Is the word others a pronoun

Another is formed from a combination of the words «an» and
«other», and has a meaning similar to «one other».
* When used as an adjective,
another can precede only a
singular countable
* When used as a pronoun,
another takes
a singular
e.g. Please bring me another knife.
        Another of her uncles lives in

In the first example, another modifies the singular noun knife.
In the second example, the pronoun another is the subject of the singular verb
* Another usually
be immediately preceded by a determiner.
— The another student is nine years old. (WRONG) OTHER
Other can be used with
singular countable,
plural countable or uncountable nouns.

e.g. The other door is open.
         The other streets are

         Do you have any other

In these examples, other modifies the singular countable noun door, the plural
countable noun streets, and the uncountable noun luggage.
*When used before a singular countable noun, other usually must be preceded by
e.g. Please pass me the other cup.

         I do not know any other way to
do it.

        There must be some other

In these examples, other is used with the singular countable nouns cup, way and
explanation, and is preceded by the determiners the, any and some.
*When other modifies a singular countable noun, the noun is sometimes omitted,
particularly in the expression one … the other.
e.g. I have two pens. One is green and the other is blue.
        One of my parents is a teacher; the
other is a doctor.
Others is a pronoun. Others can be used to take the place of the word other, followed by a plural countable

e.g. Those trees are
hemlocks; the others are pines.

        Ten people belong to the group, and five others are planning to join.
In the first example, others takes the place of the words other trees. In the second example, others takes the place of the words other people.
*Others is often used in the expression some … others.
e.g. Some books are easy
to read, but others are quite difficult.

         Some people like
classical music, while others prefer jazz.


We use the reciprocal pronouns each other and one another when two or more people do the same thing. Traditionally,
each other refers to two people and one another refers to more than two people, but this distinction is disappearing in modern English.

  • Peter and Mary helped one another.
    = Peter helped Mary and Mary helped Peter.
  • We sent each other Christmas cards.
    = We sent them a Christmas card and they sent us a Christmas card.
  • They didn’t look at one another.
    = He didn’t look at her and she didn’t look at him.

We also use the possessive forms each other’s and one another’s:

They helped to look after each other’s children.
We often stayed in one another’s houses.

NOTE: We do not use reciprocal pronouns as the subject of a clause.


— You should take these pills every other day.
   (take it one day, do not take it the next day, take it again the following day)
— Write every other line when I dictate.

   (skip one line every time)


What is the difference between another, other and others?

Another vs. Other vs. Others
What is the difference between these words?
Let’s start with the word ANOTHER… 

What does ANOTHER mean?

Another is an adjective (or determiner) or a pronoun

ANOTHER generally means: one more; an extra; an additional
ANOTHER can also mean: an alternative or a different.

For example:

  • She wants another cup of tea.

This is the same as saying:

  • She wants one more cup of tea. …. OR ….
  • She wants an additional cup of tea.

Perhaps she liked it or she is very thirsty so she wants another cup of tea.
Another example: (which means an extra example or one more example)

  • You can stay another day.

This can mean:

  • You can stay one more day. OR
  • You can stay an additional day.

But ANOTHER can also mean: an alternative; a different. For example:

  • We have to go another day.

This can mean:

  • We have to go on an alternative day.

Maybe because the day we planned is not available.

  • We have to go a different day.

Look at this example:

  • I need another pen.

This can mean: I need an alternative pen …or…. I need a different pen, maybe because my pen isn’t working right now. Or maybe I need another pen or an alternative pen because I want to change the colour of my writing.

Another + Singular countable noun

In general ANOTHER is followed by a singular countable noun.
As you can see in our previous examples:

  • I need another pen
  • We have to go another day.
  • She wants another cup of tea.

Pen, day, and cup are singular countable nouns.

Another as a pronoun

Another can also be use as a pronoun.

  • That cake was tasty. I think I’ll have another. (another = another cake)
  • I don’t like this room. Let’s ask for another. (another = another room)

Note: you can also add ONE after ANOTHER: “I think I’ll have another one.” and “Let’s ask for another one.”

Another + number + plural noun

Another can be used before a plural noun when there is a number before that noun or before “number words” such as couple of and few etc.
The word order is another + number + plural noun

  • I think I’m going to spend another three days in this city.

(Here we are saying an additional three days)

  • She was given another couple of weeks to finish the project.

(It doesn’t need to be a specific number a certain words referring to numbers. A couple means two.)

What does OTHER mean?

OTHER is an adjective (or determiner) or a pronoun.
OTHER generally means: more in addition to the one (or ones) already mentioned;
It can also mean alternative or different.
In this case, OTHER is the plural form of ANOTHER

  • We have another book for you.

Another refers to one additional book for you or an alternative book for you.
We used another because book is singular.
We use: Another + singular noun

  • We have other books for you.

Other refers to additional books apart from the one you already have.
We used other because there is more than one book.
We use: Other + plural noun.

OTHER can also mean: alternative; different from what was mentioned.

  • We have other styles if you are interested.

(other styles means alternative styles, different from the styles you have already seen)

  • Have you got any other dresses, or are these the only ones?

(The person would like to see different or alternative dresses)
As you can see, the order is generally OTHER + plural countable noun

Others is a pronoun or a noun

Others replaces “other + plural noun”

Others is not followed by a noun.
others = other people. Let’s look at the first use of others.

  • These shoes are too small. Do you have any other shoes?

You can see other + plural noun.
But repeating the word shoes again sounds repetitive and NOT natural so we use the pronoun others.

  • These shoes are too small. Do you have any others? (no noun after others)

Others replaces other shoes.

Others – the others

Often “(the) others” refers to “(the) other people”.

  • He has no interest in helping others. (= in helping other people)
  • What are the others doing tonight?

The others can refer to the other people as we have already seen.
But here it can be used to refer to our friends. = What are our other friends doing tonight?

Quick Summary: What is the difference between another, other and others?

A simple rule to help you remember the difference is:

another + singular noun
other + plural noun
others (a pronoun to replace other + plural noun)

  • I need another cup. (cup is singular so we use another)
  • I need other cups. (cups is plural so we use other)
  • I need others. (refers to other cups)

Summary chart

The difference between ANOTHER, OTHER and OTHERS in English

Lesson tags: Adjectives, Another, Countable, Grammar, Nouns, Other, Pronouns
Back to: English Course > Countable & Uncountable Nouns

В английском языке существует ряд местоимений, которые могут употребляться в функции подлежащего, дополнения, определения и обстоятельства. К числу таковых местоимений относятся other, others, another, которые мы рассмотрим в этом уроке.

Other и others 

Other («другие») — употребляется как прилагательное в функции определения к существительному во множественном числе.

I want to see other books in your home library.

Я хочу увидеть другие книги в твоей домашней библиотеке.

Some people are early rises, other people are late rises.

Некоторые люди рано встают, другие поздно встают.

Only my friend passed that complicated test other students did badly.

Только мой друг прошел этот сложный тест, который другие студенты сделали плохо.

Here is your passport. I’ll bring your other documents next Monday.

Вот ваш паспорт. Я принесу другие документы в следующий понедельник.

I can’t help you with the washing up now, I am busy with other important things now.

Я не могу помочь тебе с мытьем посуды, я сейчас занят другими важными вещами.

Форма others употребляется в функции подлежащего, либо в значении «и другие» (обычно ставится в конце предложения). Примеры:

Some of my classmates are very honest and polite, others can be agressive and bad-tempered.

Некоторые из моих одноклассников очень честны и вежливы, другие могут быть агрессивными и недоброжелательными.

My friend and I were listening to the music, others were dancing at 11 p.m. at Victor’s party.

Мы с другом слушали музыку, другие танцевали в 11 вечера на вечеринке у Виктора.

Some people are vegetarians, others prefer eating meat foodstuffs.

Некоторые люди вегетарианцы, другие предпочитают есть мясные продукты.

There were a lot of delegates at the meeting: doctors, teachers, pupils and others.

На встрече присутствовало много делегатов: врачи, учителя, ученики и другие.

I can’t help you with the washing up now, I am busy with other important things now.

Я не могу помочь тебе с мытьем посуды, я сейчас занят другими важными вещами.

The other и the others

Еще одна форма — «the other» чаще всего используется, когда мы говорим «2-й из двух» (в единственном числе) и «the others» — во множественном числе. Эти местоимения чаще всего выполняют функцию подлежащего (являются субстантивируемыми местоимениями). The other может также выполнять функцию определения или подлежащего. Примеры:

I have two sons. One of them is a doctor and the other is a teacher.

У меня два сына. Один из них врач, а другой учитель.

One of these girls is my girl-friend, the other is my sister.

Одна из этих девушек — моя девушка, другая — моя сестра.

Grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

На другой стороне забора трава всегда зеленее.

He wanted to get to the other side of the street on foot.

Он хотел добраться до другой стороны улицы пешком.

At yesterday’s lesson I saw only Jack doing sums, the others were playing computer games. 

На вчерашнем уроке я видел только Джека, решающего примеры, остальные играли в компьютерные игры.


Another — употребляется в единственном числе в значении «еще один (тот же), другой (иной), второй (такой же)». Примеры:

Can I have another drink? 

Можно мне еще выпить?

Can you show me another T-short, a size bigger?

Можешь показать мне еще одну майку, размером больше?

Would you like another sandwich?

Хочешь еще один сэндвич?

He is a gifted violinist. He may be another Mozart.

Он талантливый скрипач. Он может быть вторым Моцартом.

Обратите внимание! Another также употребляется в устойчивых структурах: another + number + plural noun со значением «еще, дополнительно».

Can you give me another two days to finish the report?

Можешь дать мне еще два дня, чтобы закончить отчет?

Nick got into a traffic jam yesterday, so it took him another two hours to reach our house.

Ник вчера попал в пробку, так что ему понадобилось еще два часа, чтобы добраться до нашего дома.

Еще несколько устойчивых сочетаний: 

  • one after another — друг за другом
  • one another/each other — друг с другом

In silence mother looked first at one then another

В тишине мама сначала посмотрела сперва на одного, затем на другого.

Some action films appeared on TV one after another.

Некоторые боевики появлялись на телевидении один за другим.

My sons like spending their free time with each other.

Мои сыновья любят проводить свободное время друг с другом.


В этом уроке мы рассмотрели употребление местоимений other, others и another. Как видите ничего сложного, необходимо лишь практиковаться: изучив примеры постройте собственные предложения с этими местоимениями.

Если у вас остались вопросы — задавайте из ниже.

Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like stars forever. Daniel 12:3

What’s the difference between another, other, others and the other?


  • Do you have another question? – singular and general
  • Do you have any other questions? – plural
  • I prefer the other one – singular and specific
  • My boss and your boss really hate one another – a shared condition
  • We need to think of one other possible solution – an alternative
  • I like one or two of his songs but the others are awful – the rest

They can be adjectives in sentences

One girl was wearing a white dress. The other girl was wearing a red one.

(‘Other’ is describing or qualifying the noun ‘girl.’ So, it’s an adjective.)

  • Another girl was wearing a pink T-shirt.

(‘Another’ is qualifying ‘girl’ so it’s an adjective; only used with singular nouns because it means ‘one other.’]

  • Some girls were playing soccer. The other girls were lying in the sun.

[‘Other’ is still an adjective. Adjectives are invariable, so they never change for singular or plural. In this case, ‘girls’ is plural, but ‘other’ doesn’t change because it’s an adjective.]

Other, the other, another are adjectives when they are describing a noun.

They can be pronouns in sentences

In the following sentences we don’t want to repeat the word ‘girl’ so we use a pronoun. If we

refer to one girl we use ‘other’, and if there are more girls we use the plural ‘others.’ ‘Another’

means one more, so it’s only used to replace a singular noun.

  • One girl was wearing a white dress. The other was wearing a red one. [The other girl]
  • And another was wearing a pink T-shirt. [One more girl]
  • Some girls were playing soccer. The others were lying in the sun. [The other girls]

(‘The others’ is replacing ‘the other girls,’ so it’s a pronoun. Pronouns change for singular or plural.)

Other, the other, another are pronouns when they are replacing a noun. They can be singular or plural.

‘Others’ vs. ‘the others’

Both are pronouns, that is, they stand for a noun. ‘Others’ is more vague, we are not determining how many others, or which other ones. ‘The others’ is more specific; it stands for all the rest.

  • Some people prefer vanilla ice cream. Others prefer chocolate. (It’s vague. We are not specifying how many others.)
  • Some people decided to go to the beach. The others stayed at home. (All the rest. The ones that didn’t go to the beach.)








Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Is the word pronoun a pronoun?

No, because a pronoun replaces a noun; the word ‘pronoun’ does
not replace a noun, it is a noun.

The noun to which a pronoun refers is called the of the pronoun?

The answer is ANTECEDENT. The antecedent is the noun or pronoun
that a pronoun replaces.

Is this a noun?

«This» is not a noun. it is a pronoun, like he, she, this, that.
a pronoun is a common substitute for a noun.

What’s a noun or pronoun that follows another noun or pronoun in a sentence to identify or explain it?

A noun or a reflexive pronoun that follows another noun or a pronoun in a sentence to identify or explain the first noun or pronoun is an appositive.

What is the noun that is referred to by a pronoun called?

The antecedent is the noun (or pronoun) that a pronoun replaces.

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  • Is the word other an adjective
  • Is the word have a linking verb
  • Is the word organized an adjective
  • Is the word have a helping verb
  • Is the word name a noun

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