Is the word necessary a noun

необходимый, нужный, неизбежный, необходимое, деньги, уборная


- необходимый, нужный

necessary for happiness [to me] — необходимый для счастья [мне]
if necessary — в случае нужды /необходимости/
it is not necessary for you to come — вам нет необходимости /не нужно/ приходить

- неизбежный

necessary evil — необходимое зло
the necessary alternative — единственная альтернатива
death is the necessary end of life — жизнь неотвратимо кончается смертью

- неизбежный, логически вытекающий

necessary conclusion — неизбежный вывод

- неотъемлемый

necessary to the scheme — являющийся неотъемлемой частью плана
this is necessary to self-respect — без этого человек не может себя уважать

- вынужденный

the necessary action — вынужденное действие
not a free but a necessary agent — лицо, действующее не по своей, а по чужой воле

- лог. очевидный, не требующий доказательства

necessary truth — очевидная истина, аксиома


- (самое) необходимое

the necessaries of life — предметы первой необходимости (жилище, еда и т. п.)
to deny oneself every necessary — отказывать себе в самом необходимом
to do the necessary — разг. сделать что нужно

- (the necessary) разг. деньги, средства (на что-л.)

to provide /to find/ the necessary — найти деньги (на что-л.)

- амер. диал. отхожее место, нужник
- pl. юр. материальные средства, необходимые для содержания неправоспособного лица

Мои примеры


a modest income that provided the family with only the necessaries of life — скромный доход, который обеспечивал семью лишь самым необходимым  
the necessary consequences of one’s actions — неизбежные последствия чьих-либо действий  
necessary implication — с необходимостью подразумеваемое положение  
necessary inference — неизбежный вывод, с необходимостью следующий вывод  
the necessary know-how — необходимые знания  
necessary precaution — необходимая мера предосторожности  
necessary qualifications — необходимая квалификация  
a glance that said all that was necessary — взгляд, выразивший всё  
necessary cause — необходимая причина  
necessary and sufficient condition — необходимое и достаточное условие  
necessary condition — необходимое условие  
necessary connection — необходимая связь  

Примеры с переводом

Food is necessary for life.

Еда необходима для жизни.

It’s not necessary to wear a tie.

Галстук надевать необязательно.

We will do whatever is necessary to stop them.

Мы сделаем всё необходимое, чтобы их остановить.

I’ll stay up all night, if necessary, to get it finished.

Если необходимо, я не буду спать всю ночь, чтобы всё доделать.

We had all the necessary ingredients.

У нас были все необходимые ингредиенты.

Is it really necessary for me to have surgery?

Так ли мне необходимо сделать операцию?

Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war.

Потери, безусловно, были неизбежным следствием войны.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The police are advising motorists to travel only if their journey is absolutely necessary.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): necessary
мн. ч.(plural): necessaries

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[ nesuh-ser-ee ]

/ ˈnɛs əˌsɛr i /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


essential, indispensable, or requisite: The rotor is a necessary part of the motor.

happening or existing by necessity: The snow has forced a necessary change in our plans.

acting or proceeding from compulsion or necessity; not free; involuntary: a necessary agent.


  1. (of a proposition) such that a denial of it involves a self-contradiction.
  2. (of an inference or argument) such that its conclusion cannot be false if its supporting premises are true.
  3. (of a condition) such that it must exist if a given event is to occur or a given thing is to exist.Compare sufficient (def. 2).

noun, plural nec·es·sar·ies.

something necessary or required for a particular purpose; necessity.

necessaries, Law. food, clothing, etc., required by a dependent person and varying with their social or economic position or that of the person upon whom they are dependent.

Chiefly New England. a privy or toilet.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of necessary

First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English necessarie, from Latin necessārius “unavoidable, inevitable, needful,” equivalent to necess(e) (neuter indeclinable adjective) “unavoidable, necessary” + -ārius -ary

synonym study for necessary

1. Necessary, essential, indispensable, requisite indicate something vital for the fulfillment of a need. Necessary applies to something without which a condition cannot be fulfilled or to an inevitable consequence of certain events, conditions, etc.: Food is necessary to life. Multiplicity is a necessary result of division. Indispensable applies to something that cannot be done without or removed from the rest of a unitary condition: Food is indispensable to living things. He made himself indispensable as a companion. Something that is essential forms a vitally necessary condition of something: Air is essential to red-blooded animals. It is essential to understand the matter clearly. Requisite applies to what is thought necessary to fill out, complete, or perfect something: She had all the requisite qualifications for a position.


nec·es·sar·i·ness, nounqua·si-nec·es·sar·y, adjective


necessary , necessitous

Words nearby necessary

nebulous, n.e.c., necessarian, necessaries, necessarily, necessary, necessary condition, necessary stool, necessitarian, necessitarianism, necessitate Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to necessary

basic, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, imperative, indispensable, mandatory, needed, paramount, required, significant, unavoidable, urgent, vital, certain, imminent, binding, cardinal, chief

How to use necessary in a sentence

  • Center Nicklas Backstrom said the Capitals have grown passive when playing with a lead when aggressiveness is necessary.

  • “Federal funding — together with the region’s commitment — will support the major maintenance and capital rehabilitation activities that are necessary to restore and improve the aging transit system,” the letter said.

  • The audit also found that the agency does not keep track of who owes money or how much they owe, and it isn’t taking necessary steps to collect it.

  • While 84 percent of registered Republicans supported the recall, increased support among Democrats and independents will be necessary for Newsom to lose.

  • They’ve noted, too, that they would pursue a vote to bar him from federal office if he was convicted by the necessary 67 members of the Senate.

  • He could order the Justice Department to begin the necessary regulatory work.

  • Yet, what my peers do not realize – or cannot handle – is that rejection is a necessary part of forging a romantic relationships.

  • But as is her way, Kaling defended why the episode was not only funny, but necessary.

  • Unfortunately, the underground tunnels that were used to transport booze and, if necessary, escaping patrons, are off-limits.

  • However, we have just had a necessary wake-up call that all is not as secure as we believed.

  • In sorting notes it is necessary to be able readily to distinguish between notes of this bank and notes of other reserve banks.

  • As long as may be necessary, Sam,” replied Mr. Pickwick, “you have my full permission to remain.

  • But it was necessary to take Silan, which the rebels hastened to strengthen, closely followed up by the Spaniards.

  • For this use of the voice in the special service of will-power, or propelling force, it is necessary first to test its freedom.

  • It is only necessary to have a zinc, or a galvanized tray on which to stand the glass in an inverted position.

British Dictionary definitions for necessary


needed to achieve a certain desired effect or result; required

resulting from necessity; inevitablethe necessary consequences of your action


  1. (of a statement, formula, etc) true under all interpretations or in all possible circumstances
  2. (of a proposition) determined to be true by its meaning, so that its denial would be self-contradictory
  3. (of a property) essential, so that without it its subject would not be the entity it is
  4. (of an inference) always yielding a true conclusion when its premises are true; valid
  5. (of a condition) entailed by the truth of some statement or the obtaining of some state of affairsCompare sufficient (def. 2)

philosophy (in a nonlogical sense) expressing a law of nature, so that if it is in this sense necessary that all As are B, even although it is not contradictory to conceive of an A which is not B, we are licensed to infer that if something were an A it would have to be B

rare compelled, as by necessity or law; not free


the necessary informal the money required for a particular purpose

do the necessary informal to do something that is necessary in a particular situation

Word Origin for necessary

C14: from Latin necessārius indispensable, from necesse unavoidable

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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  • 1

    necessary [ˊnesəsǝrɪ]

    1) необходи́мый, ну́жный

    2) неизбе́жный

    3) вы́нужденный, недоброво́льный

    1) (

    обыкн. pl

    ) необходи́мое;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > necessary

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > necessary

  • 3

    1. n необходимое

    2. n разг. деньги, средства

    3. n амер. диал. отхожее место, нужник

    4. n юр. материальные средства, необходимые для содержания неправоспособного лица

    5. a необходимый, нужный

    6. a неизбежный, логически вытекающий

    7. a неотъемлемый

    8. a вынужденный

    9. a лог. очевидный, не требующий доказательства

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. essential (adj.) compulsory; essential; imperative; indispensable; key; mandatory; necessitous; needed; obligatory; organic; prerequisite; required; requisite; substantive; urgent; wanted

    2. inevitable (adj.) assured; certain; imminent; ineluctable; ineludible; inescapable; inevasible; inevitable; involuntary; returnless; unavoidable; undeniable; unescapable; unevadable

    3. requirement (noun) necessity; prerequisite; requirement; requisite; sine qua non

    Антонимический ряд:

    contingent; disadvantageous; dispensable; exorbitant; extravagant; free; inadmissible; inexpedient; needless; nonessential; optional; prodigal; superfluous

    English-Russian base dictionary > necessary

  • 4

    1. [ʹnesıs(ə)rı]

    1. (самое) необходимое

    2. (the necessary)

    деньги, средства ()

    to provide /to find/ the necessary — найти деньги ()


    диал. отхожее место, нужник


    юр. материальные средства, необходимые для содержания неправоспособного лица

    2. [ʹnesıs(ə)rı]

    1. необходимый, нужный

    necessary for happiness [to me] — необходимый для счастья [мне]

    if necessary — в случае нужды /необходимости/

    it is not necessary for you to come — вам нет необходимости /не нужно/ приходить

    2. 1) неизбежный

    2) неизбежный, логически вытекающий

    3. неотъемлемый

    this is necessary to self-respect — без этого человек не может себя уважать

    4. вынужденный

    not a free but a necessary agent — лицо, действующее не по своей, а по чужой воле


    очевидный, не требующий доказательства

    necessary truth — очевидная истина, аксиома

    НБАРС > necessary

  • 5


    absolutely necessary абсолютно необходимый necessary вынужденный, недобровольный necessary вынужденный necessary (the necessary) разг. деньги necessary неизбежный necessary неизбежный necessary необходимое; the necessaries (of life) предметы первой необходимости necessary необходимый, нужный necessary необходимый, нужный necessary необходимый necessary неотъемлемый necessary нужный necessary амер. уборная unless necessary вчт. без необходимости

    English-Russian short dictionary > necessary

  • 6



    необходимый, нужный

    Their society is necessary for me. — Их общество мне необходимо.

    Caution is necessary in crossing the street. — При переходе улицы нужна осторожность.

    I shall take with me only what is necessary. — Я возьму с собой только самое необходимое.

    We have everything necessary. — У нас есть все необходимое.

    necessary magazine

    — necessary time
    — necessary sum of money
    — be necessary to smb
    — light and air are necessary for life
    — sleep is necessary to health
    — it is necessary to smb to do smth
    — if necessary


    Конструкция кому-либо необходимо что-либо сделать в разговорной речи чаще передается не с помощью прилагательного necessary, а с помощью модального глагола to have to do smth: I have to make some calls мне необходимо позвонить в несколько мест; I have to get up very early to-morrow мне необходимо завтра встать очень рано

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > necessary

  • 7

    имя прилагательное:

    имя существительное:

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > necessary

  • 8

    1. прил.
    1) необходимый, нужный, требуемый We will do whatever is necessary to stop them. ≈ Мы сделаем все необходимое, чтобы остановить их. Syn: essential, indispensable, requisite, needful
    2) навязываемый извне объективными или субъективными обстоятельствами а) неизбежный, неминуемый, неотвратимый Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war. ≈ Обесценение было неизбежным следствием войны. Syn: inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable б) принудительный, насильственный
    3) лог. очевидный, не требующий доказательства necessary truth ≈ очевидная истина, аксиома
    2. сущ.
    1) необходимое;
    жизненно необходимые вещи the necessaries of life ≈ предметы первой необходимости a small parcel of necessaries tied up in a handkerchief and carried on a stick ≈ небольшой узел с самым необходимым, завязанный в платок и надетый на палку The money to buy the necessaries of their household. ≈ Деньги на то, чтобы купить все необходимое по хозяйству. Syn: essential
    2), requisite
    2) (the necessary) разг. деньги;
    фонды, финансы
    3) амер. уборная
    (самое) необходимое — the necessaries of life предметы первой необходимости (жилище, еда и т. п.) — to deny oneself every * отказывать себе в самом необходимом — to do the * (разговорное) сделать, что нужно (the *) (разговорное) деньги, средства( на что-л.) — to provide /to find/ the * найти деньги (на что-л.) (американизм) (диалектизм) отхожее место, нужник pl (юридическое) материальные средства, необходимые для содержания неправоспособного лица необходимый, нужный — * for happiness необходимый для счастья — if * в случае нужды /необходимости/ — it is not * for you to come вам нет необходимости /не нужно/ приходить неизбежный — * evil неизбежное зло — the * alternative единственная альтернатива — death is the * end of life жизнь неотвратимо кончается смертью неизбежный, логически вытекающий — * conclusion неизбежный вывод неотъемлемый — * to the scheme являющийся неотъемлемой частью плана — this is * to self-respect без этого человек не может себя уважать вынужденный — the * action вынужденное действие — not a free but a * agent лицо, действующее не по своей, а по чужой воле (логика) очевидный, не требующий доказательства — * truth очевидная истина, аксиома
    absolutely ~ абсолютно необходимый
    necessary вынужденный, недобровольный ~ вынужденный ~ (the ~) разг. деньги ~ неизбежный ~ неизбежный ~ необходимое;
    the necessaries (of life) предметы первой необходимости ~ необходимый, нужный ~ необходимый, нужный ~ необходимый ~ неотъемлемый ~ нужный ~ амер. уборная
    unless ~ вчт. без необходимости

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > necessary

  • 9

    Англо-русский технический словарь > necessary

  • 10



    1) необходимый, нужный, требуемый

    We will do whatever is necessary to stop them. — Мы сделаем всё необходимое, чтобы остановить их.


    2) неизбежный, неминуемый, неотвратимый

    Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war. — Потери были неизбежным следствием войны.


    3) принудительный, насильственный



    очевидный, не требующий доказательства


    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]necessary[/ref]



    1) (самое) необходимое; жизненно необходимые вещи

    a small parcel of necessaries tied up in a handkerchief and carried on a stick — небольшой узел с самым необходимым, надетый на палку


    2) разг. деньги; фонды, финансы

    Англо-русский современный словарь > necessary

  • 11

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > necessary

  • 12

    необходимый; требующийся; неизбежный; нужный; вынужденный

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > necessary

  • 13


    1) Общая лексика: вынужденный, недобровольный, неизбежный, необходимый, нужный, потребный, уборная, целесообразный, необратимый, необходимое, средства

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > necessary

  • 14

    1) необходимый, нужный

    2) неизбежный

    3) вынужденный, недобровольный



    1) необходимое; the necessaries (of life) предметы первой необходимости

    2) (the necessary)



    * * *

    1 (a) нужный; потребный

    3 (r) необходимый

    4 (s) необходим

    * * *

    * * *

    [nec·es·sar·y || ‘nesɪsərɪ /-srɪ]
    необходимое, деньги, уборная
    необходимый, нужный, эссенциальный, неизбежный, вынужденный, недобровольный

    * * *














    * * *

    1. прил.
    1) необходимый
    2) а) неизбежный
    б) принудительный
    3) логика очевидный, не требующий доказательства
    2. сущ.
    1) необходимое; жизненно необходимые вещи
    2) (the necessary) разг. деньги
    3) амер. уборная

    Новый англо-русский словарь > necessary

  • 15


    1) необходимый, нужный

    2) неизбежный, логически вытекающий

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > necessary

  • 16




    jestli trěba · јестли треба

    Dictionary English-Interslavic > necessary

  • 17

    Politics english-russian dictionary > necessary

  • 18



    необходимый, нужный

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > necessary

  • 19

    English-Russian word troubles > necessary

  • 20

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > necessary


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • necessary — I (inescapable) adjective avoidless, certain, choiceless, compelling, constraining, decided, decreed, designated, destined, expected, fated, fateful, fixed, foreordained, imminent, impending, ineluctable, includible, inevitable, inexorable,… …   Law dictionary

  • Necessary — Nec es*sa*ry, a. [L. necessarius, from necesse unavoidable, necessary; of uncertain origin: cf. F. n[ e]cessaire.] 1. Such as must be; impossible to be otherwise; not to be avoided; inevitable. [1913 Webster] Death, a necessary end, Will come… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • necessary — [nes′ə ser΄ē] adj. [ME < L necessarius < necesse, unavoidable, necessary < ne , not + cedere, to give way: see CEDE] 1. that cannot be dispensed with; essential; indispensable [the nutriments necessary to life] 2. resulting from… …   English World dictionary

  • Necessary — may refer to: Something that is a required condition for something else to be the case, see necessary and sufficient condition. A necessary truth, something that cannot fail to be true, see logical possibility. An important task or essential… …   Wikipedia

  • necessary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) required to be done, achieved, or present; needed. 2) that must be; inevitable: a necessary result. ► NOUN 1) (necessaries) the basic requirements of life, such as food and warmth. 2) (the necessary) informal the action, item, or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Necessary — Nec es*sa*ry, n.; pl. {Necessaries}. 1. A thing that is necessary or indispensable to some purpose; something that one can not do without; a requisite; an essential; used chiefly in the plural; as, the necessaries of life. [1913 Webster] 2. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • necessary — [adj1] essential all important, basic, binding, bottom line*, cardinal, chief, compelling, compulsory, crucial, decisive, de rigueur*, elementary, exigent, expedient, fundamental, imperative, incumbent on, indispensable, mandatory, momentous,… …   New thesaurus

  • necessary — necessary/contingent truths …   Philosophy dictionary

  • necessary — 1 *needful, requisite, indispensable, essential Analogous words: compelling or compulsory, obliging or obligatory, constraining (see corresponding verbs at FORCE): important, significant, momentous (see corresponding nouns at IMPORTANCE):… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • necessary — ne|ces|sa|ry1 W1S1 [ˈnesısəri US seri] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: necessarius, from necesse necessary , from ne not + cedere to give up ] 1.) something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do →↑essential ▪ The booklet …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • necessary — 1 adjective 1 something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do; essential: I ll leave it to you to make all the necessary arrangements. (+ for): Food is necessary for life. | it is necessary (for sb) to do sth: It s not… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

• Categorized under Words | Difference Between Essential and Necessary

Essential vs Necessary

“Essential” and “necessary” are words which are used in different circumstances. “Essential” is “something without which we cannot do” and “necessary” is “something which is important but we can do without it.”

The word “essential” is used as an adjective and a noun. Let’s understand the meaning with the help of dictionary meanings and examples.
Essential used as an adjective

“Essential” means “absolutely necessary”; it also means “indispensable.” For example:

It is essential for all defense personnel to be physically fit.

“Essential” means “constituting or pertaining to the essence of something.” For example:

Motherhood is the essence of being a woman.

“Essential” means “containing a plant or drug essence.”
“Essential” means “something which is natural and spontaneous.” For example:

Essential nutrients required by the body.
Essential used as a noun

“Essential” means “a necessary element, indispensable, basic or chief point.” For example: One must pay attention to the essentials of a book rather than on other details.

The word “essential” can be used in place of “absolutely necessary.” When we use “absolutely necessary,” it makes the requirement of something as essential without which some particular thing cannot be achieved. The main characteristic of the word “essential” is the utmost necessity linked with it, something without which one cannot pertain, something for which a particular thing is not just a mere requirement or important but is indispensable.

The word “necessary” is used as an adjective and as a noun. Let’s take a look at the dictionary meanings and some examples to make the meaning more clear.
Necessary used as an adjective

“Indispensable, being essential.” For example:

Singing and dancing is a necessary part of a musical.

“Existing due to necessity or happening due to necessity.” For example:

Due to heavy rains, we made necessary changes to our program.

“Not free, acting on compulsion, involuntary.”

Necessary used as a noun

“Something which is requisite or necessary.” For example:

Food is a necessity of life; one cannot survive without it.
“Necessary” is also used when referring to some rule or law. For example:

It is necessary to wear the seat belt while driving. It is necessary to follow the road rules while driving.


1.“Necessary” and “essential” are used to show an indispensable thing or point towards a thing which is an absolute must. “Essential” refers to things “without which one cannot do” whereas, “necessary” refers to “things which cannot be avoided but can be done without.”
2.“Necessary” is used to refer to law whereas the word “essential” is not used for describing laws.

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Kaushik, N. (2016, June 8). Difference Between Essential and Necessary. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.

Kaushik, Nimisha. «Difference Between Essential and Necessary.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 8 June, 2016,

Written by : Nimisha Kaushik.
and updated on 2016, June 8

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Incorrect spelling


Incorrect spelling, explanation: necessary is an adjective form of the noun necessity. Thus, if it is: necessity + ary = necessary (we are replacing ending -ity, which is typical for noun, into -ary), it is mistaken to add one more c, and neccessary is an incorrect spelling.

Correct spelling


Correct spelling, explanation: the word is created from the noun necessity, which means a strong need for something. Due to the spelling of the noun, we can’t add one more c to the adjective, and necessary is the correct form.

Definition of necessary:
adjective, something that is very much needed, had to be done to reach a particular effect. It can also be used in negatives, said to show disapproval about someone’s actions or words.
If you want to work in our company, good language skills are necessary.
Was it really necessary to yell? You should really work on controlling your temper.

Idioms and phrases with necessary:
necessary evil, the situation where we have to do something and accept it, even if we know it is morally wrong, usually for the sake of something important: Dozen of awful dates is necessary evil to find the one.
deem it necessary, to say that something is crucial: She deemed it necessary to go home when he wanted to stay.
the necessary, casual way to say money or any kind of income (what is interesting, it is also an old term meaning toilet or bathroom): I checked my account balance – looks like I still have some necessary.

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✓ Content verified by English professional
Written by: Justyna Zaremba
Master of applied linguistics at Warsaw University. English teacher and interpreter. Interested in intentional bilingualism, teaching methodology, and sign languages. Cinephile, Warsaw lover, Italian language learner, a fan of hiking, and good people.

Last updated: July 23, 2022
Published on: August 14, 2016

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