Is the word took a verb

Is took a verb or noun?

verb (used with object), took, tak·en, tak·ing. to get into one’s hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a book in one’s hand; to take a child by the hand.

What kind of word is took?

verb. simple past tense of take.

Is took a verbs?

“Took” itself is the past form of the verb “take”. The latter can be used as a verb and a noun.

What part of speech is took?

The word ‘took’ is a verb, so it shows action in a sentence. Specifically, it is the simple past tense of the irregular verb ‘take.

Is Had I had correct?

It is correct, though it too might seem a bit awkward. To understand “had had,” we need to take a look at the present perfect and past perfect tenses. When you have two past-tense occurrences, you use past perfect to express the action that came first.

What is the contraction for I had?

The contraction I’d can mean “I would” or “I had”. The contraction ‘d can mean would or had.

What does I’ve mean?

I’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘I have,’ especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.

What does I’ll mean?

: I will : I shall.

What is the contraction for she has?

This is an explanatory supplement to the Wikipedia:Manual of Style guideline.

Contraction Meaning
shan’t shall not
she’d she had / she would
she’ll she shall / she will
she’s she has / she is

Can you use she’s for she has?

She’s is a contraction of either she is or she has. An example of she’s is the contraction form of the phrase “She is the best.”

Can she’s mean she has?

she’s | Intermediate English contraction of she is or she has: She’s (= She is) about to have her baby.

Is I’ve a contraction?

What are contractions? A contraction is a word made by shortening and combining two words. Words like can’t (can + not), don’t (do + not), and I’ve (I + have) are all contractions. People use contractions in both speaking and writing.

Who is contraction in grammar?

Who’s is a contraction of who is or who has. A contraction is a shortened form of two or more words where the omitted letter (or letters) is replaced by an apostrophe.

What two words make up I ve?

Only Use Apostrophes to Replace Letters in Standard Contractions

Contraction Original
I’d I had, I would
I’ll I will, I shall
I’m I am
I’ve I have

When can I’ve be used?

Use “I’ve” in a sentence when you are either speaking or writing informally. “I’ve is very conversational and casual. Of course, “I’ve” is a contraction of the words “I have” and contractions are used in informal speech or writing. So no business letters or academic essays.

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Is took a pronoun?

No, it is not. The word «took» is the past tense of the verb to take.

What part of speech is the word took?

Took is the past tense form of the verb to take.

Is stood a verb?

Yes It Is.
An easy way to remember is to keep in mind that a verb is an
action word. So, someone stood, that was an action they took, so
yes, it is a verb.

Is marched a verb?

Yes, a verb is an action word, even if the action took place in the past. He marched in the parade, for example, uses the verb marched to tell the action that heperformed.

How do you use a two word verb in a sentence?

A two word verb is a verb and a preposition which when used together have a special meaning. Example sentences for two word verbs are:I asked her to look over my paper.The plane took off.He has to think over his choices.

A student of mine once asked me:
What’s the difference between “I took a walk in the park.” and “I walked in the park?”
These sentences mean the same thing but I can see the confusion. I wrote this blog post to help anyone else who has the same question.

“I took a walk in the park.” is using WALK as a noun. The verb in the sentence is TOOK, the past tense of the verb TO TAKE. This answers the question “What did you do?” 
“I walked in the park.” is using WALK as a verb in the past tense. This answers the question “Where did you walk?”

Both of these sentences are using the past tense but the sentence grammar and when we use them are different. Keep reading for lots of example sentences plus a video to help improve your listening skills.

TOOK is the past tense of the verb TO TAKE and WALKED is the past tense of the verb TO WALK. The confusion comes from the fact that some words have a noun and a verb form.  

Table of Contents

  • When To Use Walked or Took a Walk
  • How we can tell if WALK is a noun or a verb
  • WALK Verb Forms
  • I TOOK a Walk Meaning
  • I WENT FOR a Walk Meaning
  • English Expression “Take a Walk!”
  • Walked or Took a Walk PDF E-guide

When To Use Walked or Took a Walk

Both of these sentences have the same meaning but with a different focus.

  • The sentence “I took a walk in the park.” is focusing on what. (What you did.)
  • The sentence “I walked in the park.” is focusing on where. (Where you walked.) 

It would be fine to answer the first question “What did you do?” with only “I took a walk.” It’s natural to add more information to your answer but it is not necessary.

“I walked in the park.” is not a natural answer to the question “What did you do?”
*The grammar is fine and the meaning is clear but it is not natural in English conversation. As a native speaker, I would never give this answer. 

How we can tell if WALK is a noun or a verb

Noun vs. Verb
WALK noun a journey on foot, usually for pleasure or exercise
“My wife and I always take a walk after dinner if the weather is nice.”
WALK verb to move or go somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other on the ground, but without running
“I walk 6 kilometers to school every day.”

Noun link WALKVerb link WALK

It’s important to identify the difference between nouns and verbs so we can use the correct grammar in our sentences.

How to tell the difference

If we use an article in English (A, An and The are articles) the word that follows will be a noun:
“A banana.” “An orange.” “The watermelon.”
Or a noun phrase
“An old, brown banana.” “A tasty, Naval orange.” “The big, green watermelon.”
(Remember A/An and The refer to only one thing.)

Learn more at my blog post Master English Articles・A, An and The

So if ‘walk’ is used as a noun it will come after an article.
“I took a walk in the park.” – took is the verb in this sentence

BUT a verb comes after the subject of a sentence.
“I walked in the park.” – No article = verb (‘I’ is the subject of this sentence.)

This is true for all words that have a verb and a noun form.

“I want to give you a hug!” – give is the verb in this sentence [In this sentence HUG follows the article A so we know it is a noun.]

“I want to hug you!” – No article = verb [TO HUG is the infinitive form of the verb.]

Did you know that many words with a noun and a verb form are pronounced differently? I wrote a blog post about this with audio and over 70 natural examples. You can see this post here: Noun – Verb pairs with audio

*This also applies to uncountable nouns that have a verb form.

Uncountable nouns don’t use the article a but they can follow the article the. They also follow quantifiers like much or a lot of/lots of. Please look at the following examples with the word SMOKE:

“There is too much SMOKE in this restaurant.” – The quantifier too much is describing the smoke so we know it is a noun.

“I don’t SMOKE anymore.” – ‘Smoke’ follows the sentence subject and doesn’t use an article or a quantifier. Smoke is a verb in this sentence.

You can review English quantifiers at my Much, Many, and A Lot post.

Walked Or Took A Walk - Walk noun or verb

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WALK Verb Forms

The verb WALK has several forms. Please look at the table below.

TO WALK (infinitive) “I like TO WALK early in the morning. It’s cool and quiet.”
WALK (present simple) “I don’t WALK to school in the winter. It’s too cold.”
WALKS (present simple third-person singular) “Philip WALKS to his Judo classes. It helps him warm up before training.”
WALKED (past simple) “The bus was late so I WALKED to the train station last night after work.”
WALKING (continuous) “I saw Dennis WALKING in the park this morning.”
Walk is a regular verb. This means the past tense and the past participle both end with _ed.
WALKED (past participle) “My Dad has WALKED 10 kilometers every day for the past 4 years. Even in the rain and snow.” [Has WALKED is perfect tense grammar]

I TOOK a Walk Meaning

We know from our first example that the noun form of WALK can be used with the verb TAKE. The verb TAKE has several forms. Please look at the table below.

TO TAKE (infinitive) “After we check in I want TO TAKE a walk around the hotel.”
TAKE (simple present) “I TAKE a walk around my neighborhood after breakfast.”
TAKES (present simple third-person singular) “Celia TAKES a walk in the park on Sundays.”
TOOK (past simple) “It was a beautiful day so my wife and I TOOK a walk before lunch.”
TAKING (continuous) “Kevin is not here now, he is TAKING a walk. May I take a message?”
TAKE is an irregular verb. 
TAKEN (past participle) “Since I moved to Tokyo I have TAKEN a walk in the park near my house almost every day.” [Have taken is perfect tense grammar]

I WENT FOR a Walk Meaning

We can also GO FOR a walk in English. The meaning is the same as TAKE a walk but GO will be followed by the preposition FOR every time.

TO GO (infinitive) “I’ve been stuck in the house all day. I need TO GO FOR a walk and get some fresh air.”
GO (present simple) “Let’s GO FOR a walk.”
GOES (present simple third-person singular) “Steve’s shoes have holes in them because he GOES FOR a walk every morning.”
WENT (past simple) “During my vacation in Hawaii I WENT FOR a walk on the beach every day.”
GOING (continuous) A: “Where is Bill?” 
B: “He said he was GOING FOR a walk so I guess he is still out.”
*NOTE – This use of GOING is actually a form of the future tense. We use verb ~ing to show a future planned activity. [Future tense post link]
GOING for a walk is not used in the continuous tense, TAKE is more common.
Bill is GOING FOR a walk now. (Not so natural)
Bill is TAKING a walk now. (OK)
GO is an irregular verb. 
GONE (past participle) A: “Where is Bill?” 
B: “He has GONE FOR a walk I think.” [Has GONE FOR is perfect tense grammar]

Let’s GO for a walk!

English Expression “Take a Walk!”

Take a walk! is a strong or impolite way of telling someone that they need to leave, they should go away. 

  • The salesman at the store was way too pushy. After 10 minutes of him following me around the store, I finally told him to take a walk
    (Leave and stop bothering me.)
  • The same guy kept hitting on Tina all night. Eventually, Tina got annoyed and told the guy to take a walk
    (Go away and leave me alone.)

TAKE A WALK! | English meaning – Cambridge Dictionary

Learn the English Idiom – A walk in the Park

I walked or I took a walk?

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Think of 3 more words with a noun and a verb form and write a practice sentence for each word! Write an example in the comments section below so we can all see it.

“Let Tony take the free kick. He kicks like Messi!”

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В английском языке есть ряд глаголов, которые при употреблении с предлогами или наречиями частично или полностью меняют значения. Подобные глаголы называются фразовыми. Один из таких глаголов – to take.

Фразовый глагол take

To take входит в число самых употребляемых и многозначных глаголов английского языка.

Глагол может употребляться:

  1. В одном из многочисленных самостоятельных значений,
  2. В составе устойчивых идиоматических выражений,
  3. С предлогами и наречиями, выступая в роли фразового глагола.

Фразовый глагол take. Таблица

Глагол take неправильный, он образует формы прошедшего времени и причастия прошедшего времени не так, как это делают другие глаголы, он изменяет свою основу, тогда как правильные – просто присоединяют окончание «ed» и в первом, и во втором случае.

Неправильные глаголы необходимо выучить наизусть, to take также, как и другие подобные глаголы, входят в таблицу неправильных глаголов.

Неопределенная форма Настоящее время Прошедшее время Причастие прошедшего времени
To take take took taken
I would like to take a pound of sugar. I take a pound of sugar every week. Yesterday I took a pound of sugar. I have already taken a pound of sugar.
Каждую неделю я беру фунт сахара. Вчера я взял фунт сахара. Я уже взял фунт сахара.
He takes a pound of sugar every week.
Каждую неделю он берет фунт сахара.

Основные значения глагола take с переводом

Основные значения глагола take, которые в устной и письменной речи употребляются чаще всего:

  • grasp, receive, seize – взять, принять, получить, захватить;
  • have, get, need, make, use of, – использовать, иметь, нуждаться, употреблять;
  • remove – перемещать;
  • have with one, carry – нести, иметь при себе, содержать.

Другие значения глагола take

Так как глагол to take многозначен, способы его перевода не исчерпываются перечисленными выше:

  • очаровывать, покорять;
  • снимать (фотографии, показания), выходить на фотографии;
  • провожать;
  • принимать (душ, ванну, пищу, лекарство);
  • переносить (боль, испытания);
  • сдавать (экзамен);
  • понимать;
  • подхватывать (болезнь);
  • держаться, приставать, твердеть, схватываться (о чернилах, клее, льде);
  • охватывать, поражать, обрушиваться;
  • выбирать;
  • начинать, возобновлять.

Примеры употребления фразового глагола take

Чтобы лучше усвоить нюансы значений глагола to take, следует внимательно рассмотреть примеры его употребления, выучить шаблоны наизусть и на их основе составить свои собственные примеры:

  • He took my hand and shook it with the greatest strength. – Он взял мою руку и пожал ее с величайшей силой.
  • I can’t take this dirty money from you. – Я не могу принять от тебя эти грязные деньги.
  • Booker was taken prisoner. – Мистер Букер был взят под стражу.
  • Peter took the first prize. – Питер занял первое место.
  • Will your niece take this box for me? – Захватит ли для меня эту коробку твоя племянница?
  • It’s high time to take your choice. – Самое время сделать выбор.
  • Do not take her unpleasant words to heart. – Не принимайте ее неприятные слова близко к сердцу,
  • Your son will have to take himself in hand. – Твоему сыну придется взять себя в руки.
  • I am taking an important test next week. – На следующей неделе у важный меня тест.
  • Let’s take a short cut. – Давайте пойдем кратчайшим путем.
  • Do you take sugar in your coffee and tea? – Ты пьешь кофе и чай с сахаром?
  • I took a taxi to the theatre. – В театр я поехал на такси.
  • I need to take a note. – Мне нужно это записать.
  • It takes several minutes to cook those biscuits. – Приготовление того печенья займет несколько минут.
  • Somebody has taken my favourite cup. – Кто-то утащил мою любимую чашку.
  • If you take 2 from 3, you have 1 left. – Если от 3 отнять 2, останется
  • Bob took a decision to take Nelly to wife. – Боб решил взять Нелли в жены.
  • Could you take a picture of my granddaughter? – Вы не могли бы сделать снимок моей внучки?
  • Children should take care of their parents. – Дети должны заботиться о своих родителях.
  • Our government takes different measures to make life better. – Наше правительство принимает различные меры, чтобы жизнь стала лучше.
  • A lot of modern children take an interest in literature. – Много современных детей интересуется литературой.
  • They take our help for granted. – Они принимают нашу помощь как должное.
  • The old woman takes comfort in her grandchildren. – Пожилая женщина находит утешение в своих внуках.
  • We need to take a breath. – Нам нужно перевести дух.
  • It is raining, take your umbrella. – Идет дождь, захвати зонт.
  • I’ll take the dog for a walk. – Я поведу пса на прогулку.
  • We’ll have to take leave of her. – Нам придется с ней попрощаться.
  • You are tired, take a seat. – Вы устали, присаживайтесь.
  • Let’s take a walk after the lessons. – Давай прогуляемся после уроков.
  • Take a look at this wonderful sculpture. – Взгляните на эту чудесную скульптуру.
  • The student had to take extra lessons. – Студенту пришлось взять дополнительные уроки.
  • That man takes pleasure in food and wine. – Тот мужчина находит удовольствие в еде и вине.
  • I cannot take responsibility for their behavior. – Я не могу взять на себя ответственность за их поведение.
  • It is too hot, I would like to take shower. – Слишком жарко, я хочу принять душ.
  • Dick took the shine out of everybody. – Дик затмил всех.

Конструкции глагола take с предлогами

Если после глагола to take стоит предлог, то он частично или полностью меняет значение:

  • to take after – походить на;
  • to take along – приводить, привозить;
  • to take apart – разобрать на части;
  • to take somebody aside – отводить в сторонку;
  • to take away – убирать, уносить, отнимать, вычитать;
  • to take back – брать, относить, вернуть, обменять;
  • to take down – сносить (здание), снимать (фотографию), записывать (телефон, адрес);
  • to take somebody for somebody – принимать кого-то за кого-то другого;
  • to take up – браться за, подхватывать, принимать вызов, занять пространство;
  • to take in – ушивать (одежду), брать (работу), давать приют, обманывать, включать;
  • to take off – снимать, взлетать, имитировать, передразнивать, преуспеть;
  • to take on – взвалить на плечи, взяться за работу;
  • to take out – вести (в театр), вынимать;
  • to take over – принимать (полномочия), получить контроль над чем-то;
  • to take to – пристраститься, чувствовать симпатию, привязаться;
  • to take someone up on – поймать кого-либо на слове;
  • to take across/in/on/over/between – ударять по какому-нибудь месту;

Конструкции глагола take с другими словами

Глагол to take входит в состав устойчивых выражений, выучив которые и научившись употреблять их в речи, вы значительно пополните свой словарный запас:

  • take someones’s breath away – удивить кого-то,
  • to take somebody into one’s confidence – посвящать в свои секреты
  • to take advantage of somebody – использовать кого-либо,
  • to take something easy – не принимать близко к сердцу,
  • to take somebody’s time – не спешить,
  • to take action/measures – принимать меры,
  • to take an action against somebody – возбудить судебное дело,
  • to take in one’s arms – обнимать,
  • to take revenge on somebody – отомстить, взять реванш,
  • to take responsibility for – взять ответственность за,
  • to take an occasion/ opportunity – воспользоваться случаем,
  • to take someone’s courage in both hands – набраться смелости,
  • to take the wind out of somebody’s sails – расстраивать чьи-то планы,
  • to take the tide of the flood – воспользоваться случаем,
  • to take sides with somebody – оказывать поддержку кому-либо,
  • to take into account/consideration – учитывать, принимать во внимание, принимать в рассчет,
  • to take somebody off his guard – застать кого-либо врасплох,
  • to take somebody to task – отругать кого-то,
  • to take a hint – понять намек,
  • to take a rise out of somebody – рассердить кого-либо,
  • to take the part of somebody – поддерживать кого-то,
  • to take trouble – стараться, прилагать усилия,
  • to take the rough with the smooth – переносить тяготы и превратности судьбы,
  • to take to one’s heels – убежать, удрать,
  • to take possession of something – завладеть, получить в собственность,
  • to take somebody unawares – застигнуть кого-то врасплох,
  • to take care of – заботиться,
  • to take up arms for something / somebody – выступать в защиту кого-либо,

Упражнения на фразовый глагол take с ответами

Чтобы лучше усвоить изложенный материал, выполните блок упражнений на закрепление.

Фразовый глагол take - переводы

I. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

  • The stone took him between the eyes.
  • Paul has taken to Nina.
  • Priestley wanted to take back money.
  • Fire took the building.
  • It took round form.
  • Take it easy.
  • You must take one of the alternatives.
  • The speaker took the word.
  • The business took off.
  • Could you take on one more student?
  • The goal of our cruel jokes is take the frills out of Kate.
  • Never take a bet.


  • Камень ударил его между глаз.
  • Поль привязался к Нине.
  • Мисс Пристли хотела забрать деньги обратно.
  • Огонь охватил замок.
  • Он принял круглую форму.
  • Не переживай.
  • Вы должны выбрать один из двух вариантов.
  • Докладчик взял слово.
  • Дела пошли в гору.
  • Не могли бы вы взять еще одного студента?
  • Цель наших жестоких шуток – сбить спесь с Кейт.
  • Никогда не спорь.

II. Переведите на английский:

  • Босс послал киллера убрать Ника.
  • Мы подобрали рыжего котенка.
  • Возьми свои слова обратно.
  • Я не усвоил урок.
  • Элис обманула мужа.
  • Этот стол занимает слишком много места.
  • Джон вернул рубашку.
  • Сними пальто.
  • Пес свалил ребенка.
  • Мама отвела девочку в сторонку.
  • Я пыталась сказать им правду, но они это проигнорировали.
  • Чтобы запомнить лекцию, мне нужно делать заметки.


  • Boss sent a killer to take Nick out.
  • We took in a red kitten.
  • Take back what you said.
  • I have not taken in the lesson.
  • Alice took her husband in.
  • This table takes up too much space.
  • John took the shirt back.
  • Take off the coat.
  • The dog has taken the child down.
  • Mother took the girl aside.
  • I tried to tell them the truth, but they took no notice of it.
  • To remember a lecture I need to take notes.

III. Вставьте пропущенный глагол:

  • My uncle is taking my aunt … to a theatre tonight.
  • Their sister took … her skirt as she lost weight.
  • Sam took … the whole business.
  • I took … knitting.
  • Ann takes … her mother.
  • The train takes … at 6 a.m.
  • That beautiful girl took … my address and phone number.
  • My granny has taken … waking up rather early.
  • I took him … a friend.
  • The boys took … the engine.


  • out,
  • in,
  • over,
  • up,
  • after,
  • off,
  • down,
  • to,
  • for,

IV. Составьте предложения:

  • Grandfather, of, take, care, your.
  • Take, biscuits, the, out, of, the, oven.
  • We, took, victims, steps, to, help, the.
  • Of, advantage, your, friend, takes, you.
  • I, to, take, risk, want, do, not, a.
  • His, advice, do, not, take.
  • Take, a, taxi, to, get, there.


  • Take care of your grandfather.
  • Take the biscuits out of the oven.
  • We took steps to help the victims.
  • Your friend takes advantage of you.
  • I do not want to take a risk.
  • Do not take his advice.
  • Take a taxi to get there.

Приступая к изучению английского языка, независимо от поставленных целей, помните, что не стоит пренебрегать доскональным изучением фразовых глаголов.

В будущем это поможет не ударить в грязь лицом перед носителями языка и позволит избежать неудобных курьезных ситуаций, которые могут возникнуть из-за недопонимания.

a) Translate these word combinations with verb to take.

(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in ( _ )

(to) take off ( _ )

(to) _ (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of ( _ )

(to) _ (

b) Complete these sentences with the verb combinations in a). Pay attention to the tense.

Example: Are you going to take part in the school photo exhibition? − I don’t know yet.
1. Chris likes _ of his new classmates.
2. She _ her wet raincoat and went into the kitchen.
3. The historical performance _ every summer in the Tower of London.
4. The vet _ of the sick animals and birds.

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 3. Section 2. Номер №10


Перевод задания

Переведите эти словосочетания с глаголом to take.

(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in ( _ )

(to) take off ( _ )

(to) _ (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of ( _ )

(to) _ (

Закончите эти предложения комбинациями глаголов из а). Обратите внимание на время.
Пример: Собираетесь ли вы принять участие в школьной фотовыставке? − Пока не знаю.
1. Крису нравится _ из его новых одноклассников.
2. Она _ свой мокрый плащ и пошла на кухню.
3. Историческое представление _ каждое лето в Лондонском Тауэре.
4. Ветеринар _ о больных животных и птиц.



(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in (
принять участие)

(to) take off (

(to) take place (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of (

(to) take photos / pictures (


1. Chris likes to take photos/pictures of his new classmates.
2. She took off her wet raincoat and went into the kitchen.
3. The historical performance takes place every summer in the Tower of London.
4. The vet takes care of the sick animals and birds.

Перевод ответа


(to) take (
брать, взять)

(to) take part in (
принять участие)

(to) take off (

(to) take place (
происходить, иметь место)

(to) take care of (

(to) take photos / pictures (


1. Крис любит фотографировать своих новых одноклассников.
2. Она сняла мокрый плащ и пошла на кухню.
3. Историческое представление проходит каждое лето в Лондонском Тауэре.
4. Ветеринар заботится о больных животных и птицах.

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