Is the word was a verb or adverb

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∙ 9y ago

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Was is a verb, a word that shows an action or a state of being.
Was is the past tense of be that is used for first and third person
singular subjects. An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an
adjective, or another adverb.

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An adverb is a part of speech (or word class) that’s primarily used to modify a verb, adjective, or other adverbs and can additionally modify prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, and complete sentences. Put another way, adverbs are content words that provide information about how, when, or where something happens. Adverbs are also called intensifiers because they intensify the meaning of the word or words they are modifying, notes Your Dictionary.

An adverb that modifies an adjective—as in quite sad—or another adverb—as in very carelessly—appears immediately in front of the word it modifies, but one that modifies a verb is generally more flexible: It may appear before or after—as in softly sang or sang softly—or at the beginning of the sentence—Softly she sang to the baby—with the position of an adverb typically affecting the meaning of the sentence. Adverbs can modify a verb or adjective in several ways, by providing information about emphasis, manner, time, place, and frequency.

Adverbs of Emphasis

Adverbs of emphasis are used to give added force or a greater degree of certainty to another word in a sentence or to the sentence as a whole, for example:

  • He certainly liked the food.
  • She is clearly the frontrunner.
  • Naturally, I like my chicken crispy.

Other common adverbs of emphasis include absolutelydefinitely, obviously, positively, really, simply, and undoubtedly. These types of adverbs serve to bolster the part of speech they modify.

Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner indicate how something is done. They are usually placed at the end of a sentence or before the main verb, as in:

  • Tom drives quickly.
  • She slowly opened the door.
  • Mary waited for him patiently.

Other examples of adverbs of manner include quietly, fitfully, and carefully.

Adverbs of Time

Adverbs of time tell you when or at what time something is done. Adverbs of time are usually placed at the end of a sentence. They can also be used at the beginning of a sentence followed by a comma.

  • The meeting is next week
  • Yesterday, we decided to take a walk.
  • I’ve already bought my tickets for the concert. 

These adverbs are used with other time expressions, such as days of the week. The most common adverbs of time include yet, already, yesterday, tomorrow, next week (or month or year), last week (or month or year), now, and ago.

Adverbs of Place

Adverbs of place indicate where something is done and usually appear at the end of a sentence, but they can also follow the verb.

  • I decided to rest over there.
  • She’ll wait for you in the room downstairs.
  • Peter walked above me upstairs

Adverbs of place can be confused with prepositional phrases such as in the doorway or at the shop. Prepositional phrases indicate where something is, but adverbs of place can tell you where something occurs, such as here and everywhere.

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency tell you how often something is repeatedly done. They include usually, sometimes, never, often, and rarely. Adverbs of frequency are often placed directly before the main verb:

  • She rarely goes to parties.
  • I often read a newspaper.
  • He usually gets up at 6 o’clock.

Adverbs of frequency that express infrequency are not used in the negative or question form. Sometimes, adverbs of frequency are placed at the beginning of a sentence:

  • Sometimes, I enjoy staying at home instead of going on vacation.
  • Often, Peter will telephone his mother before he leaves for work.

Adverbs of frequency follow the verb to be:

  • He is sometimes late for work.
  • I am often confused by computers.

Adverbs Modifying Adjectives

When adverbs modify an adjective, they are placed before the adjective:

  • She is extremely happy.
  • They are absolutely sure.

However, do not use very with adjectives to express increased quality of a basic adjective, such as fantastic:

  • She is an absolutely fantastic piano player.
  • Mark is an absolutely amazing lecturer.

You would not say, «She is very fantastic,» or «Mark is a very amazing lecturer.»

Forming Adverbs From Adjectives

Adverbs are often formed by adding -ly to an adjective, such as:

  • Beautiful > beautifully
  • Careful > carefully

However, some adjectives don’t change in the adverb form, such as fast and hard. Many common adverbs like just, still, and almost do not end in -ly. Good is probably the most important example. The adverb form of good is well, as in:

  • He is good at tennis.
  • He plays tennis well.

In the first sentence, good is an adjective that modifies the pronoun he; while in the second, well is an adverb that modifies plays (explains how he plays tennis). Additionally, not all words that end in -ly are adverbs, such as friendly and neighborly, which are both adjectives.

Distinguishing Between Adverbs and Adjectives

Sometimes the same word can be both an adjective and an adverb. To distinguish between them, it is important to look at the context of the word and its function in a sentence. 

For instance, in the sentence, «The fast train from London to Cardiff leaves at 3 o’clock,» the word fast modifies and comes before a noun, train, and is, therefore, an attributive adjective. However, in the sentence, «The sprinter took the bend fast,» the word fast modifies the verb took and is, therefore, an adverb.

Interestingly, -ly is not the only suffix that can be added to the end of a word to change its meaning or be used by both adjectives and adverbs. Additionally, -er and -est can combine with adverbs in a much more limited way wherein the comparative form of an adverb is likely to add more or most to the beginning of the adverb phrase rather than adding an -er or -est.

It’s important to refer to context clues when hints like the addition of an -ly or the word most to accompany a word doesn’t tell you whether it is an adjective or adverb. Look to the word that is being emphasized. If the word being emphasized is a noun, you have an adjective; if the word being emphasized is a verb, you have an adverb.

Данная статья посвящена наречиям английского языка. Эта тема раскрывает все вопросы, которые могут интересовать человека, изучающего грамматические правила. Мы узнаем, как образовать наречия, сравним их с прилагательными, а также где они стоят в предложении. Кроме этого, пополним словарный запас некоторыми выражениями и научимся работать с degrees of comparison of adverbs. И конечно же, всегда после материла, вы сможете проверить знания на пройденную тему.

Статьи, которые могут быть полезными:

1. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.
2. Притяжательный падеж и устойчивые фразы.
3. Подробная таблица времен.
4. Too and enough
5. Степень сравнения прилагательных.

Наречия в английском языке

Что такое наречия в английском языке?

Наречия (adverbs) обычно описывают или определяют глаголы, прилагательные, другие наречия или целое предложение.

  • Например, the adverbs в следующих предложениях выделены жирным и слова, которые они определяют подчеркнуты:

– I often visit the library. – Я часто посещаю библиотеку.
– It is surprisingly cold today. – Сегодня на удивление холодно.

В первом предложении наречие often определяет глагол visit. Во втором, слово surprisingly описывает прилагательное cold.

  • Слова, которые используются для описания наречий, также могут относиться к adverbs:

– My cat eats very slowly. – Мой кот ест очень медленно.

В этом предложении наречие very определяет наречие slowly.

Образование наречий в английском языке

Многие наречия связаны с прилагательными, с помощью словообразования:

[Adjective + суффикс ly = Adverb]

  • Cheap – cheaply – дешевый – дешево.
  • Slow – slowly – медленный – медленно.
  • Quick – quickly – быстрый – быстро.

Правила правописания

  • Прилагательные, которые заканчиваются на -ic добавляем -ally:
  • Tragic – tragically – трагический – трагически.
  • Realistic – realistically – реалистичный – реалистично.
  • Ironic – ironically – иронический – иронично.

BUT: public – publicly – публичный – публично.

  • Прилагательные, которые заканчиваются на –le нужно изменить “e” на “y”:
  • Horrible – horribly – ужасный – ужасно.
  • Noble – nobly – благородный – благородно.
  • Simple – simply – простой – просто.
  • Прилагательные, заканчивающиеся на согласную + -y, мы убираем “y” и добавляем –ily:
  • Happy – happily – счастливый – счастливо.
  • Easy – easily – легкий – легко.
  • Crazy – crazily – сумасшедший – безумно.
  • Прилагательные, которые заканчиваются на -e образуют наречие с добавлением -ly не опуская букву ‘e’:
  • Rare – rarely – редкий – редко.
  • Polite – politely – вежливый – вежливо.
  • Ну как обычно существуют исключения:
  • True – truly
  • Whole – wholly
  • Due – dully
  • Full – fully

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Прилагательные на суффикс -ly

Есть ряд прилагательных, заканчивающихся на -ly, которые не имеют соответствующих наречий. Такие adjectives, происходят от существительных, обозначающие:

  • People:
  • 1) Man – мужчина = manly – мужественный, сильный.
    – A deep, manly voice.
  • 2) King – король = kingly – королевский.
  • Family and personal relations:
  • 1) Father – отец = fatherly – отцовский.
  • 2) Brother = brotherly; friend = friendly.
  • И другие:

Lovely – прекрасный.
Lonely – одинокий.
Silly – глупый.
Ugly – уродливый.
Lively – живой.

  • Образуют наречие с помощью конструкции [in a Adj way] или [in a Adj manner]:

– They treated me in a friendly way. – Они относились ко мне по-дружески/дружелюбно.

Запомните следующие словосочетания:

in a soldierly way по-воинские
in a sickly way болезненно
in a silly way глупо
in a manly way по-мужски
in a womanly way по-женски
in a cowardly way трусливым образом
in a lively way живо
in a lovely way в прекрасной манере
in a motherly way по-матерински
in a fatherly way по-отцовски
in a brotherly way по-братски
in a sisterly way по-сестрински
in a kingly way по-королевски

Наречия и прилагательные с одинаковой формой

Существует ряд adjectives / adverbs, которые имеют неизменную форму. Таким образом, это зависит от контекста, является ли слово прилагательным или наречием: Fast, hard, early, late, high, low, right, wrong, straight, daily, monthly and long etc.

  • This is hard exercise. – Это упражнение сложное.
  • She works hard. – Она работает усердно.
  • I saw many high buildings. – Я видела много высоких зданий.
  • The plane flew high in the sky. – Самолет летел высоко в небе.


  • Walk slow! (Informal English).
  • Walk slowly! (Formal English).

Good vs. Well

  • Good – прилагательное.
  • Well – наречие.


  • He is a good writer. – Он хороший писатель.
  • He writes well. – Он пишет хорошо.
  • Иногда well используется как прилагательное, когда говорится о здоровье (health):
  • You’re not looking too well. Are you okay? – Ты не очень хорошо выглядишь. Ты в порядке?


После глаголов look, sound, smell, taste, feel, seem мы используем прилагательное, а не наречие:

  • She looks nice /bad /pale/strange.
  • It smells sweet /horrible/bad.

Наречия с двумя формами и разными значениями

Некоторые наречия имеют две формы. Первая, которая заканчивается на -ly,
вторая форма остается без изменений: clean(ly), clear(ly) etc.
Эти пары наречий обычно имеют разные значения.


Close or closely?

Close = near (близкий, расположенный недалеко).

– We live close to the church. – Мы живем рядом с церковью.

Closely = carefully (внимательно).

– I was watching the game closely. – Я внимательно следил за игрой.

Второе значение – тесно, близко:

– The two languages are closely related. – Два языка тесно связаны.

Dead or deadly?

Dead = suddenly and completely

– The snow stopped dead. – Снег внезапно остановился.

Deadly = very

– She is deadly serious. – Она очень серьезная.

Deep or deeply?

Deep = a long way down

– I dug deep into the ground. – Я копнул глубоко в землю.

Deeply = very

– I was deeply offended. – Я был очень оскорблен.

Free or freely?

Free = without payment

– Children travel free on buses. – Дети путешествуют бесплатно на автобусах.

Freely = willingly

– She spoke freely about her past. – Она открыто говорила о своем прошлом.

Hard or hardly?

Hard = with a lot of effort

– She worked really hard and passed her exams. – Она усердно работала и сдала экзамены.

Hardly = scarcely/only just

– The telephone line was so bad, I could hardly hear what he was saying. –Телефонная линяя была настолько плохой, что я едва слышал, что он говорил.

High or highly?

High = to/at a high level

– He kicked the ball high over the goal. – Он пнул мяч высоко над воротами.

Highly = very much а также to think/speak highly of something, somebody

– My father is a highly respected dentist. – Мой отец очень уважаемый стоматолог.
– Everyone thinks highly of her behaviour. – Все высоко ценят ее поведение.

Last or Lastly?

Last = after all others

– She got here last. – Она пришла сюда последней.

Lastly = finally

– And lastly, I would like to thank everyone who helped me to open the restaurant. – И наконец, я хочу поблагодарить всех, кто помогал мне открыть ресторан.

Direct or directly?

Direct = without stopping

– ‘Do I have to change trains in Manchester?’ ‘No, you can go direct. – Нужно ли мне пересаживаться на другой поезд в Манчестере? – Нет, можете ехать без пересадок.

Directly = very soon

– I’ll be with him directly. – Я скоро буду вместе с ним.

Late or lately?

Late = after the arranged time

– I stayed up late to watch my favourite film with my boyfriend. – Я задержалась допоздна, чтобы посмотреть мой любимый фильм с моим парнем.

Lately = recently

– I’ve been feeling very well lately. – В последнее время я чувствую себя очень хорошо.

Near or nearly

Near = close

– They live near the university. – Они живут рядом с университетом.

Nearly = almost

– You nearly crashed into the cyclist. – Ты чуть не врезался в велосипедиста.

Pretty or prettily?

Pretty = quite

– I’m pretty sure they’ll accept your invitation. – Я вполне уверен, что они примут твое приглашение.

Prettily = in an attractive way

– She danced prettily. – Она танцевала красиво.

Sharp or sharply?

Sharp = exactly

– The game starts at 5 o’clock sharp. – Игра начинается ровно в пять часов.

Sharply = suddenly and angrily

– ‘Don’t talk to me like that,’ she said sharply – «Не разговаривай со мной так»: она сказала резко.

Short or shortly?

Short = suddenly. Полная фраза stop short (остановиться внезапно или неожиданно)

– I was about to tell the truth but a thought stopped me short. – Я собирался сказать правду, но мысль внезапно остановила меня.
– Cut something short – преждевременно прерывать что-либо:
– He had to cut his speech short when the fire alarm went off. – Ему пришлось прервать свою речь, когда зазвонила пожарная тревога.

Shortly = soon

– Professor will be here shortly. – Профессор скоро будет здесь.

Wide or widely?

Wide = completely also far away from the right point = мимо цели.

– The window was wide opened. – Окно было широко распахнуто.

Widely = to a large extent

– I travel widely in Europe. – Я путешествую много по Европе.

Easy or easily?

Easy = remain calm

– Take it easy, darling. – Успокойся, дорогая.
Easy does it – Тише едешь, дальше будешь.

Easily = with no difficulty / without doubt / possibly.

– I make friends easily. – Я легко завожу друзей.
– It is easily the best film I’ve seen. – Это, без сомнения, лучший фильм, который я видел.
– This could easily be the answer to your question. – Это может быть ответом на твой вопрос.

Степени сравнения наречий в английском языке

Следует отметить, что многие наречия, такие как sometimes, never, here, there, now, then, first, again, yesterday и daily не образуют сравнительную и превосходную формы.

Наречия, которые используются с окончаниями -er и -est

Наречия также имеют те же сравнительные и превосходные степени, что и прилагательные.

Положительная форма или Positive form Сравнительная форма
Comparative form
Превосходная форма
Superlative form
long longer (the) longest
near nearer (the) nearest
straight straighter (the) straightest

Наречия с more и most

Двухсложные или сложные наречия образуются с помощью слов more/most.

Положительная форма или Positive form Сравнительная форма
Comparative form
Превосходная форма
Superlative form
carefully more carefully (the) most carefully
easily more easily (the) most easily
softly more softly (the) most softly

Irregular Adverbs/Наречия исключения в английском языке

Неправильные наречия имеют такие же формы, что и неправильные прилагательные.

Positive form Comparative form Superlative form
badly worse worst
far farther  or further farthest or furthest
little less least
much more most
well better best
  • Примеры со словом badly:
  • We played badly in the first half. – Мы плохо играли в первом тайме.
  • She was treated much worse than I was. – С ней обращались гораздо хуже, чем со мной.
  • The worst affected area. – Наихудший район.
  • Примеры со словом far:
  • How far is it to the department store? – Как далеко до универмага?
  • In the summer the herds move farther north. – Летом стада уходят дальше на север.
  • The dogs walked to the farthest edge of the garden. – Собаки подошли к дальнему краю сада.

Место наречия в английском предложении. Order of Adverbs

Наречия обычно стоят после глагола в конце предложения. Однако их можно ставить в начале или середине. Факторы, определяющие этот выбор, могут быть:

– акцент, который говорящий хотел бы сделать;
– ритм предложения;
– сложность предложения с несколькими дополнениями.

  • Front position – Начальная позиция.
  • Mid position – Средняя позиция. Перед смысловым глаголом или после вспомогательного глагола.
  • End position – В конце предложения.


Front Mid End
Obviously they will never see her again.

Рассмотрим таблицу видов наречий в английском языке

Adverb of manner – наречия образа действия. Adverb of manner отвечает на вопрос How? Как? carefully, fast, easily, loudly, well, quickly etc.
Adverbs of place – наречия места. Where? – где? here, there, near, away, off, up, in the park etc.
Adverbs of time – наречия времени When? – Когда? now, today, tomorrow, then, lately etc.
Adverbs of degree – наречия степени How much/to what extent? – Сколько? Насколько?/До какой степени? only, wholly, hardly, far etc.
Adverbs of frequency – наречия частоты How often? – как часто? always, ever, never, often, usually etc.
Relative adverbs – относительные наречия. where, why. where, why.
Sentence adverbs –  сентенциальное наречие certainly, probably, possibly etc. clearly, perhaps.

Разберем каждый тип отдельно.

Adverbs of frequency – наречия частоты

Мы используем некоторые adverbs, чтобы описать, как часто мы что-то делаем.

Частота Пример
100% – always – всегда I always brush my teeth at night.
90% – usually – обычно I usually walk to work.
80% – normally/generally – обычно I normally get good marks.
70% – often/frequently – часто I often read books.
50% – sometimes – иногда I sometimes forget my friend’s birthday.
30% -occasionally – изредка, иногда. I occasionally drink fizzy water.
10% seldom – редко I seldom add sugar to my tea.
5% rarely/hardly ever – очень редко I rarely drink beer.
0% never – никогда I never swim in the river.


  • Слово often произносится по-разному:
  • [ɔfn] –без буквы ‘t’
  • [ɔft ən] – с буквой ‘t’

Наречия частоты употребляются перед смысловым глаголом

Subject + adverb + main verb (подлежащее + наречие + смысловой глагол)
He always wants to drink coffee. – Он вечно хочет пить кофе.
I often read in bed at night. – Я часто читаю в постели по ночам.
  • Наречие частоты употребляется после глагола to be
Subject + to be + adverb (подлежащее + глагол to be + наречие)
I am normally busy at work. – Я обычно занят на работе.
He is always late. – Он всегда опаздывает.

Когда мы используем вспомогательный глагол (auxiliary verb): has, would / will, should, can, etc., то затем следует наречие и смысловой глагол.

Subject + Auxiliary verb + Adverb + Main Verb (подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол + наречие + смысловой глагол)
I have always lived in Italy. – Я всегда жила в Италии.
I can sometimes beat you in a race. – Иногда я могу победить тебя в гонке.
  • Наречия частоты могут также употребляться в начале или в конце предложения, когда хотим что-то выделить или подчеркнуть:
  • Sometimes I get up early. – Иногда я встаю рано.
  • They only meet occasionally. – Они встречаются лишь изредка.
  • Но в начале предложения не могут стоять следующие слова:

Always, seldom, rarely, hardly, ever, never

*Always или Never могут использоваться в начале предложения в повелительном наклонении.

  • hardly ever и never употребляются с глаголом в утвердительной форме:
  • You never say “thank you”. – Ты никогда не говоришь «спасибо».
  • Ever употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях:
  • Have you ever seen a dolphin? – Ты когда-нибудь видел дельфина?
  • I haven’t ever been to Paris. – Я никогда не был в Париже.
  • Выражение Used to и модальный глагол have to стоят после наречий частотности:
  • You always have to remind them to take of their shoes. – Ты всегда должен напоминать им снимать обувь.


А также можно использовать следующие выражения, если хотим быть более конкретными в отношении частотности:

  • every day –каждый день;
  • once a month – один раз в месяц;
  • twice a year – дважды в год;
  • four times a day – четыре раза в день;
  • daily – ежедневно;
  • monthly – ежемесячно;
  • weekly – еженедельно;
  • annually/every year – ежегодно/каждый год.

I pay for my flat every month = monthly –Я плачу за квартиру каждый месяц.

  • I call her daily to make sure she is fine. – Я звоню ей ежедневно, чтобы убедиться, что она в порядке.

Adverbs of time – наречия времени

Adverbs of time отвечает на вопрос When? Когда?

Yesterday, now, later, sooner etc.

Наречия времени могут занимать начальную (если нужно поставить акцент на время) или конечную позицию в предложении.


  • I will go to the post office tomorrow. – Завтра я пойду на почту.
  • Today I will go to the library. – Сегодня я пойду в библиотеку.

Следующие короткие наречия ставятся в середине предложения: Soon, now, then, still, once.

  • It is now time to leave. – Пора уходить.

Но также они могут стоять и в других местах:

  • Now it’s time to leave.
  • It’s time to leave now.

Обратите внимание, что слово sometimes (иногда) относится к типу частотности. Sometime (как-нибудь, когда-нибудь) – наречие времени.

  • You must come over and visit me sometime. – Вы должны как-нибудь навестить меня.
  • Sometimes I feel like no one understands me. – Иногда мне кажется, что меня никто не понимает.

Adverbs of place – наречия места

Наречия места показывают нам местоположение действия. Они отвечают на следующий вопрос: Where? Где? Home, abroad, around, inside etc.

Наречия места часто ставится после смыслового глагола или в конце предложения.

  • После смыслового глагола (main verb):
  • She ran home. – Она побежала домой.
  • She ran everywhere with her dad. – Она бегала повсюду со своим отцом.

В конце предложения:

  • She ran with her dad everywhere.
  • Here и there также наречия времени:
  • The summer is here. – Лето здесь.
  • Take a sit over there. – Присядьте вон там.
  • Here и there могут стоять в начале предложения, чтобы сделать акцент:

Если подлежащее является существительным, за here и there следует глагол:

  • Here is the summer!
  • Here is my brother!
  • There went my dog!

Если подлежащее является местоимение, за here и there следует местоимение:

  • Here she is!
  • Here it is!
  • There it is!
  • There they are!

Adverbs of degree – наречия меры и степени

Наречия степени отвечает на вопрос How much? To what extent? Сколько? Насколько? /До какой степени?

К наречиям степени относятся такие слова:

Absolutely совершенно
Just просто, всего лишь, только
Completely совершенно
Totally полностью
Very очень
Extremely чрезвычайно
A lot много
Terribly ужасно, очень
Really очень
Much часто, очень
Awfully ужасно
Quite довольно
Pretty достаточно
Rather довольно, до некоторой степени
A little/a bit немного, недостаточно
Enough достаточно
Too слишком
Slightly немного, слегка

Для более детального перевода слов обратитесь к словарю. Так как слова могут иметь разное значение в зависимости от контекста.

Наречия степени обычно ставятся

Перед прилагательным или наречием, которые их определяют:

  • He is quite good at Spanish. – Он неплохо владеет испанским языком.
  • I am extremely tired. – я очень устала.

Большинство этих наречий могут также стоять перед смысловым глаголом или после вспомогательного глагола.

  • I rather like this shirt. – Мне нравится эта рубашка.
  • I can’t quite get it. – Я не совсем понимаю это.

Наречия: a lot, totally, completely, absolutely, terribly, awfully, a bit, a little and much могут стоять в середине или в конце предложения.

  • The plane was delayed a little. Или The plane was a little delayed.
  • The storm completely destroyed the city. Или The storm destroyed the city completely.

Adverbs of manner – наречия образа действия

Наречия образа действия отвечает на вопрос How? Как?

well – хорошо
quickly – быстро
softly – тихо, спокойно
loudly – громко
beautifully – красиво
dangerously – опасно
secretly – тайно
weakly – слабо
happily – счастливо
sadly – грустно
hard – настойчиво / сильно
fast – быстро
quietly – тихо
slowly – медленно
roughly – приблизительно / грубо
greedily – жадно
nicely – хорошо, отлично
badly –  плохо / сильно
hungrily – жадно
angrily – сердито
thankfully – к счастью

Наречия образа действия ставятся после дополнения или смыслового глагола

После смыслового глагола
I dance well – я танцую хорошо.
I dance slowly – я танцую медленно.
I dance beautifully – я танцую красиво.
После дополнения
I read the book well – я читаю книгу хорошо.
I read the book loudly – я читаю книгу громко.

Наречия образа действия также может стоять в середине предложения:

  • He looked angrily at me. – Он посмотрел на меня сердито.

Когда в предложении несколько наречий, то порядок таков:

Manner – place – time.

manner place time
He watched TV  quietly in his room until 7.00

Однако если есть глагол движения (go, run, leave etc), то наречия места идет рядом с глаголом движения:

place manner time
Ann was rushed to hospital suddenly an hour ago.

Если в предложении есть наречия частоты, то порядок таков:

manner place frequency time
My sister walks impatiently home every evening after work.

Sentence Adverbs – сентенциальное наречие

Наречие, обозначающее все предложение, в целом ставится в начале, середине или в конце предложения. Но чаще всего в начальной позиции.

Sentence adverbs
Probably – вероятно
Possibly – может быть, возможно
Certainly – безусловно
Clearly – явно, очевидно
Luckily – к счастью
Of course – конечно
Fortunately – к счастью
Maybe – возможно, может быть
Perhaps – возможно, может быть


  • Luckily, he didn’t crash into the tree. – К счастью, он не врезался в дерево.
  • He luckily didn’t crash into the tree.
  • He didn’t crash into the tree, luckily.

В отрицательных предложениях наречия possibly, certainly and probably стоят перед вспомогательным глаголом:

  • I probably didn’t believe you. – Я, вероятно, не верил тебе.

Наречия обычно не употребляются между дополнением (object) и глаголом (verb).

He likes biscuits very much. (not: he likes very much biscuits).


В следующей таблице приведены наиболее часто используемые позиции для пяти различных типов наречий, рассмотренных выше.

Type of adverb Most commonly used position in clause
Adverbs of frequency Mid-position
Adverbs of time End-position. *Or at the Front position if we want to put emphasis on the time.
Adverbs of degree Mid-position
Adverbs of manner End-position.
Adverbs of place End-position.

Сделайте упражнение, которое поможет вам лучше понять разницу между прилагательным и наречием.

Тест по теме

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Verbs and adverbs are two of the major parts of speech and are often used alongside each other in sentences. These two very commonly used categories of words have similar names, but they are used quite differently from each other. 

In this article, we look at what verbs and adverbs are, explain the important functions they have in sentences, give some tips on how to tell them apart, and provide example sentences that show how we typically use both verbs and adverbs.

Quick summary

A verb fills the role of the predicate in a sentence and expresses physical action, mental action, or a state of being. An adverb is a modifier that provides more information about a verb, adjective, clause, or other adverb. Adverbs can act as conjunctions or describe frequency, time, place, manner, or quality.

What is a verb?

A verb is a word that is used with a subject to state what action a subject performs, what state it is in, or the relation it has to something else. Verbs are used to fulfill the role of the predicate, which is needed to form a complete sentence. While the subject tells us who or what is doing something, the verb/predicate tells us what they do. For example:

  • Dogs (subject) bark (predicate, verb). 

In general, there are three major types of verbs: verbs that refer to physical actions, verbs that refer to mental actions, and verbs that refer to states of being. In brief, physical actions refer to actions that bodies or objects perform, mental actions refer to actions the brain performs, and states of being describe someone’s or something’s existence or qualities they have.

Here are some examples of each type:

  • Physical action: jump, run, cry, eat, swim, climb, play, read
  • Mental action: think, consider, believe, hope, doubt, wonder
  • State of being: be, exist, become, have, turn, continue

We have only scratched the surface of verbs. To learn a lot more about verbs, check out our detailed guide to verbs here.

List of verbs

There are a huge number of verbs out there. This list gives examples of just a tiny number of them:

  • appear, bounce, catch, deny, envision, fasten, grab, hang, imagine, jiggle, kick, laugh, make, notice, open, pounce, quake, ride, sing, tickle, unlock, vex, worry, xerox, yell, zoom

Examples of verbs in a sentence

The following sentences show how we typically use verbs in sentences:

  • Birds fly.
  • I think the movie starts at eight.
  • My sister is a psychiatrist.
  • The milk turned sour because he left it out overnight.
  • They washed, dryed, and ironed the clothes.

What is an adverb?

An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, clause, or another adverb. Like adjectives, adverbs provide more information about the words that they modify. For example, the sentence Jack ran quickly uses the adverb quickly to modify the verb ran. The adverb describes how Jack ran.

Generally speaking, adverbs can be divided into several different types. These are:

  • Conjunctive adverbs: Adverbs that act as conjunctions to grammatically join two sentences/clauses together. Some examples include however, therefore, meanwhile, thus, and consequently.
  • Adverbs of frequency: Adverbs that say how often something happens. Examples include frequently, never, always, and sometimes.
  • Adverbs of time: Adverbs that say when something happens. Examples include now, yesterday, soon, eventually, and yet.
  • Adverbs of manner: Adverbs that say how something happens. Examples include weakly, skillfully, amazingly, slowly, and surprisingly.
  • Adverbs of degree: Adverbs that describe intensity or quality. Examples include very, really, extremely, somewhat, less, and most.
  • Adverbs of place: Adverbs that say where something happens. Examples include here, there, nowhere, under, up, left, and right.

To learn much more about adverbs and how we use them, check our detailed guides to adverbs by clicking here.

List of adverbs

The following list gives some examples of the many different adverbs we use.

  • apologetically, badly, creepily, down, everywhere, forward, greatly, hungrily, in, joyously, kinetically, lazily, more, needlessly, over, perfectly, quietly, really, seriously, there, underground, very, where, yearly, zestily

Examples of adverbs in a sentence

The following sentences give examples of how we typically use adverbs.

  • She sadly walked away.
  • Thankfully, we got there early.
  • He was really tired yesterday.
  • When I harshly grabbed the very old door, the handle fell off.
  • I’d never eaten a durian before because I’d heard it smells bad. Nevertheless, I tried eating the really stinky fruit anyway.

Discover more about adverbs in this guide about adverbs vs. adjectives.

verb vs. adverb

While verbs and adverbs are both major parts of speech, we use them in different ways. 

How to differentiate between verbs and adverbs

Verbs and adverbs serve completely different grammatical functions. Verbs perform the job of the predicate, and adverbs are modifiers. 

Because a predicate is required to form a complete sentence, every sentence must have a verb. As the predicate, the verb says what the subject is doing or what its condition is. If a word is expressing an action (physical or mental) or state of being, it is a verb and not an adverb. In the sentence Cheetahs run fast the word run is a verb and not an adverb. It is expressing what action the subject cheetahs performed.  

The other main difference between verbs and adverbs is that adverbs are modifiers and verbs are not. That means it is possible that a sentence may not have any adverbs in it. Adverbs answer questions like “How?” “Where?” or “In what way?” rather than express action. If a word is providing more detail about a verb, adjective, or adverb, that word is an adverb and not a verb. Looking at the sentence cheetahs run fast again, the word fast is an adverb because it is telling us how the cheetahs run. Fast is modifying the verb run so it must be an adverb.

Examples of verbs and adverbs used in a sentence

To finish things off, let’s look at some examples that show how we often used verbs and adverbs together to make interesting sentences.

  • Luckily, I recovered quickly from my sprained ankle.
  • The queen magically transformed into a dragon.
  • He has never been here before.
  • Yesterday, we got really lost.

verbs vs adverbs

What are verbs and adverbs? Simple! An adverb is a verb that has gone into advertising.

Okay, that was a joke. But in fact, despite the similarity of their names, verbs and adverbs have two different jobs. The main difference between verbs vs. adverbs is that verbs are action words, and adverbs are description words. Verbs state the action performed by a noun, while adverbs provide more information about how that action is performed.

All right, it’s a little more complicated than that, so let’s get into the nitty gritty and answer these questions: What are adverbs? What are verbs? What are action verbs? What is a main verb? Are there different types of verbs? Different types of adverbs? If the next match in the thunderdome were verbs vs. adverbs, who would emerge victorious?

That last one is tricky. Fight is a verb, and so are destroy and win, but if you want to fight fiercely so that you can utterly destroy your opponent and bravely win, you really need adverbs. So in the smackdown of verbs vs. adverbs, there’s no clear winner. Team them up, however, and they’re undeniably entirely unstoppable.


What Are Adverbs?

If you’re wondering, What are adverbs?, it’s simple. Adverbs are words that describe (or modify, to use the fancy grammar word) verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. Adverbs give us more information about how something is being done or the degree to which something is true. Adverbs often end with -ly, but there are common adverbs that don’t end in -ly (such as very, fast, well, and more). There are also words that end in -ly but aren’t adverbs (such as ally, family, and lovely).

Types of Adverbs

There are several types of adverbs. We can sort adverbs into loose categories based on what kind of information they’re giving us. Adverbs can tell us more about

  • how something is being done,
  • when it’s happening,
  • how often it’s happening,
  • where it’s happening, and
  • the degree to which something is true.

Let’s look more closely at each of these types of adverbs.


Adverbs of manner describe how an action is being done.

  • Gisela swam gracefully.
  • Peter carefully measured out the sugar.
  • I spoke slowly and deliberately so my slightly deaf grandmother could understand.


Adverbs of time describe when an action is being performed.

  • Frank arrived late to his own wedding.
  • I need that report immediately.
  • The teacher is giving us a test tomorrow.


Adverbs of frequency describe how often or at what interval an action is performed.

  • Sarah regularly eats oatmeal for breakfast.
  • I never smile at children.
  • Xavier runs three miles daily.


Adverbs of place show where something is happening.

  • Martin looked everywhere for his baseball.
  • Victor told his monster to walk toward him.
  • I much prefer riding my bike downhill.


Adverbs of degree illustrate the intensity of an action.

  • George strongly dislikes tennis.
  • Wilbur loves Charlotte deeply.
  • Mad Max fought fiercely.

You can use additional adverbs to further intensify your description.

  • George really strongly dislikes tennis.
  • Wilbur loves Charlotte very deeply.
  • Mad Max fought surprisingly fiercely.

And remember that adverbs can be used to modify adjectives as well as verbs and other adverbs.

  • George’s dislike of tennis is really strong.
  • Wilbur’s love for Charlotte is truly deep.
  • The alarmingly fierce fight between Mad Max and Blaster was completely riveting.

Warning! Be wary of drowning your sentences in adverbs. They’re like salt: a sprinkling adds flavor, but go overboard, and you’ll make the stew inedible—or your text unreadable.


What Are Verbs?

Like Schoolhouse Rock said, verbs are what’s happening. They are the only part of speech that can form a sentence all by themselves. One-word commands, because the subject, you, is implied, are a grammatically complete unit. Stop! Think! Celebrate!

Although most of us were taught in school that verbs are action words, that’s only partially true. Many verbs are action verbs, but there are two other types of verbs as well: helping verbs and linking verbs.

Types of Verbs

Verbs typically fall into three categories. The first category has two subcategories (explained below), so sometimes people divide verbs into four groups, but the number of categories is not really important. Schoolhouse Rock had it right. Three is a magic number:

1. Action verbs



2. Helping verbs

3. Linking verbs

 What Are Action Verbs?

Of all types of verbs, action verbs are the most powerful. Action verbs show the performance of an action. They are what the subject of a sentence does. You need them to make a complete sentence—because a subject plus a verb can make a complete thought.

  • Georgi explained.
  • Karen answered.
  • Ilana dove.
  • The tiger growled.

There are two types of action verb: transitive and intransitive.

Transitive Verbs

Transitive verbs take an object—that is, the subject does the action of a verb directly to something else (the direct object). What does Finn throw? He throws a football. Throw is a transitive verb.

  • Georgi explained the complicated science of tachyon particles.
  • Karen answers the phone with a cheerful “Ahoy there!”
  • Penelope read every book in the library before she turned twelve.

Intransitive Verbs

Intransitive verbs, logically enough, don’t take an object. They might be qualified with an adverb or two. There might be a prepositional phrase following the verb. But you can never nap something directly. You can only nap for six hours or nap on the couch or nap soundly.

  • Carl sleeps poorly.
  • Norma sneezed three times in a row.
  • David lied about being a dancer in Beyoncé’s most recent video.

Just to make life interesting, some verbs can be both transitive and intransitive, and they might have slightly different meanings.

  • The Prince of Wales will succeed the current monarch when she dies.

Here, succeed means inherit the throne from, and it takes a direct object, so it’s transitive. But a more common use of succeed means something like triumph or achieve the desired result, and when we use it like that, it’s intransitive.

  • Elon Musk succeeded at sending a sports car into space.

Other verbs can be both transitive and intransitive without their meaning changing much, if at all.

  • Hannah sings a sad song.

Sing here is transitive because it takes a direct object. What is Hannah singing? She is singing a sad song. However, sing can also be intransitive because it doesn’t need a direct object to make sense.

  • Hannah sings loudly in the shower.

What Are Helping Verbs?

The most common helping verbs are the various forms of be, do, and have, but the remaining helping verbs (forms of shall, will, may, can, and must) are equally useful. We use helping verbs to change the tense or the emphasis of a verb—or both.

  • I am running faster than ever these days.
  • I do run, but I prefer to walk when I’m wearing a tiara.
  • I have run every day for nine years.
  • I should run, but I am too lazy.
  • I will run as soon as I finish this doughnut.
  • May I run and join my friends now?
  • I might run later, if I feel like it.
  • I can run, but I can also dance, and dancing is more fun.
  • I could run later, or I could binge-watch Stranger Things.
  • I must run, or the zombies will catch up.

What Are Linking Verbs?

A linking verb shows a state of being rather than an action. Instead of the subject of a sentence doing something, a linking verb shows what the subject of a sentence is. The most common linking verbs are to be, to seem, and to become.

A linking verb is like an equal sign between the subject of a sentence and the predicate. It’s a way of saying, “Here’s more information about the subject!”

  • Katherine seems great.
  • Barbara is Diana’s mother-in-law.
  • Andrew is becoming a really good singer.

Bonus Question! What Is a Main Verb?

After all that, you might be left still wondering, “What is a main verb?”

A main verb isn’t exactly a new category of verb because what makes a verb a main verb is its position and function in a sentence. The main verb is the operative verb in the central clause of a sentence or the verb that’s left once all the helping verbs are gone. For example, in this sentence, the main verb is sell.

If I move out, my mother can and will sell all my comic books.

Common Business Adverbs

The best business writing is often the simplest and most direct—the ideal is to use the fewest possible words to say exactly what you mean. This is even more important when you’re communicating with an international audience—colleagues who might not be completely comfortable with some of the finer nuances of English grammar and usage.

What does that mean for business adverbs?

The best business adverbs are the ones you don’t use. Instead of using a verb plus an adverb, look for a more precise verb. Or be specific rather than vague. Your writing will be stronger for it.

Instead of this: Our sales have grown quickly over the last six months.

Try this: Our sales have accelerated over the last six months.

Instead of this: Our number-one product sold well in the run up to Christmas.

Try this: Our number-one product sold three million units in December.

If nothing else, check out this list of some common adverbs that add nothing but length to your writing. You almost never need any of these, and they’ve been used (and overused and sometimes abused) to the point where they’ve lost their impact. Avoid them whenever possible: very, really, totally, actually, hopefully, suddenly, just, so, basically, apparently.

And here’s the grandmother of all adverbs to avoid: literally. People think that it adds weight and drama to their writing, but (1) it doesn’t, and (2) grammar nerds love to hate it, so if your boss is even mildly interested in good writing, chances are that she will read literally, and her head will figuratively explode, which could adversely affect your promotion prospects.

Even so, there are excellent ways to use adverbs in business writing to strengthen and clarify your intended message.

Common Business Adverbs of Time

Use adverbs to describe a sequence of events rather than relying on (potentially confusing) verb tenses to do that job.

Before we can schedule a stakeholder meeting, all departments must have finished their quarterly reports.

See how that could be confusing? Use adverbs instead to more clearly state the order of events.

First, all departments must finish their quarterly reports. Then, we can schedule a stakeholder meeting.

Common Mistakes with Business Adverbs

Some of the most common adverbs are the trickiest because they’re irregular. Good and well, for example, are frequently confused, as are bad and badly.

Wrong: He manages his team really good.

                  He handled his presentation bad.

Good and bad are adjectives, not adverbs.

Right:     He manages his team really well.

                  He handled his presentation badly.

Other adverbs might be confusing because the adjective and adverb are the same word, like fast, late, and early.

The early bird gets the worm. (Here, early is an adjective describing bird.)

I get so much more work done when I arrive early. (Here, early is an adverb modifying arrive.)

adverbs to use on resume

Adverbs to Use on Your Résumé

There are also energetic and descriptive adverbs that will strengthen your résumé, but use them sparingly! If you’re choosy, the adverbs you do include will have greater impact.

Here are the top ten adverbs to use on your résumé. Some highlight your commitment, drive, and ambition while others emphasize your ability to work as part of a team.

  1. Consistently
  2. Cooperatively
  3. Creatively
  4. Diligently
  5. Efficiently
  6. Independently
  7. Precisely
  8. Reliably
  9. Resourcefully
  10. Successfully

We hope this article has helped clear up any confusion in the verbs vs. adverbs debate! If you encounter anyone else wondering, What are verbs and adverbs?, now you’ll be equipped to school them on the difference. And remember to check out our other posts on relevant grammar topics such as conjunctions and common comma mistakes, and brush up on your writing skills with our writing resources page.

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