Is this a signal word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Является ли это признаком

Is this a signal that the recession is over?

Is this a signal of a big change?

Is this a signal of some kind of power struggle?

Is this a signal that what you are doing is no longer working for you?

Это сигнал о том, что вы больше не любите то, чем занимаетесь?

If Epic can make more money on Infinity Blade than Gears of War, is this a signal that other big-name developers should switch gears to mobile?

Если Epic Games может зарабатывать на Infinity Blade больше, чем на Gears of War, то не это ли является явным сигналом того, что и остальным именитым разработчикам стоило бы открыть свои мобильные подразделения и обратить свои ясные очи на iOS?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 6. Точных совпадений: 6. Затраченное время: 119 мс

The post, Signal Words: Types, Functions and Examples, introduces and explains with illustrative examples what signal words or sentence connectors are. In the course of your reading any printed text: novels, textbook, newspapers, articles, online posts, etc., have you noted certain words the writers have used to steer your thoughts in some particular directions?

Have you come across words like: for example, in summary, however, therefore, etc.? These words are not just used carelessly; they have specific functions they perform. Do you even know what such words are called? This post titled Signal Words: Types, Functions and Examples will provide answers to these questions and give you lots more. Let’s get started! Shall we?

Signal Words: A Definition

The word ‘signal’ is not strange to you, I believe. It is a noun formation of the verb ‘sign’ with the addition of a derivational morpheme or a noun forming suffix ‘al’. Signs show direction or guide just like a signpost or signboard. So signal words are not different. They are words that show the reader, the direction of the writer or speaker’s thought. They also indicate the course of events in a text. We also refer to them as ‘signpost’ or ‘road sign’ words. They are structural key words that signal the connection between ideas. They are clue words that determine direction the writer expects the reader to follow.

Transition Words, Transitional Adverbs and Sentence Connectors

We also refer to signal words as Transition words, Transitional Adverbs and Sentence Connectors. Transition words assist the reader to move from one idea of the writer or speaker to another and they connect these ideas. They enhance coherence within a text. In addition to the role of ensuring coherent relationships within a text, transition words introduce certain shifts, contrasts or oppositions.

We make use of them in depicting agreement, similarity or addition.  Signal or Transition words add information, reinforce ideas and express agreement with preceding material. They express cause, purpose, condition, emphasis, support, illustration, effect, result, consequence, etc.

Types of Signal Words or Road Sign Words

For those who take examinations like the Graduate Record Examination and similar examinations in which they have to complete sentences with appropriate words, road sign words help a lot in deciphering the right answers. For the Graduate Record Examination, these road sign words are divided into two parts. They are the ‘straight-ahead’ and the ‘detour’ road signs or signal words. Let us look at these two divisions closely:

Straight-ahead Road Sign Words

The ‘straight-ahead’ signpost words make one part of a sentence support, exposit, elucidate or clarify the other part. In other words, they advance the sentence in the same direction. The positive or negative connotation of what follows is not changed by these words of clues. Examples of ‘straight-ahead’ road sign words include: and, since, also, thus, because, likewise, moreover, similarly, in addition, consequently, etc.

Detour Road Sign Words

The ‘detour’ road sign words usually change the direction of a sentence. They make one part of the sentence contradict or contrast the other part. The positive or negative connotation of what follows is changed by these words of clues. Examples of such ‘detour’ signpost words include: but, despite, yet, however, unless, in spite of, rather, although, nevertheless, in contrast, the opposite, while, on the other hand, on the contrary, still, otherwise, unfortunately, nonetheless, even though, conversely, etc.

We can also further break down the ‘straight-ahead’ and ‘detour’ road sign or signpost words we describe above into specific classifications that will help the listener or reader easily identify and comprehend them. Find below, some signal words, signpost words, road sign words and sentence connectors with their functions and copious examples to assist in comprehending the direction of any text you interact with. . .

Listing, Addition, Agreement, Comparison or Similarity Signal Words

Functions of Listing, Addition, Agreement, Comparison or Similarity Signal Words

  • We use listing to enumerate or catalogue the things we say.
  • We also use it for addition purpose – to add to what has been previously said
  • To reinforce ideas and express agreement with what has been said initially.
  • Comparison words signal that the author is pointing out a similarity between two subjects and these words show that the second idea is like the first one in some way.


  • Above all
  • Additionally
  • Again
  • Alike
  • Also
  • And
  • As
  • Another key point
  • As a matter of fact
  • As well as
  • Besides
  • By the same token
  • Chiefly
  • Comparatively
  • Correspondingly
  • Coupled with
  • Equally
  • Equally important
  • First of All
  • Finally
  • First
  • Firstly
  • First And Foremost
  • First thing to remember
  • Fourthly
  • Furthermore
  • In a similar fashion
  • In addition
  • Identically
  • In like manner
  • In the first place
  • Including
  • In the light of
  • In The Same Fashion
  • Just as
  • In the same way
  • Last of All
  • Like
  • Likewise
  • Moreover
  • Most Importantly
  • Next
  • Not only…but also
  • Not to mention
  • Of course
  • One
  • Second
  • Secondly
  • Similarly
  • Still another
  • Third
  • Thirdly
  • Three
  • To say nothing of
  • Together with
  • Too
  • Two
  • Uniquely
  • Etc.

Transition Signal Words

Functions of Transition Signal Words

  • It links to what has just been stated to what is to follow.
  • This usually leads to a new stage in thought development.


  • Now
  • With reference to
  • With regard to
  • Etc.

Summary, Restatement or Conclusion Signal Words

Function of Summation, Summary, Restatement or Conclusion Signal Words

  • It is a generalisation; it sums up what has preceded.
  • It summarises the points or issues of discussion.


  • After all
  • All in all
  • All things considered
  • Altogether
  • Arising from this
  • As a result
  • As can be seen
  • Briefly
  • As has been noted
  • As shown above
  • By and large
  • Finally
  • For the most part
  • From this we see
  • Generally speaking
  • Given these points
  • In a word
  • In brief
  • Hence
  • In conclusion
  • In either case
  • Last of all
  • In essence
  • In fact
  • Obviously
  • In overall
  • In short
  • On balance
  • In summary
  • In that case
  • On the whole
  • In the final analysis
  • In the long run
  • Overall
  • Then
  • Therefore
  • Thus
  • To conclude
  • Ultimately
  • To sum up
  • To summarise
  • Etc.

Apposition Support, Emphasis and Illustration Signal Words

Function of Apposition Support, Emphasis and Illustration Signal Words

  • It is used to refer to previous sentences or to parallel or related reference.
  • To illustrate for the purpose of clarity, the point being made to the reader or listener.
  • To introduce examples as support for the point the speaker or writing is making.


  • As an illustration
  • Certainly
  • Especially
  • Explicitly
  • Expressly
  • For Example
  • For Instance
  • Frequently
  • In detail
  • In fact
  • Indeed
  • In general
  • In particular
  • Including
  • Mainly
  • Markedly
  • Most compelling evidence
  • Namely
  • Notably
  • Or Rather
  • Particularly
  • Significantly
  • Specifically
  • Such as
  • Surely
  • Surprisingly
  • To be sure
  • To clarify
  • That is
  • To demonstrate
  • That is to say
  • To emphasize
  • To enumerate
  • Viz
  • To explain
  • To illustrate
  • Truly
  • To point out
  • To repeat
  • Etc.

Inference, Result, Effect or Consequence Signal Words

Function of Inference, Result, Effect or Consequence Signal Words

  • It expresses the consequences or result of what has been said before.
  • This indicates an inference from what is implied from the preceding sentences


  • Accordingly
  • Arising from this
  • As A Result
  • Because
  • Because of
  • Cause
  • Consequently
  • Due to
  • Effect
  • Else
  • For
  • For this reason
  • Forthwith
  • Hence
  • Henceforth
  • If . . . then
  • If so…then
  • In effect
  • In order that
  • Now
  • In that case
  • Reason
  • Result in
  • Resulting from
  • Since
  • So
  • So that
  • Then
  • Therefore
  • Thereupon
  • Thus
  • Under those circumstances
  • Etc.

Reformulation Signal Words

Function of Reformulation Signal Words

  • We use this to express something in another way.


  • In other words
  • Or rather
  • Put in another way
  • That is to say
  • To put it differently
  • To put it more simply
  • That is
  • To use another word
  • Etc.

Replacement Signal Words

Function of Replacement Signal Words

  • To express an alternative to what has preceded


  • Again
  • Alternatively
  • Another possibility would be
  • Better still
  • Instead
  • On the other hand
  • Rather
  • The alternative is
  • Worse still
  • Etc.

Contrast, Opposition or Contradiction Signal Words

Function of Contrast, Opposition or Contradiction Signal Words

  • To show contrast to what has preceded.
  • To indicate alternatives or evidence to the contrary.
  • To introduce a change in the line of reasoning. (Remember Detour Road Signs?)


  • At the same time
  • But
  • By way of contrast
  • Conversely
  • However
  • In contrast
  • Instead
  • On the contrary
  • On the other hand
  • Otherwise
  • Rather
  • Then
  • Yet
  • Etc.

Concession Signal Words

Function of Concession Signal Words

  • To indicate item of information which is unexpected.


  • (And) still
  • (And) yet
  • Above all
  • After all
  • Albeit
  • Although
  • Although this may be true
  • Anyway
  • As a matter of fact
  • As much as
  • At the same time
  • Be that as it may
  • Besides
  • But
  • Despite
  • Different from
  • Else
  • Even so
  • Even though
  • In contrast
  • In reality
  • However
  • In spite of
  • In spite of that
  • Instead
  • Nevertheless
  • Nonetheless
  • Notwithstanding
  • Of course …, but
  • On the contrary
  • On the other hand
  • Or
  • Otherwise
  • Rather
  • Regardless
  • Then again
  • Though
  • Unlike
  • Whereas
  • While
  • Etc.

Condition, Cause or Purpose Signal Words

Function of Condition, Cause or Purpose Signal Words

  • To show the conditions necessary for something to be done.
  • To indicate intentions.


  • As
  • As / so long as
  • Because of
  • Due to
  • Except
  • For fear that
  • For the purpose of
  • Given that
  • Granted (that)
  • If
  • In case
  • In order to
  • In the event that
  • If…then
  • In the hope that
  • In view of
  • Inasmuch as
  • In which case
  • Lest
  • On (the) condition (that)
  • Only / even if
  • Otherwise
  • Owing to
  • Provided
  • Provided that
  • Seeing / being that
  • Since
  • So as to
  • So that
  • To the end that
  • Unless, in that case
  • Until
  • When
  • Whenever
  • Whether
  • While
  • With this in mind
  • With this intention
  • Etc.

Emphasis Signal Words

Function of Emphasis Signal Words

  • To show that something is important and therefore, should be noted.


  • A central issue
  • A key feature
  • Above all
  • A major development
  • A major event
  • By all means
  • A Primary Concern
  • A Significant Factor
  • By the way
  • A vital force
  • Certainly
  • Chiefly
  • Especially relevant
  • Especially valuable
  • For one thing
  • Important to realize
  • In detail
  • In particular
  • Including
  • Indeed
  • It all boils down to
  • Like
  • Markedly
  • More importantly
  • More than anything else
  • Most compelling evidence
  • Most especially
  • Must be remembered
  • Most noteworthy
  • Notably
  • Of course
  • On the negative side
  • On the positive side
  • Particularly
  • Pay particular attention to
  • Point often overlooked
  • Remember that
  • Significantly
  • Surely
  • That is to say
  • The crux of the matter
  • The most substantial issue
  • To be sure
  • To clarify
  • Truly
  • To demonstrate
  • To emphasize
  • With attention to
  • To enumerate
  • To explain
  • With this in mind
  • To point out
  • To repeat
  • Etc.

Vagueness and Ambiguity Signal Words (Fuzz Sentence Connectors)

Function of Vagueness and Ambiguity Signal Words

  • To indicate a notion that is not precise.
  • To show that the writer is not affirmative and wishes to qualify a statement.


  • Alleged
  • Allegedly
  • Almost
  • Could
  • Except
  • If
  • Looks like
  • Maybe
  • Might
  • Nearly
  • Probably
  • Purported
  • Purportedly
  • Reputed
  • Seems like
  • Should
  • Some
  • Sort of
  • Was reported
  • Etc.

Spatial Signal Words

Function of Spatial Signal Words

  • As this relates to issues of space, the function is to provide answers to the question of ‘where’.
  • To limit, restrict or qualify space, place or location.


  • About
  • Above
  • Across
  • Adjacent
  • Adjacent to
  • Alongside
  • Amid
  • Among
  • Around
  • Away
  • Before
  • Behind
  • Below
  • Beneath
  • Beside
  • Between
  • Beyond
  • By
  • Close to
  • Down
  • East
  • Far
  • From
  • Further
  • Here
  • Here and there
  • In
  • In front of
  • Inside
  • In the background
  • In the centre of
  • Into
  • In the distance
  • In the foreground
  • In the middle
  • Left
  • Middle
  • Near
  • Nearby
  • Next
  • Next to
  • North
  • On
  • On this side
  • Opposite
  • Opposite to
  • Out
  • Outside
  • Over
  • Right
  • Side
  • South
  • There
  • These
  • This
  • To the left/right to the left/right
  • Toward
  • Under
  • Up
  • Upon
  • West
  • Where
  • Wherever
  • Etc.

Temporal or Chronology Signal Words

Function of Temporal or Chronology Signal Words

  • To provide answers to the question of ‘when’.
  • To restrict and define time.


  • About
  • After
  • All of a sudden
  • As long as
  • At the present time
  • At the same time
  • As soon as
  • At this instant
  • Before
  • By the time
  • During
  • Eventually
  • Finally
  • First
  • Formerly
  • Forthwith
  • From time to time
  • Further
  • Hence
  • Henceforth
  • In a moment
  • In due time
  • Immediately
  • In the first place
  • In the meantime
  • Instantly
  • In time
  • Last
  • Later
  • Meanwhile
  • Next
  • Now
  • Now that
  • Occasionally
  • Once
  • Presently
  • Prior to
  • Quickly
  • Second
  • Shortly
  • Since
  • Sooner or later
  • Straightaway
  • Suddenly
  • Then
  • Till
  • To begin with
  • Until
  • Until now
  • Up to the present time
  • When
  • Whenever
  • Without delay
  • Etc.


Many of these temporal signals or transition words have other uses; they qualify time in expressing other signals of condition, reason or qualification.

In Conclusion

There is no way we can write effectively and comprehensibly in English without the use of signal words or sentence connectors as they give direction to our writings and help the reader to follow the thought patterns of the writer. Any write up without sentence connection or signal words will collapse in terms of structure, cohesion and coherence.

They are the chains or string that hold our words together for them to make appropriate sense. So read and learn these signal words and sentence connectors and make use of them accordingly and appropriately in your writings. Ensure that when you read, take note of the signal words you come across and determine the functions they perform.

If you do this, you will certainly get a handle on signal words which we also refer to as transition words, transitional elements, signpost words, road sign words and other reference other terminologies by which we describe them. Check some of our other educative posts and share with your friends and colleagues. Watch out for our next post! See you around!


Broderick, (1990). Groundwork for College Reading. PA: Townsend Press, Inc.

Fry, E. B., Kress, J. E., & Fountoukidis, D. L. (1993). The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall

Kaplan, (2014).  GRE Premier 2015. New York: Kaplan Publishing

Langan, (1989). Reading and Study Skills. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Sentence Connectors 

Transition Words


Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Find the signal words for simple present.

1.Which is a signal word for simple present?
а).now б).last Monday в).often
2.Which is a signal word for simple present?
а). sometimes б).at the moment в).yesterday
3.Which is a signal word for simple present?
а).last Friday б).every Friday в).next Friday
4.Which is not a signal word for simple present?
а). never б). already в). usually
5.Which is not a signal word for simple present?
а) Listen! б) first … then … в) seldom ​

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Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

Signal word(CLP): Warning Hazardous ingredients:

Proprietary; BisGMA Hazard statements(CLP): H315- Causes skin irritation.


context icon

Предупреждение Опасные ингредиенты: Проприетарн; SG- 25BAG9000CMP1P5; BisGMA Предупреждения об опасности( CLP): H315- Вызывает раздражение кожи.


The signal word CAUTION warns of light injuries or damage.


The signal word WARNING warns of injuries and severe damage to property.


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Сигнальное слово ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ предупреждает о травмах и крупном материальном ущербе.


Hazard components for labelling ethanediol, ethylene glycol 2-ethylhexanoic acid,


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Опасные компоненты, которые должны упоминаться на этикетке этан- 1, 2- диол 2- ethylhexanoic acid,


Hazard components for labelling ethanediol, ethylene glycol Signal word.


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Опасные компоненты, которые должны упоминаться на этикетке этан- 1, 2- диол Сигнальное слово.


The pictogram and signal word used should reflect the most severe hazard category

and all relevant hazard statements should be used.


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Используемые пиктограмма и сигнальное слово должны отражать наиболее опасную категорию, и при

этом должны использоваться все соответствующие характеристики опасности.


This signal word warns you of a possible severe damage to the machine

or other severe property damage.


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Это сигнальное слово предупреждает Вас о возможной опасной ситуации, которая может привести к серьезным

повреждениям машины и другим серьезным повреждениям.


A signal word(DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION) is used with the

alert symbol to indicate the likelihood and the potential severity of injury.


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Вместе с предупреждающим символом используется сигнальное слово( ОПАСНО,

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ илиОСТОРОЖНО), чтобы обозначить вероятность или потенциальную тяжесть травмы.


Signal word for an imminent danger with high risk,

resulting in severe injuries or death if not avoided.


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Опасность сигнальное слово, указывающее на опасность с высоким риском,

напрямую ведущую к смерти и к тяжелым телесным повреждениям.


Signal word for a hazardous situation with medium risk,

possibly resulting in severe injuries or death if not avoided.


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Предупреждение сигнальное слово, указывающее на опасность со средним риском,

могущую привести к смерти и к тяжелым телесным повреждениям.


Signal word for a hazardous situation with low risk,

resulting in damaged to the device or the property or minor or medium injuries if not avoided.


context icon

Осторожно сигнальное слово, указывающее на опасность с небольшим риском,

могущую привести к материальному ущербу и к легким и средним телесным повреждениям.


This signal word indicates a hazard with an average risk level which,

if not avoided, can result in serious injury or death.


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Сигнальное слово обозначает опасность со средней степенью риска, которая, если не

предотвратить ее, может привести к смерти или тяжелой травме.


Safety terms in these instructions: The signal word DANGER warns of severe injuries or deadly peril.


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Термины безопасности, использующиеся в данном руководстве: Сигнальное слово ОПАСНО предупреждает о возможных тяжелых травмах

и опасности для жизни.


This signal word warns you of a possibly dangerous situation which may

lead to serious injury or to death and damage to the machine or other serious property damage.


context icon

Это сигнальное слово предупреждает Вас о возможной опасной ситуации, которая

может привести к тяжелым телесным повреждениям, серъезным повреждениям машины или другим серьезным повреждениям.


This signal word warns you of a possibly dangerous situation which may

lead to serious injury or to death.


context icon

Это сигнальное слово предупреждает Вас о возможной опасной ситуации, которая

может привести к тяжелым телесным повреждениям.


This section describes the hazards of the substance or mixture and

the appropriate warning information(signal word, hazard statement(s) and precautionary statement(s)) associated with those hazards.


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В данном разделе указываются опасности, представляемые веществом или смесью,

и соответствующая этим опасностям предупредительная информация сигнальное слово, обозначение( я) опасности и предупреждениея.


This section describes the hazards of the substance or mixture and

the appropriate warning information(signal word, hazard statement(s) and precautionary statement(s)) associated with those hazards.


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В данном разделе описываются классы опасности вещества или смеси и

соответствующая этими опасностям предупредительная информация сигнальное слово, краткая характеристика опасности( ей) и меры предосторожности.


The warning triangle with the signal word WARNING

and a text on a grey background alert you to the risk of serious to life-threatening injuries.


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и текстом на сером фоне указывают на опасность тяжелых или даже опасных для жизни травм.


Unless the hazard is shown to correspond to one of the hazard categories in table 2.1.2,

in which case the corresponding symbol, signal word and/or the hazard statement shall be assigned.


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Если опасность не оговаривается как соответствующая одному из классов опасности в таблице 2. 1. 2 и

в этом случае присваиваются соответствующие символы, сигнальное слово и/ или краткая характеристика опасности.


The following symbols and signal words define the possible hazard more precisely.


The following warning signs and signal words are used in this manual.


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В данном руководстве использовались следующие предупредительные знаки и сигнальные слова.


Important information is shown in these operating instructions and


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В данной инструкции по пользованию на


A3.3.2.3 Precautionary statements should appear on GHS labels along with the

GHS hazard communication elements pictograms, signal words and hazard statements.


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A3. 3. 2. 3 Информация о мерах предосторожности приводится на маркировочных знаках СГС вместе с

элементами информирования об опасности СГС пиктограммы, сигнальные слова и характеристика опасности.


Precautionary statements should appear on GHS-consistent labels along with the

GHS-harmonized hazard communication elements pictograms, signal words and hazard statements.


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Предупреждения должны указываться на маркировочных знаках, соответствующих положениям СГС, вместе с согласованными в рамках

СГС элементами указания на опасность пиктограммы, сигнальные слова и обозначения опасности.


Big Reasons Accidents Disable and

Kill Accidents Cost Accidents Can Be Avoided SIGNAL WORDS.


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Важные причины Несчастные случаи приводят к инвалидности и смерти Несчастные случаи дорого


The system contains all criteria necessary for classification of chemicals according to their intrinsic hazardous properties(physical hazards such as flammability, hazards to health and hazards to the environment), as well as all necessary provisions for hazard communication through labelling(identification of chemical, pictogrammes, symbols, hazard statements,

precautionary statements or signal words) and safety data sheets.


context icon

В этой системе предусмотрены все критерии, необходимые для классификации химических веществ в соответствии с присущими им опасными свойствами( такими физически опасными факторами, как воспламеняемость, уровнем опасности для здоровья людей и уровнем опасности для состояния окружающей среды), а также содержатся все необходимые положения, касающиеся системы оповещения об опасности посредством использования маркировки( обозначение химического вещества, использование пиктограмм и символов, предупреждение об опасности,

указание мер предосторожности или использование сигнальных слов) и инструкций по безопасности.


The defi nitions below describe the level of severity for each signal word.


Test your knowledge on Simple Past and Present Perfect Simple. After submitting your answers, you will see how well you have done in the test.


Write down the correct form (pronoun + verb).

  Simple Past Present Perfect Simple
I / open
he / write
they / do
you / swim
she / give


When do we use which tense?

  1. ‘Already’ is a signal word for …
  2. ‘Just’ is a signal word for …
  3. ‘2 years ago’ is a signal word for …
  4. ‘Yet’ is a signal word for …
  5. ‘Yesterday’ is a signal word for …

Positive Sentences

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

  1. Mary
    (win) the lottery last year.
  2. We
    (prepare / already) dinner.
  3. James
    (find) your ring in the garden yesterday.
  4. He
    (come / just) home.
  5. They
    (buy) their car two years ago.

Negative Sentences

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

  1. I
    (see / not) anyone yet.
  2. Phil
    (go / not) to the cinema last night.
  3. We
    (be / not) to the zoo so far.
  4. She
    (arrive / not) yet.
  5. Emily
    (visit / not) me last week.


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

  1. (you / read) the book yet?
  2. How many letters
    (they / write) so far?
  3. When
    (he / tell) you that?
  4. (you / be) at home last night?
  5. How often
    (you / travel) abroad till now?


Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

  1. A:
    (you / taste / ever) sushi?
  2. B: Yes, I
    (eat) sushi at least five times so far.
  3. A: When
    (you / eat) sushi for the first time?
  4. B: I
    (eat) sushi for the first time on my dad’s 50th birthday. He
    (invite) the whole family to a Japanese restaurant.
  5. A:
    (you / like) it?
  6. B: Absolutely. In fact, it
    (be) so good that we
    (be) to that restaurant three times yet. And on my mum’s birthday, we
    (order) some sushi and
    (have) it at home.

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