Is there a word drew

рисовать, привлекать, черпать, проводить, начертить, тянуть, составлять, получать

неправильный глагол

- past от draw
- past от draw

Мои примеры


as the wedding day drew near — по мере приближения дня свадьбы  
the play drew capacity audience — пьеса шла с аншлагом  
he drew caricatures of his literary contemporaries — он рисовал шаржи на своих современников-писателей  
crowd drew to one side — толпа подалась в одну сторону  
car drew in to the kerb — машина остановилась у тротуара; машина встала у тротуара  
day drew in — день угасал  
snail drew in its horns — улитка спрятала рожки  
as time drew upon his health improved — постепенно состояние его здоровья улучшалось  
drew a blood sample — брал кровь  
he drew a portrait of himself from the mirror — он нарисовал свой автопортрет по изображению в зеркале  
he drew matchstick figures — он рисовал палочных человечков  

Примеры с переводом

He drew her close to him.

Он привлёк её к себе.

He drew a perfect circle.

Он начертил идеальный круг.

They drew 3-3.

Они сыграли вничью 3:3.

The cab drew up outside the house.

Такси остановилось около дома.

A car drew up alongside.

Рядом притормозил автомобиль.

His promises drew her on.

Его обещания были для неё очень заманчивы.

We drew down our cash reserves.

Мы исчерпали запасы наличности.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her smoky voice drew me in.

We drew lots to see who would go first.

I drew on my savings to pay for the repairs.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

overdrew  — преувеличивать, перерасходовать, превышать кредит

drew — перевод на русский

Remember. Visual memory is essential in learning to draw.

Повторяю, чтобы уметь рисовать, нужно обладать наблюдательностью.

Now you take me, nobody ever taught me how to draw, so I just put a line around what I feel when I look at things.

Вот посмотри на меня, никто не учил меня рисовать, я просто провожу линию, потому что я так чувствую.

Because I can’t draw.

Потому, что не умею рисовать.

We begin by drawing.. Come in.

Начинаем рисовать…

Why don’t we slip him underground now that you’ve finished drawing him?

Сэмми, почему бы нам ни засыпать его замлёй, раз уж ты закончил его рисовать?

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Any sketches or drawings?

Эскизы, рисунки?

I don’t know… except that she often left drawings like that around… with some kind of a facetious comment on them.

Не знаю… кроме того, что она частенько оставляла рисунки… с шутливыми комментариями.

You said there were other drawings like this.

Вы сказали, что были еще рисунки.

Drawings of animals!

Рисунки животных!

The children who read the book will want to see the pictures the camera takes, but the publishers say they’re impossible to photograph, and they suggest drawings.

Дети, прочитав книгу, захотят увидеть фотографии, которые снимала эта камера, но издательство говорит, что это невозможно сфотографировать, и они предлагают рисунки.

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Can you draw a moustache on this mask?

Можешь ли ты нарисовать усы на маске?

— What shall I draw now? — Well, let’s see.

Что теперь мне нарисовать?

I could draw him for you.

Я могла бы его для вас нарисовать.

That’s ten leagues away. He’ll draw a map of the castle.

Этот болтун обещал нарисовать карту замка, да?

Those drawings. That hunter was able to record his ideas and impressions onto the wall of the cave.

Охотник сумел нарисовать на скале свои идеи и мысли.

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Do you have anything to add… to Drew Pearson’s report of your resignation?

Маккивер, что вы можете добавить… к сообщению Дрю Пирсона о вашей отставке?

Christ, Drew!

— Господи, Дрю.

Drew, look at the junk.

Дрю, посмотри на эту развалину.

— I said it’s all set, Drew.

— Я же сказал, все в норме, Дрю.

— Keep your eyes open, Drew.

— Будь начеку, Дрю.

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It happened in the drawing room, upstairs.

Это было в гостиной наверху.

— They’re in the drawing room.

В гостиной.

He Would sit up in the drawing room until the early hours.

Вечерами сидел он один в гостиной до самой поздней ночи.

They’re having tea with your Aunt dolly in the drawing room.

Они пьют чай с вашей тетей Долли в гостиной.

Then… I just sat in the drawing room.

Затем я присела в гостиной.

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Chimney sweep ladies, i know why the old chimney won’t draw.

Трубочист леди, я знаю почему старый дымоход не будет тянуть.

Don’t want to bake and you can’t make no cake and i know why your chimney won’t draw chimney sweep

Не может печь и Вы не сможете сделать пирог и я знаю почему Ваш дымоход не будет тянуть трубочист

You wouldn’t be interested in drawing lots?

То есть спички тянуть не будем?

When they cool, they’ll draw the heat from your body.

Ты на камнях-то не сиди. Они остынут, начнут из тебя тепло тянуть.

No favouritism, we’ll draw lots.

И чтобы не говорили, что кто-то хочет себе получше, мы можем тянуть жребий.

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Well, Danny, you know, to draw attention to the concert we’d need a sponsor, someone important.

Дэнни, знаешь, чтобы привлечь внимание к концерту нам понадобится спонсор, кто-то влиятельный.

It would be enough to draw attention to it. —

— Было бы достаточно привлечь внимание.

I doubt we could manoeuvre close enough without drawing a direct attack upon ourselves.

Вряд ли мы сможем подойти поближе без риска привлечь на себя прямую атаку.

(SHEILA) When he gets into one of these moods, he’ll do anything to draw attention.

(ШЕЙЛА) Когда он в таком настроении, то делает все, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание.

You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to draw attention to them!

Вы даже не подумали сдвинуться с места, чтобы привлечь мое внимание к этому событию.

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Surely Flambeau wouldn’t draw attention to himself in that way?

Наверняка Фламбо бы не стал так привлекать к себе внимание?

— Alright, but we mustn’t draw attention

— Хорошо, но мы не должны привлекать внимания.

They’d hardly being drawing attention to themselves by lighting a fire if they meant us any harm.

Вряд ли бы они стали привлекать наше внимание костром, если бы хотели причинить нам зло.

It would not be in our best interests to draw too much attention to ourselves.

Не в наших интересах привлекать к себе лишнее внимание.

There’s no need to draw attention to ourselves.

Нет необходимости привлекать к себе внимание.

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— Did you bring the drawings?

— Вы принесли чертежи?

If those drawings disappear, I’ll be held responsible.

Если эти чертежи исчезнут, я буду нести ответственность.

Now get me those drawings.

Принеси мне эти чертежи.

I have need of the drawings.

Мне нужны чертежи.

Ah, dear dear dear…ha, and I would have loved to seen those drawings…

Боже, боже, боже, мне бы так хотелось взглянуть на эти чертежи.

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We must draw up our plans then arrange a conference with Saito and set him straight.

Мы должны составить план затем организовать конференцию с Саито и ввести его в курс дела.

Maybe I’ll call you again when I need to draw my will.

Может я тебя и позову снова, когда завещание нужно будет составить.

Have somebody draw up a profile.

Пошли, надо немедленно составить фоторобот. Да, фоторобот!

I took the liberty of asking Martin to draw up your will, too.

Я взяла на себя смелость попросить Мартина составить ваше завещание, тоже.

Mr. Spencer sen. wants you to draw up a pre-marital agreement for Mr. Spencer jun.

Мистер Спенсер-старший просит составить брачный контракт для Спенсера-младшего.

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Отправить комментарий


тяга, волочение; вытягивание

затяжка сигарой, сигаретой и

т. п.

, курение

приманка, соблазн

вытягивание жребия, жеребьевка; лотерея

жребий; выигрыш

турнирная таблица

игра вничью, ничья

разводная часть моста

выдвижной ящик комода

естественная канава или траншея, которая отводит воду

лощина, по дну которой протекает вода

замечание, имеющее целью выпытать что-либо, провокационный вопрос

человек, легко проговаривающийся, у которого легко что-либо выпытать

молодой побег

тащить, волочить; тянуть

перевозить, перемещать

перевозить осужденного в телеге к месту казни; привязывать осужденного к хвосту лошади и пускать ее вскачь

морщить, сморщивать, сжимать; искажать, деформировать

морщиться, сжиматься; искажаться

натягивать; растягивать, вытягивать; затягивать

удлинять; продлевать

иметь осадку, сидеть в воде

заставить мяч срикошетировать

вбирать, вдыхать, втягивать

делать глоток

иметь тягу; разгораться

всасывать, втягивать

притягивать; подвергаться действию

привлекать, притягивать, соблазнять; собирать

влечь, вызывать, приводить; навлекать

вытаскивать, вытягивать; выдергивать; вырывать

брать, вытаскивать карты


тянуть, бросать, вытягивать

получать, вытягивать по жребию

отделять, отбирать

отделять от стада

отделять от шелухи, очищать

выгонять, вытаскивать из норы

кончать вничью

поднимать воду из колодца, качать воду

поднимать на поверхность в корзинах

выливать из сосуда; нацеживать из бочки; пускать

извлекать, экстрагировать; настаивать



отводить с помощью канала, канавы

просачиваться, проходить


извлекать, вытягивать; вытягивать, выманивать

побуждать к действию; вызывать на разговор, откровенность; выводить из себя, раздражать

извлекать, делать выводы, выводить

потрошить, извлекать внутренности

проходить с сетью или бреднем поперек или вдоль реки

прочесывать в поисках дичи

проводить линию, черту

проводить борозду


чертить, рисовать, набрасывать рисунок

набросать словами, описать

составлять, оформлять; выписывать

проводить, формулировать, устанавливать

обращаться, черпать

подходить, приближаться


преследовать дичь по запаху

подкрадываться к дичи после стойки

    • See Also:
      • dressing room
      • dressing sack
      • dressing station
      • dressing table
      • dressing-down
      • Dressler
      • dressmaker
      • dressoir
      • dressy
      • drest
      • drew
      • drey
      • Dreyfus
      • Dreyfusard
      • DRG
      • drib
      • dribble
      • driblet
      • dribs and drabs
      • driech
      • dried
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v past

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

drew /dru/USA pronunciation  

  1. pt. of draw.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(dro̅o̅),USA pronunciation v. 

  1. pt. of draw. 

(dro̅o̅),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Biographical Charles Richard, 1904–50, U.S. physician: developer of blood-bank technique.
  2. Biographical John, 1827–62, U.S. actor, born in Ireland.
  3. Place Nameshis son, John, 1853–1927, U.S. actor.
  4. a male given name: from a Germanic word meaning «trusty.»

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

drew /druː/ vb

  1. the past tense of draw

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

draw /drɔ/USA pronunciation  
v., drew/dru/USA pronunciation  drawn, draw•ing, n. 

  1. to (cause to) move in a particular direction by or as if by pulling;
    drag: [+ object + along]The horses drew the cart along.[+ along]The car drew slowly along the street.[+ object + away]I drew her away from the crowd.[no object* ~ + away]She drew away from me.[no object* ~ + in]The car drew in to the curb. [+ object + in]He drew the car in to the side and stopped.[no object* ~ + out]The car drew out into the traffic.[+ object + out]I drew the car out into the middle lane.[no object* ~ + off]The train drew off before I could signal the conductor.
  2. to bring, take, or pull out, such as from a source:[+ object (+ from + object ) ]to draw water from a well.
  3. to cause to come toward oneself;
    attract:[+ object]The sale drew large crowds.
  4. to compose or create (something) in words or pictures;
    depict: [+ object]to draw a lifelike portrait.[no object]I really can’t draw.
  5. to frame or formulate;
    figure out:[+ object]to draw a distinction.
  6. to suck in;
    take (a breath) in: [+ object]to draw liquid through a straw.[+ in + object]I drew in a deep breath to calm down.
  7. to produce;
    bring in:[+ object]The deposits draw interest.
  8. Sportto bend (a bow) by pulling back the string to shoot an arrow: [+ object]The archers drew their bows all at once.[no object]The archers all drew at once.
    • [+ object] to choose by or as if by lottery:He was unlucky enough to draw kitchen cleanup twice in one week.
    • [+ object] to pick at random, as from among marked slips of paper or numbered tickets:to draw straws to see who wins.
    • [no object] to hold a lottery or the like:to draw for prizes.

  9. Nautical, Naval Terms (of a vessel) to need (a specific depth of water) to float:[+ object]The boat draws six feet.
  10. Sport, Gamesto finish (a contest) with neither side winning;
    tie: [+ object]They drew the game at 37-37.[no object]They drew at 37-37.
  11. Games to take or be given (a playing card) from the pack:[+ object]I drew two sevens.
  12. to steep (tea) in boiling water:[+ object]She drew a nice pot of tea for us.
  13. to move or pass, esp. slowly or continuously:[no object]The day draws near.
  14. to take out a weapon for action: [+ object]He drew his gun quickly and fired.[no object]She drew and fired in one smooth motion.
  15. draw away, [no object] to move farther ahead:One runner drew away from the pack.
  16. draw in:
    • [+ object + in] to cause to take part:This is your fight; don’t draw me in.
    • to make a sketch or drawing of: [+ in + object]to draw in a human figure.[+ object + in]Draw it in with charcoal.

  17. draw off, to move back or away: [+ off + object]He drew off the enemy.[+ object + off]He drew the enemy off.
  18. draw on:
    • [no object] to come nearer;
      approach:Winter was drawing on.
    • to clothe oneself in: [+ on + object]to draw on one’s gloves.[+ object + on]He drew his gloves on.
    • [+ on + object] to use esp. as a source:The newspaper article draws heavily on gossip.

  19. draw out:
    • to pull out;
      remove: [+ out + object]The dentist drew out the tooth.[+ object + out]The dentist drew the tooth out.
    • to stretch out the time of;
      lengthen: [+ out + object]They told me to draw out my speech for as long as possible.[+ object + out]I drew it out for as long as I could.
    • [+ object + out] to persuade to speak:The police carefully drew the child out and learned what had happened.
    • [+ out + object] to get (information) from someone:We finally drew out the truth from her.
    • to take (money) from a place of deposit: [+ out + object]We drew out $5,000 as the down payment.[+ object + out]We drew some money out of our savings.

  20. draw up:
    • to write in legal form: [+ up + object]to draw up a contract.[+ object + up]We drew the agreement up quickly.
    • to put into position;
      arrange in order: [no object]The army drew up into its positions and waited.[+ object + up]The general drew them up to the front lines.
    • [+ oneself + up] to make (oneself) stand as straight or as tall as one can:He drew himself up to his full height.
    • to bring or come to a stop;
      halt: [no object]The bus drew up to the curb.[+ object + up]The driver drew the bus up to the curb.

n. [countable]

  1. an act of drawing.
  2. something that attracts customers, etc.:That famous movie star is a big Hollywood draw.
  3. something chosen at random, as a lot or chance:a lottery draw.
  4. a contest that ends in a tie:The game ended in a draw.


  1. Idioms beat someone to the draw, to react more quickly than (an opponent):We beat them to the draw and got our proposal in first.
  2. Idioms be the luck of the draw, to be the result of chance:It was the luck of the draw that I went first.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(drô),USA pronunciation v., drew, drawn, draw•ing, n. 

  1. to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force;
    drag (often fol. by along, away, in, out, or off).
  2. to bring, take, or pull out, as from a receptacle or source:to draw water from a well.
  3. to bring toward oneself or itself, as by inherent force or influence;
    attract:The concert drew a large audience.
  4. to sketch (someone or something) in lines or words;
    depict:to draw a vase with charcoal; to draw the comedy’s characters with skill.
  5. Fine Artto compose or create (a picture) in lines.
  6. to mark or lay out;
    trace:to draw perpendicular lines.
  7. to frame or formulate:to draw a distinction.
  8. to write out in legal form (sometimes fol. by up):Draw up the contract.
  9. to inhale or suck in:to draw liquid through a straw.
  10. to derive or use, as from a source:to draw inspiration from Shakespeare.
  11. to deduce;
    infer:to draw a conclusion.
  12. to get, take, or receive, as from a source:to draw interest on a savings account; to draw a salary of $600 a week.
  13. Businessto withdraw funds from a drawing account, esp. against future commissions on sales.
  14. to produce;
    bring in:The deposits draw interest.
  15. to disembowel:to draw a turkey.
  16. to drain:to draw a pond.
  17. to pull out to full or greater length;
    make by attenuating;
    stretch:to draw filaments of molten glass.
  18. Sportto bend (a bow) by pulling back its string in preparation for shooting an arrow.
  19. to choose or to have assigned to one at random, by or as by picking an unseen number, item, etc.:Let’s draw straws to see who has to wash the car.
  20. Metallurgyto form or reduce the sectional area of (a wire, tube, etc.) by pulling through a die.
  21. to wrinkle or shrink by contraction.
  22. Medicineto cause to discharge:to draw an abscess by a poultice.
  23. to obtain (rations, clothing, equipment, weapons, or ammunition) from an issuing agency, as an army quartermaster.
  24. Nautical, Naval Terms(of a vessel) to need (a specific depth of water) to float:She draws six feet.
  25. Sport, Gamesto leave (a contest) undecided;
    finish with neither side winning, as in a tie.
  26. Games[Cards.]
    • to take or be dealt (a card or cards) from the pack.
    • [Bridge.]to remove the outstanding cards in (a given suit) by leading that suit:He had to draw spades first in order to make the contract.

  27. Sport, Games[Billiards.]to cause (a cue ball) to recoil after impact by giving it a backward spin on the stroke.
  28. Dialect Terms[Northeastern U.S.](chiefly New Eng.). to haul;
  29. Sport[Hunting.]to search (a covert) for game.
  30. Sport, Games[Cricket.]to play (a ball) with a bat held at an angle in order to deflect the ball between the wicket and the legs.
  31. Sport, Games[Curling.]to slide (the stone) gently.
  32. to steep (tea) in boiling water.
  33. Ceramicsto form or shape (glass) as it comes from the furnace by stretching.


  1. to exert a pulling, moving, or attracting force:A sail draws by being properly trimmed and filled with wind.
  2. to move or pass, esp. slowly or continuously, as under a pulling force (often fol. by on, off, out, etc.):The day draws near.
  3. to take out a sword, pistol, etc., for action.
  4. to hold a drawing, lottery, or the like:to draw for prizes.
  5. Fine Artto sketch or to trace figures;
    create a picture or depict by sketching.
  6. Fine Artto be skilled in or practice the art of sketching:I can’t paint, but I can draw.
  7. to shrink or contract (often fol. by up).
  8. to make a demand (usually fol. by on or upon):to draw on one’s imagination.
  9. Medicine
    • to act as an irritant;
      cause blisters.
    • to cause blood, pus, or the like to gather at a specific point.

  10. to produce or permit a draft, as a pipe or flue.
  11. to leave a contest undecided;
  12. Sport[Hunting.](of a hound)
    • to search a covert for game.
    • to follow a game animal by its scent.

  13. to attract customers, an audience, etc.:Our newspaper advertisement drew very well.
  14. to pull back the string of a bow in preparation for shooting an arrow.
  15. draw ahead:
    • to gradually pass something moving in the same direction.
    • Naval Terms[Naut.](of the wind) to blow from a direction closer to that in which a vessel is moving;
      haul forward. Cf. veer1 (def. 2b).

  16. draw away:
    • to move or begin to move away:He drew his hand away from the hot stove.
    • to move farther ahead:The lead runner gradually drew away from his competitor.

  17. draw down, to deplete or be depleted through use or consumption:to draw down crude-oil supplies.
  18. draw in:
    • to cause to take part or enter, esp. unwittingly:I heard them debating the point, but I avoided being drawn in.
    • to make a rough sketch of:to draw in a person’s figure against the landscape background.

  19. draw off, to move back or away.
  20. draw on:
    • to come nearer;
      approach:He sensed winter drawing on.
    • to clothe oneself in:She drew on her cape and gloves.
    • Naval Terms[Naut.](of a vessel) to gain on (another vessel).
    • to utilize or make use of, esp. as a source:The biography has drawn heavily on personal interviews.

  21. Idioms draw oneself up, to assume an erect posture.
  22. draw out:
    • to pull out;
    • to prolong;
    • to persuade to speak:You’ll find she’s quite interesting if you take the trouble to draw her out.
    • Naval Terms[Naut.](of a vessel) to move away from (sometimes fol. by from):The boat drew out from the wharf.
    • to take (money) from a place of deposit:She drew her money out of the bank and invested it in bonds.

  23. draw up:
    • to devise or formulate;
      draft, esp. in legal form or as a formal proposal:to draw up a will.
    • to put into position;
      arrange in order or formation:The officer drew up his men.
    • to bring or come to a stop;
      halt:Their car drew up at the curb.


  1. an act of drawing.
  2. something that attracts customers, an audience, etc.
  3. something that is moved by being drawn, as the movable part of a drawbridge.
  4. something that is chosen or drawn at random, as a lot or chance.
  5. drawing (defs. 5, 6).
  6. a contest that ends in a tie;
    an undecided contest.
  7. SportAlso called draw play. [Football.]a play in which the quarterback fades as if to pass and then hands the ball to a back, usually the fullback, who is running toward the line of scrimmage.
  8. Games[Poker.]
    • a card or cards taken or dealt from the pack.
    • See draw poker. 

  9. Communications, Geography[Physical Geog.]
    • a small, natural drainageway with a shallow bed;
    • the dry bed of a stream.
    • Dialect Terms[Chiefly Western U.S.]a coulee;

  10. Sportthe pull necessary to draw a bow to its full extent.
  11. Businessan amount regularly drawn, as from a drawing account.
  12. Businessa fund, as an expense account or credit line, from which money may be withdrawn when needed.
  13. Time[Horol.]the tendency of a tooth of an escape wheel to force toward the center of the wheel a pallet engaging with it.
  14. Idioms beat to the draw, to react quicker than an opponent.
  15. Idioms luck of the draw. See luck (def. 7).
  • bef. 900; Middle English drawen, Old English dragan; cognate with Old Norse draga to draw, German tragen to carry; compare drag

drawa•ble, adj. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged tug, tow.
      Draw, drag, haul, pull imply causing movement of an object toward one by exerting force upon it. To draw is to move by a force, in the direction from which the force is exerted:A magnet draws iron to it.To drag is to draw with the force necessary to overcome friction between the object drawn and the surface on which it rests:to drag a sled to the top of a hill.To haul is to transport a heavy object slowly by mechanical force or with sustained effort:to haul a large boat across a portage.To pull is to draw or tug, exerting varying amounts of force according to the effort needed:to pull out an eyelash; to pull fighting dogs apart.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

draw /drɔː/ vb (draws, drawing, drew, drawn)

  1. to cause (a person or thing) to move towards or away by pulling
  2. to bring, take, or pull (something) out, as from a drawer, holster, etc
  3. (transitive) to extract or pull or take out: to draw teeth, to draw a card from a pack
  4. (transitive) often followed by off: to take (liquid) out of a cask, keg, tank, etc, by means of a tap
  5. (intransitive) to move, go, or proceed, esp in a specified direction: to draw alongside
  6. (transitive) to attract or elicit: to draw a crowd, draw attention
  7. (transitive) to cause to flow: to draw blood
  8. to depict or sketch (a form, figure, picture, etc) in lines, as with a pencil or pen, esp without the use of colour; delineate
  9. (transitive) to make, formulate, or derive: to draw conclusions, comparisons, parallels
  10. (transitive) to write (a legal document) in proper form
  11. (transitive) sometimes followed by in: to suck or take in (air, liquid, etc): to draw a breath
  12. (intransitive) to induce or allow a draught to carry off air, smoke, etc: the flue draws well
  13. (transitive) to take or receive from a source: to draw money from the bank
  14. (transitive) to earn: draw interest
  15. (transitive) to write out (a bill of exchange or promissory note): to draw a cheque
  16. (transitive) to choose at random: to draw lots
  17. (transitive) to reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die
  18. (transitive) to shape (a sheet of metal or glass) by rolling, by pulling it through a die or by stretching
  19. to bend (a bow) by pulling the string
  20. to steep (tea) or (of tea) to steep in boiling water
  21. (transitive) to disembowel: draw a chicken
  22. (transitive) to cause (pus, blood, etc) to discharge from an abscess or wound
  23. (intransitive) (of two teams, contestants, etc) to finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc; tie
  24. (transitive) to keep leading a suit in order to force out (all outstanding cards)
  25. draw trumpsto play the trump suit until the opponents have none left
  26. (transitive) to cause (the cue ball) to spin back after a direct impact with another ball by applying backspin when making the stroke
  27. (transitive) to search (a place) in order to find wild animals, game, etc, for hunting
  28. to cause (a golf ball) to move with a controlled right-to-left trajectory or (of a golf ball) to veer gradually from right to left
  29. (transitive) to deliver (the stone) gently
  30. (transitive) (of a vessel) to require (a certain depth) in which to float
  31. draw a blankto get no results from something
  32. draw and quarterto disembowel and dismember (a person) after hanging
  33. draw stumpsto close play, as by pulling out the stumps
  34. draw the line
    See line1
  35. draw the short straw
    See short straw
  36. draw the shotto deliver the bowl in such a way that it approaches the jack


  1. the act of drawing
  2. US a sum of money advanced to finance anticipated expenses
  3. an event, occasion, act, etc, that attracts a large audience
  4. a raffle or lottery
  5. something taken or chosen at random, as a ticket in a raffle or lottery
  6. a contest or game ending in a tie
  7. US Canadian a small natural drainage way or gully

See also drawback, draw inEtymology: Old English dragan; related to Old Norse draga; Old Frisian draga, Old Saxon dragan, Old High German tragan to carry

drew‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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Put Drew on the phone.

Позови к телефону Дрю.



(Текстильная промышленность)

Drew Holiner, a lawyer representing Egiazaryan, denied the allegations.

Представляющий интересы Егиазаряна адвокат Дрю Холинер (Drew Holiner) эти обвинения отвергает.


drew / drawn / drawing / draws


Where do you draw the line?

Где нужно провести линию?



It should draw attention here, too.

Но он должен привлечь внимание и здесь.




Please draw up a statement about this incident.

Прошу Вас составить акт об этом случае.




Can I draw some money here on this letter of credit?

Могу ли я получить здесь деньги по этому аккредитиву?



Draw and format chart shapes

Рисование и форматирование фигур блок-схемы



To draw a Trend line:

Чтобы нарисовать Трендовую линию:



You can draw from this.

И из этого можно извлечь определенную пользу.



I’ll be right back to draw your blood.

Я скоро вернусь, чтобы взять у вас кровь.



Dagan countered that the military’s role is to safeguard Israel’s borders, regardless of where those borders are drawn.

Даган возражал, что роль военных – защищать границ Израиля независимо от того, как они прочерчены.



First Minister, you draw fiirst.

Тяни, Первый Министр, ты первый.



I’m not gonna draw you a map.

Я не стану чертить тебе карту, Грэди.



And pray I draw well.

Молись, чтобы я достал обычный.



Draw a line on your paper.

Начерти линию на своей бумаге.



You know, I didn’t just draw this in a day, by the way.

Знаете, я, между прочим, на за один день это всё вычертил.



I’d be drawn and quartered if I didn’t.

Я был бы выпотрошен и четвертован, если бы не было.



Shadows – Simple shadows are easier to draw.

Тени. Графической подсистеме легче отрисовывать простые тени.



So, what I’d like to do now is try a little drawing.

А сейчас я хотел бы попробовать немного порисовать.


сыграть вничью

The team drew 1:1.

Команды сыграли вничью со счётом 1:1.


другие переводы 23



Hand in hand, they drew a line.
Рука в руке, они провели линию.

That incident drew his interest.
Это происшествие привлекло его интерес.

Now, I was thinking, if we drew up a schedule.
Так вот, я думал, если мы составим расписание.

The petition, organized by the media outlet Novaya Gazeta, drew more than 100,000 supporters.
Петиция, сбор подписей под которой организовала «Новая газета», получила поддержку более 100 тысяч человек.

Leonardo was a man that drew everything around him.
Леонардо был такой человек, что рисовал всё вокруг себя.


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You start reading because a headline drew your attention.

Вы читаете данную статью, потому что ее заголовок привлек Ваше внимание.

The League of Legends World Championship finals last year drew drew 99.6 million unique viewers.

Финал чемпионата мира League of Legends прошлого года привлек 99,6 млн реальных зрителей.

I still can’t believe he drew this.

Я всё ещё не могу поверить, что он нарисовал это.

I like that picture you drew.

Мне нравится этот рисунок, что ты нарисовал.

It was my pencil he drew it with.

Всё бы ничего, но он рисовал их моими карандашами.

I drew it to show what happened.

Я нарисовал её, чтобы показать, что случилось.

This is like what you drew.

Вот это похоже на то, что ты нарисовал.

What he drew was… incredible.

То, что он нарисовал, было… невероятным.

Each child would show me what they drew.

Каждому ребенку хотелось рассказать о том, что он нарисовал.

No wonder he drew that powerful picture for Kashmir in 1946.

Ничего удивительно в том, что он нарисовал эту мощную картину посвящённую Кашмиру в 1946.

You already look like Tim Burton drew you.

Ты уже выглядишь, как будто тебя Тим Бёртон нарисовал.

When she couldn’t write, she drew pictures.

Когда она ещё не умела писать, то рисовала мне открытки.

We drew with them twice last year.

He drew particular attention to active opposition to reforms by local governments.

Глава украинского государства обратил особое внимание на активное противодействие реформам со стороны органов местного самоуправления.

But some force drew him in that direction.

Тем не менее, какой-то фактор склонил его к этому шагу.

And how even babysitting duties drew countries together…

И как даже обязанности по уходу за ребенком объединяли страны…

This international conference drew 500 delegates from 24 countries.

В этой международной конференции приняли участие 500 делегатов из 24 стран.

This three-week training workshop drew about 60 participants.

В работе этого трехнедельного учебного практикума участвовали примерно 60 человек.

As expected, this drew criticism.

Как и ожидалось, это вызвало резкую критику.

And laughed as he drew near.

И смеялись над тем, как смешно он корчится.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат drew

Результатов: 14974. Точных совпадений: 14974. Затраченное время: 138 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Examples from texts

The bland statement drew a smile from the policeman.

Такое осторожное заявление вызвало улыбку полицейского.

Feather, Jane / VelvetФэйзер, Джейн / Бархат

And he held the revolver straight at Kirillov’s head; but almost at the same minute, coming completely to himself, he drew back his hand, thrust the revolver into his pocket, and without saying another word ran out of the house.

И он наставил Кириллову револьвер прямо в лоб; но почти в ту же минуту, опомнившись наконец совершенно, отдернул руку, сунул револьвер в карман и, не сказав более ни слова, побежал из дому.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The possessedДостоевский, Фёдор / Бесы


Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1989

The possessed

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

I don’t know if» — Keenan drew a steadying breath.

Или… — Кинан вздохнул.

Marr, Melissa / Wicked LovelyМарр, Мелисса / Коварная красота

Коварная красота

Марр, Мелисса

© И. Шаргородская, перевод на русский язык, 2010

© Издание на русском языке ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2010

© 2007 by Melissa Marr

Wicked Lovely

Marr, Melissa

As he finished, Smerdyakov drew a deep breath, as though exhausted.

Проговорив это, Смердяков, как бы измученный утомлением, глубоко перевел дыхание.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы

Братья Карамазовы

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1988

The brothers Karamazov

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Intense disgust drew him away from Svidrigailov.

Глубокое отвращение влекло его прочь от Свидригайлова.

Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание

Преступление и наказание

Достоевский, Фёдор

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1970

Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

He walked quickly, but his pace slackened as he drew near the house.

Он шел поспешно, но к дому их приблизился замедленными шагами.

Turgenev, I.S. / A House of GentlefolkТургенев, И.С. / Дворянское гнездо

Дворянское гнездо

Тургенев, И.С.

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1983

A House of Gentlefolk

Turgenev, I.S.

I wanted to kill it before it drew.

Я хотела убить его до того, как он вытащит меч».

Saintcrow, Lilith / The Devil’s Right HandСэйнткроу, Лилит / Правая рука дьявола

Правая рука дьявола

Сэйнткроу, Лилит

© 2007 by Lilith Saintcrow

© Волковский В. Перевод на русский язык, 2010

© Издание на руском языке, ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2010

The Devil’s Right Hand

Saintcrow, Lilith

© 2007 by Lilith Saintcrow

Markelov drew himself up.

Маркелов выпрямился

Тургенев, И.С. / НовьTurgenev, I.S. / Virgin soil

Virgin soil

Turgenev, I.S.


Тургенев, И.С.

© Издательство «Правда», 1979

Shubin understood her silent hint, and drew a long face, while Zoya sat down to the piano, and played and sang all her pieces through.

Шубин понял ее немой намек и скорчил кислую рожу, а Зоя села за фортепьяно, сыграла и спела все свои штучки.

Turgenev, I.S. / On the eveТургенев, И.С. / Накануне


Тургенев, И.С.

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1976

On the eve

Turgenev, I.S.

© 1st World Library, 2008

And Kino drew back his arm and flung the pearl with all his might.

И Кино отвел руку назад и что было сил швырнул жемчужину далеко в море.

Steinbeck, John / The PearlСтейнбек, Джон / Жемчужина


Стейнбек, Джон

© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1977

The Pearl

Steinbeck, John

© John Steinbeck, 1945

© renewed Elaine Steinbeck, John Steinbeck IV and Thom Steinbeck, 1973

The singing drew nearer.

Пение приближалось.

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel / The Fellowship of the RingТолкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл / Братство Кольца

Братство Кольца

Толкиен, Джон Рональд Руэл

© Издательство «Радуга», 1988

The Fellowship of the Ring

Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel

© 1954, 1965, 1966 by J.R.R. Tolkien

© renewed 1982 by Christopher R. Tolkien, Michael H.R. Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien and Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien

© renewed 1993, 1994 by Christopher R.Tolkien, John F.R. Tolkien and Priscilla M.A.R. Tolkien

© 2003 J. R. R. Tolkien

The sweet sounds drew nearer, and soon the boat from which they were worked lay alongside us.

Сладостные звуки становились все слышнее, и вскоре лодка, с которой они раздавались, появилась рядом с нами.

Jerome, Jerome Klapka / Three Men in a BoatДжером, Джером Клапка / Трое в лодке не считая собаки

Трое в лодке не считая собаки

Джером, Джером Клапка

© Издательство «ОЛМА-ПРЕСС Образование», 2004

© Донской М.А., Линецкая Э.Л., перевод, 1980

Three Men in a Boat

Jerome, Jerome Klapka

His shaggy eyebrows drew together.

Кустистые брови его сдвинулись к переносице.

Butcher, Jim / Dead BeatБатчер, Джим / Барабаны зомби

Барабаны зомби

Батчер, Джим

© Jim Butcher, 2005

© Перевод Н.К. Кудряшев, 2006

© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers, 2010

And the foot he had kissed she drew under her like a bird.

И ногу, которую он поцеловал, она поджала под себя, как птица.

Чехов, А.П. / Три годаChekhov, A. / Three years

Три года

Чехов, А.П.

© Издательство «Наука», 1974

Blotting out the sky to our left, it drew close for an inspection of the roller.

Заслонив от нас небо слева, он подъехал, чтобы осмотреть наш роллер.

DeChancie, John / Red Limit FreewayДе Ченси, Джон / Автострада запредельности

Автострада запредельности

Де Ченси, Джон

Red Limit Freeway

DeChancie, John

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druːпрош. вр. от draw

User translations

The part of speech is not specified

  1. 1.

    to draw задвигать, задергивать (занавеску, штору)


the day drew in

день угасал

«As Is» drawing

информация о текущем состоянии производства, представленная в виде шкалы

amount drawn

сумма, снятая со счета

architectural drawing

архитектурный чертеж

as built drawing

план застройки

as built drawing

схема застройки

as-drawn condition

состояние непосредственно после волочения

assembly drawing

сборочный чертеж

automatic drawing-in machine

основопроборный автомат

axial drawing-up

осевая затяжка

axisymmetric drawing

осесимметричное волочение

back elevation drawing

вид сзади

back-pull drawing

волочение с противонатяжением



American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




the past tense of draw

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. drew, drawn, draw•ing,
n. v.t.

1. to cause to move in a particular direction by or as if by a pulling force; pull; drag (often fol. by along, away, in, out, or off).

2. to pull down or over so as to cover, or to pull up or aside so as to uncover: Draw the curtain. He drew the blanket over him.

3. to bring, take, or pull out, as from a receptacle or source: to draw water from a well; to draw blood from a vein.

4. to bring toward oneself or itself, as by inherent force; attract: The sale drew large crowds.

5. to sketch, render, or trace (figures or objects), as with lines or tones: to draw a vase with charcoal.

6. to compose or create (a picture) with lines, tones, or color.

7. to depict or delineate, as with words: to draw a character with skill and humor.

8. to mark or lay out; trace: to draw perpendicular lines.

9. to frame or formulate: to draw a distinction.

10. to write out in legal form (sometimes fol. by up): Draw up the contract.

11. to inhale or suck in: to draw liquid through a straw.

12. to derive or use: to draw strength from prayer.

13. to deduce; infer: to draw a conclusion.

14. to get, take, or receive: to draw a salary of $600 a week.

15. to withdraw (funds) from an account.

16. to write (a check) so as to take money from an account (often fol. by on or against).

17. to produce; bring in: The deposits draw interest.

18. to disembowel: to draw a turkey.

19. to pull out to full or greater length; stretch: to draw filaments of molten glass.

20. to bend by pulling back the string in preparation for shooting an arrow: to draw a bow.


a. to choose or have assigned to one by or as if by lottery: to draw kitchen duty.

b. to pick unseen or at random, as from among marked slips of paper or numbered tickets: to draw straws to see who wins.

22. Metalworking. to form or reduce the sectional area of (a wire, tube, etc.) by pulling through a die.

23. to wrinkle or shrink by contraction.

24. Med. to cause to discharge: to draw an abscess by a poultice.

25. (of a vessel) to need (a specific depth of water) to float.

26. to finish (a contest) with neither side winning; tie.


a. to take or be dealt (a playing card or cards) from the pack.

b. (in bridge) to remove the outstanding cards in (a suit) by leading.

28. (in billiards) to cause (a cue ball) to recoil after impact by administering a backward spin on the stroke.

29. to steep (tea) in boiling water.


30. to exert a pulling, moving, or attracting force.

31. to move or pass, esp. slowly or continuously, as under a pulling force: The day draws near.

32. to take out a sword, pistol, etc., for action.

33. to hold a drawing, lottery, or the like: to draw for prizes.

34. to sketch or to trace figures; create a picture or depict an image by drawing.

35. to be skilled in or practice the art of drawing.

36. to shrink or contract (often fol. by up).

37. to make a demand (usu. fol. by on or upon): to draw on one’s imagination.


a. to act as an irritant; cause blisters.

b. to cause blood, pus, or the like to gather at a specific point.

39. to produce or permit a draft, as a flue.

40. to leave a contest undecided; tie.

41. to attract customers, an audience, etc.

42. to pull back the string of a bow in preparation for shooting an arrow.

43. draw away,

a. to move away.

b. to move farther ahead: One runner drew away from the pack.

44. draw in,

a. to cause to take part or enter, esp. unwittingly: This is your fight; don’t draw me in.

b. to make a sketch or drawing of: to draw in a human figure against the landscape.

45. draw off, to move back or away.

46. draw on,

a. to come nearer; approach: Winter was drawing on.

b. to clothe oneself in: to draw on one’s gloves.

c. to utilize or make use of, esp. as a source: The article draws heavily on gossip.

47. draw out,

a. to pull out; remove.

b. to prolong.

c. to persuade to speak.

d. to take (money) from a place of deposit.

48. draw up,

a. to draft, esp. in legal form or as a formal proposal.

b. to put into position; arrange in order or formation.

c. to bring or come to a stop; halt: The bus drew up at the curb.


49. an act of drawing.

50. something that attracts customers, an audience, etc.

51. something that is moved by being drawn, as the movable part of a drawbridge.

52. something that is chosen or drawn at random, as a lot or chance.

54. a contest that ends in a tie.

55. Also called draw play. a football play in which the quarterback fades as if to pass and then hands the ball to a back who is running toward the line of scrimmage.


b. (in poker) a card or cards taken or dealt from the pack.


a. a small, natural drainageway with a shallow bed; gully.

b. the dry bed of a stream.

c. Chiefly Western U.S. a coulee; ravine.

58. the pull necessary to draw a bow to its full extent.


1. beat to the draw, to react more quickly than (an opponent).

2. draw oneself up, to assume an erect posture.

[before 900; Old English dragan; c. Old Norse draga to draw, Old High German tragan to carry; compare drag]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

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