Is thicker a word

Мои примеры


blind spot blood is thicker than water — кровь не вода а слабая струнка  
grow thicker — раздуваться  
make thicker — утолщать  
become thicker — утолщаться; сгущаться  

Примеры с переводом

For a thicker gravy, add more flour.

Чтобы соус стал более густым /погуще/, добавьте ещё муки.

Canadian otters have thicker rudders.

У канадских выдр более толстый хвост.

Animals shed their thicker winter coats.

Животные линяют, сбрасывая тёплый зимний мех.

Well, you know what they say — blood’s thicker than water.

Ну, вы знаете, как говорят: кровь людская — не водица.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This layer of brain tissue is no thicker than 2 mm.

If you want a thicker blanket, there are more here in the closet.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

thick  — толстый, густой, плотный, густо, плотно, хрипло, часто, пекло, гуща, разгар, тупица
thickly  — густо, хрипло, обильно, заплетающимся языком, часто, неясно
thickness  — толщина, плотность, толща, слой, утолщение, густота, обилие, косноязычие, тупоумие

    • See Also:
      • thick milk
      • thick register
      • thick-knee
      • thick-skinned
      • thick-skulled
      • thick-tailed ray
      • thick-witted
      • thicken
      • thickener
      • thickening
      • thicket
      • thickhead
      • thickheaded
      • thickie
      • thickness
      • thickness piece
      • thicko
      • thickset
      • thief
      • thief ant
      • Thiers
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From thick (adv):
adv comparative
adv superlative
From thick (adj):
adj comparative
adj superlative

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

thick /θɪk/USA pronunciation  
adj. and adv., -er, -est, n. 

  1. having a great distance from one surface to the opposite;
    not thin:a thick slice of bread.
  2. measured between opposite surfaces:[after a noun or phrase of measurement]a board one inch thick.
  3. made up of objects close together;
    dense: difficult to see through:The planes couldn’t land in the thick fog.
  4. filled or covered:[be + ~ + with]The air was thick with tobacco smoke.
  5. not clearly pronounced or articulated:thick speech.
  6. easy to notice;
    obvious:I have a thick Russian accent when I speak English.
  7. deep or profound:thick darkness.
  8. intimate;
    close (in friendship):thick friends.
  9. heavy;
    not easily poured:thick soup.
  10. mentally slow;
    stupid:Sometimes he can be a little thick.


  1. in a thick manner.
  2. close together:vines growing thick.
  3. so as to produce something thick:The cheese was sliced thick.

n. [uncountable]

  1. the densest or most crowded part:in the thick of the fight.


  1. thick as thieves, close in friendship;
    very friendly.
  2. Idioms through thick and thin, under both favorable and unfavorable conditions;
    faithfully:They stayed friends through thick and thin.

thick•ly, adv. 
thick•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

thick (thik),USA pronunciation 
adj., -er, -est, adv., -er, -est, n. 


  1. having relatively great extent from one surface or side to the opposite;
    not thin:a thick slice.
  2. measured, as specified, between opposite surfaces, from top to bottom, or in a direction perpendicular to that of the length and breadth;
    (of a solid having three general dimensions) measured across its smallest dimension:a board one inch thick.
  3. composed of or containing objects, particles, etc., close together;
    dense:a thick fog; a thick forest.
  4. filled, covered, or abounding (usually fol. by with):tables thick with dust.
  5. husky or hoarse;
    not distinctly articulated:The patient’s speech is still quite thick.
  6. markedly so (as specified):a thick German accent.
  7. deep or profound:thick darkness.
  8. (of a liquid) heavy or viscous:a thick syrup.
  9. [Informal.]close in friendship;
  10. mentally slow;
  11. disagreeably excessive or exaggerated:They thought it a bit thick when he called himself a genius.


  1. in a thick manner.
  2. close together;
    closely packed:The roses grew thick along the path.
  3. in a manner to produce something thick:Slice the cheese thick.
  4. lay it on thick, [Informal.]to praise excessively;
    flatter:He’s laying it on thick because he wants you to do him a favor.


  1. the thickest, densest, or most crowded part:in the thick of the fight.
  2. through thick and thin, under favorable and unfavorable conditions;
    steadfastly:We have been friends for 20 years, through thick and thin.
  • bef. 900; (adjective, adjectival and adverb, adverbial) Middle English thikke, Old English thicce; cognate with Dutch dik, German dick; akin to Old Norse thykkr (noun, nominal) Middle English, derivative of the adjective, adjectival

thickish, adj. 
thickly, adv. 

    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged strong, pronounced, decided.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

thick /θɪk/ adj

  1. of relatively great extent from one surface to the other; fat, broad, or deep: a thick slice of bread
  2. (postpositive) of specific fatness: ten centimetres thick
  3. (in combination): a six-inch-thick wall
  4. having a relatively dense consistency; not transparent: thick soup
  5. abundantly covered or filled: a piano thick with dust
  6. impenetrable; dense: a thick fog
  7. stupid, slow, or insensitive
  8. throaty or badly articulated: a voice thick with emotion
  9. (of accents, etc) pronounced
  10. informal very friendly (esp in the phrase thick as thieves)
  11. a bit thickBrit unfair or excessive


  1. in order to produce something thick: to slice bread thick
  2. profusely; in quick succession (esp in the phrase thick and fast)
  3. lay it on thickinformal to exaggerate a story, statement, etc
  4. to flatter excessively


  1. a thick piece or part
  2. the thickthe busiest or most intense part
  3. through thick and thinin good times and bad

Etymology: Old English thicce; related to Old Saxon, Old High German thikki, Old Norse thykkr

ˈthickish adj ˈthickly adv

thicker‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > thicker

  • 2

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > толще

  • 3

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > утолщённый

  • 4
    обращать на это особое внимание

    Обращать на это особое внимание— As the heating process continued the hot oil layer became thicker and thicker, the boundary between it and the cold oil below remaining horizontal (emphasis added) regardless of the longitudinal position of the heater within the tank.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > обращать на это особое внимание

  • 5

    несовер. — утолщаться; совер. — утолститься

    thicken, become thicker

    * * *

    утолщаться; утолститься thicken, become thicker

    Новый русско-английский словарь > утолститься

  • 6


    thicken, make thicker

    * * *

    утолщать; утолстить thicken, make thicker

    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > утолщать

  • 7

    I несовер. — утолщаться; совер. — утолститься

    thicken, become thicker

    II страд. от утолщать

    * * *

    утолщаться; утолститься thicken, become thicker

    * * *

    Новый русско-английский словарь > утолщаться

  • 8

    — сгуща́ться,


    — сгусти́ться

    1) thicken, become thicker; clot; condense

    тума́н сгуща́лся — the fog was thickening [becoming thicker]

    сгуща́ющиеся су́мерки — gathering dusk sg

    сгусти́лась ночь — thick nightly darkness fell

    3) thicken, intensify

    та́йна сгуща́ется — the mystery thickens

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > сгущаться

  • 9
    кровь говорит

    1) one’s blood is up; one’s blood boils

    Гордей Карпыч. Брат, уйди честью, а не то худо. Любовь Гордеевна. Дяденька, перестаньте! Любим Карпыч. Не замолчу! Теперь кровь заговорила! (А. Островский, Бедность не порок)Gordei Karpych. Listen, brother, are you going away peaceful or am I going to have to throw you out on your ear? Lubov Gordeyevna. Do stop it, uncle! Lubim Karpych. Can’t stop it now, my blood’s up!

    2) cf. blood will tell; it is the call of the blood; the ties of blood are beginning to tell; blood is thicker than water

    — И сердил-то он меня, и жаль-то мне его, потому что, как ни говорите, сын родного брата: этого уж из сердца не вырвешь — кровь говорит. (А. Писемский, Фанфарон) — ‘He often made me angry and yet I am sorry for him because after all he is my nephew. It can’t be ignored: blood is thicker than water.’

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > кровь говорит

  • 10
    чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров



    the deeper you go into the woods, the more trees there are; the further into the wood, the thicker the trees;


    as the days grow longer, the storms are stronger; the nearer the bone, the sweeter the meat

    Аннинька убедилась, что чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров, и стала окончательно прощаться. (М. Салтыков-Щедрин, Господа Головлёвы) — Anninka saw that the further into the wood, the thicker the trees, and got up to say good-bye.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > чем дальше в лес, тем больше дров

  • 11
    в отличие от

    The company has achieved a 200% increase in productivity by using the robot as opposed to manual servicing.

    The ultrasonic welding machine is semi-portable. By contrast, the resistance welder is a relatively cumbersome unit to move to a new location.

    Unlike copper windings, permanent magnets never wear out.

    * * *

    В отличие от — as opposed to, as contrasted to, as contrasted with; in contrast with, in contrast to; as distinct from, as distinguished from; unlike, unlike for; did not as did, had not as had (британская конструкция)

    Most fine-pitch gears are used to transmit motion as opposed to the transmission of power. (В отличие от силовых передач большинство…)

    This possible separation regime appears to be of the ordinary type ( as contrasted to singular separation).

    Corrosion is brought about through chemical or electrochemical action, as contrasted with erosion caused by mechanical action.

    In contrast with the thicker inlet boundary layer, there is a pronounced thinning of the layer across the rotor.

    Also in contrast to the torsion mode, the critical phase angle always represented a backward wave.

    In this context the term «flooded bearing» becomes akin to «pressurized» bearing as distinct from Mr. G.’s classification where «flooded» is associated with bearings having no supply flow rate.

    The simplified turbine acceptance test, as distinguished from the full ASME turbine acceptance test, measures feedwater flow directly.

    Another advantage is that, unlike thermocouples, all components of this system including sensors are reusable.

    Unlike for torsion, the critical phase angle for the bending modes varied with sweep.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > в отличие от

  • 12

    33,000 ft lb/min is rather more than the average horse is capable of, but it has been adopted by engineers and is known as a horse-power.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > значительно

  • 13
    при прохождении через

    In the transmission electron microscope the electron beam is modified in various ways as it passes through thicker and thinner sections of the specimen.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > при прохождении через

  • 14

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > становиться

  • 15
    голос крови не заглушить

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > голос крови не заглушить

  • 16
    дальше в лес — больше дров

    Set phrase: as the days grow longer, the storms are stronger, complications begin to set in, the deeper into the wood you go, the more timber seems to grow, the farther in, the deeper , the farther into the forest, the thicker the trees, the deeper one gets into smth, the more involved it becomes

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > дальше в лес — больше дров

  • 17

    3) Railway term: buzzer indication

    9) Physics: buzzer interrupter

    10) Information technology: beep tone

    13) Makarov: buzzer , howler , hummer , ticker

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > зуммер

  • 18
    кровь гуще воды

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кровь гуще воды

  • 19
    кровь людская — не водица

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кровь людская — не водица

  • 20
    кровь не вода

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > кровь не вода


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Thicker — Thick Thick (th[i^]k), a. [Compar. {Thicker} ( [ e]r); superl. {Thickest}.] [OE. thicke, AS. [thorn]icce; akin to D. dik, OS. thikki, OHG. dicchi thick, dense, G. dick thick, Icel. [thorn]ykkr, [thorn]j[ o]kkr, and probably to Gael. & Ir. tiugh.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thicker — See: BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • thicker — See: BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • thicker — See: blood is thicker than water …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Thicker than Water — may refer to:* Thicker than Water (film) a Laurel and Hardy film (1935) * Thicker than Water (2000 film) a surf film directed by Jack Johnson and Chris Malloy (2000) * Thicker than Water (Doctor Who audio) * Thicker than Water (Only Fools and… …   Wikipedia

  • Thicker Than Water: Original Soundtrack — Album par Jack Johnson Sortie 25 novembre 2003 Genre Musique acoustique Albums de Jack Johnson …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Thicker than Water (1973 TV series) — Thicker Than Water was short lived US sitcom, it was based on the UK sitcom Nearest and Dearest . It told the story of a brother and sister who inherit a pickle factory …   Wikipedia

  • Thicker than Water (Doctor Who audio) — Bigfinishbox title=Thicker than Water series= Doctor Who number=73 featuring=Sixth Doctor Melanie Bush Evelyn Smythe writer=Paul Sutton director=Edward Salt producer=Gary Russell Jason Haigh Ellery executive producer=none listed production… …   Wikipedia

  • Thicker Than Water (album) — Infobox Album | Name = Thicker Than Water Type = Album Artist = H2O Released = October 7, 1997 Recorded = June 21 – 27, 1997 Brielle Studios, New York City, USA Length = 29:56 Genre = Punk rock Label = Epitaph Records Producer = H2O, Larry… …   Wikipedia

  • Thicker Than Water (1999 film) — Infobox Film name=Thicker Than Water caption= The movie cover for Thicker Than Water . imdb id=0220095 writer=Ernest Nyle Brown Julie Shannon starring=Mack 10 Fat Joe director=Richard Cummings Jr. producer=Andrew Shack Darryl Taja music=QD III |… …   Wikipedia

  • Thicker than Water (film) — Infobox Film name = Thicker Than Water caption = Theatrical poster for Thicker Than Water (1935) director = James W. Horne producer = Hal Roach writer = Stan Laurel (story) Frank Tashlin (uncredited) starring = Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy music =… …   Wikipedia

«thicker» in the adjective sense

1. thick

not thin of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions

«an inch thick»

«a thick board»

«a thick sandwich»

«spread a thick layer of butter»

«thick coating of dust»

«thick warm blankets»

2. thick

having component parts closely crowded together

«a compact shopping center»

«a dense population»

«thick crowds»

«a thick forest»

«thick hair»

3. thick

relatively dense in consistency

«thick cream»

«thick soup»

«thick smoke»

«thick fog»

4. slurred, thick

spoken as if with a thick tongue

«the thick speech of a drunkard»

«his words were slurred»

5. compact, heavyset, stocky, thick, thickset

having a short and solid form or stature

«a wrestler of compact build»

«he was tall and heavyset»

«stocky legs»

«a thickset young man»

6. dense, thick

hard to pass through because of dense growth

«dense vegetation»

«thick woods»

7. thick, deep

of darkness) densely dark

«thick night»

«thick darkness»

«a face in deep shadow»

«deep night»

8. chummy, buddy-buddy, thick

used informally) associated on close terms

«a close friend»

«the bartender was chummy with the regular customers»

«the two were thick as thieves for months»

9. blockheaded, boneheaded, duncical, duncish, fatheaded, loggerheaded, thick, thickheaded, thick-skulled, wooden-headed

used informally) stupid

10. thick

abounding having a lot of

«the top was thick with dust»

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adj. thick·er, thick·est


a. Relatively great in extent from one surface to the opposite, usually in the smallest solid dimension; not thin: a thick board.

b. Measuring a specified number of units in this dimension: two inches thick.

2. Heavy in form, build, or stature; thickset: a thick neck.

3. Having component parts in a close, crowded state or arrangement; dense: a thick forest.

4. Having or suggesting a heavy or viscous consistency: thick tomato sauce.

5. Having a great number; abounding: a room thick with flies.

6. Impenetrable by the eyes: a thick fog.


a. Hard to hear or understand, as from being husky or slurred: thick speech.

b. Very noticeable; pronounced: has a thick accent.

8. Informal Lacking mental agility; stupid.

9. Informal Very friendly; intimate: thick friends.

10. Informal Going beyond what is tolerable; excessive.


1. In a thick manner; deeply or heavily: Seashells lay thick on the beach.

2. In a close, compact state or arrangement; densely: Dozens of braids hung thick from the back of her head.

3. So as to be thick; thickly: Slice the bread thick for the best French toast.


1. The thickest part.

2. The most active or intense part: in the thick of the fighting.


thick and thin

Good and bad times: They remained friends through thick and thin.

thick′ish adj.

thick′ly adv.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


  • concave lens, convex lens — A concave lens is thinner at the center; a convex lens is thicker at the center.
  • plank, board — A plank is thicker than a board.
  • clotted cream — Cream made thicker and richer by cooking.
  • skin — The term for the thin, tight covering on carrots, potatoes, grapes, and peaches—but also the thicker covering of bananas and avocados.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mentioned in

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  • board
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  • But end
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  • clapboard
  • clavate

References in classic literature

The dust grew thicker and thicker, and the throats and eyes and noses of the invaders were filled with it.

It grew thicker and thicker, and took the form of little angels, that grew more and more when they touched the earth.

The gaslight which I had left lit for Jonathan, but turned down, came only like a tiny red spark through the fog, which had evidently grown thicker and poured into the room.

The sky of the westerly weather is full of flying clouds, of great big white clouds coming thicker and thicker till they seem to stand welded into a solid canopy, upon whose gray face the lower wrack of the gale, thin, black and angry-looking, flies past with vertiginous speed.

The Grits have it laid on thicker than the Conservatives, that’s all—CONSIDERABLY thicker.

First comes white-horse, so called, which is obtained from the tapering part of the fish, and also from the thicker portions of his flukes.

On the other side the yard windows were thrown up, and people were shouting all sorts of things; but I kept my eye fixed on the stable door, where the smoke poured out thicker than ever, and I could see flashes of red light; presently I heard above all the stir and din a loud, clear voice, which I knew was master’s:

From the glass windows in the drawing-room, I saw long seaweeds and gigantic fuci and varech, of which the open polar sea contains so many specimens, with their sharp polished filaments; they measured about 300 yards in length— real cables, thicker than one’s thumb; and, having great tenacity, they are often used as ropes for vessels.

They could then see the faint summer fogs in layers, woolly, level, and apparently no thicker than counterpanes, spread about the meadows in detached remnants of small extent.

The result was the entire reconstruction of the navy of both the continents; as the one grew heavier, the other became thicker in proportion.

It is the HONEY in my veins that maketh my blood thicker, and also my soul stiller.»—«So will it be, O Zarathustra,» answered his animals, and pressed up to him; «but wilt thou not to-day ascend a high mountain?

The nearer it got to noon that day the thicker and thicker was the wagons and horses in the streets, and more coming all the time.

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  • thickheads
  • thickheads
  • thickie
  • thickish
  • thickish
  • thickish
  • Thickknee

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