Is the word will a linking verb

Linking verb definition: Linking verbs are a type of verb that connect the subject to a predicate adjective or predicate nominative. Linking verbs express a state of being.

Linking verbs “link” a subject to the predicate of the sentence. Linking verbs are not action verbs. Linking verbs express a state of being.

Linking Verb Examples:

  • David seems
  • That girl is my classmate.

In each of the sentences, the linking verb is underlined. These verbs do not express an action that the subject can do but rather express a state of being.

Linking Verbs List

what are the linking verbs Here is a list of linking verbs. It is not exhaustive, but these are some of the most common ones.

  • to be
  • to seem
  • to become
  • to feel
  • to taste
  • to appear
  • to smell
  • to turn
  • sound
  • to grow

Individual Questions

what is a linking verb examples Is was a linking verb?

Yes, was is always a linking verb.

Is have a linking verb?

Have, itself, is not. But, when used with other verbs like have been, it can function as one.

Is has a linking verb?

Has is similar to have. See above.

Is had a linking verb?

Had is similar to have. See above.

Is will a linking verb?

Will, itself, is not. But, when used with other verbs like will be, it can function as one.

Is can a linking verb?

Can, itself, is not. But, when used with other verbs like can be, it can function as one.

Is is a linking verb?

Yes, is is always a linking verb.

Is are a linking verb?

Yes, are is always a linking verb.

Is were a linking verb?

Yes, were is always a linking verb.

Is became a linking verb?

Yes, became is always a linking verb.

Linking Verbs Re-identify, Describe the Subject

whats a linking verb What is the function of a linking verb? Linking verbs serve two purposes. While they explain a state of being, that state of being can be two things.

  1. Linking verbs serve to help rename or re-identify the subject.

When linking verbs help to rename or re-identify the subject when they are used with a predicate nominative. A predicate nominative is a noun (or nouns) that follows a linking verb that renames a subject.

  • They are my friends.
  • He is a baseball player.

In each of these examples, the words after the linking verb are nouns and they rename or re-identify the subject.

  1. Linking verbs serve to help describe the subject.

When linking verbs help to describe the subject when they are used with a predicate adjective. A predicate adjective is adjective (or adjectives) that follows a linking verb that renames a subject.

  • Sara seems
  • We are

In each of these examples, the words after the linking verb are adjectives and they describe the subject.

Linking Verb vs. Action Verb

linking and action verbs Action and linking verbs differ in the information that they convey.

A linking verb is a verb that expresses a state of being. The subject does not “do” the verb.

An action verb is a verb that expresses an action that the subject is doing. Explain the difference between these two. Give examples.

Some action verbs can be linking verbs. Their use determines if they are an action verb or a linking verb.

To determine if a verb is used as a linking verb or an action verb, decide if the subject is “doing” the action or if the action is expressing a state of being.

For example:

  • Verb: to smell
  • Action: He smelled the flowers.
  • Linking: He smells bad.

In the “action” sentence, the subject is “doing” the smelling. In the linking sentence, the subject is not doing anything. Rather, “smells” is a linking verb that helps to describe him.

Linking Verbs in Passive Voice, Progressive Tense

sentences with linking verbs The verb to be is used in English to form the passive voice and the progressive tense. Here is how linking verbs interact with both of these constructions in English.

Passive voice

Linking verbs can be used in the passive voice to express a state of being.

  • The house was built.
  • It was painted.

In each example, the subject is not “doing’ the action. These sentences are written in the passive voice through the linking verb, “to be.” “Built” and “painted” serve as adjectives to link the subject to the predicate adjective.

Progressive tense

Linking verbs can be used in the progressive tenses to express a state of being.

  • She is annoying.
  • They seem confusing.

In each example, the subject is not “doing’ the action. These sentences are written in the present progressive tense. “Annoying” and “confusing” serve as adjectives to link the subject to the predicate adjective.

How to Find a Linking Verb

If you are ever unsure whether a verb is a linking or action verb, here is a helpful trick.

If you can substitute a form of the verb “be” into your sentence and it still makes sense, you have a linking verb.

For example,

  • The cake smells wonderful.

Now, let’s substitute the verb “to be” with the verb “smells.”

  • The cake is wonderful.

As you can see, the sentence still makes perfect sense because the cake is not actually “doing” the smelling. “Smells” is acting as a linking verb, linking the subject cake to a descriptor “wonderful.”

Summary: What are Linking Verbs?

Define linking verb: the definition of a linking verb is a verb that connects a subject to the complement; they connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject.

To summarize, linking verbs:

  • expresses a state of being, not an action
  • links the subject to the predicate nominative (noun) or predicate adjective
  • helps to rename/re-identify or describe the subject


  • 1 What is a Linking Verb?
  • 2 Linking Verbs List
  • 3 Individual Questions
  • 4 Linking Verbs Re-identify, Describe the Subject
  • 5 Linking Verb vs. Action Verb
  • 6 Linking Verbs in Passive Voice, Progressive Tense
  • 7 How to Find a Linking Verb
  • 8 Summary: What are Linking Verbs?

linking-verbВ английском языке есть такое понятие как глагол-связка. Почему мы решили затронуть эту тему? Потому что большинство студентов считают, что глагол-связка и вспомогательный глагол – это одно и то же, однако, это не так. Для начала заметим, что глагол-связка в разных источниках может на английском звучать по-разному: linking verbs, copulative verbs, state of being verbs или being verbs, но все эти термины обозначают одно и то же явление.

Auxiliary verbs

Что касается вспомогательного глагола, то на английском языке он звучит как auxiliary verb и необходим для образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений. В каждом грамматическом времени живут свои вспомогательные глаголы, например, в продолженных временах – это формы глагола to be, в простых или неопределенных – do, а в совершенных – формы глагола have. Вспомогательные глаголы редко встречаются в утвердительных предложениях и на русский язык не переводятся – они как бы есть — и их как бы нет.

Что касается глагола-связки, он не выражает действие предмета, т.е. не отвечает на вопрос «что делать?» и не является смысловым глаголом. Такой тип глагола связывает подлежащее и определяющее или характеризующее его существительное, прилагательное или местоимение.

Linking verbs

Английский глагол to be – самый распространенный глагол-связка, и вероятно большинство студентов путают понятия глагол-связка и вспомогательный глагол именно потому, что он также является и вспомогательным. Вот примеры глагола-связки to be в разных временах.

  • I am hungry.
  • She is a good doctor.
  • The flowers were beautiful.
  • That was a nice film.
  • That man might have been a robber.

На втором месте по популярности находятся глаголы-связки seem и become. Что касается seem, то данный глагол всегда является связкой, а become — обычно, но не всегда.

  • Your sister seems clever. (глагол-связка: соединяет слова sister и clever)
  • When she returns home she becomes a good mother and wife. (глагол-связка: соединяет she и mother and wife)

В качестве смыслового глагола become означает “подходить, хорошо смотреться”:

  • That dress certainly becomes her. – это платье определенно ей подходит.

Get — еще один популярный глагол, который может выполнять функцию смыслового глагола и глагола-связки:

  • I get to my office by bus. (смысловой)
  • She got pale when she heard the news. (связка)

Десять английских глаголов, которые могут быть как смысловыми, так и связующими глаголами, являются: appear, turn, feel, prove, grow, sound, look, taste, smell, remain:

  • The apples appear ripe. (связка)
  • He suddenly appeared from behind the tree. (смысловой)
  • I feel sick because of the nausea. (связка)
  • Feel the difference by tasting this sauce! (смысловой)
  • Poor Emma grew old. (связка)
  • We grow white roses in our garden. (смысловой)
  • Mother looked tired after working in the garden. (связка)
  • Jane looked under the bed but didn’t find her slips. (смысловой)
  • Her opinion proved right. (связка)
  • I proved my theory in a modern way. (смысловой)
  • Our relations remain neutral. (связка)
  • Little of my patience remained. (смысловой)
  • The cake smells delicious. (связка)
  • I smelled something rotten. (смысловой)
  • That music sounded strange to my ears. (связка)
  • The crew member sounded the alarm when it wasn’t necessary. (смысловой)
  • The meat tastes good. (связка)
  • I couldn’t taste pepper in the meat balls. (смысловой)
  • She suddenly turned pale. (связка)
  • I turned right when reached the corner. (смысловой)

Как определить, чем является в предложении тот или иной глагол?

Если вы не уверены, который глагол является связкой, который — смысловым, попробуйте следующее:

1. Замените глагол формой глагола “to be”, как в предложении «The cake smells delicious = the cake is delicious». Несмотря на то, что мы заменили smells на is, смысл остался прежним, что говорит о том, что smells в данном случае – это глагол-связка. Если же в результате подобной манипуляции предложение приобретет новое значение или же предложение станет бессмысленным, значит это смысловой глагол.

2. Измените порядок слов в предложении по следующему образцу: The cake smells delicious = delicious smells the cake. Звучит немного странно, учитывая то, что delicious – это прилагательное, но первоначальная мысль остается, а значит smells – глагол-связка.

Углубившись в английский язык, вы научитесь отличать глагол-связку от смыслового, отмечая связь между подлежащим и глаголом. Глагол-связка образует мост между подлежащим и словом, которое его определяет или описывает. Смысловые глаголы вовлекают подлежащее в действие, заставляя его в этом случае что-то делать.

prosba avtora

What is a linking verb?

Linking verbs (also known as copulas or copular verbs) are used to describe the state of being of the subject of a clause. Unlike action verbs (also called dynamic verbs), they connect the subject to the predicate of the clause without expressing any action.

To be

The verb to be is the most common linking verb. Unique among English verbs, be has eight different conjugations: be, am, is, are, was, were, been, and being. It can link the subject to an adjective (known as a predicative adjective) that describes it, or to a noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that renames it. These are collectively known as subject complements.

General descriptions

We can use nearly any adjective after be to describe the subject. For example:

  • “You are wrong.”
  • “It is cold today.”
  • “It was hot yesterday.”
  • “The team is terrible this year.”
  • “They were fortunate to have won.”
  • “She has been so stubborn.”
  • “He is really annoying.”

Physical or emotional sensations

Be is very often used to describe a sensation belonging to the subject. These can be physical, as in:

  • “I am cold.”
  • “We are thirsty.”
  • “They were tired.”

Be can also describe emotional sensations:

  • “He is sad.”
  • “He has been anxious lately.”
  • “I can tell that you are upset.”

Precise physical descriptions

Be is also used for specific physical descriptions of the subject, such as exact age, weight, or height.


When we describe a subject’s age, we can express it simply as a number, as in:

  • “I am 32.”
  • “Our daughter is one.”

We can also use a unit of time between the number and the adjective old, as in:

  • “I am 32 years old.”
  • “Our daughter is one week old.”

(However, we cannot use only the number and years or the number and old—“I am 32 years” and “Our daughter is one old” are both incorrect.)


For height, we usually use the number, the unit, and the adjective tall all together, as in:

  • “They are five feet tall.”
  • “He is two meters tall.”

If we are using feet and inches as our units, there are a number of ways that we can write the sentence without using the adjective tall. These are especially prevalent in informal English. For example:

  • “He is six foot.”
  • “She is five foot three.”
  • “I am five feet, three inches.”


When describing the subject’s weight with be, we only use the number + the unit of measurement, as in:

  • “I am 185 pounds.”
  • “This brick is four kilograms.”

With prepositional phrases

A linking verb can also be followed by a prepositional phrase that acts as an adjective to describe the subject. These usually describe the subject’s location, though they can be used to provide other descriptions as well. For example:

  • “John is in the other room.” (John is physically located in the other room.)
  • “I will be away from the office this week.” (I will not be present in the office this week.)
  • “They are against this plan.” (They do not agree with or support this plan.)

Renaming the subject

We can also follow the linking verb be with a predicate noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that renames or re-identifies the subject. These add a descriptive element, without directly functioning as adjectives. For example:

  • “She is a bully.”
  • “That’s him; that’s the man we were looking for.”
  • “They are a lost cause.”
  • “I have been a mess lately.”

Be as an auxiliary verb

We must be careful not to confuse how be functions as a linking verb with how it functions as an auxiliary verb. When it is used as an auxiliary, be is no longer an independent verb describing the subject of the sentence. Instead, it helps other verbs to create the continuous tenses or to change the voice of the writing.

Creating verb tenses

Be frequently functions as an auxiliary verb by combining with the present participle of a verb to form one of the continuous tenses. For example:

  • “I am listening to you.” (present continuous tense)
  • “She was working very hard.” (past continuous tense)
  • “They will be waiting for you at the airport.” (future continuous tense)

Passive voice

We can also use be as an auxiliary to create the passive voice. For example:

  • “The book was written by an anonymous author.”
  • “The victory will be savored for years.”
  • “The hospitals were built in 1805.”

Sense verbs

Certain verbs are used to indicate perceptions, opinions, or bodily sensations. These are known as verbs of the senses, or “sense verbs” for short. The sense verbs are:

  • taste
  • smell
  • sound
  • seem
  • feel
  • look
  • appear

Sense verbs merely relate the means by which the speaker has arrived at such a sensation about the subject. When we use them like this, they are functioning as linking verbs (rather than action verbs) and we typically pair them with predicative adjectives. (Unlike be, we usually do not follow sense verbs with predicative nouns, noun phrases, or pronouns.)

For example:

  • “I feel terrible today.” (A feeling inside of being very unwell.)
  • “You sound tired.” (A perception of tiredness in your voice.)
  • “She didn’t sound Italian.” (An opinion based on the way her voice sounds.)
  • “You look fabulous today.” (This is my opinion when I look at you.)
  • “He doesn’t look very happy.” (This is my opinion based on what he looks like. Note that the adverb very is modifying the adjective happy, not the verb look.)
  • “This doesn’t feel right.” (An opinion or perception of something not being as it should.)
  • “The car appears OK, but I’ll have to drive it to be sure.” (From what I can see, the car looks like it’s in good condition.)
  • “That smells nice.” (Sensation of a pleasant aroma.)
  • “This milk tastes funny*.” (Sensation of an odd or unpleasant taste.)

(*The adjective funny has two meanings. It can describe something that makes you laugh, or something that is strange, unpleasant, dubious, or not as it should be. It carries the latter meaning in the above example.)

If any of these verbs were used as action verbs, they could no longer be followed by an adjective to complement their meaning—they would instead be modified by an adverb or take a direct object. For example:

  • “I felt gently around the table in the dark.” (Describes the action of feeling with one’s hand.)
  • “He looked quickly to the right.” (Describes the action of looking in a certain direction.)
  • “She smelled the peach to see if it was ripe.” (Describes the object being smelled.)
  • “The car appeared out of nowhere.” (Describes the action of coming into sight, using a prepositional phrase as an adverb.)
  • “We could hear an airplane flying overhead.” Describes the object being heard.)

Verbs of progression

Verbs that show progression, growth, or development are also often used as linking verbs. Become is a prime example of this kind of verb—it links an adjective that describes a development or progression by the subject. Here are some other verbs that can function as linking verbs in a similar way:

  • get
  • grow
  • prove
  • remain
  • turn

As with the sense verbs, these can be followed by an adjective that describes the subject. For example:

  • “The crowd grew quiet.”
  • “The kids are becoming restless.”
  • “I hope you get well soon.”
  • “Try to remain upbeat.”
  • “Hopefully things don’t turn ugly.”

These verbs can sometimes be followed by nouns, noun phrases, or pronouns that rename or re-identify the subject, as in:

  • “The leader became a dictator after so many years in power.”
  • “He’ll always remain my friend.”
  • “They have proven valuable allies.”

Linking verbs vs. action verbs

The verbs be, seem, and become are always used as linking verbs (except when be is an auxiliary verb, as we looked at already). However, the other linking verbs all have the capacity to behave as action verbs in a sentence. Sometimes it is tricky to know whether a verb is functioning as a linking verb or as an action verb, but there are ways that we can be sure.

Checking the predicate

The predicate of a linking verb is, by definition, an adjective, noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that directly describes, renames, or re-identifies the subject of the clause.

If we want to see if a verb is functioning as a linking verb, we can simply check whether the predicate that follows is describing the subject. If it is, then it is a linking verb; if it is not, then it is functioning as an action verb. For example:

  • “He looked unwell yesterday.” (Linking verb—the predicate unwell yesterday describes the subject of the clause, he.)
  • “He looked quickly to the right.” (Action verb—the predicate quickly to the right describes the action of the verb.)
  • “I hope you get better soon.” (Linking verb—the predicate better soon describes the subject of the clause, you.)
  • “Would you please get a glass of water for me?” (Action verb—the predicate a glass of water is the direct object of the verb.)

Replacing the verb with be

If we are still not certain about the kind of verb we’re dealing with, we can also try replacing the verb in question with be. Because be is only a linking verb when it functions on its own, the resulting sentence will only make sense if the original verb was also a linking verb.

Let’s look at the two sets of examples above, this time replacing the verb in each case with be:

  • “He looked unwell yesterday.”
  • “He was unwell yesterday.” (The sentence makes sense, so the verb looked was a linking verb.)
  • “He looked quickly to the right.”
  • “He was quickly to the right.” (The sentence no longer makes sense, so the verb looked was an action verb.)
  • “I hope you get better soon.”
  • “I hope you are better soon.” (The sentence makes sense, so the verb get was a linking verb.)
  • “Would you please get a glass of water for me?”
  • “Would you please are a glass of water for me?” (The sentence no longer makes sense, so the verb get was an action verb.)

Sources of confusion – Good vs. Well

A common stumbling block for native speakers and learners of English alike is the correct usage of good versus well.

In most instances, good is an attributive adjective directly describing a noun, while well is an adverb describing a verb, adjective, or other adverb. For example:

  • “He is a good driver.”
  • “She writes well.”

We cannot use good and well interchangeably in these instances, and we can see immediately that the following would be incorrect:

  • “He is a well driver.”
  • “She writes good.”

However, well can also function as a predicative adjective, where it usually means “healthy” or “not ill.” We use it in this sense after linking verbs such as be, get, or the sense verbs we looked above:

  • “Jenny looks well lately.”
  • Get well soon!”

In these examples, well does not modify the verbs, but rather describes the subjects of the clauses (implied in the second example).

Good can be used as a predicative adjective as well, meaning “of a high or satisfactory quality.” This can be used after linking verbs to talk about an opinion of something, an emotional state, or general well-being (as opposed to physical health, specifically). For example:

  • “The movie was good.” (opinion of the quality of the movie)
  • “I’m feeling good about my chances!” (emotional state)
  • “Janet looks good lately.” (opinion of Janet’s appearance)
  • A: “How are you, Bob?” B: “I’m good, thanks!” (general well-being)

The last example is perfectly correct, and it is very frequently used as a stock response to the question “How are you?” You could also say “I’m well,” and no one is likely to take issue with it. However, if someone asks how you are after an illness or injury, for instance, it would be better to respond with “I’m well.”

If saying “I’m good” still does not sound quite right to you, you could also say “I am doing well,” in which case well is used adverbially once more.

You can learn more about such adjective/adverb oddities in the irregular adverbs section of the chapter on Adverbs.

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