Is there a word led


неправильный глагол

- past и p. p. от lead

Мои примеры


delegation led (by) — делегация во главе (с)  
desires have been fulfil led — желания осуществились  
they led off the dance — они открыли танец  
led into deadlock — заведённый в тупик  
led out of a deadlock — выведенный из тупика  
led display — индикатор на светодиодах  
led lamp — светодиод  
star led — ориентирующийся по звёздам; ведомые звездой  
be led — возглавляться  
led by — во главе с  

Примеры с переводом

Chance led him to London.

Случай привёл его в Лондон.

They led us down to the river.

Они вывели нас к реке.

She led the group from the bus to the auditorium.

Она провела группу из автобуса в аудиторию.

The pianist led into the next piece of music.

Пианист перешёл к новой мелодии.

I led the king of trumps.

Я положил козырного короля.

She knew the colonel was easily led.

Она знала, что полковник легко поддаётся убеждению.

Their road led them through a little copse.

Дорога вела их через небольшую рощицу.

Of the causes pneumonia led the list.

Пневмония возглавляет список всех болезней.

Instinct early led him into the political arena.

Природное чутьё рано привело его на политическую арену.

The prisoners were led into the courtroom.

Заключённых ввели в зал суда.

The candidate’s integrity and strength led the voters to support him.

Честность и сила кандидата побудили избирателей оказать ему поддержку.

Возможные однокоренные слова

misled  — введенный в заблуждение, сбитый с толку, сбившийся с пути

led — перевод на русский


I saw a light, but I could not see where it was leading.

Я видел свет, но я не знал, куда он ведет.

Leading to the top… there is a staircase of over 1,000 steps… but there is an elevator included in the price of admission.

Наверх ведет лестница… более чем из тысячи ступеней… но в стоимость посещения включен подъем на лифте.

Leave a world which leads nowhere.

Покиньте мир, который ведет в тупик.

A world which leads only to death.

Мир, который ведет только к смерти.

Let’s see where this leads.

Посмотрим, куда он ведет.

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Red put us on to the brothers because it would lead him straight to Xiaoping Li.

— Нет. Ред подкинул нам братьев Павловичей, зная, что это приведёт его к Сяопинь Ли.

She’ll lead us to Hannay.

Она приведет нас к Хэнни.

You expect a love affair to lead to marriage and…

Ты думаешь, что наш роман приведет к браку…

Loyalty to a step to lead us on the path to peace.

Верность поступку, который приведет нас на путь к миру.

Where are these skipping stones leading us to?

Куда нас приведет прыгающий камешек?

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«It is written here in the shape of lead that his dizziness is atrocious witchcraft.»

«Свинец возвещает нам, что его болезнь — жуткое проклятье!»

A heavy summons lies like lead upon me, and yet I would not sleep.

как свинец, Но спать я не хотел бы:

Lead unsatisfactory.

Свинец плохого качества.

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A woman who leads the sort of life you do has no right to the custody of a minor child.

Женщина, ведущая подобный образ жизни не имеет права воспитывать ребенка.

In a good leading part, dancing and singing.

Что у меня ведущая роль, с танцами и пением.

There must be an invisible door leading somewhere.

Здесь должна быть невидимая дверь, ведущая куда-то.

Maybe a sewer leading to the river.

Может это сточная труба ведущая в реку. Да.

As I recall the pattern of our fuel flow, there is an access tube leading to the matter/antimatter reaction chamber.

Насколько я помню схему нашего топливного потока, есть труба доступа, ведущая к блоку реактора вещества/антивещества.

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I brought you here and I will lead you further!

Я привела вас сюда и я поведу вас дальше!

I will lead forth my soldiers to the field… and thus my battle shall be ordered.

сам в бой я поведу своих солдат. И вот приказ мой по моим войскам:

I’ll lead you to a bright future!

Я поведу тебя в светлое будущее.

Tomorrow I lead six cohorts of the garrison… against the slaves on Vesuvius.

Завтра я поведу шесть когорт гарнизона… на бой с рабами у подножия Везувия.

Right, I’ll lead.

Хорошо. я поведу.

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That might lead to emotionalism

Это только приводит к чрезмерной эмоциональности

There’s a door at the end of the hall, leads to the docks.

Та дверь в конце зала, приводит к пристани.

A distinctly antisocial tendency… for it never leads to any lasting friendship.

Несомненно, такое антиобщественное поведение никогда не приводит к длительным отношениям

Frustration can lead them quickly to violence.

Неудовлетворённость приводит к жестокости.

Which leads to behaviour such as Meinhardis’s?

И это приводит к такому поведению как у Майнхардис?

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I thought I would lead an army greater than Alexander ever dreamed of.

Я думал возглавить армию более величественную, чем мог мечтать Александр.

— I’ll take over and lead the-the expedition.

— Я могу возглавить экспедицию.

But why did Jackson go and have to lead the flight.

Но почему Джексон решил сам возглавить полет,

To lead an attack on the Krotons?

Чтобы возглавить нападение на Kротонов?

Erno’s going to lead the revolution and head the new government.

Эрно собирается возглавить революцию и новое правительство.

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I just led the pipe out to there.

Я просто вывел сюда трубу.

The king’s lead them out of the palace through the back door.

Король вывел их через ту дверь.

He led his people out across the sea.

Он народ свой вывел через море.

He led us from the Urbankan slime first to conquer the land, then the elements, to develop the greatest technology in the universe.

Он вывел нас из грязи Урбанка сначала чтобы завоевать землю, а затем чтобы развить величайшую технологию во вселенной.

No, simply to follow him around and lead me to Alfred Gonet.

Он вывел бы на Альфреда Гонне. Вопрос:

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Still Lady Julia in the lead.

ЛедиДжулиявсёещё лидирует.

It’s Clear Valley’s Lady Julia, the favorite, still in the lead.

Фаворит Ясной Долины Леди Джулия всё ещё лидирует.

Lady Julia still holding her lead.

Леди Джулия все еще лидирует.

«Sentinel car takes lead approximately 600 miles west of Chicago.» Frisbee!

Автомобиль «Сентинела» лидирует и находится примерно в 600 милях западнее Чикаго.

«So there’s no way of telling who’s in the lead.»

«Так что не могу сообщить, кто сейчас лидирует.»

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I need a lead.

Нужна зацепка.

There goes my last lead.

Эта была моя последняя зацепка.

For the moment, it’s our best lead.

На данную минуту это наша лучшая зацепка.

— You must have a lead, at least !

Ну хоть зацепка у вас есть?

So far the only lead we have is the name of the bag man.

Выходит, что единственная зацепка — имя продавца.

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Led vs. Lead – What’s the Gist?

Homographs have the same spelling, but they may be pronounced differently; and it is this identical spelling that begins the confusion between these two English words.

As a noun, lead can be pronounced either leed or led. As a verb, lead is pronounced leed. Adding to the confusion is that the past tense of the verb lead is led, pronounced led. So how do you keep track of which word you want? To simplify:

  • Led is the past tense of the verb lead.
  • Lead is a noun, indicating a position or an element, or a verb, meaning to guide.

led versus lead

How to Use Led in a Sentence

Led definition: As a past tense verb, led means to guide or direct. It also has the meaning of something that has begun or been opened.

For example:

  • The shepherd dog led the sheep into the pen. (Past Tense Verb)
  • After receiving confusing instructions, the man found himself being led on a fool’s errand. (Past Tense Verb)
  • The Euchre player led the opening trick with a trump. (Past Tense Verb)

Led is pronounced just one way, as it looks led.

How to Use Lead in a Sentence

Lead definition: Lead leed or led as a noun means to have a position at the front of something leed, or that it is a substance, such as metal or graphite led.

For example:

  • The thoroughbred took the lead the last several lengths of the track. (Noun)
  • Because of health concerns, the government prohibited household paint from having any lead. (Noun)
  • Although mechanical pencils have sharp points, the lead will sometimes break. (Noun)

Lead leed as a verb expresses action as in to guide or to direct activities, operations, and performances. It can also express the action of beginning or opening something.

For example:

  • The jockey leads the thoroughbred around the track. (Present Tense Verb)
  • The president asked Congress to lead the way in developing bipartisan legislation to improve the infrastructure. (Infinitive)
  • The heavy-weight boxer shows a propensity to lead with his left. (Infinitive)

Lead is pronounced two different ways. As a verb, lead is pronounced leed, but as a noun, it is pronounced as either leed or led.

Outside Examples of Led vs. Lead

  • Ronald Watts and Kallatt Mohammed led a tactical unit in the Ida B. Wells housing project and carried on a side business shaking down drug dealers and residents, using the threat of arrest to extort money and drugs. –Chicago Sun-Times
  • The mountains, meanwhile, saw up to four feet of snow, courtesy of a fire hose of moisture originating in the central Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. This led to exceptionally high snow totals and strong winds, all but shutting down travel across the higher terrain. –The Denver Post
  • Two days after Iowa Democrats turned out to caucus, the incomplete results from the gaffe-filled counting of preferences in the nation’s first presidential contest showed former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg continuing to hold a narrow lead. –Chicago Tribune
  • The city’s argument for focusing on these neighborhoods was the presence of old housing that was sure to contain lead paint. –Dallas Morning News

Phrases That Use Led and Lead

There are some phrases that use the word led or lead, including:

Led a quiet life: Someone who keeps at home and does simple and peaceful activities.

  • The octogenarian led a quiet life by enjoying reading and gardening.

Easily led: The ability to be minimally directed or manipulated by others.

  • Because of her naiveté, the child was easily led to take the candy.

Leading role: The main person in one of the dramatic arts or at a place of employment.

  • After she had been promoted to marketing direction, she took a leading role in the company’s direction.

Take the lead: A person who assumes a leadership role.

  • He was asked to take the lead after the CEO retired.

How to Remember These Words

Because these two words have layered meanings, different parts of speech and tenses of verbs, and both similar and different pronunciations, it is challenging to determine the correct usage.

A simple way to remember what word to use is to determine the function in a sentence. Both led and lead are verbs. Lead leed is the present tense form and led led is the past tense form. Look for action. To determine the noun that means at the front or in the lead leed, remember that leaders leeders are in the front. The idiom get the lead out led may help you remember the substantive. Both in paint and in pencils, you want the lead led out.

For example:

  • The crossing guard leads children to safety.
  • The crossing guard led the children to safety.
  • Leaders should take the lead when others are following.
  • The teacher needed extra lead for her mechanical pencils.

Article Summary

Is led or lead correct? Contrary to what you might think, the past tense of the verb lead is not lead led, it’s led. Leaders lead. Pencils have lead.

Furthermore, it is likely that you are looking for the idea of leading, so try the word led if you are writing in the past tense.

  • Led is a past tense verb of lead.
  • Lead is a noun.


  • 1 Led vs. Lead – What’s the Gist?
  • 2 How to Use Led in a Sentence
  • 3 How to Use Lead in a Sentence
  • 4 Outside Examples of Led vs. Lead
  • 5 Phrases That Use Led and Lead
  • 6 How to Remember These Words
  • 7 Article Summary

Table of Contents

  1. Are lead and lead homonyms?
  2. What is another name for LED?
  3. What is the meaning of the word LED?
  4. How do you use the word LED?
  5. What is the circuit symbol for an LED?
  6. How do you remember led and lead?
  7. What’s the difference between LED and lead?
  8. Could lead to meaning?
  9. Should have led with that meaning?
  10. Which lead to meaning?
  11. Is Co led a word?
  12. What does Comanage mean?
  13. Is Coled a word?
  14. What is a co leader?
  15. Can a co-leader kick a co-leader?
  16. Is Elder higher than CO-leader?
  17. Can there be two leaders?
  18. What can co-leaders do in hcr2?
  19. What is dual leadership?
  20. What do co-leaders do?
  21. How do you become a co-leader?
  22. What is another word for co-leader?
  23. How do you co manage?
  24. What is the meaning of CO?
  25. Is co manage a word?
  26. Can co managers work?

Light Emitting Diode

Are lead and lead homonyms?

Lead and lead are two words that are spelled identically but are pronounced differently and have different meanings, which makes them heteronyms. English words are also spelled according to their etymologies rather than their sound. …

What is another name for LED?

What is another word for led to?

resulted in brought about
occasioned produced
engendered generated
set off induced
precipitated prompted

light-emitting diode

How do you use the word LED?

Led is the past tense of the verb lead. In addition to that, lead can also be a noun or adjective. Because these two words are used for different tenses, they can never be interchanged. Lead, as a verb, is the opposite of the word follow.

What is the circuit symbol for an LED?

Symbol definitions are as follows: The LED symbol is the standard symbol for a diode with the addition of two small arrows denoting emission (of light). Hence the name, light emitting diode (LED). The “A” indicates the anode, or plus (+) connection, and the “C” the cathode, or minus (-) connection.

How do you remember led and lead?

This may help you remember that “lead,” meaning a leadership position, is pronounced with a long “e,” while “led” as the past tense of “lead,” as well as “lead” the metal, is pronounced with a short “e.”

What’s the difference between LED and lead?

Led is lead past tense. This is its only use. Lead is a present tense verb, meaning to guide. It also is a noun that refers to a metallic element, e.g., a lead pipe.

Could lead to meaning?

(lead to something) to begin a process that causes something to happen. There is no doubt that stress can lead to physical illness.

Should have led with that meaning?

What does “should have led with this” mean? It means that you missed the opportunity “to lead with” (i.e., to bring forth first) an argument that would have secured your success in a debate. By allowing your best point to fall to a secondary or tertiary position, it lost its power to persuade.

Which lead to meaning?

: to result in (something) a course of study leading to a degree in agriculture Her investigations ultimately led to the discovery of the missing documents. His volunteer work in the hospital led to a career in nursing.

Is Co led a word?

1 transitive : to lead (something, such as a group) with one or more other people They were chosen to co-lead the investigative team.

What does Comanage mean?

transitive verb. : to manage (someone or something) with one or more other people He comanages the restaurant with his sister. : to manage together If there’s one thing that’s harder than managing your own money it’s this: co-managing money with a romantic partner.—

Is Coled a word?

COLED is a valid scrabble word.

What is a co leader?

Co-leadership is two or more people in charge of a team or group. They share ownership of the goals of their team but divide the roles and responsibilities. That’s co-leadership in action.

Can a co-leader kick a co-leader?

Clan members can always be kicked, however, to kick a co-leader, the co-leader must first be demoted to member by the Clan leader before the option to kick is given. A co-leader can promote other members to co-leader but will be unable to demote fellow co-leaders.

Is Elder higher than CO-leader?

The Co-leader has more responsibilities than an Elder but less than a Leader. Co-leaders can: Invite players to the clan. Accept players into the clan.

Can there be two leaders?

And yet, two can be exponentially more powerful than one. Co-leadership can be an extremely powerful lever for building a great company. Indeed, it can and should be energizing, efficient and inspiring for you, your team and your company.

What can co-leaders do in hcr2?

Co-Leaders can promote or kick Players, but they can’t kick the leader. They can start a Match. Co-Leaders can be kicked by the leader.

What is dual leadership?

Dual leadership means two leaders share the leadership task and are held jointly accountable for the results of the unit.

What do co-leaders do?

Co-leader is a fellow leader. Someone who is responsible for or in control of a group, organization, country, etc with another person. Co-leaders can also trash Derby tasks. Once he/she has trash a task that has not been chosen, another task will appear after a short period minutes.

How do you become a co-leader?

ET has tips from the experts on how to be a great co-leader.

  1. Define roles And responsibilities. Both leaders need to set clear expectations for their own roles and responsibilities.
  2. Ensure alignment.
  3. Deal effectively with conflict.
  4. Complement Each Other.
  5. Acknowledge Shortcomings.

What is another word for co-leader?

What is another word for co-leader?

coleader joint leader
co-chair co-ruler

How do you co manage?

How to improve co-management

  1. Identify the company’s goals, and use them to define co-management. Use your company’s vision and mission statement to identify the company’s overall goals.
  2. Gain commitment from your leadership team.
  3. Develop strong communication skills.
  4. Build trust throughout the organization.

What is the meaning of CO?

The definition of co means together, partner, assistant, equally or jointly. An example of co is cofounder, which a person who partnered with another person to found a company or organization. An example of co is cochair, which is a person who is jointly in charge of something with another.

Is co manage a word?

verb (used with or without object), co-man·aged, co-man·ag·ing. to manage jointly.

Can co managers work?

Co-managing a department is possible and co-managing businesses happen successfully everyday among partnerships and spouses. However there are differences between couples and partners owning their own businesses and individuals working as employees managing a department.

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Alternative 1: LED Backlight Units

Альтернатива 1: светодиодные устройства фоновой подсветки




An LED is a semiconductor.

Светодиод — это полупроводник.


led / led / leading / leads


(drive, bring)

Where will all this lead?

Куда это все приведет?



(conduct, guide)

Supermen can lead the mob.

Сверхчеловек может вести толпу.



(head, chair)

America must lead this process.

Америка должна возглавить этот процесс.



(spend, conduct)

Let Afghans Lead Afghan Reform

Пусть реформы в Афганистане проводят афганцы



Europe’s Power to Lead

Способность Европы руководить



You lead others to sin!

Ты вводишь других в грех!



(IT General)

Might scare up a lead.

Может вывести нас на какой-нибудь след.



Both sides must take care that an incident concerning Taiwan does not lead in that direction.

Обе стороны должны позаботиться о том, чтобы какой-либо инцидент с Тайванем не повел в этом направлении.


задавать наводящие вопросы

The prosecution can’t lead his own witness.

Обвинение не может задавать наводящие вопросы собственным свидетелям.


другие переводы 8


Словосочетания (47)

  1. dual led flash — двойная светодиодная вспышка
  2. edge lit led — боковая светодиодная подсветка
  3. export led growth — экспортно-ориентированный рост
  4. led backlighting — светодиодная подсветка
  5. led backlit display — дисплей со светодиодной подсветкой
  6. led bulb — светодиодная лампочка
  7. led captain — нахлебник
  8. LED display — светодиодный дисплей
  9. LED light — светодиодный индикатор
  10. led light bulb — светодиодная лампа



This eventually led to terrorism.
А это в свою очередь привело к терроризму.

He led a tragic life.
Он вел трагичную жизнь.

He led Russia’s first investment bank, Troika Dialog.
Он возглавлял первый в России инвестиционный банк «Тройка Диалог».

~ But I led the seance tonight.
А сегодня вечером я проводила сеанс.

The insurgency in Afghanistan is led by the Taliban.
Повстанческим движением Афганистана руководят талибы.


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What is the difference between lead vs. led?

Lead and led are commonly confused words because the word lead carries two different meanings, and because lead and led are homophones (sometimes). The two ways to understand lead involves whether we’re talking about leadership or metal, which are two separate topics. 

Metal vs. leadership

If you’re discussing the heavy metal lead, the word led is not related whatsoever. Metal is a shiny material that conducts electricity. Outside of the element lead, other metal examples include copper, gold, or silver. In contrast, leadership is an action and a role where somebody is responsible for other people, places, or things. 

Regardless of the context, a leader is a person with a leadership role, where they are in command of others, they construct guidelines, and set an example of the type of standards they enforce. Somebody who is a boss, manager, teacher, coach, or representative are all theoretical examples of a leader. 

When it comes to leadership, the words lead and led are merely describing the action of leadership: to lead. But, sometimes, the word lead is a noun when it’s used to describe the person who’s in the role of leadership. The word lead is the imperative and infinitive form of the verb ‘to lead,’ which is additionally written for the present tense. The word led is simply the past participle of the verb lead

Alternatively, lead is also a noun for unrelated subjects like water channels, nail measurements, or British dog leashes and lead-metal objects. We know, it’s kind of confusing, but don’t be discouraged! If we stick to lead vs. led in terms of leadership, learning the difference between the terms is simple. 

Lead and led are homophones, sometimes

If we’re writing about a leader or the topic of leadership, the word led is simply the past participle form of the verb lead. However, when lead is a metal, it’s pronounced the same as led. In this case, lead and led are homophones because they’re spelled differently and pronounced the same. But this only applies to lead as a metal vs. led as the past tense form of lead

How to pronounce lead vs. led

The word lead of “leader” or “leadership” is pronounced as “leed,” with one syllable and a long e sound. The metal lead and led (the past-tenses of lead) is pronounced as “leh-d,” and with one syllable and a short e sound. 

Another way to learn their pronunciation is to look at which words rhyme with lead and led in their specific contexts:

Words that rhyme with lead (metal) and led:

  • Bed 
  • Dead
  • Said
  • Head

Words that rhyme with lead (leadership):

  • Need
  • Seed
  • Feed
  • Bead

What does lead mean? (metal)

The soft, metallic element of lead is an attributive noun that represents objects they’re apart of, whether its bullets, tetraethyl lead, the graphite in pencils, the spacers used within press printing, or “leads” for roofing and window materials. It’s common to use the word lead as a noun in phrases such as,

“The atomic number of lead is 82.”
Lead is found on the periodic table of elements.” 
“I need a lead pencil.”
“We’re using lead paint.”

British English speakers also use plural leads as a noun while referring to their roofs or windowpane frames (which are made of lead, go-figure). For example,

“The snow-covered leads.” 
“He’s fixing the leads.”

The word lead, as a type of metal, is also used for transitive verbs to describe an action that utilizes the element. The verb lead might include covering something with lead, fixing window glass frames with lead, placing space between lines in a typeset, or mixing lead with another compound or alloy.

For example, 

“I buy leaded gasoline.”
“Can you fill it with unleaded gasoline?”

What does lead mean? (non-metal)

The other common way to use the word lead is while discussing the act of leadership in some form. In this context, the word lead is defined as a verb or a noun to describe the act of commanding or directing other people or animals to follow them.

What does led mean?

The word led is used as the past tense of lead, but there are instances when it’s used for the present and future tenses, as well. 

For example,

Simple past-tense: led
Present perfect: have led
Future perfect: will have led
Past perfect: had led
Perfect participle: having led

Verb definitions for lead and led

To make our understanding of led vs. lead more simple, let’s take a look at the different ways we can define them together: 

1.) To direct or show a path of direction to a person or animal. 

Examples of lead:

“This highway leads to the city.” 
“A tour guide can lead us through the city.”

Examples of led:

“The hallway led to an empty bedroom.”
“She led us to the museum.”

2.) To be in charge or command of someone or something else, or to organize a group or process. 

Examples of lead:

“She will lead the workshop today.”
“I’ll lead you through your math homework.”

Examples of led:

“She led us through a writing style workshop.”
“His guidance led me to where I am today.”

3.) To have an advantage or to be ahead over competitors.

Examples of lead:

“The Portland Trail Blazers lead 5-0 over the Memphis Grizzlies.”
“The point guard will lead the team tonight.” 

Examples of led:

“The Chicago Bulls were once led by Phil Jackson.”
“Damian Lillard led the game by 30 points.” 

4.) To be superior in skill over competitors or colleagues. 

Example of lead:

“Robin is in the lead for the first position.”

Examples of led:

“He led the game outright and placed first.”

5.) To have experience in a particular lifestyle or discipline.  

Example of lead:

“He now leads a life of solitude.” 

Example of led:

“They led a life of honor.”

Phrases with the verbs lead or led

There are also particular phrases using the verb lead that we use for certain contexts, such as “lead with,” “lead off with,” or “lead to,” which is shown in the first definition, as well. 

Lead to” conveys there’s a route, direction, or point of entry to a specific course or destination. 

Example of lead:

“All paths lead to Rome.”

Example of led:

“All rivers led to the ocean.”

We can also use “lead to” to convey that one event caused a different activity to occur.

Examples of lead:

“Smoking leads to lung disease.”

Examples of led:

“Bill Wilson’s drinking problem led to the start of AA.”

We might find the phrases “lead with” or “lead off with” in sentences conveying a beginning or start. 

Examples of lead:

“The show always leads off with a segment on social media.” 
“I will lead with the vocals.” 

Examples of led:

“The show led off with a segment on Tik Tok.”
“They led with harmony.” 

The phrase “lead with” is also used for describing the sport of boxing, where a boxer’s strike “leads with” a specific direction.

Examples of lead:

“Tyson leads with a right for a historic knockout.” 

Examples of led:

“Tyson led with a right hook.” 

Definition of lead as a noun

The following definitions of the noun lead do not involve led, as they are non-conducive to word’s verb form.  

1.) An example that is followed or the initiative of action.

“Sweden has taken the lead for global clean energy solutions.”

2.) A hint, clue, or piece of valuable information that allows one to solve a problem or find an opportunity. For example,

“We have a lead to finding out who committed the crime.”
“I’m searching for job leads before revising my resume.” 
“Starting a website can help business owners generate new client leads.”

3.) The person who starts a turn in a game. 

“It’s Sarah’s lead.”
“Whoever is to the right of a dealer has the first lead.”

4.) A person or team of competitors that are winning or in the first place. 

“Oakland Athletics have the lead.”
“Brenda is in the lead for most gift cards sold.”

5.) The primary role in a film or play, or the main performer in an entertainment group. 

“Jonathan is playing the lead in the musical Hamilton.”
“Syd is the lead vocalist of The Internet.”

6.) The first story presented in a newspaper or news broadcast, typically the most important story of the day. 

“Today’s lead story involves…” 
“The lead headline on USA Today’s cover contains a typo.” 

7.) A British term for a leash that’s used to restrain a domestic animal.

“When it’s time to walk the dog, be sure to use a lead.” 

8.) An electric wire that connects two circuits or the wiring that connects an appliance to an energy source. 

“To avoid electrocution, avoid touching exposed leads.” 

9.) One full turn of a screw nail. For example,

“Before using a mechanical screwdriver, place the screw nail on the board and turn for one lead, so that the first thread is inserted completely.”

10.) A channel of water within a region of ice. 

“There are far more leads in the arctic ocean that allow ships to dredge through melting ice fields.”

Is lead an adjective?

The word lead is an adjective when it’s noun definition is used descriptively. More specifically, we use lead as an adjective if it describes something as being the highest rank or as having the most authority. 

For example,

“The lead actor receives the most attention.” 


Chief, commanding, head, presiding, primary, principal, supreme, top.


Inferior, lesser, lower, secondary, subordinate.

How to use lead and led in a sentence?

The words lead and led are conjugations of the infinitive verb “to lead,” meaning the verb’s varied forms help writers indicate tense, number, people, narrative voice, and sometimes, a sentence’s mood. Overall, we can conjugate “to lead” into lead, leading, and led. Let’s take a look at the different ways we can use each form.

How to use lead in a sentence

Present tense

We use the verb lead in the present tense to describe the action as it happens or as an action that currently exists. If we use the word lead after the pronouns she, he, or it, be sure to use leads with an “s.” 

Example sentences

“Watch as I lead you through the following writing tips.”
“She leads a quiet life these days.” 

Future tense

The future tense describes the verb lead as an action that has not yet happened but will occur in the future. For this tense, be sure to use “will lead” after the sentence subject. 

Example sentences

“I will lead you through the English language.”
“They will lead the way.”

How to use led in a sentence

Simple past tense

The preterite or simple past tense verb form of lead is written as led to describe something that already occurred. 

Example sentences

“He led a writing class.”
“We led a group of grammar students.”

Present perfect tense

We use led for the present perfect tense to describe an action that occurred in the indefinite past or began in the past to continue into the present. For this particular tense, we use “have led” after I, you, we, or they, and “has led” after he, she, or it.

Example sentences

“I have led a simple life.”
“It has led us to nowhere.”
“We have led an army before.” 

Future perfect tense

The verb led is written for the future perfect tense to indicate that an action will have ended by a certain point in the future. Hence, we use “will have” in front of the past participle.

Example sentences

“She will have led a class by then.”
“They will have led a writing workshop by then.”

Past perfect tense

We use led in the past perfect tense to describe how the action was completed in the past or before a different event occurred. 

Example sentences

“Before I attended Stanford, I had led online discussions on the English language.”
“They had led generations through the triumphs of literature.”

How to use leading in a sentence

Leading is the present participle of the verb lead, and we only use “leading” in the present, past, or future tenses to describe an ongoing, continuous action. 

Present continuous tense

The verb leading occurs in the present continuous tense, otherwise known as the present progressive, to describe a continuous action in the present moment. For the first person, “I,” be sure to use “am leading.” You, we, and they subject pronouns use “are leading,” and she, he, or it subjects are written as “is leading.” 

Example sentences

“I am leading a company.”
“You are leading a business.”
“She is leading a country.”
“They are leading the masses.” 

Past continuous tense

The past continuous tense describes how the verb lead occurred in a past continuous manner. We use “was leading” for first-person “I” or she, he, or it subject pronouns. For you, we, or they, use “were leading.” 

Example sentences

“I was leading the dog.”
“You were leading the dog with a leash.”
“It was leading us to the fountain.” 
“We were leading a pack of dogs.”

Future continuous tense

We use “will be leading” for the future continuous tense to express how the act will continuously occur in the future, but for a specific amount of time. 

Example sentences

“You will be leading a workshop on commonly confused words.”
“They will be leading a study on commonly confused words.”

Present perfect continuous tense

If an action began in the past and progressed into the present moment, we use the present perfect continuous tense. For I, you, we, or they subject pronouns, use “have been leading,” but for she, he, or it, use “has been leading.” 

Example sentences

“I have been leading a discussion.”
“He has been leading an organization.”
“We have been leading a small group.”

Past perfect continuous tense

The past perfect continuous tense is different from present perfect continuous because, while the action began in the past, it ended before a different past event. For this specific tense, we use “had been” before leading

Example sentences

“You had been leading us through writing styles.”
“They had been leading a class through professional writing tips.” 

Future perfect continuous tense

We can use leading in the future perfect continuous tense as “will have been leading” to convey how the act began in the past, present, or future and that it’s assumed to continue indefinitely. 

Example sentences

“I will have been leading the hike by then.”
“We will have been leading the adventure by then.” 

Test Yourself!

See how well you’ve learned the difference between lead and led with the following multiple-choice questions. 

  1. True or false: the past tense of the verb lead is leaded. 
    a. True
    b. False
  2. Which of the following tenses are not compatible with led
    a. Past continuous
    b. Preterite 
    c. Past present 
    d. Past perfect 
  3. Which is not a definition for led?
    a. To have shown a path of direction to a person or animal.
    b. A British term for a leash that restrains a domestic animal.
    c. To have been in command of someone or something else.
    d. None of the above. 
  4. Which of the following sentences misuses the word lead? 
    a. “Is there a lead pencil?”
    b. “Don’t forget to bring a lead.” 
    c. “Do we have any leads for the story?”
    d. None of the above
  5. Which of the following words do not rhyme with the terms lead and led?
    a. Ted
    b. Bed
    c. Bead
    d. Said
  6. Which of the following examples use the word lead in a present tense verb form?
    a. “He leads an orchestra.” 
    b. “I have led a band.”
    c. “They are leading us away.”
    d. All of the above


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D


  1. “Conjugation.” Lexico, Oxford University Press, 2020.
  2. “Lead.” Lexico, Oxford University Press, 2020.
  3. “Lead.” The Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., 2020.
  4. “Lead.” The Thesaraus, Merriam-Webster Inc., 2020.
  5. “Lead.” Reverso Conjungation, Reverso-Softissimo, 2020.

Difference between lead and led is not confusing to understand as the difference is very distinct. Since the difference is distinct, so is the usage of the two words, lead and led. The word lead is used in the sense of ‘guide’ or ‘escort’. On the other hand, the word led is used as the past and past participle forms of the verb ‘lead’. This is the main difference between the two words, namely, lead and led. The word lead is primarily used as a verb. There are times when lead is used as a noun too. As a noun it carries several meanings.

What does Lead mean?

The word lead is used in the sense of guide or escort. Take a look at the following sentences.

Francis leads a team of fifteen members.

A captain of a cricket team should lead the players from the front.

In both the sentences, the word lead is used in the sense of ‘guide.’ Hence, the first sentence would be rewritten as ‘Francis guides a team of fifteen members’, and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘A captain of a cricket team should guide the players from the front’.

It is interesting to note that the word lead is sometimes used as a noun in the sense of ‘potential customer or opportunity’ as in the expression ‘business lead’. As a noun lead is also used to refer to the main part in a play or a film. Look at the following example.

Nicolas Cage plays the lead in the Season of the Witch.

This sentence means that the actor Nicolas Cage plays the main part in the film Season of the Witch. The word lead gives rise to a few other words such as ‘leader’, ‘leading’, and the like.

What does Led mean?

On the other hand, the word led is the past and past participle form of the word lead. Observe the two sentences given below.

He led by example.

Lucy led her team to a great victory.

In both the sentences, you can see that the word led is used as the past tense form of the verb ‘lead.’ Hence, the meaning of the first sentence would be ‘he guided by example’, and the meaning of the second sentence would be ‘Lucy guided her team to great victory’. Look at the following sentence.

She had led her people to their destruction.

Here, the word led is used as the past participle of the word lead. So the meaning of the sentence would be ‘she had guided her people to their destruction.

Difference Between Lead and Led

What is the difference between Lead and Led?

• The word lead is used in the sense of ‘guide’ or ‘escort’.

• On the other hand, the word led is used as the past and past participle forms of the verb ‘lead’.

• The word lead is primarily used as a verb.

• The word lead is sometimes used as a noun in the sense of ‘potential customer or opportunity’ as in the expression ‘business lead’.

• As a noun lead is also used to refer to the main part in a play or a film.

• The word lead gives rise to a few other words such as ‘leader’, ‘leading’, and the like.

These are the very important differences between the two words, namely, lead and led.

Valatrice led the way.

It was she who led this dance.

Which led me to consider another possibility: that it isn’t the director and Amelie who have a connection, but the director and Clifford Unger?

There were no tracks except the ones that led away.

As Baby Brother was led down the hall he passed between a row of cells where inmates grasped the bars and checked out the new meat.

Because of the structure of this level, which led to the outside world up a slope, the low rumble of thunder shook the floor and walls and jolted Sam’s body in its tight grip.

Ahead of him was the long, broad avenue which led directly to the northern gate.

Rew led the party up the steep slope of the Falvar Bridge, and they turned around, looking back over the small settlement at its foot beside the river and to the walled city beyond.

Three men sat around the tiny fire whose flames had led him.

He has a shrewd mind, and will not be led.

He led the way to the cliffs, into a different cave and through a wide rough tunnel.

led versus lead

What’s the Difference Between Led and Lead?

These two words can confuse people because they deal with the same verb. Led is the past tense of the verb lead. In addition to that, lead can also be a noun or adjective.

Because these two words are used for different tenses, they can never be interchanged.

Lead, as a verb, is the opposite of the word follow. It means to go first or to act as a guide. It is the present tense form, and rhymes with seed or feed.

As a noun, lead can mean the first position or a dog’s leash. For both of these meanings, it also rhymes with seed.

Lead can also mean a type of metal. It is the metal labeled Pb on the periodic table of elements. When used in this way, it rhymes with bed or said.

Finally, as an adjective, lead means in the first position.

  • Where you lead, I will follow. (verb)
  • The race has just begun, and Dasher On the Rampage is in the lead! (noun meaning first position)
  • Where is the lead? I want to take the dogs on a walk. (noun meaning dog leash)
  • There is lead in the water. It is too dangerous to drink. (noun meaning the metal)
  • She is the lead dancer in the play. (adjective)

Led is the past tense form of the verb lead. It rhymes with the word bed or said.

  • Harriet Tubman led many slaves to freedom in the mid 1800’s.

It can be hard to remember how to pronounce all the meanings of lead and led.

Let’s practice a few ways you can use these words in your sentences.

Using Lead in a Sentence

When to use lead: Lead can be a verb and mean to go first to show others the way.

It can also be a noun and mean the foremost position, a tool to control a dog while walking, or a soft metal.

Lastly, it can be an adjective and mean first or most important.

For all of these definitions it has a long e sound like in the words bead or creed, with the exception of the metal. The metal is pronounced with a short e sound like red or bled.

For example,

  • The tour guide leads tourists through the jungle and points out interesting animals and plants. (verb)
  • I bet on greyhound number 3. I’m going to win, because he’s in the lead! (noun)
  • My lead broke so my dog escaped and ran around for an hour before I could catch her. (noun)
  • Many people believe pencils are made from lead. However, they are actually made from graphite. (noun)
  • The lead singer is sick so she won’t appear in tonight’s concert. The fans are all disappointed. (adjective)

Although it might seem overwhelming to remember which of the definitions is pronounced which way, just remember only the metal has the short e sound.

Phrases That Use Lead

There are several common expressions using lead.

  • lead up to: preceding something.
    • There were many events leading up to the war.
  • Lead the way: Go first so that others may follow.
    • Fine, if you really want us to enter the haunted house we will. Lead the way.
  • Lead to: result in
    • Exercising leads to a healthier body.

In both expressions lead has the verb form and, therefore, has the long e pronunciation.

Using Led in a Sentence

When to use led: Led is the past tense and past participle of the verb to lead. It has the short e sound.

For example,

  • The quarterback led the football team to victory!
  • The music teacher led the class in a song.

There is also the word LED, which is an acronym for light emitting diode. It is pronounced as the three separate letters el ee dee. You can recognize it is different because it appears in all capital letters.

Remembering Led vs. Lead

One way to help you remember which of these verbs is the present tense form and which is the past tense form is that the word present has more letters than the word past, just as lead has more letters than the word led.

Also lead has more definitions than led.

Outside Examples

  • Unlike nearly every other team he’s been on, Rose would not be asked to shoulder the brunt of the scoring load, which could lead to him dominating the ball less than his career 27.9(PERCENT) usage rate and open up new avenues for him to impact the game. –Chicago Sun Times
  • The 24-year-old Kang and Chella Choi shared the lead heading into the final round of the KPMG Women’s PGA Championship. Kang won the U.S. Women’s Amateur in 2010 in 2011, but she has never won an LPGA Tour tournament. –Denver Post
  • Her work was deeply theoretical, but other mathematicians considered it boldly original and of untold future importance. Her doctoral dissertation, which she completed in 2004, solved two long-standing mathematical problems and led to publications in three major mathematics journals. –Washington Post
  • A study published last year in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that the use of Proteus Discover led to greater reductions in blood pressure and cholesterol in patients with uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes than usual care. –Wall Street Journal

Quiz: Lead vs. Led

Select the correct word.

  • The conductor __________ the musicians in several beautiful pieces at last night’s performance.
  • My dog’s old __________ is so dirty that it’s ___________ to me needing to buy a new one.
  • I’ll follow you. _________ the way.

See answers below.

Article Summary

Should I use lead or led? Despite having the same meaning as a verb, one is for the present tense and one is for the past tense. They are also pronounced differently.

  • Lead is a present tense verb, and has additional meanings as a noun and adjective.
  • Led is the past tense and past participle form of the verb.

Don’t forget to use the long e pronunciation for lead (except when referring to the metal) and the short e pronunciation for led.

Answers from Quiz

  • led
  • lead, led
  • Lead

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