Is there a word sweated

потогонный, пропотевший, применяющий потогонную систему


- покрытый потом, испариной; пропотевший, пропитанный потом
- запотевший
- потогонный; применяющий потогонную систему; связанный с потогонной системой

sweated goods — товары, производимые на предприятиях с потогонной системой

- подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

sweated labour — рабочие, получающие нищенскую зарплату за каторжный труд

Мои примеры


sweated / sweatshop labour — тяжёлая работа  
sweated trades — отрасли потогонного труда  
sweated industry — отрасль промышленности, применяющая потогонную систему  
sweated labor — крайне низко оплачиваемая рабочая сила  
paraffin sweated wax — сырой парафин  
sweated sheepskin — припаренная овчина  
sweated joint — запаянное соединение  
sweated wax — неочищенный отпотевший парафин; отпотевший парафин  
sweated wool — заводская шерсть; подпар  
sweated coffee — искусственно глазированные зерна кофе  

Примеры с переводом

Beth sweated blood over that article.

Бет до седьмого пота трудилась над этой статьей.

I sweated blood to get that report finished.

Я из кожи вон лез, чтобы закончить доклад.

They sweated and saved for ten years to buy a house.

Они десять лет всячески экономили, чтобы скопить себе на покупку дома.

In the sweating-room, he sweated off two pounds in an hour.

Он потерял два фунта всего за час пребывания в парилке.

They sweated and saved so their children could go to college.

Они тяжело работали и откладывали деньги, чтобы их дети могли пойти в колледж.

He sweated plentifully during the night, and the fever left him.

Ночью он сильно пропотел, и температура спала.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He’d sweated over the plans for six months.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sweat  — пот, тяжелый труд, потение, испарина, потеть, вспотеть, запотевать, волноваться
sweater  — свитер, эксплуататор
sweaty  — потный, потливый, запотевший, потогонный, запотелый, вызывающий пот
sweating  — потение, потеющий

  • 1

    sweated [ˊswetɪd]

    1) потого́нный или применя́ющий потого́нную систе́му;

    sweated industry о́трасль промы́шленности, в кото́рой применя́ется потого́нная систе́ма

    2) подверга́ющийся жесто́кой эксплуата́ции, явля́ющийся же́ртвой потого́нной систе́мы

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > sweated

  • 2


    sweated past & p. p. от sweat sweated подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы sweated потогонный или применяющий потогонную систему; sweated industry отрасль промышленности, в которой применяется потогонная система sweated потогонный или применяющий потогонную систему; sweated industry отрасль промышленности, в которой применяется потогонная система

    English-Russian short dictionary > sweated

  • 3

    ˈswetɪd прил.
    1) потогонный или применяющий потогонную систему sweated industry ≈ отрасль промышленности, в которой применяется потогонная система
    2) подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы
    покрытый потом, испариной;
    пропотевший, пропитанный потом запотевший потогонный;
    применяющий потогонную систему;
    связанный с потогонной системой — * goods товары, производимые на предприятиях с потогонной системой подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жервой потогонной системы — * labour рабочие, получающие нищенскую зарплату за каторжный труд
    sweated past & p. p. от sweat ~ подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы ~ потогонный или применяющий потогонную систему;
    sweated industry отрасль промышленности, в которой применяется потогонная система
    ~ потогонный или применяющий потогонную систему;
    sweated industry отрасль промышленности, в которой применяется потогонная система

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sweated

  • 4

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > sweated

  • 5

    1. a покрытый потом, испариной; пропотевший, пропитанный потом

    2. a запотевший

    3. a потогонный; применяющий потогонную систему; связанный с потогонной системой

    sweated goods — товары, производимые на предприятиях с потогонной системой

    4. a подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

    sweated labour — рабочие, получающие нищенскую зарплату за каторжный труд

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. exuded (verb) exuded; oozed; percolated; seeped; strained; wept

    2. fleeced (verb) bled; fleeced; milked; mulcted; rooked; stuck

    4. worked (verb) drove; fagged; laboured; moiled; strove; toiled; travailed; tugged; worked

    English-Russian base dictionary > sweated

  • 6


    1. 1) покрытый потом, испариной; пропотевший, пропитанный потом

    2) запотевший

    2. 1) потогонный; применяющий потогонную систему; связанный с потогонной системой

    sweated goods — товары, производимые на предприятиях с потогонной системой

    2) подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

    sweated labour — рабочие, получающие нищенскую зарплату за каторжный труд

    НБАРС > sweated

  • 7




    past participle

    of sweat 2.

    1) потогонный или применяющий потогонную систему; sweated industry отрасль промышленности, в которой применяется потогонная система

    2) подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

    * * *

    1 (a) потогонный; применяющий потогонную систему; связанный с потогонной системой; являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

    2 (n) запотевший; подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации; покрытый потом; пропитанный потом; пропотевший

    * * *

    * * *

    [sweat·ed || ‘swetɪd]

    * * *

    * * *

    1) потогонный или применяющий потогонную систему
    2) подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

    Новый англо-русский словарь > sweated

  • 8



    sweated industry — отрасль промышленности, в которой применяется потогонная система

    2) подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

    Англо-русский современный словарь > sweated

  • 9


    потогонный; связанный с потогонной системой; подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > sweated

  • 10

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > sweated

  • 11

    1) выпрелый

    2) неочищенный
    3) вспотевший

    Англо-русский технический словарь > sweated

  • 12

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sweated

  • 13


    потогонный применяющий потогонную систему

    подвергающийся жестокой эксплуатации, являющийся жертвой потогонной системы

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > sweated

  • 14

    English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > sweated

  • 15

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > sweated

  • 16

    English-Russian smart dictionary > sweated

  • 17

    Англо-русский словарь по рекламе > sweated

  • 18

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > sweated

  • 19

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > sweated

  • 20
    sweated wax

    1. неочищенный отпотевший парафин

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > sweated wax


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • sweated — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of goods or workers) produced by or subjected to long hours under poor conditions …   English terms dictionary

  • sweated — adjective Date: 1882 of, subjected to, or produced under sweatshop conditions < sweated labor > < sweated goods > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sweated — adjective : of, subjected to, or produced under a sweating system sweated labor sweated goods …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sweated — Sweat Sweat, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Sweat} or {Sweated} (Obs. {Swat}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Sweating}.] [OE. sweten, AS. sw[ae]tan, fr. sw[=a]t, n., sweat; akin to OFries. & OS. sw[=e]t, D. zweet, OHG. sweiz, G. schweiss, Icel. sviti, sveiti, Sw. svett …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • sweated — adjective of or denoting manual workers employed for long hours and under poor conditions: sweated labour …   English new terms dictionary

  • sweated — /ˈswɛtəd / (say swetuhd) adjective 1. made by underpaid workers. 2. underpaid and overworked: *The pay was a halfpenny a card, but it was not such sweated labour as it sounds. –criena rohan, 1963. 3. having poor working conditions …  

  • sweated labour — noun Hard work obtained by exploitation • • • Main Entry: ↑sweat * * * sweated labour UK [ˌswetɪd ˈleɪbə(r)] US [ˌswetəd ˈleɪbər] noun [uncountable] hard work that people are paid very little for, or the people who do this type of work Thesaurus …   Useful english dictionary

  • sweated labour — ➔ labour * * * sweated labour UK US noun [U] UK DISAPPROVING (US sweat labor) WORKPLACE, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ► people who work for long hours and very low pay in an unhealthy situation: »An increasing number of consumers today want to know that …   Financial and business terms

  • sweated labour — BrE sweated labor AmE n [U] 1.) hard work done for very low wages, especially in a factory 2.) the people who do this work …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • sweated labour — BrE sweated labor AmE noun (U) 1 hard work done for very low wages, especially in a factory 2 the people who do this work …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • sweated — /swet id/, adj. 1. made by underpaid workers. 2. underpaid and overworked. 3. having poor working conditions. [1645 55 for earlier sense saturated with sweat ; 1880 85 for def. 2; SWEAT + ED2] * * * …   Universalium

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Kris Harris

Score: 4.3/5
(41 votes)

1 : to emit or seem to emit from pores : exude. 2 : to manipulate or produce by hard work or drudgery. 3 : to get rid of or lose (weight) by or as if by sweating or being sweated.

Is there such a word as sweated?

To sweat means to perspire; to exude moisture through the pores of the skin, typically in profuse quantities as a reaction to heat, physical exertion, fever, or fear. … In modern English, the most common way to use ‘sweat’ in the past tense is ‘sweated,’ but ‘sweat’ is also considered correct.

What does sweated out mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to work one’s way painfully through or to. 2 : to endure or wait through the course of. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About sweat out.

Is sweated a work?

Informal To work long and hard: sweated over his term paper.

What does the term sweated Labour mean?

British. : people who work hard and in poor conditions for low pay goods made cheaply by sweated labour also : the type of work done by such people.

28 related questions found

What is the reason of sweating?

Also called perspiration, sweating is the release of a salt-based fluid from your sweat glands. Changes in your body temperature, the outside temperature, or your emotional state can cause sweating. The most common areas of sweating on the body include: armpits.

Is sweating good when you have Covid?

According to a recent study, exercising at least 5 days per week reduced the risk of getting an upper respiratory infection by nearly 50% compared with being sedentary. This exercise regimen also made symptoms less severe depending on one’s physical fitness level. Even sweating is good for immune health.

Can you sweat a virus out?

Usually, a virus ends up infiltrating all different kinds of cells, which means it’s difficult for a virus to totally escape your system without medication and lots of «work» from your body, she says. «It is unlikely that you can get rid of a virus completely by raising your body temperature and sweating,» she says.

How do you use sweat in a sentence?

Sweat sentence example

  1. Sweat and tears ran down her face. …
  2. The four of us were put to shame in jeans and sweat shirts. …
  3. He smelled of sweat and blood. …
  4. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead and she mopped it away with her forearm. …
  5. His body was on fire again, and sweat trickled down his face.

Is more funner a word?

Funner and funnest have seen usage as real words for over a century, but neither are formally entered in the dictionary (yet). … Some folk find it fun to use the word fun as an adjective.

What is a simile for sweat?

1. Sweating like a porous pitcher. —Maurice Hewlett. 2. Sweating like a pitcher with ice-water in it.

What is it called when you are cold but sweating?

The medical term for cold sweats is diaphoresis .

What type of word is perspiration?

a salty, watery fluid secreted by the sweat glands of the skin, especially when very warm as a result of strenuous exertion; sweat. the act or process of perspiring.

Does sweating detox your body?

Therefore, sweat is not made up of toxins from your body, and the belief that sweat can cleanse the body is a myth. “You cannot sweat toxins out of the body,” Dr. Smith says. “Toxins such as mercury, alcohol and most drugs are eliminated by your liver, intestines or kidneys.”

Is it good to go in the sauna when sick?

Some reputed benefits have not been examined, but there is evidence that saunas may speed recovery from colds and reduce their occurrence. Some researchers suspect sauna heat reduces symptoms because it improves drainage, while others speculate that the high temperatures help weaken cold and flu viruses.

Is it good to sweat?

Sweating is a natural function of your body when you exercise or have a fever. Although we associate sweat with temperature control, sweat also has numerous other benefits such as helping clear your body of heavy metals, PCBs and BPAs.

Is sweating good for skin?

Sweat literally leaves your skin glistening, but more importantly, exercise gets blood circulating throughout the body, which gives your skin a healthy glow from the inside out. Proper blood flow allows oxygen and nutrients to circulate and nourish skin cells.

Can Covid be transmitted through saliva?

Overall, the findings suggest that the mouth plays a greater role in COVID-19 infection and transmission than previously thought. The researchers suggest that virus-laden saliva, when swallowed or inhaled, may spread virus into the throat, lungs, or digestive system.

When should I be worried about excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating paired with chest pain sometimes indicates a serious heart condition, so «it’s important to always to seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing chest pain,» Garshick said.

How much sweating is normal?

Sweating is a normal, essential bodily function. Its main purpose is to cool your body off when it’s in danger of overheating. But like nearly every other bodily function, it’s possible to sweat too much.

Can excessive sweating be a symptom of heart problems?

Sweating more than usual — especially if you aren’t exercising or being active — could be an early warning sign of heart problems. Pumping blood through clogged arteries takes more effort from your heart, so your body sweats more to try to keep your body temperature down during the extra exertion.

Why do we say sweat like a pig?

But if pigs can’t sweat, why do we have the expression “sweat like a pig?” The term is actually derived from the iron smelting process in which hot iron poured on sand cools and solidifies with the pieces resembling a sow and piglets. Hence «pig iron».

What is a Diaphoretic patient?

Diaphoresis is the medical term used to describe excessive, abnormal sweating in relation to your environment and activity level. It tends to affect your entire body rather than a part of your body. This condition is also sometimes called secondary hyperhidrosis.

Asked by: Kris Harris

Score: 4.3/5
(41 votes)

1 : to emit or seem to emit from pores : exude. 2 : to manipulate or produce by hard work or drudgery. 3 : to get rid of or lose (weight) by or as if by sweating or being sweated.

Is there such a word as sweated?

To sweat means to perspire; to exude moisture through the pores of the skin, typically in profuse quantities as a reaction to heat, physical exertion, fever, or fear. … In modern English, the most common way to use ‘sweat’ in the past tense is ‘sweated,’ but ‘sweat’ is also considered correct.

What does sweated out mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to work one’s way painfully through or to. 2 : to endure or wait through the course of. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About sweat out.

Is sweated a work?

Informal To work long and hard: sweated over his term paper.

What does the term sweated Labour mean?

British. : people who work hard and in poor conditions for low pay goods made cheaply by sweated labour also : the type of work done by such people.

28 related questions found

What is the reason of sweating?

Also called perspiration, sweating is the release of a salt-based fluid from your sweat glands. Changes in your body temperature, the outside temperature, or your emotional state can cause sweating. The most common areas of sweating on the body include: armpits.

Is sweating good when you have Covid?

According to a recent study, exercising at least 5 days per week reduced the risk of getting an upper respiratory infection by nearly 50% compared with being sedentary. This exercise regimen also made symptoms less severe depending on one’s physical fitness level. Even sweating is good for immune health.

Can you sweat a virus out?

Usually, a virus ends up infiltrating all different kinds of cells, which means it’s difficult for a virus to totally escape your system without medication and lots of «work» from your body, she says. «It is unlikely that you can get rid of a virus completely by raising your body temperature and sweating,» she says.

How do you use sweat in a sentence?

Sweat sentence example

  1. Sweat and tears ran down her face. …
  2. The four of us were put to shame in jeans and sweat shirts. …
  3. He smelled of sweat and blood. …
  4. A cold sweat broke out on her forehead and she mopped it away with her forearm. …
  5. His body was on fire again, and sweat trickled down his face.

Is more funner a word?

Funner and funnest have seen usage as real words for over a century, but neither are formally entered in the dictionary (yet). … Some folk find it fun to use the word fun as an adjective.

What is a simile for sweat?

1. Sweating like a porous pitcher. —Maurice Hewlett. 2. Sweating like a pitcher with ice-water in it.

What is it called when you are cold but sweating?

The medical term for cold sweats is diaphoresis .

What type of word is perspiration?

a salty, watery fluid secreted by the sweat glands of the skin, especially when very warm as a result of strenuous exertion; sweat. the act or process of perspiring.

Does sweating detox your body?

Therefore, sweat is not made up of toxins from your body, and the belief that sweat can cleanse the body is a myth. “You cannot sweat toxins out of the body,” Dr. Smith says. “Toxins such as mercury, alcohol and most drugs are eliminated by your liver, intestines or kidneys.”

Is it good to go in the sauna when sick?

Some reputed benefits have not been examined, but there is evidence that saunas may speed recovery from colds and reduce their occurrence. Some researchers suspect sauna heat reduces symptoms because it improves drainage, while others speculate that the high temperatures help weaken cold and flu viruses.

Is it good to sweat?

Sweating is a natural function of your body when you exercise or have a fever. Although we associate sweat with temperature control, sweat also has numerous other benefits such as helping clear your body of heavy metals, PCBs and BPAs.

Is sweating good for skin?

Sweat literally leaves your skin glistening, but more importantly, exercise gets blood circulating throughout the body, which gives your skin a healthy glow from the inside out. Proper blood flow allows oxygen and nutrients to circulate and nourish skin cells.

Can Covid be transmitted through saliva?

Overall, the findings suggest that the mouth plays a greater role in COVID-19 infection and transmission than previously thought. The researchers suggest that virus-laden saliva, when swallowed or inhaled, may spread virus into the throat, lungs, or digestive system.

When should I be worried about excessive sweating?

Excessive sweating paired with chest pain sometimes indicates a serious heart condition, so «it’s important to always to seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing chest pain,» Garshick said.

How much sweating is normal?

Sweating is a normal, essential bodily function. Its main purpose is to cool your body off when it’s in danger of overheating. But like nearly every other bodily function, it’s possible to sweat too much.

Can excessive sweating be a symptom of heart problems?

Sweating more than usual — especially if you aren’t exercising or being active — could be an early warning sign of heart problems. Pumping blood through clogged arteries takes more effort from your heart, so your body sweats more to try to keep your body temperature down during the extra exertion.

Why do we say sweat like a pig?

But if pigs can’t sweat, why do we have the expression “sweat like a pig?” The term is actually derived from the iron smelting process in which hot iron poured on sand cools and solidifies with the pieces resembling a sow and piglets. Hence «pig iron».

What is a Diaphoretic patient?

Diaphoresis is the medical term used to describe excessive, abnormal sweating in relation to your environment and activity level. It tends to affect your entire body rather than a part of your body. This condition is also sometimes called secondary hyperhidrosis.

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Значение слова sweated в словаре английский языка

Определение потогонного словаря производится эксплуатируемым трудом. Другое определение потливости вынуждено работать в плохих условиях для низкой заработной платы.

The definition of sweated in the dictionary is made by exploited labour. Other definition of sweated is forced to work in poor conditions for low pay.

Нажмите, чтобы посмотреть исходное определение слова «sweated» в словаре английский языка.

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Синонимы и антонимы слова sweated в словаре английский языка


Указанные слова имеют то же или сходное значение, что у слова «sweated», и относятся к той же грамматической категории.

Перевод слова «sweated» на 25 языков

online translator


Посмотрите перевод слова sweated на 25 языков с помощью нашего многоязыкового переводчика c английский языка.

Переводы слова sweated с английский языка на другие языки, представленные в этом разделе, были выполнены с помощью автоматического перевода, в котором главным элементом перевода является слово «sweated» на английский языке.

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Переводчик с английский языка на хинди язык

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Переводчик с английский языка на арабский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на русский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на португальский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на бенгальский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на французский язык


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Переводчик с английский языка на малайский язык


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Тенденции использования слова sweated




Слово используется регулярно

На показанной выше карте показана частотность использования термина «sweated» в разных странах.

Тенденции основных поисковых запросов и примеры использования слова sweated

Список основных поисковых запросов, которые пользователи ввели для доступа к нашему онлайн-словарю английский языка и наиболее часто используемые выражения со словом «sweated».


На графике показано годовое изменение частотности использования слова «sweated» за последние 500 лет. Формирование графика основано на анализе того, насколько часто термин «sweated» появляется в оцифрованных печатных источниках на английский языке, начиная с 1500 года до настоящего времени.

Примеры использования в литературе на английский языке, цитаты и новости о слове sweated


Известные цитаты и высказывания со словом sweated.

This is so dumb — once time I spray-tanned before a race, and I didn’t shower, and I sweated the whole thing off on my car. It was so bad, I told a fan I would never do it again.

My goal? To test out every diet and exercise regimen on planet earth and figure out which work best. I sweated, I cooked, I learned to pole dance. In the end, I lost weight, lowered my cholesterol and doubled my energy level. I feel better than I ever have.

I remember times when I was at shows and the person onstage locked eyes with me. And in that moment, everything was right with the world. I think that’s part of my job, to create these thousands of moments every night. And for the rest of their life, they can say, ‘You guys looked at me,’ or ‘You sweated on me,’ or ‘I got your gum.’


Поиск случаев использования слова sweated в следующих библиографических источниках. Книги, относящиеся к слову sweated, и краткие выдержки из этих книг для получения представления о контексте использования этого слова в литературе на английский языке.


Sweated Work, Weak Bodies: Anti-Sweatshop Campaigns and …

Although reformers agreed that these unsafe workplaces must be abolished, their reasons have seldom been fully examined.Sweated Work, Weak Bodies is the first book on the origins of sweatshops, exploring how they came to represent the …


A Fair Day’s Wage for a Fair Day’s Work?: Sweated Labour and …

Adopting a broad national and long-run approach, this book examines the issue of sweated labour and the legal control of low pay in Britain between 1840 and 1930.

Ms Sheila Blackburn, 2013


Sweated Industry and the Minimum Wage

The book has no illustrations or index. It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher’s website (


The Rise and Fall of Art Needlework: Its Socio-economic and …

Sweated Labour and the Need for Radical Change The putting out system
originated with cottage industry, whereby a merchant or his agent would take
materials to a household to be made up and collected within an allotted time,
quotas and …


Garner’s Modern American Usage

But in quasi-figurative phrases <we really sweated over that one!> <they sweated
it out>, the past forms are sweated—e.g.: • “The Dudley team had played four
games to make it to the championship game against the Franklin under-12 team,


Handbook of the «Daily News» Sweated Industries Exhibition …

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923.

London (England) Sweated Industries’ Ex, 2011


Child Labor: A World History Companion

Sweated Labor children may be found who appear not to go to school and who
earn a living at casual jobs, such as street trading, begging, stealing, or
prostitution. It is generally assumed that these children are orphans or that they
have been …

Sandy Hobbs, Jim McKechnie, Michael Lavalette, 1999


Sweated Industries: Being a Handbook of the «Daily News» …

This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923.


American Exceptionalism, American Anxiety: Wages, …

15 Mayhew, Kingsley, and other British commentators, along with such American
ones as Philadelphia’s Mathew Carey, identified Gresham’s law processes as an
integral characteristic of the sweated industries. Slopbranch competition …

Jonathan A. Glickstein, 2002


Ruhlman’s Twenty: 20 Techniques, 200 Recipes, A Cook’s Manifesto

Ifyou want to taste the difference, simmer some raw onion in a small amount
ofwater for ten minutes, and do the same with some onion that has been sweated
first. The water with the sweated onions will be distinctly sweeter. Sometimes you


Здесь показано, как национальная и международная пресса использует термин sweated в контексте приведенных ниже новостных статей.

View from the East Stand: We sweated, the team didn’t

Who all went and sweated everything they had for this game? Anyone meet any of the traveling Timbers fans? Feel like this is Barrios’ breakout game? Let me … «Big D Soccer, Июл 15»

Lwandamina admits Zambia sweated for win over Namibia

Acting Chipolopolo coach George “Chicken” Lwandamina has admitted that Zambia laboured to eliminate the Brave Warriors of Namibia from the 2016 CHAN … «Lusaka Times, Июл 15»

Britain, France, Spain sweat through heat wave

Joggers wheezed, electric wires warped, and Britain sweated through its hottest July day on record as a wide swath of Western Europe sweltered in a heat wave … «, Июл 15»

Perry refuses to ‘take the bait’ on Trump’s sweat slap

TRUMP: They sweated like dogs. They didn’t know the room was too big because they didn’t have anybody there. How are they going to beat ISIS? I don’t think … «Fox News, Июн 15»

Why Nhleko sweated buckets over his Nkandla report

Why Nhleko sweated buckets over his Nkandla report. 05 Jun 2015 00:00 Phillip de Wet. It’s a mystery why Police Minister Nathi Nhleko would invite close … «Mail & Guardian Online, Июн 15»

Ford sweated details to improve launches

DETROIT — When Ford Motor Co. began building the aluminum-bodied version of its top-selling and most profitable vehicle last year, it was critically important to … «Automotive News, Май 15»

Record photographer Gordon Jack 1968-2015: Tenacious and …

Gordon, Jacko, the Jackal, was the man reporters wanted at their back, the photo-grapher who sweated blood for the shot no one else got. Record journalist … «Scottish Daily Record, Апр 15»

Rutgers wrestler Ken Theobold sweated out NCAA Championships …

NEW BRUNSWICK – Before his Immigration and Workplace Policy course started last Wednesday, Ken Theobold approached his professor to explain any … «Asbury Park Press, Мар 15»

‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ Actor Sweated Out Patriots’ Super Bowl Win …

Life was sweet for all New England Patriots fans on Super Bowl Sunday, with the exception of one famous actor. “Hot Tub Time Machine 2″ actor Rob Corddry, … «, Фев 15»

Melburnians sweated through night before cooler conditions set in

Melburnians were left sweating through most of the night after a steamy afternoon top of 34 degrees on Sunday. An anticipated cool change moved in slowly, … «The Age, Фев 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Sweated [онлайн]. Доступно на <>. Апр 2023 ».

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.









I haven’t worked and sweated hard enough to earn complete forgiveness.

Я не работал и потел достаточно сильно, чтобы получить полное прощение.

I know how you sweated like a stallion whenever I’d come near you.

Я знаю, как ты потел подобно жеребцу всякий раз, когда я приближалась к тебе.

But they have sweated and spent a lot of sleepless nights honing and promoting their talents.

Но они потели, и провели много бессонных ночей, совершенствовали и продвигали свои таланты.

Previously, the Finnish sauna did not use a broom, but simply warmed up and sweated.

Раньше в финской сауне не использовали веник, а просто прогревались и потели.

I don’t think I’ve sweated that much since I was arrested.

Думаю, я так не потела с момента моего ареста.

The volunteers wore these discs for 20 minutes, while their skin obediently sweated.

Волонтеры носили эти диски в течение 20 минут, пока их кожа потела.

He was emaciated; he sweated constantly; and his skin was pure yellow, dude.

Он был измучен; он постоянно потел; и его кожа была чисто желтого цвета, чувак.

When I sweated, it felt as if acid was poured all over me.

Когда я потел, он чувствовал, как будто кислоты выливают все на меня.

Simple sugars, soft drinks, and sweated cereals can only aggravate the diarhhea.

Простые сахара, безалкогольные напитки, и потел крупы могут только усугубить diarhhea.

He never sweated, but seeing that sweat is a vivid, vivid memory.

Он никогда не потел, но я видел его пот, и это очень яркое воспоминание.

It was horrible and he constantly sweated — it’s like they poured the rain of his sweat.

Это было ужасно, и он постоянно потел — меня будто поливало дождем из его пота.

Although it was just April, I sweated profusely.

Хотя был еще только апрель, я сильно потел.

I haven’t sweated the lyrics on this album, I’ve just sort of let it all come out very naturally.

Я не потел над лирикой этого альбома, а просто дал всему произойти естественно.

With regards to time, the greatest benefits were found among those who sweated it out for 19 minutes or more each session.

Что касается времени, то наиболее благоприятные результаты были получены среди тех, кто потел в течение каждой сессии не менее 19 минут.

They increased their breathing and blood flow and they sweated, but they were still able to talk.

Они усилили свое дыхание и кровоток, потели, но все еще могли говорить.

«Is this yoga?» he asked as we sweated through a pose that seemed to demand superhuman endurance.

«Это йога?» — спросил он, когда мы потели в позе, которая, казалось, требовала сверхчеловеческой выносливости.

Had you worn a cotton base layer and sweated all day, this damp material will soon get very cold, and draw your precious body heat away from you, no matter how many other layers you have on top.

Если вы использовали хлопковое базовое покрытие и весь день потели, этот влажный материал скоро очень сильно остынет и отнимет у вас драгоценное тепло тела, независимо от того, сколько других слоев у вас есть.

I sweated, I coughed, I stuttered; in short, I froze, completely complexed.

Я потел, я кашлял, я запинался; короче, я был зажат, полностью закомплексован.

Outside it was all barbed wire and cold steel, but on the red carpet, stars and scientists alike sweated under the bright white lights and flash of cameras.

Снаружи все было колючей проволоки и холодного, но на красной дорожке, звезды и ученые, так потел под яркий белый свет и вспышки фотокамер.

«My friends grunted and sweated for a kilometer until I could get to safety.»

«Мои друзья кряхтели и потели, целый километр пока мы не добрались до безопастного места».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 159. Точных совпадений: 159. Затраченное время: 64 мс


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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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v. sweat·ed or sweat, sweat·ing, sweats


1. To excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; perspire.

2. To exude in droplets, as moisture from certain cheeses or sap from a tree.

3. To collect moisture in small drops from the air, as a cold water pipe.


a. To release moisture, as hay in the swath.

b. To ferment, as tobacco during curing.

5. Informal To work long and hard: sweated over his term paper.

6. Informal To fret or worry: Don’t sweat over the bills.


a. To excrete (moisture) through a porous surface, such as the skin.

b. To excrete (wastes) in perspiration: sweated out the toxins in the steam room.

2. To have (moisture) condense in small drops on a surface.

3. To cause to perspire, as by drugs, heat, or strenuous exercise: Running for the train got me sweated up.

4. To make damp or wet with perspiration: His shirt was sweated.


a. To cause to work excessively; overwork.

b. To overwork and underpay (employees).

6. Slang

a. To interrogate (someone) under duress: sweated the suspected spy for hours.

b. To extract (information) from someone under duress: The police sweated the information out of the suspect.

7. Metallurgy To join (metal parts) by interposing cold solder and then heating.

8. To steam (vegetables or other food).

9. Informal To fret or worry about: Don’t sweat the details.


1. The colorless saline moisture excreted by the sweat glands; perspiration.

2. Condensation of moisture in the form of droplets on a surface.


a. The process of sweating.

b. A condition or instance of sweating: worked up a sweat raking leaves.

4. Strenuous labor or exertion: It took a lot of sweat to move the piano.

5. A run given to a horse as exercise before a race.

6. Informal An anxious, fretful condition: got myself in a sweat over the deadline.

7. sweats Informal

a. A sweatsuit.

b. Sweatpants.

Phrasal Verb:

sweat out Slang

1. To endure anxiously: sweat out an exam.

2. To await (something) anxiously: sweat out one’s final grades.


no sweat Slang

1. Easily done or handled.

2. Used to acknowledge an expression of gratitude.

sweat blood Informal

1. To work diligently or strenuously.

2. To worry intensely.

sweat bullets Slang

1. To sweat profusely.

2. To worry intensely.

sweat of (one’s) brow

Hard work: landscaped the yard by the sweat of my brow.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) made by exploited labour: sweated goods.

2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (of workers, etc) forced to work in poor conditions for low pay

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


a. pp. de to sweat, sudoriento-a; sudoroso-a.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

Table of Contents

  1. What is the past participle of the word strike?
  2. What is the past perfect of struck?
  3. What is the V3 of strike?
  4. Does the word sweated exist?
  5. Is wetted a word?
  6. Is sweated a word?
  7. What frowned means?
  8. What is a sad face called?
  9. What causes call of the void?
  10. What is an empty void?
  11. Why is it called Call of the void?
  12. What would happen if you fall into the void?
  13. What is void in psychology?
  14. What is a void in the universe?
  15. What is the cause of emptiness?
  16. How do you fill the void in your soul?
  17. What is emotional void?
  18. How do you fill the emptiness?
  19. Why do I feel like theres a hole in my soul?

To sweat means to perspire; to exude moisture through the pores of the skin, typically in profuse quantities as a reaction to heat, physical exertion, fever, or fear. In modern English, the most common way to use ‘sweat’ in the past tense is ‘sweated,’ but ‘sweat’ is also considered correct.

What is the past participle of the word strike?


What is the past perfect of struck?

Past Perfect

I had struck
you had struck
he/she/it had struck
we had struck
you had struck

What is the V3 of strike?

Conjugation of verb ‘Strike’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Strike
Past Simple: Struck
Past Participle: Struck/Stricken
3rd Person Singular: Strikes
Present Participle/Gerund: Striking

Does the word sweated exist?

adjective. made by underpaid workers. underpaid and overworked. having poor working conditions.

Is wetted a word?

to urinate in your bed by accident: She still sometimes wets the bed at night.

Is sweated a word?

verb sweats, sweating, sweat or sweated (intr) informal to suffer punishmentyou’ll sweat for this!

What frowned means?

1 : to contract the brow in displeasure or concentration frowned in anger. 2 : to give evidence of displeasure or disapproval by or as if by facial expression critics frown on the idea. transitive verb.

What is a sad face called?

dejected look. face as long as a fiddle. frown. gloom. glumness.

What causes call of the void?

People with higher anxiety were more likely to have the urge, but also, people with higher anxiety were more likely to have higher ideation. So people with higher ideation were more likely to report the phenomenon. A little over 50% of the subjects who said they felt the call of the void never had suicidal tendencies.

What is an empty void?

noun. an empty space; emptiness: He disappeared into the void. something experienced as a loss or privation: His death left a great void in her life.

Why is it called Call of the void?

Turns out, this urge has a name. The call of the void (in French, l’appel du vide) describes this impulse to hurl yourself into, well, a void. While unnerving, it’s actually a pretty common experience. It also has nothing to do with suicidal ideation.

What would happen if you fall into the void?

Players who fall into the Void suffer an instant death in Survival Mode. In Creative Mode, it was possible for Players to die prior to Update 0.11. 0. The Player cannot build in the Void.

What is void in psychology?

The Void is the philosophical concept of nothingness manifested. The Void is also prevalent in numerous facets of psychology, notably logotherapy. The manifestation of nothingness is closely associated with the contemplation of emptiness, and with human attempts to identify and personify it.

What is a void in the universe?

Cosmic voids are vast spaces between filaments (the largest-scale structures in the universe), which contain very few or no galaxies. They have less than one tenth of the average density of matter abundance that is considered typical for the observable universe.

What is the cause of emptiness?

Inner emptiness is caused by self-abandonment — by not loving yourself. Inner emptiness comes from a lack of connection with your spiritual source of love — from not opening to the love-that-is-God and bringing that love to yourself through true thought and loving action in your own behalf.

How do you fill the void in your soul?

The only way to be happy, healthy and whole is to face and deal with the voids you carry in your heart and soul. If something is missing, broken or empty inside of you, there is no person or thing that will fill it. Only you can heal yourself and close the voids. The first step is to stop stuffing, hiding and avoiding.

What is emotional void?

An emotional void is the empty space that lacks meaningful emotion. An emotional void can be described various ways – numbness, a sense of nothingness, lack of excitement, lack of purpose, hopelessness, isolation, and feelings of being disconnected, lost or confused.

How do you fill the emptiness?

Here are 4 ways to fill the emptiness in your life:

  1. Dig deep down within yourself to understand your feelings. We can’t solve the problem if we don’t first understand it.
  2. Allow yourself some sort of outlet for your emotions.
  3. Commit to loving yourself, no matter what.
  4. Get involved in activities that make you happy.

Why do I feel like theres a hole in my soul?

The hole in your soul feels like a big emptiness. It is lack of connection with others. Actually, it is a lack of connection with self. It often seeks approval, praise and recognition to prove you’re good enough and worthwhile.

    • See Also:
      • sweat gland
      • sweat lodge
      • sweat off
      • sweat out
      • sweat pants
      • sweat sock
      • sweat socks
      • sweat suit
      • sweatband
      • sweatbox
      • sweated
      • sweater
      • sweater girl
      • sweatercoat
      • sweating sickness
      • sweating system
      • sweatpants
      • sweats
      • sweatshirt
      • sweatshop
      • sweatweed
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From the verb sweat: (⇒ conjugate)
sweated is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
v past
v past p

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(swetid),USA pronunciation adj. 

  1. made by underpaid workers.
  2. underpaid and overworked.
  3. having poor working conditions.
  • 1645–55 for earlier sense «saturated with sweat»; 1880–85 for def. 2; sweat + —ed2

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

sweated /ˈswɛtɪd/ adj

  1. made by exploited labour: sweated goods
  2. (of workers, etc) forced to work in poor conditions for low pay

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

sweat /swɛt/USA pronunciation  
v., sweat or sweat•ed, sweat•ing, n. 

  1. Physiology to perspire, esp. freely:[no object]He was sweating and his temperature was very high.
  2. to gather moisture from the surrounding air by condensation:[no object]The cold glass was sweating in the hot room.
  3. Informal Terms[no object]
    • to work hard.
    • to be anxious or distressed

  4. Physiology[+ object] to cause (a person, a horse, etc.) to perspire.
  5. sweat off, to get rid of (weight) by or as if by sweating: [+ off + object]trying to sweat off a few pounds.[+ object + off]trying to sweat a few pounds off.
  6. sweat out, [Informal.]to await anxiously the outcome of: [+ out + object]The election is over; now we just have to sweat out the results.[+ object + out]to sweat the ordeal out.


  1. the moisture released from sweat glands;
    perspiration:[uncountable]Sweat was pouring down his face.
  2. hard work:[uncountable]Blood, sweat, and tears went into this house.
  3. Informal Termsa state of anxiety or impatience:[countable* usually singular]He was really in a sweat awaiting the results.
  4. Informal Terms, Clothing sweats, [plural] sweatpants, sweatshirts, sweat suits, or the like.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(swet),USA pronunciation v., sweat or sweat•ed, sweat•ing, n., adj. 

  1. Physiologyto perspire, esp. freely or profusely.
  2. to exude moisture, as green plants piled in a heap or cheese.
  3. to gather moisture from the surrounding air by condensation.
  4. (of moisture or liquid) to ooze or be exuded.
  5. Informal Termsto work hard.
  6. Informal Termsto experience distress, as from anxiety.
  7. (of tobacco) to ferment.


  1. Physiologyto excrete (perspiration, moisture, etc.) through the pores of the skin.
  2. to exude in drops or small particles:The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture.
  3. to send forth or get rid of with or like perspiration (often fol. by out or off).
  4. to wet or stain with perspiration.
  5. Physiologyto cause (a person, a horse, etc.) to perspire.
  6. to cause to exude moisture, esp. as a step in an industrial drying process:to sweat wood.
  7. to earn, produce, or obtain (a result, promotion, compliment, etc.) by hard work.
  8. Physiologyto cause to lose (weight) as by perspiring or hard work:The hard week’s work sweated five pounds off him.
  9. to cause, force, or bring pressure on (a person, an animal, etc.) to work hard.
  10. to employ (workers) at low wages, for long hours, or under other unfavorable conditions.
  11. to labor with meticulous care over:The manufacturer of this beautiful car has really sweated the details.
  12. Slang Terms
    • to obtain or extort (money) from someone.
    • to extort money from;

  13. Slang Termsto subject to severe questioning;
    give the third degree to.
  14. Metallurgy
    • to heat (an alloy) in order to remove a constituent melting at a lower temperature than the alloy as a whole.
    • to heat (solder or the like) to melting.
    • to join (metal objects) by heating and pressing together, usually with solder.

  15. to remove bits of metal from (gold coins) by shaking them against one another, as in a bag. Cf. clip 1 (def. 4).
  16. to cause (tobacco or cocoa) to ferment.
  17. Informal Terms no sweat, with no difficulty or problem.
  18. Informal Terms sweat blood:
    • to be under a strain;
      work strenuously.
    • to wait anxiously;
      worry:He was sweating blood while his friend was being questioned by the police.

  19. sweat bullets, [Informal.]
    • to sweat profusely.
    • to be apprehensive;

  20. Informal Terms sweat it:
    • to wait anxiously;
      endure the best way one can:There was no news of survivors, so all we could do was sweat it.
    • to worry;
      be apprehensive:You’ll do OK, so don’t sweat it.

  21. Informal Terms sweat out:
    • to await anxiously the outcome of;
      endure apprehensively:The accused sweated out the jury’s deliberation.
    • to work arduously at or toward:The director sweated out a camera angle with the cinematographer.


  1. Physiologythe process of sweating or perspiring.
  2. Physiologythat which is secreted from sweat glands;
  3. Physiologya state or a period of sweating.
  4. hard work.
  5. Informal Termsa state of anxiety or impatience.
  6. a process of inducing sweating or perspiration, or of being sweated, as in medical treatment.
  7. moisture exuded from something or gathered on a surface.
  8. an exuding of moisture, as by a substance.
  9. an inducing of such exudation, as in some industrial process.
  10. a run given to a horse for exercise, as before a race.
  11. Informal Terms, Clothing sweats, sweatpants, sweatshirts, sweat suits, or the like.


  1. Clothing, Informal Terms, Informal Terms[Informal.]
    • (of clothes) made to be worn for exercise, sports, or other physical activity.
    • made of the absorbent fabric used for such clothes:sweat dresses.
    • of, for, or associated with such clothes:the sweat look in sportswear.

  • bef. 900; 1970–75 for def. 6; (verb, verbal) Middle English sweten, Old English swǣtan to sweat, derivative of swāt (noun, nominal) ( obsolete English swote); (noun, nominal) Middle English, alteration of swote, influenced by the verb, verbal; cognate with Dutch zweet, German Schweiss, Old Norse sveiti, Sanskrit svedas; akin to Latin sūdor, Greek hidró̄s

sweatless, adj. 

    • 29.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See perspiration. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

sweat /swɛt/ n

  1. the secretion from the sweat glands, esp when profuse and visible, as during strenuous activity, from excessive heat, etc; commonly also called perspiration
  2. the act or process of secreting this fluid
  3. the act of inducing the exudation of moisture
  4. drops of moisture given forth or gathered on the surface of something
  5. informal a state or condition of worry or eagerness (esp in the phrase in a sweat)
  6. slang drudgery or hard labour: mowing lawns is a real sweat!
  7. slang chiefly Brit a soldier, esp one who is old and experienced
  8. no sweat! ⇒ (interjection) slang an expression suggesting that something can be done without problems or difficulty

vb (sweats, sweating, sweat, sweated)

  1. to secrete (sweat) through the pores of the skin, esp profusely
  2. (transitive) to make wet or stain with sweat
  3. to give forth or cause to give forth (moisture) in droplets: a sweating cheese, the maple sweats sap
  4. (intransitive) to collect and condense moisture on an outer surface: a glass of beer sweating in the sun
  5. (intransitive) (of a liquid) to pass through a porous surface in droplets
  6. (of tobacco leaves, cut and dried hay, etc) to exude moisture and, sometimes, begin to ferment or to cause (tobacco leaves, etc) to exude moisture
  7. (transitive) to heat (food, esp vegetables) slowly in butter in a tightly closed saucepan
  8. (transitive) to join (pieces of metal) by pressing together and heating
  9. (transitive) to heat (solder) until it melts
  10. (transitive) to heat (a partially fused metal) to extract an easily fusible constituent
  11. informal to suffer anxiety, impatience, or distress
  12. informal to overwork or be overworked
  13. (transitive) informal to employ at very low wages and under bad conditions
  14. (transitive) informal to extort, esp by torture: to sweat information out of a captive
  15. (intransitive) informal to suffer punishment: you’ll sweat for this!
  16. sweat bloodinformal to work very hard
  17. to be filled with anxiety or impatience

See also sweat off, sweat outEtymology: Old English swætan to sweat, from swāt sweat; related to Old Saxon swēt, Old Norse sveiti, Old High German sweiz, Latin sūdor, Sanskrit svedas

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