Is the word person a pronoun

No, in this context a human should be refereed to as «he», «she» or «they».

«It» is used for inanimate objects or non-human animals. Although, if you knew the gender of the animal, you might still use he or she in some circumstances.


I looked from the window and spotted a person. They crossed the street.

I looked from the window and spotted a man. He crossed the street.

I looked from the window and spotted a girl. She crossed the street.


I looked from the window and spotted a dog. It crossed the street.

I looked from the window and spotted a car. It drove down the street.

however, possibly

I looked from the window and spotted George’s mare. She galloped down the street.

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What type of pronoun is the word someone?

The pronoun ‘someone’ is an indefinite pronoun, an unknown or
unnamed person or a person of importance.

What type of pronoun is ‘I’?

The pronoun «I» is a personal pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.The pronoun «I» is a first person pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun (or name) for the person speaking.The pronoun «I» is a singular pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for one person.The pronoun «I» is a subject pronoun, a word that functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause.The corresponding first person, singular, objective, personal pronoun is «me», a word that functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.Example: When I saw this job posting, I knew it was right for me.

What kind of pronoun is we?

The pronoun «we» is a personal pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.The pronoun «we» is a plural pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for two or more persons.The pronoun «we» is a first person pronoun, a word that takes the place of the nouns (or names) for the person speaking.The pronoun «we» is a subject pronoun, a word that functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause.The corresponding first person, plural, objective, personal pronoun is «us», a word that functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.Example: If we work on this together, it won’t take us too long.

Is ‘me’ a common noun or a proper noun?

The word ‘me’ is a pronoun, not a noun. A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.The pronoun ‘me’ is a personal pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for a specific person or thing.The pronoun ‘me’ is a first person pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun (name) of the person speaking.The pronoun ‘me’ is a singular pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun for one person.The pronoun ‘me’ is an objective pronoun that functions as the object of a verb or a preposition.The corresponding first person, singular, personal pronoun that functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause is I.Except in very formal circumstances, the person speaking does not use a noun (name) to refer to his or her self.

What type of pronoun is this We love pizza?

The pronoun is the sentence is we, the subject of the sentence.The pronoun ‘we’ is a personal pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun(s) for a specific person or thing.The pronoun ‘we’ is a plural pronoun, a word that takes the place of a plural noun or two or more nouns or pronouns.The pronoun ‘we’ is a first person pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun(s) for the person speaking.The pronoun ‘we’ is a subject pronoun, a word that takes the place of a noun(s) as the subject of a sentence or a clause.The corresponding first person, plural, object, personal pronoun is ‘us’.

Personal Pronouns — Person (First person, Second person, Third person)  


Grammatical person refers to the perspectives of the personal pronouns used to identify a person in speech and text—that is, it distinguishes between a speaker (first person), an addressee (second person), and others beyond that (third person).

First Person



Subjective Case

Objective Case

Possessive Determiner

Possessive Pronoun

Reflexive Pronoun











First-person pronouns are used to express an autobiographical point of view—they tell what is directly happening to the speaker, writer, or fictional character. For example:

  • I don’t know where my hat is!”
  • “Janet is meeting me in town later.”
  • “Hey, that book is mine! I bought it!”

When the speaker is part of a group, the first-person pronouns inflect to the plural form:

  • We brought our own car.”
  • “They told us to help ourselves.”

Second Person


Subjective Case

Objective Case

Possessive Determiner

Possessive Pronoun

Reflexive Pronoun (singular)

Reflexive Pronoun (plural)







We use the second-person pronouns to indicate those who are being addressed directly by the speaker. Unlike first-person pronouns, there is not a distinction between singular and plural second-person pronouns (except in the reflexive form). Here are some examples:

  • “Bill, I was wondering if you could help me with the dishes?” (second person singular)
  • “Children, where are your manners?” (second person plural)
  • You really must learn to help yourself.” (second person singular)
  • “I’m sick of cleaning up after all of you; from now on, you can clean up after yourselves!” (second person plural)

Usage note 1: Generic “you”

The second-person pronouns are also often used to indicate an unspecified person. This is sometimes referred to as generic you, impersonal you, or indefinite you. This is less formal than its counterpart, the pronoun one, but it is sometimes preferred because it does not sound as snobbish or unnecessarily formal.

If one is writing something very formal or professional, then one might be better off using the generic pronoun one. If you’re writing something a bit less formal, then you are probably just fine using the generic pronoun you.

Usage note 2: “You guys” and the second person plural

The second-person pronoun you functions both as a singular and a plural pronoun; unlike the first- and third-person pronouns, it does not have a distinct form when referring to multiple people.

In different dialects, though, informal terms are often used to specifically refer to more than one person. In American English, the term “you guys” is commonly used as a gender-neutral pronoun for multiple people. For example:

  • “Hey, where do you guys want to go for dinner?”
  • You guys need to study harder if you’re going to pass the next exam.”

However, this is sometimes seen as problematic, because, although it is used as a gender-neutral term, the word guys marks it as specifically masculine. A common alternative that is more truly gender-neutral is the term “you all,” as in:

  • “Hey, where do you all want to go for dinner?”
  • You all need to study harder if you’re going to pass the next exam.”

In southern regions of the U.S., this is commonly contracted into the term “y’all”:

  • “Hey, where do y’all want to go for dinner?”
  • Y’all need to study harder if you’re going to pass the next exam.”

(Other terms are also used in various dialects of American and British English, including you lot, yous/youse, and ye.)

While these terms are generally considered acceptable in conversational English, they are all informal, nonstandard usages; it would not be advisable to use them in formal, professional, or academic speech or writing. If in doubt, continue to use you for both the singular and the plural second person, because it is always correct.

Third Person

Third person is used to talk about someone or something that is not the speaker and is not being directly addressed. This is most widely used in fiction writing. When the person or thing is singular, the pronouns used in the third person are the different forms of she, he, and it:

Feminine Singular

Masculine Singular

Neuter Singular

Subjective Case

Objective Case

Possessive Determiner

Possessive Pronoun

Reflexive Pronoun
















However, when there are multiple people or things, we use the ungendered forms of they:

Third person plural

Subjective Case

Objective Case

Possessive Determiner

Possessive Pronoun

Reflexive Pronoun






Let’s look at some example sentences:

  • “My teacher said that he would help me with the course material.”
  • “Janet lent me her car for the weekend.”
  • “I’ve tried to understand this book, but it is too complicated.”
  • “The child smiled at himself in the mirror.”
  • “Mom was supposed to be home by now, but she’s late.”
  • “Countries should always have the right to assert their independence.”
  • “I’ve reminded the students countless times, but they always forget to submit their homework online.”

Sometimes, when a single person of an unknown gender is being discussed, the third-person plural forms (they, them, etc.) are used as a gender-neutral alternative to the third-person feminine/masculine forms. To learn more about this, please see the Usage Note about “singular they” under the chapter section explaining gender in personal pronouns.

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  • Idioms And Phrases

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


a human being, whether an adult or child: The table seats four persons.

a human being as distinguished from an animal or a thing.

an individual human being who likes or prefers something specified (used in combination): I’ve never been a cat person.

Sociology. an individual human being, especially with reference to social relationships and behavioral patterns as conditioned by the culture.

Philosophy. a self-conscious or rational being.

the actual self or individual personality of a human being: You ought not to generalize, but to consider the person you are dealing with.

the body of a living human being, sometimes including the clothes being worn: He had no money on his person.

the body in its external aspect: an attractive person to look at.

a character, part, or role, as in a play or story.

an individual of distinction or importance.

a person not entitled to social recognition or respect.

Law. a human being (natural person ) or a group of human beings, a corporation, a partnership, an estate, or other legal entity (artificial person, or juristic person ) recognized by law as having rights and duties.

Grammar. a category found in many languages that is used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and the person or people being spoken to or about. In English there are three persons in the pronouns, the first represented by I and we, the second by you, and the third by he, she, it, and they. Most verbs have distinct third person singular forms in the present tense, as writes; the verb be has, in addition, a first person singular form am.

Theology. any of the three hypostases or modes of being in the Trinity, namely the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about person

    be one’s own person, to be free from restrictions, control, or dictatorial influence: Now that she’s working, she feels that she’s her own person.

    in person, in one’s own bodily presence; personally: Applicants are requested to apply in person.

Origin of person

First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English persone, from Latin persōna “role” (in life, a play, or a tale) (Late Latin: “member of the Trinity”), originally “actor’s mask,” from Etruscan phersu (from Greek prósōpa “face, mask”) + -na a suffix

synonym study for person

1. Person, individual, personage are terms applied to human beings. Person is the most general and common word: the average person. Individual views a person as standing alone or as a single member of a group: the characteristics of the individual; its implication is sometimes derogatory: a disagreeable individual. Personage is used (sometimes ironically) of an outstanding or illustrious person: We have a distinguished personage visiting us today.

grammar notes for person

There is understandable confusion about the plural of this word. Is it persons or people? Person —like other regular English nouns—constructs its grammatical plural by adding -s, forming persons. This has been so since person came into Middle English in the late twelfth century. But as far back as the fourteenth century, some writers, including the poet Chaucer, were using an entirely different word— people, not persons —as the functional plural of person. And today, people seems more natural, especially in casual, informal conversation or writing.
Using people as a plural of person has not always been free of controversy. From the mid nineteenth to the late twentieth century, the use of people instead of persons was hotly contested; and among some news publications, book publishers, and writers of usage books, it was expressly forbidden. To quell the fires of the argument, some usage authorities attempted to regulate use of the two forms—recommending persons when counting a small, specific number of individuals ( Three persons were injured in the accident ) and people when referring to a large, round, or uncountable number ( More than two thousand people bought tickets on the first day; People crowded around the exhibit, blocking it from view ).
But efforts to impose such precise rules in language usually fail. This rule does not appear in currently popular style manuals, and if such a rule still exists in anyone’s mind, it is mainly ignored. People is the plural form that most people are most comfortable with most of the time. Persons seems excessively formal and stilted in ordinary conversation or casual writing. One would probably not say, “How many persons came to your birthday party?” In legal or formal contexts, however, persons is often the form of choice ( The police are looking for any person or persons who may have witnessed the crime; Occupancy by more than 75 persons is prohibited by the fire marshal ). In addition, persons is often used when we pluralize person in a set phrase ( missing persons; persons of interest ). Otherwise, the modern consensus is that people is the preferred plural. Persons is not wrong, but it is increasingly rare.

usage note for person


mul·ti·per·son, adjectivesu·per·per·son, noun


1. individual, person (see synonym study at the current entry)2. party, person (see usage note at party)3. people, persons (see grammar note at the current entry)

Words nearby person

persistent cruelty, persistent organic pollutant, persistent vegetative state, Persius, persnickety, person, persona, personable, Personae, personage, persona grata

Other definitions for person (2 of 2)

a combining form of person, replacing in existing compound words such paired, sex-specific forms as -man and -woman or -er1 and -ess: chairperson; salesperson; waitperson.

usage note for -person

The -person compounds are increasingly used, especially in the press, on radio and television, and in government and corporate communications, with the object of avoiding sex discrimination in language. Earlier practice was to use -man as the final element in such compounds regardless of the sex of the person referred to ( anchorman; businessman ) or to use -woman when referring to a woman ( anchorwoman; businesswoman ). Some object to these new -person compounds on the grounds that they are awkward or unnecessary, insisting that the equivalent and long-used compounds in -man are generic, not sex-marked. Others reject the -man compounds as discriminatory when applied to women or to persons whose sex is unknown or irrelevant. To resolve the argument, certain terms can be successfully shortened ( anchor; chair ). See also chairperson, -ess, lady, -man, -woman. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What is a person?

A person is a human being, especially in contrast with an animal, plant, or object, as in Layla was the only person in the room, so my cat gave her all its attention.

Person can be used in combination with an adjective word to describe something specific about that individual, as in Johann was a dog person, but his spouse was definitely a cat person.

In grammar, person is a category that distinguishes the speaker from other people. In English, you use first person when referring to yourself, either as an individual (I) or as part of a group (we). Second person refers to those you are talking to (you), and third person refers to people other than yourself and those you are speaking to (he, she, it, they).

Person has many other specialized uses, such as in philosophy and sociology.

Example: That person at the gate told me to come around this way to park.

Where does person come from?

The first records of the term person come from around 1175. It ultimately comes from the Greek prósōpa, meaning “face, mask.”

Person is a common way to refer to an individual human being and has developed some specialized uses. For example, person is sometimes used to mean someone’s body, usually referencing something they have in their possession, as in I feel so uncomfortable when I don’t have my phone on my person. In law, a natural person (that is, a human being) is distinguished from an artificial, or juristic, person, which is a legal entity (like a corporation) that has rights and duties under the law.

Did you know … ?

How is person used in real life?

Person is most often used as a general term for one human being.

I am 100% a dog person, I want 7392827 when I’m older

— hrvy (@HRVY) December 15, 2017

Sorry for talking about myself in third person guys I apologize

— J (@JVCKJ) September 3, 2015

Love is when a person randomly came into your life and become the most important person to you

— aishx._x (@x_aishx) October 18, 2021

Try using person!

Is person used correctly in the following sentence?

I am clearly not a plant person because I keep forgetting to water mine!

Words related to person

body, character, customer, guy, human, individual, life, man, somebody, woman, being, cat, creature, gal, identity, individuality, joker, mortal, party, personage

How to use person in a sentence

  • If possible, try to check out the qualifications of the person posting.

  • No stunting or touching occurred and roughly 18 students from each team attended each session in-person, she said.

  • The sixth has optional in-person attendance with required distancing.

  • She’s just a person who brings a warmth to every room she enters.

  • Ford’s Theatre is canceling in-person performances of “A Christmas Carol,” which, like past years, was scheduled for November and December.

  • “I found him to to be an interesting person,” Krauss said of the first impression.

  • A Wall Street person should not be allowed to help oversee the Dodd-Frank reforms.

  • What I had “on the girls” were some remarkably brave first-person accounts.

  • Scalise never would have spoken to EURO had Duke been there in person.

  • Pentagon leaders agree to a person that the U.S. war against ISIS is succeeding.

  • Woman is mistress of the art of completely embittering the life of the person on whom she depends.

  • But if what I told him were true, he was still at a loss how a kingdom could run out of its estate like a private person.

  • Levee: a ceremonious visit received by a distinguished person in the morning.

  • He wished her mother had not been quite such an appalling person, fat and painted.

  • But she told Grandfather Mole that it was all right—that she knew a person of his age ought not to go without his breakfast.

British Dictionary definitions for person (1 of 3)

noun plural persons

an individual human being

the body of a human being, sometimes including his or her clothingguns hidden on his person

a grammatical category into which pronouns and forms of verbs are subdivided depending on whether they refer to the speaker, the person addressed, or some other individual, thing, etc

a human being or a corporation recognized in law as having certain rights and obligations

philosophy a being characterized by consciousness, rationality, and a moral sense, and traditionally thought of as consisting of both a body and a mind or soul

archaic a character or role; guise

in person

  1. actually presentthe author will be there in person
  2. without the help or intervention of others

Word Origin for person

C13: from Old French persone, from Latin persōna mask, perhaps from Etruscan phersu mask

usage for person

People is the word usually used to refer to more than one individual: there were a hundred people at the reception. Persons is rarely used, except in official English: several persons were interviewed

British Dictionary definitions for person (2 of 3)


Christianity any of the three hypostases existing as distinct in the one God and constituting the Trinity. They are the First Person, the Father, the Second Person, the Son, and the Third Person, the Holy Ghost

British Dictionary definitions for person (3 of 3)

suffix forming nouns

sometimes used instead of -man and -woman or -ladychairperson; salesperson

undefined -person

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for person

An inflectional form (see inflection) of pronouns and verbs that distinguishes between the person who speaks (first person), the person who is spoken to (second person), and the person who is spoken about (third person). The pronoun or verb may be singular or plural. For example:

first person singular: I walk.
second person singular: you walk.
third person singular: he/she/it walks.
first person plural: we walk.
second person plural: you walk.
third person plural: they walk.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Other Idioms and Phrases with person

In addition to the idiom beginning with person

  • person of color

also see:

  • feel like oneself (a new person)
  • in person
  • own person, one’s

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

The noun person has two plurals: persons and people. Most people don’t use persons, but the sticklers say there are times when we should. “When we say persons,” says Wilson Follett’s Modern American Usage, “we are thinking, or ought to be, of ones—individuals with identities; whereas when we say people we should mean a large group, an indefinite and anonymous mass.”

The traditional rule is that persons is used for either an exact or a small number. So we might estimate that a hundred people were there. Or if we know the exact number, we’d say ninety-eight persons were there.

As for “a small number,” how small is “small”? In Words on Words, John B. Bremner suggests fewer than fifty. Theodore M. Bernstein concurs, saying in The Careful Writer that fifty people is acceptable. To Bernstein, two people is nearly unthinkable but 4,381 persons is “quite proper.”

Meanwhile, the language moves on. In A Dictionary of Modern American Usage, Bryan A. Garner calls the persons-people distinction “pedantic.” Garner says that twelve persons on the jury “sounds stuffy” and that most Americans today would say people instead. Roy H. Copperud agrees. In A Dictionary of Usage and Style he dismisses the grammatical superiority of persons as “superstition,” a law that “usage has in fact repealed.”

Because persons sounds aloof and clinical, the word still thrives in legal, official, or formal usage. A hotel chain’s website offers “options for three and more persons.” Elevators carry signs saying, “Occupancy by more than eight persons is unlawful.” The Department of Justice has a database called the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System.

A more timely debate these days would be people vs. folks. Traditionalists regard folks with suspicion and contempt. Bernstein says, “Folks is a casualism … not suitable for general straightforward writing.” Bremner calls it “deliberately folksy” and “corny in formal speech and writing.” But judging by its growing popularity and acceptance in this informal age, folks will probably be synonymous with people in another ten years.


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