Is the word this an adjective or pronoun

The word “this” can be used for a variety of purposes and contexts. Basically, it can be classified as an adjective, a definite article, a pronoun, or an adverb depending on how it is used.

  1. Adjective

THIS” can be categorized under adjectives if it is used to describe a noun. It is commonly placed before a noun to emphasize the person, place, or thing that is being referred to in the sentence. Look for example, at the sentence below:

This phone is mine.

The word “this” is used to modify the noun “phone.” It is used to make it clear to the audience that it is the noun being talked about.


a. being the person, thing, or idea that has been recently mentioned or is present or near in place, time, or thought

  • Example:
  • He left early this morning.

b. used to indicate the thing that is closest to you or that is being shown to you

  • Example:
  • Do you need this pen or that one?
  1. Definite Article

In some cases, the word “this” is regarded as a definite article when it is used to indicate a specific person or thing that the audience knows already. Take for example, the sentence:

Bring this gun with you.

In this sample sentence, the person being addressed knows exactly which object the speaker is referring to.


a. referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned

  • Example:
  • There was a number of fatalities resulting from this incident.
  1. Pronoun

Sometimes, the word “this” can be classified as a pronoun if it is used to substitute a particular thing. For example, in the sentence:

This is the pilot speaking.

The word is used to replace a specific noun, which the listeners or readers (more likely) know already.


a. the person, thing, or idea that is present or near in place, time, or thought or that has just been mentioned

  • Example:
  • Is this your purse?

b. the one nearer or more immediately under observation or discussion

  • Example:
  • This is silver and that is aluminum.
  1. Adverb

In other cases, the word “this” is classified under the part of speech adverb, when it is used to describe an adjective, a verb, or another adverb. For instance, in the sample sentence:

He needs a container this big.

The word “this” is considered as an adverb that modifies the adjective “big.”


a. to the degree or extent that is suggested in the present situation

  • Example:
  • We didn’t expect to wait this long.

b. to the degree or extent indicated by a gesture

  • Example:
  • I need a screw this small.

The demonstrative adjectives this/that/these/those, which may also be pronouns, tell us where an object is located and how many objects there are.

This and that are used to point to one object. This points to something nearby, while that points to something “over there.”
Examples: This dog is mine.
This is mine.
That dog is hers.
That is hers.
These and those refer to more than one object. These points to things nearby, while those points to things “over there.”
Examples: These babies have been smiling for a while.
These are mine.
Those babies in the nursery have been crying for hours.
Those are yours.


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In this lesson we look at demonstrative adjectives and pronouns, and the difference between them. 

This, that, these, those — Demonstratives

Both demonstrative adjectives and pronouns use this, that, these and those in similar ways. They refer to objects or people that are either near or far away and either singular or plural.

Meaning of this, that, these, those

  • This: Singular nouns that are nearby in time or space 
  • That: Singular nouns that are further away in time or space 
  • These: Plural nouns that are nearby in time or space 
  • Those: Plural nouns that are further away in time or space 


  • This is a really boring film.
  • Can you pass me that pen?
  • These are the best shoes I’ve ever bought.
  • Those students are from the local school.

You’ll notice that while some of the examples were followed by verbs (is/are) others were followed by nouns (pen/students).

This indicates the difference between demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns. While demonstrative adjectives are used with nouns, demonstrative pronouns stand in place of the noun.

Let’s look a bit closer at each.

What is a Demonstrative Adjective?

Demonstrative adjectives are used to say more about, or to modify, nouns. They therefore come before the noun.

  • This book is really boring.
  • I want that piece of cake.
  • These people should be let in first.
  • Can you take those shoes to the counter.

In these examples, the demonstrative adjectives tell us which one—which book, which piece of cake, which people, and which shoes.

So it is this book that’s is boring (not that book over there).

Take a demonstrative adjectives quiz

What is a Demonstrative Pronoun?

pronoun replaces a noun, so with demonstrative pronouns, they can’t precede nouns. 

A demonstrative pronoun is used to replace a specific person or thing that has been mentioned before (or alternatively it may be understood from the context without having been previously mentioned).

They are usually used to task about possession or to describe places, things or animals. Note that the choice of this, that, these and those is still related to whether it is something near or further way, and singular or plural.

  • This is my book. (possession)
  • That was a good story. (describing)
  • These are the best chocolates I’ve ever tasted. (describing)
  • Those were my brothers’ rings. (possession)

Demonstrative pronouns can also stand alone, unlike adjectives.

  • I love this.
  • Don’t do that.

Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Compared

A good way to see the difference between demonstrative adjectives and demonstrative pronouns is to see how they are used in different ways to say the same thing: 

Demonstrative Adjective 

  • This book is mine.
  • That story was good.
  • These chocolates are the best I’ve ever tasted.
  • Those rings were my brothers’. 

Demonstrative Pronoun

  • This is my book.
  • That was a good story.
  • These are the best chocolates I’ve ever tasted. 
  • Those were my brothers’ rings. 

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this vs thatThe words ‘this’ and ‘that’ are demonstrative pronoun which is used for indicating something. Not only this, but they also come in the category of demonstrative determiners which are used before a singular noun, that tell you which person or object you are talking about. We use the word ‘this‘ to point out a person or object which is close to you. On the other hand, ‘that‘ is used to point out a person or an object which is farther from you.

  • This sweater does not suit you, and that one is too big for you.
  • This necklace is made of pure diamonds, but that’s not for you.

In both the examples, you might have observed that when we use the word ‘this’ it indicates that the object is closer to the speaker, but ‘that’ reflects that the object is at a distant place in the first example, while in the second one, it means ‘a particular object (implied)’.

Content: This Vs That

  1. Comparison Chart
  2. Definition
  3. Key Differences
  4. Examples
  5. How to remember the difference

Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison This That
Meaning This is a pronoun and determiner used to identify someone or something near to the speaker. That is a pronoun and determiner used to identify someone or something at a distance to the speaker.
Refers to Something which is just mentioned. Something which is previously mentioned.
Plural form These Those
Conjunction No Yes
Examples Did you know this person? That’s not my cup of tea.
The water of this river is clean and pure. Bring me that book.
This is a very simple exercise. Who is that boy?

Definition of This

Basically, we use the word ‘this’ to show or point out an object, person, idea, time, etc. which is right here with you or close to you or which is recently mentioned, experienced or supposed to be understood. However, in English we can use it in many contexts, as discussed in the points given below:

  1. To refer someone or something:
    • Kate studies in this college.
    • This pancake is superb.
    • I would love to watch this movie once again.
    • His friend repaired this mobile himself.
    • Where shall I keep this jar?
    • Who is going to complete this?
    • This is the way to Principal’s cabin.
    • This is my favourite dress.
    • I heard this news on the internet.
    • During encroachment, several houses of this area are demolished.
  2. To refer to something near in time or space, to the speaker:
    • Alex joined the army in March this year.
    • I have seen her in the coffee house, this evening.
    • By this time, I will reach New York tomorrow.
    • I will go to my Granny’s home, this vacations.
  3. To talk about degree:
    • The car was this close to me.
    • Joe never reacted like this on a silly joke.

Definition of That

When we talk about a particular object, idea or person, which is previously mentioned or implied, we use the word ‘that’. Moreover, it is also used to refer to someone or something which is far away from the speaker. There are a number of ways, to use the word that, which we’ll discuss in the points given below:

  1. To indicate someone or something, distant in time or space from the speaker:
    • That issue has to be resolved first.
    • Who is that boy talking to Lisa?
    • That accident happened some days ago.
    • That old woman has shifted to Delhi.
    • You should try that new salon and spa, opened in our area.
  2. To refer to something which was formerly discussed or you already have an idea of it:
    • She stopped working on that project, after coming back from Australia.
    • They always arrange a party at that restaurant.
    • The lady who was shouting at me that day is my mother.
  3. As a conjunction, to introduce relative clause:
    • Where are the earrings that you have borrowed from me?
    • Claudia works for a company, that deals in security alarms.
  4. As an adverb it refers to as much as suggested or given:
    • The lady is too old to work that much.
    • The candidates are not given that much time.

There is a thin line of difference between this and that which is discussed in the points given below:

  1. ‘This’ is a demonstrative pronoun and adjective which is used to point out a person object or an idea, which right here with you, i.e. within speaker’s vision range. In contrast, ‘that’ is a demonstrative pronoun and adjective which indicate a person object or an idea which is at a distant place or position to you, i.e. not within the speaker’s vision range.
  2. ‘This’ can be used to refer to something which is just mentioned. Conversely, ‘that’ refers to something which is previously mentioned or implied.
  3. The plural form of the this is ‘these’, whereas ‘those’ is the plural form of that.
  4. The word ‘that’ can be used as a conjunction to add a subordinate clause in a sentence, in order to mention something or to give the reason. On the other hand, the word ‘this’ cannot be used as a conjunction.



  • This is my sister.
  • I made this snack for you.
  • Whose is this mobile?
  • I can’t believe this!
  • The new restaurant opens this new year.


  • That is my friend’s house.
  • No, that book is mine.
  • That’s cool.
  • Do not touch that blade!
  • Would you pass me that bowl?

How to remember the difference

The most important tip, to differentiate between these two Basic English words is when someone/something is right here with you – use ‘this’, whereas when someone/something is there, i.e. at a distance – use ‘that’.

Table of Contents

  1. What type of word is these?
  2. What is the pronoun of these?
  3. Is the word these an adjective?
  4. Is these a word?
  5. What is the plural of the word this?
  6. What is the plural of my?
  7. What is the plural for die?
  8. What is the true definition of a woman?
  9. What kind of a word is woman?
  10. Who is most beautiful woman?
  11. Is it better to say female or woman?
  12. At what age can a person be called a woman?
  13. Who is the most famous woman ever?
  14. What is the difference between a woman and a lady?
  15. What it means to act like a lady?
  16. How do you act like a lady?
  17. How a girl should behave with a boy?
  18. How do you talk like a classy lady?
  19. How should a lady behave in a relationship?
  20. What do men want in a woman?
  21. What woman should do for her man?
  22. How do people behave in relationships?
  23. What are the 4 types of relationships?
  24. What are the 5 most important things in a relationship?
  25. Is it wrong to want a relationship?
  26. How do I accept I will never find love?
  27. Why do guys never want a relationship with me?

This, these, that and those are demonstrative adjectives or pronouns. We use them to indicate how near or how far a thing is and whether the thing is plural or singular.

What type of word is these?

demonstrative pronoun

What is the pronoun of these?

Other Types of Pronoun

Pronoun Type Members of the Subclass Example
Demonstrative this, that, these, those This is a new car
Interrogative who, what, why, where, when, whatever What did he say to you?
Indefinite anything, anybody, anyone, something, somebody, someone, nothing, nobody, none, no one There’s something in my shoe

Is the word these an adjective?

The most common demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these and those. The demonstrative adjective in a sentence will come just before a noun or pronoun and tell you which one it is specifically modifying.

Is these a word?

This, that, these and those are demonstratives. We use this, that, these and those to point to people and things. This and that are singular. These and those are plural.

What is the plural of the word this?

Answer. The plural form of this is thises. Find more words!

What is the plural of my?

Answer. The plural form of my is our. Find more words!

What is the plural for die?

Die is the singular form of dice. It comes from the French word des, a plural word for the same objects. The plural form is dice. If you roll dice, you are rolling two or more game pieces.

What is the true definition of a woman?

Woman, female, lady are nouns referring to an adult female human being, one paradigm of gender and biological sex for adult human beings. Woman is the general term. Lady meaning “refined, polite woman” is a term of approval or praise: a real lady in all things; to behave like a lady.

What kind of a word is woman?

Woman is a noun – Word Type.

Who is most beautiful woman?

According to Science, Bella Hadid is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World

  • Bella Hadid (94.35%) Beyonce (92.44%) Amber Heard (91.85%)
  • Ariana Grande (91.81%) Taylor Swift (91.64%) Kate Moss (91.05%)
  • Scarlett Johansson (90.91%) Natalie Portman (90.51%) Katy Perry (90.08%)

Is it better to say female or woman?

‘Female’ refers to a sex of any species, while ‘woman’ refers to human females; “When you use “female” as a noun, the subject that you’re referring to is erased”; The word you are looking for when you say ‘female’ exists. It’s ‘woman’.

At what age can a person be called a woman?

Woman is fine though when describing a female above the age of 18, as long as it’s not in a chauvinistic or demeaning way. And woman is likely preferred by most females that are above the age of 18. However, it’s probably more common for women above 25 to be called woman, and under 25 to be called girl.

Who is the most famous woman ever?

Here are the 12 women who changed the world

  • Catherine the Great (1729 – 1796)
  • Sojourner Truth (1797 – 1883)
  • Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005)
  • Malala Yousafzai (1997 – Present)
  • Marie Curie (1867 – 1934)
  • Ada Lovelace (1815 – 1852)
  • Edith Cowan (1861 – 1932)
  • Amelia Earhart (1897 – 1939)

What is the difference between a woman and a lady?

The word lady is a term of respect for a girl or woman, the equivalent of gentleman. Once used to describe only women of a high social class or status, the female equivalent of lord, now it may refer to any adult woman.

What it means to act like a lady?

Being a lady, what we believe, simply means having etiquette, self-respect, class and appreciation (so maybe more people aspire to be a lady although they don’t know the full meaning of it). …

How do you act like a lady?

Be respectful toward others. Being a lady isn’t just about looking or behaving properly on the outside; it involves being a good person on the inside. When talking to another person, give him or her your undivided attention. It is polite, and will make for a more stimulating conversation for both parties.

How a girl should behave with a boy?

Kindness and dignity are due every person in the classroom, soccer team or youth group, regardless of gender. Let’s teach our girls not to belittle boys, not to gossip about them or squeal about their “cooties.” My guideline is, if you shouldn’t say it about a girl, then don’t say it about a boy, either.

How do you talk like a classy lady?

One of the most important ways to sound like an elegant woman is to speak with kindness and grace. They know their manners: they know when to speak, when to listen, and when to interrupt. An elegant woman sounds pleasant with her words and make sure others feel enlightened, not unimpressed after speaking to her.

How should a lady behave in a relationship?

Here is some relationship advice for women so you can use every day to make that happen:

  1. Have your own life.
  2. Don’t be needy.
  3. Make sure you connect physically, emotionally, and mentally.
  4. Don’t chase him.
  5. Love yourself.
  6. Take care of yourself.
  7. Don’t be a people pleaser.
  8. Speak your mind.

What do men want in a woman?

They really want someone tough who’s also compassionate and kind to those surrounding her. Having someone boastful at the table isn’t pleasant at all. And remember, a man always wants a woman who he can boast of in front of his friends.

What woman should do for her man?


  • Respect him.
  • Pray for him and with him.
  • Appreciate him – let him know that you appreciate all that he does for you even if he is only just fulfilling his responsibilities.
  • Buy him gifts.
  • Consistently improve on yourself for him.
  • Take him out on dates.

How do people behave in relationships?

Respect, respect, respect. Inside and outside the relationship, act in ways so that your partner always maintains respect for you. Mutual respect is essential to a good relationship. If you don’t understand or like something your partner is doing, ask about it and why he or she is doing it.

What are the 4 types of relationships?

An interpersonal relationship refers to the association, connection, interaction and bond between two or more people. There are many different types of relationships. This section focuses on four types of relationships: Family relationships, Friendships, Acquaintanceships and Romantic relationships.

What are the 5 most important things in a relationship?

If you want to be that #relationshipgoals couple, here are 5 essentials for having a healthy relationship.

  • Communication. You’ve definitely heard the very cliché “communication is key.” But here’s the thing – it’s a cliché for a reason.
  • Respect.
  • Boundaries.
  • Trust.
  • Support.

Is it wrong to want a relationship?

No, it’s perfectly natural to want to connect with someone on a deeper, more intimate level. Love is a beautiful thing. As long as you don’t go about trying to make a relationship happen in a way that’s disrespectful to others, you’re totally good. As for worrying about not being in a relationship, you’re hella young.

How do I accept I will never find love?

People Who Thought They’d Never Find Love Reveal How They Met Their Partners

  1. Fight the shyness.
  2. Accept yourself, always.
  3. Relationships aren’t about fixing your partner—or yourself.
  4. Put yourself out there.
  5. That’s what this person did!
  6. Mind over matter.
  7. Don’t give up.

Why do guys never want a relationship with me?

They Have Unfulfilled Life Goals Many guys plan their future and act accordingly. When things don’t go as planned, they won’t rest until fulfilling their goals. They won’t be happy with where they are in life and won’t feel content. So, they might reject a relationship because of their dedication toward their dreams.

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