Is the word win a verb

Перевод win с английского на русский

  • выиграть (победить, завоевать, выигрывать, побеждать, одержать, завоевывать, одержать победу, покорить, отвоевать, отвоевывать)
  • заслужить (снискать, получить, получать, удостоиться)
  • добиться
  • занять
  • покорять
  • одерживать победу


  • win the battle (выиграть сражение)
  • win the game (победить в игре)
  • win popularity (завоевать популярность)
  • win races (выигрывать гонки)
  • win elections (побеждать на выборах)
  • win hearts (покорить сердца)
  • win the award (получить награду)
  • win respect (добиться уважения)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)
win won won winning
[wɪn] [wʌn] [wʌn] [ˈwɪnɪŋ]
[wɪn] [wʌn] [wʌn] [ˈwɪnɪŋ]

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Спряжение win в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I win
  • you win
  • he, she wins
  • we win
  • you win
  • they win

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I won
  • you won
  • he, she won
  • we won
  • you won
  • they won

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will win
  • you will win
  • he, she will win
  • we will win
  • you will win
  • they will win

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am winning
  • you are winning
  • he, she is winning
  • we are winning
  • you are winning
  • they are winning

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was winning
  • you were winning
  • he, she was winning
  • we were winning
  • you were winning
  • they were winning

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be winning
  • you will be winning
  • he, she will be winning
  • we will be winning
  • you will be winning
  • they will be winning

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have won
  • you have won
  • he, she has won
  • we have won
  • you have won
  • they have won

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had won
  • you had won
  • he, she had won
  • we had won
  • you had won
  • they had won

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have won
  • you will have won
  • he, she will have won
  • we will have won
  • you will have won
  • they will have won

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been winning
  • you have been winning
  • he, she has been winning
  • we have been winning
  • you have been winning
  • they have been winning

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been winning
  • you had been winning
  • he, she had been winning
  • we had been winning
  • you had been winning
  • they had been winning

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been winning
  • you will have been winning
  • he, she will have been winning
  • we will have been winning
  • you will have been winning
  • they will have been winning

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would win
  • you would win
  • he, she would win
  • we would win
  • you would win
  • they would win


  • I would have won
  • you would have won
  • he, she would have won
  • we would have won
  • you would have won
  • they would have won

Present Continuous

  • I would be winning
  • you would be winning
  • he, she would be winning
  • we would be winning
  • you would be winning
  • they would be winning

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been winning
  • you would have been winning
  • he, she would have been winning
  • we would have been winning
  • you would have been winning
  • they would have been winning

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you win
  • we Let’s win
  • you win

Проспрягать другие глаголы

host, confine, shell, prosecute, concert, blend, prefer, suppress, get, hustle, reduce, excuse, contain, ally, reimburse, undermine, realize, testify, deprive, change, explain, approve, elongate, isolate, crush, repeal, populate

победа, выигрыш, выигрывать, побеждать, заработать


- выигрыш, победа (особ. на скачках, в спорте)
- pl. выигранные деньги
- пенс


- выиграть; победить, одержать победу (тж. win out, win a victory)

- заслужить, снискать, добиться, завоевать

- редк. заработать

to win one’s livelihood /one’s daily bread/ — зарабатывать себе на жизнь, добывать свой хлеб насущный

- (часто upon) убедить, уговорить; склонить на свою сторону (тж. win over)

to win smb. to consent — уговорить кого-л. согласиться
you have won me! — вы меня убедили!; ≅ хорошо, уговорили
to win smb. (over) to one’s cause — склонить кого-л. на свою сторону, завоевать сторонника
to win upon /on/ smb. — постепенно завоёвывать чьё-л. признание, сочувствие
the idea is winning upon him — он мало-помалу склоняется к этой мысли
she could not win him to any conversation — она никак не могла втянуть его в разговор

- добраться, достичь (с трудом); дотянуться, дотащиться

- редк. захватить (пленного, добычу, трофей); завоевать

to win a fortress — взять крепость

- эвф. украсть, раздобыть
- диал. убирать (урожай)
- добывать (руду, уголь)
- извлекать (металл из руды)
- карт. взять взятку; побить карту

to win one’s letter — заслужить право быть членом спортивной организации
to win and wear — владеть и распоряжаться
lightly won, lightly gone — ≅ легко нажито, легко прожито
either to win the horse or lose the saddle — ≅ либо пан, либо пропал
to win or place — двойное пари; ставка на первую и вторую лошадь (на скачках)
to win, place or show — амер. тройное пари; ставка на первую, вторую и третью лошадь (на скачках)

Мои примеры


a pitcher with 15 wins — питчер с пятнадцатью победами  
win someone’s confidence and friendship — завоевать чьё-то доверие и дружбу  
the capability to win — способность побеждать  
to win a case — выиграть дело, выиграть процесс  
to win a championship — выиграть чемпионат, победить на чемпионате  
to gain / win smb.’s confidence — завоевать чьё-л. доверие  
to achieve / attain / win fame — достигать известности, славы  
to win smb.’s favour — завоевать чью-л. благосклонность  
to win an action — выиграть дело  
to receive / win a fellowship — получить стипендию  
to establish / secure / win a foothold — стать твёрдой ногой, утвердиться, укрепиться  
to gain / secure / win freedom — обретать свободу  

Примеры с переводом

You have won me.

Вы меня уговорили.

I never win at cards.

Я никогда не выигрываю в карты.

They played well, but they didn’t win.

Они хорошо играли, но не победили.

The home team has won.

Команда хозяев одержала победу.

They won him to their side.

Они склонили его на свою сторону.

We won by just one point.

Мы выиграли с разницей всего в одно очко.

He was happy to get the win.

Он был счастлив одержать эту победу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Фразовые глаголы

win away — отнять, вырвать, вырваться, отбиться, отнимать
win back — вернуть обратно, возвратить, вернуть себе, отбить, отыграть
win out — преодолевать, добиваться успеха, пробиться
win over — склонить на свою сторону, расположить к себе
win through — пробиться, преодолевать

Возможные однокоренные слова

winner  — победитель, первый призер, удачная идея, перспективное предприятие
winning  — победа, выигрыш, добыча, выигрывающий, побеждающий, решающий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: win
he/she/it: wins
ing ф. (present participle): winning
2-я ф. (past tense): won
3-я ф. (past participle): won

ед. ч.(singular): win
мн. ч.(plural): wins

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verb (used without object), won, win·ning.

to finish first in a race, contest, or the like.

to succeed by striving or effort: He applied for a scholarship and won.

to gain the victory; overcome an adversary: The home team won.

Slang. to be successful or competent and be acknowledged for it: My sister wins at getting the biggest bargains.Compare fail (def. 9).

verb (used with object), won, win·ning.

to succeed in reaching (a place, condition, etc.), especially by great effort: They won the shore through a violent storm.

to get by effort, as through labor, competition, or conquest: He won his post after years of striving.

to gain (a prize, fame, etc.).

to be successful in (a game, battle, etc.).

to make (one’s way), as by effort or ability.

to attain or reach (a point, goal, etc.).

to gain (favor, love, consent, etc.), as by qualities or influence.

to gain the favor, regard, or adherence of.

to gain the consent or support of; persuade (often followed by over): The speech won them over to our side.

to persuade to marry; gain in marriage.

British Mining.

  1. to obtain (ore, coal, etc.).
  2. to prepare (a vein, bed, mine, etc.) for working, by means of shafts or the like.


a victory, as in a game or horse race.

the position of the competitor who comes in first in a horse race, harness race, etc.Compare place (def. 27b), show (def. 27).


  1. a success, or something good: She was having a bad week, so she really needed a win.Compare fail (def. 14a).
  2. the state or quality of being successful or good: There was so much win in last night’s episode!Compare fail (def. 14b).



  1. successful or competent.Compare fail (def. 19b).
  2. very good or of high quality; awesome: To hear him play, now that was win!Compare fail (def. 19c).


Slang. (used to acknowledge success, competence, etc.): I just got tickets to the concert. Win!

Verb Phrases

win out, to win or succeed, especially over great odds; triumph: His finer nature finally won out.



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Idioms about win

    for the win, Slang. (used to express enthusiasm for someone or something that is very good, likely to succeed, etc.): a plant-based diet, for the win!

Origin of win


First recorded before 900; Middle English verb winnen, win(ne) “to strive, exert effort,” Old English winnan “to labor, work, fight, bear”; cognate with German gewinnen, Old Norse vinna, Gothic winnan

synonym study for win


win·na·ble, adjective

Words nearby win

wimp, wimple, wimp out, wimpy, Wimshurst machine, win, win by a nose, wince, winced, wincey, winceyette

Other definitions for win (2 of 2)

verb (used with object), winned, win·ning.Scot. and North England.

to dry (hay, wood, etc.) by exposure to air and sun.

Origin of win


First recorded in 1550–60; etymology uncertain; perhaps variant of winnow Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to win

accomplishment, achievement, gain, gold, score, success, sweep, triumph, achieve, beat, edge out, overcome, prevail, upset, accomplish, catch, earn, get, have, make

How to use win in a sentence

  • Dragić and Herro kept them in it early, Jae Crowder just kept making threes, and then Jimmy Butler’s scoring and Bam’s block won it late.

  • In other words, the Republican Party won on the atrocious Ballot Harvesting Scam.

  • While Maddux won his fourth consecutive — and final — Cy Young Award in his age-29 season in 1995, Johnson won four straight Cy Young Awards from his age 35 to age 38 seasons.

  • In 2018, Maduro won a second term as president of Venezuela.

  • The survey shows Graham and Harrison each winning the backing of 48 percent of likely voters in the state.

  • Except the Braves did not win 14 straight pennants (they did win 14 straight division titles), and Smoltz is a also Republican.

  • Her Miss America win transcended mere superficial beauty standards.

  • A Republican candidate hoping to win red state support could find a worse team to root for than one from Dallas.

  • If history is a guide, Huckabee will need to resonate with more than just the faithful if he is to win.

  • She fails to appreciate the congressional and constitutional obstacles Johnson had to overcome to win passage of the bill.

  • Bessires was included because he would never win it at any later date, but his doglike devotion made him a priceless subordinate.

  • The real experience has a magnetism of its own and will win above mere technicality whenever it has the opportunity.

  • Great preparations had been made, and the success must have been perfect to win so general and hearty a commendation.

  • All the miserable stratagems they had been guilty of to win him; the dishonest plotting and planning.

  • They take him along whenever they play games, thinking the mascot helps them to win.

British Dictionary definitions for win (1 of 2)

verb wins, winning or won

(intr) to achieve first place in a competition

(tr) to gain or receive (a prize, first place, etc) in a competition

(tr) to succeed in or gain (something) with an effortwe won recognition

win one’s spurs

  1. to achieve recognition in some field of endeavour
  2. history to be knighted

to gain victory or triumph in (a battle, argument, etc)

(tr) to earn or procure (a living, etc) by work

(tr) to take possession of, esp violently; capturethe Germans never won Leningrad

(when intr, foll by out, through, etc) to reach with difficulty (a desired condition or position) or become free, loose, etc, with effortthe boat won the shore; the boat won through to the shore

(tr) to turn someone into (a supporter, enemy, etc)you have just won an ally

(tr) to gain (the sympathy, loyalty, etc) of someone

(tr) to obtain (a woman, etc) in marriage


  1. to extract (ore, coal, etc) from a mine
  2. to extract (metal or other minerals) from ore
  3. to discover and make (a mineral deposit) accessible for mining

you can’t win informal an expression of resignation after an unsuccessful attempt to overcome difficulties


informal a success, victory, or triumph

profit; winnings

the act or fact of reaching the finishing line or post first

Derived forms of win

winnable, adjective

Word Origin for win

Old English winnan; related to Old Norse vinna, German gewinnen

British Dictionary definitions for win (2 of 2)

verb wins, winning, won or winned (tr) Irish, Scot and Northern English dialect

to dry (grain, hay, peat, etc) by exposure to sun and air

a less common word for winnow

Word Origin for win

Old English, perhaps a variant of winnow

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with win

In addition to the idioms beginning with win

  • win by a nose
  • wind down
  • wind up
  • wine and dine
  • wing it
  • win hands down
  • winning streak
  • win one’s spurs
  • win on points
  • win out
  • win over
  • win some, lose some
  • win through

also see:

  • (win) hands down
  • no-win situation
  • slow but sure (steady wins the race)
  • you can’t win
  • you can’t win ’em all

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Meaning of WIN in English

v. & n.

v. (winning; past and past part. won) 1 tr. acquire or secure as a result of a fight, contest, bet, litigation, or some other effort (won some money; won my admiration). 2 tr. be victorious in (a fight, game, race, etc.). 3 intr. a be the victor; win a race or contest etc. (who won?; persevere, and you will win). b (foll. by through, free, etc.) make one’s way or become by successful effort. 4 tr. reach by effort (win the summit; win the shore). 5 tr. obtain (ore) from a mine. 6 tr. dry (hay etc.) by exposure to the air.

n. victory in a game or bet etc. win the day be victorious in battle, argument, etc. win over persuade, gain the support of. win one’s spurs 1 colloq. gain distinction or fame. 2 hist. gain a knighthood. win through (or out) overcome obstacles. you can’t win colloq. there is no way to succeed. you can’t win them all colloq. a resigned expression of consolation on failure. winnable adj.

[ OE winnan toil, endure: cf. OHG winnan, ON vinna ]

Concise Oxford English dictionary.

     Краткий оксфордский словарь английского языка.

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