” in a sentence, it is important to keep the word together on the same line. If a line breaks up the sentence, always keep your compound word together.  

Whether the compound word is open, closed, or hyphenated, ensuring that it is not split into two words by a line or section break will retain your intended meaning and avoid confusion for your reader. 

Choosing “Through” Over “Throughout”

Again, if you are not describing the entirety of something, the word “through” would be an optimal alternative. You can use “through” as a preposition, adverb, or adjective. 

As a preposition, you’ll place it before a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun. And as an adverb, “through” modifies an adjective, verb, or another adverb. And as an adjective, it modifies a noun. 

Take a look at a few example sentences below.

  • We drove through Chicago without stopping.

Chicago is the pronoun that “through” precedes or goes before.

  • She pushed the needle through the fabric. 

“Through” is modifying the verb “pushed” to show the direction that the needle is going. 

  • I work Monday through Thursday

“Through” is modifying the noun “Thursday,” showing how long the speaker is working.

More About Compound Words: Open, Closed, and Hyphenated

“Throughout” is one of many compound words, which are two or more words brought together to form a new word and meaning. Earlier, we discussed how to write “throughout” properly. Now, let’s explore how a few other compound words shape our sentences.

Open compound words are two separate words that remain separate but function as one unit with a specific meaning. Closed compound words are two words that come together to form one word (source). 

Hyphenated compound words are two or more words joined together with a hyphen in between. If you regularly use two or more words together with a specific intended meaning, they are likely compound words.

Below, you’ll see some common examples of open, closed, and hyphenated compound words. 

Open Closed Hyphenated
Full moon seaside Life-size 
Living room eyesight jack-in-the-box
Real estate sailboat mother-in-law

You can use open compound words with an adjective and noun, such as “full moon.” “Full” is the modifying adjective, while “moon” is the noun. 

If you use an adverb that ends in -ly, and it is paired with another word, there will always be a space between the adverb and the other word. An example would be “newly formed.” “Newly” is the adverb, and “formed” is the verb.

The most common compound words have two nouns, an adjective and a noun, or one noun and one verb, but they can include other parts of speech. Below are a few examples of closed compound words:

  • Bookstore:  “Book” and “store” are nouns.
  • Underwater:  “Under” is a preposition of location, and “water” is a noun.
  • Understand:  “Under” is a preposition or adverb, and “stand” is a verb.

Hyphenated compound words consist of two or more words separated by hyphens. These compound words are generally adjectives. If the compound word acts as an adjective before a noun, it generally will require a hyphen. 

Some hyphenated compounds are words that have prefixes, though not all of these are hyphenated.

  • forty-acre farm
  • ex-wife
  • anteroom

Knowing When to Use “Throughout” Versus “While” and “During”

If you are unsure whether to use “throughout” or another word, try running the sentence and your events through your head. This is often where some can become confused about whether to use “while,” “during,” or “throughout.”

If you are a multi-tasker, for example, you will likely use the word “while.” If you are doing something for a time, “during” would be a good word to choose. If something is happening the entire time, “throughout” would be the best choice to communicate your meaning correctly.

Sometimes, in your sentences, you will come across two events happening at once. This is where you would use “while.” For this option, you’ll use a full clause (subject + verb) after the word so your reader can see both events happening at once.

  • My toddler played with my makeup while I took a shower.  

“Toddler” is the subject, and “played” is the verb. Playing with makeup and taking a shower are two independent events. The toddler is playing with the makeup at the same time that the speaker is taking a shower.

“During” Versus “Throughout”

Another dilemma you may come across is choosing between “during” and “throughout.” The word “during” indicates something going on in relation to an event that occurs and lasts for a certain period of time. You would need a noun afterward. 

Another important thing to remember is that we do not use “during” to discuss the amount of time or the beginning or end of the event. It does not specify how much time or at what point the other event is taking place.

  • He went for a walk several times during his wife’s surgery.  

In the sentence above, “surgery” is the noun. We do not know if he walked at the beginning, middle, or toward the end of her surgery. We only know that he walked multiple times at some point.

  • He went for a walk several times throughout his wife’s surgery.  

Using “throughout” here indicates that he went for multiple walks the entire time of his wife’s surgery.

Another way that you can use “throughout” is to keep your sentences short and simplify a bigger group of synonymous words. Synonyms are words that mean the same or near the same as another word.  Below are some example phrases that have a similar meaning to the shorter word “throughout.”

  • Through the whole of
  • From beginning to end
  • High and low

History and Etymology of “Throughout”

“Throughout” is ranked #1425 in the United States for writing and #839 in speaking. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it is in the top 1% of look-up popularity. 

“Throughout ” emerged sometime around the 13th century, and people used the term as both a preposition and an adverb. In Middle English, the spelling was thurgh-out, roughly translating to “through and out the other side of” (source). 

“Through” became part of everyday language before 900 AD. It started in Old English as thurh, thruh, and therh and moved to thurgh in Middle EnglishThis article was written for

People first began to use “through” as a preposition around the 12th century and as an adjective and adverb in the 13th century.  Because it relates to the word “throughout,” it is also in the top 1% of search queries.

Final Thoughts

Writing a word one way or another can change the meaning, so you do need to be careful. One space can make a big difference in communicating your intended meaning correctly, especially with compound words like “throughout.” Still, compound words can add flair to your writing and bring more of your ideas together. 

Remember that using “through” and “out” separately is unnecessary; you’ll most often choose between the compound word “throughout” or “through” on its own. 

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Prof. Katelynn Murray

Score: 4.1/5
(1 votes)

There is a good deal of overlap, and either would be appropriate in many circumstances. Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner. The latter gives a feeling of being more pervasive than the former. «Throughout» means through the whole area.

Which is correct throughout or through out?

Throughout mainly covers the whole area of distance or time, while through typically follows a straight line within that area. The ‘out’ throughout can be a way to remember the difference.

Is throughout a single word?

1 : everywhere The apartments are of one color throughout. 2 : from beginning to end He remained loyal throughout. 1 : in or to every part of We spent a year traveling throughout the country. 2 : during the whole period of It rained throughout the day.

What is all throughout?

all over, all the time, all through, during the whole of, everywhere, for the duration of, from beginning to end, from end to end, from start to finish, from the start, in every nook and cranny, over the length and breadth of, right through, the whole time, through the whole of. flaws and all adv.

Is it between two words or one word?

In between should always appear as two words. Although inbetween is common, it is a misspelling and does not appear in any English dictionary. Unnecessarily adding in to between is also a common grammatical mistake. As a compound adjective, in-between should be hyphenated.

38 related questions found

What does there is no in between mean?

One of the two options must be chosen. No compromise or middle path is possible.

Is by a preposition word?

“By” is usually a preposition but sometimes acts as an adverb. It can be used in many ways, but today we will talk about four uses as a preposition and show you where it is placed in a sentence.

What can I say instead of throughout my life?

throughout my life > synonyms

»in my day exp. »in my lifetime exp. »all my life exp. »everything to me exp.

What can I use instead of throughout?

Synonyms of throughout

  • about,
  • across,
  • around,
  • over,
  • round,
  • through.

How do you use throughout?

Throughout means in or during the entire time or part. An example of throughout used as an adverb is in the sentence, «He remained relaxed throughout the surgery,» which means that he was relaxed for the whole surgery, from start to finish. In every part of; all through.

Is there a place where something happens or exists?

location a place where something happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or not known: The company is moving to a new location.

Can Throughout be two words?

2 Answers. There is a good deal of overlap, and either would be appropriate in many circumstances. Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner.

What does throughout the week mean?

1 right through; through the whole of (a place or a period of time)

What is throughout the day meaning?

right through; through the whole of (a place or a period of time) throughout the day. adverb. through the whole of some specified period or area.

Why do we use as?

We use as to introduce two events happening at the same time. After as with this meaning, we usually use a simple (rather than continuous) form of the verb: As the show increases in popularity, more and more tickets are sold daily. When you get older, moving house gets harder.

How do spell throught?

Through can be a preposition, an adjective, and an adverb. Through is the only formally accepted spelling of the word. Thru is an alternate spelling that should be used only in informal writing or when referring to drive-throughs.

What word can I use instead of would?

synonyms for would

  • authorize.
  • bid.
  • decree.
  • enjoin.
  • exert.
  • intend.
  • request.
  • resolve.

What is a word for well thought out?

down-to-earth. judicious. logical. practical.

Does Do antonym?

Antonyms. leader disobey disoblige violate predate literalize spiritualize. make out come proceed go get along.

What are the 10 prepositions?

A preposition usually precedes a noun or a pronoun. Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

Is by a preposition of time?

As a preposition of time, “by” means before a specific time. “by” shows a time limit for something to happen.

Is can a preposition?

The word ‘can’ functions as both a verb and a noun. It is not a preposition. A verb is a word that shows an action or state of being.

Is the word throughout one word or two?

2 Answers. There is a good deal of overlap, and either would be appropriate in many circumstances. Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner. The latter gives a feeling of being more pervasive than the former.

What is this word throughout?

1 : in or to every part : everywhere of one color throughout. 2 : during the whole time or action : from beginning to end remained loyal throughout. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about throughout.

Does throughout mean all?

Throughout is defined as in every part, during every part or all the way through. …

Can a sentence end with throughout?

It’s not an error to end a sentence with a preposition, but it is a little less formal. In emails, text messages, and notes to friends, it’s perfectly fine. But if you’re writing a research paper or submitting a business proposal and you want to sound very formal, avoid ending sentences with prepositions.

What is the difference between during and throughout?

For me “during” could mean at one or two moments in time whereas “throughout” implies something that happened frequently or even continuously in the time specified. For example, saying that “I spilled a drink on myself DURING dinner” is different that saying “I spilled a drink on myself THROUGHOUT dinner”.

What is another word for during?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for during, like: amid, along, while, at the same time as, when, pending, in the interim, meanwhile, throughout, over and in the course of.

What is the meaning of during?

preposition. throughout the duration, continuance, or existence of: He lived in Florida during the winter. at some time or point in the course of: They departed during the night.

Is Juring a word?

JURING is not a valid scrabble word.

What is the meaning of except?

transitive verb. : to take or leave out from a number or a whole : exclude. intransitive verb. : to take exception : object. except.

How do you spell accept except?

Accept means to agree or to receive something offered. Except means excluding or with the exception of.

What are the two ways to spell except?

accept/ except To accept is to receive, and except is to exclude, usually. Both are busy little words skipping around to different meanings, but they never run into each other. It’s the verb form that confuses, and it’s usually except when accept is wanted.

Is accept a preposition?

If you need a preposition or conjunction (or anything other than a verb), except is the term for you (accept is only used a verb).

Is the word throughout one word or two?

Alex Heath


Is the word throughout one word or two?

2 Answers. There is a good deal of overlap, and either would be appropriate in many circumstances. Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner. The latter gives a feeling of being more pervasive than the former.

What is the correct way to spell throughout?

Correct spelling for the English word “throughout” is [θɹuːˈa͡ʊt], [θɹuːˈa‍ʊt], [θ_ɹ_uː_ˈaʊ_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Should Throughout be hyphenated?

Hyphenation of throughout This word can be hyphenated and contains 2 syllables as shown below.

How do you use throughout in a sentence?

Throughout sentence example

  1. Throughout a difficult pregnancy, he had never raised his voice once.
  2. Fred’s mood remained somber throughout the meal.
  3. This happy condition has obtained throughout her life.
  4. There was no sound to be heard anywhere throughout the country.

What can I say instead of throughout?

other words for throughout

  • around.
  • completely.
  • during.
  • everywhere.
  • far and wide.
  • over.
  • overall.
  • round.

Where do we use might?

MIGHT HAVE is more commonly used in statements about things that could’ve happened but didn’t (counterfactuals), although MAY HAVE is also sometimes used and would not be incorrect. If he was honest with me, I might have forgiven him. If we’d met a few years earlier, we might have been perfect for each other.

Where we use must have?

We use “must have”, “can’t have” and “might have” in the same way as the present perfect – the action we are describing happened, or did not happen, in the past and is still true in the present. “must have”: we believe the action definitely happened. “She must have left the house by now; it’s nearly 11 o’clock.”

Is the word should mandatory?

Should means something that is recommended but not mandatory.

Which is stronger must or have to?

For example: “What does this movie have to do with that book?” This shows that the movie and the play may or may not be related based on the context. On the other hand, “must” is used to convey a stronger meaning than simply “have to”, it’s more forceful.

What is the difference of can and could?

Can means be able to or permitted to do something. Could refers to the possibility or the ability to do something.

Which is more polite can or will?

Is one of these two sentences more correct than the other? Well, actually, in modern English they are both considered acceptable. May is a preferred in a formal style or when you want to be more polite. In less formal situations, can is perfectly acceptable.


  • 1 Is the word throughout one word or two?
  • 2 What is the correct way to spell throughout?
  • 3 What’s the meaning of throughout?
  • 4 Whats the difference between through and throughout?
  • 5 How do you use throughout?
  • 6 What’s another word for throughout?
  • 7 What does throughout the years mean?
  • 8 What is a better word for has?
  • 9 What is a contain?
  • 10 What is another word this?
  • 11 What undergo means?
  • 12 Is it undergone?
  • 13 What is the example of undergo?
  • 14 Has undergone or underwent?
  • 15 Is underwent a proper word?
  • 16 Has undergone changes meaning?
  • 17 What is the future perfect tense of undergo?
  • 18 What is the past tense of have?

Is the word throughout one word or two?

2 Answers. There is a good deal of overlap, and either would be appropriate in many circumstances. Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner. The latter gives a feeling of being more pervasive than the former.

What is the correct way to spell throughout?

Correct spelling for the English word “throughout” is [θɹuːˈa͡ʊt], [θɹuːˈa‍ʊt], [θ_ɹ_uː_ˈaʊ_t] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What’s the meaning of throughout?

1 : in or to every part : everywhere of one color throughout. 2 : during the whole time or action : from beginning to end remained loyal throughout.

Whats the difference between through and throughout?

Through” suggests moving toward the completion or end of something. For example, “The sale goes through the end of June” means the sale will continue or last until the end of June. “Throughout” means during an entire situation or period of time.

How do you use throughout?

Throughout means in or during the entire time or part. An example of throughout used as an adverb is in the sentence, “He remained relaxed throughout the surgery,” which means that he was relaxed for the whole surgery, from start to finish. During the entire time or extent.

What’s another word for throughout?

What is another word for throughout?

high and low all over
everywhere far and wide
all around far and near
broadly everyplace
exhaustively extensively

What does throughout the years mean?

during the whole of a stated period of time: I’ve never once seen her angry in all the years I’ve known her.

What is a better word for has?

What is another word for has?

owns possesses
boasts has in keeping
holds maintains
carries controls
enjoys has possession of

What is a contain?

contain, hold, accommodate mean to have or be capable of having within. contain implies the actual presence of a specified substance or quantity within something. the can contains a quart of oil hold implies the capacity of containing or the usual or permanent function of containing or keeping.

What is another word this?

other words for this

  • aforementioned.
  • already stated.
  • here.
  • previously mentioned.
  • that.
  • the indicated.
  • the present.

What undergo means?

1 : to submit to : endure. 2 : to go through : experience undergo a transformation.

Is it undergone?

Undergone is defined as to have experienced or gone through. An example of undergone is to have had surgery. verb.

What is the example of undergo?

To undergo is to experience something. When you are required to have surgery, this is an example of a situation where you undergo surgery.

Has undergone or underwent?

past simple: underwent She underwent lip surgery yesterday. past participle: undergone She has undergone lip surgery two times in her life. present participle: undergoing She is undergoing lip surgery.

Is underwent a proper word?

verb. the simple past tense of undergo.

Has undergone changes meaning?

to experience something that is unpleasant or something that involves a change: She underwent an operation on a tumour in her left lung last year. Playing board games is undergoing a revival in popularity. More examples. He seems to have undergone a change in attitude recently, and has become much more co-operative.

What is the future perfect tense of undergo?

You/We/They will/shall have undergone. He/She/It will/shall have been undergoing.

What is the past tense of have?

The verb have has the forms: have, has, having, had. The base form of the verb is have. The present participle is having. The past tense and past participle form is had.

Asked by: Prof. Katelynn Murray

Score: 4.1/5
(1 votes)

There is a good deal of overlap, and either would be appropriate in many circumstances. Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner. The latter gives a feeling of being more pervasive than the former. «Throughout» means through the whole area.

Which is correct throughout or through out?

Throughout mainly covers the whole area of distance or time, while through typically follows a straight line within that area. The ‘out’ throughout can be a way to remember the difference.

Is throughout a single word?

1 : everywhere The apartments are of one color throughout. 2 : from beginning to end He remained loyal throughout. 1 : in or to every part of We spent a year traveling throughout the country. 2 : during the whole period of It rained throughout the day.

What is all throughout?

all over, all the time, all through, during the whole of, everywhere, for the duration of, from beginning to end, from end to end, from start to finish, from the start, in every nook and cranny, over the length and breadth of, right through, the whole time, through the whole of. flaws and all adv.

Is it between two words or one word?

In between should always appear as two words. Although inbetween is common, it is a misspelling and does not appear in any English dictionary. Unnecessarily adding in to between is also a common grammatical mistake. As a compound adjective, in-between should be hyphenated.

38 related questions found

What does there is no in between mean?

One of the two options must be chosen. No compromise or middle path is possible.

Is by a preposition word?

“By” is usually a preposition but sometimes acts as an adverb. It can be used in many ways, but today we will talk about four uses as a preposition and show you where it is placed in a sentence.

What can I say instead of throughout my life?

throughout my life > synonyms

»in my day exp. »in my lifetime exp. »all my life exp. »everything to me exp.

What can I use instead of throughout?

Synonyms of throughout

  • about,
  • across,
  • around,
  • over,
  • round,
  • through.

How do you use throughout?

Throughout means in or during the entire time or part. An example of throughout used as an adverb is in the sentence, «He remained relaxed throughout the surgery,» which means that he was relaxed for the whole surgery, from start to finish. In every part of; all through.

Is there a place where something happens or exists?

location a place where something happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or not known: The company is moving to a new location.

Can Throughout be two words?

2 Answers. There is a good deal of overlap, and either would be appropriate in many circumstances. Through often has a sense of one end to the other, while throughout suggests into every corner.

What does throughout the week mean?

1 right through; through the whole of (a place or a period of time)

What is throughout the day meaning?

right through; through the whole of (a place or a period of time) throughout the day. adverb. through the whole of some specified period or area.

Why do we use as?

We use as to introduce two events happening at the same time. After as with this meaning, we usually use a simple (rather than continuous) form of the verb: As the show increases in popularity, more and more tickets are sold daily. When you get older, moving house gets harder.

How do spell throught?

Through can be a preposition, an adjective, and an adverb. Through is the only formally accepted spelling of the word. Thru is an alternate spelling that should be used only in informal writing or when referring to drive-throughs.

What word can I use instead of would?

synonyms for would

  • authorize.
  • bid.
  • decree.
  • enjoin.
  • exert.
  • intend.
  • request.
  • resolve.

What is a word for well thought out?

down-to-earth. judicious. logical. practical.

Does Do antonym?

Antonyms. leader disobey disoblige violate predate literalize spiritualize. make out come proceed go get along.

What are the 10 prepositions?

A preposition usually precedes a noun or a pronoun. Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

Is by a preposition of time?

As a preposition of time, “by” means before a specific time. “by” shows a time limit for something to happen.

Is can a preposition?

The word ‘can’ functions as both a verb and a noun. It is not a preposition. A verb is a word that shows an action or state of being.

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