Is the word mistake a noun

  • 1

    1. n ошибка; недоразумение; заблуждение

    and no mistake — несомненно, бесспорно; непременно, обязательно; будьте уверены

    2. v ошибаться; заблуждаться

    3. v ошибиться в выборе; не так выбрать

    4. v принимать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. error (noun) blooper; blunder; boner; bull; bungle; erratum; error; fault; fluff; fumble; inaccuracy; lapse; miscalculation; miscue; misprint; misstep; oversight; rock; slip; slipup; trip; typo; x

    2. misunderstanding (noun) aberration; bewilderment; delusion; misapprehension; misconception; misinterpretation; misjudgment; misunderstanding; perplexity

    3. err (verb) blunder; botch; confound; confuse; err; misapprehend; misconceive; misconstrue; miscue; misidentify; misinterpret; misread; misunderstand; mix; mix up; overlook; slip; stumble; trip

    Антонимический ряд:

    authenticity; authority; certainty; certitude; correctness; definiteness; evidence; exactitude; exactness; explanation; fact; interpretation; perfection

    English-Russian base dictionary > mistake

  • 2

    ошибка; недоразумение, заблуждение; by mistake по ошибке

    and no mistake, make no mistake


    несомненно, бесспорно; непременно, обязательно


    blunder, contretemps, error, faux pas, slip

    (past mistook;

    past participle


    1) ошибаться; неправильно понимать; заблуждаться; there is no mistaking his meaning нельзя не понять, что он имеет в виду

    2) принять кого-л. за другого или что-л. за другое (for); to mistake one’s man


    обмануться в человеке

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    (n) заблуждение; ошибка

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    1) ошибка 2) (mistook; mistaken) ошибаться

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    [mis·take || mɪ’steɪk]
    ошибка, недоразумение, заблуждение
    ошибаться, заблуждаться, неправильно понимать, сделать неправильный выбор; принять кого-л. за другого

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    1. сущ.
    2. гл.; прош. вр. — mistook, прич. прош. вр. — mistaken
    1) ошибаться; неправильно понимать; неправильно интерпретировать
    2) принять кого-л. за другого или что-л. за другое (for)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > mistake

  • 3
    faux pas

    1. ложный шаг; бестактность

    2. эвф. нарушение супружеской верности

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. blooper (noun) blooper; boner; break; gaffe; impropriety; indecorum; solecism

    2. bloopers (noun) bloopers; boners; breaks; improprieties; indecorums; solecisms

    English-Russian base dictionary > faux pas

  • 4

    n ложный шаг, неуместный поступок или неуместное замечание, оплошность

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. embarrassing mistake (noun) blunder; calamity; contretemps; embarrassing mistake; error; faux pas; mishap; set-back

    English-Russian base dictionary > gaffe

  • 5

    1. n грубая ошибка

    2. n уст. смятение

    3. v грубо ошибаться; допустить промах

    4. v напортить, напутать; плохо справляться

    5. v двигаться ощупью, неуверенно

    6. v наталкиваться, натыкаться

    7. v проболтаться; сболтнуть, сказать глупость

    8. v сказать невнятно

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. error (noun) blooper; boner; bull; bungle; error; fluff; fumble; lapse; miscue; misstep; mistake; rock; slip; slipup; stumble; trip

    2. stupid mistake (noun) fault; faux pas; gaffe; goof; impropriety; indiscretion; misdeed; oversight; stupid mistake

    3. botch (verb) bobble; boggle; bollix; botch; bugger up; bungle; cobble; dub; flub; fluff; foozle; fumble; goof up; gum up; louse up; mess; mess up; mishandle; mismanage; muck up; mucker; muddle; muff; spoil

    4. wallow (verb) bumble; flounder; lurch; stumble; wallow

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > blunder

  • 6

    1. n обман

    2. n заблуждение; иллюзия, призрачная, несбыточная мечта

    to be under no delusion as to … — нисколько не заблуждаться по поводу …

    3. n мед. мания

    4. n мед. галлюцинация, бред, обман чувств

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. fallacy (noun) casuistry; deception; deceptiveness; equivocation; fallacy; sophism; sophistry; speciousness; spuriousness

    2. mistake (noun) blunder; lapse; misconception; mistake; oversight

    3. trick (noun) error; fancy; hallucination; idol; ignis fatuus; illusion; mirage; phantasm; trick; will-o’-the-wisp

    Антонимический ряд:

    fact; reality; substance; truth

    English-Russian base dictionary > delusion

  • 7

    1. n сл. промах, оплошность, грубая ошибка

    2. n сл. ляпсус

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. error (noun) bull; bungle; error; fluff; lapse; miscue; misstep; rock; slip; slipup; trip

    2. mistake (noun) blooper; blunder; break; faux pas; gaffe; impropriety; inaccuracy; indecorum; mistake; omission; oversight; solecism

    English-Russian base dictionary > boner

  • 8

    1. n грешок, пустячный проступок

    2. n разг. тёмное дельце

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. error (noun) blunder; boner; error; lapse; slip

    2. mistake (noun) fault; mistake; petty sin; shortcoming; slight crime; violation; weakness

    English-Russian base dictionary > peccadillo

  • 9

    1. n сл. глупая ошибка, промах, «ляп»

    2. n сл. детск. бо-бо

    Синонимический ряд:

    mistake (noun) blooper; boner; break; error; faux; faux pas; gaffe; impropriety; mistake

    English-Russian base dictionary > boo-boo

  • 10

    1. n неприятность; непредвиденное препятствие; неожиданное осложнение, затруднение

    2. n финт

    Синонимический ряд:

    embarrassing mistake (noun) adversity; blunder; calamity; embarrassing mistake; error; faux pas; gaffe; mischance; misfortune; mishap; setback; set-back; tragedy

    English-Russian base dictionary > contretemps

  • 11


    1) ошибка, заблуждение; to make an error совершить ошибку, ошибиться; in error по ошибке, ошибочно; to be in error заблуждаться

    2) грех

    4) отклонение, уклонение, погрешность

    5) radio рассогласование



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    (n) заблуждение; ложное представление; ошибка; погрешность

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    ошибка, заблуждение

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    [er·ror || ‘erə]
    ошибка, заблуждение, погрешность; блуждание; грех; отклонение

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    1) заблуждение, оплошность, ошибка
    2) проступок
    3) поэт. блуждание

    Новый англо-русский словарь > error

  • 12


    1) призвание; склонность (for — к чему-л.); he has little or no vocation for teaching


    у него душа не лежит к профессии учителя

    2) профессия; to mistake one’s vocation ошибиться в выборе профессии



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    (n) призвание

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    а) призвание свыше б) призвание; склонность

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    [vo·ca·tion || vəʊ’keɪʃn]
    призвание, склонность, профессия

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    1) а) религ. призвание свыше
    б) призвание; склонность (for — к чему-л.)
    2) профессия
    3) люди определенной профессии

    Новый англо-русский словарь > vocation

  • 13

    (noun), butter + margarine

    терм. смесь маргарина и масла

    [lang name=»English»]PD: » ‘Butterine’ was also the name given to margarine when it was first introduced in England; its use was outlawed in 1887, after farmers objected that the word led the public to mistake margarine for real butter»

    Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Butterine

  • 14

    (noun), mistake + stake

    шутл. неправильно сделанная ставка

    Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Misstake

  • 15

    (noun), mistake + economics

    шутл. экономика человеческих ошибок

    Англо-русский словарь. Современные тенденции в словообразовании. Контаминанты. > Mistakonomics

  • 16

    1. n скольжение; сползание

    2. n ошибка; промах

    3. n лифчик

    4. n комбинация

    5. n детский фартучек

    6. n плавки

    7. n наволочка

    8. n обыкн. свора, сворка

    9. n мор. слип

    10. n мор. стапель

    building berth, building slip — стапель

    11. n геол. сдвиг; небольшой сброс

    12. n геол. высота сброса

    13. n тех. падение числа оборотов

    14. n тех. пробуксовка

    15. v скользить; плавно или быстро передвигаться

    16. v пропустить; забыть; отнестись невнимательно

    17. v двигаться тихо или незаметно

    slip in — незаметно войти; прокрасться

    18. v вкрадываться

    19. v проходить незаметно

    20. v сделать тихо и незаметно

    21. v ускользать; удирать

    22. v выскальзывать, соскальзывать

    23. v снимать, стягивать

    24. v поскользнуться

    25. v тех. скользить, буксовать

    26. v ошибаться, совершать промах

    27. v разг. ослабевать, терять силы

    28. v разг. спадать, понижаться

    29. v разг. вывихнуть

    30. v разг. освобождать; сбрасывать

    31. n длинная узкая полоска

    32. n щепа; лучина

    33. n побег, отросток; черенок; саженец

    34. n поэт. отпрыск

    35. n маленькое существо

    36. n стандартное печатное извещение, уведомление или предупреждение

    37. n бланк, регистрационная карточка

    38. n полигр. гранка

    39. n амер. узкая скамья

    40. n театр. кулисы

    41. v срезать

    42. v сорвать, отломать

    43. n спец. суспензия, взвесь

    44. n амер. скисшее, свернувшееся молоко

    45. n тех. стеклопаста, шликер

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. decline (noun) decline; dip; downslide; downswing; downtrend; downturn; drop; falloff; sag; slump

    2. error (noun) blooper; blunder; boner; bull; bungle; erratum; error; fault; faux pas; fluff; indiscretion; lapse; miscue; misdeed; misstep; mistake; omission; oversight; rock; slipup; trip

    3. escape (noun) breakout; escape; escapement; escaping; flight; getaway; lam

    4. paper (noun) label; leaf; paper; piece; sheet; tag; ticket

    8. wharf (noun) berth; dock; jetty; levee; pier; quay; wharf

    11. drop off (verb) drop off; fall away; fall off; sag; slump

    13. loose (verb) disengage; loose; loosen; release; unbind; unclasp; undo; unfasten; unloose; unloosen; untie

    15. shed (verb) exuviate; molt; moult; shed; slough

    16. slide (verb) creep; ease; fall; glide; glissade; gumshoe; lurk; mouse; prowl; pussyfoot; shift; shirk; skid; skulk; slick; slide; slink; slither; sly; snake; sneak; steal; stumble; totter; tumble; waltz

    17. trip (verb) blunder; err; miscue; mistake; stumble; trip

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > slip

  • 17

    1. n поездка, путешествие; экскурсия; рейс

    a trip abroad — заграничная поездка, поездка за границу

    2. n поход, визит

    3. n расстояние, покрываемое в ходе одной поездки

    4. n быстрая, лёгкая походка, лёгкий шаг

    5. n спотыкание; падение

    6. n ложный шаг; ошибка; обмолвка; ляпсус

    7. n сл. отключка; галлюцинирование под влиянием наркотика

    8. n сл. переживание; ощущение; испытание

    trial trip — пробная ездка, пробный рейс; ходовые испытания

    9. n сл. одержимость, навязчивая идея

    10. n сл. особенность, черта характера

    11. n сл. образ жизни; обстановка, обстоятельства

    12. n сл. улов, полученный рыболовецким судном на пути к промысловой области

    13. n обыкн. спорт. подножка

    14. n обыкн. спорт. заслон корпусом

    15. n обыкн. спорт. тех. защёлка

    16. n обыкн. спорт. тех. расцепляющее устройство; выключатель

    17. n обыкн. спорт. воен. разобщитель

    18. n обыкн. спорт. горн. состав

    19. n обыкн. спорт. мор. галс

    20. v идти легко и быстро; бежать вприпрыжку

    21. v спотыкаться; падать

    22. v заставлять спотыкаться или поскальзываться

    23. v останавливать, преграждать

    24. v запинаться, произносить с запинкой; спотыкаться

    acid trip — галлюцинации, вызванные ЛСД

    25. v заплетаться

    26. v сделать ложный шаг, ошибку, ляпсус; обмолвиться

    27. v сбить с толку, запутать; заставить сделать ложный шаг, ошибку

    28. v поймать, уличить во лжи

    29. v сл. отключаться под влиянием наркотика, начинать галлюцинировать; быть в отключке

    30. v обыкн. спорт. ставить подножку

    31. v танцевать легко и изящно

    32. v уст. отправляться в путешествие; совершать поездку, экскурсию

    33. v тех. расцеплять; выключать

    34. v тех. пускать, приводить в действие

    35. v тех. включаться, приходить в действие

    36. v тех. тех. опрокидывать

    37. v мор. выворачивать из грунта

    38. v мор. приподнимать, освобождать от штифта

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. error (noun) blooper; blunder; boner; bull; bungle; erratum; error; fluff; fumble; lapse; miscue; miss; mistake; oversight; rock; slip; slipup

    2. journey (noun) excursion; expedition; jaunt; journey; junket; outing; peregrination; peregrinations; pilgrimage; tour; travel; travels; trek; vacation; voyage

    5. skip (verb) dance; frolic; gambol; hop; jump; lope; skip; skitter; spring

    6. stumble (verb) blunder; bungle; err; fall; flounder; lurch; miscue; miss; mistake; overlook; pitch; slip; stumble; topple; tumble

    English-Russian base dictionary > trip

  • 18

    1. n неуклюжее, неловкое обращение

    2. v нащупывать; шарить

    3. v неловко, неумело обращаться

    4. v спорт. промахнуться, не ударить; не остановить мяч

    5. v мять, вертеть в руках

    6. v бормотать

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. botch (verb) blunder; bobble; boggle; bollix; botch; bugger up; bungle; cobble; drop the ball; dub; flub; fluff; foozle; goof up; gum up; handle clumsily; louse up; mess; mess up; mishandle; mismanage; mistake; muck up; mucker; muff; spoil

    4. drop (verb) blow; bumble; drop; louse; miss

    5. flounder (verb) feel; flounder; grabble; grope; poke around

    6. limp (verb) limp; shuffle; stagger; stumble

    7. mumble (verb) muddle; mumble; murmur; mutter; swallow

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > fumble

  • 19

    1. n неправильный или плохой удар

    2. n разг. промах, ошибка

    3. v сделать плохой удар; промахнуться

    4. v театр. пропустить реплику

    5. v театр. подать неправильную реплику

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. error (noun) blooper; blunder; boner; bull; bungle; erratum; error; fluff; fumble; lapse; misstep; mistake; rock; slip; slipup; stumble; trip

    English-Russian base dictionary > miscue

  • 20

    1. n событие, важное явление; значительный факт

    2. n случай

    3. n мероприятие

    social event — неофициальная встреча; встреча друзей

    4. n спорт. соревнование

    5. n спорт. вид спорта

    6. n спорт. номер в программе состязания

    program event — программное событие; событие в программе

    7. n спорт. исход, результат

    8. n спорт. кино эпизод

    9. n спорт. тех. такт

    10. n спорт. физ. ядерное превращение

    11. n спорт. ком. распродажа по сниженным ценам

    12. n спорт. физ. событие, акт

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. effect (noun) aftereffect; aftermath; causatum; conclusion; consequence; corollary; effect; end product; fruit; harvest; issue; outcome; precipitate; result; sequel; sequence; upshot

    4. mishap (noun) accident; calamity; catastrophe; crisis; mischance; misfortune; mishap; mistake; predicament

    5. occurrence (noun) affair; case; circumstance; development; episode; eventuality; fact; go; happening; incident; news; occurrence; phenomenon; thing

    6. wonder (noun) adventure; celebration; holiday; marvel; miracle; triumph; wonder

    Антонимический ряд:

    contribution; convergence; inducement; operation; origin; predisposition; start

    English-Russian base dictionary > event


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См. также в других словарях:

  • mistake — ► NOUN 1) a thing that is incorrect. 2) an error of judgement. ► VERB (past mistook; past part. mistaken) 1) be wrong about. 2) (mistake for) confuse (someone or something) with …   English terms dictionary

  • mistake*/*/ — [mɪˈsteɪk] noun [C] I 1) something that you have not done correctly, or something you say or think that is not correct spelling/grammar mistakes[/ex] 2) something that you do that you later wish you had not done, because it causes a lot of… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • mistake — noun something which is not correct; an inaccuracy. ↘an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong. verb (past mistook; past participle mistaken) be wrong about. ↘(mistake someone/thing for) wrongly identify someone or something as. Derivatives… …   English new terms dictionary

  • mistake — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, colossal (esp. AmE), great, huge ▪ It is a great mistake to assume that your children will agree with you. ▪ bad, dreadful …   Collocations dictionary

  • mistake — mis|take1 [ mı steık ] noun count *** 1. ) something that you have not done correctly, or something you say or think that is not correct: make a mistake: I won t make the same mistake again! Don t worry, it s an easy mistake to make. correct a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • mistake — 1 /mi steIk/ noun (C) 1 INCORRECT ACTION/OPINION ETC something that has been done incorrectly, or an opinion or statement that is incorrect: Hitting the ball too hard in golf is a typical beginner s mistake. | make a mistake: I think you ve made… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • mistake — I UK [mɪˈsteɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms mistake : singular mistake plural mistakes *** Metaphor: Making a mistake is like falling over, or like being clumsy and dropping things. She stumbled over the speech. ♦ You tripped up there: what… …   English dictionary

  • mistake — 1. noun I assumed it had been a mistake Syn: error, fault, inaccuracy, omission, slip, blunder, miscalculation, misunderstanding, oversight, misinterpretation, gaffe, faux pas, solecism; informal slip up, boo boo, blooper, boner, goof, f …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • mistake — /mɪ steɪk/ noun an act or decision which is wrong, or something that has been done wrongly ● It was a mistake to let him name his own salary. ● There was a mistake in the address. ♦ to make a mistake to do something wrong ● The shop made a… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • mistake — 1. noun it was all a mistake Syn: error, fault, inaccuracy, omission, slip, blunder, miscalculation, misunderstanding, oversight, misinterpretation, gaffe, faux pas; informal slip up, boo boo, howler; Brit.; informal boob …   Synonyms and antonyms dictionary

  • mistake — /məˈsteɪk / (say muh stayk) noun 1. an error in action, opinion or judgement. 2. a misconception or misapprehension. 3. Colloquial an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. –verb (mistook, mistaken, mistaking) –verb (t) 4. to take or regard as… …  

According to

The word mistake is an abstract noun, a word for an error in action or judgement.

Is this correct?

Then, why does it act like concrete nouns such as ‘car’ when it comes to countability?

Both ‘mistake’ and ‘car’ are countable, unless they follow «by».

a. I made three mistakes today. vs. I went there by mistake.

b. I saw three cars today. vs. I went there by car.

Does this prove that ‘mistake’ is also a concrete noun?
Or is ‘mistake’ still an abstract noun, despite this similarity in countability?

Community's user avatar

asked Aug 30, 2019 at 3:15

listeneva's user avatar


Being able to count (or not count) a concrete or abstract noun is not a criterion that determines its type.

Some concrete nouns are countable:

✔ Look at that car.
✔ Look at those cars.

Some concrete nouns are not countable:

✔ Help me with my luggage.
✘ Help me with my luggages.

Some abstract nouns are countable:

✔ I made a mistake.
✔ I made a couple of mistakes.

Some abstract nouns are not countable:

✔ How much progress have you made?
✘ How many progresses have you made?

answered Aug 30, 2019 at 3:41

Jason Bassford's user avatar

Jason BassfordJason Bassford

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Concrete nouns represent actual physical objects — table, paint, star, insect etc.

An abstract noun represent something that cannot be physically perceived — idea, ambition, prohibition, concept.

So yes, mistake is an abstract noun. As far as I know abstract nouns are treated exactly the same as concrete ones.

answered Aug 30, 2019 at 3:26

DJClayworth's user avatar


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Actually, a «mistake» can be either abstract or concrete.

«He must have made a mistake doing that math in his head because his
answer’s wrong.»

That’s clearly abstract. The mistake is complete intangible and exists merely as an idea.

«Those four cupcakes are mistakes. You can eat the mistakes if you
like, but the ones that aren’t mistakes are for company.»

That’s clearly not abstract because you can literally pick up and eat the mistakes.

As for «mistake» being a countable noun, which it is, that has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not it’s abstract or concrete. Say a bunch of quarters are on a table. I can say, «The coins are on the table.» I can say, «The money is on the table.» In those sentences, «coin» is a count noun and concrete and «money» is a non-count noun and concrete. They’re both concrete nouns as they both indicate the exact same tangible objects lying on the table, so being concrete doesn’t preclude a noun from being non-count and being a count noun does’t mean a noun is necessarily concrete, as the very first example sentence above demonstrates.

answered Aug 30, 2019 at 6:28

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  • Afrikaans: fout
  • Albanian: gabim (sq) m
  • Arabic: خَطَأ‎ f (ḵaṭaʔ), غَلْطَة‎ f (ḡalṭa), غَلَط‎ m (ḡalaṭ)
    Egyptian Arabic: غلطة‎ f (ḡalṭa)
  • Armenian: սխալ (hy) (sxal)
  • Assamese: ভুল (bhul)
  • Azerbaijani: səhv (az), xəta (az), yanlış, qələt
  • Bashkir: хата (xata)
  • Belarusian: памы́лка f (pamýlka)
  • Bengali: ভুল (bn) (bhul)
  • Bulgarian: гре́шка (bg) f (gréška), заблуждение (bg) n (zabluždenie)
  • Burmese: အမှား (my) (a.hma:)
  • Catalan: error (ca) m
  • Chechen: гӏалат (ğalat)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 錯誤错误 (zh) (cuòwù),  (zh) (cuò),  (zh) ()
  • Czech: chyba (cs) f, omyl (cs) m
  • Danish: fejl (da) c
  • Dutch: fout (nl) f, misverstand (nl) n, blunder (nl) m, vergissing (nl) f, onjuistheid (nl) f
  • Esperanto: eraro, miso
  • Estonian: viga
  • Faroese: mistak n, villa f
  • Finnish: virhe (fi), erehdys (fi), moka (fi) (colloquial), kämmi (fi) (colloquial), fiba (fi) (slang)
  • French: faute (fr) f, erreur (fr) f
  • Fula:
    Latin: boopal
    Adlam: 𞤦𞤮𞥅𞤨𞤢𞤤
  • Georgian: შეცდომა (šecdoma)
  • German: Fehler (de) m
  • Greek: λάθος (el) n (láthos), σφάλμα (el) n (sfálma)
  • Haitian Creole: fòt
  • Hebrew: טָעוּת (he) f (ta’út), שְׁגִיאָה (he) f (shgi’á), שגגה‎ f
  • Hindi: ग़लती (hi) f (ġaltī), भूल (hi) f (bhūl), ग़लत फ़हमी f (ġalat fahmī), चूक (hi) (cūk), ख़ता f (xatā), खता (hi) f (khatā), गलती (hi) f (galtī)
  • Hungarian: hiba (hu)
  • Ido: eroro (io)
  • Ilocano: balibad
  • Indonesian: kesalahan (id), kekeliruan (id)
  • Interlingua: error
  • Irish: botún m
  • Italian: errore (it) m, sbaglio (it) m
  • Japanese: 間違い (ja) (まちがい, machigai), 過ち (ja) (あやまち, ayamachi), 誤り (ja) (あやまり, ayamari), 錯誤 (ja) (さくご, sakugo), ミス (ja) (misu), エラー (ja) (erā)
  • Kabuverdianu: asnera
  • Kazakh: қателік (qatelık)
  • Khmer: កំហុស (km) (kɑmhoh)
  • Korean: 실수(失手) (ko) (silsu), 잘못 (ko) (jalmot) (especially a condemnable mistake), 착각(錯覺) (ko) (chakgak) (mistake in perception), 착오(錯誤) (ko) (chago) (mistake in perception)
  • Kurdish:
    Central Kurdish: غەلەت (ckb) (ẍelet)
    Northern Kurdish: xeletî (ku), çewtî (ku), şaşî (ku)
  • Kyrgyz: жаңылыш (ky) (jaŋılış), жаңылыштык (ky) (jaŋılıştık), ката (ky) (kata), каталык (ky) (katalık)
  • Ladino: yerro, yierro
  • Lakota: wóglušna c
  • Lao: ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ (khǭ phit phāt)
  • Latin: error m
  • Latvian: kļūda f
  • Lithuanian: klaida (lt) f
  • Macedonian: гре́шка f (gréška)
  • Malay: kesilapan (ms)
  • Malayalam: തെറ്റ് (ml) (teṟṟŭ), പിശക് (ml) (piśakŭ)
  • Maltese: żball m
  • Marathi: चूक (cūk)
  • Mongolian: алдаа (mn) (aldaa)
  • Norwegian: feilgrep n
    Bokmål: feil (no) m, tabbe m
    Nynorsk: feil (no) m
  • Old English: ġedwola m
  • Ossetian: рӕдыд (rædyd)
  • Pashto: تېروتنه (ps) f (terwatə́na), غلط (ps) m (ǧalát)
  • Persian: اشتباه (fa) (eštebâh), خطا (fa) (xatâ), غلط (fa) (ğalat)
  • Plautdietsch: Fäla m
  • Polish: pomyłka (pl) f, błąd (pl) m
  • Portuguese: erro (pt) m, engano (pt) m, equívoco (pt) m
  • Romanian: greșeală (ro) f, eroare (ro) f
  • Russian: оши́бка (ru) f (ošíbka)
  • Sanskrit: अशुद्धि (sa) f (aśuddhi), त्रुटि (sa) (truṭi)
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: грешка f, грјешка f, грешка f, погрјешка f
    Roman: greška (sh) f, grješka f, pogreška (sh) f, pogrješka f
  • Sinhalese: වරදක් (waradak), වැරදීම (wæradīma)
  • Slovak: chyba f
  • Slovene: napaka (sl) f, zmota f
  • Southern Altai: јастыра (ǰastïra)
  • Spanish: error (es) m, equivocación (es) f, desatino (es), fallo (es) m
  • Swahili: kosa (sw) class 5/6
  • Swedish: fel (sv) n, miss (sv) c, misstag (sv) n
  • Tagalog: mali, kamalian (tl)
  • Tajik: иштибоҳ (tg) (ištiboh), хато (xato), ғалат (tg) (ġalat)
  • Tamil: பிழை (ta) (piḻai)
  • Tatar: хата (tt) (xata)
  • Telugu: పొరపాటు (te) (porapāṭu)
  • Thai: ข้อผิดพลาด (kɔ̂ɔ-pìt-plâat), ความผิดพลาด (kwaam-pìt-plâat)
  • Tibetan: ནོར་འཁྲུལ (nor ‘khrul)
  • Tocharian B: nāki, triśalñe
  • Turkish: hata (tr), yanlış (tr), galat (tr) (archaic)
  • Turkmen: ýalňyş, ýal–yş
  • Ukrainian: поми́лка (uk) f (pomýlka)
  • Urdu: غلط‎ m (ġalat), غلطی‎ f (ġalatī), غلط فہمی‎ f (ġalat fahmī), بھول‎ f (bhūl)
  • Uyghur: خاتا(xata)
  • Uzbek: xato (uz), gʻalat (uz)
  • Venetian: eror m
  • Vietnamese: lỗi (vi) ()
  • Yiddish: טעות‎ m (toes), גרײַז‎ m (grayz)

ошибка, заблуждение, недоразумение, заблуждаться, ошибаться


- ошибка; недоразумение; заблуждение


- ошибаться; заблуждаться

- ошибиться в выборе; не так выбрать

to mistake the /one’s/ road /way/ — не так пойти, пойти не той дорогой

- (обыкн. for) принимать (за другого, за другое)

he mistook me for my brother — он принял меня за моего брата
you have mistaken your man — вы ошиблись /обманулись/ в этом человеке
there’s no mistaking him [her, the man] — его [её, этого человека] нельзя не узнать /принять за кого-л. другого/

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Anyone can make a mistake.

Кто угодно может совершить ошибку.

You are mistaken.

Вы ошибаетесь.

It’s only a small mistake.

Это всего лишь мелкая ошибка.

Never mind your mistake.

Не беспокойтесь о своей ошибке.

Did he admit his mistake?

Он признал свою ошибку?

I stupidly made the mistake of giving them my phone number.

Я совершил глупейшую ошибку, дав им свой номер телефона.

It’s your decision, but I warn you — you’re making a mistake.

Решать, конечно, вам, но предупреждаю: вы делаете ошибку.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The cashier rang up £300 by mistake.

She mistook my meaning entirely.

It was an easily forgivable mistake.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

mistaken  — ошибочный, ошибающийся, заблуждающийся, неуместный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: mistake
he/she/it: mistakes
ing ф. (present participle): mistaking
2-я ф. (past tense): mistook
3-я ф. (past participle): mistaken

ед. ч.(singular): mistake
мн. ч.(plural): mistakes

Is Mistake a noun or verb?

noun. an error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc. a misunderstanding or misconception.

Is Mistake an adjective?

erroneous; incorrect; wrong: a mistaken answer. having made a mistake; being in error.

Why mistake is a noun?

noun. Definition of mistake (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a wrong judgment : misunderstanding. 2 : a wrong action or statement proceeding from faulty judgment, inadequate knowledge, or inattention.

What’s a fancy word for mistake?

Synonyms & Antonyms of mistake

  • misapprehension,
  • miscalculation,
  • misjudging,
  • misjudgment,
  • misstep,
  • slip,
  • slipup.

What is the root word of mistake?

The Latin root word err means “wander” or “make a mistake,” which is a “wandering” from the correct answer. This Latin root is the word origin of a number of English vocabulary words, including errant and erratic.

What are the three types of mistake?

Common law has identified three different types of mistake in contract: unilateral mistake, mutual mistake, and common mistake. A unilateral mistake is where one party is aware of the other party’s mistake; these types of contracts are void as there is no adjoining link between the offer and acceptance.

What is the difference between mistake and error?

The main difference between Error and Mistake is that Error is the wrong action, which is the result of the lack of knowledge or skill, whereas Mistake is a wrongly made choice that is usually accidental.

What is the opposite of mistake?

Opposite of a mistake or error. correctness. accuracy. faultlessness. precision.

What do you call a small mistake?

mishap. noun. a minor mistake or accident.

Is a mistake a choice?

Selecting the wrong answer on a test is a mistake; not studying for that test is a bad decision. The mistake was something you did without intention; the bad decision was made intentionally—often without regard for the consequence. It’s easy to dismiss your bad decisions by reclassifying them as mistakes.

Are mistakes unintentional?

Mistakes are unintentional, and that’s the most important thing to note about them. A mistake is an error of some sort that may or may not have been the result of choice. But even when a mistake is the result of carelessness, it is an unintentional act.

What is a make wrong?

Answered 6 years ago · Author has 70 answers and 47.1K answer views. “Making someone wrong” refers to a phenomenon of BEING that a person should not have done something they did. Or, that they should not have BEEN how they were (perceived to be) being. That is to say, the person is WRONG.

Is cheating a mistake or choice?

Terry: Yes it’s definitely a choice. Making the decision to violate a relationship is always a conscious decision and is always wrong. There are several reasons why a person might choose to cheat, instead of leaving the relationship. People have absolutely no problem acknowledging that cheating is a choice.

Why do people cheat on people they love?

Why do people cheat on people they love? Because they want to be accepted, respected, loved, wanted, or praised (the things they likely feel they aren’t getting in their current relationship). The reasons vary from person-to-person, but they’re all about a need the person is trying to get met.

Can cheating be a one time mistake?

Cheating can never be a mistake until and unless you were very drunk and had no idea what you were doing. When you cheat on someone with the idea that your partner won’t find out, is a one-time thing or, like Ross said ‘we were on a break’, it is a choice, not a mistake.

Is it true that once a cheater always a cheater?

We’ve all heard the phrase “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” We hear it so often many people take it as truth. And while cheating is never an excusable offense, this old adage is not necessarily true. Serial cheaters are often narcissists or people that are turned on by dishonesty. …

What traits do cheaters have?

Here are 15 factors that make someone more likely to cheat, according to relationship therapists.

  • They Have Difficulty Controlling Impulses.
  • They Work In Trades Or Medicine.
  • They Have Narcissistic Tendencies.
  • They Have A Longer Ring Finger.
  • They Have A Family History Of Cheating.
  • They’re Dependent On Others.

Do cheaters cheat again?

It is estimated that if someone cheated before, there is a 350 percent chance that they will cheat again, compared to those who have never cheated. In the same study that states that cheaters will cheat again, they found that those who have been cheated on will most likely be cheated on again.

What percentage of couples stay together after one cheats?

That might mean more couples are overcoming it when it happens. Marriage and family therapist Gabrielle Applebury wrote that “adultery is no longer a deal breaker in many marriages,” and that “70 percent of couples actually stay together after an affair is discovered.”

Do cheaters feel guilty?

Between one in four to five Americans have an affair in their lifetime. Among men, 68% feel guilty after having an affair. Even if they haven’t confessed the affair, most cheating husbands will feel guilty and express that guilt in their behavior.

Should you forgive a cheater?

When someone cheats on you, your mind and emotions scream at you to hate, punish and never forgive. It’s hard to let go of those feelings. Nonetheless, forgiving someone for cheating will actually benefit the faithful person more than the cheater. Forgiveness is the antidote and the only way to move on.

Do you really love someone if you cheat on them?

Cheating Doesn’t Mean Your Partner Doesn’t Love You “If they cheat on me, that means they don’t love me.” Here’s what I found: there is little correlation. But for those who do love their partners — there are still many reasons to fall in love and get romantic or sexual with someone else.

Will a cheater ever admit?

Confession or truth is rare, very rare. Even if they have had a history of cheating. They usually will opt for lying or trying to make you believe that you are the one who is way off base.

Does being cheated on change you?

Being cheated on can not only affect your self-esteem and self-worth; it can also affect the way you treat those around you. Built up anger, bitterness, or hurt can show itself in how you act around the people you encounter.

What does being cheated on feel like?

It’s as simple as that – but the feelings that come with it are hardly ever simple. You feel betrayed, angry, embarrassed and completely heartbroken. It can make you question everything about yourself, your relationship and your life.

What does being cheated on teach you?

From being cheated on, I learned the power of trusting myself and my instinct, which science has proven is essentially a collection of our subconscious experiences. I learned to treat myself with kindness, understanding, and empathy. I learned to value myself and treated myself with the love and care I deserve.

Why does being cheated on hurt so much?

It hurts because it’s a huge breach of trust in an area that has a lot of emotions involved. Monogamous partners expect that one person should be able to fulfill the other’s romantic, sexual, and emotional needs. It’s expected that your monogamous partner is the most important person in your life.

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