Is there a word undoubtedly

несомненно, безусловно, бесспорно


- несомненно, без сомнения

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That is undoubtedly true.

Без сомнения, это правда.

Undoubtedly he has a flowing pen.

Несомненно, у него лёгкое перо.

Ali was undoubtedly one of the greatest boxers of all time.

Несомненно, Али был одним из величайших боксёров всех времён.

Here the critic has undoubtedly hit a blot.

Здесь критик, безусловно, нашёл самое слабое место.

Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined.

Несомненно, интерес публики к фолк-музыке снизился / пошёл на спад.

This case undoubtedly sustains his assertion.

Это обстоятельство, безусловно, подтверждает его утверждение.

This news will undoubtedly damage the governor’s reputation.

Эта новость, несомненно, повредит репутации губернатора.

This action was undoubtedly in retaliation for last week’s bomb attack.

Без сомнения, эта акция была возмездием за взрывы, происшедшие на прошлой неделе.

But undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw.

Но несомненно, самым страшным в нём был его железный коготь. («Питер Пэн», о Капитане Крюке)

Laporte, as Ebenezer Scrooge, is undoubtedly the star of the show.

Лапорте в роли Эбенезера Скруджа, несомненно, является звездой этого шоу.

Undoubtedly the team’s best wrestler, he hasn’t lost a bout yet.

Этот несомненно лучший борец команды пока что не проиграл ни одной схватки.

After several years of Republican government, the pendulum will undoubtedly swing back and voters will elect a Democrat.

После нескольких лет республиканского правления маятник, несомненно, качнётся в обратную сторону, и избиратели отдадут голос кандидату от демократов.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…intentionally bought clothes that were too big for her newborn but which undoubtedly would fit him in a few months…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

undoubted  — несомненный, бесспорный, безусловный

undoubtedly — перевод на русский


Jolene Parker undoubtedly worked for the same organization as Tom.

Джолин Паркер несомненно работала на ту же организацию, что и Том.

Oh that’s undoubtedly the ancient sewage system seeping into it.

Несомненно, все дело в ветхой системе канализации.

Undoubtedly, their next step will be to the black market.

Несомненно, их следующий шаг — черный рынок.

The Beast undoubtedly possesses charms that we lack.

Чудовище несомненно обладает очарованием, в котором мы испытываем недостаток.

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He will undoubtedly make this one more profitable too.

Он без сомнения сделал, еще одно предложение.

Now, you will undoubtedly have read that the Eucharistic Congress meets next week in Rome.

Итак, вы без сомнения читали, что Евхаристический Конгресс состоится на следующей неделе, в Риме.

Undoubtedly, they are mutates.

Без сомнения, они видоизменились.

This in itself is undoubtedly a great crime. But the prosecution is not calling the defendants to account for violating constitutional guaranties or withholding due process of law.

Уже само по себе это, без сомнения, величайшее преступление, но обвинение не требует у подсудимых ответа за нарушение ими конституционных свобод или же за отказ в судебном разбирательстве, положенном по закону.

Claim is undoubtedly an unfortunate word.

Востребовать, без сомнения, неудачное слово.

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Undoubtedly, sir, yes.

Безусловно, сэр, да.

Evil, but undoubtedly brilliant.

Каверзный, но безусловно превосходный.

I undoubtedly shall by the end of term.

до конца семестра, безусловно, истрачу.

Undoubtedly the cinema is the thing, no doubt about that, my friend!

Безусловно за синематографом, и не надо спорить, друг мой!

Well, undoubtedly, you have more questions.

Но, безусловно, у вас приготовлено много вопросов.

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A debauched corrupter of innocents, undoubtedly infected with some unmentionable disease, producer of debts and bastards galore.

безответственный, алкоголик, бабник. У него наверняка полно долгов и незаконнорожденных детей.

It’s undoubtedly him.

Это наверняка он.

My God… Hastings, this is undoubtedly work of Auguste Clouet.

О, мой дорогой Гастингс, это наверняка работы Огюста Клея.

— Mr. Odo. Anything he knows about the Founders and their planet was undoubtedly included in his report to Starfleet.

Все, что ему известно об Основателях и их пленете, наверняка содержалось в его отчетах Звездному Флоту.

But her captain is undoubtedly a cunning man, so we shall do the opposite and deploy southerly.

Но капитан противника, наверняка, хитрец. Поэтому мы сделаем всё наоборот. Будем ждать его с юга.

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Undoubtedly scientists are regarded by society as an elite and they think of themselves as one, which causes the fact that they want to be responsible.

Бесспорно, что ученые, уважаемые обществом и которые сами себя относят к элите, это говорит о том факте, что они тоже хотят быть ответственными.

You, Nikolai Nikolayevich, is, undoubtedly, a man of the future!

Вы, Николай Николаевич, бесспорно, человек будущего!



— oh, undoubtedly.

— о, бесспорно.

Oh, this is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places I’ve seen on Earth.

Бесспорно, это одно из самых красивых мест, которые я видел на Земле.

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No, I did not. But this is undoubtedly -— This town is a hotbed of gossip.

Вообще-то, лично не встречались, хотя, конечно, мы регулярно поддерживали связь.

I take into account his profession. — Undoubtedly.


Undoubtedly, the bankers will claim that issuing debt-free money will cause severe inflation or make other dire predictions, but remember, it is fractional reserve banking which is the real cause of over 90% of all inflation not whether debt-free U.S. Notes are used to pay for government deficits.

Ѕанкиры, конечно, скажут, что выпуск беззаймовых денег вызовет сильнейшую инфл€цию или другие непредсказуемые последстви€. Ќо помните, что именно частичное покрытие €вл€етс€ насто€щей причиной 90 процентов всей инфл€ции и не важно какие будут деньги.

Yes, undoubtedly, knowing my luck.

Да, конечно, можешь не сомневаться.

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Nevertheless, serious difficulties undoubtedly remain.

Вместе с тем в этом деле, несомненно, сохраняются значительные трудности.

65 years later European integration has undoubtedly moved on.

За 65 лет, прошедших с той поры, европейская интеграция, несомненно, продвинулась далеко вперед.

This undoubtedly influenced the industry here.

И это, безусловно, сказалось на положении дел в отрасли.

It sounds as if she undoubtedly influenced him.

Вообще говорят, будто бы он безусловно под ее влиянием.

Russia’s most immediate security threat is terrorism, and counterterrorism cooperation undoubtedly will continue.

Наиболее серьезная угроза безопасности России — терроризм, поэтому сотрудничество в области контртерроризма будет, без сомнения, продолжено.

SsangYong Kyron 22015 crossover 2015 is undoubtedly very productive.

SsangYong Kyron 22015 кроссовер 2015 года получился, без сомнения, очень продуктивным.

I think that some universities will undoubtedly disappear.

На мой взгляд, некоторые науки, несомненно, будут распространяться.

It is, undoubtedly, a cultural phenomenon.

Конечно, это в первую очередь культурный феномен, несомненно.

The cheapest way to travel is undoubtedly the train.

Сейчас самый удобный способ передвижения — это, несомненно, поезд.

This will undoubtedly hurt your reputation.

А это, несомненно, повлияет на вашу репутацию.

This support will undoubtedly continue in the future.

Такая поддержка, несомненно, будет продолжена и в дальнейшем.

Vaccination is undoubtedly a rescue and protection against dangerous infections.

Вакцинация, безусловно, — спасение и защита от опасных инфекций».

It undoubtedly threatens life more than any war or disaster.

Это, несомненно, угрожает больше жизни, чем любая война или катастрофа.

Tools can undoubtedly provide structure to our work.

Инструменты, несомненно, могут обеспечить структуру для нашей работы.

It will undoubtedly be two exciting races.

Без сомнения, это будут две очень полезных гонки.

The materials stored in your museum will undoubtedly gain historical significance over time .

Материалы, хранящиеся в вашем музее, несомненно, со временем приобретут историческое значение…».

While digital currencies are undoubtedly incredibly popular, they remain a mystery in many ways.

В то время как цифровые валюты, несомненно, невероятно популярны, они остаются загадкой во многих отношениях.

Many downloads will undoubtedly accompany quality games.

Многие загрузки, несомненно, будут сопровождать качественные игры.

Likhachev is undoubtedly right that only thoughtful reading can yield rich fruits.

Лихачев, несомненно, прав в том, что только вдумчивое чтение может принести богатые плоды.

Improving domestic funding for gender statistics is undoubtedly important.

Улучшение внутреннего финансирования мероприятий в области гендерной статистики, несомненно, имеет большое значение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат undoubtedly

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Asked by: Jodie Spinka

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Undoubtedly means certainly, definitely, or unquestionably. He is undoubtedly a very talented player.

Is there such a word as undoubtedly?

Undoubtedly means certainly, definitely, or unquestionably. He is undoubtedly a very talented player.

Which is correct undoubtably or undoubtedly?

Doubtless the spelling of “presumably” influences the misspelling “undoubtably.” The word is “undoubtedly.” When something is undoubtedly true, it is undoubted.

Is it undoubtedly or indubitably?

As adverbs the difference between undoubtedly and indubitably. is that undoubtedly is without doubt while indubitably is in a manner that leaves no possibility of doubt; undoubtedly.

Is undoubtedly is a noun?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishun‧doubt‧ed‧ly /ʌnˈdaʊtɪdli/ ●●○ adverb used for saying that something is definitely true That is undoubtedly true. [sentence adverb] Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined.

27 related questions found

What is the adverb of undoubtedly?

undoubtedly. / (ʌnˈdaʊtɪdlɪ) / adverb. certainly or definitely; unquestionablyhe is undoubtedly talented.

What is an example of undoubtedly?

He will undoubtedly be a great king. It undoubtedly helped that he had the time and money to carry out this work properly. The depressed economy has undoubtedly played a part in the recent rise in student numbers. … Some litigation undoubtedly helps the economy.

Is indubitably a formal word?

What Does Indubitably Mean? Indubitably means that something is impossible to doubt or unquestionable. … Basically, it’s a very formal way to say “no doubt.” This adverb comes from the Latin word dubitabilis, which means doubtful. Combined with the prefix -in, it means without a doubt.

What is the meaning of indubitably?

: too evident to be doubted : unquestionable.

How do I use the word indubitably?

Indubitably in a Sentence ?

  1. The young prodigy is indubitably talented, but he doesn’t have the stage presence to go with his talent.
  2. Chocolate is indubitably one of life’s greatest pleasures.
  3. Jessica was blissfully unaware that everyone knew that her so-called designer wardrobe was indubitably homemade.

What is the meaning of undoubtably?

: not open to doubt or challenge : not doubtable : unquestionable an undoubtable truth.

What is another word for unquestionably?

In this page you can discover 44 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unquestionably, like: without-a-doubt, unimpeachably, indefensibly, assuredly, positively, absolutely, gladly, certainly, indisputably, undeniably and beyond doubt.

How do you use undoubtedly in a sentence?

Undoubtedly sentence example

  1. This was an area where he undoubtedly knew best. …
  2. In 1577 Crichton was undoubtedly in Paris, but his career on the continent is difficult to follow. …
  3. The future would undoubtedly throw more obstacles in their path, but they would tackle them as a family now.

Can I start a sentence with undoubtedly?

Absolutely, you may.

Is it Supposably or supposedly?

Supposably means «as may be conceived or imagined» and is the adverb form of supposable, which means «capable of being supposed or conceived.» On the other hand, supposedly usually means «allegedly.» The words are often conflated when one usually intends to say «supposedly.»

What does doubtlessly mean?

adverb Also doubt·less·ly. without doubt; certainly; surely; unquestionably. … free from doubt or uncertainty; certain, sure.

What do you say when someone says indubitably?


  1. certainly.
  2. definitely.
  3. for sure.
  4. indeed.
  5. no question.
  6. of course.
  7. positively.
  8. surely.

What is meaning of unquestionable?

adjective. not open to question; beyond doubt or dispute; indisputable; undeniable; certain: an unquestionable fact. above criticism; unexceptionable: a man of unquestionable principles.

What is the opposite of indubitably?

Opposite of with absolute certainty or without doubt. doubtfully. dubiously. indefinite. questionably.

What are some fancy words?

  • chichi,
  • extravagant,
  • exuberant,
  • fancified,
  • flamboyant,
  • frilly,
  • gimmicked (up),
  • grandiose,

Is veritably a word?

Meaning of veritably in English. used to emphasize the great degree of something: The internet has veritably transformed the way we communicate, learn, and work.

What does interposed actually mean?

1a : to place in an intervening position. b : to put (oneself) between : intrude. 2 : to put forth by way of interference or intervention. 3 : to introduce or throw in between the parts of a conversation or argument. intransitive verb.

What is the sentence of for example?

1 Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations — for example, you don’t have your own garden. 2 You can use any two colors — for example, red and yellow. 3 There are 120 permutations of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: for example, 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 or 5, 1, 4, 2, 3.

How do you use the word decidedly in a sentence?

The intervention of the authorities gave union struggles a decidedly political flavour.

  1. The local provision of facilities is decidedly patchy.
  2. She had a decidedly down-at-heel appearance.
  3. She had a decidedly murky past.
  4. It all sounds decidedly risky to me.

How do you use unquestionably in a sentence?

1. He is unquestionably the best tennis player in England. 2. It was unquestionably a step in the right direction.

Undoubtably and undoubtedly are both well-formed words with clear, distinct meanings, yet the former is often used in place of the latter, giving rise to the mistaken belief that undoubtably is always wrong. It’s not. The distinction between them can be subtle; something that is undoubted is not doubted, while something that is undoubtable is not capable of being doubted. The two meanings often overlap, which is why mixing up the two words is often not a serious error, yet the difference is occasionally important. For example, one might claim that in his or her opinion the Beatles are undoubtably the most influential rock band in history, yet we probably couldn’t say they are undoubtedly so, because even one who believes the Beatles to be the most influential band must acknowledge that there are rock critics who doubt this.



[B]ut a double-bill featuring two of the biggest names in contemporary jazz is undoubtably a main event. [Los Angeles Times]

But another part of his reasoning is undoubtably a judgment about Obama. [Washington Post]

There will undoubtably be tougher controls on the oil industry: one revelation of the crisis has been how poorly it was regulated. [Telegraph]

Смотреть что такое «undoubtedly» в других словарях:

  • undoubtedly — index admittedly, fairly (clearly) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • undoubtedly — [adv] certainly assuredly, beyond question, beyond shadow of a doubt*, definitely, doubtless, easily, indeed, of course, really, surely, truly, undeniably, unmistakably, unquestionably, well, without doubt; concept 535 Ant. doubtfully, indefinite …   New thesaurus

  • undoubtedly — doubtless, no doubt, undoubtedly, doubtlessly 1. Fowler (1926) rightly noted that doubtless and no doubt, used adverbially, convey probability rather than certainty about what follows, so that They are doubtless [or no doubt] guilty and No doubt… …   Modern English usage

  • undoubtedly — adv. Undoubtedly is used with these adjectives: ↑correct, ↑impressive, ↑superior, ↑true, ↑useful Undoubtedly is used with these verbs: ↑benefit, ↑contribute, ↑enhance, ↑help, ↑influence, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • undoubtedly */*/ — UK [ʌnˈdaʊtɪdlɪ] / US [ʌnˈdaʊtədlɪ] adverb used for saying that something is certainly true or is accepted by everyone The next few days will undoubtedly prove crucial. I did the right thing, didn t I? Oh, undoubtedly …   English dictionary

  • undoubtedly — See undoubtedly, indubitably, doubtlessly …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • undoubtedly — un|doubt|ed|ly [ ʌn dautədli ] adverb * used for saying that something is certainly true or is accepted by everyone: The next few days will undoubtedly prove crucial …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • undoubtedly — adverb they are undoubtedly guilty Syn: doubtless, indubitably, doubtlessly, no doubt, without (a) doubt, unquestionably, without question, indisputably, undeniably, incontrovertibly, clearly, obviously, patently, certainly, definitely, surely,… …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • undoubtedly — undoubted ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not questioned or doubted by anyone. DERIVATIVES undoubtedly adverb …   English terms dictionary

  • undoubtedly — adverb without doubt; certainly (Freq. 9) it s undoubtedly very beautiful • Syn: ↑doubtless, ↑doubtlessly …   Useful english dictionary

  • undoubtedly, indubitably, doubtlessly — Each of these words means certainly, assuredly, beyond question. They stem from a Latin word meaning to waver and hence convey the idea of steadiness, of something not subject to question: She is undoubtedly (or indubitably or doubtlessly) the… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

What does undoubtedly mean in a sentence?

/ (ʌnˈdaʊtɪdlɪ) / adverb. certainly or definitely unquestionablyhe is undoubtedly talented. (sentence modifier) without doubt certainly or indisputablyundoubtedly there will be changes.

Undoubtedly means certainly definitely or unquestionably.

What does undoubtedly so mean?

Undoubtedly means certainly. If you are undoubtedly beautiful then everyone agrees you are attractive. No one could think otherwise. There are a lot of things in life that people doubt. However when you’re sure of something or feel strongly about it this is a handy word.

What does undoubtably mean?

: not open to doubt or challenge : not doubtable : unquestionable an undoubtable truth.

What is another word for unquestionably?

In this page you can discover 44 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for unquestionably like: unimpeachably without-a-doubt indefensibly assuredly positively absolutely gladly certainly indisputably undeniably and beyond doubt.

How do you use undoubtedly in a sentence?

Undoubtedly sentence example

  • This was an area where he undoubtedly knew best. …
  • In 1577 Crichton was undoubtedly in Paris but his career on the continent is difficult to follow. …
  • The future would undoubtedly throw more obstacles in their path but they would tackle them as a family now.

See also why are maar volcanoes so difficult to study?

Is Doubtedly a word?

“Doubtedly.” Dictionary Merriam-Webster

Is there a word undoubtedly?

Undoubtedly means certainly definitely or unquestionably. He is undoubtedly a very talented player.

What does patently mean in English?

DEFINITIONS1. in a way that is so obvious that no one could disagree. a patently unfair law. patently clear/false/obvious/wrong: It was patently obvious that she was lying.

Is indubitably a word?

Indubitably is an adverb that means “impossible to doubt.” You know what doubt means—it’s the feeling you get when you’re not certain about something or you’re not convinced about something. … Indubitably is an adverbial form of the adjective indubitable which carries the same meaning.

What’s a word for No Doubt?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for no-doubt like: certainly without-doubt doubtless undoubtedly crushingly to-be-sure weirdly and sickeningly.

How do you read Undoubtedly?

What do the word effortlessly means?

: showing or needing little or no effort She made an effortless catch. Other Words from effortless. effortlessly adverb danced effortlessly.

What unquestionably mean?

adverb. in a way that is beyond question or doubt certainly: Can you say that he is unquestionably guilty of this crime? in a way that is above criticism or without exception: As a wife and mother she is unquestionably devoted.

What is the difference between Undoubtedly and indubitably?

As adverbs the difference between undoubtedly and indubitably. is that undoubtedly is without doubt while indubitably is in a manner that leaves no possibility of doubt undoubtedly.

What is unquestionable loyalty?

: not questioning : not expressing or marked by doubt or hesitation unquestioning obedience unquestioning loyalty.

How do you use unquestionable in a sentence?

1 Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable. 2 The witness showed unquestionable proof. 3 The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable. 4 He is a person of unquestionable principles.

How do you use unquestionably in a sentence?

1. He is unquestionably the best tennis player in England. 2. It was unquestionably a step in the right direction.

How do you use for example in a sentence?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something that shows that something is true. Take for example the simple sentence: “The man climbed up the hill.”

How do you use truly in a sentence?

Truly sentence example

  1. She truly wanted to help him. …
  2. They seemed to truly care for each other. …
  3. I’ll truly miss you. …
  4. I truly felt I’d hear from Martha again. …
  5. His manners were truly regal. …
  6. Truly we are deep thinkers we are ambitious spirits! …
  7. She’d never been truly happy to talk to her.

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How do you use thorough in a sentence?

Thorough sentence example

  1. He also gained a thorough acquaintance with the French language. …
  2. I’m just trying to be thorough . …
  3. But the king’s French advisers were aware that Spain required a thorough financial and administrative reform. …
  4. There the education was more thorough and the discipline stricter than at Brienne.

What does Doubtingly mean?

A lack of conviction or certainty: doubtfulness dubiety dubiousness incertitude mistrust question skepticism suspicion uncertainty wonder. 2. … distrust leeriness mistrust suspicion.

How do you spell Doubtedly?

Doubtedly is not a word but undoubtedly IS a word! He went to the bar three hours ago so he is undoubtedly coming home drunk! Whenever you use doubt in a word just remember the silent “b”! [Tweet “Whenever you use “doubt” in a word just remember the silent “b”!”]

What is the antonym of Doubtedly?

Near Antonyms for doubted. banked (on or upon) counted (on or upon) depended (on or upon) relied (on or upon)

What is a better word for Which?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for which like: that and which and-that what whichever who whatever thus for-which therefore and so-that. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

Is Savvy a real word?

You may be familiar with the noun savvy meaning “practical know-how” (as in “he has political savvy”) and the adjective use (as in “a savvy investor”). … Both the noun and the verb came into use around 1785.

How do you use in fact in a sentence?

Use “in fact” in a sentence | “in fact” sentence examples

  1. Some people are intimidated by his size but in fact he’s a gentle giant.
  2. Using binary notation is in fact just manipulating ones and noughts.
  3. The rumour is without foundation in fact.
  4. Any sudden inspiration in fact can not replace the long-term Kung fu.

See also how to find north at night

What does it mean enacted?

transitive verb. 1 : to establish by legal and authoritative act specifically : to make into law enact a bill. 2 : act out enact a role. Other Words from enact Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About enact.

What does it mean to be enjoined from?

transitive verb. 1 : to direct or impose by authoritative order or with urgent admonition enjoined us to be careful. 2a : forbid prohibit was enjoined by conscience from telling a lie.

What is the meaning of fatuity?

1a : something foolish or stupid. b : stupidity foolishness. 2 archaic : the condition of being affected with intellectual disability or dementia. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About fatuity.

What is the longest word in the world?

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles specifically from a volcano medically it is the same as silicosis.

What is the opposite word of indubitably?

What is the opposite of indubitably?

answerably arguably
controvertibly debatably
disputably doubtfully
negotiably problematically
questionably refutably

What are some fancy words?

  • chichi
  • extravagant
  • exuberant
  • fancified
  • flamboyant
  • frilly
  • gimmicked (up)
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What does beyond a shadow of doubt mean?

used for saying that you are completely certain of something. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that something bad had happened. Synonyms and related words. Ways of saying you are sure.

What does Undoubtedly mean?

UNDOUBTEDLY – Meaning and Pronunciation

How to Pronounce Undoubtedly

UNDOUBTEDLY meaning definition & pronunciation | What is UNDOUBTEDLY? | How to say UNDOUBTEDLY

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Brock Schroeder

Score: 4.2/5
(28 votes)

Examples of ‘undoubtedly’ in a sentence undoubtedly

  • There is undoubtedly a great deal of corruption in football. …
  • Looking at her today, this is undoubtedly true. …
  • While this work undoubtedly helps the animals suffering from these pathogens, it could also have benefits for humans.

How do you use undoubtedly in a simple sentence?

Examples of ‘undoubtedly’ in a sentence undoubtedly

  1. There is undoubtedly a great deal of corruption in football. …
  2. Looking at her today, this is undoubtedly true. …
  3. While this work undoubtedly helps the animals suffering from these pathogens, it could also have benefits for humans.

Where does the word undoubtedly go in a sentence?

1. There is undoubtedly a groundswell of support for the idea of a strong central authority. 2. The most testing time is undoubtedly in the early months of your return to work.

Do we use comma after Undoubtedly?

When I use it as such, a comma should come after it, isn’t it? Undoubtedly/definitely/certainly/absolutely, malnutrition is a worldwide problem that needs to be addressed. There is nothing wrong with the grammar, but not all the words you offer are the best possible.

Is undoubtedly Or undoubtedly is?

British Dictionary definitions for undoubtedly

undoubtedly. / (ʌnˈdaʊtɪdlɪ) / adverb. certainly or definitely; unquestionablyhe is undoubtedly talented. (sentence modifier) without doubt; certainly or indisputablyundoubtedly there will be changes.

19 related questions found

What kind of word is undoubtedly?

In a confident manner; showing little doubt. Without doubt.

What’s the difference between Undoubtedly and undoubtably?

Doubtless the spelling of “presumably” influences the misspelling “undoubtably.” The word is “undoubtedly.” When something is undoubtedly true, it is undoubted.

How do you use for example in a sentence?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something that shows that something is true. Take, for example, the simple sentence: «The man climbed up the hill.»

What does undoubtedly so mean?

Undoubtedly means certainly. If you are undoubtedly beautiful, then everyone agrees you are attractive. No one could think otherwise. There are a lot of things in life that people doubt. However, when you’re sure of something or feel strongly about it, this is a handy word.

What do the word assuredly mean?

1 : without a doubt : certainly. 2 : in an assured manner : confidently.

What does doubt mean in text?

Full Definition of doubt

1 : to call into question the truth of : to be uncertain or in doubt about He doubts everyone’s word. 2a : to lack confidence in : distrust … find myself doubting him even when I know that he is honest …— H. L. Mencken. b : to consider unlikely I doubt if I can go.

What does mean undeniably?

: clearly true : impossible to deny an undeniable fact. Other Words from undeniable. undeniably -​blē adverb He was undeniably right.

What is a sentence for seeps?

Seep sentence example. The tears continued to seep down Julie’s cheeks but she didn’t sob. Slowly the facts were beginning to seep through the layer of shock. When I looked over at my wife I could see a tear seep down her cheek.

Will entail in a sentence?

It will entail driving a long distance every day. 7. The enterprise will entail enormous expense and labour on us.

What are grammatical signals?

Grammatical signals are writing devices that serve to maintain text coherence. They signal. relationship between sentence by means of back reference through the using of pronominal. forms, determiners, repetition of key words, ellipsis, parallelism, synonyms and. superordination (Saraka, 1988:111).

How do you write for example?

The abbreviation “e.g.” stands for the Latin exempli gratia, which means “for example” or “for the sake of example.” The abbreviation “i.e.” stands for the Latin phrase id est, which means “that is to say” or “in other words.” When writing, we often use these terms like examples (e.g.) to emphasize a point or use (i.e. …

Where do you put for example?

A comma or a semicolon is placed before for example. A comma is placed after it. The example phrase is placed directly after the word it modifies.

What can I use instead of for example?

  • «For instance …» «For example» and «for instance» can be used interchangeably. …
  • «To give you an idea …» Use this phrase to introduce a use case or example. …
  • «As proof …» …
  • «Suppose that …» …
  • «To illustrate …» …
  • «Imagine …» …
  • «Pretend that …» …
  • «To show you what I mean …»

What does undoubtably mean?

: not open to doubt or challenge : not doubtable : unquestionable an undoubtable truth.

Is Doubtable a word?

(uncommon) Capable of being doubted; doubtful; dubious; dubitable. .

Is it Supposably or supposedly?

Supposably means «as may be conceived or imagined» and is the adverb form of supposable, which means «capable of being supposed or conceived.» On the other hand, supposedly usually means «allegedly.» The words are often conflated when one usually intends to say «supposedly.» … The two words have distinct meanings.

What is a correct pronunciation?

Pronunciation is the way in which a word or a language is spoken. This may refer to generally agreed-upon sequences of sounds used in speaking a given word or language in a specific dialect («correct pronunciation») or simply the way a particular individual speaks a word or language.

How do you say the word thorough?

THOROUGH is pronounced: ther-o.

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It is undoubtedly the country with most leisure developments in the world today.

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Без сомнений, это страна с наибольшими темпами развития досуговой отрасли в настоящий момент в мире.

Undoubtedly, but who looks after your family, hmm, your friends, Camille, for instance?

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Без сомнений, но кто позаботится о твоей семье, хм, твоих друзьях, Камилл, например?

Undoubtedly a very good property for the lovers of the calmness and sea views.


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Без сомнений отличная собственность для любителей спокойствия и моря.


There was a struggle with a knife, undoubtedly at the top of the building.

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Знаки борьбы, кто-то напал на него с ножом, Без сомнений, на верхушке здания.

It is undoubtedly a major obstacle to getting the CD back to work.


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И это, бесспорно, крупная препона к тому, чтобы вернуть КР к работе.


This, undoubtedly, is expensive clothing, which determines the style and condition of its owner.


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Это, бесспорно, дорогая одежда, которая определяет стиль и статус своего владельца.


This is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful beaches on the coast.


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Это бесспорно один из самых великолепных пляжей на побережье.


The court ruling is undoubtedly a victory for transparency.


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Это судебное решение является несомненной победой в борьбе за прозрачность.


Yes, all this is undoubtedly evil but God can do nothing here.

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Да, все это бесспорно— зло, но Бог тут ничего поделать не может.

Their support for our efforts will undoubtedly guarantee our ultimate success.


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Их поддержка предпринимаемых нами усилий является несомненной гарантией того, что в конечном счете мы добьемся успеха.


This undoubtedly creates some uncertainty regarding the possible subjective jurisdiction of such court.


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Это, бесспорно, создает некоторую неопределенность с возможным субъектным составом такого суда.


Undoubtedly, this is a situation that also exists in other countries.


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Не подлежит сомнению, что подобное имеет место и в других странах.


Our priority at the Conference undoubtedly remains the prevention of the deployment of weapons in space.


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Нашим безусловным приоритетом на Конференции остается тематика предотвращения размещения оружия в космосе.


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Такая приверженность является гарантией успеха.


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Undoubtedly, the answer to your question lies in that remarkable work.

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Нет сомнений, что ответ на интересующий вас вопрос находится в этом замечательном труде.

The bed is undoubtedly one of the most heavily used pieces of furniture.


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Постель заслуженно считается наиболее нагруженной частью мебели.


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But the notebook would undoubtedly be encoded, so how then to break the code?

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Однако ваш блокнот наверняка был закодирован, как же взломать код?

That was undoubtedly the proper way to address issues relating to environmental law.


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Нет сомнения, что это надлежащий путь к решению вопросов, касающихся экологического права.


According to the percentages, you undoubtedly have an ace.

Undoubtedly, it is one of the most favorite tourist destinations in Dubai.


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Нет сомнений, что это одно из самых излюбленных туристических мест в Дубае.


Undoubtedly, we should abide by these priorities, which still remain valid today.


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Мы, вне сомнений, должны придерживаться этих приоритетов, которые сохраняют действенность и сегодня.


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Это катастрофа!

There was undoubtedly a relationship between socio-economic factors and mental health problems affecting Maori.


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Существует несомненная связь между социально-экономическими факторами и проблемами психического здоровья маори.


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It undoubtedly provides an incentive to improve the legislation in this field.


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Она является безусловным стимулом в деле совершенствования законодательства в данной области отношений.


The work of a librarian is undoubtedly facilitated by the use of a cart with a movable floor.

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Несомненным облегчением работы библиотекаря является библиотечная тележка с подвижным дном.

The captain undoubtedly thought he had already been sufficiently scourged,

even before his condemnation.

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Центурион явно полагал, что он был достаточно наказан еще до вынесения приговора.

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Time: 0.0619





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