Is the word until a verb

Is until a verb or noun?

Until is a preposition and a conjunction. Until is often shortened to till or ’til.

Is until an adverb?

An adverb clause of time shows when something happens. It is usually introduced by time adverbs. Examples are: before, after, as, when, while, until, as soon as, since, no sooner than, as long as etc. Note that all adverb clauses are subordinate clauses.

What verb comes after until?

Part 2: Time Clauses

Time word Time clause tense Main clause tense
Until Simple past Past perfect
As soon as Simple present Simple future
Simple past Simple past
Whenever Simple present Simple present

What is until sentence?

Examples of until in a Sentence Conjunction We played until it got dark. Keep going until I tell you to stop. I ran until I was breathless. Stay here until the danger has passed.

What means until date?

Until means up to the time.

What does until today mean?

This is the reason why “I am living there until today” sounds so strange, because the ‘until today’ means the action has stopped, and thus must be in the past.

How do you say until now?

Alternate Synonyms for “until now”: so far; thus far; up to now; hitherto; heretofore; as yet; yet; til now.

Is until now formal?

In English the phrase “until now” is used to refer to a change of circumstances where the change happens now. Instead of “until now”, in this sentence the writer should have used the phrases “to date”, “as yet” or “so far”. They all have the same meaning. “To date” is formal; “so far” informal.

How do we use as today?

As of today can mean “from the beginning up until now, including today,” as in this example: As of today, only three survivors have been found.

Can you say as of now?

“As of now” is a grammatically correct phrase describing an action beginning in the present moment and continuing into the future. However, “As is now” is not grammatically correct and can mean something different. “As is now” literally means a situation will continue as it is already happening in the present moment.

Where do we use as now?

As of now means from this time forward or at this moment….Examples:

  • As of now, dogs are not allowed in the house. (
  • No talking – as of now! (
  • As of now, John is fired from his job.
  • As of now, we will use the new rules. (

Is as yet proper English?

“As of yet” usually describes something that hasn’t yet happened. Many writing authorities think “as of yet” is unnecessarily wordy. If you like clear writing, opt for “as yet,” or, even better, “yet.”

What words can you not start a sentence with?

Never begin a sentence—or a clause—with also. Teach the elimination of but, so, and, because, at the beginning of a sentence. A sentence should not commence with the conjunctions and, for, or however….

Can a sentence start with an?

Originally Answered: Can you start a sentence with the word “an”? Yes, absolutely! If the word after “an” starts with a vowel or a silent “h” as in honor, you would use “An”. An honest student turned in the wallet he found on the playground.

Can a sentence start with but?

The answer is yes. It is perfectly acceptable to start sentences with the conjunctions and and but. However, it is slightly informal. If formality is your goal, choose more formal language.

We are now going to look at the terms “by” and “until.” These two words are used so commonly in the English language and it is so critical to know the difference between these two.

Key Takeaways

  1. “By” indicates a deadline or the end of a period in which an action should be completed, while “until” denotes the duration or continuation of a step up to a specific point in time.
  2. Using “by” in a sentence implies an action will be finished before or at a specified time, while using “until” suggests the movement will continue and then stop at that time.
  3. These words can create ambiguity if used interchangeably, describing different relationships between actions and time.

The difference between By and Until is that ‘by’ refers to time or to imply someone for something whereas until means a situation that is continued and will end in the future at a particular time. By stands as a preposition, adverb, and noun while until stands as a preposition or conjunction in the part of speech.

By vs Until

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Comparison Table

Parameter of Comparison By Until
Meaning “Not later than” “Up to a specific time or event.”
Kind of Speech Preposition, Adverb, Noun Preposition, Conjunction
Specific Time Associated with a specific time Not associated with a specific time
Examples Clarence will be back in town by Monday. Roger will be at the wedding by ten o’clock. Mary Ann will be out of town until Friday. Jamal will not be at the wedding until ten o’clock.

What is “by”?

In order to fully understand just what the word “by” is, we first of all need to get a working definition of this word. According to Merriam-Webster, the word “by” is defined as “not later than.”

Moreover, the sample sentence that Merriam-Webster gives out is something like this: “Todd will be there by 4 p.m.”

Naturally, this sentence could easily be rewritten to “Todd will be there not later than 4 p.m.” Simply put, this is when Todd is expected to be there.


What is “Until”?

Of course, the word “Until” is a little bit different than “By.”. This word is often used as either a preposition or as a conjunction.

As a preposition, “until” is utilized as a word to establish some type of continuance. One sample sentence would be this: “He stayed at the office until that evening.”

Interestingly enough, the word “until” has had a long and quirky history. Some variation of the word has been around since at least the 13th century.

Moreover, there are many different variations of the word, including such examples as “till” or “’til.” Naturally, one would think that these examples are a newer version of “until”, but they would actually be wrong.

Believe it or not, “till” is an older version of the word “until.”

One of the main reasons why “until” has such a unique history would be because it is actually a newer version of the word “till” and not the other way around. “Till” didn’t start meaning the same as “until” until around the beginning of the 13th Century.

Of course, the modern variation of “until” would be “’til”, and this seems to have become increasingly popular in the 20th Century. Of course, there are some writers who believe that it was introduced as early as the 19th Century, and there is, indeed, some evidence for that belief.


Main Differences Between “By” and “Until”

Even though the words “by” and “until” are very similar, they are some main differences. Consider some of the following facts:

1) Completion of Deadline

The word “by” explains a specific deadline in a sentence. When you encounter “by” in a sentence, that usually means that it is explaining a certain deadline.

For example, take a look at this sentence: “We will make it to the picnic by 12 p.m.” In this case, the expected deadline for your arrival is 12 p.m.

“Until” refers to a deadline as well, but it is usually a bit vaguer. The word “until” is similar to “by”, but it is also quite a bit different.

Instead of completely referring to the deadline, “until” is more focused on the period leading up to the deadline.

2) Reference to Time

Unlike “by”, “until” is not followed by a specific point in time. When you see the word “by” in a sentence, it will generally go something like this: “by Wednesday”; “by tomorrow”; by next week; and so on.

This is because “by” is directed at a specific point in time.

On the other hand, “until” is quite a bit different than “by”. “Until” will usually be in sentences such as this one: “George will be out of town until Friday”. Thus, the word “until” is more concerned with when the situation will change.

3) Verb

The word “until” is best expressed with a verb that demonstrates continuity. In a nutshell, if the verb can be used in a continuous form, then it is better to use “until” in the sentence.

Here is an example: “Joseph was very tired, so he slept until noon.”

On the other hand, “by” usually will only refer to a verb that is just used once, at a fixed point in time. This is one of the main reasons why “by” will usually refer to deadlines.

Sample sentences of this would be “You have to finish by Thursday”, “You need to turn in the report by Sunday”, or “Please leave the pool by 4 p.m.”

Difference Between By and Until



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Emma Smith holds an MA degree in English from Irvine Valley College. She has been a Journalist since 2002, writing articles on the English language, Sports, and Law. Read more about me on her bio page.

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The word until is not a verb. It is a conjunction.

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При изучении языка часто бывает так, что ты вроде бы привык использовать слово определенным образом, а потом встречаешь его в каком-то другом контексте, и не можешь ничего понять. Особенно это касается служебных слов, каковым и является слово until.

Почему я решила посвятить целую статью слову until? Дело в том, что оно такое простое только на первый взгляд и существует множество случаев, когда вместо until нужно употребить другой предлог. Не все об этом знают и помнят.

Кроме того, непонятно, что должно стоять в предложении после until: указатель времени, существительное или целая часть предложения.

На самом деле, мало кто задумывается о том, что все различия в использовании появляются из-за того, что слово until может выступать разными частями речи: предлогом и союзом. В зависимости от структуры предложения until выполняет разные функции и переводится тоже, по-разному. Но и в том, и в другом случае, это слово обозначает, что действие продолжалось/ продолжается/ будет продолжаться до какого-то момента.

Until имеет эквивалент — till, поэтому until часто пишут неправильно: с двумя l. Запомните, что till пишется с двумя l, а until с одной. Until и till взаимозаменяемы, то есть можно использовать любой из этих предлогов.

Единственное грамматическое  различие между ними — это то, что в начале предложения нужно употреблять until, till в начале предложения не используется. Кроме того, until часто использоваться в формальной и письменной речи, в то время как tillболее разговорное слово, которое не употребляется в официальной речи.

Парные предлоги from … until/ till используются, чтобы показать, когда что-либо начинается и оканчивается:

We work from nine until/till five. — Мы работаем с девяти до пяти.

He will be on holiday from May 1st until/till May 14th. — Мы будем в отпуске с первого мая до четырнадцатого мая.

Не стоит путать until с предлогом by. By подчеркивает, к какому моменту действие завершится, поэтому  используется преимущественно с временами группы Perfect (особенно Future Perfect). Сравните:

I will be in the office until 6 o’clock tomorrow. — Я буду в офисе до 6 часов завтра.

I will have left the office by 6 o’clock tomorrow. — Я уйду из офиса к 6 часам завтра.

В первом предложении действие будет длиться до 6 часов: наступает 6 часов — прекращается действие. Если вы придете в офис около 6, то, возможно, застанете меня там. Во втором случае, в 6 часов меня уже не будет в офисе — я уже уйду: действие будет закончено, причем не указывается, когда именно (я могу уйти и в 2, и в 3, и в 17.30). Единственное, что мы знаем, если видим предлог by: действие уже совершится до указанного момента времени. Так что,  не рассчитывайте встретить меня в офисе завтра около 6.

Вернемся к предлогу until и рассмотрим его особенности в качестве предлога и союза.

Предлог until обозначает «до» (определенного момента, события). Until в качестве предлога связывает две части предложения и после него может стоять указатель времени, дата, название события:

I will be busy until 5 o’clock. — Я буду занят до пяти часов.

He was reading all night until morning. — Он читал всю ночь до самого утра.

I was not informed until February 23rd. — Меня не ставили в известность до 23 февраля.

Until в этих предложениях можно заменить предлогом up to без потери смысла:

I will be busy up to 5 o’clock.

He was reading all night up to morning.

Запомнив, что until — это «до», то, по аналогии с русским языком, мы, конечно же, начинаем его вставлять везде, где на русском мы бы сказали «до». Это часто неверно, так как во многих случаях используется не until , а другой предлог.  Рассмотрим эти случаи. 

Until нельзя употреблять, когда речь идет о количестве. В данном случае можно использовать up to:

The lift can take up to six people. — Лифт может поднять до шести человек.
The number of members of the party grew up to five thousand. — Количество членов партии выросло до пяти тысяч.

Until не используется, когда говорят о расстоянии. Вместо него употребляется as far as:

I was driving as far as the village and then Rob took over. — Я вел машину до деревни, а потом Роб сел за руль.

We had to walk as far as the lake and only there caught a bus. — Нам пришлось идти пешком до озера и там мы сели на автобус.

Использование слова until в качестве союза несколько сложнее.

Until, как союз, может соединять две половины предложения, причем в каждой половине есть свое подлежащее и сказуемое. Часть предложения, в которой находится until, называется придаточным предложением времени.

В придаточных предложениях until имеет различные варианты перевода. Его можно переводить как «до тех пор, пока» или «пока» или «пока не», в зависимости от контекста предложения. В основной части предложения говорится про действие, которое длится до другого действия или события, которое представлено в придаточном предложении.  

Until — союз отличается от until — предлога тем, что после союза идет подлежащее и сказуемое (целая часть предложения).

We stayed at home until the rain stopped. — Мы оставались дома, пока дождь не прекратился.

She listened until you said everything. — Она слушала, пока ты все не сказал.

I used my old computer until I bought a new one. — Я пользовался своим старым компьютером, пока не купил новый.

Обратите внимание, что все примеры выше относятся к прошедшему времени и в обеих частях предложения используется Past Simple. Это не противоречит той логике, к которой мы привыкли в родном языке.

Если же вы говорите о будущем, то запомните правило: после until нельзя использовать will, так же как и после when и as soon as. После until допустимо употреблять Present Simple (который будет обозначать будущее действие). При этом в основной части предложения будет использоваться Future Simple:

We will stay at home until the rain stops. — Мы останемся дома, пока дождь не прекратится.

She will listen until you say everything. — Она будет слушать, пока ты все не скажешь.

I will use my old computer until I buy a new one. — Я буду пользоваться старым компьютером, пока не

После until может также идти Present Perfect (для обозначения завершенности будущего действия):

I will not read my poem to you until I have finished it. — Я не буду читать тебе свой стих, пока не закончу его.

He will not find a job until he has graduated. — Он не найдёт работу, пока не закончит университет. 

Если речь идет о прошедших действиях, то для обозначения завершенности используйте Past Perfect:

I did not read my poem to him until I had finished it. — Я не читал ему мой стих, пока не закончил его.

He did not find a job until he had graduated. — Он не нашел работу, пока не закончил университет.

Последние примеры подводят нас к следующей особенности союза until. Очень часто until можно встретить в отрицаниях и тогда оно переводится как «пока не» или «до того, как«.

They will not give you a receipt until you pay. — Они не дадут вам чек, пока вы не заплатите.

I did not understand anything until I read the article. — Я ничего не понимал, пока не прочитал статью.

Иногда until путают с before, потому что в русском оба слова иногда переводятся «пока не».  Before используется когда «пока не» обозначает «перед тем, как», «прежде чем»:

I want to read the book before I watch the movie. — Я хочу прочитать книгу перед тем, как посмотрю фильм.

Do not forget to close the window before you leave. — Не забудь закрыть окно, перед тем, как уйдешь.


I do not want to watch the movie  until I read the book. — Я не хочу смотреть фильм, пока не прочитаю книгу.

Do not close the window until you leave. — Не закрывай окно, пока не будешь уходить.

С переводом союза until нужно быть поаккуратнее, так как если предложение отрицательное, то переводить следует в зависимости от смысла предложения.

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Despite what many students learn in colleges and universities, brevity is a virtue in writing. Complicated sentences are sometimes necessary (and interesting), but they are harder to read and to understand. If you can state something simply and succinctly, you should do it.

The same principle applies to individual words: long, complicated words are sometimes necessary, but shorter ones are easier to understand and usually make your writing more fluid.

That is why many English words can be abbreviated or shortened into smaller words with the same meaning. Until is only two syllables, but even it can become till in the service of brevity.

What is the Difference Between Till and Until?

In this post, I will compare until vs. till and use each word in a few example sentences. This way, you will be able to learn what they mean and see them in context.

I will also show you a memory tool that will allow you to choose either until or till correctly every time.

When to Use Until

till versus until What does until mean? Until is a preposition. It means up to the point or time mentioned.

The prepositional phrase until the world ends refers to all of the time between now and the end of the world, whenever that might be. Until I get back refers to the time until the speaker returns.

A few more examples,

  • “Just wait until I get my cast off; you’ll be sorry then,” Marcos told his little brother.
  • All hiking paths in the Columbia River Gorge will remain closed until we can be sure that the terrain is safe.

When to Use Till

definition of until definition of till definitionWhat does till mean? Till also has many meanings. The word can be a noun and a verb, but in this article, I will focus on its use as a shortened form of until.

Till can be used in all the same ways as until, but it is perceived as less formal.

  • I can’t wait till the pizza gets here and we will have something to eat besides potato chips and pretzels.
  • “I will eat pizza till the day I die, and then I want someone to have pizza delivered to my grave so I can eat it in the afterlife,” said Margot.

You could substitute until for till in the above sentences without changing their meaning. Till feels slightly more natural to some writers, and is shorter, which can be useful.

When to Use Til

What does til mean? Til is a common misspelling of till when substituted for until. Since until only has one L, we would think that the word would shorten to til.

Unfortunately, we would be wrong. Till is actually an older word; it became until later in its life. Til and its apostrophe-laden cousins ‘til and ‘till are all incorrect.

Trick to Remember the Difference

is till a real wordYou could use either of these forms any time you wanted. They are both correct. Don’t use til or ‘til, though, because they are considered misspellings.

Until is slightly more formal than till, so it might be more appropriate for formal writing, like in the workplace or at university.

Till vs. Until Check: Since till rhymes with will, remember that till will always be correct as a substitute for until.


Is it till or until? Both of these words can function as prepositions and their meanings are the same.

  • Until means up until the point that is mentioned.
  • Till is a less formal way of saying until.
  • Til, ‘til, and ‘till are all incorrect variations.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Till and Until?
  • 2 When to Use Until
  • 3 When to Use Till
  • 4 When to Use Til
  • 5 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary

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