Is there a word mote

соринка, пылинка, пятнышко


- пылинка

the motes in a sunbeam — пылинки в луче солнечного света

- уст. пятнышко

to see the mote in thy brother’s eye — а) библ. видеть сучок в глазе брата своего; б) видеть лишь чужие недостатки

- звук рога


- арх. = might2 и must1

so mote it be — да будет так

- ездить на автомобиле

Мои примеры


mote knife — отбойный нож  
see a mote in thy brother’s eye — видеть сучок в глазу брата своего; преувеличивать чужие недостатки  
see the mote in thy brother’s eye — видеть сучок в глазе брата своего; видеть пылинку в чужом глазу  
mote board — улючная доска  

Примеры с переводом

There’s not a mote of dirt in that woman’s house.

В доме этой женщины нет ни соринки.

Возможные однокоренные слова

motion  — движение, предложение, перемещение, показывать жестом
motive  — мотив, повод, побуждение, движущий, двигательный, побуждать, мотивировать
motor  — двигатель, мотор, моторный, автомобильный, ехать на автомобиле
remote  — удаленный, дистанционный, отдаленный, запасная лошадь

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): mote
мн. ч.(plural): motes

более, больше, еще, гораздо, больший, дополнительный, большее количество


- больше, более

- ещё; опять, снова; в добавок

- служит для образования сравнит. ст. многосложных прилагательных и наречий более

more beautiful [agreeable, curious, difficult, serious] — более прекрасный [приятный, любопытный, трудный, серьёзный]
more easily — легче
more intensely — более напряжённо
more or less — более или менее; до некоторой степени; приблизительно
+7 neither more nor less than … — ни больше (и) ни меньше, как …; не что иное, как …

the more … the more — чем больше …, тем больше
the more he has the more he wants — чем больше он имеет, тем большего он хочет
the more the better — чем больше, тем лучше
the more the merrier — чем больше, тем веселее; ≅ в тесноте, да не в обиде
more so — того более
she is beautiful but her sister is more so — она красива, но её сестра ещё красивее
more dead than alive — смертельно усталый


- больший, более многочисленный, значительный, интенсивный и т. п.

to have [to show] more patience [craft, ability, knowledge] than … — иметь [проявлять] больше терпения [искусства, умения, знаний], чем …
I’ve got more books than you — у меня больше книг, чем у вас
there were more accidents — несчастные случаи стали более многочисленными /участились/
there is more truth in it than you think — в этом больше правды, чем вы думаете
they are more — их больше, они многочисленнее
more of us are going — а) нас идёт больше; б) нас идёт ещё несколько человек
more will attend this year than ever before — в этом году будет больше посетителей, чем когда-л.

- больший (с числами)

ten is two more than eight — десять на два больше, чем восемь

- добавочный, дополнительный; ещё

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The more the better.

Чем больше, тем лучше.

I hope to see more of you.

Надеюсь чаще Вас видеть.

You should eat more.

Вам надо больше есть.

Would you like some more tea?

Вы не хотите еще чая?

Can you say that one more time?

Вы можете сказать это еще раз?

We saw no more of him.

Мы его больше не видели.

You’ll have to be more careful next time.

В следующий раз вам придётся быть осторожнее.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It’s his manner I dislike, more than anything else.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

moral  — моральный, нравственный, духовный, нравственность, мораль, нравы
moreen  — плотная (полу)шерстяная ткань
morion  — морион, дымчатый кварц

  • 1



    совещание, встреча






    встреча, свидание, собрание, съезд

    Svensk-ryskt lexikon > möte

  • 2

    Möte f =,n н.-нем. встре́ча; in die Möte [zu Möte] kommen повстреча́ться, столкну́ться (с кем-л.), попа́сться (кому-л.) как раз кста́ти

    Allgemeines Lexikon > Möte

  • 3

    1) пыли́нка

    2) пя́тнышко



    ви́деть сучо́к в глазу́ бра́та своего́;

    б) преувели́чивать чужи́е недоста́тки

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > mote

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > mote

  • 5


    1) встреча, свидание

    gi møte — собраться, прибыть, явиться куда-л.

    heve (holde, lede, sammenkalle, sette) et møte — закрывать (проводить, вести, созывать, открывать) собрание


    3) сталкиваться (с чем-л.)

    møte fram — объявиться, неожиданно появиться

    Норвежско-русский словарь > møte

  • 6

    Норвежско-русский словарь > mote

  • 7


    mote пылинка mote пятнышко; to see a mote in thy brother’s eye библ. видеть сучок в глазу брата своего; преувеличивать чужие недостатки mote пятнышко; to see a mote in thy brother’s eye библ. видеть сучок в глазу брата своего; преувеличивать чужие недостатки

    English-Russian short dictionary > mote

  • 8

    məut I сущ.
    1) а) пылинка, соринка Syn: speck of dust б) причина раздражения, бельмо в глазу
    2) пятнышко
    3) соринка в шерсти или хлопке ∙ to see a mote in thy brother’s eye библ. ≈ видеть сучок в глазу брата своего;
    преувеличивать чужие недостатки II сущ.
    1) курган, холм Syn: barrow, tumulus III сущ. звук рожка IV сущ.;
    астр. движение небесного тела
    пылинка — the *s in a sunbeam пылинки в луче солнечного света (устаревшее) пятнышко > to see the * in thy brother’s eye (библеизм) видеть сучок в глазе брата своего;
    видеть лишь чужие недостатки (охота) (устаревшее) звук рога (устаревшее) = might и must — so * it be да будет так( разговорное) ездить на автомобиле
    mote пылинка ~ пятнышко;
    to see a mote in thy brother’s eye библ. видеть сучок в глазу брата своего;
    преувеличивать чужие недостатки
    ~ пятнышко;
    to see a mote in thy brother’s eye библ. видеть сучок в глазу брата своего;
    преувеличивать чужие недостатки

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > mote

  • 9

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > mote

  • 10


    1. пылинка

    to see the mote in thy brother’s eye — а) видеть сучок в глазе брата своего; б) видеть лишь чужие недостатки


    охот. уст.


    арх. = might2 и must1 II 1



    НБАРС > mote

  • 11

    БНРС > Möte

  • 12

    Англо-русский технический словарь > mote

  • 13















    оши́бка в ре́чи или на письме́






    заголо́вок, загла́вие; эпи́граф






    отварна́я кукуру́за


    pelar le a uno mote Ч. — ≡ ободра́ть как ли́пку, содра́ть три шку́ры






    ме́лкая ры́ба


    como mote — мно́го, полно́; ≡ ви́димо-неви́димо; хоть отбавля́й

    Diccionario español-ruso. América Latina > mote

  • 14

    mo mote

    а) везде́, повсю́ду
    б) где бы ни, куда́ бы ни

    Суахили-русский словарь > mote

  • 15

    1. m


    II m

    1) Ам. отварная кукуруза


    БИРС > mote

  • 16


    1) изрече́ние; афори́зм; сенте́нция

    2) про́звище; кли́чка

    Diccionario Español-Ruso de Uso Moderno > mote

  • 17


    1) пылинка

    2) пятнышко

    to see a mote in thy brother’s eye


    видеть сучок в глазу брата своего; преувеличивать чужие недостатки

    * * *

    1 (n) пылинка; пятнышко

    2 (v) ездить на автомобиле

    * * *

    пылинка, соринка

    * * *

    [ məʊt]
    пылинка, соринка, пятнышко

    * * *



    * * *

    1) а) пылинка
    б) причина раздражения, бельмо в глазу
    2) пятнышко
    3) соринка в шерсти или хлопке
    III сущ.
    звук рожка
    IV сущ.; астрон.
    движение небесного тела

    Новый англо-русский словарь > mote

  • 18



    1) изречение, афоризм; сентенция



    символ, эмблема; девиз



    заголовок, заглавие; эпиграф






    Universal diccionario español-ruso > mote

  • 19

    I [məut]



    а) пылинка, соринка


    б) причина раздражения, бельмо в глазу


    II [məut]


    курган, холм


    III [məut]





    IV [məut]



    Англо-русский современный словарь > mote

  • 20

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > mote


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mote — may be: Mote (food), various types of cooked grains consumed in South America Mote con huesillo, a non alcoholic drink from Chile Mote, a song by Sonic Youth from their 1990 album Goo (album) Mote EP, a recording by The Faint The Mote and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mote — Mote, n. [See {Moot}, a meeting.] [Obs., except in a few combinations or phrases.] 1. A meeting of persons for discussion; as, a wardmote in the city of London. [1913 Webster] 2. A body of persons who meet for discussion, esp. about the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mote — sustantivo masculino 1. Nombre, generalmente peyorativo, que se añade al nombre auténtico de una persona o que se le da para sustituir a éste: Le han puesto el mote irónico de el avispado porque no es muy listo. Sinónimo: apodo. 2. Área: historia …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Mote — Mote, v. See 1st {Mot}. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mote — Mote, n. The flourish sounded on a horn by a huntsman. See {Mot}, n., 3, and {Mort}. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Mote — Mote, n. [OE. mot, AS. mot.] A small particle, as of floating dust; anything proverbially small; a speck. [1913 Webster] The little motes in the sun do ever stir, though there be no wind. Bacon. [1913 Webster] We are motes in the midst of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mote — (n.) particle of dust, O.E. mot, of unknown origin; perhaps related to Du. mot dust from turf, sawdust, grit, Norw. mutt speck, mote, splinter, chip. Many references are to Matt. vii:3 …   Etymology dictionary

  • mote — index minimum Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • mote — [məut US mout] n [: Old English; Origin: mot] old fashioned a very small piece of dust …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • mote — [ mout ] noun count OLD FASHIONED a very small piece of dust …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • möte — • möte, sammankomst, sammanträde, samling, sammandragning, församling …   Svensk synonymlexikon



  • (General American) IPA(key): /moʊt/
  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /məʊt/
  • Rhymes: -əʊt
  • Homophone: moat

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle English mot, from Old English mot (grain of sand; mote; atom), but of uncertain ultimate origin. Sometimes linked to Spanish mota (speck) and English mud.[1]

Compare West Frisian mot (peat dust), Dutch mot (dust from turf; sawdust; grit), Norwegian mutt (speck; mote; splinter; chip).


mote (plural motes)

  1. A small particle; a speck.
    • a. 1729, Edward Taylor, «Meditation. Joh. 14.2. I go to prepare a place for you»:
      What shall a Mote up to a Monarch rise?
      An Emmet match an Emperor in might?
    • 1979, J.G. Ballard, The Unlimited Dream Company, chapter 9:

      I wanted to shrink myself to a mote of dust, plunge into this pool I held in my own cyclopean hands, soar down these runs of light to places where light itself was born from this colloquy of dust.


A small particle; a speck

  • Arabic: please add this translation if you can
  • Armenian: բեկորիկ (bekorik), շյուղ (hy) (šyuł)
  • Bulgarian: прашинка (bg) (prašinka)
  • Czech: smítko n
  • Dutch: stofdeeltje (nl) n, vuiltje (nl) n
  • Estonian: kübe
  • Finnish: hiukkanen (fi), hitunen (fi)
  • French: atome (fr) m
  • Galician: argueiro m, lixo m
  • Georgian: მტვერი (mṭveri)
  • German: Stäubchen (de) n
  • Hebrew: גרגיר אבק‎ m (gargír avák)
  • Icelandic: ögn f, rykögn f, korn (is) n
  • Italian: pagliuzza (it) f
  • Japanese: ほこり (ja) (hokori), ちり (ja) (chiri), 微粉 (ja) (びふん, bifun)
  • Middle English: mot
  • Polish: pyłek (pl) m
  • Portuguese: partícula (pt) f
  • Russian: пыли́нка (ru) f (pylínka), сори́нка (ru) f (sorínka)
  • Spanish: mota (es) f
  • Swedish: smolk (sv), grand (sv)
  • Telugu: నలక (te) (nalaka)
  • Turkish: parçacık (tr), tanecik (tr), zerre (tr)
  • Ukrainian: порошинка f (porošynka), пилинка f (pylynka)
See also[edit]
  • floater

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle English moten, from Old English mōtan (to be allowed, be able to, have the opportunity to, be compelled to, may, must), from Proto-Germanic *mōtaną (to be able to, have to, be delegated), from Proto-Indo-European *med- (to acquire, possess, be in charge of). Cognate with Dutch moeten (to have to, must), German müssen (to have to, must), Ancient Greek μέδω (médō, to prevail, dominate, rule over). Related to empty.


mote (third-person singular simple present mote, no present participle, simple past and past participle must)

  1. (archaic) May or might. [from 9th c.]
  2. (obsolete) Must. [9th–17th c.]
  3. (archaic) Forming subjunctive expressions of wish: may. [from 9th c.]
    • 1980, Erica Jong, Fanny:
      ‘I shall not take Vengeance into my own Hands. The Goddess will do what She will.’ ‘So mote it be,’ said the Grandmaster.
Usage notes[edit]
  • Generally takes an infinitive without to.
Derived terms[edit]
  • so mote it be

Etymology 3[edit]

See moot (a meeting).


mote (plural motes)

  1. (obsolete) A meeting for discussion.
    a wardmote in the city of London
  2. (obsolete) A body of persons who meet for discussion, especially about the management of affairs.
    a folk mote
  3. (obsolete) A place of meeting for discussion.
Derived terms[edit]
  • folk-mote
  • mote bell
  • shire-mote

Etymology 4[edit]

From remote, with allusion to the other sense of mote (a speck of dust).


mote (plural motes)

  1. A tiny computer for remote sensing; a component element of smartdust.


  1. ^ Worcester, Joseph Emerson (1910: Worcester’s academic dictionary: a new etymological dictionary of the English language, p. 371


  • -tome, Tome, tome

Inari Sami[edit]


From Proto-Samic *moδē.


This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with the IPA then please add some!



  1. mud


Even e-stem, tđ gradation
Nominative mote
Genitive mođe
Singular Plural
Nominative mote mođeh
Accusative mođe muuđijd
Genitive mođe muđij
Illative motán muuđijd
Locative moođeest muuđijn
Comitative muuđijn muđijguin
Abessive mođettáá muđijttáá
Essive motteen
Partitive motteed
Possessive forms
Singular Dual Plural
1st person
2nd person
3rd person

Further reading[edit]

  • mote in Marja-Liisa Olthuis, Taarna Valtonen, Miina Seurujärvi and Trond Trosterud (2015–2022) Nettidigisäänih Anarâškiela-suomakielâ-anarâškielâ sänikirje[1], Tromsø: UiT
  • Koponen, Eino; Ruppel, Klaas; Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008) Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages[2], Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland



mote f pl

  1. plural of mota


  • Temo, temo




  1. Rōmaji transcription of もて




  1. vocative masculine singular of mōtus

Middle English[edit]



  1. inflection of moten (to have to):
    1. present subjunctive singular
    2. present indicative/subjunctive plural

Norwegian Bokmål[edit]


From French mode. Compare mode.


mote m (definite singular moten, indefinite plural moter, definite plural motene)

  1. fashion

Derived terms[edit]

  • motebevisst
  • motehus
  • moteshow
  • moteverden


  • “mote” in The Bokmål Dictionary.

Norwegian Nynorsk[edit]


From French mode.


mote m (definite singular moten, indefinite plural motar, definite plural motane)

  1. fashion

Derived terms[edit]

  • motebevisst
  • motehus
  • moteshow
  • motemedveten, motemedviten


  • “mote” in The Nynorsk Dictionary.



From Provençal or French mot (word); see also Italian motto (word).


mote m (plural motes)

  1. motto



  • IPA(key): /ˈmote/ [ˈmo.t̪e]
  • Rhymes: -ote
  • Syllabification: mo‧te

Etymology 1[edit]

From French mot (word, saying) or Occitan mot.


mote m (plural motes)

  1. nickname
  2. motto (heraldry)
  • motejar

Etymology 2[edit]

Borrowed from Quechua mut’i.


mote m (plural motes)

  1. (South America) hulled cereal, especially pearl barley and hominy
Derived terms[edit]
  • mote de maíz
  • mote de trigo

Further reading[edit]

  • “mote”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014




  1. dative singular of mot


there’s not a mote of dirt in that woman’s house

Recent Examples on the Web

T’Challa’s coffin, carried by its team of all-woman warrior pallbearers—including Danai Gurira’s Okoye, showing nothing but betraying every mote of sorrow even so—is eventually relinquished to the sky, where it’s subsumed into a triangular ceremonial object and whisked off, gone forever.

Stephanie Zacharek, Time, 8 Nov. 2022

And jab your holy finger at my mote?

Eric Chevlen, National Review, 12 Nov. 2020

Humans sitting on a tiny little mote of a planet in a hostile void worked collaboratively over many years to create incredible instruments capable of gathering photons of light emitted from a nebula 5,500 years ago.

Tom Yulsman, Discover Magazine, 26 Dec. 2016

The world’s smallest battery is smaller than a dust mote.

Joshua Hawkins, BGR, 1 Mar. 2022

How lonely, and how far away everything is compared to that mote of dust.

NBC News, 22 July 2021

George was nearly beyond retrieval, a tiny glint of a mote, like a wayward flea.

Cynthia Ozick, The New Yorker, 14 June 2021

The mote also features a layer of special conductive film and a thin sheet of copper.

Courtney Linder, Popular Mechanics, 11 June 2021

Even in the narrow disk, which is less than half an inch wide, Trichoplax is so small that finding it with the naked eye is like searching for a dust mote in a gymnasium.

Emily Underwood, The Atlantic, 8 June 2020

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘mote.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Смотреть что такое MOTE в других словарях:


[məʊt]пылинка, соринкапричина раздражения, бельмо в глазупятнышкосоринка в шерсти или хлопкекурган, холмзвук рожкадвижение небесного тела


I[məʋt] n1. пылинкаthe motes in a sunbeam — пылинки в луче солнечного света2. уст. пятнышко
♢ to see the mote in thy brother’s eye — а) библ. видеть су… смотреть


mote: translationSynonyms and related words:ace, acropolis, air, atom, bastion, beachhead, bit, black sheep, blemish, blockhouse, bridgehead, bubble, b… смотреть


I {məʋt} n 1. пылинка the ~s in a sunbeam — пылинки в луче солнечного света 2. уст. пятнышко ♢ to see the ~ in thy brother’s eye — а) библ. видеть… смотреть


• And why beholdest thou the ___ that is in thy brother’s • The ___ in God’s Eye (sci-fi novel) • 82 Eye troubler • Atom • Atom, e.g. • Bit for the du… смотреть


mote: translation————————————————————
[Swahili Word] mote
[English Word] all
[Part of Speech] adjective
[Derive… смотреть


I1. m1) изречение, афоризм; сентенция2) ист. символ, эмблема; девиз (на рыцарских турнирах)3) прозвище4) Чили речевая ошибка5) Экв. заголовок, заглавие… смотреть


-n, -rмодаetter siste (nyeste) mote — по последней модеfølge moten — следовать моде, одеваться по модеgå av mote — выйти из модыkomme på mote(n) — войт… смотреть


mote [məυt] n
1) пыли́нка
2) пя́тнышко
◊ to see a mote in thy brother’s eye
а) библ. ви́деть сучо́к в глазу́ бра́та своего́;
б) преувели́чивать чужи́… смотреть


I [Ґ†Ќ«] сущ. 1) а) пылинка, соринка Syn: speck of dust б) причина раздражения, бельмо в глазу 2) пятнышко 3) соринка в шерсти или хлопке •• to see a mote in thy brother’s eye библ. — видеть сучок в глазу брата своего; преувеличивать чужие недостатки II [Ґ†Ќ«] сущ. курган, холм Syn: barrow, tumulus III сущ. звук рожка IV сущ.; астр. движение небесного тела… смотреть


I1. Ч.; инд.; нн.; adjзаикающийся (о человеке)
2. Ч.; инд.; нн.; mошибка в речи или на письме
II m; Экв.; инд.заголовок, заглавие; эпиграф
III m; Ам.; инд.отварная кукуруза
pelarle a uno mote Ч. — ≡ ободрать кого-л. как липку, содрать три шкуры с кого-л.
IV m; Ч.; инд.мелкая рыба
como mote — много, полно; ≡ видимо-невидимо; хоть отбавляй… смотреть


см. ote; повсю́ду;nyumbani mote — повсю́ду в до́ме; во всём до́ме;mo moteа) везде́, повсю́дуб) где бы ни, куда́ бы ни


nпилинка, порошинкаto see a mote in smb.’s eye — бібл. бачити порошинку в чиємусь оці; перебільшувати чиїсь недоліки


Mote: translation   (Gr. karphos, something dry, hence a particle of wood or chaff, etc.). A slight moral defect is likened to a mote (Matt. 7:3-5; Luk… смотреть


mote: translation noun
Mote is used after these nouns: ↑dust


1. n 1) пилинка, порошинка; 2) заст. цяточка; ♦ to see the ~ in thy brother’s eye а) бібл. бачити сучок в оці брата свого; б) бачити лише чужі недоліки; 2. v розм. їздити на автомобілі…. смотреть


m1) девиз
2) изречение; эпиграф
3) насмешка


мед.сущ. пылинка
Англо-русский медицинский словарь.2012.


улючный– mote board– mote knife


улючный — mote board — mote knife


n. пылинка, соринка, пятнышко


(v) ездить на автомобиле


(n) пылинка; пятнышко

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WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(mōt),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. a small particle or speck, esp. of dust.
  2. Textilesmoit.
  • bef. 1000; Middle English, Old English mot speck; cognate with Dutch mot grit, sawdust, Norwegian mutt speck

motey, adj. 

(mōt),USA pronunciation v., pt. moste (mōst).USA pronunciation [Archaic.]

  1. may or might.
  • bef. 900; Middle English mot(e), Old English mōt; cognate with German muss. See must1

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

mote /məʊt/ n

  1. a tiny speck

Etymology: Old English mot; compare Middle Dutch mot grit, Norwegian mutt speck

mote‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

Asked by: Mohammed Heathcote

Score: 4.2/5
(43 votes)

: a small particle : speck a mote of dust.

What does the word Mote mean in Bible?

The original Greek word translated as «mote» (κάρφος karphos) meant «any small dry body». The terms mote and beam are from the King James Version; other translations use different words, e.g. the New International Version uses «speck (of sawdust)» and «plank».

Is Mote a word?

Yes, mote is in the scrabble dictionary.

How do you use the word mote?

Mote in a Sentence ?

  1. A small mote of glass entered my foot, so tiny that I wasn’t able to pull it out without tweezers.
  2. Feeling a mote of dirt in her eye, the woman rushed to the bathroom to wash the speck out.
  3. A mote of sand in the girl’s shoe irritated her until she stopped to wipe it away.

Where does the word Mote come from?

mote (n.) «small particle, as of dust visible in a ray of sunlight,» Old English mot, of unknown origin; perhaps related to Dutch mot «dust from turf, sawdust, grit,» Norwegian mutt «speck, mote, splinter, chip.» Hence, anything very small. Many references are to Matthew vii.

41 related questions found

What does Mote mean?

: a small particle : speck motes danced in the shafts of sunlight— Margaret Kennedy.

What does mean mote?

The definition of a mote is a speck or a very small piece of something. An example of a mote is a particle of dirt. … From Old English mot, and akin to Middle Dutch and Fris meaning sand or grit. 1. A speck of dust or other tiny particle.

What is a sentence for mote?

The Marxists see only the mote in the enemy’s eye. A brother who has a beam in his own eye should not be judging the brother who may have a mote in his eye. She threw my eggs in a bag, where they drooled a little mote .

How do you use moat in a sentence?

1) They built a moat to encompass the castle. 2) The castle had a deep moat which emptied into the lake. 3) The bridge, which spans the moat, is 140 feet long and 30 feet wide.

Is Mote a verb or noun?

As detailed above, ‘mote’ can be a verb or a noun. Verb usage: So mote it be! Noun usage: «Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.» -Matthew 7:5.

How do you spell moat or mote?

Moat is also used as a verb in English language where it means to surround (a place) with a moat. The moated castle before the war. Mote as noun: Mote is used as a noun in English language where it means a tiny piece of a substance; a speck.

Is Mote a speck?

mote Add to list Share. Say the word: mote. … The word corresponds to its meaning, which is something tiny: a speck of dust, a bit of fluff, a speckle of gold in the prospector’s pan.

Is moat a Scrabble word?

Yes, moat is in the scrabble dictionary.

What is a mote in the eye?

mote in a person’s eye, a a fault observed in another person by a person who ignores a greater fault of his or her own; a mote is an irritating particle in the eye, and the allusion is to Matthew 7:3.

What does it mean to take the plank out of your own eye?

In this verse, Jesus argues that one must first remove the plank before going on to remove the speck. This verse makes clear that it is the height of hypocrisy to point out a minor flaw (sin) in another when your sins are much worse.

What is a beam in your eye?

beam in (one’s) eye

A flaw, fault, or indiscretion within oneself, especially compared to a lesser fault one is criticizing in someone else (often worded as a «mote» in their eye).

What is the full meaning of moat?

Acronym. Definition. MOAT. Measurement and Operations Analysis Team.

What was a moat used for?

A moat is a deep, broad ditch, either dry or filled with water, that is dug and surrounds a castle, fortification, building or town, historically to provide it with a preliminary line of defence. In some places moats evolved into more extensive water defences, including natural or artificial lakes, dams and sluices.

What is a synonym for moat?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for moat, like: barrier, fosse, canal, castle, ditch, channel, manor-house, trench, furrow, graffe and gatehouse.

What is the meaning of mote in Urdu?

Mote Meaning in English to Urdu is تنکا, as written in Urdu and Tinka, as written in Roman Urdu. There are many synonyms of Mote which include Atom, Bit, Crumb, Dot, Fleck, Fragment, Grain, Iota, Particle, Smidgen, Speckle, Trace, Small Thing, Tiny Bit, etc.

How do you use replete?

Replete in a Sentence ?

  1. I received a low score on my essay because the paper was replete with mistakes.
  2. Although the lemonade was replete with sugar and water, it still had a bitter taste.
  3. The twelve bedroom house is replete with five bedrooms.

How do you use temerity in a sentence?

Temerity sentence example

  1. He now bitterly regretted his temerity in braving the danger. …
  2. Most runners don’t have the temerity to enter the Reebok Cross Country at Cardiff Castle, let alone dress for the occasion.

What is a mote on a house?

The name itself derives from ‘moot’ or ‘mote’ in Old English, meaning ‘a place of assembly’. Mote House, the mansion at the heart of the park was built originally for the Earl of Romney between 1793 and 1801 by architect Daniel Alexander.

What are motes in Twilight?

Mote of Light are resources made in and used by the Simril Lightcrafting Profession to craft items offered in the limited-time Winter Festival.

: a very small piece of dust, dirt, etc.

Simply so What is mote de Trigo? trigo: grain; wheat; type of grain. …

What is mote sauce? In Argentina, mote is consumed primarily in the mountainous northwest region, and less frequently in Cuyo and Patagonia. It is a stew of thin consistency (this is one of the main differences with the soup called locro) made from white hominy, sometimes peeled, and boiled with jume ash.

also How do you use mote in a sentence? Mote in a Sentence ud83dudd09

  1. A small mote of glass entered my foot, so tiny that I wasn’t able to pull it out without tweezers.
  2. Feeling a mote of dirt in her eye, the woman rushed to the bathroom to wash the speck out.
  3. A mote of sand in the girl’s shoe irritated her until she stopped to wipe it away.

How do you pronounce mote?

Where does the word Mote come from? mote (n.) “small particle, as of dust visible in a ray of sunlight,” Old English mot, of unknown origin; perhaps related to Dutch mot “dust from turf, sawdust, grit,” Norwegian mutt “speck, mote, splinter, chip.” Hence, anything very small. Many references are to Matthew vii.

How do you pronounce Edward Mote?

What language is so mote it be? The poem, written around 1390, includes 64 pages written in rhyming couplets in Middle English (“Fyftene artyculus þey þer sowȝton, and fyftene poyntys þer þey wroȝton,” translated as “Fifteen articles they there sought and fifteen points there they wrought.”) It tells the story of the beginnings of Masonry (supposedly …

Is Mote a speck?

a small particle or speck, especially of dust. moit.

What is mote learning? Mote is the audio toolkit for educators and learners – integrated within the products you know and love. Add to Chrome.

How do you spell Eduardo?

Correct pronunciation for the word “Eduardo” is [ɛdwˈɑːdə͡ʊ], [ɛdwˈɑːdə‍ʊ], [ɛ_d_w_ˈɑː_d_əʊ].

How do you spell Edwards? Correct pronunciation for the word “edwards” is [ˈɛdwədz], [ˈɛdwədz], [ˈɛ_d_w_ə_d_z].

How do you pronounce lieutenant in the UK?

No one can really say why in the British Army the word is pronounced “left-tenant” but it’s notable that in the Royal Navy the pronunciation seems half way across the ocean. They drop the “f” and say “le-tenant.”

How do Masons call each other?

Yes, There Is a Freemason Handshake.

Freemasons greet one another with a variety of handshakes, all based on one’s rank within the organization. “There is a handshake for each degree: Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master, i.e., the first three degrees and also in the higher degrees,” says Révauger.

What is the Masonic saying? Here is a look at some of the most identifiable masonic sayings ever recorded. “A secret between two is a secret of God; a secret between three is everybodie’s secret.” “A wise man hears one word and understands two.” “All men are capable of reason.

What is the Masonic prayer? Thou, O God! knowest our down-sitting and our uprising, and understandest our thoughts afar off. Shield and defend us from the evil intentions of our enemies, and support us under the trials and afflictions we are destined to endure, while travelling through this vale of tears.

What are volatile motes?

Stellaris on Twitter: “@TemplinEdu @slicedchicken48 These are “volatile motes”. One of the advanced resources in 2.2, which you can use to upgrade buildings. You can get them from some natural deposits or by processing some of your core goods into them, through other buildings.

What are motes in the air? Motes of Air drop from the wind elementals in Outland. They can also be extracted from a Windy Cloud in Nagrand by an engineer using a Zapthrottle Mote Extractor. Engineers who extract motes often receive 3-5 motes per cloud.

What does the word Bowers mean?

bower BOW-er noun. 1 : an attractive dwelling or retreat. 2 : a lady’s private apartment in a medieval hall or castle. 3 : a shelter (as in a garden) made with tree boughs or vines twined together : arbor.

How do you send a mote? Look for the Mote icon in comment boxes. Record and insert audio clips within Google Slides and Google Forms – simply click on the Mote icon within the application to insert your audio. Add voice notes anywhere, using our voice recorder accessed from the extension icon in the browser bar.

How do I start mote?

How do students use mote? Getting students to use Mote

  1. Click the Mote ‘M’ icon in the browser bar (if not visible click the puzzle icon then ‘pin’ the Mote icon to browser bar.
  2. Click to Sign in.
  3. Select Age as ‘0-17’
  4. Follow the instructions to login using your school-provided Google account.

What Eduardo means?

The Spanish form of Edward, Eduardo means wealthy guard. Eduardo Name Origin: Spanish. Pronunciation: ed-wahr-do.

Is Eduardo a Mexican name? Eduardo is a Spanish, Italian and Portuguese variant of Edward.

Is Eduardo an Italian name?

Italian Meaning:

In Italian the meaning of the name Eduardo is: rich guardian’.

Is Edwards an Irish name?

Edwards is

a patronymic surname

, which arose separately in England and Wales.

Edwards (surname)

Word/name English, Welsh and Scottish
Meaning Son of Edward, Edward’s
Region of origin England, Wales and Scotland
Frequency Comparison:

What does mean Edwards? Edwards is a patronymic surname meaning “son of Edward.” It derives from the early medieval English given name, Edward, meaning “prosperous guardian,” from the Old English “Eadward,” composed of the elements ead, meaning “prosperity or fortune,” and w(e)ard, meaning “guard.”

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