Is there a word gooses

Simply put, goose is the singular form, and geese is the plural form. The word gooses is incorrect. That means we say goose when we refer to one aquatic bird.

What is the plural of gooses?

plural geese /ˈgiːs/

Is gooses singular or plural?

The plural of goose is geese.

Why do we say geese and not gooses?

Because goose and moose entered the English language at different times and were taken from different languages, they ended up with different plural forms – geese and moose. Goose rhymes with moose but it came into the English language a lot earlier than moose did.

Are gooses and geese the same?

“Goose” and “geese” are the terms we use to refer to two the same aquatic birds. In simpler words, Goose is singular whereas geese are plural. So, when you spot one “the same” aquatic bird you would say it’s a goose when there would be more than one aquatic bird you have to refer to them collectively as “geese”.

What do you call more than one goose?

plural geese ˈgēs

What do you call multiple goose?

A skein of geese is a group of geese in flight—and yes, that skein is related to the yarn skein. Ducks on the water are called a paddling (for obvious reasons) and a raft, as they float together like a raft.

What is the plural of goose and duck?

Those of you who have gone beyond the basics in English grammar know how most singular nouns can be made plural: you add the suffix -s, at time -es depending on the last sound of the singular form. Then you learnt that there are exceptions.

What is the irregular plural for goose?

Irregular Nouns That Change Completely
For example, the plural of person is people, the plural of woman is women, and the plural of goose is geese.

Which is correct Canada geese or Canadian goose?

The Latin name is the same around the world for that bird. Canada goose is the common name for the species Branta canadensis. So, it is correct to call this bird “Canada goose” and not correct to call it “Canadian goose.” A Canadian goose could be any goose from Canada.

Why is there no plural for moose?

The plural form of moose is not meese because moose was borrowed into English from a native American Algonquin language. The word “moose” is not a native Old English word. Newer English words don’t change the same. Old English words underwent sound changes that leave us with irregular plural forms.

Why is moose the plural of moose?

The only correct plural of moose is moose. Sometimes, people add an S to moose, but that is incorrect. Moose derives from Algonquian, a Native American language. It kept the same plural ending it had in its original language instead of adopting the normal S ending of most English plurals.

What’s the plural of octopus?

“Octopuses” gives the word an English ending to match its adoption as an English word. Generally, when a noun enters into English, it is pluralized as an English word rather than in its original form. Octopuses may sound peculiar to some, but this is the preferred plural.

What’s a female goose called?

A male goose is called a gander. A female goose is (sometimes) called a dame. A young goose is called a gosling. A group of geese together on the ground is called a gaggle.

What does goose your wife mean?

verb. To goose someone is defined as to pinch the person in the buttocks. When you pinch a girl’s buttocks, this is an example of to goose.

What gender is goose?

The term “goose” may refer to either a male or female bird, but when paired with “gander”, refers specifically to a female one (the latter referring to a male). Young birds before fledging are called goslings.

Is flock of geese correct?

Nouns are single words so a flock of geese is not a noun. Flock and geese are both common nouns.

What is opposite gender of goose?

The male Canada Goose is known as a Gander, whereas the female Goose is only referred to as Goose.

What is a load of ducks called?

A group of ducks can be called a raft of ducks, a team of ducks, or a paddling of ducks.

What is a group of crows called?

A group of crows is called a “murder.” There are several different explanations for the origin of this term, mostly based on old folk tales and superstitions. For instance, there is a folktale that crows will gather and decide the capital fate of another crow.

What is the singular form of goose?

goose ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular goose
plural geese

Elvira Bowen

Elvira Bowen is a food expert who has dedicated her life to understanding the science of cooking. She has worked in some of the world’s most prestigious kitchens, and has published several cookbooks that have become bestsellers. Elvira is known for her creative approach to cuisine, and her passion for teaching others about the culinary arts.

Goose and geese are not at all different from one another. At least in terms of its nature. Both the words refer to the same aquatic bird that has lived for million years. So, this question is only related to spelling and number-related confusion.

Gooses or geese: which one is correct?

When we say goose or geese, we mean the popular aquatic bird, amongst the most hunted birds, that has lived for 12 million years. However, there is a change in stem vowel between the words only because of the spelling difference, which is accompanied by a number change.

Simply put, goose is the singular form, and geese is the plural form. The word gooses is incorrect. That means we say goose when we refer to one aquatic bird. And when we say geese, we refer to more than one aquatic bird of the same type. Therefore, the words goose and geese are both correct under given circumstances.

For example:

  • I want to see a living goose. (Singular)
  • Are those geese dancing in the water? (Plural)
  • I saw a goose in the park. (Singular)
  • Can geese swim like a fish? (Plural)

As we can see, goose is used with articles like a because it is a singular noun. On the other hand, geese is used without any articles due to their plural nature.

Final words

Goose and geese are both correct. So, comparing the two words are completely useless. It is just a change in number and spelling that comes accordingly. The word Gooses is incorrect.

  • 1

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gooses

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    Новый англо-русский словарь > gooses

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    English-Russian smart dictionary > gooses

  • 4

    1. [gu:s]

    (pl geese)

    1. 1) гусь; гусыня

    2. 1) дурак, простак, простофиля

    2) дурочка, простушка; наивное существо

    3. гусятина

    we had goose for dinner — на обед у нас была гусятина /был гусь/

    4. (

    gooses[ʹgu:sız]) портновский утюг

    5. (


    внезапный шутливый толчок в спину

    all his geese are swans — он (всегда) преувеличивает /переоценивает/

    he can’t say boo to a goose — ≅ он и мухи не обидит

    to chase the wild goose — охотиться за химерами; предаваться несбыточным мечтам

    to cook smb.’s goose (for him) cook II

    to beat the goose — согреваться, похлопывая себя руками

    the goose that lays the golden eggs — ≅ курица, несущая золотые яйца; источник обогащения

    it’s gone goose with (him) — сл. (его) дело пропащее; (у него) безнадёжное положение; всё кончено (для него)

    to shoe the goose — а) заниматься бесполезным делом, тратить время попусту; б) напиваться

    2. [gu:s]

    1. гладить портновским утюгом

    3. 1)

    внезапно в шутку толкнуть

    2) подталкивать, подгонять

    4. подавать бензин () неравномерно

    НБАРС > goose

  • 5



    1) гусь; гусыня



    дурак; дура; простак; простушка; простофиля

    all his geese are swans


    он (всегда) преувеличивает

    can’t say ‘bo’ to a goose


    очень робок; и мухи не обидит



    портновский утюг

    * * *

    1 (n) гусыня; гусь; гусятина; дурак; дурочка; портновский утюг; простак; простушка; шипение

    2 (v) освистать; освистывать

    * * *

    * * *

    [ guːs]
    гусь, гусыня; дурак, дурень, простак, простофиля, простушка, глупец; гусятина; портновский утюг
    гусь, гусыня; простак, дурень

    * * *







    * * *

    сущ.; мн. — geese
    1) а) гусь
    б) гусятина
    2) разг. дурак; дура; простак; простушка; простофиля
    1. сущ.; мн. — gooses
    портновский утюг
    2. гл.
    гладить портновским утюгом
    1) театр.; разг. освистать
    2) сленг толкнуть, пихнуть, ткнуть, шлепнуть
    3) усиливать

    Новый англо-русский словарь > goose

  • 6
    портновский утюг

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > портновский утюг

  • 7

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > утюг

  • 8

    1) гусь; гусы́ня



    ду́рень; проста́к; просту́шка; простофи́ля

    can’t say «bo» ( или «boo») to a goose о́чень ро́бок; и му́хи не оби́дит

    goose [gu:s]




    gooses [-ɪz])

    портно́вский утю́г

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > goose

  • 9

    I [guːs]





    а) гусь; гусыня

    geese cackle / honk — гуси гогочут / кричат

    flock of geese, gaggle of geese — стадо гусей



    дурак; дура; простак; простушка; простофиля; дурень, болван, олух



    can’t say «boo» to a goose — очень робок; и мухи не обидит

    gone goose — ; разг. дохлый номер, гиблое дело

    II [guːs]



    gooses [-ɪz]



    III [guːs]




    шлёпнуть кого-л. по заднице



    стимулировать, подталкивать


    Англо-русский современный словарь > goose

  • 10


    goose разг. дурак; дура; простак; простушка; простофиля; all his geese are swans = он (всегда) преувеличивает can’t say «bo» to a goose = очень робок; и мухи не обидит goose (pl geese) гусь; гусыня goose разг. дурак; дура; простак; простушка; простофиля; all his geese are swans = он (всегда) преувеличивает goose (pl gooses) портновский утюг grey goose дикий гусь greylag: greylag =grey goose

    English-Russian short dictionary > goose

См. также в других словарях:

  • gooses — More than one goose, makes sense with modern English. The gooses were waddling along the path …   Dictionary of american slang

  • gooses — More than one goose, makes sense with modern English. The gooses were waddling along the path …   Dictionary of american slang

  • gooses — guːs n. type of swimming bird; goose meat; stupid person (Slang) n. tailor s iron v. (Slang) poke a person s buttocks (in order to surprise); rouse to action …   English contemporary dictionary

  • gooses — plural of goose present third singular of goose …   Useful english dictionary

  • Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System — The Patapsco River Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System smart buoy in July 2007. Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System (CBIBS) is a network of observational buoys that are deployed throughout the Chesapeake Bay to observe the estuary s… …   Wikipedia

  • goose — I. noun (plural geese) Etymology: Middle English gos, from Old English gōs; akin to Old High German gans goose, Latin anser, Greek chēn Date: before 12th century 1. a. any of numerous large waterfowl (family Anatidae) that are intermediate… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Der Wolkenatlas — Der Roman Der Wolkenatlas erschien im Jahre 2004 unter dem Titel Cloud Atlas , wurde im September 2006 in Deutschland veröffentlicht und ist der dritte Roman von David Mitchell. Übersetzer der deutschen Ausgabe ist Volker Oldenburg.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • goose — I. /gus / (say goohs) noun (plural geese for defs 1 4, gooses for defs 5 and 6) 1. any of numerous wild or domesticated web footed birds of the family Anatidae, most of them larger and with a longer neck than the ducks; the principal genera are… …  

  • Cyrus the Younger — Cyrus (Kuruš) the Younger, son of Darius II of Persia (Dārayavahuš) and Parysatis, was a Persian prince and general. The time of his birth is unknown, but he died in 401 B.C. The history of Cyrus and of the retreat of the Greeks is told by… …   Wikipedia

  • University of Göttingen — Infobox University name = University of Göttingen native name = Georg August Universität Göttingen latin name = Universitas Regiae Georgiae Augustae motto = established = 1734 type = Public Law foundation ( Stiftung öffentlichen Rechts , since… …   Wikipedia

  • Dav Pilkey — Sue Denim redirects here. For the member of Robots in Disguise, see Sue Denim (musician). Dav Pilkey Born David Pilkey March 4, 1966 (1966 03 04) (age 45) Cleveland, Ohio Pen name Sue Denim, George Beard, Harold Hutchins Occupation …   Wikipedia

гусь, гусыня, гусятина, простушка, дурак, освистывать


- гусь; гусыня

flock of geese — стадо гусей

- зоол. гусь (Anser)

wild goose — дикий гусь

- дурак, простак, простофиля

don’t-be such a goose — не будь таким простофилей

- дурочка, простушка; наивное существо
- гусятина

we had goose for dinner — на обед у нас была гусятина /был гусь/

- (pl gooses[ʹgu:sız]) портновский утюг
- (pl gooses[ʹgu:sız]) разг. внезапный шутливый толчок в спину
- театр. жарг. шипение, свист


- гладить портновским утюгом
- театр. жарг. освистывать
- разг. внезапно в шутку толкнуть
- подталкивать, подгонять

to goose sales — стимулировать расширение продажи

- подавать бензин (в машину) неравномерно

Мои примеры


goose fat — гусиный жир, гусиное сало  
an effort to goose sales — попытка стимулировать продажи  
store goose — гусь, предназначенный для откорма  
brent goose — казарка чёрная  
goose egg — гусиное яйцо, ноль  
goose step — строевой шаг, при котором нога не сгибается в колене  
can’t say ❝bo❞ to a goose — очень робок  
to cook one’s (own) goose — погубить себя  
it’s gone goose with him — у него безнадежное положение; его дело пропащее  
goose grease — гусиный жир  

Примеры с переводом

The goose is in the oven, sputtering fat.

Гусь шкворчит в духовке.

It would really cook his goose if I told his wife where he was last night.

Если я скажу его жене, где он был прошлой ночью, ему конец.

Don’t be such a silly goose — you’re dressed just fine for the party.

Не будь такой глупышкой: для этой вечеринки ты одета просто отлично.

A fat goose waddled across the yard.

Двор вразвалку перешёл упитанный гусь.

The other day I saw a goose in white ducks.

На днях я видел одного придурка в белых парусиновых брюках.

Ben was such a bad bowler that his final score was a big, fat goose egg.

Бен настолько плохо играл в боулинг, что в конце игры на его счету красовался большой жирный ноль.

We broke with tradition and had goose for Thanksgiving instead of turkey.

Мы нарушили традицию, и на День Благодарения съели гуся вместо индейки.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Steam the goose to render some of the fat.

They put another goose egg up on the scoreboard.

…never heard of using goose down as stuffing for comforters until she moved to a cold climate…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

goosey  — дурашка, балда, бестолочь, глупышка, неуравновешенный, придурковатый, глупый
goosy  — неуравновешенный, придурковатый, глупый

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: goose
he/she/it: gooses
ing ф. (present participle): goosing
2-я ф. (past tense): goosed
3-я ф. (past participle): goosed

ед. ч.(singular): goose
мн. ч.(plural): geese

goose — перевод на русский


Your goose is cooked.

Ваш гусь уже готов.

NARRATOR: The Golden Goose.


The goose entered the Princess’ room ahead of Dummling.

Гусь вошёл в комнату принцессы раньше хозяина

Then the goose pecked at his sleeve.

Тогда гусь ущипнул его за рукав

Roast goose Bernoise with walnut dressing giblet gravy, cranberry… »

Запеченный гусь с грецкими орехами потроха с соусом, клюква… »

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You give me goose pimples.

У меня от тебя мурашки бегут.

Sort of gives you goose bumps just to think about it.

У меня мурашки по коже, только от этих мыслей.

I wanted to play the trumpet, which has always given me goose bumps

Я хотел играть на трубе, от которой у меня всегда мурашки бежали по коже.

I got goose bumps.

У меня мурашки по коже побежали!

Paul, I get goose bumps every time I think about it!

У меня мурашки по коже, когда я думаю об этом.

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And I’m Mother Goose!

А я — Матушка Гусыня!


Шарлотта Перрет — глупая гусыня.

— A white-legged goose.

Гусыня белоногая.

The silly goose is already here.


— You silly goose! — (Laughter)

— Ты глупая гусыня!

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«Bring me three more orders of goose liver.»

Принесите мне ещё три порции гусиной печени.

— I had a little too much goose liver.

— Я слегка переел гусиной печёнки.

Did I make any derogatory remark about the goose liver?

Разве я сказал плохое о гусиной печёнке?

«A little too much goose liver.» Not one word more, and not one less.

Слегка переел гусиной печёнки. Ни словом больше!

Goose blood for example?

К примеру, гусиной?

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Catch you later, Goose.

Увидимся, Гус!

Jessie, I told you. The Goose wants me there early.

Джесси, я же говорил, Гус просил, чтобы я подошёл раньше.

Anyway, my name is Jim Goose.

Ладно, меня зовут Джим Гус.

My name’s Jim Goose, and everything’s gonna be all right.

Меня зовут Джим Гус и всё будет хорошо.

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You’re gonna kill off the golden goose.

Ты ж хочешь убить птицу, несущую золотые яйца.

She just didn’t want to see Bertie cook the golden goose.

Она не хотела, чтоб Берти зарезал курицу, несущую золотые яйца.

Why would I kill the golden goose?

Зачем мне убивать курицу, несущую золотые яйца?

killing the golden goose.

что убиваю курицу, несущую золотые яйца.

Punishg me by killing the golden goose?

Наказываешь меня, убивая курицу, несущую золотые яйца?

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She says her name is Wild Goose Flying in The Night Sky.

Она говорит, что её зовут Дикая Утка, летящая в ночном небе.

The goose?

— Ах утка! Да.

One toast goose.

Жареная утка.

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I mean it’s a goose chase.

Я хочу сказать эту охоту за призраками.

If «pissoir» was Mother’s then I’ve really been on a wild goose chase.

Если «писсуар» — это мамина… то я просто охотился за призраками.

She ain’t done nothing but take us on a damn goose Chase.

Охотится за призраками, и нас заставляет

You’re sending me on a wild goose chase.

Ты отправил меня гонятся за призраками.

Rather than waste my time on a wild goose chase, I thought I’d give you the opportunity to tell me where you’ve hidden Grayson’s evidence.

Вместо того, чтобы тратить время на охоту за призраками, я подумал, что дам вам возможность сказать мне, где вы спрятали улики Грейсона.

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Clipper… and Goose.

Клипер. И Проныра.

Come on, Goose.

Туда, Проныра.

-The ball, Goose, it’s yours!


-Even my brother, Goose.

В том числе и мой брат Проныра.

Take it easy with the kid, Goose.

Успокойся, Проныра.

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Goose, do you realize he almost died?

Гусёнок, ты понимаешь, что он чуть не умер?

— Who is goose?

— Кто такой Гусёнок?

Talk to me, Goose.

Не молчи, Гусёнок.

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Sometimes when it comes to the iconic kind of moments, when I read the script for the first time, you get little goose bumps or something because it really is kind of exciting.

Aaron Ashmore



Old English gōs; related to Old Norse gās, Old High German gans, Old Irish gēiss swan, Greek khēn, Sanskrit hainsas.


Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.






Goose is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.




Geese are waterfowl belonging to the tribe Anserini of the family Anatidae. This tribe comprises the genera Anser, Branta and Chen. A number of other birds, mostly related to the shelducks, have «goose» as part of their name. More distantly related members of the Anatidae family are swans, most of which are larger than true geese, and ducks, which are smaller.

Definition of goose in the English dictionary

The first definition of goose in the dictionary is the female of such a bird, as opposed to the male. Other definition of goose is a silly person. Goose is also Word forms: plural gooses. a pressing iron with a long curving handle, used esp by tailors.


Synonyms and antonyms of goose in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «goose» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of goose to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of goose from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «goose» in English.

Translator English — Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers



510 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

con ngỗng

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of goose


The term «goose» is very widely used and occupies the 12.453 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «goose» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of goose

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «goose».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «goose» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «goose» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about goose


Famous quotes and sentences with the word goose.

Sometimes when it comes to the iconic kind of moments, when I read the script for the first time, you get little goose bumps or something because it really is kind of exciting.

Any powerful technology has sauce for the goose and the gander… It’s just an extension of humanity.

I don’t use a pen. I write with a goose quill dipped in venom.

Since first hearing the story as a child, any mention of the ‘Boston Tea Party’ has elicited in me an excitement that is uniquely American. When I heard rumblings that there was a new Tea Party, I got goose bumps. I love tea, I love parties, I hate taxes; I’m in! It seemed that most of America joined in my excitement!

When you’re the cash cow that lays the golden goose egg, people are always going to cheer you on, whatever.

I think only a batsman will be able to tell you about the goose bumps he gets after hitting a perfect cover drive. I’m one of them.

When I went back to Shea last year it really hit me how much the fans care for me, it still gives me goose bumps. I want to do the right thing for them and my family.

Once you’re in the military, she means a lot more to you than just a grandmother. She is the queen. And then you suddenly, it’s like start realizing, you know, wow, this is quite a big deal. And then you get goose bumps and then the rest of it.

The goose lays the golden egg. Payrolls make consumers.

Is education possibly a process of trading awareness for things of lesser worth? The goose who trades his is soon a pile of feathers.


Discover the use of goose in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to goose and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

Presents traditional nursery rhymes, including «Little Jack Horner,» «Hot Cross Buns,» «The Queen of Hearts,» and «The Cat and the Fiddle.»

One goose. Two ducks. Three friends. As the characters illustrate from numbers 1 to 10, children will love to follow along with the simple text and all-new original art.


My Very First Mother Goose

A collection of more than sixty nursery rhymes including «Hey Diddle, Diddle», «Pat-a-Cake», «Little Jack Horner», and «Pussycat, Pussycat».

Iona Archibald Opie, 1996


Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose

Illustrates forty-five traditional nursery rhymes, including «Little Bo Peep,» «Jack Sprat,» «Pat-a-Cake,» and «The Man in the Moon.»


Richard Scarry’s Best Mother Goose Ever

Large, bright pictures of animals illustrate many favorite Mother Goose rhymes.


Here Comes Mother Goose

A collection of fifty-five delightfully illustrated nursery rhymes for young children includes such beloved personalities as Simple Simon and Mother Hubbard and lesser-known characters such as Dusty Bill and My Aunt Jane.

Iona Archibald Opie, 1999

Here is a sprightly tale of magic and romance, in which those geese play a most surprising role.

Have you seen little Sally Dance the Ostrich Dance? The dainty way she does it Will surely you entrance.


Duck & Goose, Find a Pumpkin

Is it in the log? Is it under the leaves? Is it in the apple tree? Preschoolers will surely enjoy going on a pumpkin hunt with Duck and Goose . . . especially when they find the perfect pumpkin at the end!

And don’t miss Duck and Goose in Tad Hills’s six board books, including What’s Up, Duck? and Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin. From the Hardcover edition.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term goose is used in the context of the following news items.

Goose Lake seniors meet

Thank you’s went to seniors who participated in the Goose Lake Fun Day parade. They included Carol Struve, Don Hughes, Kathy Lorenzen, … «Clinton Herald, Jul 15»

GREY GOOSE® Returns As The Official Vodka Of The 2015 ESPYS

LOS ANGELES, July 13, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — GREY GOOSE®, the World’s Best Tasting Vodka, will celebrate talented individuals who have chartered … «PR Newswire, Jul 15»


(Goose Creek Lake) A St. Louis woman was injured in a boating accident on Sunday afternoon at Goose Creek Lake in St. Francois County. «My Moinfo, Jul 15»

Goose Gossage, Tommy Lasorda: Keep Pete Rose out of baseball

Here’s what Goose Gossage told Ron Clements of Perform Media: «I don’t think he’ll ever get in, nor should he get in,» Gossage told Perform … «, Jul 15»

OUTDOORS CALENDAR: Bog-watcher Sundays … Blue Goose Day …

Thursday: Blue Goose Day, 5 to 8:30 p.m., Audubon National Wildlife Refuge, N.D. Family-oriented evening includes marksmanship lessons … «Grand Forks Herald, Jul 15»

Willoughby: Duck, dove, goose: Commission opens Barr Lake, sets …

Larry Zanetell scoops up stagnant water for children to view under a microscope at Barr Lake State Park in Brighton, Colorado on May 29, 2015 … «The Denver Post, Jul 15»

Dispatches from the Wild Goose: The Lectionary for the Eighth …

Brian McLaren speaks on the main stage at the Wild Goose Festival Greetings from sunny and muggy Hot Springs NC, where I am taking in … «Patheos, Jul 15»

Yankees legend Goose Gossage: Keep Pete Rose out of Hall of Fame

Goose Gossage, who went into the Hall of Fame wearing a Yankees hat, said Pete Rose shouldn’t be allowed to join him in Cooperstown, … «, Jul 15»

Grass Fire Near Goose Egg Rd.

It is out Highway 220 near Goose Egg Rd. Mills is working with county fire units and the efforts to fight the blaze are still in the early stages. «K2 Radio, Jul 15»

Now Showing: Xinhua Zidian and the Man Who Killed the Wrong …

In 2012, China Daily reported that a man raising geese consulted the Xinhua Zidian for the definition of “goose.” He wanted to kill one but didn’t … «Yibada, Jul 15»


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Probably one of the most commonly confused words by new & experienced writers alike is gooses & geese. Creating the plural form of a word can often be a tricky process. For some reason, the plural form of goose seems to trip up many writers. In this post, we’ll teach you exactly how to choose between gooses or geese in your writing.

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picture comparing the difference between goose vs geese

I think it’s safe to say we are all familiar with the noun goose. A goose is a large bird with a long neck and webbed feet that is closely related to ducks and swans. This spelling rule is almost identical to that of freshmen or freshman! Here is a simple way to remember this grammar rule for the plural form of ‘goose’.

  • Geese: The standard plural form of “goose,” and it is used when referring to a group of geese collectively.
  • Gooses: Incorrect usage. Gooses cannot be used to represent the plural form of goose (noun). It can be used as a noun meaning a foolish person.

Takeaway: If you are referring just a single bird, use the word “goose”. If you are referring to a group of white geese or grey geese, use the word “geese”.


Here are some examples of using plural Geese in sentences:

  1. There’s no need to honk your horn at the geese crossing the road- they’re not going to get out of your way.
  2. After a long day of shopping, I like to relax by watching the black geese in the park.
  3. My little sister loves feeding the geese, but she’s always disappointed when they don’t come up to her.

Here are some examples of using goose correctly in sentences:

  1. According to my 6-year-old daughter, a female goose is the most beautiful animal in the world!
  2. I love having jake in my class, he is such a silly goose always making the other kids laugh.
  3. The teacher asked if we knew what a baby goose was called.

Just like we saw when analyzing the words seen vs saw, spelling can make a huge difference on the meaning of a word or sentence.

Goose Is An Ablaut

The plural of goose is geese. This is an example of an ablaut, which is a phonological process in which the pronunciation of vowels changes in a systematic way. This is slightly different than the traditional spelling rules to create plural words.

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And if you’re not sure what are vowels, I recommend you read up so that you can improve your spelling.

Are there others like this? Here are some other words that follow a similar rule as goose.

  • The plural of mouse is mice

Here are some more traditional examples

  • The plural of dog is dogs
  • The plural of cat is cats
  • The plural of pillow is pillows

Silly Gooses or Silly Geese

We now know the plural of goose is geese. These words are confused almost as much as however or how ever! But what is the plural of silly goose?

The plural of silly goose is actually silly gooses. If you have a bunch of kids acting silly or foolish, you would call them ‘silly gooses’ not ‘silly geese’! So, if you’re ever in a situation where you need to pluralize a silly goose, say silly goose. Just like with the words in or within, spelling makes a huge difference!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we say geese instead of gooses?

The plural of goose is geese, based on the Old English rules for forming plurals. The original Indo-European root word also yielded the Modern German word Gans, the Dutch word ganzen, and the Swedish word gasa. So it appears that the English name for this bird has been more or less unchanged for a few hundred years.

Is it Canada gooses or Canada geese?

It’s Canada geese, not Canada gooses. The proper plural of goose is geese, not gooses. If you want to show off your knowledge of Canadian wildlife, you can call them Canuck geese.

What is a group of geese called?

A group of geese is called a gaggle.

What is a flock of crows called?

A flock of crows is called a murder. The term “murder of crows” comes from the Old English word “murdre,” which means “murder.”

Final Thoughts – Gooses vs Geese

Now you know the difference between gooses vs geese in your writing. Just like the words is it play it by ear or year, these words can be tricky! The correct plural form of goose is geese. You should not be using gooses in reference to a group of geese! By now you should know that a small spelling difference, just like with the words idea and ideal, can make a huge difference. Follow these grammar tips to improve your writing today!

a silly or foolish person; simpleton.

Is it correct to say gooses?

Goose is a proper noun in this scenario. You would not use Geese; the correct convention is Gooses.

What is the plural of gooses?


Is gooses a valid Scrabble word?

GOOSES is a valid scrabble word.

What is a Gooser?

In gay terminology, an active partner in anal intercourse.

Is Wolf’s correct?

The plural of wolf is wolves.

What word describes a wolf?

Here are some adjectives for wolf: well-behaved hairy, potentially rabid, supposedly vicious, brown arctic, fiery zeal, warm-hearted, straightforward, strictly lone, untamed and probably nervous, indomitable, terrible, veritable lone, stealthy gray, hungry, half-starved, gray fierce, unpleasant and most extraordinary.

Can I say 2 persons?

The noun person has two plurals: persons and people. Most people don’t use persons, but the sticklers say there are times when we should.

Is it correct to say 2 persons?

Both are correct, in the right context. Quite often , when making a booking, a hotel receptionist will ask you how many persons will be staying; and you would reply accordingly- two persons in single rooms or two persons in a double room .

Is individuals a correct word?

In English law the word “individual” is often used for a natural person. In this usage “persons” is the correct plural and “people” would be wrong. Corporations are person not people.

Why do people say individuals instead of people?

Many usage guides over the years have suggested that there is a clear distinction between these two words; people is used when referring to a collective group or indeterminate number, and persons serves better when referring to individuals (or a number of individuals).

Why do people say individual?

The word individual comes from a Latin word meaning “indivisible.” Synonyms for its use as an adjective include single, separate, discrete, independent, sole, lone, solitary, and isolated. He lumps this use of individual with other “pretentious, deadening puff-words” and urges us to eschew them.

What is the verb of individual?

transitive verb. 1 : to make individual in character. 2 : to adapt to the needs or special circumstances of an individual individualize teaching according to student ability. 3 : to treat or notice individually : particularize.

Do you refer to individualization?

verb (used with object), in·di·vid·u·al·ized, in·di·vid·u·al·iz·ing. to make individual or distinctive; give an individual or distinctive character to. to mention, indicate, or consider individually; specify; particularize.

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