Is there a word broadcast

передача, радиовещание, вещать, распространять, радиовещательный


- (радио)вещание

television broadcast — телевидение, телевизионное вещание
wire broadcast — радиотрансляция

- радиопрограмма, радиопередача
- телевидение

broadcast satellite — косм. (ретрансляционный) телевизионный спутник, спутник для ретрансляции (телепередач)

- телепрограмма, телепередача
- широкое распространение (слухов и т. п.)
- с.-х. сев вразброс


- передавать по радио; вести радиопередачу; вещать
- передавать по телевидению
- выступать по радио и телевидению
- широко распространять

to broadcast gossip [news] — распространять сплетни [новости]

- с.-х. сеять вразброс


- радиовещательный

broadcast appeal — обращение по радио

- телевизионный; передаваемый по телевидению
- имеющий широкое хождение, распространённый

broadcast rumours — распространившиеся слухи

- рассеянный, распылённый

Мои примеры


the President’s radio broadcast to the nation — радиотрансляция обращения президента к народу  
a speech that was broadcast live during prime time — речь, которая транслировалась в прямом эфире в прайм-тайм  
to carry a broadcast — передавать программу  
to beam a broadcast to — вести направленную передачу  
to jam a broadcast — глушить передачу  
the broadcast method — распространённый метод  
broadcast advertisement — реклама по радио и телевидению  
to broadcast the news — передать новости  
to broadcast gossip — распространять сплетни  
broadcast day — радиовещательный день; вещательные сутки  
broadcast live — вести прямую передачу  
broadcast time — эфирное время; время вещания  

Примеры с переводом

His speech was broadcast on national radio.

Его речь транслировалась по национальному радио.

I missed the broadcast, I forgot to listen in.

Я пропустил передачу, я забыл, что она идёт.

They broadcast the news people want to see.

Они показывают такие новости, какие люди хотят видеть.

The interview was broadcast from London.

Интервью транслировалось из Лондона.

The broadcast was delayed because of technical difficulties .

Трансляция была приостановлена по техническим причинам.

They mostly just broadcast fluff.

Они большей частью передают по радио просто ерунду.

The President’s speech will be broadcast on all channels.

Речь Президента будет передаваться по всем каналам.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…some of the movie’s most ribald, and thus funniest, scenes were cut for showing on broadcast television…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

broadcaster  — диктор, передатчик
broadcasting  — вещание, трансляция, радиовещание, вещательный, широковещательный
rebroadcast  — ретранслировать, повторять передачу, повторение передачи

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: broadcast
he/she/it: broadcasts
ing ф. (present participle): broadcasting
2-я ф. (past tense): broadcast or broadca
3-я ф. (past participle): broadcast or broadca

ед. ч.(singular): broadcast
мн. ч.(plural): broadcasts



broad +‎ cast.


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˈbɹɔːdkɑːst/, /-kæst/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˈbɹɔdkæst/
  • (Canada, cotcaught merger) IPA(key): /ˈbɹɑdkæst/
  • (US)
  • (Canada)
  • Rhymes: -ɔːdkɑːst, -ɔːdkæst, (Canada) -ɑdkæst
  • Hyphenation: broad‧cast


broadcast (comparative more broadcast, superlative most broadcast)

  1. Cast or scattered widely in all directions; cast abroad.

    The seed was broadcast, not drilled.

    • 1744, William Ellis, “Of White Oats”, in The Modern Husbandman: Or, The Practice of Farming: As it is Now Carried On by the Most Accurate Farmers in Several Counties of England. For the Month of April. […], Dublin: Printed by and for George Faulkner, →OCLC, pages 48–49:

      And ſuch a double Sowing is of the greateſt Importance; for on the thick Growth of a Crop very much depends on the Bigneſs of it at Harveſt, becauſe, by ſuch a thick Growth, the Weeds are overcome and kept down from hurting the Oats; and, likewiſe, the Heats and Droughts kept the better out from parching up the Roots of the Oats, which, in too thin a Crop, often prove fatal to it; for, when Oats are ſown in the random or broadcaſt Way, there is no more Mold allowed their Roots than what the Harrows and Roll give them; which, at beſt, is but a ſuperficial and moſt thin Covering, and, therefore, the more liable to ſuffer by Droughts, which is different from the Way of ſowing Oats in Drills.

    • 1923, Song Ong Siang, “The Tenth Decade (1909–19): First Part”, in One Hundred Years’ History of the Chinese in Singapore: [], London: John Murray, [], →OCLC, page 444:

      They alleged that, as soon as the Opium Commission was appointed, the various anti-opium organisations began to be extremely active and a determined campaign was carried on against the use of the drug by the circulation of a mass of anti-opium literature and the broadcast distribution of handbills and pamphlets.

    • 1931 June, M. A. Mattoon, “Application of Methods to Minimize Human Risks and Physical Dangers”, in Fire Handbook: Region Seven: United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, →OCLC, page 8:

      There must be action on and participation in broadcast methods of public education, face to face, in groups, or by use of the mails. This, however, is of secondary importance to the man-to-man job of education in care with fire in the woods.

  2. Communicated, signalled, or transmitted through radio waves or electronic means.
    • 1946, Ch[arles]-M[arie] Widor; Edward Suddard, transl., “Percussion Instruments”, in The Technique of the Modern Orchestra: A Manual of Practical Instrumentation, rev. and new edition, London: Joseph Wiliams Limited, 29, Enford Street, Marylebone, W.1, →OCLC; reprinted Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications, 2005, →ISBN, page 208:

      For radio-transmission it has been found that certain passages of a rhythmical nature come out more clearly if wooden-headed sticks are used. The Timpani sometimes tend to sound blurred and even to have a blurring effect on the rest of the orchestral ensemble in broadcast music, when ordinary soft sticks are used in a strongly marked rhythm.

  3. Relating to transmissions of messages or signals through radio waves or electronic means.
    • 2013 November 14, Alina Selyukh, “U.S. FCC eases foreign investment limit for broadcast stations”, in Reuters[1], archived from the original on 16 August 2017:

      The new limitations would still prohibit foreigners from wholly or directly owning broadcast licensees, allowing only indirect ownership through a stake in a controlling parent of a broadcast licensee.


  • widespread


communicated, signalled, or transmitted through radio waves or electronic means


broadcast (comparative more broadcast, superlative most broadcast)

  1. Widely in all directions; abroad.
    • 1864 January 15, J[oseph] B[enjamin] Polley, “Some ‘Escape’ Stories”, in A Soldier’s Letters to Charming Nellie, New York, N.Y.; Washington, D.C.: The Neale Publishing Company, published 1908, →OCLC, page 195:

      [O]n reporting to Captain Thrasher he informed me that his orders were to take a detachment of forty men across the French Broad River and turn them loose to wander broadcast over the country as a protection to foraging parties of quartermasters and commissaries, []

    • 1885, Honoré de Balzac; [Katherine Prescott Wormeley, transl.], “The Illustrious Gaudissart [Scenes from Provincial Life.]”, in The Duchesse de Langeais: With An Episode under the Terror, The Illustrious Gaudissart, A Passion in the Desert, and The Hidden Masterpiece (The Comedy of Human Life), Boston, Mass.: Roberts Brothers, 3 Somerset Street, →OCLC, chapter I, page 217:

      The commercial traveller, a personage unknown to antiquity, is one of the striking figures created by the manners and customs of our present epoch. [] Our century will bind the realm of isolated power, abounding as it does in creative genius, to the realm of universal but levelling might; equalizing all products, spreading them broadcast among the masses, and being itself controlled by the principle of unity,—the final expression of all societies.

    • 1913, F[rank] H[urlbut] Chittenden, “Protection of the Fall Crop and Seed Potatoes”, in The Potato-tuber Moth (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers’ Bulletin; no. 557), Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, →OCLC, page 6:

      A special letter of warning against the ravages of the potato-tuber moth in the shape of a press notice has been sent broadcast to newspapers, as well as to others, throughout the country.

  2. (agriculture, horticulture, archaic) By having its seeds sown over a wide area.


broadcast (plural broadcasts)

  1. A transmission of a radio or television programme intended to be received by anyone with a receiver.
    • 1961 May 9, Newton Minow, «Television and the Public Interest»:
      No one knows how long it will be until a broadcast from a studio in New York will be viewed in India as well as in Indiana, will be seen in the Congo as it is seen in Chicago. But as surely as we are meeting here today, that day will come; and once again our world will shrink.
    • 2017 August 13, Benjamin Haas, “Radio silence: 24-hour broadcast of BBC World Service dropped in Hong Kong: After four decades in the former British colony, BBC World Service is to be mostly replaced with China’s state radio channel”, in The Guardian[2], London, archived from the original on 16 August 2017:

      After nearly 40 years of continuous broadcast in Hong Kong, a 24-hour transmission of the BBC World Service will go silent in the former British colony, replaced with programming from China’s state radio channel. The move by Radio Television Hong Kong, owned by the local government, was meant to «enhance the cultural exchange between the mainland and Hong Kong», a spokesman said.

  2. A programme (bulletin, documentary, show, etc.) so transmitted.

    The DJ was feeling nervous before his first national broadcast.

    Antonym: narrowcast
    • 1943, Wilfrid H. Pettitt, Nine Girls: A Play in Prologue and Two Acts, Chicago, Ill.: The Dramatic Publishing Company, →OCLC; republished Woodstock, Ill.: The Dramatic Publishing Company, 1971, →ISBN, Act I, scene i, pages 15–16:

      We interrupt this broadcast at the request of the police department to bring you the following special bulletin: The dead body of Miss Paula Canfield, missing student at Westlake University and daughter of the multi-millionaire Harold Canfield, has been found in the Arroyo Seco near the Colorado Street Bridge.

    • 1958, Robert T. Holt, “Introduction”, in Radio Free Europe, Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press, →OCLC, page 3:

      Radio Free Europe was established by a group of private citizens in December 1949, for the purpose of conducting a propaganda campaign against six Communist-dominated satellites in central and eastern Europe. [] Its program consisted of daily half-hour broadcasts, first to Czechoslovakia and then to Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Rumania, and Albania.

  3. (agriculture, horticulture, archaic) The act of scattering seed; a crop grown from such seed.
    • 1785, W. Belcher, “Observations on Lucerne”, in Arthur Young (agriculturist), editor, Annals of Agriculture, and Other Useful Arts, volume III, number 18, London: Printed for the editor, and sold by H. Goldney, No. 15, Paternoster-Row, →OCLC, page 433:

      Since my laſt, I went to ſee a piece of Daniel Fitch’s, of Pluckley, Kent. He has two acres of broadcaſt, the oldeſt I have ever ſeen, ſown twenty years ago with barley, like clover.

    • 1807, “BARLEY”, in The Complete Farmer; or, General Dictionary of Agriculture and Husbandry: Comprehending the Most Improved Methods of Cultivation; the Different Modes of Raising Timber, Fruit, and Other Trees; and the Modern Management of Live-stock: With Descriptions of the Most Approved Implements, Machinery, and Farm-buildings, 5th wholly re-written and enlarged edition, London: Printed by Rider and Weed, Little Britain, for R. Baldwin [et al.], →OCLC, column 2:

      It was stated by Mr. Miller, that the common method was, formerly, to sow the barley-seed with a broadcast at two sowings; the first being harrowed in once, but the second not until the seed is buried; []

Derived terms[edit]

  • anycast
  • blogcast
  • broadcast delay
  • broadcast jockey
  • broadcast radiation
  • broadcast station
  • broadcast storm
  • broadcastability
  • broadcastable
  • direct broadcast satellite
  • lifecast
  • microbroadcast
  • multicast
  • narrowcast
  • newscast
  • party political broadcast
  • podcast
  • telebroadcast
  • webcast


transmission of a radio or television programme

  • Afrikaans: uitsaai, uitsending
  • Albanian: transmetim (sq) m
  • Arabic: تَلْفَزَة‎ f (talfaza) (television), إِذَاعَة‎ f (ʔiḏāʕa), بَثّ (ar) m (baṯṯ)
  • Armenian: տրանսլյացիա (hy) (translyacʿia)
  • Azerbaijani: translyasiya
  • Baluchi: شنگ(šing)
  • Belarusian: перада́ча f (pjeradáča), трансля́цыя f (transljácyja)
  • Bengali: সম্প্রচার (bn) (śomprocar)
  • Bulgarian: преда́ване (bg) n (predávane), радиопреда́ване (bg) n (radiopredávane) (radio)
  • Catalan: emissió (ca) f
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 廣播广播 (zh) (guǎngbō)
  • Czech: vysílání (cs) n
  • Danish: udsendelse c
  • Dutch: transmissie (nl), uitzenden (nl) n, uitzending (nl)
  • Estonian: saade (et), ringhääling
  • Faroese: sending f
  • Finnish: lähetys (fi)
  • French: émission (fr) f
  • Galician: emisión f, retransmisión f
  • Georgian: მაუწყებლობა (mauc̣q̇ebloba)
  • German: Sendung (de) f, Übertragung (de) f, Ausstrahlung (de) f, Rundfunk (de) m
  • Greek: εκπομπή (el) f (ekpompí), μετάδοση (el) f (metádosi)
  • Hebrew: שידור שִׁדּוּר‎ m (shidúr)
  • Hindi: प्रसारण (hi) m (prasāraṇ)
  • Hungarian: adás (hu)
  • Indonesian: siaran
  • Irish: craoladh m, craolachán m
  • Italian: trasmissione (it) f, emissione (it) f, diffusione (it) f
  • Japanese: 放送 (ja) (ほうそう, hōsō)
  • Khmer: ឧគ្ឃោសន (ʼukkhoosaʼnaʼ)
  • Korean: 방송(放送) (ko) (bangsong)
  • Latvian: translācija f, pārraide f
  • Lithuanian: transliacija f
  • Macedonian: емисија f (emisija), емитување n (emituvanje), дифузија f (difuzija)
  • Malay: siaran (ms)
  • Maori: whakapāhotanga, whakapaohotanga, pāhotanga
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: kringkasting m or f, utsending (no) m or f
  • Polish: emisja (pl) f, nadawanie (pl) n
  • Portuguese: emissão (pt) f, retransmissão (pt) f, difusão (pt) f
  • Romanian: difuzare (ro) f, transmisiune (ro) f, emisiune (ro) f
  • Russian: переда́ча (ru) f (peredáča), трансля́ция (ru) f (transljácija), веща́ние (ru) n (veščánije)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: емѝсија f`
    Roman: emìsija (sh) f
  • Slovak: vysielanie n
  • Slovene: oddaja f
  • Spanish: emisión (es) f, retransmisión f
  • Swedish: utsändning (sv) c
  • Turkish: yayın (tr)
  • Ukrainian: переда́ча f (peredáča), трансля́ція f (transljácija)
  • Urdu: نَشْرِیّہ‎ m (naśriyyah)
  • Uzbek: translyatsiya (uz)
  • Vietnamese: phát sóng
  • Welsh: darllediad (cy) m
  • Yiddish: אוידיציע‎ f (oyditsye)

programme transmitted

  • Albanian: emision (sq) m
  • Arabic: بَرْنَامَج‎ m (barnāmaj)
  • Belarusian: перада́ча f (pjeradáča), прагра́ма f (prahráma)
  • Bulgarian: преда́ване (bg) n (predávane), програ́ма (bg) f (prográma)
  • Catalan: programa (ca) m
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 節目节目 (zh) (jiémù)
  • Czech: program (cs) m, pořad (cs) m, relace (cs) f
  • Danish: udsendelse c, programme n
  • Dutch: uitzending (nl) f, programma (nl) n
  • Faroese: sending f
  • Finnish: lähetys (fi)
  • French: émission (fr) f
  • Georgian: გადაცემა (gadacema)
  • German: Sendung (de) f
  • Greek: εκπομπή (el) f (ekpompí), μετάδοση (el) f (metádosi), πρόγραμμα (el) n (prógramma)
  • Hebrew: שידור שִׁדּוּר‎ m (shidúr)
  • Hungarian: adás (hu)
  • Indonesian: siaran
  • Irish: craoladh m
  • Italian: programma (it)
  • Japanese: 番組 (ja) (ばんぐみ, bangumi)
  • Kazakh: бағдарлама (kk) (bağdarlama)
  • Korean: 프로그램 (ko) (peurogeuraem), 프로 (ko) (peuro)
  • Macedonian: емисија f (emisija), програма f (programa)
  • Malay: siaran (ms)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: program n, utsending (no) m or f
  • Persian: برنامه (fa) (barnâme)
  • Polish: audycja (pl) f, emisja (pl) f, program (pl) m
  • Portuguese: transmissão (pt) f
  • Romanian: emisiune (ro) f
  • Russian: переда́ча (ru) f (peredáča), програ́мма (ru) f (prográmma)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: емѝсија f, про̀грам m
    Roman: emìsija (sh) f, prògram (sh) m
  • Slovak: program (sk) m, relácia (sk) f
  • Slovene: program m, oddaja f
  • Spanish: programa (es) m, emisión (es) f
  • Swedish: program (sv) n, sändning (sv) c
  • Tajik: барнома (tg) (barnoma)
  • Thai: รายการ (th) (raai-gaan), โปรแกรม (th) (bproo-grɛm)
  • Turkish: yayın (tr)
  • Ukrainian: переда́ча f (peredáča), програ́ма f (prohráma)

act of scattering seed

  • Dutch: zaaien (nl) n
  • Finnish: hajakylvö (fi)
  • German: Ausstreuen n (act), Verstreuen n (act), aufgegangene Saat f (crop)
  • Greek: σπορά (el) f (sporá)
  • Maori: ruinga
  • Portuguese: semeadura (pt) f
  • Spanish: diseminar (es)


broadcast (third-person singular simple present broadcasts, present participle broadcasting, simple past and past participle broadcast or broadcasted)

  1. (transitive) To transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means.
    Synonyms: air, transmit
    Antonym: narrowcast
    • 1967 January, “Four Avenues of Service”, in Adventure in Service (Pamphlet [Rotary International]; 52), Evanston, Ill.; Zurich: Rotary International, →OCLC, page 69:

      Practicing vocational service to the limit of one’s vision makes a difference whether an employer regards his employees as «robots or human beings»; it makes a difference in the kind of advertisements he publishes or broadcasts; it makes a difference how he reacts under pressure from a competitor; it makes a difference in the quality of his service.

    • 2005, Robert E. Bartholomew, “Introduction”, in H[erbert] G[eorge] Wells, The War of the Worlds, New York, N.Y.: Cosimo Books, →ISBN, page 8:

      The state of Rhode Island was the scene, on October 30, 1974, of yet another scare involving an adaptation of The War of the Worlds. Broadcast on radio station WPRO, Providence, the drama frightened listeners across the state. The play began with reporters covering a «meteor crash» near Jamestown, the purported Martian landing site. [] City fire stations and other radio and TV outlets reported being inundated with inquiries from anxious callers, as was WPRO, which received more than a hundred calls.

    • 2020, Ava Max, Sorana, Roland Spreckley, Henri Antero Salonen, Cirkut, and Jason Gill (lyrics and music), “OMG What’s Happening”, in Heaven & Hell[4], performed by Ava Max:

      I wanna tell you things and show you all the rest / Broadcast my emotions on the radio and take them off my chest / I hope you’re listening / Are you? Are you?

  2. (transitive) To transmit a message over a wide area; specifically, to send an email in a single transmission to a (typically large) number of people.
    • [1934], Joseph Stalin, “The October Revolution and the National Question”, in The October Revolution: A Collection of Articles & Speeches (Marxist Library), London: Martin Lawrence, →OCLC, section III (The International Importance of the October Revolution), pages 15–16:

      The break with imperialism and the liberation of Russia from the predatory war, the publication of the secret treaties and the solemn abrogation of the policy of seizing foreign soil, the proclamation of national freedom and the recognition of the independence of Finland, the declaration of Russia as a «Federation of Soviet National Republics» and the militant battle-cry of a resolute struggle against imperialism broadcast all over the world by the Soviet government in millions of pamphlets, newspapers, and leaflets in the mother tongues of the peoples of the East and West—all this could not fail to have its effect on the enslaved East and the bleeding West.

    • 2014, Greg[ory J.] Monette, The Wrong Jesus: Fact, Belief, Legend, Truth … Making Sense of What You’ve Heard, Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress in alliance with Tyndale House Publishers, →ISBN, page 178:

      However, truth and lies can usually be confirmed or denied by speaking with eyewitnesses of events in order to verify what took place. The amount of time separating the event in question from when it was broadcasted also makes a difference.

    • 2016, Richard A. Moran, “That Permanent Record”, in The Thing about Work: Showing Up and Other Important Matters: A Worker’s Manual, Brookline, Mass.: Bibliomotion, →ISBN:

      Urban legend has it that someone is monitoring all those e-mails broadcast from your work address. Hard to imagine a more boring job but the truth is, and I shouldn’t have to tell people this, the record of those e-mails is in a server somewhere and it can be monitored.

  3. (intransitive) To appear as a performer, presenter, or speaker in a broadcast programme.
    • 2009, Sian Morgan, “Françoise Dolto: A Biography”, in Guy Hall, Francoise Hivernel, and Sian Morgan, editors, Theory and Practice in Child Psychoanalysis: An Introduction to the Work of Françoise Dolto, London: Karnac Books, →ISBN, page 22:

      She [Françoise Dolto] is most well known in France for her broadcasts on France-Inter, Lorsque l’enfant parait; she broadcasted for twelve minutes every day of the week for two years, answering parents’ questions.

  4. (transitive, agriculture, horticulture, archaic) To sow seeds over a wide area.
    • 1789, Thomas Boothby Parkyns, “Some Account of the Racine de Disette, or Root of Scarcity, of Its Utility, and the Mode of Treating It; from a Letter of Thomas Boothby Parkyns, Esq., Addressed to the Secretary of the above-mentioned Society [the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce].—From the Same Work [vol. 5 of the Transactions of the Society].”, in The Annual Register, or A View of the History, Politics, and Literature, London: Printed for J[ames] Dodsley, in Pall-Mall, →OCLC, page 80, column 1:

      I ſhall content myſelf, [] to ſay that the ſeed ſhoud be ſown in the garden, or very good ground, in rows, or broadcaſt, and as ſoon as the plants are of the ſize of a gooſe-quill, to be tranſplanted in rows of eighteen inches diſtance, and eighteen inches apart, one plant from the other: []

    • 2013 November 9, Sarah Price, “Breathing new life into an old garden [print edition: New life, old garden]”, in The Daily Telegraph (Gardening)[5], London, archived from the original on 15 May 2016, page G1:

      I wanted to grow my own cut flowers for the big day so three months earlier I broadcasted an annual seed mix across a few recently cleared borders.

Usage notes[edit]

The past of broadcast is either broadcast or broadcasted. Both are in use, but broadcast is much more common, especially in the simple past but also as past participle. As of 2019, Google Books search gives 326,000 results for «was broadcast», vs. 12,900 for «was broadcasted». The influence of parallelism with cast prevailing over casted is evident.


  • cast

Derived terms[edit]

  • broadcaster
  • broadcasting
  • narrowcast
  • peercast
  • pointcast
  • simulcast
  • sodcast
  • unicast


to transmit a message or signal through radio waves or electronic means

  • Arabic: أَذَاعَ(ʔaḏāʕa), بَثَّ (ar) (baṯṯa)
  • Belarusian: перадава́ць impf (pjeradavácʹ), перада́ць pf (pjeradácʹ), транслі́раваць impf (translíravacʹ), вяшча́ць impf (vjaščácʹ)
  • Bulgarian: преда́вам по ра́диото (predávam po rádioto), преда́вам (bg) impf (predávam), преда́м pf (predám)
  • Burmese: အသံလွှင့် (my) (a.samhlwang.)
  • Catalan: emetre (ca), transmetre (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 廣播广播 (zh) (guǎngbō), 播報播报 (zh) (bōbào)
  • Czech: vysílat (cs) impf
  • Danish: udsende
  • Dutch: uitzenden (nl), omroepen (nl)
  • Esperanto: elsendi
  • Estonian: edastama
  • Finnish: lähettää (fi)
  • French: diffuser (fr), radiodiffuser (fr) (only by radio), retransmettre (fr)
  • Georgian: მაუწყებლობს (mauc̣q̇eblobs)
  • German: senden (de), verbreiten (de), ausstrahlen (de), übertragen (de)
  • Greek: εκπέμπω (el) (ekpémpo), μεταδίδω (el) (metadído)
  • Hebrew: שידר שִׁדֵּר(shidér)
  • Hindi: प्रसारित करना (prasārit karnā), ब्राडकास्ट करना (brāḍkāsṭ karnā), प्रचारित करना (pracārit karnā)
  • Hungarian: sugároz (hu)
  • Irish: craol
  • Italian: trasmettere (it), diffondere (it), radiodiffondere (it), radiotrasmettere (it), mandare in onda
  • Japanese: 放送する (ja) (ほうそうする, hōsō suru)
  • Khmer: ផ្សាយ (km) (phsaay)
  • Korean: 방송하다 (ko) (bangsonghada)
  • Lao: ກະຈາຍສຽງ (lo) (ka chāi sīang), ຖ່າຽທອດ (thāi thǭt)
  • Latvian: raidīt, pārraidīt, translēt
  • Lithuanian: transliuoti
  • Macedonian: пренесува impf (prenesuva), пренесе pf (prenese), емитува impf (emituva)
  • Malay: siarkan
  • Maori: whakapaoho, whakapāho
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: kringkaste, sende ut
  • Occitan: difusar (oc)
  • Polish: nadawać (pl) impf, nadać (pl) pf
  • Portuguese: transmitir (pt)
  • Romanian: difuza (ro), emite (ro)
  • Russian: веща́ть (ru) impf (veščátʹ), передава́ть (ru) impf (peredavátʹ), переда́ть (ru) pf (peredátʹ), трансли́ровать (ru) impf or pf (translírovatʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: craol
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: емитовати impf
    Roman: emitovati impf
  • Slovak: vysielať impf
  • Slovene: oddajati (sl) impf
  • Spanish: transmitir (es), emitir (es)
  • Swedish: sända ut, utsända (sv)
  • Thai: ถ่ายทอด (th) (tàai-tɔ̂ɔt), แพร่ (th) (prɛ̂ɛ), กระพือ (th) (grà-pʉʉ), ลือ (th) (lʉʉ), ป่าว (th) (bpàao)
  • Turkish: yayınlamak (tr)
  • Ukrainian: передава́ти (uk) impf (peredaváty), переда́ти pf (peredáty), транслюва́ти impf (transljuváty), віща́ти impf (viščáty)
  • Vietnamese: phát thanh (vi), phát sóng, quảng bá (vi)
  • Welsh: darlledu (cy)

to sow seeds over a wide area

  • Bulgarian: хвърлям семена (hvǎrljam semena)
  • Dutch: uitzaaien (nl)
  • Finnish: hajakylvää (fi)
  • Greek: σπέρνω (el) (spérno)
  • Hungarian: vet (hu)
  • Irish: leath, croith
  • Italian: spargere (it)
  • Latin: dissēminō
  • Maori: rui, ruirui
  • Portuguese: semear (pt), disseminar (pt)
  • Swedish: bredså (sv)


  • “broadcast”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
  • broadcast in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913

Further reading[edit]

  • broadcast (disambiguation) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia


  • bad actors

broadcast — перевод на русский


But considering we’re in Italy try to avoid broadcasting the «International Version» of your legs.

Да, я знаю. Но учти, мы находимся в Италии, попытайся избежать трансляции «Международной версии» своих ног.

We’re sorry for this interruption in our outside broadcast from Devil’s End but we still can’t get through to our unit…

Приносим извинения за перебои в трансляции из Края Дьявола, но мы все еще не может дозвониться до нашей съемочной группы…

And, in a rather embarrassing note… scrappy media mogul Elliot Carver was cut off the air tonight… in mid-speech during the inaugural broadcast… of his Worldwide Satellite Network.

И напоследок самая ошеломляющая новость .. Медия-магнат Элиот Карвер вынужден был прервать свою речь .. из-за неполадок во время всемирной трансляции… посвященной запуску его спутниковой сети.

Can we do this after the broadcast Wednesday night?

А можно мы сделаем это после вечерней трансляции в среду?

But I like to think that Jim Haggerty, who was Eisenhower’s press secretary kind of knew what they were getting into when they started allowing press conferences to be recorded for broadcast for the first time.

Но мне нравится думать, что Джим Хеггерти, который был пресс-секретарём Эйзенхауэра, вроде как знал во что они втягиваются, когда начали позволять записывать пресс-конференции для трансляции в первое время.

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In order to conserve power on battery-operated radios… bulletins will be broadcast at two-hour intervals.

В целях экономии батарей, от которых работает радио информационные радио-передачи будут выходить в эфир каждые 2 часа.

You know, this is a live broadcast, there won’t be jitters

«ы знаешь, это пр€мой эфир, Ѕез повторных дублей.

Since this series was first broadcast the dangers of the increasing greenhouse effect have become much more clear.

Со времени первого выхода этого фильма в эфир опасность увеличения парникового эффекта стала более ясной.

Except for planetary exploration, the study of galaxies and cosmology what this episode was about, have undergone the greatest advances since Cosmos was first broadcast.

В отличие от освоения планет, изучение галактик и космология, описанные в этой серии, совершили огромный прогресс с тех пор, как «Космос» впервые вышел в эфир.

I expect every minute of the VP’s PC to be taped and broadcast within 12 hours of his arrival.

Я хочу быть уверен, что ПК бывшего ВП будет записана и выдана в эфир через 12 часов после его прибытия.

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Did he hear your broadcast tonight?

А он слушал сегодняшнюю передачу?

They picked up your broadcast and pinpointed it within this building.

Вашу передачу перехватили. Они знают, что она шла здесь.

Stop the broadcast!

Прекратить передачу!

We’ll resume our broadcast now.

Мы продолжаем передачу.

Bart, you should warn people this episode is very frightening. Maybe they’d rather listen to that War of the Worlds broadcast on N.P.R., hmm?

[ Skipped item nr. 14 ] может, людям лучше послушать старую передачу «Война миров» на радио.

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This is a pirate broadcast.

Прекратить вещание.

Another exclusive live broadcast by Jumping Jump!

Новое эксклюзивное вещание от Прыгуна!

Then I’ll diffuse it, via an illegal broadcast.

Потом я распространю это через нелегальное вещание.

This is Campbell Bain reporting live from the hospital radio occupation, where we have locked ourselves into the station and have refused to stop broadcasting until our future is assured.

Кэмпбелл Бейн в прямом эфире из оккупированной больничной радиостанции, в которой мы забаррикадировались, и отказываемся прекращать вещание до тех пор, пока нам не прояснят наше будущее.

If I don’t get any good news from Evelyn tomorrow about a new mixer, we may have to stop broadcasting altogether.

Если завтра я не получу хороших новостей от Эвелин насчет нового микшера, нам вообще придется прекратить вещание.

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The BBC was worried. Could the film be broadcast?

¬¬— не на шутку встревожилось. ћожно ли транслировать фильм?

Are you continuing to broadcast tactical reports?

Вы продолжаете транслировать тактические отчеты?

Something we could hook into the communications station and broadcast over the communicator?

Чтобы присоединить его к системе связи и транслировать на планету?

Also mother, it would be best if the partisan radio broadcast of lullabies is stopped.

И еще. Мама, хватит транслировать колыбельные в партизанской радиосети.

Except the Chinese, who have refused broadcast rights.

За исключением Китая, где отказались транслировать его передачи.

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Earthforce stations are configured to broadcast their I. D. on a subchannel.

Станции Земных Сил должны передавать свой код на поднесущей частоте.

Yesterday they start broadcasting primes.

А вчера оттуда стали передавать числа. Почему?

Ever since we started broadcasting we’ve gotten reports back from half of the outer colonies still aligned with Earth.

С тех пор, как мы начали передавать, мы получаем отклики от половины внешних колоний, все еще преданных Земле.

One of our operators on Apophis’s ship will have planted a beacon that will broadcast that energy signature.

Один из наших оперативников на корабле Апофиса установит передатчик, который будет передавать этот сигнал.

I can broadcast on multiple frequencies.

Я могу передавать на многих частотах.

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I’ll broadcast on this frequency three times daily.

Я буду вещать на этой частоте три раза в день.

There’s no need to broadcast this all over the island.

Совершенно необязательно вещать на весь остров.

Here, I don’t think we need to broadcast this to the whole fleet.

Эй, я думаю нам не обязательно вещать это на весь флот.

I called my mother and told her we’re gonna broadcast all over the country.

Я позвонил матери и сказал, что мы начинаем вещать на всю страну.

Night Talk will not be broadcast nationally tonight… due to the usual corporate, big business, inefficiency, sloppiness and bureaucracy.

«Ночная Беседа» не станет сегодня вещать на всю нацию… из-за обычной корпоративной этики, большого бизнеса, неэффективности, разгильдяйства и бюрократии.

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We’re broadcasting directly from the Port of Naples.

А сейчас – неаполитанская хроника в прямом эфире.

Ruby Rhod is broadcasting live and needs to interview you.

Руби Роид проведет интервью с Вами в прямом эфире.

We just got nominated for an Excellence in Broadcasting Decency award.

Нас только что номинировали на премию в категории «Честность в прямом эфире»

Sarah’s gonna be broadcasting live from the record store, right ?

Шоу Сары будет идти в прямом эфире из музыкального магазина, так?

Broadcasting live and exclusively… to select establishments across Russia and Europe.

Эксклюзивно и в прямом эфире… Специально отобранные бойцы из исправительных учреждений России и Европы.

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Now, on the assumption that Myers is listening to the car radio, we’re issuing these broadcasts in the State, containing false information as to his whereabouts and not connecting the two men with him.

Исходя из того, что Майерс слушает радио… Мы передадим по американскому радио ложную информацию о его местонахождении. и не будем связывать с Майерсом исчезновение двух мужчин.

Ellen, didn’t you hear the radio broadcast?

Эллен, ты разве не слышала новости по радио?

A broadcast from London gave details of the transports

Лондонское радио передало подробности о последних транспортах.

In case you ever get homesick. This button gives you American language broadcasts.

Если понадобится эта кнопка включает американское радио.

How did you get interested in broadcasting?

Почему вы выбрали радио?

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«Resumption of normal broadcasting is anticipated within the next 12 hours.

…нормальное радиовещание будет восстановленов течениеследующих12-тичасов.

Civilian broadcasting.

Гражданское радиовещание.

— The teeth were broadcasting.

-Через зубы шло радиовещание.

We are gonna make this the most outrageous and original hospital broadcasting outfit in the country.

Мы создадим самое скандальное и оригинальное больничное радиовещание в стране.

This is the BBC World Service, broadcasting from London.

Это Би-би-си, радиовещание из Лондона.

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См. также в других словарях:

  • broadcast — Ⅰ. broadcast UK US /ˈbrɔːdkɑːst/ US  /ˈbrɔːdˌkæst/ verb [I or T] (broadcast, US also broadcasted, broadcast, US also broadcasted) COMMUNICATIONS ► to send out a programme on television or radio, or over the internet: »The company s final quarter… …   Financial and business terms

  • Broadcast — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Broadcast puede designar: Broadcast (informática), transmisión de un paquete que será recibido por todos los dispositivos en una red. El Dominio de difusión, más conocido como dominio broadcast en inglés, un segmento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Broadcast — Broadcast  передача (вещание) сигналов, например аудио/видео: В Викисловаре есть статья «broadcast» Broadcasting  маршрутизация …   Википедия

  • broadcast — broadcast; ra·dio·broadcast; re·broadcast; …   English syllables

  • broadcast — [n] information on electronic media advertisement, air time, announcement, newscast, performance, program, publication, radiocast, show, simulcast, telecast, transmission; concepts 274,293 broadcast [v1] put forth on electronic media air,… …   New thesaurus

  • broadcast — ► VERB (past broadcast; past part. broadcast or broadcasted) 1) transmit by radio or television. 2) tell to many people. 3) scatter (seeds) rather than placing in drills or rows. ► NOUN ▪ a radio or television programme or transmi …   English terms dictionary

  • broadcast — [brôd′kast΄, brôd′käst΄] vt. broadcast or broadcasted, broadcasting 1. to scatter (seed) over a broad area rather than sow in drills 2. to spread (information, gossip, etc.) widely 3. to transmit, as to a large audience, by radio or television vi …   English World dictionary

  • Broadcast — (o en castellano difusiones ) , se producen cuando una fuente envía datos a todos los dispositivos de una red. En la tecnología Ethernet el broadcast se realiza enviando tramas con dirección MAC de destino FF.FF.FF.FF.FF.FF. En el protocolo IP se …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • broadcast — verb, by analogy with cast, is unchanged in its past form and past participle: The programme will be broadcast on Saturdays …   Modern English usage

  • Broadcast — Broad cast , a. 1. Cast or dispersed in all directions, as seed from the hand in sowing; widely diffused. [1913 Webster] 2. Scattering in all directions (as a method of sowing); opposed to planting in hills, or rows. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Broadcast — Broad cast , adv. So as to scatter or be scattered in all directions; so as to spread widely, as seed from the hand in sowing, or news from the press. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Other forms: broadcasting; broadcasts; broadcasted

To broadcast is to air a program, especially on TV or radio. It also means to tell people about something. If you paint your one true love’s name on your car, you broadcast your feelings to the whole world!

The word broadcast used to have to do with spreading seed, but now it refers to spreading information. It can be a noun or verb — if you turn on the radio, you’re hearing a broadcast, and the station is broadcasting that show. You don’t have to be in a studio to broadcast, though. Any time you let a lot of people know about something (whether they like it or not), you broadcast. When information is broadcast, it becomes widely known.

Definitions of broadcast

  1. verb

    broadcast over the airwaves, as in radio or television

  2. verb

    cause to become widely known

    broadcast the news”


    circularise, circularize, circulate, diffuse, disperse, disseminate, distribute, pass around, propagate, spread

    circulate, go around, spread

    become widely known and passed on

  3. verb

    sow over a wide area, especially by hand

  4. noun

    a radio or television show


    program, programme

    see moresee less


    show 18 types…
    hide 18 types…
    news, news program, news show

    a program devoted to current events, often using interviews and commentary


    a program that is broadcast again

    chat show, talk show

    a program during which well-known people discuss a topic or answer questions telephoned in by the audience

    TV program, TV show, television program, television show

    a program broadcast by television

    game show, giveaway

    a television or radio program in which contestants compete for awards

    serial, series

    a serialized set of programs

    episode, installment, instalment

    a part of a broadcast serial

    sustaining program

    a program without a commercial sponsor


    a program in which the audience participates by telephone

    colorcast, colourcast

    a television program that is broadcast in color

    pilot, pilot film, pilot program

    a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors

    quiz program

    a game show in which contestants answer questions


    an episode that ends in suspense

    soap opera

    a serialized program usually dealing with sentimentalized family matters that is broadcast on radio or television (frequently sponsored by a company advertising soap products)


    a series of four related works (plays or operas or novels)

    television news

    a television broadcast of news

    sitcom, situation comedy

    a humorous television program based on situations that could arise in everyday life


    a television production that features a particular person or work or topic

    type of:


    a social event involving a public performance or entertainment

  5. noun

    message that is transmitted by radio or television

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘broadcast’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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broadcast / broadcast / broadcasting / broadcasts


Connie, we’ll initiate the emergency broadcast system.

Конни, запустим экстренную систему вещания.



A wireless router can broadcast on several different channels.

Беспроводной маршрутизатор может передавать сигнал по нескольким разным каналам.



National television, as its contribution, broadcast “Swan Lake.”

Национальное телевидение в качестве своего вклада транслировало «Лебединое озеро».


другие переводы 1







The anti-Putin broadcast was one-off.

Антипутинская передача оказалась единственной.




Broadcast online to a large audience.

проводить онлайн-трансляции для широкой аудитории;



Connie, we’ll initiate the emergency broadcast system.

Конни, запустим экстренную систему вещания.




In a radio broadcast on April 12, the clerics issued a threat:

12 апреля в радиопередаче от имамов прозвучала угроза:



Broadcast your work to anyone, anywhere (0:57)

Широковещательный показ презентаций для всех пользователей из любой точки мира (0:57)



Usage of hand held equipment and overall application by broadcast was considered unacceptable for operators.

Применение ручного оборудования и сплошного внесения путем разбросного нанесения было сочтено неприемлемым для операторов.


другие переводы 6


Словосочетания (198)

  1. air i broadcast — выступать в передаче
  2. beam broadcast — направлять передачу
  3. broadcast access — широковещательный доступ
  4. broadcast address — широковещательный адрес
  5. broadcast addressing — широковещательная адресация
  6. broadcast advertisement — реклама по радио и телевидению
  7. broadcast advertising — реклама по радио
  8. broadcast antenna — радиовещательная антенна
  9. broadcast appeal — обращение по радио
  10. broadcast automation — автоматизация выпуска телепрограмм



Connie, we’ll initiate the emergency broadcast system.
Конни, запустим экстренную систему вещания.

The anti-Putin broadcast was one-off.
Антипутинская передача оказалась единственной.

Broadcast online to a large audience.
проводить онлайн-трансляции для широкой аудитории;

A wireless router can broadcast on several different channels.
Беспроводной маршрутизатор может передавать сигнал по нескольким разным каналам.

National television, as its contribution, broadcast “Swan Lake.”
Национальное телевидение в качестве своего вклада транслировало «Лебединое озеро».


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Inflections of ‘broadcast‘ (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past (Less common)
v past p
v past p (Less common)

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

broadcast [ˈbrɔːdkɑːst]
(pt, pp broadcast)
n (RADIO) (радио)переда́ча; (TV) (теле)переда́ча
vt (RADIO) передава́ть*(переда́ть*perf) по ра́дио,
трансли́ровать (impf)
(TV) передава́ть*(переда́ть*perf) по телеви́дению,
трансли́ровать (impf)

vi трансли́роваться (impf)

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

broadcast‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


These figures also include TV that is recorded and watched within seven days after broadcast.

Эти цифры также включают в себя телевизор, который будет записан и смотрел в течение семи дней после трансляции.

So please wait to connect to William Hill broadcast.

Поэтому, пожалуйста, ждать, чтобы подключиться к WDR Fernsehen трансляции.

Furthermore, six local radio stations broadcast in Sami.

Кроме того, на этом языке осуществляют вещание шесть местных радиостанций.

Because of this 1080p is not used for broadcast.

Однако само разрешение 1080p в настоящее время не используется для вещания.

I know that every woman who watched the broadcast, was outraged.

Я знаю, что каждая женщина, которая смотрела этот эфир, была возмущена.

Such programmes are also being broadcast nowadays.

Подобные программы выходят в эфир и в настоящее время.

Russian Radio even refused to broadcast these programmes in 1968.

Советские радиостанции даже отказывались эти программы в 1968 году выпускать в эфир.

Rather than just use his newfound territory as a broadcast point, Bates got creative.

Вместо того, чтобы просто использовать свою вновь обретенную территорию в качестве точки вещания, Бейтс проявил творческий подход.

Ebonics is broadcast all day long on MTV and VH1.

Клип получил широкую трансляцию на MTV и VH1 в течении длительного времени.

This time a broadcast was launched, Powerbook laptop release.

На этот раз в эфир запустили ролик, посвящённый выходу лэптопа РошёгЬоок.

However, Eutelsat recently decided to unilaterally terminate NTDTV broadcast.

Однако, недавно Eutelsat решил в одностороннем порядке завершить трансляцию передач ТВНДТ.

The broadcast receiving module 111 may be configured to receive digital broadcast signals transmitted from various types of broadcast systems.

Модуль 111 приема вещания может быть выполнен с возможностью приема сигналов вещания, передающихся от различных типов систем вещания.

The exclusive right to broadcast and to permit others to broadcast the Festival.

Эксклюзивные права на вещание и разрешение другим организациям на трансляцию.

This video is from a Japanese TV broadcast that did a 33 minute broadcast of this show.

Это видео из японской телевизионной трансляции, TV компания сделала 33-минутную трансляцию этого шоу.

The broadcast policy is trying to prevent this happening.

А предупредительная деятельность направлена на то, чтобы это не допустить».

That is, unless they have separate broadcast networks.

Правда, при условии, что между ними есть ретрансляционные станции.

Television and radio stations broadcast no news.

Государственные и частные теле- и радиостанции не передавали выпуски новостей.

Spectrum allocated to broadcast television is only partially used.

Радиоволны, которые используются для телевизионных передач, распространяются только по прямой.

Berber cultural programmes are broadcast periodically.

Время от времени осуществляется показ программ, посвященных культуре берберского народа.

These broadcast services are now operational.

В настоящее время эти вещательные системы уже функционируют.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат broadcast

Результатов: 22136. Точных совпадений: 22136. Затраченное время: 115 мс


Корпоративные решения




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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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