Is there a word supposedly

предположительно, по общему мнению


- предположительно

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

In her dying days she was supposedly visited by an angel from above.

Перед смертью её якобы посетил ангел небесный.

Oreads supposedly prefer to live in hills and mountains.

Ореады (горные нимфы) якобы предпочитают жить на холмах и горах.

Airports are so far from the cities they supposedly service.

Аэропорты находятся очень далеко от городов, которые они должны обслуживать.

This supposedly exemplary mother too was the educatress of Caligula.

Эта образцовая, по всеобщему мнению, мать была к тому же еще и воспитательницей Калигулы.

They’re supposedly getting married soon, but that’s just hearsay.

Они вроде бы скоро поженятся, но это только слухи.

…this new computer program is a supposed improvement over the old one…

…предполагается, что эта новая компьютерная программа станет улучшением старой…

The accountants noticed a linkage between the two supposedly independent companies.

Бухгалтеры заметили связь между этими двумя, казалось бы, независимыми компаниями.

In Greek mythology, naiads supposedly drowned the young men with whom they became enamored.

В греческой мифологии наяды якобы топили молодых людей, в которых влюблялись.

He ever so casually brings out the names of celebrities with whom he’s supposedly buddy-buddy.

Он всегда так небрежно упоминает имена знаменитостей, с которыми якобы находится в дружеских отношениях.

All life on Earth supposedly came from a primordial ooze in existence many millions of years ago.

Вся жизнь на Земле якобы зародилась много миллионов лет назад из первобытного бульона.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the newspaper was spoofed by a supposedly plausible claim of a UFO encounter…

…touted the many diplomatic triumphs that the president supposedly rang up in his first term…

…a disjointed harangue about a hodgepodge of things that are supposedly wrong with our society…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

supposed  — предполагаемый, мнимый

Asked by: Kyler Leuschke

Score: 4.8/5
(72 votes)

Supposably means «as may be conceived or imagined» and is the adverb form of supposable, which means «capable of being supposed or conceived.» On the other hand, supposedly usually means «allegedly.» The words are often conflated when one usually intends to say «supposedly.» … The two words have distinct meanings.

Does the word supposedly mean?

The word supposedly means “according to what is accepted or believed, without positive knowledge.” Supposedly is an adverb based on the word supposed. … The word supposedly is used when a person has heard information about something, such as from the news or the rumors going around town.

Is supposedly being added to the dictionary? says the adverb «supposably» means «as may be assumed, imagined, or supposed.» It describes «finna» as «a phonetic spelling representing the African American Vernacular English variant of fixing to.» …

How do you use supposedly in a sentence?

Supposedly Sentence Examples

  1. Incidentally, he supposedly came on the radar as a result of a tip from this man or woman everyone’s read about; the so-called psychic tipster person.
  2. Donnie left with him, after supposedly gaining his mother’s approval.

What is another word for supposedly?

In this page you can discover 13 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for supposedly, like: apparently, probably, seemingly, supposably, allegedly, purportedly, believably, ostensibly, despot, ideologist and moralism.

40 related questions found

Was supposedly Or is supposedly?

Supposably means «as may be conceived or imagined» and is the adverb form of supposable, which means «capable of being supposed or conceived.» On the other hand, supposedly usually means «allegedly.» The words are often conflated when one usually intends to say «supposedly.»

What is the difference between allegedly and supposedly?

As adverbs the difference between supposedly and allegedly

is that supposedly is as a matter of supposition; in the beliefs or according to the claims of some people while allegedly is according to someone’s allegation.

Is supposed a correct word?

Suppose is a word used as a verb meaning “to assume that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge.” … On the other hand, supposed is a term used as an adjective meaning “generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so.”

What is the difference between supposedly and supposed to be?

«Supposedly» is an adverb. «Supposed» is an adjective. They are two forms of the same word.

Is Finna a new word? adds ‘supposably‘ and ‘finna’ among new words for 2021. The online dictionary also added new terms related to the COVID-19 pandemic and updated entries as a result of the racial justice movement.

Why was Finna added to the dictionary?

‘Finna’ and ‘Chile’ added to to reflect growing diversity. Language has always evolved over time, and this month in an effort to reflect the growing diversity of this country, has included several African American Vernacular English words like “finna” and “chile,” to their database.

What means nubbin?

1 : something (such as an ear of corn) that is small for its kind, stunted, undeveloped, or imperfect. 2 : a small usually projecting part or bit.

Where did the word supposedly come from?

Supposedly comes from supposed, the past tense of suppose. This adjective describes things that were already supposed, or already assumed to be the truth.

What is Finna slang?

—used for «fixing to» in informal speech and in representations of such speech «I’m finna do the biggest show of my life,» he [Lil Nas X] joked before going on stage.—

Had run or had ran?

She had run… ‘ is the correct answer — past perfect uses the auxiliary verb HAVE in the past, with the past participle RUN. Ran is the past simple of run. ‘She RAN the whole way’ is also correct (without had).

What kind of word is suppose?

verb (used with object), sup·posed, sup·pos·ing. to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile. to consider (something) as a possibility suggested or an idea or plan proposed: Suppose we wait until tomorrow.

Is supposed to meaning?

1 : to be expected to do something They are supposed to arrive tomorrow. She was supposed to be here an hour ago. The movie was supposed to earn a lot of money at the box office, but it didn’t. 2 : to be intended or expected to be something The party was supposed to be a surprise.

Where do we use suppose to?

Supposed to is part of a modal verb phrase meaning expected to or required to. Although suppose to crops up frequently in casual speech and writing, it should not be used in that sense. Suppose (without the d) should only be used as the present tense of the verb meaning to assume (something to be true).

How do you use presumably in a sentence?

Presumably sentence example

  1. Presumably it was a daughter of these Hittites that Solomon took to wife. …
  2. Presumably , he speaks Spanish. …
  3. His court duties were presumably over now that the case was settled. …
  4. He took, presumably , the coast-road in order to establish and retain his command of the sea.

How do you use Supposing in a sentence?

1. He was bluffed into supposing I was ill prepared. 2. Supposing he isn’t out, how can I do then?

What is the meaning reportedly?

(rɪpɔːʳtɪdli ) adverb [ADVERB before verb] If you say that something is reportedly true, you mean that someone has said that it is true, but you have no direct evidence of it.

What does should be mean?

: that ought to be looking out for his should-be guardian.



supposed +‎ -ly



supposedly (not comparable)

  1. As a matter of supposition; in the beliefs or according to the claims of some people.
    People from other planets have supposedly visited Earth in flying saucers.
    According to your testimony, you were supposedly at home watching TV when the murder occurred.
    • 2011, Tom Fordyce, Rugby World Cup 2011: England 12-19 France [1]
      France were supposedly a team in pieces, beaten by Tonga just a week ago and with coach Marc Lievremont publicly berating his players, but so clear-cut was their victory that much of the atmosphere had been sucked from the contest long before the end.
    • 2020 December 2, Paul Bigland, “My weirdest and wackiest Rover yet”, in Rail, page 68:

      I haven’t booked, so I don’t have a clue as to whether the service will be busy or not. Supposedly, reservations are compulsory, but I want to find out what would happen if you just turn up.


  • allegedly
  • purportedly


as a matter of supposition

  • Catalan: suposadament (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: please add this translation if you can
  • Czech: údajně (cs)
  • Dutch: verondersteld (nl), vermeend (nl)
  • Esperanto: supozeble
  • Finnish: muka (fi), ilmeisesti (fi), mukamas (fi)
  • French: supposément (fr)
  • Galician: supostamente
  • German: angeblich (de)
  • Greek: δήθεν (el) (díthen), υποτίθεται (el) (ypotíthetai), και καλά (el) (kai kalá)
  • Hungarian: állítólag (hu), vélhetőleg, feltehetőleg (hu), feltehetően, vélhetően, feltételezhetően (hu)
  • Italian: presumibilmente (it)
  • Maori: ko te tikanga …, koirā te tikanga
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: visstnok, angivelig (no), etter sigende
  • Polish: podobno (pl), rzekomo (pl), ponoć (pl)
  • Portuguese: supostamente (pt)
  • Russian: предположи́тельно (ru) (predpoložítelʹno)
  • Spanish: supuestamente (es)
  • Swedish: förment (sv)

See also[edit]

  • supposably

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Such border controls are supposedly ad hoc and temporary.

Такие меры пограничного контроля устанавливаются якобы ad hoc и на временной основе.

He interviews supposedly respected doctors in the field.

Он берет интервью у, якобы, уважаемых врачей в этой области.

Her glucose is totally normal supposedly.

International order supposedly depends on it.

Forget that he supposedly lives in a village near here.

Забудь, что он, возможно, живёт в одной деревушке поблизости.

Real investors who supposedly knew what they were doing lost everything.

Настоящие инвесторы, которые, предположительно, знали, что они делают, потеряли всё.

Veganism is another modern trend that supposedly supports a healthy lifestyle.

Веганство — еще одно современное течение, которое якобы поддерживает здоровый образ жизни.

Her glucose is supposedly totally normal.

Additionally, its strength and durability supposedly intensified when tested.

Кроме того, его прочность и долговечность, предположительно, усиливались во время тестирования.

Even government websites that supposedly target retirees are designed according to guidelines for thirty-somethings.

Даже правительственные сайты, которые якобы предназначены для пенсионеров, разработаны в соответствии с руководящими принципами для тридцати.

Other supposedly popular social policies such as pensions or family policy ranked considerably lower.

Другие предположительно популярные социальные политики, такие как пенсии или семейная сфера, показали значительно меньший уровень заинтересованности.

This applies to torrents and to any other supposedly forbidden sites.

Это относится и к торрентам, и к любым другим якобы запрещенным сайтам.

The collection includes specimens and artifacts supposedly related to these mythical beasts.

Коллекция музея включает в себя образцы или артефакты, якобы связанные с этими видами мифических существ.

Laws were passed and it supposedly was stopped.

Затем новые нормативные акты ее запретили, и она якобы была прекращена.

They are all occurring while the government is supposedly preventing them.

Тем самым они стремятся убедить всех и вся в том, что правительство, якобы, их притесняет.

Kenia supposedly had a deportation order.

Якобы у нее уже было постановление о депортации.

According to the note, this supposedly is their child.

В соответствии с этой запиской, это, предположительно, их ребенок.

The country supposedly abolish slavery in 1981.

Рабство было, якобы, отменено в стране в 1981 году.

The guy supposedly bought it undercover on a boat.

Этот парень, предположительно, отдал концы, будучи под прикрытием на лодке.

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  • 1

    supposedly [səˊpəυzɪdlɪ]


    по о́бщему мне́нию; предположи́тельно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > supposedly

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > supposedly

  • 3

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > supposedly

  • 4

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > supposedly

  • 5



    This supposedly exemplary mother too was the educatress of Caligula. — Эта образцовая, по всеобщему мнению, мать была к тому же ещё и воспитательницей Калигулы.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > supposedly

  • 6


    supposedly по общему мнению; предположительно

    English-Russian short dictionary > supposedly

  • 7

    НБАРС > supposedly

  • 8

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supposedly

  • 9


    по общему мнению


    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > supposedly

  • 10


    по общему мнению; предположительно

    * * *

    (0) предположительно

    * * *

    по общему мнению; предположительно

    * * *

    предположительно, по общему мнению

    * * *

    * * *

    1) по общему мнению
    2) предположительно

    Новый англо-русский словарь > supposedly

  • 11

    предположительно; по общему мнению

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > supposedly

  • 12

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > supposedly

  • 13

    English-Russian smart dictionary > supposedly

  • 14

    adv предположительно

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. allegedly (other) allegedly; ostensibly; pretendedly; professedly; purportedly

    2. as if (other) apparently; as if; as though; evidently; just as if; just as though; presumably

    4. hypothetically (other) hypothetically; suppositionally; suppositiously; tentatively; theoretically

    English-Russian base dictionary > supposedly

  • 15

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > supposedly

  • 16
    supposedly, …

      • возможно/ предположительно…

    English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > supposedly, …

  • 17
    supposedly noiseless infrared detector

    SNIRD, supposedly noiseless infrared detector

    English-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > supposedly noiseless infrared detector

  • 18
    supposedly noiseless infrared detector

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > supposedly noiseless infrared detector

  • 19
    barakah (In Islam, an influence supposedly causing material and spiritual well-being)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > barakah (In Islam, an influence supposedly causing material and spiritual well-being)

  • 20
    the house is supposedly haunted

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the house is supposedly haunted


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • supposedly — [sə pō′zid lē] adv. according to what is, was, or may be supposed * * * See supposed. * * * …   Universalium

  • supposedly — index reputedly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • supposedly — 1610s, from SUPPOSED (Cf. supposed) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • supposedly — is pronounced as four syllables …   Modern English usage

  • supposedly — ► ADVERB ▪ according to what is generally believed or supposed …   English terms dictionary

  • supposedly — [sə pō′zid lē] adv. according to what is, was, or may be supposed …   English World dictionary

  • supposedly — adv. Supposedly is used with these adjectives: ↑factual, ↑impartial, ↑independent, ↑new, ↑objective, ↑secret, ↑superior, ↑universal Supposedly is used with these verbs: ↑haunt, ↑help …   Collocations dictionary

  • supposedly — sup|pos|ed|ly [səˈpəuzıdli US ˈpou ] adv used when saying what many people say or believe is true, especially when you disagree with them [sentence adverb] ▪ Anne is coming for a visit in March supposedly. ▪ How could a supposedly intelligent… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • supposedly — sup|pos|ed|ly [ sə pouzədli ] adverb * as some people believe or say, although you may not agree with this: The house is supposedly haunted. Supposedly the process causes no environmental damage …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • supposedly — adverb used when saying what many people say or believe is true, especially when you disagree with them: In April 1912 this supposedly unsinkable slip hit an iceberg. (sentence adverb): Supposedly, she s a rich woman …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • supposedly */ — UK [səˈpəʊzɪdlɪ] / US [səˈpoʊzədlɪ] adverb as some people believe or say, although you may not agree with this The house is supposedly haunted. Supposedly the process causes no environmental damage …   English dictionary

: as is supposed : according to what is or was said, claimed, or believed by some

a supposedly good restaurant

He had dozens of people around him, supposedly looking after him …Philip Norman

Daddy took me to the Legion, to shoot pool supposedly.Mary Karr


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

In 2016, the government granted authorities the right to confiscate the jewelry and valuables of new arrivals, supposedly to fund their stay.

Emily Rauhala, Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2023

The Duchess of Plazir-15 is just one example of the uneasy transition between Empire and Republic Disney+ Plazir-15 is supposedly a direct democracy, albeit one with monarchal trimmings.

Joshua St. Clair, Men’s Health, 6 Apr. 2023

Though the film supposedly takes place in the new millennium, its setting seems trapped in an inexplicable time warp, circa 1990. Staff, Dallas News, 6 Apr. 2023

Allan quit the New York Times in 1952 and supposedly went to work for CBS and United Press.

Bill Kovarik, Fortune, 6 Apr. 2023

This applies even to supposedly high-tech security devices, which despite fingerprint scanners and slick keypads are often as poorly thought out as their analog predecessors.

Hazlitt, 5 Apr. 2023

The Bush team made Horton a symbol of allegedly lenient prison furlough programs that were supposedly sending murderers and rapists into the suburbs.

Clay Cane, CNN, 5 Apr. 2023

The goal is to discredit a democratic institution and by-the-book prosecution because a Black man, supposedly financed by a wealthy Jewish businessman, is leading it.

Maya Wiley, The New Republic, 4 Apr. 2023

Under the policy change, supposedly banks would be required to assume more liability in some cases involving transactions through the Zelle network.

Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, 4 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘supposedly.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1597, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of supposedly was
in 1597

Dictionary Entries Near supposedly

Cite this Entry

“Supposedly.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on supposedly

Last Updated:
9 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

supposedly — перевод на русский


Mine, I suppose.

Полагаю, дело во мне.

I suppose my husband has told you everything Well, it’s all your fault that I’m in this desperate situation Why did you come to my house at all if you merely wanted to tell me that you did not love me?

Франц. Я полагаю, что мой муж все вам рассказал. И это полностью ваша вина, что я оказалась в такой безвыходной ситуации.

«I suppose you meddling old women… have made Mary think I illtreat her?»

«Полагаю, вы, две назойливые старухи, убедили Мэри, что я дурно с ней обращаюсь?»

And he is dreaming, I suppose… of following in the footsteps of Goethe and Schiller… and I hope he will.

И он мечтает, я полагаю… последовать по стопам Гётте и Шиллера… и я надеюсь что так и произойдёт.

I suppose you wanna know what happened.

Полагаю, ты хочешь знать, что произошло.

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I suppose because it’s better that we all concentrate on doing what’s best for Susan, and for you.

Думаю, лучше нам всем сосредоточиться на том, что лучше для Сьюзан и для вас.

«A woman, I suppose.»

«Думаю, дело в женщине»

After what you slipped them in the church a while ago, I don’t suppose you wanna hang around here, do you?

«еперь, после того, как вы выгнали их из церкви, думаю, вам тут ничего не светит, верно?


Но, думаю, я мог бы бросить верховую езду.


Я думаю, он ограбил бы любого.

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Suppose I have a little plan that’ll take care of both of us.

Предположим, у меня есть небольшой план, который позволит перестать волноваться.

Suppose I invite Mrs. Potter and Polly to take supper with me tonight?

Предположим, я приглашу мистера Поттера и Полли провести вечер со мной?

Suppose I flirt with them and they come to my room. Then what?

Предположим, я позаигрываю с ними и завлеку в свой номер.

Suppose he breaks your arm.

Предположим, ты сломаешь руку.

But suppose he gets well?

Но предположим, что ему станет лучше?

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I was supposed to see the old lady, but the hell with it.

Я должен был увидеться со своей старухой, но да ладно.

According to the testament I’m supposed to hand out the bequest to the girls.

Согласно завещанию, я должен обеим девушкам выплатить наследство. 200000 франков.

— Oh, so I’m supposed to ride… in this confounded contraption gettin’ bumped around like this… — and grin like a baboon.

То есть я должен трястись в этой колымаге и при этом скалиться, как бабуин?

This is supposed to be a pleasure cruise.

Это должен быть приятный круиз.

You were supposed to be here at 10:00.

Ты должен был явиться к десяти.

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Well, well, I suppose light creates shadows.

Что ж, наверное, свет создает тень.

I suppose you’re wondering what I was doing at that party.

Вы, наверное удивлены, как я оказалась на той вечеринке.

And I suppose you’re Saint John, and I’m Martha Washington.

«огда вы, наверное, св€той «оанн, а € — ћарта ¬ашингтон.

I suppose you’ve come here… to dig up some great big state secret.

Вас аист принес? Ладно, замнем. Вы, наверное, намерены стянуть…

Yes, I suppose she does.

— Да, наверное, ты права.

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They’re not meant to be together, they’re not supposed to be together, but they are.

Они не должны быть вместе, они не думали быть вместе, и все же, они вместе.

Um, we were supposed to study before rounds.

Мы должны были позаниматься перед обходом.

We’re supposed to be a team and I want to do something for her.

Мы должны быть командой, и я хочу что-нибудь сделать для неё.

Are we supposed to believe you?

И мы должны тебе верить?

We’re supposed to be heroes.

Мы должны сохранять мужество.

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Um, aren’t you supposed to go to a fancy lady store

А ты разве не должна пойти в пафосный салон-магазин,

I’m supposed to see the stars, the great, big, beautiful stars.

Я должна видеть звезды, большие, красивые звезды.

What am I supposed to think when I…?

А что я должна думать, когда…

I was supposed to wait five years because they couldn’t locate your body.

Я должна была ждать 5 лет, потому что твоё тело не было найдено.

I know what it’s supposed to look like and I know the value in human life you people put on it.

Я знаю, как она должна выглядеть, и сколько человеческих жизней за нее уже заплачено.

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I don’t suppose you’d take some dictation from me sometime, would you?

Может, и я как-нибудь вам подиктую?

I suppose I was.

Что ж, может, и была.

I suppose I mustn’t offer you one?

— Нет. Может, и Вам предложить?

Suppose you get down off your motorcycle and give me a ticket.

Может, тогда выпишете мне штраф?

It’s got me jittery just thinking about it. Suppose something like that happened to my husband.

Я трясусь от одной мысли, что что-то подобное может случиться с мужем.

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I suppose they got the oil off a truck or something.

Я предполагаю, что нефть была разлита грузовиком.

I suppose so.

Я предполагаю.

I suppose that you…

Я предполагаю что Вы…

I do suppose so but since you were there yesterday, guess you can get there today.

Я так тоже предполагаю, но раз уж вчера ты была там, то и сегодня сможешь добраться.

I suppose you’ve got the same sanctimonious disposition.

Я предполагаю, что ты получила тот же ханжеский характер.

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Suppose you were out horseback riding… and you came to that stream and wanted to ford over.

Смотри, деревенщина, допустим, ты скачешь на лошади… Тебе нужно перебраться на тот берег.

Supposing I left you alone with this revolver?

Допустим, я оставлю вас с этим револьвером.

All right. Suppose you don’t make me talk.

Ладно, допустим, вы меня разговорите.

Supposing I take the money. And I kid myself it’s a means to an end.

Допустим, я взял деньги, убедив себя, что всё путём.

Suppose I slip you one of the larger buildings. Nope.

Допустим, я смогу дать тебе одно из крупных зданий.

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Putin supposedly liked the first scenario better.

Путину первый сценарий предположительно понравился больше.



Odd behavior from a supposedly innocent man.

Странное поведение для, возможно, невиновного человека.



Putin supposedly liked the first scenario better.
Путину первый сценарий предположительно понравился больше.

Odd behavior from a supposedly innocent man.
Странное поведение для, возможно, невиновного человека.

Supposedly underwent a jailhouse conversion a few years back.
Предположительно побывал в исправительной колонии несколько лет назад.

We supposedly live in a time of decaying values, or perhaps of changing values.
Такое впечатление, будто бы мы живем в эпоху разрушения ценностей, или, возможно, изменения ценностей.

Riley supposedly used a wallboard saw made of steel.
Райли, предположительно, использовал ножовку из стали.


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Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

supposedly [səˈpəuzɪdlɪ]
adv по иде́е

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

supposedly‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


Словосочетания: is supposedly [true, false, fake], is supposedly a [lie, myth, hoax, fake, copy], is supposedly [due to, because of], больше…

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