Is the word too an adverb

The words are used in very different ways: too is an adverb, to is most commonly used as a preposition, and two is a number that can be used as a noun or an adjective.


  • 1 Is too a conjunction or adverb?
  • 2 What type of adverb is too?
  • 3 What part of speech is too at the end of a sentence?
  • 4 Which part of speech is this word?
  • 5 Is too a adj?
  • 6 Is too a preposition?
  • 7 Is too fast an adverb?
  • 8 How do you use the word too?
  • 9 Where does too use?
  • 10 Why is too an adverb?
  • 11 Is I too correct grammar?
  • 12 Is many an adj?
  • 13 Is the word this an adverb?
  • 14 Is the word or a conjunction?
  • 15 What part of speech is the word not?
  • 16 Is too plural?
  • 17 What are you up too or to?
  • 18 What does have too mean?
  • 19 Is too much or are too much?
  • 20 Is safe an adjective or adverb?

Is too a conjunction or adverb?

The word too functions as an adverb and not a conjunction. It emphasizes the manner in which something is done. As an adverb, the word too means more…

What type of adverb is too?

Too is an adverb. It is used before adjectives without nouns and before adverbs. I arrived too late.

What part of speech is too at the end of a sentence?

The word “too” is an adverb that indicates “also” or “in addition.” It most often shows up in the middle or at the end of a sentence. Most of the time you probably won’t use a comma with “too” because your sentences will be chugging along without needing a pause.

Which part of speech is this word?

Parts of Speech Examples

noun verb verb
John is working.

Is too a adj?

Too is an adverb.

Is too a preposition?

To is a preposition with several meanings, including “toward” and “until.” Too is an adverb that can mean “excessively” or “also.”

Is too fast an adverb?

The adverb too comes before adjectives and other adverbs: She ran too fast. She works too quickly.

How do you use the word too?

As an adverb, too is used to describe something that’s “in addition, furthermore, moreover.” It’s another way of saying “also” or “as well” but usually fits more naturally at the end of a sentence. For example, “If you’re getting ice cream, I want some too!”

Where does too use?


  • “Does” is used for singular subjects like “he,” “she,” “it,” “this,” “that,” or “John.” Example: John does not like snakes.
  • “Do” is used to form imperative sentences, or commands. Example: Do your homework.
  • “Does” is never used to form imperative sentences. Example: Does your homework. ( incorrect)

Why is too an adverb?

as an ordinary adverb (before an adjective or adverb or before ‘much’, ‘many’, ‘few’ etc): You’re too young to understand politics. as a way of showing how a sentence, clause, or phrase is related to what has just been said: ‘We’re going to the park. ‘ ‘Can I come too? ‘

Is I too correct grammar?

“I too” and “Me too” are both correct. Formally, you would say “I too.” But the word “me” has a special property of being a general, universal sort of word. You can use it anytime, in any context.

Is many an adj?

Many is also an adjective. Among his many hobbies was the breeding of fine horses. The possibilities are many. You use many in expressions such as ‘not many’, ‘not very many’, and ‘too many’ when replying to questions about numbers of things or people.

Is the word this an adverb?

The word “this” is considered as an adverb that modifies the adjective “big.” Example: We didn’t expect to wait this long.

Is the word or a conjunction?

Or is a conjunction that connects two or more possibilities or alternatives. It connects words, phrases and clauses which are the same grammatical type: Which do you prefer?

In the English language, the word “not” is solely categorized as an Adverb. The word “not” is considered as an adverb because it is used to modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs.

Is too plural?

TOO+ADJECTIVE+OF+PLURAL NOUN”–Such construction is rare in normal usage. OF= a simple preposition mainly used to mean possession and/or relation. TOO= An adjunct adverbial modifier that comes before adjective and other adverb with a strong negative sense. He is too old to work.

What are you up too or to?

What are you up to?” is the right way to use this idiom. “Too” is incorrect because it refers to “as well” or “additionally,” while “to” refers to a sequence of space and is therefore correct. English speakers frequently use this idiom to ask what someone is doing.

What does have too mean?

1 —used to say that something is required or necessary You have to follow the rules. I told him what he had to do. We have to correct these problems soon or the project will fail. I have to remember to stop at the store. “Do you have to go?” “Yes, I’m afraid I really have to.”I didn’t want to do it but I had to.

Is too much or are too much?

We use “too much” with countable nouns. We use “too many” with uncountable nouns. “Too much” and “too many” are usually used for negative things. If I like money, I would say “I have too much money.”

Is safe an adjective or adverb?

In fact, the adverb safe is what’s called a flat adverb. That is, it’s an adverb that has the same form as its related adjective—like safe in “drive safe,” slow in “go slow,” or easy in “take it easy.”

Too is an adverb. It is used before adjectives without nouns and before adverbs.

  • I arrived too late.
  • You are too generous.

Too and too much

Too much cannot be used before adverbs and adjectives without nouns.

  • She is too fat. (NOT She is too much fat.)

Too with other determiners

Too is not normally used before adjective + noun.

  • I could not lift the bag because it was too heavy. (NOT I could not lift the too heavy bag.)
  • I could not solve the problem – it was too difficult. (NOT I could not solve the too difficult problem.)

Structures with too

An infinitive can be used after too + adjective / adverb.

  • It is too hot to go out.
  • He is too old to work.

If the infinitive has its own subject, it is usually introduced by for.

  • It is too early for the shops to be open.

Note that object pronouns are not normally used after the infinitive in this structure.

  • The tea is too hot to drink. (NOT The tea is too hot to drink it.)

Note that object pronouns can be used in structures with for.

  • The tea is too hot for us to drink. OR The tea is too hot for us to drink it.

Too and very

Too is different from very. Too has a negative meaning. It means ‘more than enough’ or ‘more than is wanted’.

  • She is very beautiful. (NOT She is too beautiful.)
  • He is very intelligent. (NOT He is too intelligent.)


In informal English, too is sometimes used to mean ‘very’.

  • That was too kind of you. (= That was very kind of you.)

Hi there! В нашей сегодняшней статье поговорим о наречиях «too» и «enough». Вы узнаете: какие у них значения, как употреблять в контексте, с какими частями речи использовать, чем они отличаются и чем похожи.

Бывают такие дни, когда обычного прилагательного и существительного недостаточно, а «really» и «very» уже надоели, и мы чувствуем, что нам чего-то не хватает для грамматического счастья.

Мы знаем чего — «too» (слишком) и «enough» (достаточно). Эти наречия можно употреблять с прилагательными, другими наречиями, а «enough» даже с существительными. Но где и когда их ставить? Давайте разберемся какая разница между too и enough!

Содержание статьи:

  • Too
  • Enough
  • Чем отличаются too и enough?
  • Упражнение для закрепления
  • Заключение


Произношение и перевод: [tu:] / слишком.
Значение слова: выше, чем допустимо или возможно.
Употребление: используется в предложениях, когда нужно сказать, что чего-то больше, чем нужно.

She has too much work to do, she’ll be busy this weekend.
У нее слишком много работы, она будет занята на этих выходных. 

Наречие «too» используем с прилагательными и другими наречиями, включая последние меры и степени (many / much / little). В предложении оно ставится перед словом, с которым работает в паре.

You drink too much coffee. – Ты пьешь слишком много кофе.
He’s too lazy to work. – Он слишком ленив, чтобы работать.
This car is too expensive. – Эта машина слишком дорогая.
She drives too fast. – Она ездит слишком быстро.
He talks too slow. – Он говорит слишком медленно.

Советуем к прочтению: В чем разница между Many, Much и A lot? 

«Too» часто используется в конструкции:

  • Too + Adjective/Adverb + To/For

Предлог «to» добавит обстоятельство цели, а «for» — существительное или местоимение.

He is too stupid for this task. – Он слишком глуп для этого задания.
I am too tired to work today. – Я слишком устал, чтобы работать сегодня.

Важно! Не перепутайте наречие too, которое «слишком» (перед наречием и прилагательным) с тем, которое «тоже» (в конце предложения).

I like to watch horror movies too. – Я тоже люблю смотреть фильмы ужасов.
I watch too many horror movies. – Я смотрю слишком много фильмов ужасов.

Советуем к прочтению: В чем разница между Too, So и Very?

too enough правило

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Сочинение Reading a book vs. watching a movie на английском с переводом


Произношение и перевод: [ɪ’nʌf] / достаточно.
Значение слова: в той степени, в которой необходимо.
Употребление: используем, чтобы показать необходимую норму чего-то.

I have enough money to buy this dress. – У меня достаточно денег, чтобы купить это платье.  

Наречие «enough» употребляется не только с прилагательными и другими наречиями, но и с существительными.

  • «Enough» ставится после прилагательных (какой?) и наречий (как?)

That sounds simple enough. – Это звучит достаточно просто.
This room is large enough. – Эта комната достаточно большая.
Try this jacket on and see if it’s good enough for you. – Примерь эту куртку и посмотри, достаточно ли она тебе подходит.
You won’t pass the exam unless you work hard enough. – Вы не сдадите экзамен, если не будете достаточно усердно работать.

  • «Enough» ставится перед существительными.

I have enough money to buy this book. – У меня достаточно денег, чтобы купить эту книгу.

Также, можно использовать «enough» с частицей «not» в значении «не достаточно». Если «enough» стоит после слова, то «not» ставим перед словом, к которому оно относится.

There is not enough water. – Не достаточно воды.
This knife is not sharp enough. – Этот нож не достаточно острый.

Так же, как и «too», «enough» можно употребить в конструкциях:

  • Enough + Noun + To/ For
  • Adjective/Adverb + Enough + To/For

Music was loud enough for us. – Музыка была достаточно громкой для нас.
There were enough seats for all guests. – Там было достаточно мест для всех гостей.
He wasn’t experienced enough to do that job. – У него не было достаточно опыта, чтобы выполнить ту работу.

Чем отличаются too и enough?

«Too» и «enough» выполняют одинаковую роль в предложении (указывают на меру, усиливая значение слова, употребляемого с ними в паре), однако по значению они разные. Более того, «enough» можно употреблять с существительными.

Порядок слов в предложении будет следовать одному из вариантов:

  • Too + прилагательное/наречие.
  • Прилагательное/ наречие + enough.
  • Enough + существительное (предмет или лицо).

Рассмотрим примеры предложений с «too» и «enough» в таблице:

Таблица: Отличие Too от Enough



This sweater is too big for me.

Этот свитер слишком большой для меня.

I have waited long enough.

Я ждал достаточно долго.

There are not enough students in the class.

В классе недостаточно студентов.

They don’t study hard enough.

Они не учатся достаточно усердно.

Упражнение для закрепления

Потренируемся? Ответы на это упражнение находятся сразу под картинкой. So watch out!

1. Он бегает слишком быстро.
2. Ты говоришь слишком громко.
3. То блюдо было слишком острым.
4. Слишком тепло для этого времени года.
5. Там не было достаточно чашек для всех.
6. Я слишком расстроен, чтобы обсуждать это сейчас.
7. Эти новости слишком хорошие, чтобы быть правдой. 
8. Ты достаточно взрослый, чтобы сделать это самостоятельно.  
9. Шкаф достаточно большой, чтобы хранить в нем все мои вещи.
10. Я бы хотел путешествовать, но у меня нет достаточной суммы денег для этого.

too enough упражнения с ответами


  1. He runs too fast.
  2. You’re talking too loud.
  3. That dish was too spicy.
  4. It’s too warm for this time of the year.
  5. There weren’t enough cups for everyone.
  6. I’m too upset to discuss it now.
  7. The news is too good to be true.
  8. You are old enough to do it yourself.
  9. The wardrobe is big enough to keep all of my stuff.
  10. I’d like to travel, but I don’t have enough money for that.

Пишите в комментариях сколько правильных ответов вы сделали!

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English for Automobile industry


Надеемся, что статья помогла вам понять, как употреблять «too» и «enough», и разница вам ясна. Давайте подытожим самое важное:

  • «Too» — слишком (ставим перед прилагательными или наречиями).
  • «Enough» — достаточно (ставим перед существительными, после прилагательных и наречий).

Английской грамматики слишком много не бывает. So, don’t forget to feed yourself with it every day!

Большая и дружная семья EnglishDom

Main To vs. Too Takeaways:

  • To is typically a preposition or infinitive verb.It shows a relationship between words or elements.
  • Too is always an adverb.
  • It can also indicate an excessive amount. Therefore, when you need a word that means more, use too with more ‘Os’.
  • What’s more, too can be a synonym for really, also, and in addition.
  • When you aren’t sure whether to use to vs. too, replace the word with really, also, or in addition. If the sentence still makes sense, too is correct.
  • Too can also indicate agreement. Since you need at least two people to come to an agreement, think of the two ‘Os’ in too.
  • Two is always a number.

To vs. too: which one is correct? And what about two? We break things down in this super easy guide.

Two cartoon characters face off. One is a female ballerina. Her costume is labeled TO. The other is a male athlete with a backwards baseball cap. His shirt is labeled TOO.

Remember, ‘to’ can be a preposition or an infinitive verb, while ‘too’ is always an adverb.

To vs. Too vs. Two

On one hand, to (one ‘O’) shows the relationship between two words. Itcan be a preposition or an infinitive verb that joins words or clauses together. When it comes before a verb, it helps form an infinitive verb, or a verb that is not conjugated. Sometimes to also acts as an adverb, but this is rare. On the other hand, too (two ‘Os’) is always an adverb. It has several meanings and uses. First, too means also. In other cases, it refers to an excessive amount, such astoomuch. What’s more, too can indicate agreement, such as me too. Conversely, two is always a number. It’s how we write out the number 2.

Two is always a number. You can never use two in place of too or to.

Remember, to and too are never interchangeable. You also can’t use two instead of to or too.

How do you Remember the Difference Between To and Too?

Here is the easiest way to remember the difference between to and too: use the ‘O’ trick. Too can indicate something excessive or be a synonym for also or in addition. Remember that when a word means more, you need more ‘Os’. Similarly, it takes at least two people to agree on something, so you need two ‘Os’ to express that (I think sotoo.). Another trick is to replace the word with really, very, or also. If the sentence still makes sense, the use too. If not, you probably should use to.

On the other hand, since to is a preposition or infinitive verb that links parts of a sentence together, think of the one ‘O’ as one link. When you need a link to show direction or to show that a verb is an infinitive, use to.

Do you Need a Comma Before or After too?

There really is no fixed grammar rule when it comes to using commas with the adverb too. Because the overall meaning usually depends on the writer’s intent, adding a comma before too is more of a stylistic or personal choice. That said, if your sentence would be clearer with a comma, use one. All in all, if too functions as an interrupter or nonrestrictive clause that appears in the middle of the sentence, you can offset it with commas (I, too, love pizza). However, if too appears at the end of the sentence and means also or in addition, including the comma after too is up to you.

Three images. First image, two friends with their arms around each other's shoulder. Boy on the left is labeled 'to' while boy on the right is labeled verb. Text reads TO: a preposition used with infinitive verbs. Second image is of number two. Text reads: TO always a number. Third image is of a girl standing on top of a huge popcorn basket. Popcorn pieces are being thrown out of the basket.Text reads: TOO another word for 'also' indicates excess.

To, too, and two are homophones. They all sound the same when pronounced but have different meanings and functions.

How do you use the Word Too in a Sentence?

Too Sentence Examples:

[/example]There is too much shouting and not enough problem solving.[/example]

too definition:(adverb) also; excessive; a higher degree than expected or permitted.

To Sentence Examples:

to definition:(preposition) a word that governs a noun or pronoun and conveys a relationship between another word or element in a clause.

Is it Love you too or to?

If someone tells you that they love you and you would like to say it back, the correct sentence to say is I love you too. This is because too(with two ‘o’s) means also in this complete sentence. However, the phrase I love you might be part of a longer sentence instead of a complete sentence in itself. For example, in the phrase I love youtothe moon and back, you should use to (with one ‘o’). The reason is because the word is part of a longer sentence where to acts as a preposition or infinitive verb.

Is it to Fast or too Fast?

If you’re talking about excessive velocity or speeds, the correct phrase is too fast. In this way, too(two ‘Os’) is an adverb that refers to an excessive amount (of speed). However, if you’re talking about the act of fasting or abstaining from eating, then the correct phrase would be the to fast. In this case, to (one ‘O’) is helping to create the infinitive verb to fast. The third option is Fast is the name of a place. In this case, the to would be a preposition that indicates a direction toward a place called Fast, and the correct phrase would be to Fast.

To vs. Too vs. Two: Test Your Skills

Too Question #1

A. Noun

B. Pronoun

C. Adjective

D. Adverb


The answer is D. “Too” is an adverb that indicates agreement or an excessive or higher-than-expected amount.

To Question #2


The answer is FALSE. “To” can be a preposition. When it precedes a verb, it can help form an infinitive verb.

To vs. Too Question #3

A. Barry ran to fast, and Clark couldn’t keep up.

B. Barry ran too fast, and Clark couldn’t keep up.


The answer is B. “Too” in this sentence indicates an excessive amount of speed.

To or Too Question #4

A. Do you want to build a snowman?

B. Do you want too build a snowman?


The answer is A. “To” in this sentence acts as a preposition.

Read More: Whoever vs. Whomever: How to use Them Properly in a Sentence

To vs too

Three commonly confused words in the English language are to, too, and two. These three words are homophones, meaning that they’re pronounced the same way, but they’re all spelled differently, and they have very different meanings.

So when should you use each word?

The short answer is that to is a preposition that indicates direction, too means also or indicates excess, and two is a number.

to vs too vs two

Read on to learn the distinct meanings of to, too, and two and to see examples of how to use these words in sentences.

Quick Definition and Meaning of “To”

To is a preposition with several meanings. Some of these meanings refer to proximity, distance, movement, location, and purpose.

Most often, to is used to indicate a direction toward something. If you say, “I drove to the office,” that means you drove in the direction of the office.

To can also be used with a verb to create its infinitive form. For example, you might say “I love to dance.”

To also expresses a range. For example, you might say, “I’ll be ready in five to ten minutes.”

Here are some other examples of when to use to:

  • I don’t want to leave the party.
  • I like visiting my friends in America from time to time.
  • You have to pass the exam in order to graduate.

Quick Definition and Meaning of “Too”

The word too is an adverb with two meanings.

The first meaning is also or in addition to. For example, you might say “If you’re going to the concert tonight, I want to come too.”

Too can also be used to indicate an excessive degree. It can mean something similar to very or an excessive amount. If you say, “The dish was too spicy for me,” that means you think the dish was excessively spicy.

Here are some other sample sentences of when to use too:

  • I have class tomorrow, too.
  • The young puppy had too much energy.
  • It was too late to take back his mistake.

Quick Definition and Meaning of “Two”

Out of the three words to, too, and two, two is probably easiest to understand. Two only has one meaning: it’s the integer between one and three.

For example, you might say, “I have to leave in about two hours.”

Here are some other examples of when to use two:

  • I have two sisters.
  • I only know two words in Spanish.
  • Spiders have eight eyes, while most animals only have two.


What’s the Difference Between To vs Too vs Two?

To, too, and two all serve different roles in a sentence. As a general rule, you can remember their parts of speech to remember their separate meanings:

  • To is a preposition
  • Too is an adverb
  • Two is a noun or an adjective

Whenever you’re expressing a number, you should use two instead of to or too. One tip is to remember that two starts with TW like the word twins also starts with TW, and twins refers to two children born at the same birth.

A good way to remember the difference between to and too is too has too many Os. Therefore, it’s used to indicate excess or addition.

the difference between to vs too

Examples of To, Too, and Two Used in Sentences

The best way to learn how to spell words correctly is to look at examples of how they’re used in the real world. Here are some examples of how to use to vs too vs two in a correct sentence.

Let’s start with some examples of to:

“Henry was invited to book launches and literary festivals around the world.”—Yann Martel, Beatrice and Virgil

“He pounded on the earth, trying to keep the hands from pulling him under.”—Roy Johansen, Beyond Belief

“I wanted to write, and just tell you that me and my spirit were fighting this morning.”—Peter Straub, In the Night Room

Now let’s look at some examples of too:

“By the time he decided to act, he’d been too late.”—Nora Roberts, The Heart of Devin MacKade

“The kitchen, too, disappeared under a pile of rubble.”—C.T. Adams and Cathy Clamp, Touch of Darkness

“The body holding the guitar in its hands has a name, too.”—Maurice G. Dantec, Grand Junction

Finally, here are some examples of two:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”—Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken”

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”—Sam Levenson, In One Era & Out the Other

“For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”—Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss

Conclusion on To vs Too vs Two

Now you know the full difference between to vs too vs two.

If you’re not sure which spelling to use, you can always run your writing through ProWritingAid, which will highlight incorrect words and guide you toward the correct option. It’s great for picking up tricky homophones like these.

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  • Is the word tired an adverb
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  • Is the word tired a verb
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