Is there a word quieter


- успокоитель, умиротворитель
- успокаивающее средство

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

It’s quieter out of season.

В межсезонье тут поспокойнее.

Some days at the store are quieter than others.

Бывают дни, когда в магазине спокойнее, чем в остальное время.

The new model is quieter, needs less servicing and is more fuel efficient.

Новая модель тише, требует меньше обслуживания и более эффективно расходует топливо.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Blake had grown much quieter — another sign of his advancing years.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

quiet  — тихий, спокойный, тихо, тайком, успокаивать, покой, спокойствие
quietism  — квиетизм, душевное спокойствие
quietly  — тихо, спокойно, безмятежно
quietness  — тишина, спокойствие, покой
quieting  — рассеивание, успокоение, успокаивание, успокаивающий, успокоительный



quiet +‎ -er


  • IPA(key): /ˈkwaɪ.ə.tɚ/



  1. comparative form of quiet: more quiet


quieter (plural quieters)

  1. One who quiets.
    • 2001, Robert Faggen, Robert Frost and the Challenge of Darwin (page 269)
      The motives that were previously so powerful now lose their force, and instead of them, the complete knowledge of the real nature of the world, acting as a quieter of the will, produces resignation []


  • requite




  1. first-person singular present active subjunctive of quiētor
  • 1

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > quieter

  • 2


    1) успокоитель, умиротворитель

    2) успокаивающее средство

    НБАРС > quieter

  • 3

    Англо-русский технический словарь > quieter

  • 4

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > quieter

  • 5



    1. успокоитель, умиротворитель

    2. успокаивающее средство


    1. (сравн. степень от прил.) quiet + -er

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > quieter

  • 6

    (n) умиротворитель; успокаивающее средство; успокоитель

    * * *

    Новый англо-русский словарь > quieter

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > quieter

  • 8

    1. n успокоитель, умиротворитель

    2. n успокаивающее средство

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. calmer (adj.) calmer; more halcyon; more placid; more untroubled; stillier

    2. more inactive (adj.) idler; more asleep; more inactive; more inert; more passive; sleepier

    3. more inobtrusive (adj.) more inobtrusive; more restrained; more subdued; more tasteful; more unobtrusive; tastier

    4. smaller (adj.) lower; more low-key; smaller; softer

    5. stiller (adj.) more hush; more hushed; more hushful; more noiseless; more silent; more soundless; more whist; stiller

    English-Russian base dictionary > quieter

  • 9

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > quieter

  • 10
    quieter moments

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > quieter moments

  • 11
    noise-free technology

    1. бесшумная технология

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > noise-free technology

  • 12
    noise abatement

    1. снижение уровня шума

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > noise abatement

  • 13

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > нельзя

  • 14
    landing charge



    межд. эк.

    расходы по выгрузке




    посадочный сбор, сбор [плата] за посадку

    There are different landing charges according to the aircraft’s noise emission. The higher landing charges for louder aircraft encourage airlines to invest in quieter types. — Сборы за посадку варьируются в зависимости от уровня шумового загрязнения, производимого самолетом. Более высокие сборы за посадку более шумных самолетов приводят к тому, что авиакомпании начинают инвестировать средства в создание менее шумных моделей.

    A blow-out in landing charges across Australia’s major airports could see airfares rise by up to $8, according to the Australian Financial Review. — Согласно «Острэлиан Файненшл Ревью», разрыв в величине посадочных сборов между главными аэропортами Австралии может спровоцировать повышение цен на авиаперелеты до $8.



    Англо-русский экономический словарь > landing charge

  • 15

    1) Общая лексика: предназначенный для отдыха, «расслабона» (There will be a chill-out room for those who fancy a quieter time to sit and chat. — Там будет специальная комната для отдыха — для тех, кто мечтает посиде

    2) Сленг: «расслабон» , музыкальное направление: относительно медленная и спокойная музыка типа «эмбиент», первоначально прослушивавшаяся наутро после рейверских вечеринок 2., отдых ( первоначально — после рейверской вечеринки), относящийся к музыкальному направлению «чилл-аут»

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > chillout

  • 16




    1) расслабление, отдых




    1) предназначенный для отдыха, расслабления

    There will be a chillout room for those who fancy a quieter time to sit and chat. — Там будет комната отдыха — для тех, кто мечтает посидеть в тишине и поболтать.

    2) относящийся к музыкальному направлению «чилл-аут»

    chillout bar — бар, где играют музыку в стиле «чилл-аут»

    Англо-русский современный словарь > chill(-)out

  • 17




    1) расслабление, отдых




    1) предназначенный для отдыха, расслабления

    There will be a chillout room for those who fancy a quieter time to sit and chat. — Там будет комната отдыха — для тех, кто мечтает посидеть в тишине и поболтать.

    2) относящийся к музыкальному направлению «чилл-аут»

    chillout bar — бар, где играют музыку в стиле «чилл-аут»

    Англо-русский современный словарь > chill(-)out

  • 18
    an ass between two bundles of hay

    буриданов осёл l’âne de Buridan; французскому философу XIV в. Буридану приписывается рассказ об осле, умершем от голода, так как он не решался сделать выбор между двумя одинаковыми охапками сена]

    In his quieter moods he thought often of Katha and Margaret and the curious chain of circumstances which had brought him to this unsatisfactory dangling between two women, one now almost a dream, the other only too palpably near. He felt like Buridan’s ass, which starved between the two bundles of hay. (R. Aldington, ‘All Men Are Enemies’, part II, ch. VI) — В более спокойные минуты он часто думал о Кате и Маргарет и о том странном стечении обстоятельств, приведшем его к этому метанью между двумя женщинами, из которых одна стала теперь уже почти мечтой, а другая — увы! — слишком ощутимо близкой. Он чувствовал себя в положении буриданова осла, умиравшего с голоду между двумя охапками сена.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > an ass between two bundles of hay

  • 19
    come to terms

    1) пойти на уступки (кому-л.); договориться, прийти к соглашению

    …we came to terms and struck the bargain. (Th. Hardy, ‘A Tragedy of Two Ambitions’, ch. II) —…мы пришли к соглашению и заключили сделку.

    …he meant to fight them to the death unless they could come to some sort of terms. (W. Howells, ‘The Rise of Silas Lapham’, ch. XXV) —…он намеревался беспощадно бороться с ними, если они не пойдут на уступки.

    2) примириться с чем-л.; привыкнуть к чему-л.

    And yet, of late, since she had been round the world, he had seemed to notice something quieter and more solid in her conduct, as if settled purposes were pushing up, and she were coming to terms at last with her daily life. (J. Galsworthy, ‘Swan Song’, part I, ch. XI) — И все-таки за последнее время, после путешествия вокруг света, он как будто улавливал в поведении Флер что-то более спокойное и устойчивое, словно определились для нее какие-то ценности, примирявшие ее с ее собственной жизнью.

    …she liked the country even less than Mrs Clive, who was gradually coming to terms with it. (M. Dickens, ‘The Landlord’s Daughter’, ch. 2) —…Рите эти места нравились меньше, чем миссис Клайв, которая успела привыкнуть к ним.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > come to terms

  • 20

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. evener (adj.) cooler; evener; more cool-headed; more detached; more even-tempered; more imperturbable; more nonchalant; more unruffled; tranquiler

    2. more collected (adj.) easier; more collected; more composed; more easygoing; more poised; more possessed; more self-composed; more self-possessed; more serene; more tranquil

    3. more halcyon (adj.) more halcyon; more hushed; more placid; more untroubled; quieter; stiller; stillier

    English-Russian base dictionary > calmer

См. также в других словарях:

  • Quieter — Qui et*er, n. One who, or that which, quiets. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Quieter — Quiet Qui et, a. [Compar. {Quieter}; superl. {Quietest}.] [L. quietus, p. p. pf quiescere to rest, keep quiet; akin to quies rest, and prob. to E. while, n. See {While}, and cf. {Coy}, a., {Quiesce}, {Quietus}, {Quit}, a., {Quite}, {Requiem}.] 1 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quieter — noun see quiet IV …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • quieter — qui·et || kwaɪət n. silence, noiselessness; stillness, tranquility; muteness, speechlessness; peacefulness, calmness v. make silent, make noiseless; pacify, calm; be pacified, be calmed; be reticent, remain silent; become quiet adj. silent,… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • quieter — requite …   Anagrams dictionary

  • QUIETER — …   Useful english dictionary

  • requite — quieter …   Anagrams dictionary

  • Quiet PC — A quiet PC is a personal computer that makes little noise. Common uses for quiet PCs include video editing, sound mixing, home servers, and home theater PCs. A typical quiet PC uses quiet cooling and storage devices and energy efficient… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer fan — A 3D illustration of four 80 mm fans, a type of fan commonly used in personal computers (sometimes as a set, or mixed with other fan sizes). A computer fan is any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for cooling purposes, and may… …   Wikipedia

  • Boeing 727 — infobox Aircraft subtemplate=Infobox Boeing Aircraft name = Boeing 727 caption = Syrian Air Boeing 727 269/Adv type = Airliner national origin = United States manufacturer = Boeing Commercial Airplanes designer = first flight = February 9 1963… …   Wikipedia

  • Submarine — For other uses, see Submarine (disambiguation). A Japan Maritime Self Defense Force Oyashio class submarine in 2006 A submarine is a watercraft capable of independent operation below the surface of the water. It differs from a submersible, which… …   Wikipedia

Recent Examples on the Web

With a quieter than most motor, this stylish techy blender has smart capabilities to sense how to blend the goods.

Vanessa Powell, Men’s Health, 6 Dec. 2022

The area has been much quieter since Brother Francis downsized during the pandemic, focusing on medically fragile and older residents, said Larry Michael, who owns property nearby and is a member of the group.

Michelle Theriault Boots, Anchorage Daily News, 14 Jan. 2023

Receiver Brandon Aiyuk, the team’s leading receiver, was quieter against the Buccaneers with two catches but one was a 32-yard touchdown grab with 15 seconds left in the first half to make it 28-0.

Chris Bumbaca, USA TODAY, 12 Dec. 2022

The most active phase of the civil rights movement was largely over by then, and many of its foot soldiers had gone back to quieter lives.

New York Times, 24 Dec. 2021

Speaking about addiction, anxiety, and depression, her speech is hesitant, her voice quieter.

SPIN, 26 Jan. 2023

Not only do the enhancements help make the Pilot much quieter inside, but driving this Honda SUV is also no longer a total snoozefest.

Eric Stafford, Car and Driver, 24 Jan. 2023

Despite their strong resemblance, Gerber’s aura feels a little quieter, more like a peaceful ripple.

ELLE, 24 Jan. 2023

Despite a voice growing quieter in an eight-year battle with Parkinson’s disease, the civil rights leader’s message of hope rang clear.

Jake Sheridan, Chicago Tribune, 21 Jan. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘quieter.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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From quiet (adj):
adj comparative
adj superlative

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

qui•et1 /ˈkwaɪɪt/USA pronunciation  
adj., -er, -est, n., v. 

  1. making little or no noise or sound:quiet neighbors.
  2. having little or no noise:a quiet street.
  3. silent:[be + ~]Be quiet!
  4. reserved in speech or manner:a quiet, private sort of person.
  5. free from disturbance or excitement:a quiet life in the country.
  6. free from activity:a quiet Sunday afternoon.
  7. still or barely moving:quiet waters.
  8. not readily noticed by others:raised an eyebrow in quiet reproach.
  9. not active:The stock market was quiet last week.

n. [uncountable]

  • the quality or state of being quiet;
    1. v.

      1. to (cause to) become quiet: [+ object]He tried to quiet the howling dogs.[no object* (~ + down)]The dogs quieted (down).
      2. to make tranquil or peaceful:[+ object]She tried to quiet the jittery children.
      3. to put to rest:[+ object]Her father quieted her fears.

      qui•et•ly, adv. 
      qui•et•ness, n. [uncountable]See -quie-.

      WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

      (kwīit),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, v. 

      1. making no noise or sound, esp. no disturbing sound:quiet neighbors.
      2. free, or comparatively free, from noise:a quiet street.
      3. silent:Be quiet!
      4. restrained in speech, manner, etc.;
        saying little:a quiet person.
      5. free from disturbance or tumult;
        peaceful:a quiet life.
      6. being at rest.
      7. refraining or free from activity, esp. busy or vigorous activity:a quiet Sunday afternoon.
      8. making no disturbance or trouble;
        not turbulent;
        peaceable:The factions remained quiet for twenty years.
      9. motionless or moving very gently:quiet waters.
      10. free from disturbing thoughts, emotions, etc.;
        mentally peaceful:a quiet conscience.
      11. said, expressed, done, etc., in a restrained or unobtrusive way:a quiet reproach; a quiet admonition.
      12. not showy or obtrusive;
        subdued:quiet colors.
      13. not busy or active:The stock market was quiet last week.


      1. to make quiet.
      2. to make tranquil or peaceful;
        pacify:to quiet a crying baby.
      3. to calm mentally, as a person.
      4. to allay (tumult, doubt, fear, etc.).
      5. to silence.


      1. to become quiet (often fol. by down).
      • Late Latin quiētāre, derivative of quiētus. Compare coy 
      • Latin quiētus, past participle of quiēscere (see quiescent); (verb, verbal) Middle English quieten, partly derivative of the adjective, adjectival, partly
      • Middle French)
      • (adjective, adjectival) Middle English (1350–1400

      quiet•er, n. 
      quiet•ly, adv. 
      quiet•ness, n. 

        • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See still 1.
        • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged calm, serene.
        • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged unmoving.
        • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged still, hush, silence.
        • 15, 17.See corresponding entry in Unabridged lull, soothe.

        • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged noisy.
        • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged perturbed.
        • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged active.

      (kwīit),USA pronunciation n. 

      1. freedom from noise, unwanted sound, etc.:At least there’s quiet here.
      2. freedom from disturbance or tumult;
        repose:to live in quiet.
      3. peace;
        peaceful condition of affairs.
      • Latin quiēt- (stem of quiēs) rest, peace; akin to quiēscere (see quiescent)
      • Middle French quiete)
      • Middle English quiet(e) (1300–50

        • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged silence.
        • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged calm, stillness.

        • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged noise.
        • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disturbance.

      quieter‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

      quieter — перевод на русский

      Mrs. Cooper gave me some medicine, and he’s quieter now.

      Миссис Купер дала мне несколько лекарств, и он тише сейчас.

      — Thanks, that’s much quieter.

      — Спасибо, так гораздо тише.

      It’s a little quieter over here.

      Здесь немного тише.

      Quieter, they’ll hear us.

      Тише, нас могут услышать.

      Was much quieter then.

      Тогда было куда тише.

      Показать ещё примеры для «тише»…

      It’ll be quieter there.

      Там потише.

      We’ll ask one of the lasses in a moment, when things get quieter.

      Мы спросим одну из девушек через мгновение, когда станет потише.

      It’s quieter out.

      Снаружи потише.

      Mademoiselle Alice could you shout a little quieter.

      Мадемуазель Алиса, нельзя ли кричать потише?

      And could you be a little quieter next time, please?»

      И не могли бы вы быть немножко потише в следующий раз, пожалуйста?»

      Показать ещё примеры для «потише»…

      Come to my home, where it is quieter.

      Идёмте ко мне, там гораздо спокойнее.

      — Let’s go somewhere quieter.

      — Идем в другой зал, там спокойнее.

      A quieter tone.


      Is much quieter.

      Гораздо спокойнее.

      I don’t know, it just seemed easier and quieter if they weren’t underfoot.

      Не знаю, просто, кажется, так проще и спокойнее, если они не путаются под ногами.

      Показать ещё примеры для «спокойнее»…

      It’s quieter over here.

      Здесь поспокойнее.

      Bad form to make a scene in public. The ocean would have been quieter.

      Дурной тон — устраивать сцены на людях, можно найти мести и поспокойнее.

      Wouldn’t a quieter place be better?

      Может лучше что-нибудь поспокойнее?

      It’ll be quieter.

      Будет поспокойнее.

      Показать ещё примеры для «поспокойнее»…

      Let’s go somewhere quieter.

      Найдем более тихое место .

      Why don’t we go somewhere a bit quieter?

      Давай пойдем в более тихое место?

      You wanna go somewhere quieter?

      Не хочешь пойти в более тихое место?

      Can’t find a quieter place

      Более тихого места не найти.

      Let’s find a quieter place to talk.

      Давай поговорим в более тихом месте.

      Показать ещё примеры для «более тихое»…

      Then maybe we can find you a quieter job, because—

      Тогда, может, подыщем тебе более спокойную работу, ведь…

      A one-time kingpin who’s managed to extract himself entirely from his past and lead a quieter existence.

      Бывший главарь, сумевший полностью очиститься от своего прошлого и начать более спокойную жизнь.

      We’re taking Mr. Jacobson to a quieter place.

      Перевозим мистера Джейкобсона в более спокойное место.

      Since it presumably does not concern me, I will find somewhere quieter to read.

      Ну раз меня это, видимо, не касается, пойду поищу более спокойное место для чтения.

      Maybe later, you should talk in a quieter environment.

      Может быть вам стоит поговорить в более спокойной обстановке.

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      Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.



      adj. qui·et·er, qui·et·est

      1. Making or characterized by little or no noise: a quiet library; a quiet street; a quiet, well tuned engine.


      a. Free of turmoil and agitation; calm: a quiet lake; a quiet place in the country.

      b. Providing or allowing relaxation; restful; soothing: a quiet afternoon nap; a quiet tune on the flute.

      3. Not showy or bright; subdued: a room decorated in quiet colors.

      4. Restrained, as in style; understated: a quiet strength; a quiet life.

      5. Out of public scrutiny; known or discussed by few: wanted to keep the incident quiet until after the election.


      The quality or condition of being quiet: «A menacing quiet fills the empty streets» (Time).

      v. qui·et·ed, qui·et·ing, qui·ets

      1. To cause to become quiet: The teacher quieted the students.

      2. To make (a title) secure by freeing from uncertainties or adverse claims as to the ownership.


      To become quiet: The child wouldn’t quiet down for me.

      [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin quiētus, past participle of quiēscere, to rest; see kweiə- in Indo-European roots.]

      qui′et·ly adv.

      qui′et·ness n.

      Synonyms: quiet, silent, still1, noiseless, soundless
      These adjectives mean marked by or making no sound, noise, or movement. Quiet suggests the absence of bustle, tumult, or agitation: «life being very short, and the quiet hours of it few» (John Ruskin).
      Silent can suggest a profound hush: «I like the silent church before the service begins» (Ralph Waldo Emerson).
      Still implies lack of motion or disturbance and often connotes rest or tranquility: «But after tempest … / There came a day as still as heaven» (Tennyson).
      Noiseless and soundless imply the absence of disturbing sound: «th’ inaudible and noiseless foot of time» (Shakespeare).«the soundless footsteps on the grass» (John Galsworthy).

      American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

      These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

      These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


      I don’t know. Quieter than usual.

      Confident, sociable child adapts to any situation faster and quieter.

      Уверенный в себе, общительный малыш адаптируется к любой ситуации быстрее и спокойнее.

      They are also quieter than motorized vehicles.

      Они также более тихие, чем моторизованные транспортные средства.

      Quieter reports tell of aircraft bombing friendly troops and organizational chaos.

      Более тихие сообщения рассказывают о бомбардировке самолетов дружественными войсками и организационном хаосе.

      Quieter corners of the country are tempting destinations for retirees in search of a low cost of living and warm climates.

      Более тихие уголки страны являются заманчивым местом для пенсионеров в поисках низкой стоимости жизни и теплого климата.

      Well, it’s cooler working now. Quieter.

      Ну, щас работать прохладней и спокойней.

      Quieter and less energetic than most terriers, they are best-suited for the elderly, and are affectionately called couch potatoes.

      Тише и менее энергичны, чем большинство терьеров, они лучше всего подходят для пожилых людей, и ласково называют домоседов.

      Quieter, clearer, deeper like the sea.

      Тише, чище и ближе к морю.

      Quieter, yet powerful, motor.

      Тихий, но достаточно мощный мотор.

      Quieter cars and the safety of blind pedestrians

      Quieter and smaller than helicopters, and therefore more fuel efficient, the hover bike could offer a more sustainable alternative to airborne searches.

      Работает он тише, размером меньше вертолета и, следовательно, более экономичный — летающий байк может предложить более устойчивую альтернативу в воздушных поисках.

      Quieter aircraft are a great benefit for our airport.

      авиакомпании — значимое событие для нашего аэропорта.

      Quieter compressors are without a doubt electric-powered, whereas gas-powered compressors will inevitably produce more noise because they basically employ an engine to produce the power to compress the air.

      Бесшумные компрессоры, без сомнения, работают от электрической сети, тогда как дизельные компрессоры неизбежно будут создавать больше шума, потому что в основном они используют двигатель внутреннего сгорания для создания мощности для сжатия воздуха.

      Quieter, and therefore more likely to be turned on or left on by teachers and staff

      Тише и, следовательно, более вероятно, будет включено и оставлено заказчиком

      Boosters: Quieter, more compact and with frequency control

      Бустер: Компактно, тихо, с регулировкой частоты

      Quieter and cleaner travel could also mean airports situated much nearer city centres and — particularly in the developing world — less need to build or maintain infrastructure such as rail lines, Stein said.

      Более спокойные и экологически чистые перелеты могут также означать, что аэропорты будут расположены гораздо ближе к городским центрам и, особенно в развивающихся странах, будут меньше нуждаться в строительстве или поддержании инфраструктуры, такой как железнодорожные линии, сказал Штейн.

      Continue reading «A Little Quieter, Please»

      телефона и читайте книгу «Тише, пожалуйста»

      Quieter manufacturers of fashion-hours Gc has expressive, vivid personality, a keen sense of fashion trends and the ability to change.

      А от сверхдинамичных производителей fashion-часов Gc взяла выразительность, яркую индивидуальность, острое чувство модных трендов и способность меняться.

      Enable You to Have a Quieter Environment.

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      The word quieter is the comparative form of the adjective quiet, which describes something as not making much noise, if any.

      Is quieter grammatically correct?

      The correct answer is that quieter and more quiet are both correct, though quieter is much more common. This one is a bit of an exception. One-syllable adjectives take -er and three- or more-syllable adjectives take “more” but the two-syllable ones are tricky.

      What’s the meaning of quieter?

      quieter. plural quieters. Definition of quieter (Entry 2 of 2) : one that quiets something or someone a crowd quieter a medicine that can be an effective quieter for a noisy cough.

      What is another word for quieter?

      What is another word for quieter?

      softer lower
      unclearer more muffled
      more indistinct more hushed
      more stifled more imperceptible
      more indiscernible more subdued

      What is opposite of quiet?

      Antonym of Quiet Word. Antonym. Quiet. Loud, Noisy. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

      What is opposite of smile?

      The antonym of ‘smile’ is ‘frown’ or ‘glower’. An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another.

      What is a word for quiet and peaceful?

      Some common synonyms of peaceful are calm, placid, serene, and tranquil. While all these words mean “quiet and free from disturbance,” peaceful implies a state of repose in contrast with or following strife or turmoil. grown peaceful in old age.

      What is a Nemophilist?

      One who is fond of forest or forest scenery; a haunter of the woods.

      What is a peaceful person called?

      A person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute is called a pacifist. If you are a pacifist, you talk through your differences with others instead of fighting. A pacifist is a peacemaker — even its Latin origins of pax, or “peace” and facere, “to make” show it.

      What is peace and quiet?

      Tranquillity and freedom from disturbance. This phrase’s redundancy—quiet here does not mean “lack of sound” but “peacefulness”—gives added emphasis. It often is used in wishes for this condition, as in All I want is a little peace and quiet. [ Mid-1800s]

      How do I get peace and quiet?

      7 Ways to Find Peace and Quiet in Our Loud Modern World

      1. On the water. Whether you’re out on the ocean or a lake, sailing away from shore is an ideal destination for a little peace and quiet.
      2. Meditation.
      3. Your car.
      4. In a book.
      5. Your phone.
      6. Your living room.
      7. Earplugs.
      8. Related on Organic Authority.

      Where can I go for peace and quiet?

      9 Secluded Places Perfect For Anyone Looking for a Little Peace and Quiet

      • Slope Point, New Zealand.
      • Kamakura, Japan.
      • Gimmelwald, Switzerland.
      • Nevis Island, the Caribbeans.
      • Lapland, Finland.
      • Glastonbury, UK.
      • Vienna, Austria.
      • Andalusia, Spain.

      Why do I like silence so much?

      It literally heightens our well-being by reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and even regenerating brain cells. Introverts love talking about how we need to recharge our batteries after being around people for too long, because it’s a great way to visualize how we replenish our energy.

      Why is silence so loud?

      The brain creates noise to fill the silence, and we hear this as tinnitus. Perhaps only someone with profound deafness can achieve this level of silence, so paradoxically loud. I have it easy, and in fact kind of like my tinnitus: it changes pitch from time to time, an ethereal deep outer space keening.

      Why is silence bad?

      Silence can be dangerous for both the marginalized and the non-marginalized. When you have an idea about how to stop injustice or abuse (whether you are the victim or just a witness) but instead you say nothing and just hope your “aim” is accurate, this abdicates control and allows for the status quo to remain in tact.

      Why is silence so powerful?

      Silence can be a very powerful way to “be” with another person, especially when they are troubled. It can communicate acceptance of the other person as they are as of a given moment, and particularly when they have strong feelings like sorrow, fear or anger.

      Is silence more powerful than words?

      Communication is so much more than words. Sometimes the most powerful thing a leader can say—is nothing. Silence has a habit of revealing meaning. The ability to speak effectively is a strength worth developing.

      Is silence really golden?

      “Silence is golden” is one of the oldest proverbs in English. It means, at times it is better to say nothing rather than talk. Silence can convey a lot more than words. The former form was, “Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden.” Today, only the latter half is much more commonly used.

      Is it better to argue or stay silent?

      Both sides keep fighting with each other to prove that they are right. Silence in this situation can be extremely beneficial to cool down the heat a bit. Most of the time staying silent in an argument will have a greater impact on the person in front of you than constantly yelling at them.

      Is silence the best revenge?

      Silence speaks volumes Believe it, the silence and zero reaction really bothers your ex, and they consider it as the best served revenge. Nothing creates more curiosity than silence. Your ex would expect a vent or an angry rant from you, but don’t give in. If you do, you are meeting their expectations.

      When u are angry be silent?

      People who react to anger with silence are often afraid to stand up for themselves and confront people who hurt them. They have a fear deep down that expressing their anger will cause the people they love to stop loving them, and they will alienate the very people they want to please.

      What does it mean when a woman goes silent?

      Silence is often a woman’s loudest scream, and it can mean everything to her if you tune into the static. When everything has been said, talk seems futile. Instead of hurting herself – or hurting you – even more than the situation already has, she is choosing to let things go. 2) She’s going through it!

      What to do if a girl is being distant?

      This means that if your girlfriend starts acting distant, you shouldn’t go into super caring and loving mode, trying to fix all her problems. You can’t fix her emotional state anyway, only time can do that. The best thing you can do is to simply walk away and let your girlfriend come back to you when she’s ready.

      Why do guys go quiet when they like you?

      One of the obvious reasons why a guy may ignore or act disinterested in you is because he feels you are too good for him. He lacks the confidence to approach you or share his feelings with you, fearing you might reject him. He feels that sharing his true feelings might ruin your friendship with him.

      Why do guys go silent after an argument?

      4) It Pains Us to Argue With You When the same old arguments show up repeatedly, we start to feel powerless to keep you happy. That’s when some men give up and go silent, because passively making things worse is more tolerable than speaking and actively making things worse.

      What does a man’s silence mean?

      This simply means that to work things out mentally and emotionally, women may prefer to “talk it out” whereas men may prefer to “think it out” and “work it out”—alone. This is the instant in which he may withdraw in silence.

      Is Silent Treatment immature?

      At best the silent treatment isan immature behavior used by spoiled brats and manipulativeindividuals. At worst, it is a weapon used by abusers to punish their victims.

      Is giving someone the silent treatment abuse?

      The silent treatment is a particularly insidious form of abuse because it might force the victim to reconcile with the perpetrator in an effort to end the behavior, even if the victim doesn’t know why they’re apologizing.

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