Is there a word for every other year

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Q: Is there a word that means every other year?

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The participating non-governmental organizations also elected a new coordinating committee based on a revised structure that provides for rotation of half the membership every other year.

Участвовавшие в симпозиуме неправительственные организации избрали также новый координационный комитет, состав которого был определен с учетом пересмотренной структуры, предусматривающей ротацию раз в два года половины его членов.

Other ships should be encouraged to update their data records annually or at least every other year.

Следует поощрять другие суда обновлять свои зарегистрированные данные ежегодно или по меньшей мере раз в два года.

The company cites their «three very successful franchises» as one of the reasons to produce an extra film every other year.

Компания ссылается на свои «три очень успешные франшизы» в качестве одной из причин для создания дополнительных фильмов каждые два года.

The 10 largest offices are typically audited every other year.

Все 10 крупнейших отделений обычно проверяются каждые два года.

It starts at 6:30 p.m. like every other year.

Это начинается в 6:30 вечера, как и через год.

There are also biennial timeshares, where you can go on holiday every other year.

Есть также двухгодичные таймшеры, куда вы можете отправиться в отпуск через год.

Since 2003 you’ve released an album every other year.

Repotting should be done every other year, or when the plant has outgrown its pot.

Пересадка должна проводиться раз в два года, или когда растение переросло свой горшок.

Females normally breed every other year and have an average of two cubs, but can have one to five.

Самки обычно размножаются раз в два года и имеют в среднем двух детёнышей, но могут иметь от одного до пяти.

Females normally produce calves every other year, after a gestation of 9 to 11 months.

Самки обычно создают телят раз в два года, после 9-11 месячного вынашивания.

That’s a new trainer every other year.

Major stratospheric warmings have taken place, on average, every other year over the past 50 years.

Заметные стратосферные потепления наблюдались, в среднем, каждые два года на протяжении последних 50 лет.

These exercises have become tradition and are conducted by the two navies every other year.

Эти учения стали уже традиционными и проводятся двумя флотами раз в два года.

Pixar operates on releasing one original film a year and a sequel every other year.

Нынешняя стратегия Pixar будет заключаться в том, чтобы выпускать оригинальный фильм каждый год и раз в два года снимать сиквел.

Since 2005, IMF has conducted a course on external debt statistics at its headquarters every other year.

С 2005 года МВФ проводит курс по статистике внешней задолженности в своей штаб-квартире каждые два года.

The exhibition is held every other year and brings together leading Russian and foreign companies.

Выставка проводится каждые два года и собирает ведущие российские и зарубежные компании.

Each participant received a physical exam and X-rays every other year.

Каждый участник проходил физический осмотр и процедуру рентгенографии раз в два года.

World congresses are held every other year in which we too take part.

Раз в два года они проводят Всемирные конгрессы, в которых мы тоже принимаем участие.

Mars Retrograde happens every other year and lasts for approximately 70 to 80 days.

Марс бывает ретроградным примерно каждые два года в течение 70 — 80 дней.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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every other year

1) Общая лексика: раз в два года

2) Деловая лексика: только по чётным либо только по нечётным годам, через год

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «every other year» в других словарях:

  • every other — Every second or alternate • • • Main Entry: ↑every every other Each alternate • • • Main Entry: ↑other * * * each second in a series; each alternate I train with weights every other day * * * every other used to indicate how often a repeated act …   Useful english dictionary

  • every second — ( ● second * * * every second used to indicate how often a repeated activity happens or is done We elect a mayor every second year. [=in alternate years; every other year] • • • Main Entry: ↑second …   Useful english dictionary

  • Year of Jubilee (Hebrew) —     Year of Jubilee (Hebrew)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Year of Jubilee (Hebrew)     According to the Pentateuchal legislation contained in Leviticus, a Jubilee year is the year that follows immediately seven successive Sabbatic years (the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Other Losses — Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II   Author(s) …   Wikipedia

  • year — /year/, n. 1. a period of 365 or 366 days, in the Gregorian calendar, divided into 12 calendar months, now reckoned as beginning Jan. 1 and ending Dec. 31 (calendar year or civil year). Cf. common year, leap year. 2. a period of approximately the …   Universalium

  • Year — A year (from Old English gēar) is the orbital period of the Earth moving around the Sun. For an observer on Earth, this corresponds to the period it takes the Sun to complete one course throughout the zodiac along the ecliptic. In astronomy, the… …   Wikipedia

  • year — (a or y or yr)    1. a unit of time, defined to be the period of time required for the Earth to make one revolution around the Sun. To be more precise, the year we use in ordinary life (described in the next entry) is designed to approximate the… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • every — [[t]e̱vri[/t]] ♦ 1) DET: DET sing n You use every to indicate that you are referring to all the members of a group or all the parts of something and not only some of them. Every village has a green, a church, a pub and a manor house… Record… …   English dictionary

  • other — determiner, adjective, pronoun 1 used when there are two people, things etc to mean the one that is not being used, the one that you do not already have etc: the other: She was driving the car with one hand and wiping the window with the other. | …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • year in, year out — • day in and day out • day in, day out • week in, week out • year in, year out adv. phr. Regularly; consistently; all the time; always. He plays good tennis day in and day out. Also used with several other time words in place of day: week, month …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Every Nation — Churches and Ministries Location  United States …   Wikipedia

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Англо-русский перевод EVERY OTHER YEAR

через год

Big English-Russian dictionary .

     Большой Англо-Русский словарь.

«Semi-annually» describes an event that recurs every 6 months. Is there a similar term for an event that recurs every 3 months? (I’m guessing that «semi-semi-annually» isn’t the correct answer.)

More importantly, is there a resource or table somewhere that I can use in the future to construct prefixes for other intervals shorter than a year?

RegDwigнt's user avatar


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asked Jan 23, 2012 at 4:54

George Edison's user avatar

George EdisonGeorge Edison

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This is not exactly a prefix but the word does indeed refer to an event that occurs four times a year. And the word is «Quarterly».

answered Jan 23, 2012 at 5:00

jokerdino's user avatar


More importantly, is there a resource or table somewhere that I can use in the future to construct prefixes for other intervals shorter than a year?

Not really, because commonly used ones are often exceptions to rules. However, you now have a good set:

  • Annually (and the multiplicators)
  • Bianually
  • Quarterly
  • Monthly (there should be a word for every two months)
  • Fortnightly
  • Weekly

Now you only have problems if you need to define every 6 weeks or suchlike.

Kate Gregory's user avatar

Kate Gregory

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answered Jan 23, 2012 at 10:20

Schroedingers Cat's user avatar




doesn’t suffice,


is probably closest in spirit to «semi-annually» (although I would prefer «biannual» to this anyway)

You should be able to construct such a table reasonably easily.

weekly           every week
bi-weekly        every two weeks
tri-weekly       every three weeks
monthly          every month
bi-monthly       every two months
tri-monthly      every three months
biannual         every six months


answered Jan 23, 2012 at 10:50

tdc's user avatar


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A smattering of people are using the term semibiannual online to designate one quarter of the year.

answered Jan 23, 2012 at 17:59

Thomas Raywood's user avatar

You might make use of Latin prefix quadri- quadru- E.g


answered Jan 23, 2012 at 8:43

Mustafa's user avatar


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Автоматический перевод

все остальные, каждый второй

Перевод по словам

every  — каждый, все, всякий, полный, абсолютный, каждый, любой
other  — другой, остальные, иной, другой, иначе


The plant will flower every other year.

Это растение будет цвести раз в два года.

He was sacked from every other job he had.

Его увольняли отовсюду, куда бы он ни устроился.

Every particle of matter attracts every other particle.

Каждая частица вещества притягивает другую.

I get my nails done at the beauty salon every other week.

Раз в две недели я делаю маникюр в этом салоне красоты.

Smith was saved but every other man in the ship was drowned.

Смита спасли, но все остальные, кто был на корабле, утонули.

The distribution of paychecks will happen every other Friday.

Выдача зарплаты будет происходить каждую вторую пятницу.

We always think every other man’s job is easier than our own.

Нам всегда кажется, что работа, которую выполняет другой человек, легче, чем наша собственная.

He had no special privileges and was treated just like every other prisoner.

У него не было никаких особых привилегий, и обращались с ним точно так же, как и с любым другим заключённым.

That fellow was on the skive every other day. *

Этот парень приходил на работу через день.

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

  • #1

How would you say
Every few years
Tous les quelques annees? is almost certainly wrong

  • pieanne

    • #2

    I’d say something like «tous les 2 ou 3 ans», «tous les 4 ou 5 ans»… depending on the frequency implied

    • #3

    It sounds slightly clumsy, but the right meaning. Maybe I’m wrong. Is there a simple way of saying every few years? Anyone either backing pieanne up or with a different suggestion would be much appreciated.

    • #4

    Not wishing to sound grumpy but any ideas anyone?


    • #5

    No, I’m sorry, I don’t think we have the corresponding expression… There is «de temps en temps», but it doesn’t convey the «year gaps».
    The expressions I proposed are not clumy, they are quite used. «On mange ensemble tous les 2 ou 3 mois», «il va aux Etats Unis tous les 2 ou 3 ans».
    But the larger the gap, the awkwarder the expression. You won’t say «tous les 8 ou 9 ans», you’d say «rarement» :D

    • #6

    Hmmmm. Thanks for your help.

    I’ll explain my problem. I’m describing events over a 70 year time period, which happened fairly regularly, but sometimes every other year, sometimes with a gap of almost a decade between them.

    I want to say they happened every few years to get round this and still be succinct.

    • #7

    i’m on pieanne’s side here, i’ve never come across a direct translation of ‘every few years’..
    ‘tous les 2 ou 3 ans’ is right…


    • #8

    «A des intervalles irréguliers, allant de 2 à 10 ans»

    But then, «every few years» doesn’t translate such different intervals either

    • #9

    The problem is that it is idiomatic to have ‘few’ in English in time phrases, whereas it is pointless to have a word expressing quantity in French:

    — in the last few years / ces dernières années.

    When the word ‘few’ actually does mean something, French needs to be more specific, and I would agree with most of what Pieanne wrote (though not with the

    You won’t say «tous les 8 ou 9 ans», you’d say «rarement»

    part, which is very subjective).


    • #10

    Instead of «tous les 8 ou 9 ans», I’d also say «une fois tous les 8/9 ans»


    • #12

    If one can say de temps en temps and d’année en année … would des années en années be so incomprehensible?

    (Yes, I suppose «from years to years» would be fairly meaningless in English, but we can say ‘every few years.’)

    • #13

    I’m describing events over a 70 year time period, which happened fairly regularly, but sometimes every other year, sometimes with a gap of almost a decade between them.

    Given this info, which was posted while I was typing my first answer, I would try «de temps à autre, à intervalle irrégulier».


    • #14

    No, sorry! «des années en années» isn’t French… Sorry, MG! :)


    • #15

    No, sorry! «des années en années» isn’t French… Sorry, MG! :)

    No need to be sorry. I hadn’t really thought so. Just seems a frustratingly simple notion to fall under the rubric of l’indicible!

    De temps à autre does seem the best option so far.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 14, 2009


    • #16

    :( So I’ve been using ‘tous les/chaque quelques annees’ all this time incorrectly… People always seemed to know what I meant tho… guess they were kind… :eek:


    • #17

    Another thought … there must be a way of combining locs.advs. to get the idea across, like au cours des années/decennies [something happened] de temps à autre, right?

    Au cours des decennies, l’équipe gagnait de temps à autre.

    Something like that?

    • #18

    I come across the same problem today: «We invite every few years some Members of the European Parliament to exchange about…»

    «Tous les deux ou trois ans» is too precise: it might well be two consecutive years and then nothing during three years, for instance, I don’t know.

    The best solution I can think of is «Nous invitons régulièrement…». It will be clear from the context that this «régulièrement» is not every few weeks or months.

    In spoken French, we also say «tous les x temps», but it is not suitable in a formal invitation. You do find «toutes les quelques années», «toutes les quelques semaines»… on Google (bad translations, perhaps?), I cannot say it really hurts me. Shall we all try to introduce these expressions in French, it would be very useful input ! ;)

    • #19

    Pourquoi utiliser « régulièrement » si les rencontres ont lieu à intervalle irrégulier ?

    Quand on n’a pas besoin de préciser si le laps de temps se compte en jours ou en années, « de temps à autre » est peut-être plus indiqué.


    • #20

    wouldn’t «au fil des années» work here?


    • #21

    @ joelooc : Je ne crois pas, non. « Au fil des ans/années » se traduirait plutôt par «over the years«.

    J’aurais dit moi aussi « tous les deux ou trois ans (en moyenne) ».
    Comme je traduirais every few days par tous les deux ou trois jours.

    Si les intervalles étaient irréguliers, il me semble qu’on le dirait autrement en anglais.
    de temps à autre — plus proche équivaut à every now and then / from time to time.

    Alors, si Chimel préfère ne pas préciser deux ou trois, à mon avis — qui n’engage que moi — régulièrement
    convient autant que de temps à autre / à l’occasion. ;)

    Click on the arrows to change the translation direction.

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