Is there a word afterwards

впоследствии, потом, позже


- впоследствии, позднее, позже, после, потом

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Примеры с переводом

She died not long afterwards.

Вскоре после этого она умерла.

Afterwards, I was asked to write a book.

После этого /впоследствии/ мне предложили написать книгу.

Afterward, she got a promotion.

Впоследствии, она получила повышение.

Charles arrived shortly afterwards.

Чарльз прибыл вскоре после этого.

He found out about it long afterward.

Он узнал об этом много позже /много лет спустя/.

The experience haunted me for years afterward.

То что я пережил, преследовало меня ещё много лет.

Возможные однокоренные слова

afterwards — перевод на русский


And then afterwards you’ll come with me to the fête?

Но потом ты придешь ко мне в кафе?

And set the body on fire afterwards.

А потом сжечь тело.

We’ll get married, and then we’ll work out some way what we’ll do afterwards.

Мы поженимся, и тогда уж будем думать, что делать потом.

— I did afterwards!

— Но потом я играл!

I once met Alice Alquist. I was taken to hear her… at a command performance when I was 12 years old… and afterwards to meet her in the artists’ room.

Когда мне было двенадцать, я слышал ее в опере, а потом встретился с ней.

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And afterwards…

А позже…

I didn’t tell you afterwards because there were so many things coming up to make me worry.

Я не сказал вам об этом позже, потому что всплыло много новых подробностей, которые заставили меня волноваться.

I’m afraid you’ll do or say something you’ll be sorry for afterwards.

Я боюсь, сейчас ты можешь сказать что-то, о чем позже пожалеешь.

— Yes, sir. But afterwards…

Да, сэр, но позже…

«Afterwards … when we were grabbed,»

Позже… пока мы скрывались,

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Well, the first time, yes, but then afterwards, of course…

Ну да, первое время, но впоследствии, конечно…

But it’s only afterwards, once we’ve won, that the real difficulties begin.

И лишь впоследствии, когда мы победим, начнутся настоящие трудности.

Hope you can often come afterwards

Надежда вы можете часто приехать впоследствии

If will have a meteoric rise afterwards , will hope you take care of more

Если будете иметь meteoric увеличение впоследствии, понадеетесь вы заботитесь о более

And who uses young delinquents. He gets rid of them afterwards in the same way as the other witnesses.

Он берёт в сообщники лишь молодых напарников, от которых впоследствии избавляется, как и от любых свидетелей.

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Afterwards you’ll come to the Rue de Brea. -Exactly. Why do you come into the Rue de Brea?

Затем ты пойдёшь на Рю де Бриард, чтобы встретиться перед ломбардом.

Afterwards a pump is lead into the tube and the loose earth is sucked up.

Затем к трубе подсоединяют помпу и раздробленная земля высасывается.

— Come and have some food with us afterwards.

— Летите, а затем перекусим вместе.

Afterwards we’ll fly to all the settlements.

Затем мы полетим по всем поселениям.

Afterwards I asked him for a job.

Затем я завел разговор о работе.

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He was killed shortly afterwards in a duel.

Вскоре он погиб на дуэли.

He was killed right afterwards.

Он вскоре тоже был убит.

Shortly afterwards I was a woman — and for years my pride was constrained to submit.

Вскоре я стал женщиной — и годы был принуждён держать в узде свою гордость.

A few moments afterwards, at a corner house on the other side of the street, a young officer appeared.

Вскоре на одной стороне улицы из-за угольного дома показался молодой офицер.

I knew a woman once, but she died soon afterwards.

Когда-то я знал одну женщину, но она вскоре умерла.

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Afterwards, Spock rose to commander in chief of the Empire by preaching reforms, disarmament, peace.

Позднее Спок возглавил империю, проповедуя реформы, разоружение и мир.

Yes, a limited supply of free drink afterwards.

Позднее будет ограниченное количество бесплатной выпивки.

And then afterwards, when he played it alone with his finger…

И потом, позднее, когда он сыграл эту песню один с этим своим пальцем…

Shortly afterwards,


He even suggested afterwards I’d be ready for bed.

Он даже предположил позднее, что я буду готов пойти в постель.

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If he didn’t do so then, he must have realised very soon afterwards that this was the most important discovery of his life.

Быть может не сразу, но в скором времени к нему пришло осознание, что тогда он совершил самое важное открытие в своей жизни.

Immediately afterwards, it is explained.

Сразу же следует объяснение:

Since even I was surprised at myself, I ran away right afterwards.

Я сама себе удивилась, поэтому я сразу же убежала.

It’s a five-minute conversation, and then you get to have sex afterwards.

Поговорите каких-то пять минут, а потом сразу займётесь сексом.

Only, it’s just your brother-in-law Mark told us he’d come up here to tell you the news straight afterwards and couldn’t find you.

Но ваш деверь, Марк, сказал, что приходил сюда, чтобы сразу же сообщить эту новость, и не смог вас найти.

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A lot of times kids who are awake during surgery don’t remember afterwards.

Дети, которые долгое время бодрствуют на операции, в последствии ничего не помнят.

Notify Family Afterwards.

Уведомить семью о последствии.

What about Notify Family Afterwards?

А что на счет семейном уведомлении о последствии?

Sometimes they might even thank you for it afterwards.

В последствии вас за это могут даже отблагодарить.

She must have altered the orders afterwards.

Она должно быть изменила чеки в последствии

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And useless afterwards.

Дальше нет смысла продолжать.

Afterwards, I don’t remember anymore.

Дальше я ничего не помню.

— But what happens afterwards?

— Но что будет дальше?

What will we do afterwards?

И что дальше?

What will we do afterwards?

Что нам делать с этим дальше?

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Pleasure it brings you afterwards.

В конце концов это доставляет удовольствие.

Afterwards, women couldn’t compete in the games.

В конце концов, женщины не могли соревноваться в играх.

We thought she’d come home afterwards, but…

Мы думали, что в конце концов она вернется домой, но…

But afterwards too, you kept her around, even though she has her own family and home.

Но, в конце концов, вы продолжали держать её у себя, хотя у неё есть и семья, и дом.

Afterwards I have a henhouse he can guard.

В конце концов, он может охранять мой курятник.

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впоследствии, потом, позже, затем
(1). Наречия относительного времени могут стоять как в начале предложения, так и в конце предложения. К ним относятся: afterwards, before, long, later, later on, then, presently, the following day, next day, shortly afterwords.
(2). See after, .

English-Russian word troubles.

Смотреть что такое «afterwards» в других словарях:

  • Afterwards — Aft er*wards, Afterward Aft er*ward, adv. [AS. [ae]fteweard, a., behind. See {Aft}, and { ward} (suffix). The final s in afterwards is adverbial, orig. a genitive ending.] At a later or succeeding time. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • afterwards — index hereafter (henceforth), thereafter Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • afterwards — (adv.) c.1300, from AFTERWARD (Cf. afterward) (q.v.) + adverbial genitive s; originally a Northern form …   Etymology dictionary

  • afterwards — (US also afterward) ► ADVERB ▪ at a later or future time …   English terms dictionary

  • Afterwards — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Ein Engel im Winter Originaltitel Afterwards Et après …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • afterwards — af|ter|wards W3S2 [ˈa:ftəwədz US ˈæftərwərdz] adv also afterward after an event or time that has already been mentioned ▪ Charles arrived shortly afterwards . days/weeks etc afterwards ▪ The experience haunted me for years afterward . ▪ She died… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • afterwards — [[t]ɑ͟ːftə(r)wə(r)dz, æ̱f [/t]] ♦♦♦ ADV: ADV with cl (The form afterward is also used, mainly in American English.) If you do something or if something happens afterwards, you do it or it happens after a particular event or time that has already… …   English dictionary

  • afterwards — adv. shortly afterwards * * * [ ɑːftəwəd(z)] shortly afterwards …   Combinatory dictionary

  • afterwards — adverb also afterward AmE after an event or time that has already been mentioned: The ceremony lasts half an hour and afterward there s a meal. | 2 days/3 weeks etc afterwards: My parents met during the war but didn t marry till five years… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • afterwards */*/*/ — UK [ˈɑːftə(r)wə(r)dz] / US [ˈæftərwərdz] adverb after something else that you have already mentioned Let s go and see a film and afterwards we could go for a meal. I didn t see her again until a few days afterwards …   English dictionary

  • afterwards*/*/ — [ˈɑːftəwədz] adv after something else that you have already mentioned Let s go and see a film and afterwards we could go for a meal.[/ex] I didn t see her again until a few days afterwards.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

Asked by: Kale Gibson

Score: 4.7/5
(56 votes)

Afterwards is an adverb. If something happens afterwards, it happens after a particular event or time that has already been mentioned. You often use afterwards in expressions like not long afterwards, soon afterwards, and shortly afterwards. She died soon afterwards.

How do you use afterward in a sentence?

Afterwards sentence example

  • Soon afterwards he entered political life. …
  • Afterwards , I went to the horses to grab our lunch. …
  • I thought afterwards seven was too early and changed the reservation to eight. …
  • Afterwards , she snuggled into his arms, content with the sound of his heartbeat and the feel of his arms around her.

Can we say afterwards?

Grammar. After means ‘later than’ and ‘next in time or place’. … We can use after as an adverb, but afterwards is more common.

Does afterwards need a comma?

Don’t write commas unless there is a clear need for them. A comma is optional after Afterwards in 1., although I think it would probably be used in AE. Got it, e2efour.

Is it grammatically correct to put a comma before and?

Use a comma before any coordinating conjunction (and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet) that links two independent clauses. … An independent clause is a unit of grammatical organization that includes both a subject and verb and can stand on its own as a sentence.

33 related questions found

What are the 8 rules for commas?

What are the 8 rules for commas?

  • Use a comma to separate independent clauses.
  • Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase.
  • Use a comma between all items in a series.
  • Use commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses.
  • Use a comma to set off appositives.
  • Use a comma to indicate direct address.

What type of word is afterwards?

Afterwards is an adverb — Word Type.

Is it after or afterwards?

So while there is technically no difference between ‘after’ as an adverb and ‘afterward’, generally most native speakers prefer ‘afterward’ or ‘afterwards’. This sounds more complete and provides the listener or reader with the idea that an adverb is being used, especially when it ends the sentence.

What is the meaning of soon afterwards?

adverb. If you do something or if something happens afterwards, you do it or it happens after a particular event or time that has already been mentioned. Shortly afterwards, police arrested four suspects. James was taken to hospital but died soon afterwards. Not long afterward she received five calls in one day.

What is the sentence of as soon as?

As-soon-as sentence example. I went to sleep last night, almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. We’ll be back as soon as we’re done. «Tim,» Brady said as soon as he stepped into the open.

When should we use afterwards?

Afterwards is an adverb. If something happens afterwards, it happens after a particular event or time that has already been mentioned. You often use afterwards in expressions like not long afterwards, soon afterwards, and shortly afterwards. She died soon afterwards.

What can I say instead of after that?

synonyms for after that

  • thenceforth.
  • consequently.
  • following.
  • forever after.
  • from that day forward.
  • from that day on.
  • from there on.
  • hereafter.

How do you use after and later?

Learn English: After or later?

  1. «She is going to catch a later train.» ‘Later’ can be an adverb too. …
  2. «He will be back later.» ‘After’ can also be an adverb. …
  3. «He arrived at noon and his sister arrived soon after.» …
  4. «Let’s go for a swim after lunch.» …
  5. «Three months after they left Australia, they settled in the UK.»

Can a sentence start with after?

Answer and Explanation:

You can begin a sentence with the word after. The word ‘after’ is a preposition.

How do afterward and afterwards difference?

There is no difference in meaning between afterwards and afterward. You may hear: Why don’t we take her to lunch afterwards? Both “afterward” and “afterwards” can be used in the same way you would use the word later.

Is formal afterward?

In everyday American English, the two variants are interchangeable, but for more formal writing afterward is the safer choice. You can remember to reserve afterwards for British audiences since it is spelled with the same S that appears three times in Sussex.

What does Therupon mean?

: immediately after that. : on the thing that has been mentioned. See the full definition for thereupon in the English Language Learners Dictionary. thereupon.

What does later on mean?

: at a time in the future or following an earlier time We’ll talk about this subject some more later on.

Where do I place a comma?

Commas (Eight Basic Uses)

  1. Use a comma to separate independent clauses. …
  2. Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase. …
  3. Use a comma between all items in a series. …
  4. Use commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses. …
  5. Use a comma to set off appositives. …
  6. Use a comma to indicate direct address. …
  7. Use commas to set off direct quotations.

When listing things do you use a comma?

When making a list, commas are the most common way to separate one list item from the next. The final two items in the list are usually separated by «and» or «or», which should be preceeded by a comma. Amongst editors this final comma in a list is known as the «Oxford Comma».

When should a comma not be used?

Do not use commas to set off essential elements of the sentence, such as clauses beginning with that (relative clauses). That clauses after nouns are always essential. That clauses following a verb expressing mental action are always essential.

Is it correct to say soon after?

Yes. As for your reference, there is a sentence below. Soon after, they came across a little house made out of candy. You can say eg Soon after that, they came across a little house made out of candy.

If you listen carefully to spoken English, you will notice that some people add an -s to many directional adverbs, while others do not. These variations also appear in written English.

While afterward and afterwards refer to events in time, rather than directions or physical locations, they are subject to the same principle. Read on to learn whether afterwards or afterward is appropriate for your own writing.

What is the Difference Between Afterward and Afterwards?

In this article, I will compare afterward vs. afterwards. I will use each word in a sentence to illustrate its proper content, and I will then reveal an easy memory trick to help you remember when it is use appropriate to use afterward and when it is use appropriate to use afterwards.

When to Use Afterword

Define afterwards define afterwardWhat does afterword mean? Before we discuss afterward and afterwards, we need to address an unrelated word that often gets misused: afterword.

An afterword is a concluding section of a book. This section is usually written by a person other than the main author.

Here is an example,

  • My autobiography features an afterword written by noted tech investor Mark Cuban.
  • It is still in print, and there are plans for a paperback, with a new afterword. –The New York Times

This is the only context in which afterword can be used. In all other instances, choose one of the words we are about to explore.

When to Use Afterward

Afterword versus afterward What does afterward mean? Afterward is an adverb. It is a synonym of later. It can be used in the ways demonstrated in the following sentences,

  • Morgan and Alex had a nice dinner, and went out for dessert afterward.
  • Afterward, the killer buried their bodies in the river flats.
  • Shortly afterward, a cybersecurity consulting firm reported the OneTouch Ping’s flaws, said Marene Allison, J&J’s chief information security officer. –The Wall Street Journal

When to Use Afterwards

What does afterwards mean? Afterwards carries the same meaning as afterward, and is used in all the same contexts.

There is no clear preference for either word in American English, as evidenced by the below chart graphing afterward vs. afterwards in American English:

afterward versus afterwards

They are interchangeable in common usage, but for formal writing, some American editors prefer afterward. On the other hand, this next graph shows that afterwards is the preferred term in British English:

Definition of afterwards definition of afterward

These charts only examine word frequency in books written in English since 1800. They are unscientific, but still useful for identifying broad usage patterns.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Here is a helpful trick to remember afterwards vs. afterward.

An afterword is the concluding section of a book. This context is the only way this word is used. Afterword and book are each spelled with at least one O, so keeping this word separate will not be difficult.

Afterward and afterwards are adverbs. They are interchangeable in everyday American English, though some editors prefer afterward in professional and academic writing. In British English, afterwards enjoys a slight advantage.

You can remember to use afterwards for British audiences since it contains an S, like the British town of Sussex.


Is it afterward or afterwards? Afterward and afterwards are adverbs that are synonymous with the word later. They are sometimes confused with the noun afterword, which is a section in some books.

Afterwards appears to be slightly more common than afterward in British English. In everyday American English, the two variants are interchangeable, but for more formal writing afterward is the safer choice.

You can remember to reserve afterwards for British audiences since it is spelled with the same S that appears three times in Sussex.

Now that you know whether you should choose afterward or afterwards, you can write an afterword for someone else’s book in which you recommend as a helpful knowledge base covering a variety of writing topics.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Afterward and Afterwards?
  • 2 When to Use Afterword
  • 3 When to Use Afterward
  • 4 When to Use Afterwards
  • 5 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary

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