Is the word so capitalized in a title

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When to capitalize the word conference in a sentence?

It should only be capitalized if it’s part of a full official name.For example:The 2012 Grammar Conference.I’m looking forward to going to the conference.In the first example, the word conference is part of the title and so it should be capitalized.In the second example, it’s not being used as a title and so it shouldn’t be capitalized.

Should the word planet be capitalized?

I don’t think so.

Does the word English always have to be capitalized?

Yes, because it is a proper noun. It is a proper language, so to
speak, so it should be capitalized, and all names, including those
for languages, should be capitalized.

What do you capitalize in a title?

The first and last word, and every other word, except for «the,»
«and,» «of,» and «a». So if you title is «The United States of
America,» even though «the» would normally be lowercase, it’s the
first word so it’s capitalized.

Is the word over capitalized in a title?

Over is a preposition so it shouldnot be capitalized in a title.All the words in the titleshould be capitalized except the prepositions, conjunctions and articles.Examples: Somewhere over the RainbowLove over Gold

  • EM

  • Articles

  • Style

  • Capitalization


Capitalize the first, last, and all major words in a book title, headline, or first-level heading. Major words are all words except articles (a, an, the), prepositions (on, in, of, etc.), coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, etc.), and the word to. This capitalization style is called title case.


  • Title case: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
  • Title case: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Capitalize lower-level headings using sentence case, in which only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized (the words that you would normally capitalize in a sentence).


  • Sentence case: The curious incident of the dog in the night-time
  • Sentence case: The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Style guides like the AP Stylebook, Chicago Manual of Style, APA Publication Manual, and MLA Handbook prescribe additional rules, discussed in this article.

Capitalization styles

Headings and titles of books, movies, TV shows, articles, and other works can be capitalized using either title case (also called headline style or up style) or sentence case (sentence style or down style).


  • Title case: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
    Sentence case: How the Grinch stole Christmas
  • Title case: The Idea of Perfection
    Sentence case: The idea of perfection
  • Title case: How to Be a Better Writer
    Sentence case: How to be a better writer

Titles of books, movies, and other works; names of periodicals and magazines; chapter headings; and titles of articles and blog posts are usually capitalized using title case. Sentence-case capitalization is used for second-level headings and lower.

News headlines have traditionally been capitalized using title case, although these days, sentence case is often used, especially online.

In this article, we discuss the general rules of title-case capitalization and then review any additional rules and exceptions prescribed by the major style manuals.

Title case: General rules

Here are the general rules for capitalizing headlines and titles of books, movies, reports, articles, and other works:

  1. Capitalize the first word and last word of a title.
  2. Capitalize all major words, which are all words except articles (a, an, the), prepositions (e.g., on, in, of, at), and coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, and nor; also for, yet, and so when used as conjunctions).
  3. Always lowercase the word to.
  4. Capitalize the first element of a hyphenated term. Capitalize any subsequent elements only if they are major words.
  5. Capitalize the first word of a subheading following a colon.
  6. Break a rule if you need to—for example, if a preposition is emphasized in a title, capitalize it.

Title case rules explained

Capitalize all major words—all words except articles, prepositions, and coordinating conjunctions.


  • Love in the Time of Cholera
  • Three Men in a Boat
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • Requiem for a Dream
  • Catch Me If You Can
  • The Portrait of a Lady
  • The Way We Live Now
  • The Girl Who Played with Fire
  • Men without Women
  • The Ground beneath Her Feet
  • Everything Is Illuminated

Capitalize the first and last words of a title, no matter what they are.


  • A Clockwork Orange
  • The Mill on the Floss
  • In Search of Lost Time
  • Through a Glass Darkly
  • From Blood and Ash
  • But What If There’s No Chimney?
  • And Then There Were None
  • Something to Answer For
  • Something to Believe In
  • All We Dream Of
  • Where We Come From


It may not always be clear at first glance whether a word should be capitalized. Check what function it serves in the title.


  • Capitalize over as an adverb, but lowercase it as a preposition.

    Adverb: The Soup Boiled



    Preposition: The Light


    ver London

  • Capitalize yet
    as an adverb, but lowercase it as a conjunction.

    Adverb: Are We There



    Conjunction: Broke


    et Happy

Always lowercase the word to.


  • Train to Busan
  • Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
  • A Good Man Is Hard to Find

In a hyphenated term, capitalize the first element, but capitalize the following elements only if they are major words.


  • The Man-Eater of Malgudi

    Eater is a noun and should be capitalized.

  • The Academy’s Out-of-Uniform Procedure

    Lowercase of, which is a preposition, but capitalize uniform, a noun.

  • The Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Fairies
  • The Thirty-Nine Steps
  • The Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook
  • Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World
  • The Fire-Breathing Dragon

Capitalize the first word of a subtitle or subheading following a colon.


  • Computer: A History of the Information Machine
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • The View from the Cheap Seats: Selected Nonfiction
  • A Memoir: Of Mermaids and Waterfalls

Break a rule if you must. If a word is emphasized in a title, capitalize it, even if it is not a major word.


  • How to Be the Go-To Person in Your Organization
  • A Run-In with Religion and Other True Stories
  • Is It OK to Use And at the Start of a Sentence?


Capitalize all the words that make up a phrasal verb. (A phrasal verb comprises a verb and a preposition, which together form a single verb with its own meaning.)


  • What to Do When You Run Into Someone You Don’t Like
  • How to Set Up Your Spaceship’s AI
  • Don’t Put Off Being Happy

Be and is in a title

Capitalize verbs, including the be verb in all its forms: be, is, are, was, were.


  • There Will Be Blood
  • Tender Is the Night
  • Where the Wild Things Are
  • Then She Was Gone
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God

Also capitalize the have and do verbs in all their forms: have, has, had, do, does, did.


  • The Heart Has Its Reasons
  • Owls Do Cry
  • What Katy Did
  • Inequality: What Can Be Done?

That in a title

The word that is always a major word and should be capitalized. (In most titles, it is used as a relative pronoun.)


  • Companies That Fleece Their Customers
  • The House That Jack Built

It and me in a title

Capitalize all pronouns, including it, my, me, we, our, you, he, his, she, her, they, them, and who.


  • How It All Began
  • Some of My Favorite Things
  • The Best We Can Do
  • The General in His Labyrinth
  • The Woman Who Did

No and not in a title

Capitalize the words no and not (a determiner and an adverb) whenever these words appear in titles.


  • Beasts of No Nation
  • Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

AP and APA style

The APA Publication Manual (used in academic editing, especially the social sciences) and the AP Stylebook (preferred in journalism, media, and corporate communication) both specify one major exception to the general rules:

Capitalize all words of four letters or more, even if they are prepositions.


  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  • The Girl Who Played With Fire
  • Men Without Women
  • The Ground Beneath Her Feet
  • So Far From God
  • Once Upon a Time in the West
  • Much Ado About Nothing
  • The Light Between Oceans
  • The Cat Who Walks Through Walls
  • A Woman Under the Influence
  • Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
  • The World Until Yesterday
  • but

  • The Man in the Brown Suit
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • A Home for Lunatics
  • The Woman on the Beach

Thus, in APA and AP style, words four letters or longer are always capitalized, regardless of function. Note that the other general rules apply as usual. Capitalize any major words, even if they are three letters or shorter: be, has, had, do, did, me, who, my, etc.


  • We Should All Be Feminists
  • If I Had Your Face
  • Marley and Me
  • The Man Who Sold His Ferrari

Another exception is that all conjunctions three letters or shorter are lowercased. Thus, in APA and AP style, lowercase not only the seven coordinating conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, for, yet, so) but also subordinating conjunctions up to three letters long (which pretty much boils down to the word if).


  • Pride and Prejudice
  • I’d Tell You I Love You, but Then I’d Have to Kill You
  • Catch Me if You Can

Also, do lowercase articles and any prepositions up to three letters long: a, an, the, for, in, of, to, etc.


  • The Bridge on the River Kwai
  • Stranger in a Strange Land
  • The Catcher in the Rye
  • A House for Mr. Biswas

Finally, in AP Style, the first and last words are capitalized as usual, regardless of length.


  • An American Tragedy
  • The Invisible Man
  • As I Lay Dying
  • Of Human Bondage
  • On the Waterfront
  • For the Green Planet
  • Something to Answer For
  • These Times We Live In

However, in APA style, the last word is capitalized only if it is a major word or longer than three letters.


  • Something to Answer for
  • These Times We Live in

    In APA style, lowercase prepositions, unless they are four letters or longer.

Chicago style

According to the Chicago Manual of Style, the conjunctions to be lowercased are and, or, nor, but, and for. All others are capitalized. Thus, the words yet and so are capitalized regardless of function. The word if is also always capitalized.


  • Sense and Sensibility
  • The Hobbit, or There and Back Again
  • but

  • Though We Be Dead, Yet Our Day Will Come
  • Even If We Break

In a hyphenated phrase, if the first element is merely a prefix that could not stand by itself (e.g., anti-, pre-, non-), don’t capitalize the second part.


  • The Anti-inflammatory Diet Cookbook
  • Since the prefix anti- can’t stand by itself, don’t capitalize the second part of the hyphenated term.


  • The Thirty-Nine Steps

    The word thirty can stand by itself, so capitalize nine as well.

Remember to capitalize not just the first but also the last word of a title or heading, even if it is not a major word.


  • The Things We Believe In

    Capitalize the last word, even a preposition.

  • Only One Way Through
  • It’s You I’m Dreaming Of

MLA style

The MLA Handbook (used in academic writing for the humanities) specifies no exceptions to the general rules.


  • These Times We Live In
  • A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
  • The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

Sentence case

In sentence case, a title is written as a sentence would be: the first word and all proper nouns are capitalized. This capitalization style is generally used for headings that are second level or lower. These days, it is also increasingly being used for online news headlines.


  • Clear light of day
  • We need to talk about Kevin
  • The quiet American

The first word of a subtitle or subheading that follows a colon is also capitalized.


  • Traveling with ghosts: A memoir
  • Understanding comics: The invisible art

If a title begins with a numeral, lowercase the next word.


  • 27 books to read before you die
  • Practice guidelines for the pickling of pineapples: 2019 update

Professional and social titles that precede a name are capitalized as well.


  • The island of Doctor Moreau
  • The strange life of President Farley
  • The story of Father Femy and his music

For more on which words to capitalize in a sentence, see this article on capitalization.

Differences in AP, APA, Chicago, MLA rules

In title case, the first word, proper nouns, and major words of a title or heading are capitalized. Style manuals differ in their guidelines on what qualifies as a “major” word. Here’s a quick summary of the key differences between the popular styles.

In both AP and APA styles, capitalize prepositions four letters or longer. In Chicago and MLA, lowercase all prepositions, regardless of length.


  • APA, AP: The Girl From Mars
    Chicago, MLA: The Girl from Mars
  • but

  • APA, AP, Chicago, MLA: The Woman in Red

Lowercase not just coordinating but also subordinating conjunctions shorter than four letters in AP and APA styles; capitalize all subordinating conjunctions in Chicago and MLA.


  • APA, AP: Isolate if You Are Sick
    Chicago, MLA: Isolate If You Are Sick

Capitalize the words yet and so in Chicago style. In the other styles, lowercase them when they are used as conjunctions, but capitalize when they are adverbs.


  • Chicago: Broke Yet Happy
    APA, AP, MLA: Broke yet Happy
  • but

  • Chicago, APA, AP, MLA: Am I Normal Yet?

Capitalize the last word of the title in AP, Chicago, and MLA styles even if it is not a major word; in APA, capitalize the last word only if it is a major word. (But remember that the APA Publication Manual considers all words four letters or longer major words.)


  • Chicago, MLA, AP: Something to Answer For
    APA: Something to Answer for
  • but

  • Chicago, MLA, APA, AP: The Places We Come From

In all four styles, capitalize the first word (whatever it may be), and lowercase articles.


  • APA, AP, Chicago, MLA: The Girl Who Found a Dragon Egg

If you are curious about title capitalization, then you might be wondering is in capitalized in a title. Learn more about the rules of capital letters in the titles of books below!

Whether you are trying to write a blog post, an essay, or an article in English, you need to follow the appropriate rules when it comes to capitalization. Capitalizing the first letter of words in titles and headers is not the same thing as capitalizing words in typical sentences.

While major words are capitalized, minor words are not. So, is “in” capitalized in the title?

In is typically a minor word, so you should not have to capitalize it; however, you may need to capitalize “in” if it is the first word of the title.

What are the rules when it comes to capitalizing words in the title or in the headers of your documents? Learn more about how to properly capitalize words in titles following style guides below.

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  • Major Words Versus Minor Words
  • Implementing Title Case Properly In Your Work by Capitalization Rules
  • Capitalizing the Word “In”
  • When Do You Use Title Case?
  • Final Word on Is In Capitalized in a Title?
  • FAQs About Is In Capitalized in a Title
  • Further Resources
  • Author

Major Words Versus Minor Words

Is in capitalized in a title?

First, you need to understand the difference between major words and minor words to capitalize your title correctly. In sentence case, the vast majority of minor words and major words are lowercase unless they are proper nouns. This is different when you are using title case for titles and headers.

In title case, major words are going to be capitalized. This includes pronouns, nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, and all words that are four letters or greater. This also includes linking words. If you have a major word, you should capitalize it.

On the other hand, minor words are not capitalized. Minor words usually include short prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions articles, and any words that are three letters or fewer. 

If you follow these rules, you should get your title case correct; however, it is also important to take a look at the details.

Implementing Title Case Properly In Your Work by Capitalization Rules

If you are using title case in a title or header, there are several rules you need to follow. These include:

  • The first word and last word of the title or subheadings in your document always has to be capitalized. This is true even if you have a relatively short word, such as “in.” In needs to be capitalized if it is the first word present.
  • In addition, you should also capitalize the first word of a subtitle. This includes all of your headers. Title case is the same regardless of whether you are working on the title of your document or one of your headers.
  • If you have end punctuation, a colon, or an em dash in a heading, the first word after that punctuation must be capitalized. Common examples of end punctuation include periods, exclamation marks, and question marks.
  • If you have a hyphen in your word (a hyphenated compound), you need to capitalize the second part of that word as well as the first word in the phrase.
  • If you have a word that is longer than four letters, you need to capitalize it even if it would otherwise fall in the minor word category. For example, even though “from” is a minor word, it needs to be capitalized as “From” in your titles and headers.

If you follow the rules above, you should be able to figure out which words you should capitalize. This includes the word “in.” 

Capitalizing the Word “In”

In the vast majority of cases, this term is not going to be capitalized because it is a minor word. It is a short composition, so it should not be capitalized in headers or title.

On the other hand, if it is the first word in the title or header, that needs to be capitalized. For example, if you have a header that begins with:

  • In the Beginning of Time…

Notice that the word “in” is capitalized in this phrase. This phrase follows title case because it is a header.

In addition, “in” would also be uppercase if it was a part of a hyphenated term in a title or header. Make sure you follow title case rules if you are trying to incorporate APA Style (American Psychological Association) or MLA format in a blog post, article, or essay.

When Do You Use Title Case?

In general, you need to use title case if you are writing a title to one of your works or are adding headings to your documents. For example, you might be incorporating H2, H3, or H4 tags in your work for SEO purposes. If that is the case, then you need to incorporate title case to follow AP style. 

You may also want to use title case if you are titling an image or video in your work. If you need to add a title to a table or graph, you may want to use title case as well. You might also find our explainer on is within capitalized in a title helpful.

Final Word on Is In Capitalized in a Title?

Ultimately, “in” is not a word that is frequently capitalized in a title. If you are working on a written assignment, there are certain situations where you may need to follow title case. If you are following title case, you should not capitalize minor words.

“In” is a common minor word, so it should not be capitalized. On the other hand, “in” is capitalized if it is the first word in a title or header.

Furthermore, if it is part of a hyphenated word or if it follows end punctuation, then it needs to be capitalized.

FAQs About Is In Capitalized in a Title

What is the difference between a major word and a minor word in title case? 

In general, words that are four letters or more are major words while words that are three letters or less are minor words. Short prepositions and conjunctions are minor words while nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives are major words.

What qualifies as end punctuation for title case? 

The most common examples of end punctuation include periods, exclamation marks, and questions marks. Grammarly might be able to help you with commas, certain parts of speech, and title case.

Further Resources

Is Into Capitalized in a Title?

Is From Capitalized in a Title?

Is Be Capitalized in a Title?

Is Do Capitalized in a Title?

Is On Capitalized in a Title?

Is Has Capitalized in a Title?

Is That Capitalized in a Title?

Is Our Capitalized in a Title?

Is Not Capitalized in a Title? Answered

Is During Capitalized in a Title? Answered

Is Are Capitalized in a Title?

Is Of Capitalized in a Title? Answered

Is Up Capitalized in a Title?

Is All Capitalized in a Title?

Is Between Capitalized in a Title? Answered

Is My Capitalized in a Title?

Is An Capitalized in a Title?

Is After Capitalized in a Title? Answered

Is Than Capitalized in a Title?

Is It Capitalized in a Title?

Is Within Capitalized in a Title?

Is With Capitalized in a Title?

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Very few people (writers) know which words to or not to capitalize in a title or section headings. Usually, people just write the full title in caps or capitalize words which have three or more letters.

Post on social media and blogs usually get away with such mistakes, after all, who has time to police people on platforms where everyone just wants to have fun?

But as a professional writer or somebody writing academic papers, your knowledge and application of capitalization rules is of the essence. There are a lot of styles that have their title capitalization rules, and I recommend you know one style at the least (one applicable to your writing).

There is no mystery attached to these rules; they are simple and frequently used by most professional writers (you might even have used some of them unknowingly). 

Among the many areas that I have covered, I have introduced the major title capitalization styles to help you understand the basics. So, there’s no need for any crystal balls; no more wandering around the world wide web, searching for the perfect title capitalization formula.

what words do you not capitalize in a title

Why Do We Not Capitalize Every Word in A Heading?

There are a couple of reasons—three, actually—why we don’t capitalize each and every word in a title or heading.

Capitalizing every word makes the text less legible and readable. We actually capitalize words to indicate emphasis and provide clarity, so if we capitalize each and every word regardless of their importance or the intended message, we’re flinging this clarity.

You could decide to switch to all caps if you have that liberty. As a matter of fact, a lot of writers have done it this way, but capitalizing each and every word only makes the text have a rough tone and appear obnoxious.

We usually use all-caps to indicate shouting or a bossy tone, so it would be appropriate when that’s the intention. Otherwise, it isn’t a good way to capitalize your titles.

How Do You Know What to Capitalize and What Not to?

If you are just writing your titles without following any rule, then it all boils down to preference—does the word feel that important for you to capitalize or not? Perhaps you just like to write your entire title in capital letters?

But as I have iterated already, there are capitalization rules which people use depending on preference or requirement. Some writers prefer the NY Times style because they’re journos or the APA style because they are writing an academic research paper and are required to use it.

Word processors usually have most of these rules programmed into them and all you have to do is indicate that a particular sentence is a title, the word processor identifies the words that you should and should not capitalize.

Examples of Correct Title Capitalization

To show you how correctly written titles look like—using generally accepted rules—I have listed a couple of examples.

They might be titles for books, poems, news articles, headings of a passage in a book or newspaper, etc.

example of correct title capitalization

The Seventh Sea: A Perilous Journey by the World’s Greatest Pirates.

When Curiosity Failed to Kill the Cat.

If you’re the title inside a paragraph or sentence, these are correct ways to write them:

Best of Dana was a famous book by Gina Lewinski.

“The Truth Behind the Helsinki Murders” is the only horror story in her collection.

He loves sitcoms and his favorite is Two and a Half Men.

There are a lot of different correct ways to capitalize, and I couldn’t fit all of them in this post but as long as you are following rules appropriate for the type of text that you’re writing, you’re good.

List of Words Not Capitalized in Titles

Although we have different capitalization styles, there are words which are generally capitalized and others not generally capitalize in titles.

The words in this bracket include:

  • Articles (a, an, the)
  • Short words (fewer than 4 letters)
  • Prepositions (at, by, to, etc.)
  • Coordinating Conjunctions (and, but, for)

Here’s the full list:

And, as, as if, as long as, at, but, by, even if, for, from, if, if only, in, into, like, near, now that, nor, of, off, on, on top of, once, onto, or, out of, over, past, so, so that, than, that, till, to, up, upon, with, when, yet.

Why Are Capitalization Rules Important?

For professional writers, reputation is—to a great extent—contingent on producing tidy work which conforms to generally accepted linguistic rules.

There are different styles of title capitalization rules for different genres, agencies, and associations. For example, if you are editing a page on Wikipedia, there are rules you must follow for your page to be legible.

Capitalization rules indicate tidiness, legibility, and professionalism.  Therefore, in many scenarios, they are usually one of the things that stand between you and success as a writer.

Different Styles of Title Capitalization Rules

There are four main title capitalization styles, namely Chicago style, APA style, MLA style, and AP style. I have also added NY times and Wikipedia styles in case one of my readers is a journo or edits Wikipedia pages.

4 styles of title capitalization rules (1)

It must also be noted that the title case capitalization or sentence case capitalization rules in each of these capitalization styles fractionally differ.

Here are the title capitalization rules classified by style.

Chicago Manual of Style Capitalization Rules

The Chicago Style is one of the most employed and venerated headline capitalization styles in journalism.

These are the title case rules according to this style:

  • Capitalize the first and the last word.
  • Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions.
  • Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions.
  • Lowercase the ‘to’ in an infinitive (I want to play guitar).

MLA Style Capitalization Rules

The MLA style requires that you capitalize:

  • The first word of the title or subtitle.
  • All major words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns).
  • The second part of hyphenated words (e.g., Self-Doubt)
  • All words of four letters or more.

APA Style Capitalization Rules

Capitalization of APA style titles follows these rules:

  • The first word of the title or subtitle should be capitalized.
  • All nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns should be capitalized.
  • Both parts of major hyphenated words (e.g., Self-Doubt).
  • Words with four letters or more should be capitalized.

AP Style Capitalization Rules

This is a style used by writers for the Associated Press. However, AP style capitalization rules are also employed by many other journalists.

The rules demand that you capitalize words with three or more letters, the first and last words, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions. Articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions should be lowercase.

Wikipedia Style Capitalization Rules

The following are the title capitalization rules that Wikipedia editors must follow:

  • All major words should be capitalized.
  • The first and last words should be capitalized.
  • Capitalize subordinate conjunctions.
  • Articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions should be lowercase.
  • The word “to” in an infinitive (e.g., I Want to Leave) should be lowercase.

NY Times Style Capitalization Rules

The capitalization for the NY Times style—which is, for the most part, used by writers for the NY Times—requires that you capitalize major words (e.g., nouns, pronouns, verbs), the first and last words, and subordinate conjunctions. Articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions should be lowercase.

This video explains how to properly capitalize a title using Associated Press, Chicago Manual of Style, and MLA guidelines.

Style Guide Differences and Exceptions Between the Major 3 Styles of Title Capitalization

Although the styles have a lot of similarities, they also have their differences, and it’s crucial to pay attention to these differences.

AP Stylebook

When you use the AP Stylebook, you’re supposed to use lowercase for all words with three letters or fewer in a title. But, if any of those short words happen to be verbs (like “is,” “are,” “was,” “be”), you should capitalize them.

Chicago Style

The Chicago style requires that you use lowercase for all prepositions except when they are the first or last word of the title. The length doesn’t matter in the case of prepositions and you have to use lowercase for words as lengthy as “between,” “throughout,” and other prepositions. 

MLA Style

MLA style has its own exception; words with three letters or fewer should always be in lowercase except when they are the first or last word of the title.

Write Your Titles the Write Way

There’s no need for you to memorize all the different capitalization styles, but you at least need to be aware of the generally accepted rules.

If it’s not compulsory for you to follow a particular style of capitalization, use the general rules provided by an established writer in your genre and make sure that you are consistent with your chosen style.

With consistency, everything becomes easier.

title capitalizationVery few people know which words should be capitalized in a title. In fact, the majority of people adopt rules from others who don’t know either. This usually takes on one of two forms: capitalizing every word, or capitalizing words containing three or more letters.

Where blog posts and internal work communications are concerned you can usually get away with such sins, largely because those in the know tend not to point out the error of your ways. But wouldn’t you rather know the truth? Wouldn’t you rather be an ambassador of proper titling rather than a capitalization criminal? Well, today is your chance to repent for improper form, and learn which words should be capitalized in titles, once and for all!

What to Capitalize in a Title

The cool thing about learning what should and shouldn’t be capitalized is that each category contains three core rules.

Rule 1:

Always capitalize the first and last word of a title, no matter what the word is.

Rule 2:

Always capitalize the following five word categories:

  1. Nouns
  2. Pronouns
  3. Verbs
  4. Adjectives
  5. Adverbs

We don’t have the time to list every noun, pronoun, verb, adjective and adverb here, but as long as you remember this list, you can Google the word you’re struggling with to find out whether or not it falls into one of the five categories listed above.

Rule 3:

Always capitalize words of five or more letters, regardless of whether the word falls into one of the aforementioned five categories. This rule will help you avoid making errors when using conjunctions and prepositions in your titles. You see, many moons ago, writers did NOT capitalize any conjunctions or prepositions. However, today’s standard practice is to capitalize conjunctions and prepositions of five or more letters.

Here are some examples:

Prepositions (five or more letters):

Within, About, Among, Between.

Conjunctions/subordinating conjunctions (five or more letters):

While, Where, Until, Because, Although.

What Not to Capitalize in Titles

Rule 1:

1) Never capitalize prepositions and conjunctions of four or fewer letters. However, remember the above rule: words with five or more letters, regardless of whether the word is a conjunction or preposition, must be capitalized.

Here are some examples:

Examples of prepositions not to be capitalized (four or fewer letters):

at / by / down / for / from / in / into / like / near / of / off / on / onto / over / past / to / upon / with

Examples of conjunctions not to be capitalized (four or fewer letters):

and / as / but / for / if / nor / once / or / so / than / that / till / when / yet

Rule 2:

Never capitalize the particle “to”, even when used as an infinitive (meaning with a verb). For example: to See, to Read, to Write, etc.

Rule 3:

Never capitalize articles: a, an, the.

Still a Little Confused?

No worries. Below we have created two lists of common words people struggle with when capitalizing titles. Bookmark this page and refer back to the lists when you’re in doubt.

DO Capitalize in a Title

About / Above / Across / After / Against / Along / Although / Among / Around / Because / Before / Behind / Below / Beneath / Beside / Between / During / Except / Inside / Outside / Since / Through / Toward / Under / Underneath / Unless / Until / Whenever / Where / Whereas / Wherever / While / Within / Without

DON’T Capitalize in a Title

and / as / as if / as long as / at / but / by / even if / for / from / if / if only / in / into / like / near / now that / nor / of / off / on / on top of / once / onto / or / out of / over / past / so / so that / than / that / till / to / up / upon / with / when / yet

Tricky Word Groupings

Even when armed with these core rules, people end up making silly mistakes by allowing doubt to make them second-guess their titling. In light of this, here’s a short list of tricky word groupings that often trip people up:

  • as Though
  • even Though
  • in Front of
  • in Order that
  • Instead of
  • Rather than

Start Practicing Today

It’s a lot to take in, we know, and so you’ll need to practice writing a few titles before things begin to click into place. Another great way to learn is to spot mistakes in other people’s work. You’ll be surprised just how many journalists, authors and bloggers (in particular) get titles in a muddle. Bear in mind, though, occasionally a writer will break the rules to suit their preference or to appropriate a concept. For example, a book entitled “Think Like a Genius” might well be adjusted to “Think Like A Genius”, for no other reason than the publishing house or author thinks it looks better on the cover.

That’s it! No more excuses. Start correcting titles today and help make the world a capitalization-friendly place.

This is taken from a site concerned with Album titles, but can easily be applied to other titles as well.

How should I capitalize album titles and band names?

Please use the following standard guidelines for capitalizing artist names, record labels, album and song titles in the English language. Other rules may apply to other languages.

All titles should be in standard mixed case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized and followed by lower case letters, as noted below:

  1. Capitalize all nouns, verbs (including be, been, am, are, is, was, and were), adverbs, subordinating conjunctions (including if and as when it is not used as a preposition), adjectives (including so when used as an adjective), and pronouns (including he, she, we, and it). Examples:

    • Love Is in the Air
    • I Am the Walrus
    • That Was Then, This Is Now
    • You Are So Beautiful
    • This Is As Good As It Gets
  2. Do not capitalize:

    a. Articles: a, an, the (unless part of an artist’s name)

    • The Man Who Sold the World
    • In a Safe Place
    • The Best of The Temptations

    b. Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, nor, for, yet, and so

    • Rattle and Hum
    • It’s Now or Never
    • Nothin’ but a Good Time

      Special Notes: The word «but» can function as either a conjunction, preposition, or an adverb. Most of the time, it functions as a conjunction or a preposition and should be lowercase. Much less frequently, it will function as an adverb, and should be capitalized. In that case, the word «but» will immediately follow a verb (without a comma), and can be replaced by other adverbs like «only» or «just» (without changing anything else or adding punctuation) and will convey the same message:

      • Life Is But a Dream
      • Ain’t But a Few of Us Left
      • You Are But a Draft, a Long Rehearsal for a Show That Will Never Play

      If the word «but» is better replaced by the word «except», or if it is used in a phrase that contradicts the first half of the sentence, it is not an adverb and should be lowercase.

      • I Know You Are but What Am I
      • I Don’t Know What It Is but I Like It

    c. Short prepositions: as, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, from

    • Live at Woodstock
    • Face to Face
    • Death Cab for Cutie
    • Pretty in Pink
    • Come in from the Cold

      Special Note: The word «versus» (and its abbreviated form «vs.» or «v.») is commonly left in lower case, despite its being a preposition of more than three characters.

      • Spy vs. Spy
      • Birds v. Worms

      Special Note: The word «etcetera» (and its abbreviated form «etc.») is also commonly left in lower case when used to represent the phrase «and so on» or «and so forth».

      • Time After Time etc.

    d. When used to form an infinitive: to

    • Nowhere to Run
    • How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
    • Song I Love to Sing
    • Reality Used to Be a Friend of Mine
  3. If a title is broken up by major punctuation (colon, question mark, exclamation mark, em-dash, parentheses, or quotes), treat each distinct piece of the title as a whole, and always capitalize the first and last words of each division.

    • Otis! The Definitive Otis Redding
    • In Time: The Best of R.E.M.
    • I’m Just a Singer (In a Rock ‘n’ Roll Band)
  4. In compounds formed by hyphens, capitalize each part except where the part would not be capitalized if it were a separate word.

    • The Go-Gos
    • At the Drive-In
    • The Boy With the X-Ray Eyes
  5. Only use all caps for acronyms or abbreviations where common use is all caps.

    • R.E.M.
    • N.W.A.
    • R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A.
  6. Capitalize contractions and slang consistent with the rules above to the extent that such clearly apply. For example, do not capitalize o’ for «of», or n’ for «and», etc.

    • Rock ‘n’ Roll
    • Will o’ the Wisp
    • Sweet Child o’ Mine
  7. Proper nouns should always be capitalized appropriately. This includes parts of band names separated by the word ‘and’ (for example) where the two parts could stand alone, grammatically.

    • Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
    • Elvis Costello and The Attractions
    • Huey Lewis and The News
  8. Always capitalize the first and last word of a title, even if it would otherwise be lowercase. Examples:

    • Bring it On
    • One Is For
    • And You and I
    • The Greatest Hits Of

[edit] Exceptions

In the case where an artist uses a nonstandard capitalization with an artistic intent, the original capitalization used by the artist should be preserved. Examples include k.d. lang (artist), Yellow mY skYcaptain (release), and «tourette’s» — track 11 on the release In Utero.

Note that there are cases in which the name of an artist or album — or an entire tracklisting — is written entirely in uppercase or lowercase in the art which accompanies a release. These instances do not qualify as an exception, because they do not represent artistic intent regarding capitalization (in most cases, they are written in this manner for aesthetic purposes related to the cover art).

Knowing which words to capitalize in a title can be hard. There are several different style guides in English that all have slightly different rules for title capitalization. Understanding what to capitalize in a title is important to make sure that your titles and headlines look correct. In this guide, we’ll explain the differences between the major styles and what words you should and shouldn’t capitalize.

The Four Major Title Capitalization Style Guides

First, it is important to note that there are four main title capitalization styles:

  • Chicago style
  • APA style
  • MLA style
  • AP style

Our title capitalization tool also supports Bluebook and AMA style capitalization.

Each of these capitalization styles has slightly different rules for which words are capitalized and each of these styles can be written using title case capitalization or sentence case capitalization. We’ll get to the nuances of each below.

The Easiest Way to Capitalize Your Titles With the Correct Rules

Before we get into the details of each type of title capitalization style, we highly recommend that you check out our free title capitalization tool. All you have to do is select whether you want title case or sentence case, and then select which style guide you want. It automatically capitalizes your title with the right rules according to style guide you selected. Watch the video below to learn more.

Title Case Capitalization vs. Sentence Case Capitalization

There are two main types of title capitalization methods that are common between all the title capitalization styles. Title case capitalization is the most commonly used title capitalization style used in titles. Sentence case capitalization is commonly used for sub-headings when writing long-form content as well as in many journalism headlines.

Title Case Capitalization

In general, the following capitalization rules apply across the four styles in title case:

  • Capitalize the first word in the title
  • Capitalize the last word in the title
  • Capitalize the important words in the title

Important words in that last bullet generally refer to:

  • Adjectives (tiny, large, etc.)
  • Adverbs (quietly, smoothly, etc.)
  • Nouns (tablet, kitchen, book)
  • Pronouns (they, she, he)
  • Subordinating conjunctions (when fewer than 5 letters)
  • Verbs (write, type, create)

Title case is the most common title capitalization for book titles, headlines, articles titles, etc. When multiple letters in a title need to be capitalized, use title case capitalization.

Our title capitalization tool will automatically capitalize your titles according to these rules.

Words Not Capitalized in Title Case

While the above words are generally capitalized in titles regardless of style, there are some words that are generally not capitalized when using title case. These include short words and conjunctions:

  • Articles (a, an, the)
  • Coordinating Conjunctions (and, but, for)
  • Short (fewer than 5 letters)
  • Prepositions (at, by, from, etc.)

What Is Sentence Case?

The other major type of title capitalization standard is sentence case. Sentence case simply means you capitalize the first letter of a sentence, proper nouns, and nothing else as opposed to capitalizing almost every first letter in title case. It is the same across all of the four styles.

For more specific title capitalization rules, you can see the following sections which cover each style of title capitalization rules or check out our FAQs for common capitalization questions.

Are Proper Nouns Capitalized?

Yes, proper nouns are capitalized in titles and sentences. A proper noun refers to a definite name for a specific person, place, object, book, movie, or event. In English, proper nouns are always capitalized regardless of whether you are writing a sentence or title.


  • New York City is the best place to live.
  • I drove home from Walmart.
  • He high five Bob for winning the game.

Chicago Manual of Style Capitalization Rules

Chicago Style is one of the most used and respected headline capitalization methods used in journalism. The rules are fairly standard for title case:

  1. Capitalize the first and the last word.
  2. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions.
  3. Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions.
  4. Lowercase the ‘to’ in an infinitive (I want to play guitar).

APA Style Capitalization Rules

Making sure you have the right capitalization for APA headings is crucial for scholarly articles. The following rules apply to APA headline capitalization and title capitalization:

  1. Capitalize the first word of the title/heading and of any subtitle/subheading
  2. Capitalize all major words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns) in the title/heading, including the second part of hyphenated major words (e.g., Self-Report not Self-report)
  3. Capitalize all words of four letters or more.

MLA Style Capitalization Rules

Making sure you have the right capitalization for MLA headings is crucial for scholarly articles. The following rules apply to MLA headings:

  1. Capitalize the first word of the title/heading and of any subtitle/subheading.
  2. Capitalize all major words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns) in the title/heading, including the second part of hyphenated major words (e.g., Self-Report not Self-report).
  3. Do not capitalize articles, prepositions (regardless of length), and coordinating conjunctions.
  4. Do not capitalize to in infinitives.

AP Style Capitalization Rules

AP style capitalization is mainly used by writers for the Associated Press but is also used widely throughout journalism. The capitalization rules are as follow:

  1. Capitalize the first and the last word.
  2. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions.
  3. Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions.
  4. Capitalize words with four or more letters (including conjunctions and prepositions).
  5. Capitalize the ‘to’ in an infinitive (e.g., I Want To Play Guitar).

NY Times Style Capitalization Rules

NY Times style capitalization is mainly used by writers for the NY Times but is also used widely throughout journalism. The capitalization rules are as follow:

  1. Capitalize major words, e.g. nouns, pronouns, verbs.
  2. Capitalize the first and the last word.
  3. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions.
  4. Lowercase articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions.

Wikipedia Style Capitalization Rules

Wikipedia editors must follow certain capitalization rules for any posts to Wikipedia. The capitalization rules are as follow:

  1. Capitalize major words, e.g. nouns, pronouns, verbs.
  2. Capitalize the first and the last word.
  3. Capitalize nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and subordinate conjunctions.
  4. Lowercase indefinite and definite articles (a, an, the), coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions.
  5. Prepositions that contain five letters or more.
  6. The word “to” in infinitives.

This post was proofread by Grammarly. Try it — it’s FREE!

Capitalize My Title is a dynamic title capitalization tool used to make sure your titles or headlines use proper capitalization rules according to various style guides include APA, AP, MLA, and Chicago. It also counts your words and checks for grammar issues.

Like many aspects of the English language, title capitalization rules can seem confusing and unintuitive. While the words that are (and are not) capitalized in a title aren’t always consistent, it’s really not as complicated as you might think.

Whether you’re titling a book, writing a headline for a blog post or article, or referring to a movie, song, or other published work, you’ll need to follow standard title capitalization rules. To help you along, let’s break down the basic rules and explain some exceptions. 

These are the three title capitalization rules you’ll need to remember:

  1. Capitalize the first and last words of a title
  2. Capitalize verbs, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs
  3. Don’t capitalize articles, coordinating conjunctions, or prepositions

1. Capitalize the first and last words of a title

The simplest rule you can follow with complete certainty is this: the first and last words of a title are always capitalized. It doesn’t matter what length the title is or what grammatical role the word plays. From the humble article “the” to longer nouns like “tyrannosaurus,” you’re 100% safe capitalizing the first and last word.

Example: Andy Williams’s 1966 hit single, “Music to Watch Girls By

All style guides agree on this rule, and it’s because it just makes sense. By capitalizing the first and last words, you create a visual mark that shows the reader where the title begins and ends. Even if it’s used within a longer sentence, it can’t be confused with the text surrounding it.

💡 Note: When words are capitalized to form a title, their format is called “title case” or “headline case.” This is in contrast to “sentence case,” which is what you’ll see in this very paragraph.


Book Title Checklist

Create a title that stands out — and sells.

Capitalize the first word of subtitles, too

The rule for subtitles is very simple: the subtitle’s first word is also always capitalized, no exceptions. Subtitles, written after a colon, are especially common in nonfiction books and academic works. 

Example: Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar’s classic work of feminist literary criticism,  “The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination.” 

If this title was written in sentence case, the first word after the colon would not normally be capitalized. And if we were following rule number 3 (spoiler alert), the word “the” would be in lowercase.

If you’re worried about your institution’s style guide of choice, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Capitalizing the first word of a subtitle is one of those rules where APA, MLA, Chicago, and AP style guides are in beautiful, unanimous agreement.

This is not the only rule they agree on — the next one is also universal.

2. Capitalize verbs, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs

There are many common parts of speech that are always capitalized in a title. Let’s take a quick look at them, one by one.


The ‘action words’ of language, verbs are capitalized in every style guide. This also applies to phrasal verbs, where a verb and a preposition are used together, like “Get Up,” “Stand Up,” “Let Go,” and “Carry Out.”

A commonly asked question is whether the word “is” needs to be capitalized. “Is” and its cousins (“I am,” “you are,” etc.) are all conjugated forms of the verb “to be,” so the answer is yes. The same applies to the verb “do” and its variations “did” and “does.”

Two identical covers for "This Is How You Lose the Time War" contrasted side by side... except the one on the left hasn't capitalized "Is." Boooo!

The publishers of “This Is How You Lose the Time War” quickly and quietly released a corrected cover — except the former version is still uploaded on the book’s Goodreads page. 😅

Here are a few examples of book titles that include verbs:

  • “This Is How You Lose the Time War” by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
  • “Where’d You Go, Bernadette” by Maria Semple
  • Don’t Cry for Me” by Daniel Black
  • “I’ll Tell You in Person” by Chloe Caldwell
  • Do You Want to Start a Scandal” by Tessa Dare
  •  “History Is All You Left Me” by Adam Silvera


All style guides agree on capitalizing pronouns in titles. If you’re a native speaker, it’s possible you assume the term simply refers to “he,” “she,” “they,” and “his,” “hers,” and “theirs.” These are pronouns indeed, but there are many more types.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive pronouns Reflexive pronouns
I Me Mine Myself
You You Yours Yourself
She/he/it Her/him/it Hers/his/not used Herself/himself/itself
We Us Ours Ourselves
You You Yours Yourselves
They Them Theirs Themselves

We won’t dwell (no one likes a grammar lesson), but to learn more about further types of pronouns, like relative, indefinite, demonstrative, or interrogative pronouns, you can check out’s entry on pronoun types. Fun fact: words like “someone,” “whenever,” “whose,” and “whom” are pronouns, too. Hopefully, this knowledge will come in handy when you next capitalize a tricky title.

Still from Shakira's video clip for 'Whenever, Wherever,' showing her smiling mid-dance

“Whenever, Wherever…” — in addition to her general badassery, Shakira also knows her pronouns.

Here are a few examples of book titles with pronouns:

  • “Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” by Mildred D. Taylor
  • “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney
  • “For Whom the Bell Tolls” by Ernest Hemingway
  • Their Eyes Were Watching God” by Zora Neale Hurston 
  • “Go Tell It on the Mountain” by James Baldwin 
  • Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good” by Jan Karon

If you do happen to like grammar lessons, however, check out this article about the Oxford comma to learn more about when and how to use it like a pro.

Nouns and adjectives

You already know these ones, so we won’t patronize you. They’re also straightforward when it comes to capitalization: nouns and adjectives are capitalized in all style guides. Wonderful, right?

Let’s look at a few title examples that feature nouns:

  • “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou
  • “How the García Girls Lost Their Accents” by Julia Alvarez
  • “If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler” by Italo Calvino
  • Diary of a Young Naturalist” by Dara McAnulty

And some book titles that capitalize adjectives:

  • “In Cold Blood” by Truman Capote
  • “A Cavern of Black Ice” by J. V. Jones
  • “Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art” by Scott McCloud
  • “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon


You may know adverbs as the words that end in -ly. They describe the way or manner in which something is done or happens. Just don’t forget that adverbs of manner aren’t the only type of adverb. 

If your title includes any of the words below, you’re dealing with adverbs of frequency, time, place, or degree:

Adverbs of time Adverbs of frequency Adverbs of place Adverbs of degree
  • Today
  • Tomorrow
  • Tonight
  • Yesterday
  • Last Year
  • Now
  • Earlier
  • Later
  • Lately
  • Recently
  • Soon
  • Often
  • Usually
  • Frequently
  • Generally
  • Always
  • Never
  • Hardly ever
  • Seldom
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Occasionally
  • Here
  • There
  • Everywhere
  • Anywhere
  • Nowhere
  • Elsewhere
  • Somewhere
  • Above
  • Inside
  • Out
  • Outside
  • Hardly
  • Almost
  • Enough
  • Just
  • Nearly
  • Quite
  • Little
  • So
  • Very
  • Too
  • Rather

You don’t need to remember what category each adverb falls under — you just need to be able to recognize them as an adverb, since all adverbs are capitalized across all style guides.

Here are a few titles that feature adverbs, whether they end in -ly or not:

  • “Isla and the Happily Ever After” by Stephanie Perkins
  • “A Fairly Honourable Defeat” by Iris Murdoch
  • Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow” by Gabrielle Zevin
  • “A Story Lately Told: Coming of Age in Ireland, London, and New York” by Anjelica Huston

So far, we’ve looked at the two major rules where all style guides agree: capitalizing the first and final words of a title, as well as any “principal” or important words, like nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. The next rule is where it gets a little bit more complicated.

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3. Don’t capitalize articles, coordinating conjunctions, or prepositions

Unless you’re working with a style guide that says otherwise (or if they’re the first or final word in a title), the following types of words are not capitalized:

  • Articles — the tiny words that come before nouns to indicate whether it’s a general concept or a particular, specific thing, e.g., “the garden” vs. “a garden”
  • Prepositions — words that precede nouns to show direction or place, or to establish a relationship between two things, e.g., “opposite the library,” “next to the cat” 
  • Coordinating conjunctions — words that link two parts of a sentence that can stand on their own, e.g., “I was tired. Alice went to bed” vs. “I was tired and Alice went to bed.”

Here are the words that fall under these categories:

Articles Coordinating conjunctions Prespositions (list not exhaustive)
a, an, the for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with, within, etc.

📚For more examples and information on prepositions, head to this page by the University of Ottawa.

Here are a few book titles that do not capitalize articles, coordinating conjunctions, and prepositions (unless they are the first or last words of the title):

  • “In Search of Lost Time” by Marcel Proust
  • “Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  • “The Catcher in the Rye” by J. D. Salinger
  • “The Portrait of a Lady” by Henry James
  • “Again, but Better” by Christine Riccio

Subordinating conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions, on the other hand, are capitalized. These are words that introduce a new part to the sentence that is dependent on the main sentence, or clause. Subordinating conjunctions include: if, since, as, when, although, while, after, before, until, because.

Because titles are not typically multi-clause sentences, it’s harder to intuit which group a conjunction belongs to. The simplest way to know when to capitalize conjunctions is to just remember which are coordinating and which subordinating. 

Subordinating conjunctions do get capitalized, as in these title examples:

  • “Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke” by Eric LaRocca
  • “As Good As Dead” by Holly Jackson
  • “What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions” by Randall Munroe
  • “Live Right and Find Happiness (Although Beer Is Much Faster): Life Lessons and Other Ravings” by Dave Barry

4. When in doubt, refer to your style guide

If you’re writing for a specific institution, keep their style guide bookmarked. For your convenience, here’s what the four most commonly used style guides in North America require when it comes to capitalizing titles correctly:

Chicago Manual of Style


  • The first and last words of a title
  • Verbs, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs
  • Subordinating conjunctions

Don’t capitalize:

  • Articles, prepositions of any length, and coordinating conjunctions
  • “To,” if used in an infinitive (e.g., “Failure to Launch”)

Modern Languages Association (MLA) Handbook


  • The first and last words of a title
  • Verbs, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs
  • Subordinating conjunctions

Don’t capitalize:

  • Articles, prepositions of any length, and coordinating conjunctions
  • “To,” if used in an infinitive (e.g., “Failure to Launch”)

American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual


  • The first and last words of a title
  • Verbs, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs
  • Words that consist of more than four letters, even conjunctions and prepositions

Don’t capitalize:

  • Words shorter than four letters
  • “To,” if used in an infinitive (e.g., “Failure to Launch”)

The Associated Press (AP) Stylebook


  • The first and last words of a title
  • Verbs, pronouns, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs
  • Subordinating conjunctions
  • Words that consist of more than four letters, even conjunctions and prepositions
  • “To,” if used in an infinitive (e.g., “Failure To Launch”)

Don’t capitalize:

  • Articles and prepositions shorter than four letters
  • Coordinating conjunctions

You’ll notice that the first two, Chicago and MLA, are the same — whereas AP and APA share an enthusiasm for capitalizing words longer than four letters.

Now compare these book titles:

AP and APA Chicago and MLA
  • “All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living” by Morgan Harper Nichols
  • “All along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living” by Morgan Harper Nichols

See the difference? 

  • Chicago and MLA don’t capitalize “along” because it’s a preposition. 
  • AP and APA do capitalize it because it’s longer than four letters long. 
  • “For” is a coordinating conjunction (so lowercase for Chicago and MLA) and not long enough to be capitalized in AP and APA.
  • All four style guides capitalize the first and last words of the title, as well as the first word of the subtitle.

Annotated example of the title discussed above

AP/APA style capitalization, where the preposition ‘Along’ is capitalized because it’s longer than four words.

🎯 Want to test yourself? Head over to our book title generator and give it a whirl. Write down what titles you’re given and then ask yourself how they’d be formatted for each style guide. 

Those are all the rules, so you can go ahead and capitalize your title. Beyond your title, if you’ve got a whole manuscript in need of polishing, consider hiring a copy editor to take care of the finer details.

Perfect your book with a professional edit

The best developmental editors, copy editors, and proofreaders are on Reedsy. Sign up for free and meet them.

Learn how Reedsy can help you craft a beautiful book.

If you want to expand your knowledge of niche linguistic matters even further, head over to the world of punctuation with our post on using hyphens and dashes correctly. Just don’t forget your linguist geek hat.

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