Is the word until a preposition

Table of Contents

  1. What kind of word is slow?
  2. Which preposition is used with slow?
  3. Is near a preposition?
  4. What does a preposition end with?
  5. How do you prevent a dangling preposition?
  6. Are dangling prepositions bad?
  7. Why are dangling prepositions bad?
  8. How do you fix a dangling preposition?
  9. What is a gerund in English?
  10. Do all gerunds end in ing?
  11. Is running a gerund?
  12. Where do we use gerund?
  13. Is being a gerund or participle?
  14. What are the 5 types of gerund?
  15. How do you identify a gerund?
  16. How do you find a gerund in a sentence?
  17. How do you identify a gerund and its function?

Until is a preposition and a conjunction. Until is often shortened to till or ’til.

What kind of word is slow?

Slow can be used as an adjective and as an adverb. In the first example, slow is an adverb and in the second one, it is an adjective. Correct: The traffic is moving slow.

Which preposition is used with slow?

In 13% of cases slow for is used Stuttery and slow for everyone. Progress in too slow for me too. TKR was busy in the concert circuit but his ascent to the top was slow for two reasons. After the decision, a minority which disagrees should go slow for a while on the debate.

Near and near to are prepositions. Near is also an adjective. … The preposition near (to) means ‘not far away in distance’. In formal contexts, we can use near as an adjective to refer to time with the phrase in the near future meaning ‘soon’.

What does a preposition end with?

Prepositions, Ending a Sentence With. Ending a sentence with a preposition such as “with,” “of,” and “to,” is permissible in the English language.

How do you prevent a dangling preposition?

In order to rewrite sentences to avoid dangling prepositions, we have to move the preposition to an earlier part of the sentence before its object. If the dangling preposition doesn’t have an object, we also have to add a pronoun (usually which) to fulfil this role.

Are dangling prepositions bad?

I’ll leave it up to you as to whether you want to appease these people by avoiding unnecessary dangling prepositions. But if it sounds too formal to rearrange the sentence (as may be the case with the last example), rest assured that it’s not wrong to leave the preposition dangling.

Why are dangling prepositions bad?

While there is nothing wrong with the grammar of removing a preposition from its object and leaving the preposition for the end of the sentence, doing so can be confusing for a reader, and can inhibit the flow of your writing.

How do you fix a dangling preposition?

Dangling Prepositions

  1. It is fine – just leave it (unless your English teacher has a big problem with prepositions at end of sentences, in which case try completely rearranging the sentence).
  2. It really is not a problem because it is an idiomatic (two-word) verb.
  3. Move the phrase.
  4. Rearrange the prepositional phrase.
  5. Just leave it off.

What is a gerund in English?

A gerund is a noun made from a verb root plus ing (a present participle). A whole gerund phrase functions in a sentence just like a noun, and can act as a subject, an object, or a predicate nominative.

Do all gerunds end in ing?

Yes, gerunds all end with -ing, simply by definition. A gerund is, in Latin, a form of the verb which can be construed as (i.e. has functional characteristics of) a noun – it can act as subject or object of a verb, for example, or can take a plural ending.

Is running a gerund?

Running. Here, running is a gerund that as the object of the verb enjoys. The gerund phrase in this sentence is running daily.

Where do we use gerund?

Gerunds can be used after certain verbs including enjoy, fancy, discuss, dislike, finish, mind, suggest, recommend, keep, and avoid.

  1. After prepositions of place and time. I made dinner before getting home.
  2. To replace the subject or object of a sentence. Lachlan likes eating coconut oil.

Is being a gerund or participle?

The word being is the present participle of the verb to be. When it is used as a gerund, its job is that of a noun and it does all the jobs that nouns normally do: He is an alien being.

What are the 5 types of gerund?

4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund Phrases

  • Subject. Gardening is my favorite hobby. (Gardening is normally a verb, but here it is the name of an activity.)
  • Direct Object. My neighbors admire my gardening.
  • Object of Preposition. I have received several awards for my gardening.
  • Subject Complement.

How do you identify a gerund?

One way to spot a gerund is to notice that they always end in -ing. Just remember they’re not the only players in the game ending in -ing. Present participles (verbs indicating continuous activity) also end in -ing. For example: “I was sitting there.” Sitting looks like and acts like a verb in this instance.

How do you find a gerund in a sentence?

To find gerunds in sentences, just look for a verb + ing that is used as a noun. It’s that simple.

How do you identify a gerund and its function?

A gerund is a verb form that acts as a noun and ends in -ing. A gerund is often the subject of a sentence or clause, an object of a verb, or an object of a preposition. A gerund phrase consists of a gerund and all its modifiers. Swimming is one of my favorite ways to get exercise.

In this English grammar lesson, you will learn the difference between the prepositions of time “by” and “until” and how to use them.

As a preposition of time, “by” means before a specific time.

by” shows a time limit for something to happen.
An event must happen before a specific time is reached.

Please send me the report by Tuesday.
(I must receive it before Tuesday. The deadline is Tuesday)

Jane would like to lose 3 kg by June.
(She would like to lose 3kg before June.)

We often use “by” for projects with deadlines.

All job applications must be received by the 15th July.

We often use “by” to say when someone will return:

Mark: Where is Jane?
David: She is in London. She’ll be back by Saturday.

“by then”

We use “by then” to describe a specific time that we have already mentioned earlier in the sentence or in a previous sentence.

Tomorrow is the last day of school. You must finish all the exercises by then.

The TV show starts at 9pm so please finish your homework by then.

Preposition of time: “until”


As a preposition of time, “until” describes a continuous action that stops at a specific time.
until” describes the duration of an action before a specific time.

I’m staying in New York until Friday.
I’m really tired. Last night I watched a film until midnight.
Mark lived in Manchester until 2010.


We can use “till” instead of “until“.
till” is more informal.

I am going to study till 9 o’clock.
I am going to study until 9 o’clock.

Be careful of the spelling:


From …. until

from + specific time = start time
until + specific time = end time

The shop will be closed from 7pm until 8am tomorrow.
The shop will be closed from 7pm through 8am tomorrow. (USA English)

When NOT to use “until”

We do NOT use “until” to describe numbers or a quantity:

My car can take until 3 passengers. wrong

Instead, we use “up to“:

My car can take up to 3 passengers. correct

You may take the accounting exam until 3 times. wrong
You may take the accounting exam up to 3 times. correct

The cinema can hold until 100 people. wrong
The cinema can hold up to 100 people. correct

The difference between “by” and “until”

I will be rich by 2020.

This means that in the present, I am not rich.
I predict that I will be rich before year 2020.

I will be rich until 2020.

This means that in the present, I am already rich.
I will continue to be rich between now and 2020
After 2020, I will no longer be rich. I will be poor.

English video lesson about the prepositions of time “by” and “until”

by vs untilPrepositions are the words that precede a noun or a pronoun to show the relation or connect it to another element within the sentence. By and Until are the two prepositions of time, which are commonly misinterpreted. However, the preposition ‘by‘ acts as a deadline in a sentence, indicating the time up to which something must be done or completed.

On the contrary, the word ‘until‘ focuses on the period, before the deadline. Now, let’s have a look at the examples below to understand the difference between by and until:

  • The Minister promised that they will arrive at the School Annual day function by 12:00 pm and will stay there until the program is over.
  • My mom will come home by Monday, so you cannot meet her until she comes back.

In these two examples, you might have observed that we have used the word ‘by’ to indicate a certain time, at which something must happen, whereas, the word until is used to indicate a particular point at which the situation/state which is continuing over a long time will change.

Content: By Vs Until

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Examples
  5. How to remember the difference

Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison By Until
Meaning The word by means ‘not later than’, which indicates something must be achieved or completed. Until is used to show how long a state or situation continues, so it marks a point at which the situation or state is going to change.
Part of Speech Preposition, Adverb, Noun Preposition and Conjunction
Usage Deadline Period before deadline
Specific time It is followed by specific time. It is not followed by a specific time.
Examples John will come back to the town by Monday. John will be out of the town until Monday.
Kate will be at the party by 4’O clock Kate will be at the party until 4’O clock.

Definition of By

The word ‘by’ with reference to time is used to set a time limit for an action to finish. This means that the action must be completed on or before the expiry of that time. Hence, it highlights a specific point in time or moment in future, when that action should be finished or something has to be achieved. Let’s talk about its usage with the help of points given below:

  1. Not later than:
    • The tailor said, ” Your dress will be stitched by Friday.”
    • All the candidates must arrive by 9’O clock.
    • My friends are supposed to be here by May.
  2. It also represents the agent, i.e. the person who does something or what causes something:
    • The car was driven by Mr Sharma.
    • This restaurant is run by an old woman.
  3. It also indicates the way of doing something:
    • He learned dancing by watching videos on Youtube.
    • The policeman rescued the victim by grabbing him in his arm.
  4. Nearby or next to:
    • When we are taking photographs, the girls stood by my side.
    • Alex purchased a new house by the coast.
  5. When something happens unplanned or unintentionally:
    • I met my friend in Amsterdam by luck.
    • Sorry, I didn’t mean it, it happened by mistake.
  6. For measurements:
    • The salary of the employees was increased by 20%
    • The rate of inflation has fallen by 1%
  7. To indicate Mode of transport:
    • The guests arrived by car.

Definition of Until

The word ‘until’ describes an action, state or situation which continues up to a long time and then it stops or changes at a specific moment or point in time. Informally we use the word till, instead of until. Now, we will discuss the usage, in the points given below:

  1. Up to a specific time or point:
    • You cannot leave the office until you finish the work.
    • I will help you, but you have to wait until this evening.
    • The President is in Kolkata until midnight.
    • Mom said, “You can sleep until seven.”
    • We will stay at the office until the rain stops.
  2. As far as or with respect to distance:
    • Don’t go anywhere until I come back.
    • Alex can stay by bus until Delhi and then change the route.

The points given below explains the difference between by and until:

  1. The preposition ‘by’ is used to express an event or action that should be happened on or before a definite moment or time. On the contrary, we use the word ‘until’ to describe a situation, action or state which will change or stop, at a particular point in time.
  2. ‘By’ is used when there is a specific time limit, for doing something, to indicate that something has to be achieved/completed by that particular time. As against, if the focus is not on the time limit but the period before the deadline, then we use until to show that something continues over a period of time and then stops once a particular point (mentioned) is reached.
  3. While ‘by’ is often followed by a definite time, this is not so in the case of ‘until.’



  • I will mail you the documents by Monday.
  • I will finish my homework by 12:30 pm
  • You must complete the visit by May this year.


  • She will be staying in Ooty until Wednesday.
  • Peter was studying until 11:00 clock last night.
  • The kids watched cartoon until 7’O clock in the evening.

How to remember the difference

One easy trick to remember the difference between by and until is that when you have to accomplish something on or before a specific point in time and that time is the last moment up to which the action must be completed, then you need to use ‘by’.

On the other hand, when something is going on, up to a particular point in time, i.e. something takes place or continues over a duration of time, and then it changes or stops when the point is reached, we use ‘until’.

In English grammar, Until and Unless are identified as subordinating conjunctions. They are normally used to join two or more than two sentences. Look at the following sentences:

  • Stay here quietly until I ensure your safety.
  • You can’t realise your dream unless you are honest and hardworking.

In the above examples, the word Until is connecting two clauses/sentences i.e. “Stay here quietly” and “I ensure your safety”. Similarly the word Unless is joining two clauses/sentences i.e. “You can’t realize your dream” and “you are honest and hardworking.”

Where lies the difference between these two subordinating conjunctions? We shall now discuss in detail with examples and try to find out the core meanings of Until and Unless and the situations where they can be used.

As we have discussed earlier that the word Until is a conjunction and connects two or more than two sentences. Now we shall proceed with the core meaning of this conjunction and the situation where it is used.

The word Until as a conjunction expresses time and is used in the sense of “Up to the time” in a sentence. It has a negative meaning. Therefore, the negative word “Not” is not used with Until. It conveys that a particular thing will occur but when it is going to occur, is quite uncertain. Whereas the word Unless as a conjunction is used in the sense of “If not” in a sentence. It has a negative meaning and expresses a condition that may or may not occur. In simple words, we can say that the word Until is a conjunction of time, and the word Unless is a conjunction of condition. Look at the following sentences and try to identify differences.

Until in a sentence

  • We should wait until the rain stops. (Expresses Time)
  • I won’t leave you until you finish your work.
  • He will not go abroad until he gets married.
  • The officer can’t initiate any action against him until he reaches here.
  • Please stay in the shed until it gets dark.
  • Wait until I return.
  • You will not get to play with your ball until you complete your assignment.
  • The company will not refund your money until you send the original bill.
  • I can’t start work on this project until it is approved by the competant authority.
  • You have to wait until you are called.

Unless in a sentence

  • My business will collapse unless you help me. (Expresses condition)
  • You can’t apply for this post unless you are a graduate.
  • The doctor will not operate unless she deposits the fees.
  • Unless he compromises, the dispute will not be settled.
  • Unless they report the officer, they will be in trouble.
  • Merry can’t pass the examination, unless she joins the coaching institute.
  • Don’t turn off the television unless the show ends.
  • Unless you pay in full, we can’t ensure the guarantee of this device.
  • The lender will not provide you with a loan unless you show them your income proof.
  • The employer will not promote you unless you complete this project.

Until as a Preposition

The word Until also functions as a preposition and is used in the sense of “Up to” in a sentence. It is always used before a noun or pronoun to show its relation with the other words in a sentence. For example:

  • The captain of the Titanic continued sending SOS until his death.
  • Danny works in his office until 9:00 p.m.
  • The guest will stay in the hotel until next monday.
  • I could not get a seat in the train until Luxemburg.
  • Lucy will get no allowances until her retirement.
  • She is unmarried until now.
  • The child listented to the story until midnight.

Unless and Until – Can we use both of them together in a sentence?

In our day-to-day life, we hear people using a set phrase of conjunctions “Unless and Until” either in speech or writing. It is frequently used during conversation. Now the question arises if it is semantically correct. Can we use two conjunctions together in a sentence? Some grammarians are of the opinion that it is grammatically incorrect and some say that it can be used only during the conversation but not in writing. Since the opinion of the experts differs in this regard, we can only conclude keeping in view the general acceptance of this phrase that it can be used only for the purpose of emphasis. For example;

  • I will not resign from the post unless and until I complete 35 years of my service. (Emphasis)
  • Parents will not permit their children to join the schools unless and until the Covid pandemic persists in the country. (Emphasis)
  • The officer will not release his salary unless and until he asks for the forgiveness. (Emphasis)
  • John will not be permitted to take the examinaion unless and until he pays all the dues. (Emphasis)
  • Unless and until you realize your mistake, you will not be allowed to join the party. (Emphasis)
  • The farmers will keep on protesting against the government unless and until their demans are accepted. (Emphasis)
  • The candidates have to stay in the examination hall unless and until the invigilator collects the answer sheets. (Emphasis)
  • CBSE will not issue any certificate unless and until the teacher completes the online course in teaching pedagogy. (Emphasis)
  • I will not go anywhere unless and until you refund my money. (Emphasis)
  • Unless and untill I am paid handsomely, I will not do any extra work. (Emphasis)

Unless and until or Until and unless – Which is in proper sequence?

There is another query from the readers regarding the proper sequence of these two conjunctions whether it should be written or spoken as “Unless and until” or Until and unless”. Which of the two is correct? Now I tell you the correct proper sequence of this set phrase in a layman’s lingo. Try to understand with the help of the following example:

  1. Using the sequence “Until and unless” would be just like as you say – “John killed his friend and severely thrashed him.”
  2. Using the sequence “Unless and until” would be just like as you say – “John severely thrashed his friend and killed him.”

Which of the sequence do you think, is most appropriate. Definitely, the second example seems to be correct and in proper sequence. Now it is clear that we have to avoid the use of the sequence Until and unless” as it seems to be quite irrelevant.

There are some other phrases like “Unless and Until” that are equally acceptable in the English language. Grammar experts discourage this redundancy but have to accept it as it has become a part of our life. Look at the following phrases:

  • Over and above
  • Anyone and everyone
  • Any and all
  • Forever and always
  • Each and everyone


We played until it got dark.

Keep going until I tell you to stop.

I ran until I was breathless.

Stay here until the danger has passed.

Stir the dough until it forms a ball.

Recent Examples on the Web

In the simulation, the dust scattered along various routes until the team found suitable trajectories, which allowed the dust to concentrate temporarily and act as a sun shield.

Kasha Patel, Anchorage Daily News, 9 Feb. 2023

Eventually, most of the students escaped Ray, but his complete control over Rosario and another former student, Isabella Pollock, would last a decade until a 2019 New York Magazine article exposing the cult came out.

Gillian Telling, Peoplemag, 8 Feb. 2023

The swath of barren land surrounding Rensselaer remained largely undeveloped except for a jumble of parking lots until ground was broken for Dunkin’ Park, the city’s minor league ballpark in 2015.

Kenneth R. Gosselin, Hartford Courant, 8 Feb. 2023

But now, with one week remaining until pitchers and catchers report in Arizona and Florida, everyone is on the same page and ready to get this thing going.

Paul Sullivan, Chicago Tribune, 8 Feb. 2023

In the statement, Eganus also demanded that all incoming flights to Paro Airport be stopped and said the pilot would not be released until the Indonesian government acknowledged Papuan independence.

Heather Chen, CNN, 8 Feb. 2023

The Bearcats had a cold start trailing for the first 11 minutes until DeJulius hit a 3-pointer.

Scott Springer, The Enquirer, 8 Feb. 2023

The process now has the city accepting applications until the money runs out.

Stacy Ryburn, Arkansas Online, 8 Feb. 2023

Neither team would budge in the second half until the Titans came up big in crunch time to close out the gutsy road win.

Glenn Graham, Baltimore Sun, 8 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘until.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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