Is there a word cut

порез, разрез, снижение, отрезанный, разрезанный, отрезать, резать, разрезать


- порез; разрез

a cut on the finger — порез пальца
cuts on the face after shaving — порезы на лице после бритья

- резаная рана
- резание
- глубина резания
- разрез; пропил; выемка

ещё 36 вариантов


- разрезанный; срезанный; порезанный

cut finger — порезанный палец
cut flowers — срезанные цветы
cut nails — подрезанные ногти
cut velvet — текст. бархат с разрезным ворсом

- скроенный
- шлифованный; гранёный

cut sugar — пилёный сахар

- сниженный, уменьшенный

cut prices [expenditures] — сниженные цены [расходы]
cut goods — уценённые товары

- кастрированный
- разг. подвыпивший
- сл. разведённый, разбавленный; с примесями, нечистый (часто о наркотиках)

cut and dried /dry/ — заранее подготовленный; шаблонный, трафаретный (о мнении, доводах, планах и т. п.)


- резать, разрезать

to cut smth. in two — разрезать что-л. на две части
to cut smth. in half /into halves/ — разрезать что-л. пополам
to cut smth. to /in/ pieces — разрезать что-л. на куски
to cut glass with a diamond — резать стекло алмазом
this knife won’t cut — этот нож не режет
to cut around the defence — воен. сделать прорыв с обходом противника

- нанести резаную рану

I cut my finger — я порезал палец
I cut myself — я порезался
to cut open — рассекать
to cut smb.’s head open — раскроить кому-л. череп
the icy wind cut me to the bone — ледяной ветер пронизывал меня до мозга костей

- резаться (при помощи режущего инструмента)

the butter was frozen hard and did not cut easily — масло сильно замёрзло, и его трудно было резать
cheese cuts easily — сыр режется легко

- срезать, отрезать

to cut flowers — срезать цветы
I’ll cut away the dead leaves — я обрежу /срежу/ завядшие листья
to cut a piece of cake [a slice of cheese] — отрезать кусочек пирога [сыра]

- нарезать

to cut bread — нарезать хлеб
to cut meat — резать мясо (за столом)

ещё 44 варианта

Мои примеры


cutting a piece of string — отрезая кусок верёвки  
a two-inch cut in the cloth — двухдюймовый разрез в ткани  
cut from one scene to another — перейти от одной сцены к другой  
to cut costs to the bone — снизить цены до минимума  
to cut / reduce a budget — сократить смету, урезать смету  
to cut / slip one’s cable — отдать концы, умереть  
to chum the fish with cut-up shrimp — приманивать рыбу измельчёнными креветками  
to cut in a circuit — включаться в цепь  
cross-cut file — поперечный напильник  
to cut one’s finger — порезать себе палец  
to cut the hedge — стричь (живую) изгородь  
to cut across the field — пойти напрямик через поле  

Примеры с переводом

Cut the cake.

Разрежь пирог.

I had a cut finger.

Я порезал палец.

This knife cuts well.

Этот нож хорошо режет.

The meat cuts easily.

Это мясо легко режется.

The baby cut a tooth.

У малыша прорезался зуб.

The knife does not cut.

Нож не режет.

The actor’s agent gets a 10 percent cut.

Агент этого актёра получает десять процентов комиссии.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Staffing levels had already been cut to the bone (=reduced to the lowest level possible).

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cut away — срезать, отрезать, обкалывать, удалять, убегать, отрезать что-л.
cut back — возвращаться, идти обратно, повторить данный ранее кадр
cut down — урезать, сокращать, рубить, вырубать, свернуть, сражать, губить, ушивать одежду
cut in — врубать, врезать, включать, вклиниваться между машинами
cut off — отрезать, обрезать, отсекать, прерывать, выключать, отстригать, обрезывать
cut out — вырезать, выключать, выкраивать, выпиливать, кроить, раскраивать, вытеснять
cut over — вырубать лес
cut under — продавать дешевле
cut up — разрезать, раскритиковать, взрезать, подрывать, разрубать на куски, уничтожать

Возможные однокоренные слова

cutter  — резак, фреза, резец, катер, резчик, режущий инструмент, закройщик, монтажер, тендер, бур
cutting  — резкий, режущий, резание, разрезание, наперерез
cutty  — короткая ложка, безнравственная женщина, коротенькая глиняная труба
incut  — врезка, вставка, вставленный, врезанный
uncut  — неразрезанный, полный, несокращенный, с необрезанными полями
undercut  — вырезка, поднутрение, подрубка, подрезать, сбивать цены, сбивать цену

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cut
he/she/it: cuts
ing ф. (present participle): cutting
2-я ф. (past tense): cut
3-я ф. (past participle): cut

ед. ч.(singular): cut
мн. ч.(plural): cuts

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • cut [kʌt] гл cut, cut

    1. вырезать, резать, разрезать, срезать, нарезать, порезать, перерезать, разрубить

      (cut out, slice, cut off, chop, slit)

      • cut into pieces – разрезать на куски
      • cut corners – срезать углы
      • cut onions – нарезать лук
      • cut finger – порезанный палец
      • cut the ribbon – перерезать ленточку
      • cut with scissors – резать ножницами
    2. сокращать, сократить, урезать, уменьшить

      (reduce, cut down)

      • cut down expenses – сокращать расходы
      • cut the deficit – сократить дефицит
      • cut expenditures – урезать расходы
    3. обрезать


      • cut the thread – обрезать нить
    4. прервать


    5. прорубить


    6. обрывать


  • cut [kʌt] сущ

    1. порезм, разрезм

      (cutting, slit)

      • long cut – длинный порез
      • coal cut – угольный разрез
    2. сокращениеср, урезаниеср


      • budget cut – сокращение бюджета
      • cuts in nuclear weapons – сокращения ядерных вооружений
      • government spending cuts – сокращение государственных расходов
    3. обрезкаж


порез cut, maim
разрез section, cutting, cut, incision, slit, mine
снижение decline, cut, drop, fall, depression, descent
покрой cut, style, fashion
сечение section, cut, size
путь way, path, road, route, pathway, cut
прекращение cessation, stop, cease, discontinuation, suspension, cut
вырезка tenderloin, cutting, notch, cut, undercut, excision
резание cutting, cut, shredding
рана wound, injury, sore, cut, hurt, maim
разрезание cutting, cut, incision, scission, section
прекращение подачи cut
выемка recess, notch, groove, excavation, hollow, cut
монтаж mounting, assembling, assembly, montage, erection, cut
удар hit, impact, blow, strike, shock, cut
купюра note, denomination, cut, bond
снятие cut
канал channel, canal, duct, conduit, opening, cut
засечка serif, notch, cut, nick, click, overreach
резаная рана cut, hack, sword-cut
зарубка nick, notch, hack, score, snick, cut
кратчайший путь shortcut, byway, beeline, cut, crosscut, byroad
гравюра на дереве woodcut, cut, woodprint, xylograph
быстрая смена кадров cut
пролет span, bay, width, sweep, cut, aperture
резкое замечание cut, fling, brickbat
покрой одежды cut
профиль profile, section, shape, contour, side view, cut
резать cut, slaughter, kill, carve, shear, snip
отрезать cut off, cut, cut away, amputate, clip, excise
разрезать cut, slit, cut up, nick, bisect, cleave
стричь cut, clip, shave, pare, shore
сокращать cut, reduce, shrink, abbreviate, contract, prune
рубить hack, cut, chop, cut down, hew, fell
урезать cut, cut down, curtail, skimp, truncate, pare down
снижать reduce, lower, cut, sink, degrade, bring down
рассекать dissect, cut, split, cleave, plow, swish
косить mow, cut, mow down, scythe, slash, decimate
кроить cut, cut out, make up
подстричь cut, trim
валить fell, cut, throw, fall, get out, naff
нарубить chop, cut, hew, hack, mince
резаться cut
пропускать miss, skip, pass, overlook, miss out, cut
высекать carve, hew, strike, cut, chisel, hew out
не кланяться cut
монтировать mount, install, assemble, edit, fit, cut
пересекать cross, intersect, cross over, traverse, pass, cut
пересекаться cross, intersect, meet, cut
прерывать знакомство cut
удирать get away, scoot, decamp, bolt, run off, cut
гранить cut, facet, grind
кастрировать castrate, emasculate, geld, cut, unman, unsex
снижать цены reduce prices, deflate, cut
стесывать abate, cut
тесать cut, hew, hack, adz, adze
бурить drill, bore, cut
снимать колоду cut
не присутствовать cut
скроить cut
резко ударить cut
прекращать stop, off, cease, discontinue, end, cut
переставать cease, desist, cut, lay off, cheese
причинять острую боль sting, pang, cut
ранить injure, wound, cut, stab, wing, scotch
прорезываться erupt, cut, teethe
подкашивать cut
жать press, reap, harvest, cut, pinch, mow
убирать урожай harvest, cut
идти напрямик take a shortcut, cut, cut off a corner
сокращать путь cut, cut corners, cut across
постригаться cut, get a haircut, give a haircut
перерубать cut
постригать cut, give a haircut
шлифовать grind, polish, abrade, cut, smooth, rub down
остригать cut, crop
обделывать arrange, manage, cut, polish, set
обижать offend, hurt, insult, wrong, mortify, cut
делать вид, что не замечаешь cut
срезать cut, shear, cut away, slash, shave, chamfer
отрезанный cut
разрезанный cut, dissected, bisected, bias, cut-up
нарезанный sliced, cut
обрезанный cut, clipped
срезанный cut, cutaway, shorn
порезанный cut
скроенный cut
подрезанный clipped, cut, lopped
подстриженный cut
сниженный reduced, discounted, lowered, cut, depressed, abated
кастрированный castrated, emasculated, neuter, gelded, emasculate, cut
остриженный cut
уменьшенный reduced, diminished, lessened, cut, little

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • cut гл

    • cut off · hew · cut out · carve · cut away · engrave · dissect · slice off
    • chop · snip · cut in · cut up · stretch
    • cut down · reduce · shorten · undercut · truncate · chop down · abbreviate · abridge
    • slice · piece · hack · shear
    • trim · crop
    • trimmed · cutting off
    • slash · cut back
    • slit · notch · gash


  • trimmed
  • gelded, emasculated
  • slashed
  • shortened
  • mown
  • weakened, thinned


  • gash, slash, laceration, incision, wound, injury, scratch, graze, nick
  • piece, section
  • share, portion, bit, quota, percentage, slice, piece of the pie, piece of the action
  • haircut, trim, clip, crop
  • blow, slash, stroke
  • insult, slight, affront, slap in the face, jibe, barb, cutting remark, put-down, dig
  • reduction, cutback, decrease, lessening, rollback
  • style, design, tailoring, lines, fit
  • undercut
  • cutting
  • stinger
  • snub, cold shoulder
  • swing
  • cutting, cutting off
  • gash, slash, slice
  • gash
  • deletion, excision
  • track
  • cut of meat


  • gash, slash, lacerate, sever, slit, pierce, penetrate, wound, injure, scratch, graze, nick, incise, score, lance
  • chop, cut up, slice, dice, cube, mince, carve, hash
  • trim, snip, clip, crop, barber, shear, shave, pare, prune, lop, dock, mow
  • pick, pluck, gather, cull
  • carve, engrave, incise, etch, score, chisel, whittle
  • reduce, cut back/down on, decrease, lessen, retrench, trim, slim down, rationalize, downsize, lower, slash, chop
  • shorten, abridge, condense, abbreviate, truncate, edit, bowdlerize, expurgate
  • delete, remove, take out, excise, blue-pencil, chop
  • discontinue, break off, suspend, interrupt, stop, end, put an end to
  • cross, intersect, bisect, meet, join
  • skip, miss, play truant from, ditch, play hooky from
  • reduce, shorten, contract, abbreviate, abridge, foreshorten
  • geld
  • turn out, turn off, switch off
  • ignore, disregard, snub
  • burn
  • skip
  • prune, rationalize
  • hack
  • reduce, thin out, dilute, thin
  • cut off
  • trend, slew, sheer, slue, veer, swerve, curve
  • tailor
  • edit, edit out
  • reduce, bring down, cut back, trim back, cut down, trim down, trim
  • make out, issue, write out

Предложения со словом «cut»

And we washed them, we cut them up, we glued them together, and we began to draw on them, creating a huge canvas.

Мы их мыли, нареза́ли, склеивали и рисовали на них, создавая гигантское полотно.

A few months ago when the magazine cut out all sports coverage.

Но несколько месяцев назад издание сократило все спортивные репортажи.

If you look in this area in particular, I want you guys to notice there’s a sort of a loop in the river that gets completely cut off.

Если внимательно посмотреть на эту часть, вы заметите некую петлю реки, которая полностью отделяется.

I documented as I reluctantly cut off three to four inches of my beloved hair.

Я выкладывала то, с каким трудом отрезала семь — десять сантиметров любимых волос.

You may filthy up the oceans callously and cut down all the forests.

Вы можете загрязнить океаны и вырубить все леса.

Sever his spine at the neck, take out his eyes with a blunt instrument, puncture his eardrums, cut out his tongue.

Я бы перерезал ему глотку, выцарапал глаза тупым предметом, проколол барабанные перепонки, отрезал язык.

We cut the part where you said you’re not going anywhere, because you’ll be 36 in September.

Мы вырежем ту часть, где ты говоришь, что никуда не собираешься, потому что в сентябре тебе исполнится 36 лет.

Brilliant, no doubt, yet somehow cut off from the world, shows little emotion — kind of like Spock from Star Trek, you know?

Несомненно гениальный, но всё же отрезанный от мира, без эмоций — как Спок из фильма Звёздный путь, понимаете?

So when you’re sitting and thinking about how do we move forward on this major issue — it could be at home, it could be at work, it could be again on the global stage — don’t cut yourself off from thinking about something beyond technology as a fix because we’re more concerned about technological evolution right now than we are about moral evolution.

Когда вы сидите и думаете, как же нам перейти к этому важному вопросу — это может быть дома, на работе, на мировой арене — думайте не только о технологиях для решения этой проблемы, потому что сейчас технологическая эволюция нас беспокоит больше, чем моральная.

Three, five years doesn’t cut it.

Три – пять лет ничего не решат.

And then there were the fiscal hawks, the people who wanted to cut down on the national debt, Tea Party, cut the size of government.

Есть ещё и финансовые консерваторы, которые ратуют за снижение национального долга, движение Чаепития, уменьшение правительства.

Operate twice, cut once.

Семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь.

This rusty lump of nickel and iron may not appear special, but when it is cut open , you can see that it is different from earthly metals.

Этот ржавый кусок никеля и железа с виду ничем не примечателен, но если его разрезать, можно увидеть, что он не похож на земные металлы.

We had our work cut out for us.

Нам пришлось сократить нашу работу.

About the time a man found a way to hang himself out of reach of the other inmates, so all they could do was yell and yell and yell, trying to get the guards’ attention so they could come down and cut him down.

О том, как один человек нашёл способ повеситься вне досягаемости сокамерников, поэтому всё, что им оставалось, — это кричать и кричать, привлекая внимания охранников, чтобы те пришли и обрезали верёвку.

Our very first tool only cut where we struck it.

Наш самый первый инструмент резал только то, во что его втыкали.

He said music is un-Islamic and the job of whores, and if you keep this up, you are going to be raped and your stomach will be cut out so that another whore like you will not be born.

Он сказал: Музыка — это не по — исламски, это профессия шлюх, и если ты будешь продолжать ею заниматься, тебя изнасилуют и вспорют живот, чтобы ты не смогла родить еще одну шлюху.

And the next tool is like scissors that can cut the DNA right in that spot.

А другое — как ножницы, корые могут разрезать ДНК в этом месте.

You can grab one of these animals and cut it into 18 different fragments, and each and every one of those fragments will go on to regenerate a complete animal in under two weeks.

Его можно разрезать на 18 частей, каждая из которых вырастет в целого червя в течение двух недель.

But then by the end of the month, food stamps run out or hours get cut at work, and they don’t have the money to cover the basic cost of food.

Но к концу месяца талоны на продовольствие заканчиваются, или родители недополучают зарплату, и денег не хватает даже на самую простую еду.

Or how to cut the umbilical cord just so, to make a beautiful belly button.

Или как перерезать пуповину так, чтобы пупок получился красивым.

That’s going to cut social capital, it makes it hard to have a welfare state .

Это урезает общественный капитал, государству сложнее процветать.

And as we were going through the budget for the rollouts, we decided last minute to cut the purchase of 10,000 orange balloons, which we had meant to distribute to all staff worldwide.

Когда мы обсуждали бюджет выведения компании на рынок, в последний момент мы решили отказаться от закупки 10 000 оранжевых воздушных шаров, которые мы собирались раздать сотрудникам по всему миру.

You might not always realize it, but when you cut the unnecessary, you cut everything.

Может, вы не всегда это осознаёте, но, отказываясь от необязательного, вы отказываетесь от всего.

And the ugly room served as a mix of mirror exhibition and operating room — a biopsy on the living flesh to cut out all the bureaucracy.

Комната уродств была одновременно и зеркалом, и операционной, где по живому отсекали бюрократию.

I had my work cut out for me when I got my first job as an art therapist at the nation’s largest military medical center, Walter Reed.

Мне пришлась по вкусу моя первая работа арт — терапевта в крупнейшем военном медицинском центре страны Walter Reed.

But we want to cut out the frills and superfluities.

Но мы желаем избавиться от разного рода излишеств и пышности.

And cut out little stars or little moon shapes.

Мы вырезаем маленькие звездочки и полумесяцы

His Pulitzers and National Book Awards cut no ice.

Его Пулитцеровские и Национальные книжные премии не производили впечатления.

You follow that path and then cut toward the road.

Пойдёшь по этой тропе, потом свернёшь на дорогу.

Cut ends of rope flailed at his wrists and ankles.

Обрезал обрывки веревки, затянутые на запястьях и щиколотках.

He cut the rope that bound her to the chair.

Бандит перерезал веревки, которыми Канеха была привязана к стулу.

Then the star’s mass had cut the hyperspatial link.

В этот момент гравитационное поле звезды разорвало гиперпространственную связь.

The yard was piled with cut stone and construction timbers.

Двор был усыпан кучами тесаного камня и штабелями бревен.

Her platinum hair was cut very short and smart.

Платиновые волосы были подстрижены очень коротко и умело уложены.

Recently I have entirely cut off my niece’s allowance.

Недавно я полностью лишил свою племянницу ее ежемесячного пособия.

Then he lowered it and cut another piece of cheese.

Затем опустил его и отрезал еще один кусок сыра.

Perhaps they just cut him into pieces and scattered him.

Они просто разрезали его на куски и раскидали их повсюду.

Cut him up and shove the pieces out different locks.

Разрежьте на куски и выбросите их через разные шлюзы.

She cut the circuit and whirled to her own locker.

Она отключилась, направилась к шкафу и рывком открыла дверцы.

My mother does make some Hungarian food: ‘toltott kapuzta’, which is, what we call ‘stuffed-cut cabbage’1-1.

Мама готовит некоторые венгерские блюда: toltott kapuzta, мы это называем фаршированная капуста.

It’s a boneless cut prepared as you like it, rare, medium, or well-done.

Это бескостная вырезка, приготовленная по вашему желанию: полусырая, среднепрожаренная, хорошо прожаренная.

They cut diagonally across the numbered and lettered streets.

Они пересекают по диагонали пронумерованные и обозначенные буквами улицы.

And she did this at home, sort of in her spare time and what she really wanted to do was to amass enough income so that she could cut out the middle man, because she basically got half of what the sari was worth, because she was handing it over to a middle man.

И она делала это дома в свободное время, и что она действительно хотела — это накопить достаточный доход, чтобы избавиться от посредника, потому что фактически она получала половину того, что сари стоило, так как она отдавала остальное посреднику.

On the empty pumpkin they cut out slots for two eyes, a nose and a mouth and put a lighted candle inside.

В пустой тыкве они вырезают отверстия для двух глаз , носа и рта и помещают внутрь горящую свечу .

They took him to the Tower of London, where his head was cut off.

Его посадили в лондонский Тауэр , где ему отру — били голову .

Waita second,someone tried to cut off his tattoo?

Постой, кто — то пытался вырезать у него татуировку?

He cut a slice of mutton and began chewing.

Орм отрезал себе кусок баранины и стал его жевать.

We should be able to cut a deal, like.

Мы можем заключить сделку, от которой тебе немало перепадет.

He went to cut more cord from the blinds.

Он отошёл срезать ещё кусок со штор

He had a burr cut and a steep pimpled nose.

У него были обрезанные заусенцы и невероятно прыщавый нос.

If this is the case Let us cut to the chase

Если это является причиной Позволяйте резаться в погоню

I cut it into four quarters and passed it around.

Я разрезал его на четыре части и угостил ребят.

They were carrying heavy branches fallen or cut from trees.

Они держали в руках толстые ветви, срезанные с деревьев.

Nick, go out ten yards, cut left.

Ник, выходишь на 10 ярдов, срезаешь налево.

He shrugged, nodded and went off to cut vines.

Он пожал плечами, кивнул и пошел срезать лианы.

We were told you refused to have your daughter cut.

Мы слышали, что ты не дала обрезать свою дочь.

You want to cut the broadcast block for a minute?

Вы не могли бы на минуту отключить блокировку коммуникаций?

She was bleeding from a broad cut across one wrist.

Кровь шла из глубокого пореза у нее на запястье.

The cut opened the corpse flesh and spilt powdery blood.

Рана открыла трупную плоть и брызнула похожей на пыль кровью.

cut — перевод на русский


Then we’ll get hurt too. In order to wake up, cutting off a couple of fingers is a must.

Тогда нам тоже достанется. нужно отрезать несколько пальцев.

I should just cut it off!

Я должен его немедленно отрезать!

Well, would you…? Could you see your way to cutting off 10 cents worth?

А не могли бы вы… отрезать на 10 центов?

Well, have it cut off.

Значит, придётся их отрезать.

If she cut off her head, she’d be very pretty.

Если отрезать ей голову, она будет очень даже ничего.

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Don’t cut!

Не надо резать!

Put that down before you cut your hands. I’m spanking’ it!

Положи на место, прежде чем резать свои руки.

Why the devil should we keep knives to cut one another’s throats?

Так какого чёрта мы будем резать друг другу глотку?

and there is throats to be cut, and works to be done; and nothing ish done, so help me God!

Тут надо глотки резать и дело делать, а у нас ничего не сделано, спаси меня Бог!

That fog, you could cut it with a knife.

Вот это туман, Ты можешь резать его ножом.

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I cut my finger while operating.

Я порезал палец во время операции.

Cut your eyes?

Глаза порезал?

He cut the couch to ribbons with his spurs.

Он весь диван в клочки порезал шпорами.

Did the prisoner’s wife show you a knife and tell you that her husband had cut his wrist while slicing bread?

Показала ли вам нож жена обвиняемого, и сказала ли, что он порезал запястье, нарезая хлеб?

And when you said that he had accidentally cut his wrist, again, you lied?

И когда вы сказали, что он случайно порезал запястье, снова солгали?

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Cut that out. Come on.

Прекрати это!

— Say, cut it out! They’re new. — That’s just it.

Прекрати, это же всё новое!

Oh, cut it out, Sally.

Ну, прекрати, Салли.

Cut it, Peppino, you’re worse than the flood.

Пеппино, прекрати, ты хуже наводнения.

Cut it out, Angelina!

— Анджелина, прекрати!

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I was going to the great, all-merciful Emir… But I met a man who told me that Emir wanted to cut off my head. I was frightened, so I tried to escape, dressed like a woman.

Я ехал к великому, всемилостивейшему эмиру, но мне встретился человек и сказал, что эмир хочет отрубить мне голову, и я в страхе бежал под женской одеждой.

We wanted to cut off your head?

Мы хотели отрубить тебе голову?

Did we want to cut his head off?

Мы хотели отрубить ему голову?

And so, my opinion is that we should… cut off his head!

И вот поэтому, мое мнение, всего вернее будет… Отрубить ему голову! — А-ах!

Then cut off his head!

Отрубить ему голову!

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I used to sit up nights thinking of a way to cut her throat.

Я, бывало, ночами засиживалась в мечтах, как бы перерезать ей горло.

— oh, I could cut my throat.

Ээх, перерезать бы мне глотку.

You want to cut my throat?

Хочешь перерезать мне горло?

As I was gazing at you, bound and hanging I saw that I too was bound by an unseen rope And I could not cut the rope by myself

Когда я смотрела на тебя, связанного и висящего, я поняла, что тоже связана невидимой веревкой… но я не могла перерезать веревку сама

Very simple. Cut their necks.

— Очень просто, перерезать им глотку.

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Why insist on cutting up the chicken?

Почему ты так упорно хочешь разрезать этого цыплёнка?

Don’t be lazy! Don’t cut that rope! Untie it!

Что ты там делаешь Что ты делаешь Не ленись, ты должен развязывать эти верёвки, а не разрезать их!

Right now, our problem is to cut that cake.

Точно сейчас наш проблем есть разрезать этот торт.

He claims that Garin built an apparatus that can easily cut a dreadnought’ like butter.

Он утверждает, что Гарин построил аппарат, который легко, как масло, может разрезать дредноут.

This is a costotome, for cutting through the ribs.

Это костотом, чтобы разрезать ребра.

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It’s a bad knife cut.

Вырезать ножом не годится.

— He’s got to have them cut out.

— Он сказал, что их надо вырезать.

But cut out that bit about shadows in a world of make-believe.

Но «тени в зазеркалье» нужно вырезать.

I’ll ask for a stone with the letters cut deep… so they won’t wear away before you come to me.

Я попрошу на надгробном камне вырезать глубокие буквы… и они не сотрутся до вашего приезда.

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Cut it out, Pa.

Перестань, пап.

Cut it out, Cricket.

Перестань, Крикет.

Cut it out, Angelina!

— Да перестань!

Cut it out, Chuck.

Перестань, Чак.

Cut out all that talking, Leo.

Перестань болтать, Лео.

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Oh, Ezra, are you gonna cut me off like a ripe banana?

О, Эзра, ты собираешься срезать меня, как спелый банан?

Ezzy, you wouldn’t cut off poor old Horace like a ripe banana, would you?

Эззи, ты и вправду смог бы срезать бедного старого Хораса, как спелый банан?

You can save three miles and cut him off through Low Wood.

Ты можешь срезать три мили через Тихий лес.

— If I lose, should I cut it in half?

— А если проиграю, срезать наполовину?

It was like taking a life to cut a daffodil.

Для неё срезать цветок, все равно, что убить.

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Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. cutnoun

    a share of the profits

    «everyone got a cut of the earnings»

  2. cutnoun

    (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next

    «the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt»

  3. cut, gashnoun

    a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation

  4. cutnoun

    a step on some scale

    «he is a cut above the rest»

  5. cut, gash, slash, slicenoun

    a wound made by cutting

    «he put a bandage over the cut»

  6. cut, cut of meatnoun

    a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass

  7. stinger, cutnoun

    a remark capable of wounding mentally

    «the unkindest cut of all»

  8. cut, tracknoun

    a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc

    «he played the first cut on the cd»; «the title track of the album»

  9. deletion, excision, cutnoun

    the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage

    «an editor’s deletions frequently upset young authors»; «both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause»

  10. cutnoun

    the style in which a garment is cut

    «a dress of traditional cut»

  11. cutnoun

    a canal made by erosion or excavation

  12. snub, cut, cold shouldernoun

    a refusal to recognize someone you know

    «the snub was clearly intentional»

  13. baseball swing, swing, cutnoun

    in baseball; a batter’s attempt to hit a pitched ball

    «he took a vicious cut at the ball»

  14. cut, undercutnoun

    (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball

    «cuts do not bother a good tennis player»

  15. cut, cuttingnoun

    the division of a deck of cards before dealing

    «he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal»; «the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual»

  16. cut, cuttingnoun

    the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge

    «his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels»

  17. cut, cuttingnoun

    the act of cutting something into parts

    «his cuts were skillful»; «his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess»

  18. cut, cutting, cutting offnoun

    the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends

    «the barber gave him a good cut»

  19. cutnoun

    the act of reducing the amount or number

    «the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget»

  20. cutadjective

    an unexcused absence from class

    «he was punished for taking too many cuts in his math class»

  21. cutadjective

    separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument

    «the cut surface was mottled»; «cut tobacco»; «blood from his cut forehead»; «bandages on her cut wrists»

  22. cutadjective

    fashioned or shaped by cutting

    «a well-cut suit»; «cut diamonds»; «cut velvet»

  23. cut, shortenedadjective

    with parts removed

    «the drastically cut film»

  24. trimmed, cutadjective

    made neat and tidy by trimming

    «his neatly trimmed hair»

  25. mown, cutadjective

    (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine

    «the smell of newly mown hay»

  26. cutadjective

    (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit

    «the cut pages of the book»

  27. cut, emasculated, geldedadjective

    (of a male animal) having the testicles removed

    «a cut horse»

  28. cut, slashedadjective

    (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply

    «the slashed prices attracted buyers»

  29. cut, thinned, weakenedverb

    mixed with water

    «sold cut whiskey»; «a cup of thinned soup»

  30. cutverb

    separate with or as if with an instrument

    «Cut the rope»

  31. reduce, cut down, cut back, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring downverb

    cut down on; make a reduction in

    «reduce your daily fat intake»; «The employer wants to cut back health benefits»

  32. swerve, sheer, curve, trend, veer, slue, slew, cutverb

    turn sharply; change direction abruptly

    «The car cut to the left at the intersection»; «The motorbike veered to the right»

  33. cutverb

    make an incision or separation

    «cut along the dotted line»

  34. cutverb

    discharge from a group

    «The coach cut two players from the team»

  35. cutverb

    form by probing, penetrating, or digging

    «cut a hole»; «cut trenches»; «The sweat cut little rivulets into her face»

  36. cut, tailorverb

    style and tailor in a certain fashion

    «cut a dress»

  37. cutverb

    hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction

    «cut a Ping-Pong ball»

  38. write out, issue, make out, cutverb

    make out and issue

    «write out a check»; «cut a ticket»; «Please make the check out to me»

  39. edit, cut, edit outverb

    cut and assemble the components of

    «edit film»; «cut recording tape»

  40. cut, skipverb

    intentionally fail to attend

    «cut class»

  41. hack, cutverb

    be able to manage or manage successfully

    «I can’t hack it anymore»; «she could not cut the long days in the office»

  42. cutverb

    give the appearance or impression of

    «cut a nice figure»

  43. cutverb

    move (one’s fist)

    «his opponent cut upward toward his chin»

  44. cutverb

    pass directly and often in haste

    «We cut through the neighbor’s yard to get home sooner»

  45. cutverb

    pass through or across

    «The boat cut the water»

  46. cutverb

    make an abrupt change of image or sound

    «cut from one scene to another»

  47. cutverb

    stop filming

    «cut a movie scene»

  48. cutverb

    make a recording of

    «cut the songs»; «She cut all of her major titles again»

  49. cutverb

    record a performance on (a medium)

    «cut a record»

  50. cut, burnverb

    create by duplicating data

    «cut a disk»; «burn a CD»

  51. cutverb

    form or shape by cutting or incising

    «cut paper dolls»

  52. cutverb

    perform or carry out

    «cut a caper»

  53. cutverb

    function as a cutting instrument

    «This knife cuts well»

  54. cutverb

    allow incision or separation

    «This bread cuts easily»

  55. cutverb

    divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult

    «Wayne cut»; «She cut the deck for a long time»

  56. switch off, cut, turn off, turn outverb

    cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch

    «Turn off the stereo, please»; «cut the engine»; «turn out the lights»

  57. cutverb

    reap or harvest

    «cut grain»

  58. cutverb

    fell by sawing; hew

    «The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia»

  59. cutverb

    penetrate injuriously

    «The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead»

  60. ignore, disregard, snub, cutverb

    refuse to acknowledge

    «She cut him dead at the meeting»

  61. cutverb

    shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of

    «cut my hair»

  62. cut, prune, rationalize, rationaliseverb

    weed out unwanted or unnecessary things

    «We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet»

  63. cutverb

    dissolve by breaking down the fat of

    «soap cuts grease»

  64. cutverb

    have a reducing effect

    «This cuts into my earnings»

  65. cut, cut offverb

    cease, stop

    «cut the noise»; «We had to cut short the conversation»

  66. abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduceverb

    reduce in scope while retaining essential elements

    «The manuscript must be shortened»

  67. dilute, thin, thin out, reduce, cutverb

    lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

    «cut bourbon»

  68. cutverb

    have grow through the gums

    «The baby cut a tooth»

  69. cutverb

    grow through the gums

    «The new tooth is cutting»

  70. geld, cutverb

    cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)

    «the vet gelded the young horse»

WiktionaryRate this definition:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. cutnoun

    An opening resulting from cutting.

    Look at this cut on my finger!

  2. cutnoun

    The act of cutting.

    He made a fine cut with his sword.

  3. cutnoun

    The result of cutting.

  4. cutnoun

    A share or portion.

    The lawyer took a cut of the profits.

  5. cutnoun

    A batsman’s shot played with a swinging motion of the bat, to hit the ball backward of point.

  6. cutnoun

    Sideways movement of the ball through the air caused by a fast bowler imparting spin to the ball.

  7. cutnoun

    The act or right of dividing a deck of playing cards.

    The player next to the dealer makes a cut by placing the bottom half on top.

  8. cutnoun

    The manner or style a garment is fashioned in.

    I like the cut of that suit.

  9. cutnoun

    A slab, especially of meat.

    That’s our finest cut of meat.

  10. cutverb

    To perform an incision on, for example with a knife.

    I cut the skin on my arm.

  11. cutverb

    To divide with a knife, scissors, or another sharp instrument.

    Would you please cut the cake?

  12. cutverb

    To separate from prior association; to remove a portion of a recording during editing.

    Travis was cut from the team.

  13. cutverb

    To remove and place in memory for later use.

    Select the text, cut it, and then paste it in the other application.

  14. cutverb

    To enter a queue in the wrong place.

    One student kept trying to cut in front of the line.

  15. cutverb

    To cease recording activities.

    After the actors read their lines, the director yelled «Cut!»

  16. cutverb

    To reduce, especially intentionally.

    They’re going to cut salaries by fifteen percent.

  17. cutverb

    To form or shape by cutting.

    I have three diamonds to cut today.

  18. cutverb

    To intersect or cross in such a way as to divide in half or nearly so.

    This road cuts right through downtown.

  19. cutnoun

    An attack made with a chopping motion of the blade, landing with its edge or point.

  20. cutnoun

    A deliberate snub, typically a refusal to return a bow or other acknowledgement of acquaintance.

  21. cutnoun

    A definable part, such as an individual song, of a recording, particularly of commercial records, audio tapes, CDs, etc.

    The drummer on the last cut of their CD is not identified.

  22. cutnoun

    A truncation, a context that represents a moment in time when other archaeological deposits were removed for the creation of some feature such as a ditch or pit.

  23. cutverb

    To make the ball spin sideways by running one’s fingers down the side of the ball while bowling it.

  24. cutverb

    To not attend a class, especially when not permitted.

    I cut fifth period to hang out with Angela.

  25. cutverb

    To change direction suddenly.

    The football player cut to his left to evade a tackle.

  26. cutverb

    To divide a pack of playing cards into two

    If you cut then I’ll deal.

  27. cutverb

    To dilute a liquid, usually alcohol.

    The bartender cuts his beer to save money and now it’s all watery.

  28. cutverb

    To ignore as a social snub.

    After the incident at the dinner party, people started to cut him on the street.

  29. cutverb

    To wound with a knife.

  30. cutadjective

    Having been cut.

  31. cutadjective


  32. cutadjective

    Carved into a shape; not raw.

  33. cutadjective

    Played with a horizontal bat to hit the ball backward of point.

  34. cutadjective

    Having muscular definition in which individual groups of muscle fibers stand out among larger muscles.

  35. cutadjective


  36. cutadjective

    Emotionally hurt.

  37. cutadjective

    Eliminated from consideration during a recruitment drive.

  38. cutadjective

    Removed from a team roster.

  39. cutadjective

    Intoxicated as a result of drugs or alcohol.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. To CUT

    pret. cut; part. pass. cut.

    Etymology: probably from the French couteau, a knife.

    1. To penetrate with an edged instrument; to divide any continuity by a sharp edge.

    Ah, cut my lace asunder,
    That my great heart may have some scope to beat,
    Or else I swoon with this dead killing news.
    William Shakespeare, R. III.

    And when two hearts were join’d by mutual love,
    The sword of justice cuts upon the knot,
    And severs ’em for ever.
    John Dryden, Spanish Fryar.

    Some I have cut away with scissars.
    Richard Wiseman, Surgery.

    2. To hew.

    Thy servants can skill to cut timber in Lebanon.
    2 Chron. ii.

    3. To carve; to make by sculpture.

    Why should a man, whose blood is warm within,
    Sit like his grandfire cut in alabaster?
    William Shakespeare.

    The triumphal is, indeed, defaced by time; but the plan of it is neatly cut upon the wall of a neighbouring building.
    Joseph Addison, Remarks on Italy.

    4. To form any thing by cutting.

    And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires.
    Ex. xxxix. 3.

    Before the whistling winds the vessels fly,
    With rapid swiftness cut the liquid way,
    And reach Gerestus at the point of day.
    Alexander Pope, Odyssey, b. iii.

    5. To pierce with any uneasy sensation.

    The man was cut to the heart with these consolations.

    6. To divide packs of cards.

    Supine they in their heav’n remain,
    Exempt from passion and from pain;
    And frankly leave us, human elves,
    To cut and shuffle for ourselves.
    Matthew Prior.

    We sure in vain the cards condemn,
    Ourselves both cut and shuffled them.
    Matthew Prior.

    Take a fresh pack, nor is it worth our grieving
    Who cuts or shuffles with our dirty leaving.
    George Granville.

    7. To intersect; to cross; as, one line cuts another at right angles.8. To Cut down. To fell; to hew down.

    All the timber whereof was cut down in the mountains of Cilicia.
    Richard Knolles, History of the Turks.

    9. To Cut down. To excel; to overpower.

    So great is his natural eloquence, that he cuts down the finest orator, and destroys the best contrived argument, as soon as ever he gets himself to be heard.
    Joseph Addison, Count Tariff.

    10. To Cut off. To separate from the other parts by cutting.

    And they caught him, and cut off his thumbs.
    Jud. i. 6.

    11. To Cut off. To destroy; to extirpate; to put to death untimely.

    All Spain was first conquered by the Romans, and filled with colonies from them, which were still increased, and the native Spaniards still cut off.
    Edmund Spenser, on Ireland.

    By whose fell working I was first advanc’d,
    And by whose pow’r I well might lodge a fear
    To be again displac’d; which to avoid,
    I cut them off.
    William Shakespeare, Henry IV. p. ii.

    Were I king,
    I should cut off the nobles for their lands.
    William Shakespeare, Macbeth.

    This great commander was suddenly cut off by a fatal stroke, given him with a small contemptible instrument.
    James Howell.

    Irenæus was likewise cut off by martyrdom.

    Ill-fated prince! Too negligent of life!
    Cut off in the fresh, ripening prime of manhood,
    Even in the pride of life.
    Ambrose Philips, Distrest Mother.

    12. To Cut off. To rescind.

    Fetch the will hither, and we shall determine
    How to cut off some charge in legacies.
    William Shakespeare, Jul. Cæs.

    He that cuts off twenty years of life,
    Cuts off so many years of fearing death.
    William Shakespeare, Jul. Cæs.

    Presume not on thy God, whoe’er he be:
    Thee he regards not, owns not, hath cut off
    Quite from his people.
    John Milton, Agon. l. 1156.

    The proposal of a recompence from men, cuts off the hopes of future rewards.
    George Smalridge.

    13. To Cut off. To intercept; to hinder from union or return.

    The king of this island, a wise man and a great warrior, handled the matter so, as he cut off their land forces from their ships.
    Francis Bacon.

    His party was so much inferior to the enemy, that it would infallibly be cut off.
    Edward Hyde, b. viii.

    14. To Cut off. To put an end to; to obviate.

    To cut off contentions, commissioners were appointed to make certain the limits.
    John Hayward.

    To cut off all further mediation and interposition, the king conjured him to give over all thoughts of excuse.
    Edward Hyde.

    It may compose our unnatural feuds, and cut off frequent occasions of brutal rage and intemperance.
    Joseph Addison, Freeholder.

    15. To Cut off. To take away; to withold.

    We are concerned to cut off all occasion from those who seek occasion, that they may have whereof to accuse us.
    John Rogers.

    16. To Cut off. To preclude.

    Every one who lives in the practice of any voluntary sin, actually cuts himself off from the benefits and profession of Christianity.

    This only object of my real care,
    Cut off from hope, abandon’d to despair,
    In some few posting fatal hours is hurl’d
    From wealth, from pow’r, from love, and from the world.

    Why should those who wait at altars be cut off from partaking in the general benefits of law, or of nature.
    Jonathan Swift.

    17. To Cut off. To interrupt; to silence.

    It is no grace to a judge to shew quickness of conceit in cutting off evidence or counsel too short.
    Francis Bacon, Essay 57.

    18. To Cut off. To apostrophise; to abbreviate.

    No vowel can be cut off before another, when we cannot sink the pronunciation of it.
    John Dryden, Æn. Dedicat.

    19. To Cut out. To shape; to form.

    By the pattern of mine own thoughts I cut out
    The purity of his.
    William Shakespeare, Winter’s Tale.

    I, for my part, do not like images cut out in juniper, or other garden stuff: they be for children.
    Francis Bacon, Essay 47.

    There is a large table at Montmorancy cut out of the thickness of a vine-stock.
    William Temple.

    The antiquaries being but indifferent taylors, they wrangle prodigiously about the cutting out the toga.
    John Arbuthnot, on Coins.

    They have a large forrest cut out into walks, extremely thick and gloomy.

    20. To Cut out. To scheme; to contrive.

    Having a most pernicious fire kindled within the very bowels of his own forest, he had work enough cut him out to extinguish it.
    James Howell.

    Every man had cut out a place for himself in his own thoughts: I could reckon up in our army two or three lord-treasurers.

    21. To Cut out. To adapt.

    You know I am not cut out for writing a treatise, nor have a genius to pen any thing exactly.
    Thomas Rymer.

    22. To Cut out. To debar.

    I am cut out from any thing but common acknowledgments, or common discourse.
    Alexander Pope.

    23. To Cut out. To excel; to outdo.24. To Cut short. To hinder from proceeding by sudden interruption.

    Thus much he spoke, and more he would have said,
    But the stern heroe turn’d aside his head,
    And cut him short.
    John Dryden, Æneis.

    Achilles cut him short; and thus replied,
    My worth allow’d in words, is in effect deny’d.

    25. To Cut short. To abridge; as, the soldiers were cut short of their pay.26. To Cut up. To divide an animal into convenient pieces.

    The boar’s intemperance, and the note upon him afterwards, on the cutting him up, that he had no brains in his head, may be moralized into a sensual man.
    Roger L’Estrange.

    27. To Cut up. To eradicate.

    Who cut up mallows by the bushes, and juniper-roots for their meat.
    Job, xxx. 4.

    This doctrine cuts up all government by the roots.
    John Locke.

  2. Cutnoun

    Etymology: from the noun.

    1. The action of a sharp or edged instrument; the blow of an ax or sword.2. The impression or separation of continuity, made by an edge or sharp instrument; distinguished from that made by perforation with a pointed instrument.3. A wound made by cutting.

    Sharp weapons, according to the force, cut into the bone many ways, which cuts are called sedes, and are reckoned among the fractures.
    Richard Wiseman, Surgery.

    4. A channel made by art.

    This great cut or ditch Sesostris the rich king of Egypt, and long after him Ptolomeus Philadelphus, purposed to have made a great deal wider and deeper, and thereby to have let in the Red Sea into the Mediterranean, for the readier transportation of the Indian merchandise to Cairo and Alexandria.
    Richard Knolles, History of the Turks.

    5. A part cut off from the rest.

    Suppose a board to be ten foot long, and one broad, one cut is reckoned so many foot.
    John Mortimer, Husbandry.

    6. A small particle; a shred.

    It hath a number of short cuts or shreddings, which may be better called wishes than prayers.
    Richard Hooker, b. v. sect. 27.

    7. A lot cut off a stick.

    My lady Zelmane and my daughter Mopsa may draw cuts, and the shortest cut speak first.
    Philip Sidney, b. ii.

    A man may as reasonably draw cuts for his tenets, and regulate his persuasion by the cast of a die.
    John Locke.

    8. A near passage, by which some angle is cut off.

    The ignorant took heart to enter upon this great calling, and instead of their cutting their way to it through the knowledge of the tongues, the fathers and councils, they have taken another and a shorter cut.
    Robert South, Sermons.

    There is a shorter cut, an easier passage.
    Decay of Piety.

    The evidence of my sense is simple and immediate, and therefore I have but a shorter cut thereby to the assent to the truth of the things so evidenced.
    Matthew Hale, Origin of Mankind.

    But the gentleman would needs see me part of my way, and carry me a short cut through his own ground, which saved me half a mile’s riding.
    Jonathan Swift, Examiner, №. 20.

    9. A picture cut or carved upon a stamp of wood or copper, and impressed from it.

    In this form, according to his description, he is set forth in the prints or cuts of martyrs by Cevallerius.

    Madam Dacier, from some old cuts of Terence, fancies that the larva or persona of the Roman actors was not only a vizard for the face, but had false hair to it.
    Joseph Addison, on Italy.

    10. The stamp on which a picture is carved.11. The act or practice of dividing a pack of cards.

    How can the muse her aid impart,
    Unskill’d in all the terms of art!
    Or in harmonious numbers put
    The deal, the shuffle, and the cut.
    Jonathan Swift.

    12. Fashion; form; shape; manner of cutting into shape.

    Their cloths are after such a pagan cut too,
    That, sure, they’ve worn out Christendom.
    William Shakespeare, H. VIII.

    His tawny beard was th’ equal grace
    Both of his wisdom and his face;
    In cut and dye so like a tile,
    A sudden view it would beguile.
    Hudibras, p. i. cant. 1.

    They were so familiarly acquainted with him as to know the very cut of his beard.
    Edward Stillingfleet, Def. of Disc. on Rom. Idol.

    Children love breeches, not for their cut or ease, but because the having them is a mark or step towards manhood.
    John Locke.

    A third desires you to observe well the toga on such a reverse, and asks you whether you can in conscience believe the sleeve of it to be of the true Roman cut.

    Sometimes an old fellow shall wear this or that sort of cut in his cloaths with great integrity.
    Joseph Addison, Spectator, №. 264.

    Wilt thou buy there some high heads of the newest cut for my daughter.
    John Arbuthnot, History of John Bull.

    13. It seems anciently to have signified a fool or cully.

    Send her money, knight: if thou hast her not in the end, call me cut.
    William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night.

    14. Cut and long tail. A proverbial expression for men of all kinds.

    He will maintain you like a gentlewoman. ————
    Ay, that I will, come cut and long tail, under the degree of a squire.
    William Shakespeare, Merry Wives of Windsor.

    A quintin he,
    In honour of this bridaltee,
    Hath challeng’d either wide countee:
    Come cut and long tail; for there be
    Six batchelors as bold as he.
    Ben Jonson, Underwood.

  3. Cutpart. adj.

    Prepared for use: a metaphor from hewn timber.

    Sets of phrases, cut and dry,
    Evermore thy tongue supply.
    Jonathan Swift.

  4. To Cutverb

    1. To make its way by dividing obstructions.

    When the teeth are ready to cut, the upper part is rubbed with hard substances, which infants, by a natural instinct, affect.

    2. To perform the operation of lithotomy.

    He saved the lives of thousands by his manner of cutting for the stone.
    Alexander Pope.

    3. To interfere; as, a horse that cuts.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Cut

    of Cut

  2. Cutverb

    to separate the parts of with, or as with, a sharp instrument; to make an incision in; to gash; to sever; to divide

  3. Cutverb

    to sever and cause to fall for the purpose of gathering; to hew; to mow or reap

  4. Cutverb

    to sever and remove by cutting; to cut off; to dock; as, to cut the hair; to cut the nails

  5. Cutverb

    to castrate or geld; as, to cut a horse

  6. Cutverb

    to form or shape by cutting; to make by incision, hewing, etc.; to carve; to hew out

  7. Cutverb

    to wound or hurt deeply the sensibilities of; to pierce; to lacerate; as, sarcasm cuts to the quick

  8. Cutverb

    to intersect; to cross; as, one line cuts another at right angles

  9. Cutverb

    to refuse to recognize; to ignore; as, to cut a person in the street; to cut one’s acquaintance

  10. Cutverb

    to absent one’s self from; as, to cut an appointment, a recitation. etc

  11. Cutverb

    to do the work of an edged tool; to serve in dividing or gashing; as, a knife cuts well

  12. Cutverb

    to admit of incision or severance; to yield to a cutting instrument

  13. Cutverb

    to perform the operation of dividing, severing, incising, intersecting, etc.; to use a cutting instrument

  14. Cutverb

    to make a stroke with a whip

  15. Cutverb

    to interfere, as a horse

  16. Cutverb

    to move or make off quickly

  17. Cutverb

    to divide a pack of cards into two portion to decide the deal or trump, or to change the order of the cards to be dealt

  18. Cutnoun

    an opening made with an edged instrument; a cleft; a gash; a slash; a wound made by cutting; as, a sword cut

  19. Cutnoun

    a stroke or blow or cutting motion with an edged instrument; a stroke or blow with a whip

  20. Cutnoun

    that which wounds the feelings, as a harsh remark or criticism, or a sarcasm; personal discourtesy, as neglecting to recognize an acquaintance when meeting him; a slight

  21. Cutnoun

    a notch, passage, or channel made by cutting or digging; a furrow; a groove; as, a cut for a railroad

  22. Cutnoun

    the surface left by a cut; as, a smooth or clear cut

  23. Cutnoun

    a portion severed or cut off; a division; as, a cut of beef; a cut of timber

  24. Cutnoun

    an engraved block or plate; the impression from such an engraving; as, a book illustrated with fine cuts

  25. Cutnoun

    the act of dividing a pack cards

  26. Cutnoun

    the right to divide; as, whose cut is it?

  27. Cutnoun

    manner in which a thing is cut or formed; shape; style; fashion; as, the cut of a garment

  28. Cutnoun

    a common work horse; a gelding

  29. Cutnoun

    the failure of a college officer or student to be present at any appointed exercise

  30. Cutnoun

    a skein of yarn

  31. Cutadjective

    gashed or divided, as by a cutting instrument

  32. Cutadjective

    formed or shaped as by cutting; carved

  33. Cutadjective

    overcome by liquor; tipsy

  34. Etymology: [OE. cutten, kitten, ketten; prob. of Celtic origin; cf. W. cwtau to shorten, curtail, dock, cwta bobtailed, cwt tail, skirt, Gael. cutaich to shorten, curtail, dock, cutach short, docked, cut a bobtail, piece, Ir. cut a short tail, cutach bobtailed. Cf. Coot.]

FreebaseRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Cut

    After a deck of cards is shuffled by the dealer, it is often given to a player other than the one who performed the shuffle for a procedure called a cut.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Cut

    kut, v.t. to make an incision in: to cleave or pass through: to divide: to carve, hew, or fashion by cutting: to wound or hurt: to affect deeply: to shorten: to break off acquaintance with, to pass intentionally without saluting: to renounce, give up: to castrate: to perform or execute, as ‘to cut a caper.’—v.i. to make an incision: to pass, go quickly: (slang) to run away, to be off: to twiddle the feet rapidly in dancing:—pr.p. cut′ting; pa.t. and pa.p. cut.—n. a cleaving or dividing: a stroke or blow: an act of unkindness: the card obtained by cutting or dividing the pack: an incision or wound: a piece cut off: an engraved block, or the picture from it: manner of cutting, or, fashion: (pl.) a lot.—n. Cut′away′, a coat with the skirt cut away in a curve in front—also adj.ns. Cut′-off, that which cuts off or shortens, a straighter road, a shorter channel cut by a river across a bend: a contrivance for saving steam by regulating its admission to the cylinder; Cut′purse (Shak.), one who stole by cutting off and carrying away purses (the purses being worn at the girdle): a pickpocket; Cut′ter, the person or thing that cuts: in a tailor’s shop, the one who measures and cuts out the cloth: a small vessel with one mast, a mainsail, a forestaysail, and a jib set to bowsprit-end, any sloop of narrow beam and deep draught; Cut′-throat, an assassin: ruffian; Cut′ting, a dividing or lopping off: an incision: a piece cut off: a paragraph from a newspaper: a piece of road or railway excavated: a twig; Cut′-wa′ter, the fore-part of a ship’s prow.—Cut a dash, or figure, to make a conspicuous appearance; Cut-and-come-again, abundant supply, from the notion of cutting a slice, and returning at will for another; Cut-and-cover, a method of forming a tunnel by cutting out, arching it over, and then covering in; Cut-and-dry, or Cut-and-dried, ready made, without the merit of freshness—from the state of herbs in the shop instead of the field; Cut and run, to be off quickly; Cut down, to take down the body of one hanged by cutting the rope: to reduce, curtail; Cut in, to strike into, as to a conversation, a game at whist; Cut it too fat, to overdo a thing; Cut off, to destroy, put to an untimely death: intercept: stop; Cut off with a shilling, to disinherit, bequeathing only a shilling; Cut one’s stick, to take one’s departure; Cut out, to shape: contrive: debar: supplant: to take a ship out of a harbour, &c., by getting between her and the shore; Cut short, to abridge: check; Cut the coat according to the cloth, to adapt one’s self to circumstances; Cut the teeth, to have the teeth grow through the gums—of an infant; Cut the throat of (fig.), to destroy utterly; Cut up, to carve: eradicate: criticise severely: turn out (well or ill) when divided into parts; Cut up rough, to become quarrelsome.—A cut above (coll.), a degree or stage above; Short cut, or Near cut, a short way. [Prob. W. cwtau, shorten.]

Dictionary of Nautical TermsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cut

    A narrow boat channel; a canal.—To cut, to renounce acquaintance
    with any one.

Rap DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cutnoun

    Oldsmobile Cutlas and Cutlas Supreme, many quotes using the word cut or cutty refer to this car, 80’s version popular among thugs and rappers. «I glance in the cut and I see my homey Nate» is quoted below as looking behind, when in fact it was probably him looking in the Cutlas, the car, and seeing Nate.

  2. cutnoun

    A record, the latest hit. «Rip the cut!» — Just Ice (Back to the old school)

  3. cutnoun

    «On the cut» means «in charge of cutting and scratching», in other words: the DJ. «Cuz I’m on the mic and Eric B is on the cut» — Eric B. and Rakim (Move the Crowd)

  4. cutnoun

    A recently received haircut.

  5. cutnoun

    To continuosly talk about someone «cuttin ass» on that person.

  6. cutnoun

    A footpath created by people cutting through the same path to travel, or meet. areas of high drug transactions are common reasons for cuts «Jump outta the hottie, move me body, hittin’ them cuts and trails. Runnin’ like we’re lunatics» Layzie Bone (No Surrender)

  7. cutnoun

    «In The Cut» means to be on the side. So if someone states,»Im Grindin in the Cut.» It means, «Im Working On the Side»

  8. cutverb

    To cut wax means to scratch a record. Cutting and scratching are two techniques DJs use when mixing records on the turntables. «J-a-y are the letters of his name, cutting and scratching are the aspects of his game» — Run-D.M.C. (Jam Master Jay)

  9. cutverb

    To break up with a girlfriend or boyfriend. «He was cheating on me so I cut him.»

  10. cutverb

    To stab or slice somebody with a knife or razorblade: «Don’t make me hop out and cut you nigga right across ya neck» — Soulja Slim featuring Lil Real One, Kayotic Da Kid, Twelve A Klok (Fu** You Nigga)

  11. cutverb

    To penetrate a female

  12. cutverb

    To stick up for somebody «The only people i cut for is my blood!»

  13. cutverb

    To mix a substance into a drug to make more quantity without the cost.

Suggested ResourcesRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cut

    The cut symbol — In this article you will learn about the meaning of the cut symbol and its characteristic.

  2. cut

    Song lyrics by cut — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by cut on the website.

  3. CUT

    What does CUT stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the CUT acronym on the website.

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British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘Cut’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #725

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘Cut’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #526

  3. Nouns Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘Cut’ in Nouns Frequency: #799

  4. Verbs Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘Cut’ in Verbs Frequency: #126

How to pronounce Cut?

How to say Cut in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of Cut in Chaldean Numerology is: 4

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of Cut in Pythagorean Numerology is: 8

Examples of Cut in a Sentence

  1. Gregory Wetstone:

    It’s great to have California and New York competing to see who can cut the most carbon.

  2. Oystein Berentsen:

    Once the product tanks are full…, then you know that the situation is bad. You have to cut runs.

  3. Abu Ibrahim Raqqawi:

    This morning they found them in their apartment. First they shot them in the head and then they cut their heads off.

  4. Abdel Haleem:

    Other apps might say the only way to drive between certain Palestinian cities is to cut through a settlement, we’re trying to change that.

  5. Prayong Doklamyai:

    It was a victory that we were forced to declare. We couldn’t stay to protest longer because the military would cut our access to water and electricity to pressure us to leave, so they didn’t have to worry about different groups coming out on the coup anniversary.

Popularity rank by frequency of use

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  • sny, gesnydeAfrikaans
  • መቁረጥAmharic
  • جَرَحَ, قَطَعَArabic
  • рэ́заць, рубі́ць, секчы́Belarusian
  • кройка, разрез, рязане, сека, режа, ре́жа, орязвам, разсичамBulgarian
  • কাটাBengali
  • retallar, tallarCatalan, Valencian
  • říznutí, řez, snímání, rozdělit, oddělit, tít, řezatCzech
  • mode, hug, snit, skramme, stykke, aftagning, udskæring, snitsår, nedsættelse, skære, tilhugge, snitte, snyde, slibe, pjække, udelukke, nedsætte, tilskære, beskære, krydse, udskære, slebetDanish
  • Schnitt, beschneiden, einschneiden, schneiden, schwänzen, klappe, trennen, geschnitten, geschliffenGerman
  • κομμάτι, κόψιμο, τομή, αποκοπή, [[κάνω]] [[κοπάνα]], κόβω, πηδάω, βγάζω, μειώνω, κομμένος, περιτετμημένοςGreek
  • tranĉiEsperanto
  • corte, faltar, cortar, incidir, colar, atravesar, retirar, recortar, tallar, cortado, circuncidado, talladoSpanish
  • بریدنPersian
  • sivallus, viilto, alennettu, leikkaus, haava, leikattu, viiltohaava, nosto, pala, koukata, leikata, nostaa, [[jakaa]] ([[kahtia]]), mutkitella, kiilata, hioa, etuilla, lintsata, heikennetty, vähennetty, kevennettyFinnish
  • coupe, entaille, baisse, diminution, coupure, couper, sécher, inciser, réduire, coupés, coupées, taillé, coupéeFrench
  • bainIrish
  • gearradh, geàrrScottish Gaelic
  • cortarGalician
  • חתיכה, חיתוך, חתך, הבריז, חתוךHebrew
  • काटनाHindi
  • csökkentHungarian
  • կտրատել, կտրելArmenian
  • skurður, afskurður, snið, troða, skera niður, skera, skipta, skrópa, draga, klippaIcelandic
  • taglia, sgravio, taglio, alzata, pezzo, incisione, riduzione, tagliare, alzare, saltare, incidere, ridotto, circonciso, potato, cesellato, accorciato, tagliato, ritagliato, scolpitoItalian
  • 横切る, 減らす, サボる, カット, 切る, 削減Japanese
  • កាត់Khmer
  • 끊다Korean
  • برینKurdish
  • seco, interseco, incido, inseco, curtoLatin
  • ຕັດLao
  • cirtiens, grieztLatvian
  • whakaihoMāori
  • ре́же, се́чеMacedonian
  • putus, terpotongMalay
  • ညှပ်Burmese
  • stykningsdel, stykkeNorwegian
  • snee, stuk, snit, snijden, knippen, slijpen, stoppen, schudden, scheiden, kappen, verdelen, spijbelen, verminderen, voorsteken, geslepenDutch
  • kuttNorwegian
  • talharOccitan
  • ciąćPolish
  • corte, redução, matar, remover, diminuir, cortar, faltar, reduzir, retirar, atravessar, talhar, incisar, furar, lapidado, reduzido, cortadoPortuguese
  • kuchuy, p’itiyQuechua
  • taglier, tagliar, taglerRomansh
  • incizie, tăietură, tăiere, tăia, diminua, reduce, tăiatRomanian
  • покро́й, разре́з, поре́з, ре́зание, ре́зать, разреза́́ть, уре́зать, поруби́ть, выреза́ть, выре́зать, уреза́ть, руби́ть, разре́зать, поре́зать, обре́заный, наре́заный, огранённый, ре́заный, уре́заный, разре́заный, поре́заныйRussian
  • secareSardinian
  • rezati, сјећи, seći, резати, сећи, sjećiSerbo-Croatian
  • ťať, rezaťSlovak
  • rezatiSlovene
  • skärning, skärsår, snitt, giv, klippa bort, utesluta, kupera, tränga, skära, klippa, klippt, skurenSwedish
  • kukataSwahili
  • ตัดThai
  • hiwaTagalog
  • kesme, kesik, kesmek, kesimTurkish
  • руба́ти, рі́затиUkrainian
  • کاٹناUrdu
  • cắtVietnamese

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  • «Went for the deep cut»

This question is about the word «cut» meaning a track on a record; an audio recording. The OED gives this definition:

A gramophone record or recording.

It seems like the natural assumption would be that the «cut» refers to the groove in the record, because in contemporary speech a «cut» usually refers to a single track on a larger «album.»

However, the earliest attested use in the OED uses «cut» as a verb and a noun in the same sentence, making it sound like the noun «cut» derived from the act of cutting, as in cutting tape for a reel-to-reel recording device.

A recording artist cuts a master and the recording executive may reject the cut.

  • 1949Music Libr. Assoc. Notes Dec. 42

Is there any evidence or arguments in favor of an etymology of this modern sense of the word «cut» based on either the groove theory or the tape-cutting theory, or is there an alternative explanation?






























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