Is the word protection a noun

защита, охрана, покровительство, ограждение, протекционизм, прикрытие, блат


- защита, охрана, предохранение; ограждение; прикрытие

- покровительство

to extend one’s protection to a young author — оказывать покровительство молодому писателю

- охранная грамота; пропуск; паспорт

writ of protection — юр. охранное письмо

- амер. свидетельство об американском гражданстве, выдаваемое морякам
- выкуп, откупные деньги, (регулярно) выплачиваемые рэкетирам торговцами, коммерсантами и т. п.

protection racket — вымогательство, рэкет (за защиту от якобы возможных нападений, ограблений магазина и т. п.)

- деньги, даваемые гангстерами полиции, политическим деятелям или должностным лицам за покровительство (тж. protection money)
- полит.-эк. протекционизм, покровительственная система в торговле

protection of home industries — защита отечественной промышленности

- ком., фин. акцептование (тратты через известный промежуток времени); оплата

to give protection to the bill — а) акцептовать тратту; б) оплатить тратту
to live under the protection of smb. — быть чьей-л. содержанкой

Мои примеры


a couple of thugs trying to blackjack a shopkeeper into paying protection money — парочка головорезов, пытающихся вынудить владельца магазина заплатить деньги за «крышу»  
the Montreal protocol on the protection of the ozone layer — Монреальский протокол по защите озонового слоя  
employment protection — охрана труда  
rust protection — защита от коррозии  
protection software — программное обеспечение защиты  
upgrade protection — автоматическое обновление версий  
protection model — модель защиты  
antivirus protection — антивирусная защита  
application protection — защита прикладных программ (приложений)  
asset protection — защита объекта  
blanket protection — полная защита  
boundary protection — охрана границ территории (объекта)  

Примеры с переводом

They banded themselves together for protection.

Они объединились для защиты.

Workers were provided with gloves for protection.

Работникам были розданы защитные перчатки.

Environmental Protection Agency

Управление по охране окружающей среды (в США)

The cattle herded together to try to find some protection against the rain.

Скотина сбилась в кучу, пытаясь найти хоть какую-нибудь защиту от дождя.

The Swedes have led the way in data protection.

Шведы вышли на ведущие позиции в области защиты данных.

Do you have any protection?

У вас есть какие-нибудь контрацептивы?

We also ask that you wear the smock provided for protection of your clothing.

Мы также просим вас надевать рабочий халат для защиты вашей одежды.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…winced as he walked out into the wet without any protection…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

protect  — защищать, охранять, беречь, оберегать, предохранять, ограждать
protectionism  — протекционизм
protectionist  — протекционистский, протекционист
protected  — защищенный
protecting  — защищающий, защитный, протекционистский

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): protection
мн. ч.(plural): protections

  • 1


    1) защита, охрана; ограждение; прикрытие

    2) покровительство

    3) охранная грамота; пропуск; паспорт

    4) econ. протекционизм

    to live under the protection of smb. быть чьей-л. содержанкой


    asylum, cover, refuge, sanctuary, shelter


    aggression, danger, distress, harm, hurt, injury

    * * *

    (n) акцептование; защита; оплата чека; охрана; предохранение

    * * *

    защита, охрана

    * * *

    [pro’tec·tion || prə’tekʃn]
    защита, охрана, ограждение, прикрытие; покровительство, протекционизм; охранная грамота, пропуск, паспорт; вымогательство

    * * *













    * * *

    1) а) защита
    б) покровительство
    в) эвф. сутенерство
    2) ограждение
    3) а) выплата денег рекетирам, вымогателям (т.ж. protection racket)
    б) выплаченная сумма (тж. protection money)
    4) экол. охрана окружающей среды

    Новый англо-русский словарь > protection

  • 2

    1. n защита, охрана, предохранение; ограждение; прикрытие

    2. n покровительство

    3. n охранная грамота; пропуск; паспорт

    4. n амер. свидетельство об американском гражданстве, выдаваемое морякам

    5. n разг. деньги, даваемые гангстерами полиции, политическим деятелям или должностным лицам за покровительство

    6. n разг. полит. -эк. протекционизм, покровительственная система в торговле

    7. n разг. ком. фин. акцептование; оплата

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cover (noun) asylum; cover; covert; harbour; haven; retreat; sanctuary; shelter

    2. defense (noun) aegis; armament; armor; bulwark; defence; defense; guard; safeguard; screen; security; shield; ward

    3. guardianship (noun) custody; guardianship; preservation; refuge; safekeeping; safety

    English-Russian base dictionary > protection

  • 3
    EPA Environmental Protection Agency

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > EPA Environmental Protection Agency

  • 4

    1. n крышка; обёртка; покрывало; чехол; футляр, колпак

    2. n конверт; обёртка; упаковка

    under plain cover — в конверте без фирменного штампа, в простом конверте

    3. n переплёт; обложка

    4. n убежище, укрытие; прикрытие, «крыша»

    5. n спорт. прикрытие, защита

    6. n покров

    7. n поэт. покрывало, покров

    8. n лесной покров, полог леса

    9. n бот. покров семяпочки или семени

    10. n охот. нора, логовище

    11. n личина, маска

    12. n прибор, куверт

    13. n ком. гарантийный фонд

    14. n страхование

    15. n авт. покрышка

    16. n театр. замена; заменяющий актёр или -ая актриса; исполнитель из второго состава

    17. v покрывать, закрывать, накрывать

    18. v редк. покрывать; укрывать

    19. v прикрывать, ограждать, защищать

    20. v спорт. держать, закрывать

    21. v прятать, скрывать

    22. v покрывать; находить оправдания

    23. v книжн. покрыть, увенчать; запятнать

    cover a loss — покрыть убытки; взять на себя потерю

    24. v покрывать, обдавать

    25. v обивать; оклеивать

    26. v покрывать; распространяться; расстилаться

    27. v покрывать, охватывать; относиться

    28. v разг. заменять, подменять

    29. v держать под наблюдением

    30. v пройти, проехать

    31. v спорт. пробежать дистанцию

    32. v освещать в печати

    33. v предусматривать

    34. v ком. обеспечить покрытие; покрывать

    35. v страховать

    36. v карт. покрывать, крыть

    cover cloth — кроющий материал, переплётная ткань

    37. v принять пари; поставить

    38. v с. -х. случать, крыть

    39. v сидеть

    40. v воен. держать под обстрелом

    41. v держать под прицелом

    Синонимический ряд:

    4. clothes (noun) bonnet; capote; cloak; clothes; cosy; cowl; mantle; muffler; pall

    5. covering (noun) attic; ceiling; covering; hatch; house top; integument; roofing; umbrella

    6. furnishings (noun) awning; canopy; carpet; carpeting; curtain; drape; furnishings; rug; runner; scatter rug; throw rug

    7. mask (noun) camouflage; color; coloring; colour; colouring; conceal; disguise; disguisement; facade; face; false front; gloss; guise; mask; masquerade; pretension; pretext; put-on; screen; semblance; show; spread; veil; veneer; window dressing; window-dressing

    8. protection (noun) asylum; concealment; defense; guard; harbor; harborage; harbour; haven; port; pretence; pretense; protection; refuge; retreat; sanctuary

    9. shelter (noun) bower; copse; covert; growth; shelter; shrubbery; thicket; underbrush; woods

    10. wrapper (noun) capsule; case; casing; encasement; envelope; jacket; pod; sheath; wrapper; wrapping

    11. blanket (verb) blanket; crown; enwrap; overcast; overlay; spread over

    12. clothe (verb) cap; clothe; envelop; overspread; overwhelm; wrap

    13. coat (verb) case; coat; face; incrust; layer; paper; spread; stain; varnish; veneer

    14. conceal (verb) camouflage; cloak; conceal; disguise; enshroud; hood; mask; shroud; veil

    15. defend (verb) bulwark; defend; fend; guard; house; protect; safeguard; screen; secure; shade; shelter; shield

    16. deluge (verb) deluge; drench; engulf; inundate; overcome; pour; rain; shower

    17. hide (verb) bury; cache; ensconce; hide; occult; plant; secrete; stash

    18. include (verb) comprehend; comprise; contain; embody; embrace; encompass; include; incorporate

    20. pay for (verb) compensate for; counterbalance; defray; offset; pay for; suffice

    22. travel (verb) cross; do; journey; journey over; pass over; track; travel

    Антонимический ряд:

    exclude; expose; exposure; inside; reveal; unwrap

    English-Russian base dictionary > cover

  • 5

    1. n убежище, пристанище

    2. n утешение; утешитель

    3. n спасение, прибежище

    4. n дор. островок безопасности

    5. n заказник, резерват

    6. v арх. давать убежище, приют

    7. v арх. служить прибежищем

    8. v арх. найти убежище, укрыться; искать убежища

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. protection (noun) asylum; cloister; cover; covert; escape; harbor; harborage; harbour; harbourage; haven; home; hospice; port; protection; retreat; sanctuary; security; shelter

    3. resource (noun) dernier ressort; expediency; expedient; makeshift; recourse; resort; resource; shift; stopgap; string; substitute; surrogate

    Антонимический ряд:

    danger; exposure; jeopardy; peril; pitfall; risk

    English-Russian base dictionary > refuge

  • 6

    1. n ширма, экран

    2. n оконная сетка

    3. n защита, прикрытие; завеса

    4. n воен. маска

    5. n воен. маскировка

    6. n воен. спорт. заслон

    7. n кино экран

    8. n кинематография, кино

    9. n элк. экран, экранирующая сетка

    screen dummy — распечатка содержимого экрана; дамп экрана

    10. n доска, щит для объявлений

    stone screen — грохот для заполнителя; грохот для щебня

    11. n редк. перегородка

    12. n сито, грохот, решето

    13. v сортировать; грохотить, просеивать

    14. v разг. проверить политическую благонадёжность, прошлую деятельность, документы

    15. v разг. подвергать испытаниям, тщательно отбирать

    16. v разг. производить отбор новобранцев

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. protection (noun) blind; cloak; cover; defense; guard; mask; protection; security; shield; veil

    4. censor (verb) blip; bowdlerise; bowdlerize; censor; expurgate

    5. choose (verb) choose; eliminate; select; sieve; sift

    6. close (verb) block out; close; conceal; obscure; obstruct; shroud; shut off; shut out

    9. hide (verb) bury; cache; ensconce; hide; occult; plant; secrete; stash

    11. protect (verb) blind; bulwark; cloak; cover; defend; fend; guard; protect; safeguard; secure; shelter; shield; veil

    12. shade (verb) inumbrate; shade; shadow; umbrage

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > screen

  • 7

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. martial art (noun) aiki-do; combat; do-in; jiu-jitsu; judo; karate; kung-fu; martial art; tai-chi-chuan

    English-Russian base dictionary > self-defense

  • 8


    1) приют; убежище

    2) психиатрическая лечебница (


    lunatic asylum)



    * * *

    (n) богадельня; политическое убежище; приют; психиатрическая лечебница; убежище

    * * *

    1) приют; убежище 2) психиатрическая лечебница

    * * *

    [a·sy·lum || ə’saɪləm]
    убежище; психиатрическая больница; прибежище, приют

    * * *




    * * *

    1) прибежище
    2) психиатрическая больница; сумасшедший дом

    Новый англо-русский словарь > asylum

  • 9


    1) опасность; out of danger вне опасности; in danger в опасном положении; in danger of one’s life с опасностью для жизни; to keep out of danger избегать опасности

    2) угроза; a danger to peace угроза миру


    hazard, jeopardy, menace, peril, risk, threat


    defence, protection, safeguard, safety security

    * * *

    (n) опасность; угроза

    * * *

    * * *

    [dan·ger || ‘deɪndʒə]
    опасность, угроза, гроза

    * * *




    * * *

    1) а) опасность
    б) угроза
    в) риск, возможная опасность
    2) мор. подводная скала, подводный риф

    Новый англо-русский словарь > danger

  • 10


    1) святилище

    2) убежище; to break the sanctuary нарушать неприкосновенность убежища; to seek sanctuary искать убежища

    3) заповедник; bird sanctuary птичий заповедник



    * * *

    (n) убежище; храм

    * * *

    * * *

    [sanc·tu·ar·y || ‘sæŋktʃʊərɪ /-erɪ]
    храм, святилище, алтарь, убежище, прибежище, заповедник

    * * *




    * * *

    1) а) святилище (храм, церковь)
    б) святая святых
    2) убежище

    Новый англо-русский словарь > sanctuary

  • 11

    1. n безопасность

    2. n органы безопасности,

    3. n секретность

    4. n вчт. защищённость информации

    5. n уверенность, обеспеченность, чувство безопасности

    6. n защита, охрана, гарантия

    7. n воен. охранение

    8. n воен. боевое обеспечение

    9. n юр. обеспечение; гарантия, залог

    10. n юр. поручительство, порука

    to give security — давать поручительство, выступать поручителем, ручаться

    11. n юр. поручитель

    12. n юр. обыкн. ценные бумаги

    13. n юр. спорт. зачётный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. collateral (noun) bail; bond; collateral; contract; deposit; earnest; forfeit; guarantee; guaranty; hostage; pawn; pledge; promise; surety; token; warrant; warranty

    2. confidence (noun) certainty; conclusiveness; confidence; conviction; faithfulness; peace of mind; reassurance; sureness

    3. defense (noun) aegis; armament; armor; defence; defense; guard; protection; safeguard; shield; ward

    4. safety (noun) assurance; immunity; invulnerability; refuge; safeness; safety; salvation; shelter

    6. strength (noun) firmness; soundness; stability; stableness; steadiness; strength

    Антонимический ряд:

    doubt; insecurity; peril

    English-Russian base dictionary > security

  • 12

    1. n глаз, око

    eye specialist — окулист, офтальмолог, врач по глазным болезням, «глазник»

    2. n чаще взгляд, взор

    3. n взгляды, мнение, воззрение; суждение

    4. n зрение

    5. n вкус; понимание

    6. n план, замысел

    with an eye to — с видами на, в расчёте на, с целью; для того чтобы

    7. n глазомер

    eye sketch — глазомерная съёмка; определение расстояния на глаз

    8. n центр; средоточие

    9. n глазок; смотровое окошко

    10. n тех. ушко

    11. n петелька

    12. n колечко

    13. n ноздря, глазок

    сыщик, детектив

    14. n сл. экран телевизора

    15. n тех. проушина; глазок; коуш

    16. n мор. рым

    17. n горн. устье шахты

    18. v разглядывать; рассматривать; взирать

    19. v держать под наблюдением, следить, не спускать глаз

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. core (noun) center; centre; core; crux; focus; heart; hub; middle; midpoint; nucleus

    4. lamp (noun) lamp; ocular; oculus; orb; peeper; winker

    6. observation (noun) appreciation; attention; discrimination; judgment; observation; perception; taste

    7. opinion (noun) belief; conviction; feeling; mind; opinion; persuasion; sentiment; view

    8. organ of sight (noun) compound eye; eye speck; eyeball; instrument of vision; lenspiece; optic receiver; organ of sight; simple eye

    13. gaze (verb) gape; gaze; glare; goggle; look; peer; rubberneck

    14. look (verb) consider; contemplate; gaze upon; look; look upon; regard; view

    15. stare (verb) blink; get an eyeful; glance; look over; peek at; stare

    Антонимический ряд:

    ignore; periphery

    English-Russian base dictionary > eye

  • 13

    1. n вал, насыпь; дамба

    2. n крутой склон

    steep bank — глубокий вираж; крутой подъем

    3. n берег

    4. n отмель, банка, риф

    5. n нанос, занос

    6. n борт бильярдного стола

    7. n ав. крен, вираж

    8. n горн. забой; залежь

    9. n горн. уступ

    10. n горн. устье шахты

    11. v сгребать в кучу; наваливать

    12. v делать насыпь; окружать валом, насыпью

    13. v громоздиться, вздыматься

    14. v запруживать

    15. v окружать, окаймлять

    16. v прикрывать валежником

    17. v ав. делать вираж; накреняться

    sharp bank — глубокий вираж; большой крен

    18. v сесть на мель

    19. v сл. играть шара от борта

    20. n копилка

    21. n ист. лавка ростовщика; стол или лавка менялы

    22. n фонд; общий запас; резерв

    blood bank — запас консервированной крови, банк крови

    23. n банк

    24. v класть деньги в банк; держать, иметь деньги в банке или сберкассе

    bank credit — кредит предоставляемый банком; открытый кредит

    25. v владеть банком, быть банкиром; заниматься банковским делом

    26. v превращать в деньги

    27. v метать банк

    28. v разг. рассчитывать, полагаться

    29. n преим. спец. ряд, комплект, набор; серия

    30. n уст. скамья

    31. n уст. суд; судебное присутствие

    32. n уст. верстак

    33. n уст. полигр. подзаголовок

    34. v спец. группировать для совместной работы; комплектовать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. embankment (noun) embankment; heap; hillock; knoll; levee; mound; mount; terrace

    2. financial institution (noun) cache; commercial bank; depository; federal reserve bank; financial institution; savings and loan; treasury; vault

    4. pile (noun) cock; drift; hill; mass; mess; mountain; mow; pile; pyramid; rick; shock; stack; windrow

    5. reserve (noun) deposit; hoard; reserve; stockpile; store; supply

    6. shore (noun) beach; border; coast; edge; ledge; ridge; rim; shoal; shore; slope; strand

    7. deposit (verb) deposit; hoard; lay away; put aside; reserve; save; shelve; stash away; stockpile

    8. heap (verb) cock; drift; heap; hill; lump; mound; pile; stack

    10. turn (verb) angle; grade; incline; pitch; slope; soar; turn

    English-Russian base dictionary > bank

  • 14

    1. n авторское право

    2. a охраняемый авторским правом

    3. a относящийся к охране авторских прав

    4. v обеспечивать авторское право

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. control (noun) concession; control; license; patent; privilege; protection

    2. exclusive possession (noun) cartel; consortium; corner; exclusive possession; monopoly; ownership; pool; syndicate; trust

    English-Russian base dictionary > copyright

  • 15

    1. n слух

    2. n предел слышимости

    3. n слушание, выслушивание

    4. n юр. слушание дела; допрос

    5. n протоколы заседаний

    6. n слушание, прослушивание

    7. n диал. слушание богослужения в церкви

    8. n известие, слух, молва

    9. n шотл. нагоняй

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. audition (noun) attendance; audience; audit; audition; conference; congress; ear; interview; test; tryout; try-out

    3. discovering (verb) ascertaining; catching on; determining; discovering; find out; finding out; hearing; learning; seeing; tumbling; unearthing

    4. listening (verb) attending; harking; hearkening; heeding; listening

    English-Russian base dictionary > hearing

  • 16

    1. n патент; диплом

    2. n ист. жалованная грамота; привилегия

    3. n знак, печать

    4. n право, получаемое благодаря патенту; исключительное право

    5. n запатентованный предмет, изобретение

    6. n амер. пожалование земли правительством

    7. n амер. документ о пожаловании земли правительством

    8. n амер. оригинальное решение; метод

    9. a явный, очевидный

    10. a патентованный

    11. a запатентованный

    12. a оригинальный, остроумный, новый; собственного изобретения

    13. a открытый

    14. a редк. доступный, возможный

    15. a бот. раскрытый

    16. a общеизвестный

    17. a общедоступный; общественный

    18. a высшего сорта

    19. v патентовать; брать патент

    20. v быть оригинальным, отличаться

    21. v амер. получать право на правительственную землю

    22. v редк. жаловать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. clear (adj.) apparent; clear; clear-cut; conspicuous; crystal-clear; distinct; evident; manifest; noticeable; obvious; open-and-shut; openhanded; palpable; plain; straightforward; unambiguous; unequivocal; univocal; unmistakable; unsubtle; visible

    2. controlled (adj.) controlled; copyrighted; exclusive; licensed; patented; protected; trademarked

    3. open (adj.) open; unclosed; unobstructed

    5. control (noun) concession; control; license; privilege; protection

    7. copyright (verb) copyright; exclude; license; limit; safeguard; secure

    Антонимический ряд:

    concealed; covered; dim; dubious; hidden; obscure; questionable; unclear

    English-Russian base dictionary > patent

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    1. n нападение

    2. n наступление, наступательный бой; атака

    3. n нападки, враждебная критика

    4. n мед. приступ, вспышка; припадок; криз, атака

    5. n муз. атака

    6. n коррозия, агрессивное действие среды

    7. n собир. спорт. нападающие, нападение

    8. v нападать; атаковать

    9. v нападать, критиковать

    10. v энергично браться за работу; приступать, подступиться

    11. v разрушать

    12. v поражать, причинять ущерб

    13. v тех. разъедать, корродировать

    14. v метал. травить

    15. v хим. вступать в реакцию

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. access (noun) access; convulsion; fit; seizure; spasm; spell; throe; turn

    2. aggression (noun) aggression; aggressiveness; assailment; belligerence; combativeness; fight; offense; onfall; pugnacity

    3. assault (noun) assault; blow; charge; descent; encounter; incursion; invasion; offence; offensive; onrush; onset; onslaught; push; skirmish; strike

    4. course (noun) approach; course; line; plan; procedure; tack; technique

    9. criticize (verb) blame; cast aspersions; censure; criticise; criticize; denigrate; denounce; impugn; malign; revile

    10. hit (verb) aggress; assail; assault; beset; charge; fall on; fall upon; go at; have at; hit; raid; sail in; set upon; siege; storm; strike; wade in

    11. set to work (verb) affect; bang away at; deal with; plunge into; set to work; start in on; tackle; take up

    Антонимический ряд:

    defend; defense; maintenance; praise; protect; protection; protest; repel; resistance; shelter; shield; support; sustain

    English-Russian base dictionary > attack

  • 18

    1. n воздух; атмосфера

    air current — воздушное течение, воздушный поток, поток воздуха; ветер

    in the air — на воздухе, под открытым небом

    2. n воздушное пространство; воздух, небо

    3. n преим. воен. авиация

    air strike — налёт авиации; удар с воздуха

    4. n эфир

    on the air — по радио или телевидению: передаваемый в эфир

    5. n атмосфера, обстановка

    6. n характер, манера, дух

    7. n лёгкий ветерок, дуновение; бриз

    8. n вид, выражение лица; манеры

    9. n обыкн. важничанье, важный вид; жеманство

    10. n муз. мотив, мелодия, напев

    11. n муз. партия сопрано или дисканта

    12. n муз. ария; соло

    13. n муз. песнь, песня

    14. n муз. гласность, известность

    to take air — стать общеизвестным, получить огласку

    15. n муз. авиапочтовая марка

    the contract is still up in the air — неизвестно, будет ли заключён контракт; заключение контракта ещё висит в воздухе; б) огорчаться, беспокоиться, тревожиться; сердиться, гневаться; быть взволнованным

    16. a воздушный

    17. a наполненный воздухом

    18. a пневматический, воздушный

    19. a авиационный, воздушный; лётный

    20. a связанный с ВВС

    21. v проветривать, вентилировать

    22. v сушить, просушивать

    23. v выставлять напоказ; заявлять во всеуслышание, провозглашать

    24. v обсуждать, «вентилировать»

    25. v выгуливать, выводить на прогулку, на свежий воздух

    26. v разг. передавать в эфир; транслировать по радио или телевидению; вещать

    27. a шотл. ранний; прежний

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. atmosphere (noun) ambience; atmosphere; aura; ether; feel; feeling; medium; mood; oxygen; ozone; semblance; smell; stratosphere; tone

    2. attitude (noun) affectation; appearance; aspect; attitude; behavior; behaviour; carriage; look

    3. bearing (noun) address; bearing; comportment; demeanor; demeanour; deportment; manner; mien; port; presence; set; style

    4. melody (noun) aria; descant; diapason; lay; measure; melisma; melodia; melody; song; strain; tune; warble

    5. publication (noun) circulation; disclosure; dissemination; publication; publicity

    7. wind (noun) blow; breath; breeze; draft; gust; puff; ventilation; wind; zephyr

    8. broadcast (verb) broadcast; disclose; display; publish; relay; report; televise; tell; transmit

    10. express (verb) declare; express; give; proclaim; put; state

    12. ventilate (verb) aerate; fan; freshen; oxygenate; purify; ventilate

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > air

  • 19

    1. n честь, честность

    2. n честь, благородство

    soul of honour — воплощённое благородство; благороднейший человек

    3. n честь, доброе имя, хорошая репутация

    Exception, Your Honour! — возражение, Ваша честь!

    4. n честь; целомудрие, добродетель, чистота

    5. n почёт, почесть; уважение, почтение

    6. n честь, слава

    7. n l

    8. n почести

    9. n награды; ордена

    10. n унив. отличие

    11. n карт. онёры

    12. n уст. поклон, реверанс

    13. v почитать, чтить

    14. v удостаивать

    15. v соблюдать; выполнять

    16. v фин. акцептовать; оплатить

    honour a bill — акцептировать вексель; оплатить вексель

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. fame (noun) esteem; fame; glory; praise; renown

    4. integrity (noun) character; honesty; incorruptibility; integrity; nobleness; principle; probity; rectitude; uprightness

    5. regard (noun) account; admiration; appreciation; consideration; estimation; favour; privilege; regard

    6. respect (noun) adoration; deference; homage; obeisance; respect; reverence; veneration

    7. status (noun) dignity; prestige; reputation; repute; status

    10. praise (verb) acclaim; celebrate; eulogise; extol; glorify; hail; laud; magnify; praise

    11. respect (verb) admire; adore; consider; esteem; regard; respect; revere; reverence; value; venerate; worship

    Антонимический ряд:

    abominate; blemish; censure; contempt; contumely; corruption; debasement; degradation; denunciation; derision; discredit; disfavour; disgrace

    English-Russian base dictionary > honour

  • 20

    1. n употр. гл. ед. мн. ч. с в и средство, способ

    2. n употр. гл. мн. ч. с во средства, состояние

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. agencies (noun) agencies; agents; channels; instrumentalities; instrumentations; instruments; intermediaries; mediums or media; ministries; organs; vehicles

    2. agency (noun) agency; agent; channel; instrument; instrumentation; intermediary; ministry; organ; vehicle

    4. instrumentality (noun) approach; factor; instrumentality; mechanism; medium; method; mode; way

    5. means (noun) averages; means; media; medians; norms; par; pars

    6. wealth (noun) assets; capital; fortune; income; property; revenue; substance; wealth; wherewithal

    7. adds up to (verb) adds up to; connotes; counts; denotes; expresses; imports; intends; matters; means; signifies; spells; weighs

    8. plans (verb) aims; contemplates; designs; intends; plans; projects; proposes; purposes

    Антонимический ряд:

    end; object; purpose

    English-Russian base dictionary > means

  • Is protection a noun or verb?

    noun. the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm. a thing, person, or group that protects: This vaccine is a protection against disease.

    What type of noun is protection?

    [uncountable] protection (against something) insurance against fire, injury, damage, etc. Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.

    Is protected a verb or adjective?

    PROTECTED (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

    What part of speech is protecting?


    part of speech: transitive verb
    inflections: protects, protecting, protected

    What is the verb form of protect?

    English verb conjugation TO PROTECT Regular verb: protect – protected – protected.

    What is a word for protecting yourself?

    Some common synonyms of protect are defend, guard, safeguard, and shield.

    What is a antonym for protection?

    Opposite of the act of protecting. attack. assault.

    What word goes with Protect?

    What is another word for protect?

    defend guard
    bulwark care for
    chaperon cover
    cushion fence
    fend forfend

    How do you defend yourself in a conversation?

    Even if you don’t feel very sure of yourself, try to force an aura of confidence so the other person can’t tell how you’re really feeling. You’ll probably have more trouble defending yourself if you appear nervous or unsure. In any conversation, to make eye contact, stand up straight, and speak in a slow, even tone.

    How do you defend yourself from being rude?

    The “No BS” Way to Protect Yourself from Rude, Obnoxious People

    1. Stay calm, and try to uncover any miscommunication.
    2. Don’t feed the trolls.
    3. Avoid the word “you.” If you’re dealing with a rude person who is not a troll, you don’t have to put up with his or her verbal abuse.
    4. Fire the person.
    5. Be grateful.

    How do I stand up for myself?

    10 Powerful Ways to Stand Up for Yourself in Any Situation

    1. Practice being transparent and authentic.
    2. Take small but powerful steps.
    3. When someone attacks, wait them out.
    4. Figure out what’s really bothering you.
    5. Clarify first, without attacking.
    6. Practice makes perfect.
    7. Be deliberate.
    8. Stand up for your time.

    What is the best way to defend yourself?

    Be loud to intimidate the attacker and create attention in case somebody is nearby.

    1. Hammer strike. Using your car keys is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself.
    2. Groin kick.
    3. Heel palm strike.
    4. Elbow strike.
    5. Alternative elbow strikes.
    6. Escape from a ‘bear hug attack’
    7. Escape with hands trapped.
    8. Escape from side headlock.

    What is the best self defense for a woman?

    The Best Self Defense Weapons for Women

    1. Personal Keychain Alarm. Personal keychain alarms are inexpensive, practical, and can be seamlessly attached to your keys in your bag or purse.
    2. Defender Ring.
    3. Cat Ears Keychain.
    4. Kubaton.
    5. Flashlight.
    6. Defender Ring X.
    7. Pepper Spray.
    8. Stun Gun.

    How do you defend yourself in a fist fight?

    Keep your hands level with your cheeks so you’re able to throw punches quickly while also being able to defend yourself.

    1. You can choose to keep your hands in open palms or make fists in your neutral stance.
    2. Avoid tensing your body up since you won’t be able to maneuver as effectively.

    Should you hit first in a fight?

    Do not be the first throw a punch, but be the first to hit your target. When you throw the first punch, you are initiating a fight. The key is to counterattack in defence and not get hit. When someone throws a punch, he opening himself to attack, there are openings or flanks which is exposed.

    How do you fist a punch?

    To make a proper fist, begin by curling your fingers into your palm, starting with the little finger. Envelop your fingers (usually the index and middle finger, depending on the length of your thumb) with your thumb. Remember to position your thumb over and behind your fingers, and don’t allow it to rest past them.

    How do you win a punch?

    Avoid your opponent’s first attack.

    1. You must remain calm and move quickly to get out of the way.
    2. When you push your opponent, try to thrust away from the ground with your legs and follow through with your arms to deliver the most force possible.

    Do punches hurt in a fight?

    A punch is just the median used to transfer that force. Punch the air and it doesn’t hurt. It’s no different than falling down. Falling itself doesn’t hurt at all but the impact of you hitting the ground does.

    Should you jab in a street fight?

    A jab is delivered from a side stance, allowing you to engage full length of shoulder to tip of fist. It’s the safest punch for keeping distance and with enough training can still inflict tremendous damage. The thing is, in street fights you don’t know what the other person is going to do at all.

    How do you know a punch is coming?

    Focusing on a spot a couple of feet behind and through the center of your opponent’s chest allows your peripheral vision to not only pick up movement of the hands, but also the legs and hips giving you even more time to react. The twisting or loading of the hips is a sure sign that a punch is about to come.

    Would an MMA fighter beat a boxer?

    “A boxer has no chance of winning an MMA fight and an MMA fighter has no chance of beating a boxer,” was the opinion of heavyweight Vladimir Klitschko. Every martial artist has experience of boxing through their striking, although no boxer practices the arts of Muay Thai, karate or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

    Can a boxer win a street fight?

    Boxing is one of the most effective forms of combat for a street fight, because, not only can you inflict a Knockout blow with a single strike but you can also end the conflict very quickly and get out of danger.

    Who would win kickboxer vs boxer?

    In MMA, the kickboxer would likely win, because the boxing stance is extremely prone to leg kicks. Thats the whole reason for the 8 kick rule, no leg kicks makes it very difficult for a Kickboxer to beat a boxer. With leg kicks, the kickboxer should would handlidly.

    Can a boxer hit a civilian?

    Yes, it’s illegal for anyone to fight in the street. But it can be very bad, legally, for licensed professional boxers to fight a regular person outside, in public. The law considers the Boxer’s fists to be deadly weapons. So it’s more than simple assault.

    Who punches harder MMA or boxer?

    For the basic 2–3 punching angles in fighting, boxers are 10–25% more powerful than MMA fighters. But for all the other 15–20 punching angles in fighting, boxers are infinitely more powerful because MMA fighters don’t even train at those angles.

    Is UFC harder than boxing?

    Mixed martial arts, UFC in particular, is a tougher sport than boxing, according to Wladimir Klitschko. Klitschko told Business Insider that it was harder to excel in the UFC because the competition is so fierce.

    Who is the hardest puncher in the world?

    Francis Ngannou

    Which martial art has the most powerful punch?

    The haymaker



    From Middle English, from Old French, from stem of Late Latin prōtectiō (a covering over), from Latin prōtēctus, perfect passive participle of prōtegere (to protect, cover in front). Displaced native Old English ġesċildnes.


    • IPA(key): /pɹəˈtɛkʃən/
    • Hyphenation: pro‧tec‧tion
    • Rhymes: -ɛkʃən


    protection (countable and uncountable, plural protections)

    1. The process of keeping (something or someone) safe.

      Raincoats give protection from rain.

      • 1879, R[ichard] J[efferies], chapter 1, in The Amateur Poacher, London: Smith, Elder, & Co., [], →OCLC:

        But then I had the flintlock by me for protection. ¶ There were giants in the days when that gun was made; for surely no modern mortal could have held that mass of metal steady to his shoulder. The linen-press and a chest on the top of it formed, however, a very good gun-carriage; and, thus mounted, aim could be taken out of the window [].

    2. The state of being safe.
    3. A means of keeping or remaining safe.
    4. A means, such as a condom, of preventing pregnancy or sexually transmitted disease.
    5. (insurance) Coverage.
    6. Immunity from harm, obtained by illegal payments, as bribery or extortion.
    7. (obsolete) A document serving as a guarantee against harm or interference; a passport.
    8. (economics) Restrictions on foreign competitors which limit their ability to compete with domestic producers of goods or services.
    9. (computing) An instance of a security token associated with a resource (such as a file).

    Derived terms[edit]

    • antiprotection
    • atheroprotection
    • autoprotection
    • cardioprotection
    • cerebroprotection
    • chemoprotection
    • close protection
    • copy protection
    • cryoprotection
    • cytoprotection
    • deprotection
    • environmental protection
    • hepatoprotection
    • heteroprotection
    • immunoprotection
    • Mickey Mouse Protection Act
    • multiprotection
    • nephroprotection
    • neuroprotection
    • osmoprotection
    • overprotection
    • photoprotection
    • police protection
    • protection course
    • protection money
    • protection proxy
    • protection racket
    • protectionary
    • protectionism
    • protectionless
    • radioprotection
    • renoprotection
    • reprotection
    • self-protection
    • seroprotection
    • sun protection factor
    • unprotection
    • vasculoprotection
    • vasoprotection
    • witness protection


    • protect


    process of keeping something safe

    • Albanian: ndore (sq), ndorje, mbrojtje (sq)
    • Arabic: حِمَايَة‎ f (ḥimāya)
      Egyptian Arabic: حماية‎ f (ḥimāya)
    • Armenian: պաշտպանություն (hy) (paštpanutʿyun)
    • Azerbaijani: qoruma, mühafizə (az)
    • Belarusian: абаро́на f (abaróna), ахо́ва (be) f (axóva), засцяро́га f (zascjaróha)
    • Bulgarian: защи́та (bg) f (zaštíta), предпа́зване (bg) n (predpázvane)
    • Catalan: protecció (ca) f
    • Chinese:
      Mandarin: 保護保护 (zh) (bǎohù), 防護防护 (zh) (fánghù)
    • Czech: ochrana (cs) f, protekce f
    • Danish: beskyttelse (da) c
    • Dutch: bescherming (nl) f
    • Egyptian: (mkt)
    • Esperanto: protekto
    • Estonian: kaitse
    • Finnish: suojaaminen (fi), suojaus, suoja (fi), turvaaminen, varjeleminen (fi)
    • French: protection (fr) f
    • Galician: protección (gl) f
    • Georgian: დაცვა (dacva), მფარველობა (mparveloba)
    • German: Schutz (de) m
    • Greek: προστασία (el) f (prostasía)
      Ancient Greek: ὠφέλεια (ōphéleia)
      Ancient: προστασία f (prostasía)
    • Haitian Creole: pwoteksyon
    • Hawaiian: malu
    • Hebrew: הֲגָנָה הֲגַנָּה (he) f (hagana)
    • Hindi: संरक्षण (hi) m (sãrakṣaṇ), हिमायत (hi) f (himāyat), हिफ़ाज़त f (hifāzat), हिफाजत (hi) f (hiphājat), रक्षा (hi) f (rakṣā)
    • Hungarian: védekezés (hu), megvédés
    • Icelandic: vernd (is) f
    • Ido: protekto (io)
    • Indonesian: perlindungan (id)
    • Irish: cosaint f, anacal m, cumhdach m
    • Italian: protezione (it) f
    • Japanese: 保護 (ja) (ほご, hogo), 防護 (ja) (ぼうご, bōgo)
    • Kazakh: қорғау (kk) (qorğau)
    • Korean: 보호(保護) (ko) (boho), 방호(防護) (bangho)
    • Kurdish:
      Central Kurdish: پاڕێزگاری(parrêzgarî), پاراستن (ckb) (parastin)
      Northern Kurdish: parastin (ku), sitirandin (ku), sitar (ku) f, pena (ku) f
    • Latin: dēfēnsiō f, prōtectiō f, dēfensa f, tūtēla f
    • Latvian: aizsardzība f
    • Lithuanian: apsauga (lt) f
    • Macedonian: заштита f (zaštita)
    • Malay: perlindungan (ms)
    • Malayalam: സംരക്ഷണം (ml) (saṃrakṣaṇaṃ)
    • Maori: waonga
    • Middle Irish: (please verify) barántacht f
    • Mòcheno: schutz m
    • Norwegian:
      Bokmål: beskyttelse (no) m
    • Old English: ġesċildnes f
    • Persian: حفاظت (fa) (hefâzat), محافظت (fa) (mohâfezat), حمایت (fa) (hemâyat)
    • Plautdietsch: Hutt f, Schutz m
    • Polish: ochrona (pl) f
    • Portuguese: protecção (pt) f, proteção (pt) f (Brazil)
    • Romanian: protejare (ro) f, ocrotire (ro) f, protecție (ro) f
    • Russian: защи́та (ru) f (zaščíta), охра́на (ru) f (oxrána)
    • Scottish Gaelic: dìon m, sgiath f, sgàth m, dìdean m, tèarmann m
    • Serbo-Croatian:
      Cyrillic: за̑штита f
      Roman: zȃštita (sh) f
    • Sindhi: رکيا
    • Slovak: ochrana f
    • Slovene: zaščita f
    • Spanish: protección (es) f
    • Swahili: (please verify) kingo (sw) class 5
    • Swedish: skydd (sv) n
    • Tajik: мудофиа (mudofia), муҳофиза (muhofiza), ҳимоя (himoya), муҳофизат (tg) (muhofizat)
    • Telugu: సంరక్షణ (te) (saṁrakṣaṇa)
    • Turkish: koruma (tr)
    • Ukrainian: за́хист (uk) m (záxyst), охоро́на (uk) f (oxoróna), оборо́на (uk) f (oboróna), забезпе́ка f (zabezpéka), обере́га (uk) f (oberéha)
    • Uzbek: himoya (uz)
    • Walloon: waerantixhaedje (wa) m, proteccion (wa) f

    state of being safe

    • Bulgarian: защите́ност (bg) f (zaštiténost)
    • Finnish: turva (fi), suoja (fi), turvallisuus (fi)
    • Georgian: დაცულობა (daculoba)
    • Hungarian: védelem (hu), oltalom (hu), menedék (hu)
    • Latin: custōdia f
    • Maori: whakarurutanga
    • Russian: защищённость (ru) f (zaščiščónnostʹ)

    means of keeping or remaining safe

    • Azerbaijani: mühafizə (az)
    • Belarusian: ахо́ва (be) f (axóva)
    • Bulgarian: охра́на (bg) f (ohrána)
    • Finnish: suoja (fi), suojain (fi)
    • Georgian: დამცავი (damcavi)
    • Hungarian: védőeszköz, védeszköz, védőszer
    • Latin: tūtāmen n
    • Maori: parahau, pare, papare
    • Persian: محافظت (fa) (mohâfezat)
    • Polish: ochrona (pl) f
    • Russian: охра́на (ru) f (oxrána)
    • Tajik: муҳофиза (muhofiza)
    • Turkish: muhafaza (tr)
    • Ukrainian: охоро́на (uk) f (oxoróna)

    immunity from harm obtained by illegal payments, as bribery or extortion

    document]] serving as a guarantee against harm

    economics: restrictions on foreign competitors

    computing: instance of a security token associated with a resource



    From Old French protection, from stem of Late Latin prōtectiō (a covering over), from Latin prōtēctus, perfect passive participle of prōtegere (to protect, cover in front).


    • IPA(key): /pʁɔ.tɛk.sjɔ̃/


    protection f (plural protections)

    1. protection


    • protecteur
    • protectionnisme
    • protectionniste
    • protectocrat
    • protéger

    Further reading[edit]

    • “protection”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


    • picoteront

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    Music has always been my protection against the world, from a very young age. I feel safe inside of a jam.

    Trey Anastasio





    Protection is a noun.

    A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


    Definition of protection in the English dictionary

    The first definition of protection in the dictionary is the act of protecting or the condition of being protected. Other definition of protection is something that protects. Protection is also the imposition of duties or quotas on imports, designed for the protection of domestic industries against overseas competition, expansion of domestic employment, etc.


    Synonyms and antonyms of protection in the English dictionary of synonyms


    The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «protection» and belong to the same grammatical category.

    Translation of «protection» into 25 languages

    online translator


    Find out the translation of protection to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

    The translations of protection from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «protection» in English.

    Translator English — Chinese


    1,325 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Spanish


    570 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Hindi


    380 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Arabic


    280 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Russian


    278 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Portuguese


    270 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Bengali


    260 millions of speakers

    Translator English — French


    220 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Malay


    190 millions of speakers

    Translator English — German


    180 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Japanese


    130 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Korean


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Javanese


    85 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Vietnamese

    sự bảo vệ

    80 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Tamil


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Marathi


    75 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Turkish


    70 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Italian


    65 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Polish


    50 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Ukrainian


    40 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Romanian


    30 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Greek


    15 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Afrikaans


    14 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Swedish


    10 millions of speakers

    Translator English — Norwegian


    5 millions of speakers

    Trends of use of protection


    The term «protection» is very widely used and occupies the 1.906 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



    Very widely used

    The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «protection» in the different countries.

    Principal search tendencies and common uses of protection

    List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «protection».


    The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «protection» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «protection» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

    Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about protection


    Famous quotes and sentences with the word protection.

    No other country in the world gives protection like that, but it is not absolute protection. People sometimes meet that high burden and win libel suits, and in those cases I think they ought to win.

    Music has always been my protection against the world, from a very young age. I feel safe inside of a jam.

    California has always led the way on environmental protection and always reaped the benefits, pioneering everything from catalytic convertors on cars to stationary source reduction.

    For just a few dollars a dose, vaccines save lives and help reduce poverty. Unlike medical treatment, they provide a lifetime of protection from deadly and debilitating disease. They are safe and effective. They cut healthcare and treatment costs, reduce the number of hospital visits, and ensure healthier children, families and communities.

    The Founding Fathers gave the free press the protection it must have to bare the secrets of government and inform the people.

    The public good is in nothing more essentially interested, than in the protection of every individual’s private rights.

    Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.

    The other classes of which society was composed were, first, freemen, owners of small portions of land, independent, though they sometimes voluntarily became the vassals of their more opulent neighbors, whose power was necessary for their protection.

    I just don’t think there’s a sunscreen that gives you enough protection.

    To enable men to exercise that power is the object of protection.


    Discover the use of protection in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to protection and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.

    «Gregg Shapiro’s stunning debut marks the arrival of a new master poet on the scene.


    Fire Protection Systems

    A practical understanding of fire protection systems is essential to effective management of a fire scene.


    Asset Protection: Concepts and Strategies for Protecting …

    Taking a unique, all-encompassing approach that minimizes complex legalese to focus on easy-to-understand, effective asset-shielding practices and techniques, this timely book discusses: The goals of asset protection, along with steps for …

    Jay Adkisson, Chris Riser, 2004


    Justifications of Minority Protection in International Law


    Athanasia Spiliopoulou Åkermark, 1997


    Consumer Protection Law

    This book covers all the Australian law on consumer protection and reflects the substantial changes in the perceptions of the best way to protect the interests of consumers.

    John Goldring, Laurence Maher, Jill McKeough, 1998


    Advanced Skills in Executive Protection

    All available training and study material, individual case studies, and real scenarios, combined with professional experience, serve as the foundation for this specialist’s manual.


    EU Standards in Witness Protection and Collaboration with …

    This book presents the results of a study conducted for the European Commission, aimed at preparing legislative European initiative in the areas of both procedural and non-procedural witness protection and collaboration with justice.


    Power System Protection: Static Relays

    The book is a thoroughly revised and updated second edition of a successful text. It incorporates the latest developments in semiconductor technology and its applications to power system protection.


    Numerical Distance Protection: Principles and Applications

    This book is aimed at students and engineers who wish to familiarise themselves with the subject of power system protection, as well as the experienced user, entering the area of numerical distance protection.


    Introduction to Fire Protection

    Emphasizing the vital skills needed by successful firefighters, the text includes up-to-the-minute coverage of incident effectiveness, customer service, physical fitness, training, and fire prevention.


    Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term protection is used in the context of the following news items.

    Consumer protection: Why do Republicans hate the CFPB so much?

    They’ve all reserved some of their harshest words for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, that brainchild of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) … «Los Angeles Times, Jul 15»

    Consumer protection agency demands Citi return $700m

    The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said on Tuesday that roughly 7m consumer accounts had been affected by Citibank’s “deceptive” marketing, billing, … «Financial Times, Jul 15»

    Identity-theft protection firm LifeLock again facing charges from FTC

    LifeLock — the security company that famously touted its identity-theft protection services by flaunting its CEO’s Social Security number in ads (only to then see … «CNET, Jul 15»

    FACT SHEET: President Obama Announces Final Rules to Better …

    Today’s announcement comes on an important date—the fifth anniversary of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. DOD’s actions … «, Jul 15»

    The Sun Protection Glossary

    In a survey of 2,000 British adults, only eight per cent knew the true meaning of the SPF rating on product labels — or that protection from harmful UVA rays is … «, Jun 15»

    From Student Debt To Home Foreclosures, State AGs Take Growing …

    Since the 2008 financial crisis, many state attorneys general have sharpened their focus on consumer financial protection issues, ranging from home foreclosure … «Forbes, Jun 15»

    EPA Takes First Step In Limiting Aircraft Emissions

    The Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday started what could be a lengthy process: making rules to limit the amount of climate-warming pollution that … «NPR, Jun 15»

    Obama administration issues new water protection rule

    They sought clarity around what is protected under the Clean Water Act, first … Americans now gets drinking water from streams lacking clear protection, and … «Reuters, May 15»

    Why Your Sunscreen May Not Protect You as Much as You Think

    Eighty percent of sunscreens contain harmful ingredients or don’t offer enough protection against the full spectrum of ultraviolet radiation, according to a new … «Yahoo Health, May 15»

    What is Force Protection Condition Level Bravo?

    The Force Protection Condition, or FPCON, is a five-tier threat level system that is overseen and decided by the Department of Defense. It has various levels that … «CNN, May 15»


    « EDUCALINGO. Protection [online]. Available <>. Apr 2023 ».

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    Discover all that is hidden in the words on educalingo

    Table of Contents

    1. Is protection an abstract or concrete noun?
    2. What type of noun is protection?
    3. Is Protective a noun or verb?
    4. What is the verb form of protection?
    5. What is the verb form of famous?
    6. What is the superlative form of good?
    7. What is an adjective for famous?
    8. What is a well known person called?
    9. What are verb give 10 examples?
    10. What is V1 V2 V3 v4 v5 example?
    11. Is there a V1 V2 V3 v4 v5?

    noun. the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm. a thing, person, or group that protects: This vaccine is a protection against disease.

    Is protection an abstract or concrete noun?

    “Protection” can be both a count noun and a noncount noun. In general, count nouns are more concrete and noncount nouns are more abstract. For example, “The artist’s work is known throughout the world” refers to his body of work, all the work together.

    What type of noun is protection?

    [uncountable] protection (against something) insurance against fire, injury, damage, etc. Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft.

    Is Protective a noun or verb?

    adjective. having the quality or function of protecting: a protective covering. tending to protect.

    What is the verb form of protection?

    protect. To keep safe; to defend; to guard; to prevent harm coming to.

    What is the verb form of famous?

    fame. (transitive) To make (someone or something) famous.

    What is the superlative form of good?

    better best

    What is an adjective for famous?

    Having fame; famous or noted.

    What is a well known person called?

    other words for well-known person big star. captain of industry. celebrity. heavyweight. idol.

    What are verb give 10 examples?

    Examples of Action Verbs in Sentences

    • Anthony is throwing the football.
    • She accepted the job offer.
    • He thought about his stupid mistake in the test.
    • John visited his friend for a while and then went home.
    • The dog ran across the yard.
    • She left in a hurry.
    • She yelled when she hit her toe.
    • The cat sat by the window.

    What is V1 V2 V3 v4 v5 example?

    Examples V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 List in English

    V1 V2 V3
    beat beat beaten
    become became become
    begin began begun
    come came come

    Is there a V1 V2 V3 v4 v5?

    Here are Verb Forms v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 pdf In Simple Past Tense and Past Participle forms, most of the verbs have -d, -ed and -ied suffixes, while some verbs do not follow this rule….V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 Pdf.

    V1Base Form V2Past Simple V3Past Participle
    drink drank drunk
    drive drove driven
    dwell dwelt dwelt
    eat ate eaten

    Englishfor English speakers

    Meaning protection meaning

    What does protection mean?

    Definitions in simple English


    Protection is keeping something or someone safe.

    She ran away from her abusive husband to her brother for protection.

    A device used for safe sex e.g. condom.

    I used protection so I wouldnt get her pregnant.



    the activity of protecting someone or something

    the witnesses demanded police protection


    a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury

    they had no protection from the fallout

    wax provided protection for the floors

    (= security)

    defense against financial failure; financial independence

    his pension gave him security in his old age

    insurance provided protection against loss of wages due to illness


    the condition of being protected

    they were huddled together for protection

    he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home


    payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence

    every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection

    (= trade protection)

    the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition

    he made trade protection a plank in the party platform

    (= auspices)

    kindly endorsement and guidance

    the tournament was held under the auspices of the city council

    Synonyms protection synonyms

    What other words have the same or similar meaning as protection?

    Topics protection topics

    What do people use protection to talk about?

    • What words refer to protecting someone?

    Examples protection examples

    How do I use protection in a sentence?

    Simple sentences

    Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.

    Condoms offer protection against STDs.

    A protection system has been built into this circuit.

    This medicine is no protection against influenza.

    I am responsible for her protection.

    They stressed protection of the environment.

    Which is more important, economic development or environmental protection?

    The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

    Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

    Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.

    Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

    Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

    Tom works for the Environmental Protection Agency.

    Fur provides animals protection against the cold.

    She asked the police for protection.

    He did not think he needed their protection.

    Despite the governments protection, he was the victim of an assassination attempt which killed him.

    Hes a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.

    Condoms offer protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

    Movie subtitles

    I pay your dogs every month for protection.

    You call that protection?

    Dont rely on it for protection though.

    In Saint Sophia, Isidore, the Cardinal Legate of the Pope and an accomplished warrior, called for the protection of heaven.

    Your wife doesnt want to make up with you, because you have offended her honour. She will leave this house under my protection.

    The small angular symbol, noticeable under the drawing, was usually carved into the barn door as protection against witches.

    Now, a nice woman like you needs protection, and Im here to see that you get it.

    Whats the use of my paying heavy dues for protection. -. if theres no peace?

    If you take her from under our protection, you will kill her.

    But I no longer need your protection.

    Bbut. Boss I figured yall needed protection.

    When we fight this creature, we must ask protection from the forces of old that it defied.

    Shes the one that needs protection. No.

    For Allahs sake and for your children, you and your family have my protection.

    I accept your homage to France, which grants you its protection, as a sign that the past has been forgiven.

    Frances flag is wide and can shelter all those who seek refuge and protection.

    You requested our protection, yet no one showed up at the meeting place.

    At the fathers protection.

    Whats the use of my paying heavy dues for protection if theres no peace?

    They need my protection. I wont walk out on them.

    Well, that was your fault. I think Derek just wants protection.

    He figured a poor little innocent girl like you needed something for protection.

    Thats only for your own protection.

    I promised you protection and a home.

    No more protection for you.

    Please understand that my presence in your house will not be a menace, but a protection.

    She does not need your protection.

    I am too much protection enough.

    My protection, as you call it, and Vans, too, for that matter, is to love and trust each other more than anything.

    They come to me for protection against your Norman friends.

    Thats what Im here for. to give you protection and see that nobody bothers you.

    Im offering my protection to this lady.

    News and current affairs

    Yet it also noted that the regions biodiversity was under massive threat, with little or no protection.

    And yet, despite these bright spots, international cooperation on issues ranging from regional conflicts to the protection of global public goods remains weak.

    The growing concentration of wealthand a significant reduction in taxes on ithas meant less money to spend on investments for the public good, like education and the protection of children.

    Children, perhaps more than anyone, need the protection that rights affordand the US should be providing the world with a shining example of what that means.

    The US also developed a particular populist belief that gun ownership constitutes a vital protection against government tyranny.

    Since citizensmilitias are anachronistic, gun owners now use the second amendment merely to defend individual gun ownership, as if that somehow offers protection against tyranny.

    But, instead of protection of freedom, Americans nowadays are getting massive bloodshed and fear.

    There are many lessons for America, and the rest of the world; but among them is the need for greater financial sector regulation, especially better protection against predatory lending, and more transparency.

    But factors beyond taxes and benefits also contribute to low employment rates in all the three major eurozone economies: high minimum wages and some features of employment protection legislation slow down the flow of workers through the job market.

    Depositors deserve strong, effective protection for their fundsand the banking system requires it in order to maintain confidence.

    Competition also puts an end to rent seeking and protection of traditional corporate advantages.

    At a minimum, they should have the rights to life, liberty, and protection from torture that we grant to all members of our own species, regardless of their intellectual abilities.

    But, to lawyers like the ICC prosecutor, the abstract claims of justice are more vivid than any concrete duty of protection.

    A common slogan is that Europes social model trades less economic growth for more social protection and less risk.

    Being a nuclear power provides sovereign states with protection and prestige.

    Its constructive stance derives from a worldview that accords pride of place to the values of democracy, social justice, economic development, and environmental protection.

    In that case, there will also be a serious risk that some firms that sold protection will go bankrupt, triggering further losses for buyers of protection when their counterparties cannot pay.

    Indeed, the most famous freespeech casesthe ones that are supposed to showcase Americas strength and moral powerinvolve the protection of speech that most decent people hate.

    It argued for more expansionary macroeconomic policies to generate employment, publicsector investments to serve the poor, and the establishment of socialprotection systems.

    Indeed, it is a concept with ancient origins, and it plays a crucial role in the global protection of human rights.

    This offered some protection to minorities at a time of rising ethnic nationalism.

    In the mid-1980′s, when wild exchangerate swings produced calls for new trade protection measures, the US and Japan found a solution that involved exchangerate stabilization.

    Are you looking for…?


    show 102 types…
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    armor, armour

    protective covering made of metal and used in combat

    bell glass, bell jar

    a bell-shaped glass cover used to protect and display delicate objects or to cover scientific apparatus or to contain gases

    binder, ring-binder

    holds loose papers or magazines

    back, binding, book binding, cover

    the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book

    blind, screen

    a protective covering that keeps things out or hinders sight

    armguard, bracer

    a protective covering for the wrist or arm that is used in archery and fencing and other sports


    something serving as a cover or protection


    a low transparent cover put over young plants to protect them from cold


    a covering (plate or mat) that protects the surface of a table (i.e., from the condensation on a cold glass or bottle)

    cold frame

    protective covering consisting of a wooden frame with a glass top in which small plants are protected from the cold

    crystal, watch crystal, watch glass

    a protective cover that protects the face of a watch

    dust cover

    a removable plastic protective covering for a piece of equipment


    a protective covering for the front of a machine or device (as a door lock or computer component)

    cladding, facing

    a protective covering that protects the outside of a building

    fall-board, fallboard

    the hinged protective covering that protects the keyboard of a piano when it is not being played

    escutcheon, finger plate, scutcheon

    a flat protective covering (on a door or wall etc) to prevent soiling by dirty fingers

    heat shield

    a protective covering that protects a spacecraft from overheating on reentry

    bonnet, cowl, cowling, hood

    protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine


    a protective cover designed to contain or support a mechanical component

    liner, lining

    a protective covering that protects an inside surface


    a protective covering worn over the face


    a protective covering of rotting vegetable matter spread to reduce evaporation and soil erosion


    a protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building


    protective covering on top of a motor vehicle


    a protective covering consisting of netting; can be mounted in a frame


    protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight


    a protective covering (as for a knife or sword)

    overlay, overlayer, sheathing

    protective covering consisting, for example, of a layer of boards applied to the studs and joists of a building to strengthen it and serve as a foundation for a weatherproof exterior


    protective covering that provides protection from the weather


    a protective covering or structure

    dashboard, splashboard, splasher

    protective covering consisting of a panel to protect people from the splashing water or mud etc.


    a protective covering over or beside a wheel to protect the upper part of a vehicle from splashes of mud


    a movable protective covering that provided protection from above; used by Roman troops when approaching the walls of a besieged fortification


    protective covering for an injured thumb


    a protective leather or steel cover for the toe of a boot or shoe, reinforcing or decorating it

    splashboard, washboard

    protective covering consisting of a broad plank along a gunwale to keep water from splashing over the side

    aglet, aiglet

    metal or plastic sheath over the end of a shoelace or ribbon

    bell cot, bell cote

    a small shelter for bells; has a gable or shed roof


    a nonmagnetic housing for a ship’s compass (usually in front of the helm)


    a shelter for birds

    body armor, body armour, cataphract, coat of mail, suit of armor, suit of armour

    armor that protects the wearer’s whole body

    brake lining

    the lining on the brake shoes that comes in contact with the brake drum

    bushing, cylindrical lining

    a cylindrical metal lining used to reduce friction

    cabinet, console

    housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television


    a covering (usually of cloth) that serves as a roof to shelter an area from the weather


    a small shelter for domestic animals (as sheep or pigeons)


    housing for a crankshaft

    curb roof

    a roof with two or more slopes on each side of the ridge

    curtain, drape, drapery, mantle, pall

    hanging cloth used as a blind (especially for a window)

    distributor cap

    the cap of the distributor that holds in place the wires from the distributor to the spark plugs

    distributor housing

    the housing that supports the distributor cam


    a hemispherical roof

    face mask

    mask that provides a protective covering for the face in such sports as baseball or football or hockey


    a lining applied to the edge of a garment for ornamentation or strengthening

    collet, ferrule

    a metal cap or band placed on a wooden pole to prevent splitting

    cot, fingerstall

    a sheath worn to protect a finger

    fire screen, fireguard

    a metal screen before an open fire for protection (especially against flying sparks)

    furnace lining, refractory

    lining consisting of material with a high melting point; used to line the inside walls of a furnace

    gable roof, saddle roof, saddleback, saddleback roof

    a double sloping roof with a ridge and gables at each end

    gas helmet, gasmask, respirator

    a protective mask with a filter; protects the face and lungs against poisonous gases

    half binding

    book binding in which the spine and part of the sides are bound in one material and the rest in another

    hip roof, hipped roof

    a roof having sloping ends as well as sloping sides


    a sheath (usually leather) for carrying a handgun


    the folding roof of a carriage


    the roof of a house


    cap that fits over the hub of a wheel

    journal box

    metal housing for a journal bearing

    dog house, doghouse, kennel

    outbuilding that serves as a shelter for a dog

    lamp house, lamp housing, lamphouse

    housing that holds a lamp (as in a movie projector)

    lamp shade, lampshade

    a protective ornamental shade used to screen a light bulb from direct view


    rough shelter whose roof has only one slope

    lens cap, lens cover

    cap used to keep lens free of dust when not in use

    mosquito net

    a fine net or screen (especially around beds) to protect against mosquitos

    nipple shield

    a rubber or plastic shield to protect the nipples of nursing women

    parasol, sunshade

    a handheld collapsible source of shade

    plate, scale, shell

    a metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)

    radar dome, radome

    a housing for a radar antenna; transparent to radio waves

    revetement, revetment, stone facing

    a facing (usually masonry) that supports an embankment


    a shelter with perches for fowl or other birds


    a sheath for a sword or dagger or bayonet


    a shelter or screen providing protection from enemy fire or from the weather

    sentry box

    a small shelter with an open front to protect a sentry from the weather

    case, casing, shell

    the housing or outer covering of something

    buckler, shield

    armor carried on the arm to intercept blows


    a shield of lead or concrete intended as a barrier to radiation emitted in nuclear decay


    shield consisting of an arrangement of metal mesh or plates designed to protect electronic equipment from ambient electromagnetic interference


    a hinged blind for a window

    slate roof

    a roof covered with slate

    smoke screen, smokescreen

    (military) screen consisting of a cloud of smoke that obscures movements

    sunroof, sunshine-roof

    an automobile roof having a sliding or raisable panel

    sun visor

    a shade (sometimes of green mica) affixed above the windshield of an automobile

    thatch, thatched roof

    a house roof made with a plant material (as straw)


    a small metal cap to protect the finger while sewing; can be used as a small container

    three-quarter binding

    the spine and much of the sides are a different material from the rest of the cover

    tile roof

    a roof made of fired clay tiles


    an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof

    welder’s mask

    a mask that you wear for protection when doing welding

    window blind

    a blind for privacy or to keep out light

    window screen

    screen to keep insects from entering a building through the open window

    windscreen, windshield

    transparent screen (as of glass) to protect occupants of a vehicle

    wing tip

    a decorative toecap having a point extending toward the throat of the shoe

    blinder, blinker, winker

    blind consisting of a leather eyepatch sewn to the side of the halter that prevents a horse from seeing something on either side

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    from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

    • noun The act of protecting.
    • noun The condition of being protected.
    • noun One that protects.
    • noun A pass guaranteeing safe-conduct to travelers.
    • noun Something that lowers the risk of pregnancy or infection, especially the use of a condom.
    • noun Payment collected by racketeers from businesses or illegal enterprises under threat of violence.
    • noun Payment made by racketeers to officials or law enforcement to avoid arrest or prosecution.

    from The Century Dictionary.

    • noun The act of protecting, or the state of being protected; defense; shelter or preservation from loss, injury, or any form of harm or evil: as, the protection of good laws; divine protection.
    • noun That which protects or shields from harm; something that preserves from injury: as, camphor serves as a protection against moths.
    • noun A writing that guarantees protection; a passport, safe-conduct, or other writing which secures the bearer from molestation; especially, a certificate of nationality issued by the customs authorities of the United States to seamen who are American citizens.
    • noun In political economics, the theory, doctrine, or system of fostering or developing the industries of a country by means of imposts on products of the industries imported into that country; the discouragement of foreign competition with the industries of a country by imposing import duties, granting monopolies of commerce, etc.
    • noun A writ issued to a person required to attend court as witness, juror, etc., to secure him from arrest for a certain time. Synonyms Guard, refuge, security.

    from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

    • noun The act of protecting, or the state of being protected; preservation from loss, injury, or annoyance; defense; shelter.
    • noun That which protects or preserves from injury; a defense; a shield; a refuge.
    • noun A writing that protects or secures from molestation or arrest; a pass; a safe-conduct; a passport.
    • noun (Polit. Econ.) A theory, or a policy, of protecting the producers in a country from foreign competition in the home market by the imposition of such discriminating duties on goods of foreign production as will restrict or prevent their importation; — opposed to free trade.
    • noun (Law), [Eng.] A judicial writ issued to a person required to attend court, as party, juror, etc., intended to secure him from arrest in coming, staying, and returning.

    from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

    • noun The process of keeping (something or someone) safe.
    • noun The state of being safe.
    • noun A contraceptive device.
    • noun insurance Coverage.
    • noun Immunity from harm obtained by illegal payments, as bribery or extortion.
    • noun economics Restrictions on foreign competitors that limit their ability to compete with domestic producers of goods or services.
    • noun computing An instance of a security token associated with a resource (such as a file.)

    from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

    • noun the activity of protecting someone or something
    • noun the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition
    • noun the condition of being protected
    • noun kindly endorsement and guidance
    • noun a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury
    • noun defense against financial failure; financial independence
    • noun payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence


    from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

    Middle English, from Old French, from stem of Latin protectio («a covering over»), from protectus, past participle of protegere («to protect, to cover in front»)


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    • Strangers are astonished; but people who know something about the mental attitude of wild animals under protection know that it is the natural and inevitable result of _real protection_.

      Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation

    • He has abdicated government He has abdicated government here, _withdrawing his here _by declaring us out governors and declaring us of his protection and waging out of his allegiance and war against us_. protection_.

      The Life of George Washington, Vol. 2 (of 5) Commander in Chief of the American Forces During the War which Established the Independence of his Country and First President of the United States

    • I then rose from my knees, and placed myself under the protection of St. Magdalen and St. Peter by these words: «_Je me mets sous vôtre protection_» — (I place myself under your protection;) and added, «_Sainte Marie, mère du bon pasteur, prie pour moi_» — (Holy

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    • No police protection ­,no fire protection­( (that’s job cuts people) ,will that wake them up? maxfax: How many years of tax cuts and virtually no job creation does shoegirl 1 minute ago (11:53 AM) No public schools, no libraries.

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    • Baron Charnace had inserted in the draft of the treaty the term protection as between France and Gustavus Adolphus.

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    • Seniority rights are something all Americans should also share, after all, what other protection is there from discrimination?

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    • An internally installed hard drive without password protection is more like the seat or the spare tire.

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    • All we ask in exchange for our protection is a small tax.

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    • By way of contrast, many people believe our long term protection is not in bliateral protection but with many countries that include the Americans.

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    • While their numbers are few, the rebels have a secret weapon: under their protection is a pregnant immigrant by the name of Kee (Claire-Hope Ashitey), perhaps the only human female on the planet to have conceived in 18 years.

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