Is there a word called learnt

Many words are spelled differently in American and British English, even if they fulfill the same function in a sentence.

Learnt and learned are two different spellings of the same verb. One is accepted in British English, but not in American English.

Depending on where you are writing, you might choose learnt or learned. But, which is it?

Continue reading to find out.

What is the Difference Between Learnt and Learned?

In this post, I will compare learnt vs. learned. I will use each spelling in an example sentence to demonstrate its proper context. Plus, I will show you a mnemonic to help you decide whether you should use learned or learnt.

When to Use Learned

Define learned and define learntWhat does learned mean? Learned can be an adjective or a verb.

As an adjective, learned is a synonym of knowledgeable and sometimes describes to a person who is highly educated. The sentences below demonstrate the usage of learned as an adjective.

  • The learned astronomer told me that Pluto is not a planet, but I will always disagree.
  • When I became a learned man, I saw the world in a different way.

As an adjective, learned is pronounced with two syllables. The first syllable is stressed, much the same way as the word perfect (ler-ned)

Of course, learned is also the past tense form of the verb learn, which means to acquire knowledge. See the following sentences for examples.

  • When I was young, I learned to ride a bicycle.
  • The snowman learned not to spend too much time in greenhouses.
  • Thone introduced her to roller skiing about 12 years ago. He had learned about it from other coaches and elite Nordic skiers, who were using it for off-season training. –The Wall Street Journal

When to Use Learnt

What does learnt mean? Learnt is an alternative spelling of the same word. It rhymes with burnt. It is only used as a past tense verb, and only in British English, like in these sentences:

  • “My big brother learnt his math at Cambridge,” the little orphan boy lied.
  • Fifty years ago he used a fairly minor motorcycle accident as an excuse to step away from the spotlight. But the end of the “perfect” Dylan – the one who fused what he had learnt from Woody Guthrie and the symbolist poets with the energy of rock’n’roll, and who mocked the world from behind impenetrable shades – did not mean the end of his creativity. –The Guardian

As you can see in the chart below, which graphs the appearance of the phrases “he learned” and “he learnt” in British English books since 1800, learnt is less common even in that corpus.

Definition of learned definition of learnt definition

This chart is not scientific or infallible, since it only tracks word use in books written in English, ignoring all other sources. Still, it helps visualize a clear long-term trend.

Trick to Remember the Difference

learnt versus learnedHere is a helpful trick to remember learned vs. learnt, and it is a pretty simple one.

You should probably never use learnt. It is only common in British English as a past tense verb, and even in that context, it is overshadowed by learned.

In situations where you want to capture the way some speakers of English might actually talk, it could be helpful to choose learnt over learned. At all other times, choose learned instead.

You can remember to choose learned over learnt since learnt rhymes with burnt. Just like you wouldn’t want to eat a burnt cookie if there were other cookies available, you wouldn’t want to use learnt if there were other words available.

There is another word available; that word is learned.


Is it learnt or learned? Learnt and learned are variant spellings of the past tense form of the verb learn, which means to acquire knowledge.

  • As an adjective, learned is the only appropriate spelling, and it is pronounced with two syllables.
  • Learnt is more common in British English than American English but is still overshadowing by learned.

You should always choose learned, especially in formal writing. It is more common even as a British English verb, the one context where learnt is accepted.

You can remember to avoid learnt since it rhymes with burnt, and most people also seek to avoid things that are burnt.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Learnt and Learned?
  • 2 When to Use Learned
  • 3 When to Use Learnt
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

learnt — перевод на русский

They help the children learn to balance, don’t they?

Они помогают детям научиться держать равновесие.

— No, I-I get it, but you need to learn to channel some of that anger into the work.

Да, я понимаю, но тебе надо научиться перенаправлять часть своего гнева в работу.

— I really ought to learn to dance.

— Я должен научиться танцевать.

Go home and learn how to be a good father.

Идти домой и научиться быть хорошим отцом.

You must learn sacrifice… and also never to collapse.

Вы должны научиться самопожертвованию… и также никогда не падать духом.

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Later, I learned she was still going with him…

Позднее я узнал, что она все еще встречается с ним.

I have learned that even the mightiest… must sue for certain favors.

Я узнал, что даже самые могущественные… должны просить о милостях.

Later I learned she also compared me to the moon.

Позже я узнал, она также сравнивала меня с Луной.

Later I learned she was a Parisian.

Позже я узнал, она была парижанкой.

In Europe, it’s the important thing I learned.

Это самое важное из того, что я узнал в Европе.

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Our ancestors also said that there are things worth learning from our enemies.

что нужно учиться у врагов.

When did you start learning the bassoon?

Когда ты начал учиться играть на фаготе?

It takes her longer, but she has to learn.

Это занимает больше времени, но она должна учиться.

I won’t even have to learn.

Мне даже можно не учиться.

You guys got an awful lot to learn.

Вам надо учиться, ребята.

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If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in life, it’s to always have a backup.

Но что я и выучил в жизни, так это, то что всегда должен быть запасной план.

Like yourselves, I studied them a long time. And I learned to know them well.

Как и вы, я видел их долгое время и выучил их очень хорошо.

And you can never be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them.

Но ты никогда не пожалеешь, что выучил их.

I learn English in school in Torino.

Я выучил английский в школе, в Турине.

Did you learn this song I wrote for Miss Brooks?

Ты выучил песню, которую я написал для мисс Брукс?

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It’s time you rebels learned you can’t take the law into your own hands.

Пора мятежникам понять, что мы представляем здесь закон.

Took me three wives to learn that.

Мне потребовалось три жены, чтобы понять это.

Takes a long while to learn that that’s true.

Нужно очень долгое время, чтобы понять, что это правда.

We never learned what he meant.

Мы никак не могли понять что это значит.

You live with it all of your life, it’s hard to learn that she isn’t yours.

Ты живешь с ним всю жизнь. И потом тяжело понять, что оно не твое.

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— What do you wanna learn that stuff for?

Зачем тебе нужно учить эту чепуху?

They refuse to learn French.

Они отказываются учить французский.

Why learn French?

Зачем тебе учить французский, Если у тебя есть жених?

It’s very useful for learning English.

Просто словарь — он помогает учить язык.

A general should learn that much of the language.

Генерал должен учить язык.

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Fixing to learn me the english language?

Пытаетесь научить меня английскому языку?

Now you won’t want to learn me things, will you?

Вы не хотите научить меня, ведь так?

I’m afraid a lot of men will want to learn you things.

Боюсь, слишком много мужчин были бы не против научить вас разным вещам.

Hey, we should have learned you the facts of life.

Эй, мы должны были научить тебя жизни.

— Will they learn to like it?

Их смогут научить?

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Oh, yes… I’ve learned so much!

Ах, как много я еще не знаю!

I learned it didn’t pay to let anybody know how you feel or really think.

Я знаю, что лучше не давать знать другим, что ты на самом деле думаешь.

I’ve learned that too well.

Я знаю это слишком хорошо.

I learnt the difference between a fine oil painting and a mechanical thing like a photo.

И знаю разницу между… отличной масляной картиной и механической вещью, такой как фотография. Фотография показывает действительность.

I learned one rule about gunslingers.

Я знаю одно на счет стрелков.

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I’ll stay to learn Italian.

Я останусь изучать итальянский.

They want to learn more about human beings.

Хотят меня изучать.

The French officers wanted to learn Spanish so my mother superior assigned the task to me, I also speak French.

Офицеры хотели изучать испанский язык, и настоятельница поручила это мне. Я говорю еще и по-французски.

I think they begin to learn their lesson.

Я думаю, что они начинают изучать свой урок.

He’s away home tomorrow when he could be learning the ropes.

Завтра он уезжает домой, будет тратить время впустую, вместо того, чтобы здесь изучать премудрости профессии.

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Weren’t you men detailed by the Captain to report here to learn gunnery?

Это не вас, парни, капитан направил изучить артиллерийское дело?

I didn’t think you’d learned it from a correspondence course.

— Не знала, что так можно её изучить.

I wonder if she’d like to learn the minuet.

Интересно, захочет ли она изучить менуэт.

We’ve received completely new type of engines and i have to learn everything about them

Теперь мы получили двигателей нового типа и я вынужден снова их изучить

Andi try to learn it in order to to surmount obstacle.

Я стараюсь его изучить, и этим преодолеваю препятствие.

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  • #1

Which word is more used? :)

learned = learnt
proved = proven ???
showed = shown ???

<<Mod note,
This thread consists of several on this specific topic, now merged for convenience.

  • lauranazario

    • #2

    Since your question deals with English language usage, I’ll transfer your inquiry to the English-Only forum.


    • #3

    For me, «learned» and «learnt» are interchangeable when used as the past tense of the verb «to learn». I have, however, never seen the latter used as an adjective.

    As to the other two pairs, «proved» and «showed» are the past tense forms of the verbs «to prove» and «to show» respectively. «Proven» and «shown» are the past participles of these same verbs. The past tense and the past participle are distinct forms and cannot be used interchangeably.

    El Estudiante

    • #4

    «Learnt» is not used in standard English in the United States.

    • #5

    Thanks ;) Wink Wink :)


    • #6

    It confuses the heck out of me…



    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #7

    Both are correct. «Learned» is more common in American English, «learnt» in British English.


    • #8

    elroy said:

    Both are correct. «Learned» is more common in American English, «learnt» in British English.

    I myslef have learnt that learnt is the one until I learnt that almost everyone has learnt to use learned instead…Anyway, that sounds fair! Thanks a lot

    • #9

    There was very recently a thread that contained a fine discussion of the above. Can anyone help me find it?


    • #10

    Hi Scotu,
    Use the forum Search function. It works. There have been many threads on both this and other word pairs like spelled — spelt, spoiled — spoilt. Some go back to 2004.

    • #11

    cuchuflete said:

    Hi Scotu,
    Use the forum Search function. It works. There have been many threads on both this and other word pairs like spelled — spelt, spoiled — spoilt. Some go back to 2004.

    Thanks, what a great tool I never noticed it! :D

    • #12

    Hi, everybody.

    Should it be «Using the steps you have learned in Topic 3,… » or should it be «Using the steps you have learnt in Topic 3,… » ?

    Which is the correct past participle of «learn» ??

    Thanks for your replies.



    • #13

    :) At school, I learnt that »learn» was an irregular verb, and that »learnt » was the correct past form

    I think that I later noticed that native speakers use »learned» as well. So, I am not sure which one is correct right now.

    Let’s wait for the opinion of a native speaker

    • #14

    I believe that «learnt» is the correct past participle of «learn» but my dictionaries lump «learned» and «learnt» together in every other way. I would find it odd to hear someone say «learnt» — it sounds very old-fashioned and everyone I know says «learned».


    • #15

    For the verbs that tend to go either way, I’ve never used the «-nt» ending. I always learned to write it like that. The water is spilled to me, not spilt. Though I don’t consider the other way wrong, I just completed prefer the «-ed.»

    • #16

    Is it possible that «learned» is used as an adjective ONLY?

    Example: He is a learned person.


    • #17

    Is it possible that «learned» is used as an adjective ONLY?

    Example: He is a learned person.


    • #18

    Learned = American English
    Learnt = British English (generally speaking)


    • #20

    Thanks to all who responded.

    I learnt «learnt» in school, quite many years ago. I was just wondering whether the word / tense has changed now. Now I know: it hasn’t.

    So I will stick with «learnt».

    Thanks again to all who participated.

    • #21

    But here, too, are the less known, though no less extraordinary, such as Olaudah Equiano, an African enslaved from childhood, who learnt to write, and wrote an unforgetable tale.

    When I read the above sentence I bump at learnt.
    I will accept that it is probably correct English but it sounds so clumsy when the perfectly acceptable learned is available.
    In the context of this sentence is there any difference between learned and learnt.




    Moderator: EHL, Arabic, Hebrew, German(-Spanish)

    • #22


    «Learnt» is simply British and «learned» is American — but there is no difference.

    I take it from your reaction that «learned» is more common in Australia?


    • #23

    Yes definately.. We use learned. This also looked really strange to me.. I guess just another annoying americanism


    • #24

    No, Pannadol, you can’t blame this one on the Yanks! As elroy explained, «Learnt» is simply British and «learned» is American.»


    • #25

    Yes definately.. We use learned. This also looked really strange to me.. I guess just another annoying americanism

    So should I call inability to deal with variety just another annoying Australianism? Watch what you say lest it be construed as ignorance, and besides, you’re wrong.

    • #26

    I didn’t mean to start the old BE -v- AE -v- OZE. The quoted sentence is from the fly leaf of the Simon Schama A History of Britian I just purchased. It seems to be well accepted British English with an impeccable pedigree.


    Giordano Bruno

    • #27

    These «strong» forms are always under pressure to revert to the weak regular forms. I have no problem with «learnt» or «burnt» as I am quite used to them. I believe it’s just a matter of how often your ear is refreshed. As an example, I find no difficulty with «When he rode into the arena» or «When he strode into the room» I am happy with «When he had ridden into the arena», but not so happy with «When he had stridden into the room». I guess it’s right enough, but it hasn’t had sufficient reinforcement not to stop me in my tracks.
    As an adjective, we would only ever use «My learned friend»


    • #28

    As one who wallows in the luxury of being able to use either learnt or learned at will, I would almost certainly have written … learned to write …
    I suspect (rationalising) that I use the -ed for for the past tense and the -t form for the participle. I learned, and learned, and learned — until at last it was completely learnt.

    Learned, adjective, is always -ed. But then it is pronounced differently as well.

    I’ve added this thread to the compendium of learned v learnt threads from the past.

    • #29

    I’m very surprised to hear two Australians claiming that «learned» is the more common! At school I learnt that «learnt» was the only acceptable form, in fact I was completely unaware of the use of «learned» until I was exposed to more American language. I would have said that in Australia «learned» is only ever an adjective (i.e. pronounced learnèd).

    I’d still say that Australian English favours the -t endings for all those verbs that take them. To those Australians who don’t favour -t endings, I’d like to ask what you think of the title of Bill Bryson’s book, In a Sunburned Country. It should sound abominable to Australian ears!

    • #30

    Unsurprisingly In a Sunburned Counry sounds fine.
    I have been sunburned a few times and the word is common.



    • #31

    Reading this rehash of what I’ve learned about alternate participles, I think of one AE (Easy, boys and girls, not exclusively AE, just AE) term that uses the ‘nt form: burnt orange.

    • #32

    How do you know when to use the words ‘learned’ or ‘learnt’ in a sentence?

    • #33

    These are alternative forms of the past tense and past participle of the verb learn. Learnt is more common in British English, and learned in American English.

    • #34

    I think that «learnt» is from the U.K. and «learned» from the U.S.A.
    What do you think?


    • #35

    I just read that «learnt» is an obsolete past form of learn! is that true? they said it has been replaced by ‘learned’


    • #36

    I’ve never seen «learnt» in the New York Times. It is always «learned».

    Maybe it is OK in England; I don’t think it is acceptable in the USA.

    • #37

    thanks so much for the reply!! good to know :)


    • #38

    I have learnt/learned that «learnt» is British and «learned» American. My teachers don’t accept my using «learned» since we are supposed to speak British English here in Argentina.

    • #39

    excellent.. thanks a lot!

    • #40

    Yes, «learnt» is British English, so are «slept» and «dreamt.’ My American mother used to «correct» my sister and me for saying these words, but our Canadian father and would «correct» us back. The British forms sound better to me so I still use them! :) But I like to be different … if I were in England, I’d probably use «-ed!»


    • #41

    All three of the original examples and, I believe, the others mentioned in this thread are examples of differences between AE and BE.
    I think «learned» and «learnt» are now both used in BE (perhaps the AE version (learned) is slowly replacing the BE version(learnt)).
    However «show» is still an irregular verb in BE — «showed» in the simple past but «shown» is the past participle.

    • #42

    I think that, in AE, we tend to do what Panjandarum said he does, use the -ed form as the past tense, and -t as the past participle. In America, would wouldn’t never ask, for example, «have you sleeped well?» but «have you slept well?» (although it would be more common to ask, depending on the circumstances, «did you sleep well?»)


    • #43

    Both are correct: learnt/learned. Some people will choose one form over the other it is no big deal. Sorry, there is so many varieties of English that I don’t see how someone can say it’s wrong. You will find if someone can understand they aren’t going to say anything. If they say «well that’s wrong.» You can say it the other way and just ignore ;). Or you can have a long discussion of how people use the other form.

    • #44

    Here is another Australian perspective.

    Despite the influence of American culture, I was taught that learned was the simple past and learnt the past partciple. The same went for the verbs to burn, to dream, to spell, to spill, to smell (among others).

    He burned his finger badly yesterday, but he has been burnt worse.

    There was a time when I dreamed of living by the beach, but I have dreamt all my life of living in the mountains.

    I spelled the word the wrong way, but in the book it was spelt correctly.

    You spilled your drink everywhere but don`t worry, it is no use crying over spilt milk.

    He smelled awful yesterday, but he has smelt worse.

    Note: The simple past and past participle are two distinct verb forms! In English these are often spelt the same way but not always. They should not be bundled together in the same group and labelled simply as the «past tense».

    • #45

    My father (British, born 1897, raised in Canada) always used «dreamt» as the past tense, not past participle. I’d always thought this was because of his British-Canadian upbringing, but I just heard a couple days ago that Teddy Roosevelt had tried to force the dictionary publishers to «simplify» our spelling by using the «t» ending instead of «ed» for the past tense — burnt, dreamt, learnt, etc. So maybe what my father was saying was not an old-fashioned Britishism but a modernism that never really caught on!

    • #46

    My father (British, born 1897, raised in Canada) always used «dreamt» as the past tense, not past participle. I’d always thought this was because of his British-Canadian upbringing, but I just heard a couple days ago that Teddy Roosevelt had tried to force the dictionary publishers to «simplify» our spelling by using the «t» ending instead of «ed» for the past tense — burnt, dreamt, learnt, etc. So maybe what my father was saying was not an old-fashioned Britishism but a modernism that never really caught on!

    The list which Roosevelt ordered the US Government Printing Office to use can be seen here. Dreamt is not among the spellings listed, nor are burnt or learnt, likely because they were already standard spellings. All are in The Century Dictionary of 1895, although the Century says of learnt that it is «an occasional preterit and past participle of learn.» (The Century Supplement of 1909 has an entry «lern, lernd, lerning,» referring to them as simplified spellings, but they must have appeared in some other list.)

    Roosevelt’s action was effectively reversed by the US Congress. They passed a law refusing to fund such a change.

    Roosevelt’s list does include some other spellings where final ed is replaced by t.

    Last edited: May 23, 2009

    Варианты (v1)

    Варианты (v2)

    • learn [lɜːn] гл learned/learnt, learned/learnt

      1. узнавать, узнать, выяснить

        (find out)

        • learn more – узнавать больше
        • learn the secret – узнать секрет
      2. учиться, изучать, выучить, изучить, обучаться, разучивать


        • learn martial arts – учиться боевым искусствам
        • learn foreign languages – изучать иностранные языки
        • learn by heart – выучить наизусть
        • learn the facts – изучить факты
      3. учить, научить, научать


        • learn new words – учить слова
        • learn in school – научить в школе
      4. научиться, поучиться, освоить, осваивать, обучиться, овладеть

        (master, develop, train)

        • learn to work – научиться работать
        • learn the rules – освоить правила
      5. ознакомиться, познакомиться

        (familiarize, meet)

      6. познать, познавать


        • learn the truth – познать истину
        • learn the world – познавать мир
      7. извлечь, почерпнуть

        (remove, draw)

        • learn from history – извлечь из истории
      8. усвоить


      9. выучиться

    учиться learn, study, grind away
    научиться learn
    учить teach, learn, train, instruct
    узнавать learn, recognize, know, inquire, find out, get to know
    знакомиться meet, learn
    разучивать learn, study
    выучивать learn, teach, train
    выучиваться learn
    подучиваться learn
    подучивать learn

    Предложения со словом «learn»

    So this is the fun bit of physics, that you learn these patterns and then you can apply them again and again and again.

    Это занимательная часть физики, где вы узнаёте эти законы и потом можете применять их снова и снова.

    Up to that point, we basically know how gravity works, and we can learn the framework.

    До того момента, мы в общем — то знаем, как она работает, и можем понять структуру.

    And they all run on the fundamental physical laws that you can learn in the kitchen with eggs and teacups and lemonade, and everything else you can play with.

    И все они управляются фундаментальными законами физики, которые вы можете узнать на кухне с яйцами, чайными чашками, газировкой и со всем остальным.

    The general contractor selects experts because it takes years to learn and master how to do each of the tasks it takes to build a house or renovate a kitchen, some of them requiring special training.

    Генеральный подрядчик выбирает специалистов, потому что нужны годы, чтобы изучить и освоить, как выполняется каждая задача при строительстве дома или ремонте кухни, причём некоторые требуют специального обучения.

    Eventually, I decided to go to graduate school for positive psychology to learn what truly makes people happy.

    И я была не одна: мои друзья тоже испытывали трудности.

    We replace our ego and our desire to win with curiosity, empathy and a desire to learn .

    Мы заменяем наше эго и желание выиграть любознательностью, умением поставить себя на чужое место и желанием учиться .

    I could take the easy way out and just choose not to say anything to her, and instead just kind of simmer in my frustration, or I could ask her to learn more about her motivations.

    Я могла выбрать лёгкий выход и просто ничего ей не говорить, и вместо этого просто закипать от отчаяния, или я могла спросить её, узнать больше о её мотивах.

    What could we learn about ourselves and our country from this unlikely event?

    Что мы можем узнать о себе и своей стране из этого маловероятного события?

    But how can we learn to float among the clouds?

    Так как же тогда научиться парить в облаках?

    Seeing the power of this idea, we started to initiate a new era; one that would leave behind the violence of the Anthropocene and give way to a new era, which we call the Aerocene — an era of ecological awareness, in which we learn to float together, live together in the air, and come to an ethical commitment with the atmosphere and with planet earth.

    Поверив в эту идею, мы начинаем представлять себе новую эпоху, которая оставит позади жестокость антропоцена ради вхождения в новую эпоху, названную нами «аэроцен» — эпоху экологической сознательности, в которой мы научимся вместе парить в воздухе, достигать этического согласия с атмосферой и планетой Земля.

    Using this approach, we can learn to build gardens in the air.

    И таким образом мы можем научиться строить воздушные сады.

    But the real question is: How many of those who may lose their jobs to AI will be able to land a new one, especially when AI is smart enough to learn better than most of us?

    Но главный вопрос в следующем: сколько человек, потерявших работу из — за ИИ, смогут найти новую, особенно когда ИИ поумнеет так, что станет учиться лучше, чем большинство из нас?

    We have been believing that everybody can learn and learn well, as long as we provide good learning materials free on the web so that they can access through the internet.

    Мы всегда верили в то, что каждый способен учиться , и учиться хорошо при условии, что мы обеспечиваем хорошими обучающими материалами, находящимися в свободном доступе в сети, то есть их можно найти в интернете.

    So car manufacturers may simply program cars that will maximize safety for their clients, and those cars may learn automatically on their own that doing so requires slightly increasing risk for pedestrians.

    Производители машин могут запрограммировать их так, чтобы максимизировать безопасность своих клиентов, и эти машины могут самостоятельно усвоить, что это будет несколько более рискованно для пешеходов.

    It would be trained to look for people to learn what led to success, what kind of applications historically led to success by that definition.

    Он мог бы искать людей, которые способны достичь успеха, узнать, какие из претендентов на должность были успешными в прошлом по этому определению.

    We need those face-to-face interactions where we learn the choreography of altruism and where we create those spiritual goods like friendship and trust and loyalty and love that redeem our solitude.

    Нам нужно общение лицом к лицу, чтобы усвоить все балетные па альтруизма и культивировать духовные богатства, такие как дружба и доверие, верность и любовь, которые спасают нас от одиночества.

    Don’t ever think people are beneath you or that you have nothing to learn from others.

    Не смей думать, что есть люди ниже тебя, или что тебе нечему научиться у других.

    Instead, I went to architecture school to learn how to design.

    Вместо этого я поступила в архитектурную академию на отделение дизайна.

    When William Blake said that we are here to learn to endure the beams of love, he knew that your family would be an intimate part of this, even as you want to run screaming for your cute little life.

    Когда Уильям Блэйк сказал, что мы здесь, чтобы научиться терпеть лучи любви, он знал, что ваша семья будет неотъемлемой частью процесса, даже если хочется убежать с криком о спасении своей дражайшей жизни.

    I told him about Ivan, that he had autism, and that I wanted him to learn to walk down the street by himself, without anyone holding his hand.

    Рассказала об Иване, об его аутизме и что хочу научить моего сына ходить по улице самостоятельно, без того, чтобы кто — то держал его за руку.

    What we also know is that if we trained an army of community health workers to learn even just 30 lifesaving skills, we could save the lives of nearly 30 million people by 2030.

    Также мы знаем, что, обучив армию медработников общин 30 жизненно необходимым навыкам, к 2030 году можно спасти 30 миллионов людей.

    But when A.B. wants to learn , he’s got to jump back in that canoe and get to the training center.

    Но когда А.Б. хочет учиться , он должен прыгнуть в тот же каное и добраться до центра обучения.

    Why shouldn’t they have the same access to learn as I do?

    Почему бы не дать им такие же возможности для образования, какие есть у меня?

    wants to learn , he’s got to jump back in that canoe and get to the training center.

    хочет учиться , он должен прыгнуть в тот же каное и добраться до центра обучения.

    I believe we learn more from questions than we do from answers.

    Я уверен, что мы познаём больше из вопросов, нежели из ответов.

    Now, don’t get me wrong — this is not to say the poor don’t learn anything — they can come out wiser for sure.

    Поймите меня правильно: это не говорит о том, что бедняки ничему не могут научиться, они могут стать даже умнее.

    We also know that there’s a Harriet in every community across the globe, and that they could learn from our Tubman Doctrine, as we call it, the four steps.

    Мы также понимаем, что Гарриет есть в каждом городе каждой страны, и что она может почерпнуть что — нибудь в нашем «Учении Табмен», как мы называем эти четыре урока.

    This was said by Norbert Wiener in 1960, shortly after he watched one of the very early learning systems learn to play checkers better than its creator.

    Это сказал Норберт Винер в 1960 году, вскоре после того, как увидел, как одна из первых обучающихся систем научилась играть в шашки лучше своего создателя.

    So there’s a massive amount of data to learn from.

    Так что у нас есть множество данных для изучения.

    And the principles are: machines that are altruistic, that want to achieve only our objectives, but that are uncertain about what those objectives are, and will watch all of us to learn more about what it is that we really want.

    Основные моменты: это альтруистичные машины, которые хотят добиваться лишь наших целей, но не знают, каких именно целей, и будут наблюдать за всеми нами, чтобы узнать, чего мы на самом деле хотим.

    And hopefully in the process, we will learn to be better people.

    Надеюсь, в процессе мы сами станем лучше.

    Yes, so we want it to learn more, as I said, about our objectives.

    Стюарт Рассел: Как я уже сказал, мы хотим, чтобы роботы узнали больше о наших целях.

    And in the middle of her quiet crying, my mother looked at me and she said, Son, when did you learn to drive?

    В перерыве между тихим плачем мама посмотрела на меня и сказала: Сын, когда ты научился водить?

    You may land on Mars and build armed citadels, or you may look for life-forms and species to learn from and respect.

    Можете полететь на Марс и построить там вооружённые цитадели, а можете искать новые виды и формы жизни, чтобы изучать их и уважать.

    I’ll give you the basic idea and then later you can look online and learn more about it.

    Я дам вам основную информацию, потом можете посмотреть в интернете и узнать об этом больше.

    It wasn’t until I got to Cornell as a Presidential Research Scholar that I started to learn about the very real educational consequences of being raised by a single mother on government aid and attending the schools that I did.

    В университете Корнелл я попал на престижную программу исследований и начал изучать то, как влияет на обучение то, что ребёнок воспитан матерью — одиночкой на дотациях и что он ходил в школу типа моей.

    Every time we learn something new, we are creating and strengthening new neural connections, new synapses.

    Каждый раз, занимаясь чем — то новым, мы создаём и укрепляем новые нейронные связи, новые синапсы.

    I know you learn a lot from winning, but what have you learned from losing?

    Ты многому научилась благодаря своим победам, а чему тебя научили поражения?

    Some of them are extremely painful, but I wouldn’t take any of them away, because every time I lose, it takes a really long time for me to lose again because I learn so much from it.

    Некоторые из них были чрезвычайно болезненными, но я не стану сбрасывать их со счетов, потому что за каждым моим проигрышем следовала череда побед, потому что я многому на них училась.

    And I encourage everyone that I talk to — I’m like, listen, if you lose or if something happens — not in sports — in business or in school — learn from it.

    И я призываю всех, с кем сталкиваюсь: если ты проиграешь или если что — то произойдёт — не в спорте, а на работе или в школе, — вынеси из этого урок.

    I picked up a book, and it was the most agonizing time of my life, trying to learn how to read, the ostracizing from my family, the homeys.

    То время было самым мучительным в моей жизни: попытки научиться читать, невозможность находиться с семьёй, друзьями.

    That was the moment at which I realized I needed to learn something about medical marijuana because what I was prepared for in medical school bore no relationship to reality.

    В тот момент я понял, что мне нужно узнать больше о медицинской марихуане, потому что то, к чему меня подготовили в медицинской школе, не имело отношения к реальности.

    The good news though is that there are lessons we can learn today from those medical marijuana dispensaries.

    Хорошие новости заключаются в том, что и сегодня мы можем чему — то научиться у этих диспансеров медицинской марихуаны.

    And those are lessons we really should learn .

    И нам действительно стоит это сделать.

    And while it’s embarrassing to think that many of these clinics and dispensaries are providing services and support and meeting patients’ needs in ways that billion-dollar healthcare systems aren’t — we should be embarrassed by that — but we can also learn from that.

    И хотя стыдно думать, что многие из этих клиник и диспансеров предоставляют услуги, оказывают поддержку и удовлетворяют нужды пациентов так, как система здравоохранения за миллиарды долларов не способна, — нам стоит стыдиться этого, но также можно извлечь для себя урок.

    And there are probably three lessons at least that we can learn from those small dispensaries.

    И, пожалуй, мы можем научиться у этих маленьких диспансеров как минимум трём вещам.

    Huge opportunities to learn from some of the tricks of those medical marijuana dispensaries to provide more education.

    Нам ещё очень многому нужно научиться у диспансеров медицинской марихуаны, чтобы предоставлять больше информации.

    That doesn’t require a lot of physician time necessarily, or any physician time, but opportunities to learn about what medications we’re using and why, prognoses, trajectories of illness, and most importantly, opportunities for patients to learn from each other.

    Это не занимает у терапевта много времени, или вообще не занимает, но это возможность узнать о том, какие лекарства мы используем и почему, прогнозы, предполагаемое развитие болезни и, самое главное, возможность пациентов учиться друг у друга.

    How patients learn from each other, how people share with each other.

    То, как пациенты учатся друг у друга, как делятся опытом.

    But we can learn from them, and we have to learn from them.

    Но мы можем учиться у них, и нам стоит учиться у них.

    We need to figure out what their tricks are, what their tools are, and we need to learn from them.

    Мы должны понять, какие у них хитрости, какие механизмы, и мы должны учиться у них.

    But clearly, from this visualization, you can learn much more about me than from this other one, which are images you’re probably more familiar with.

    Тем не менее из этой визуализации вы можете узнать обо мне гораздо больше, чем из следующей, на которой, возможно, более знакомые вам изображения.

    We give kids total access and we see if one day, sooner or later, they learn how to take care of themselves.

    Мы предоставили детям полный доступ к ним и ждём, что однажды, рано или поздно, они научатся осторожности.

    Those kids need to know what the risks of being online are, how to take care of themselves, but also that, fundamentally, as with almost everything else, kids can learn this from any adult.

    Эти дети должны знать, чем они рискуют, путешествуя по интернету, как соблюдать осторожность, но, пожалуй, самое важное — пока они дети, они могут научиться этому от кого — то взрослого.

    I would say and this is someone who has been conservative all my adult life — when you grow up conservative, you learn to speak both languages.

    Что до меня, а я истинный консерватор всю сознательную жизнь — когда ты вырос консерватором, ты умеешь говорить на обоих языках.

    As a result, you learn to speak both languages.

    В итоге, ты учишься говорить на обоих языках.

    So what did we learn about DNA?

    Благодаря одной эпигенетической терапии.

    We need to learn the skills to be able to spot bad statistics.

    Нужно получить некоторые навыки, чтобы определять плохую статистику.

    I started to learn some of these when I was working in a statistical department that’s part of the United Nations.

    Я начала этим заниматься, когда работала в департаменте статистики Организации Объединённых Наций.

    We have to learn how to cooperate and collaborate a great deal more and compete just a tiny bit less.

    Мы должны научиться сотрудничать и взаимодействовать чаще, а соперничать — немного реже.

    «Learnings» is the plural of «learning» in the sense of «(specific) things or lessons that have been learned». It is often considered nonstandard English, even though it is rather widely used. If you are only talking about general knowledge rather than specific things you have learned, I would definitely use the singular «learning».

    Wiktionary has rather thorough usage comments on the word «learnings»:

    The term learnings was not in common use in the 19th and 20th century, though the countable noun sense learning (“thing learned”) dates to Middle English (14th century; see leornyng), and the plural learnings to Early Modern English. Note that early use of learnings often have the sense or connotation “teachings” (see examples above), as was the case of learn generally. It has found occasional use for centuries, including by Shakespeare,[1][2] and parallel constructions are commonplace – compare teachings and findings.

    However, from circa 2000 it became a buzzword in business speak, particularly in constructions such as “key learnings” or “apply these learnings”; this was preceded by occasional educational use from the 1950s. Some disapprove of this, and it sounds ungrammatical enough to be used as an example of broken English, as in the comedy Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan (2006). Suggested alternatives include lessons learned, “things one learned” – or simply lessons – discoveries, findings, insights, and takeaways.

    «Learning to live with ‘learnings’» from CS Monitor (2021) comments:

    Learnings is often seen as pretentious and useless business jargon, but its cousin teachings is pretty unobjectionable. What’s the difference?

    Learnings surged in popularity during the 1950s, in business jargon and edu-speak, which did little to make it seem more “correct.” But it is now used widely. We’ll have to endure learnings for the foreseeable future.

    A. Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.

    designing, artistic, still, portray, starring, stunts, spray, private, set, miniature, plots, remain

    1. … pieces of art are called micro sculptures.

    2. You can’t imagine adventure films and blockbusters without any … .

    3. Some people choose to … anonymous because they are afraid of being in the spotlight.

    4. The film is … in medieval times.

    5. While the photographer was taking our picture we stayed perfectly … .

    6. Crime novels always have interesting and mysterious … .

    7. What do his paintings … ?

    8. … creativity is an essential part of life of humans.

    9. That house is his … property.

    B. Choose the correct answer.

    10. Tim … see a science fiction film than a comedy.

    a) would sooner b) would prefer c) sooner

    11. We … go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.

    a) would prefer b) would to c) would rather

    12. Jane … to take photography classes than learn how to paint.

    a) would b) would prefer c) would rather

    13. Olga … going to the cinema on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded.

    a) prefers b) would rather c) prefer

    C. Complete the sentences with verbs formed using the prefixes re-, dis-, mis-, under- , over-.

    14.My parents usually ….. about which film to go and see. (agree)

    15.They ….. us in the restaurant but they gave us some money back.(charge)

    16.The foreigners are difficult to understand because they ….. many Russian words.(pronounce)

    17.You should ….. your composition because you made many mistakes. (write)

    18.We were sorry to realize that we ….. in the shop. (pay)

    D. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

    19.Pushkin is one of the best poet ….. all time.

    20.He is popular ….. fans of art cinema.

    21.This director is famous ….. his comedies.

    22.Who stars ….. Pirates of the Caribbean?

    23.The paintings add value ….. the house.

    E. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.


    A The Class

    The Class is about a young teacher who works at a school in a poor area of Paris and his difficult students. The story was originally a book written by Frangois Begaudeau. The film tells the sad story of how a teacher tries to teach his class of teenage students but fails, because the students don’t respect education or teachers, and because they have no desire to learn. Everyone who stars in the film (including Begaudeau, who plays himself) is a non-professional. People expect The Class to be boring because the teacher-student theme has appeared in films many times before, but it isn’t. It is an absolutely brilliant film and no one should miss it.

    B Slumdog Millionaire

    Director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal, a poor boy in India, who goes on the TV show ‘Who wants to be a millionaire?’. The story was originally a prize-winning novel by Indian author Vikas Swarup. Jamal wins the TV show. But before he does, they take him to a police station because the police think that he is cheating. While the police ask Jamal questions, we see events from Jamal’s life which explain why he knows the answers.

    At one point, the creators of Slumdog Millionaire had decided not to show it in film theatres, and just make it into a DVD. Luckily, they changed their minds, because this film is now an international hit!

    C American Teen

    American Teen is a documentary film by director Nanette Burstein. Burnstein filmed the lives of five teenagers, who go to a school in Indiana, USA. She followed the students filming their everyday lives for a year, because she wanted to show what it is like to be a teenager in America today.

    American Teen is an enjoyable documentary, but sometimes it doesn’t feel true to life. In fact, some film critics think that Burstein gave the teens lines to learn. But in interviews, the teenagers have always said that the film is 100% real-life and no one is acting.

    Whether real-life or not, American Teen is an entertaining look at young people today.

    Which film (A, B, or C) …

    24. was not going to play in cinemas at first?

    25. does not seem realistic to some people?

    26. is interesting even though the plot is not original?

    27. is extremely popular all over the world?

    28. is about someone trying but not succeeding?

    29. was first a very successful book?

    30. is about daily life experiences?

    Asked by: Dr. Dwight Yundt III

    Score: 4.8/5
    (37 votes)

    liable to be sued; capable of being sued.

    What is a Suable offense?

    : liable to be sued in court.

    What is the meaning of Suability?

    Suabilitynoun. liability to be sued; the state of being subjected by law to civil process.

    Is there a word called now?

    at the present time or moment: You are now using a dictionary. without further delay; immediately; at once: Either do it now or not at all.

    Is Unlightened a word?

    adjective. 1 rare Not enlightened; lacking insight or enlightenment. 2Not lit up; unilluminated; not made lighter or brighter.

    34 related questions found

    Is Friendlily a real word?

    Friendlily meaning

    In a friendly manner; like a friend; warmly; kindly.

    What does Unlightening mean?

    : not lighted up : lacking brightness.

    What words can replace now?


    • anymore,
    • currently,
    • nowadays,
    • presently,
    • right now,
    • today.

    What are 2 synonyms of now?

    synonyms for now

    • directly.
    • forthwith.
    • immediately.
    • instantly.
    • straightaway.
    • away.
    • first off.
    • here and now.

    What is now slang for?

    used for asking someone to repeat what they have said, especially when you are surprised by it. ‘They’re going out together now.

    What does whelp mean in text?

    What does welp mean? Welp, an alternative pronunciation of well, and is an interjection typically used at the beginning of a sentence to express resignation or disappointment.

    What does homie mean in slang?

    The OED also provides a second definition for “homie” which is much more suitable for its slang usage. This definition is; “A person from one’s home town or neighborhood; a member of one’s peer group or gang; a homeboy or homegirl.”

    Is Litigable a word?

    Litigable means subject to legal action, especially a lawsuit. It comes from the verb litigate, which means to engage in a legal proceeding, such as a lawsuit. It can mean to bring a lawsuit or to contest one. The word especially refers to what lawyers do in such a proceeding.

    Can you go to jail for defamation?

    Can Someone Go to Jail for Criminal Libel? Yes. … Even though criminal libel cases are rare, defamers can still go to jail for their actions, regardless of which state they live in.

    Is it worth suing for defamation?

    The answer is, yes, it is worth it. When a true case of defamation exists, there are damages that are caused as a result. Those damages are compensable through a civil lawsuit, in California and beyond. … General Damages: This includes loss of reputation, shame, hurt feelings, embarrassment, and more.

    Can I sue someone for going through my phone?

    1) Taking a cell phone without permission is theft. You could report the boss to the police and/or sue him for its return. 2) Invasion of privacy is a tort—that is, the boss could be sued for invading your privacy, assuming he’s doing things that the average reasonable person would find intrusive.

    How do you say but now?


    1. as of now.
    2. at present.
    3. before.
    4. before now.
    5. but now.
    6. by now.
    7. by that time.
    8. by the time mentioned.

    How do you say today formally?

    Today is slightly more formal: Apartments today are often designed for people with busy lifestyles. We can use today, but not nowadays or these days, with the possessive ‘s construction before a noun, or with of after a noun.

    What word can I use instead of would?

    synonyms for would

    • authorize.
    • bid.
    • decree.
    • enjoin.
    • exert.
    • intend.
    • request.
    • resolve.

    What is another word for unenlightened?

    In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unenlightened, like: primitive, in-the-dark, unconscious, oblivious, ignorant, uninformed, unlearned, backward, benighted, unacquainted and unaware.

    How do you say lack of knowledge?

    Some common synonyms of ignorant are illiterate, unlearned, unlettered, and untutored. While all these words mean «not having knowledge,» ignorant may imply a general condition or it may apply to lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular thing.

    What incomprehension means?

    : lack of comprehension or understanding.

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