Is the word homework a verb

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Correct answer they do their homework now?

The correct answer is, they are doing their homework now, or
they will do their homework now. The word do can be used as an
action verb or an auxiliary verb.

What is the verb in the sentence Alyson began her homework early for a change.?

The verb is «began».

Is has a verb?

Yes, ‘has’ is a verb or a helper (auxiliary) verb. Examples:Main verb: John has the measles. Bill has a motorcycle.Auxiliary verb: John has finished his homework.

What is the verb in this sentence Alyson began her homework early for a change?

the verb in this sentence is began

What is the contraction of they had in verb?

The contraction for they had is they’d.Examples:They had done their homework early. Or: They’d done their homework early.


  • #1

Hi everybody!

Yesterday I was helpping a friend of mine to do an exercise based on the passive voice. It was all right until we got to a sentence:
‘We have done our homework’
The point is that I realized that I don’t know if the word homework takes the plural, the singular or it depends on how much homework you have (it is just a grammar exercise so we do not have any context). Therefore I don’t know if the passive remains:
‘Our homework have been done’
‘Our homework has been done’
Or if both of them are possible.

Thanks in advance.:)

    • #2

    Our homework has been done.

    It (the homework) has been done.

    Homework is always singular. You can have lots of homework, but it is collectively described as just ‘homework’.

    • #3

    Hello, here’s my opinion. «Homework» always takes a singular form of the verb. It sounds better to say «Our homework is done.» With «Our homework has been done,» you imply that someone else did your homework. You could say, however, that «our homework has been done for weeks already.» Sorry if it’s complicated. ;)


    • #4

    Yes, I see your point, it’s like when you say «my hair has been cut» or «my car has been repaired» which obviously do not mean that you have done it by yourself. However, there are some English teachers that just follow a grammar book (regardless which constructions are used in the everyday language), they give the children a chart containing some equivalences and expect them to use them strictly… so I think it is better for my friend to use the previous form (although I will explain her what you have highlighted).
    Thank you both so much.:thumbsup:


    • #5

    In English there are two classes of noun designated as «countable» and «uncountable.»
    «Uncountable nouns are materials, concepts, information, etc. which are not individual objects and can not be counted.
    information, water, understanding, wood, cheese, etc.
    Uncountable nouns are always singular. Use the singular form of the verb with uncountable nouns.»


    • #6

    The word «work» used as a noun meaning «labor» is uncountable, as are all the words built on it (schoolwork; housework; homework.)

    • 1

      Персональный Сократ > homework

    • 2

      homework рын.тр. надомная работа

      English-Russian short dictionary > homework

    • 3


      1. 1) домашние задания, уроки; домашняя работа ()


      подготовка (); предварительная работа

      to have done one’s homework on smth. — основательно подготовиться к чему-л.

      2. надомная работа; кустарный промысел

      his wife tries to eke out their scanty income by homework — его жена пытается пополнить их скудные доходы надомной работой

      a piece of homework — подружка, «чувиха», «бабец»

      2) (чья-л.) девушка, подружка

      НБАРС > homework

    • 4

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > homework

    • 5



      домашнее задание, домашняя работа


      (1.) Русское словосочетание «домашняя работа» в значении «школьное задание на дом» соответствует английскому слову homework, словосочетание «домашняя работа» в значении «работа по дому» соответствует слову housework: to have much homework иметь много домашних заданий, уроков; to have much housework много работы (дел) по дому. (2.) See advice, n

      English-Russian combinatory dictionary > homework

    • 6

      1. n домашние задания, уроки; домашняя работа

      2. n разг. подготовка; предварительная работа

      3. n надомная работа; кустарный промысел

      4. n сл. собир. девушки, женский пол

      5. n сл. девушка, подружка

      Синонимический ряд:

      1. schoolwork taken home (noun) assigned reading; assignment; home study; lessons; outside assignment; preparation for class; schoolwork; schoolwork taken home; study at home

      2. undertaking (noun) activity; business; lesson; project; undertaking; work

      English-Russian base dictionary > homework

    • 7

      English-Russian word troubles > homework

    • 8


      1) домашняя работа, домашнее задание


      His speech in public showed he had done his homework well. — Его публичное выступление продемонстрировало, что он хорошо подготовился.



      ласки, нежничанье


      Англо-русский современный словарь > homework

    • 9

      Large English-Russian phrasebook > homework

    • 10




      эк. тр.

      надомная работа, работа на дому




      эк. тр.

      работа на дому, работа из дома






      самостоятельная подготовка


      Англо-русский экономический словарь > homework

    • 11

      1. домашние задания;

      2. надомная работа.

      * * *


      1) домашние задания;

      2) надомная работа.

      Англо-русский словарь по социологии > homework

    • 12

      Универсальный англо-русский словарь > homework

    • 13

      (n) домашняя работа; надомная работа

      * * *

      см. home-work

      * * *

      домашнее задание, надомная работа

      * * *




      * * *

      см. home-work

      Новый англо-русский словарь > homework

    • 14

      1) надомная работа

      2) кустарный промысел

      Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > homework

    • 15

      домашнее задание; домашняя работа

      English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > homework

    • 16


      надомная работа; кустарный промысел

      English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > homework

    • 17

      надомная работа; кустарный промысел

      English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > homework

    • 18

      The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > homework

    • 19

      English-Russian smart dictionary > homework

    • 20

      Англо-русский строительный словарь > homework


    • Следующая →
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    См. также в других словарях:

    • Homework — Homework, or homework assignment, refers to tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed mostly outside of class, and derives its name from the fact that most students do the majority of such work at home. Common homework… …   Wikipedia

    • Homework — Álbum de estudio de Daft Punk Publicación 20 de enero de 1997 (RU) 25 de marzo de 1997 (EE.UU.) Grabación 1993 1996 Daft House (París, Francia) Género(s) House …   Wikipedia Español

    • Homework — Homework …   Википедия

    • Homework — (engl. für Hausaufgabe) bezeichnet: Musik Homework (Daft Punk Album), Album von Daft Punk (1997) Homework (Atomic Rooster Album), Album von Atomic Rooster (2008) Homework (EP), EP von Bass Sultan Hengzt (2010) Filme Homework (2011), US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • homework — n. 1. preparatory school work done outside school (especially at home). Syn: prep, preparation. [WordNet 1.5] 2. Hence: [fig.] Studies or other preparatory work done prior to some activity; usually used of preparations for activities of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • homework — UK US /ˈhəʊmwɜːk/ noun ● do your homework Cf. do your homework …   Financial and business terms

    • homework — [hōm′wʉrk΄] n. 1. work, esp. piecework, done at home 2. lessons to be studied or schoolwork to be done outside the classroom ☆ 3. study or research in preparation for some project, activity, etc.: used mainly in the phrase do one s homework …   English World dictionary

    • homework — homework, homeworking A form of wage work undertaken by family members in their own homes, for large or small firms, usually on a piece rate basis. Not to be confused with school children s tasks set by the school to be undertaken at home, nor… …   Dictionary of sociology

    • homework — 1680s, work done at home, as opposed to work done in the shop or factory, from HOME (Cf. home) + WORK (Cf. work). In sense of lessons studied at home, it is attested from 1889 …   Etymology dictionary

    • homework — ► NOUN 1) school work that a pupil is required to do at home. 2) preparation for an event or situation. 3) paid work done in one s own home, especially piecework …   English terms dictionary

    • homework — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ English, science, etc. … OF HOMEWORK ▪ piece VERB + HOMEWORK ▪ do ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

    Перевод и значение HOMEWORK в английском и русском языках


    ʹhəʋmwɜ:k n

    1. 1> домашние задания, уроки; домашняя работа ( учащегося, особ. школьника )

    to do homework — учить уроки 2> разг. подготовка ( к собранию и т. п. ); предварительная работа

    to have done one’s homework on smth. — основательно подготовиться к чему-л.

    2. надомная работа; кустарный промысел

    his wife tries to eke out their scanty income by homework — его жена пытается пополнить их скудные доходы надомной работой

    3. сл. 1> собир. девушки, женский пол

    a piece of homework — подружка, «чувиха», «бабец» 2> (чья-л.) девушка, подружка

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

         English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.

    домашнее задание, домашняя работа, надомная работа, тщательная подготовка


    - домашние задания, уроки; домашняя работа (учащегося, особ. школьника)

    to do homework — учить уроки

    - разг. подготовка (к собранию и т. п.); предварительная работа

    to have done one’s homework on smth. — основательно подготовиться к чему-л.

    - надомная работа; кустарный промысел

    his wife tries to eke out their scanty income by homework — его жена пытается пополнить их скудные доходы надомной работой

    - собир. девушки, женский пол

    a piece of homework — подружка, «чувиха», «бабец»

    - (чья-л.) девушка, подружка

    Мои примеры


    to beaver away at one’s homework — делать уроки  
    to assign 20 pages for homework — задавать 20 страниц на дом  
    do homework carefully — аккуратно делать уроки  
    give overmuch homework — задавать на дом слишком большое задание  
    he got his homework out of the way — он разделался с домашним заданием  
    algebra homework — домашнее задание по алгебре  
    start in on homework — взяться за уроки  
    do homework — делать домашнее задание; учить уроки  

    Примеры с переводом

    He was up on his homework.

    Он был готов взяться за домашнее задание.

    Did you finish your homework?

    Ты сделал уроки?

    Have you started your homework?

    Ты уже начал делать домашнее задание?

    Sir, I’ve forgotten my homework.

    Сэр, я забыл свое домашнее задание.

    She started her algebra homework.

    Она начала выполнять домашнее задание по алгебре.

    I’ll tackle my homework later.

    Я примусь / возьмусь за домашнее задание позже.

    Read Chapter 11 as your homework.

    Прочтите главу 11 в качестве домашнего задания.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    She assisted the boy with his homework.

    None of your backchat, do your homework!

    Be quiet — let me concentrate on my homework.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    homeworker  — надомник, надомница, домашняя работница, кухарка, работник при доме, садовник

    Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English. It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more.

    First, let me note that “homework” is an uncountable (mass) noun in English. It is a common mistake, even among some non-native teachers of English as a foreign language, to say things like, “Hand in your homeworks, please.” The word “homework”, being uncountable, does not have a plural form. If you really must refer to several separate “pieces” of homework, the word you are looking for is “assignment”:

    correct You will get two separate homework assignments today.

    wrong You will get two separate homeworks today.

    It is also not possible to use “homework” with “a”:

    correct Do you have homework?

    correct Do you have any homework?

    wrong Do you have a homework?

    Let’s move on to the main topic of this article. Without further ado, the correct verb to use with “homework” is “do”, not “make”:

    correct I did my homework yesterday.

    wrong I made my homework yesterday.

    “Homework” is not in any way special in this respect. We always use “do” with activities and “make” with objects that are being made. Just like we “do work”, not “make work”, we also “do homework”, meaning the activity.

    The confusion arises from the fact that the most direct translation of “homework” into other languages often refers to the sheets of paper on which the assignments are written, hence it would make sense to “make it”. For the very same reason, we wouldn’t usually speak about “writing homework”:

    correct I have to do my homework now.

    unnatural I have to write my homework now.

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    Does she do her homework?

    To ask a question, we need to use an auxiliary verb at the beginning of the sentence. In our case, the auxiliary verb is do: this is called do-support.

    But since «she» is a singular third-person pronoun, we turn do into does. The first do carries the third-person ending s(or es) instead of the second. So there’s no reason to leave the second verb with the same ending.


    She flew home. («Flew» is the Past Tense form of «fly»)
    Did she fly home?

    Notice how the auxiliary verb do assumed the Past Tense form did, and the main verb fly now has no need to be in the Past Tense form: the auxiliary verb does this work.

    The main verb contains the meaning, the auxiliary verb is a «helping verb».

    In your example sentence, the first do (in the form does) is an auxiliary verb, and the second do (in the form do) is a main verb.


    Confusing words: Homework vs. Housework

    Многим знакомо слово homework – домашняя работа. В то же время не все сталкивались в своей практике со словом housework. Учитывая, что home и house в некоторых контекстах выступают как синонимы, некоторые пользователи английского языка склонны считать, что homework и housework также имеют одинаковое значение. В этом состоит их ошибка.

    Английские слова, которые мы путаем: Homework vs. Housework


    Homework [‘həumwɜːk] – это «домашнее задание», «домашняя работа», то есть тот учебный материал, который мы изучаем дома по заданию преподавателя.

    A lot of students in the UK get too much homework.

    Have the kids done their homework?

    We have two chapters to read for homework.


    Housework [‘hauswɜːk] – это «работа по дому», «домашние обязанности», то есть хозяйственные дела вроде уборки, чистки, стирки и т.д.

    I never seem to have enough time to do the housework. There’s always something that needs dusting or polishing.

    I got up early and did some housework.

    She relied on him to do most of the housework.

    homework — перевод на русский


    — Just doing our holiday homework.

    — Ничего, делаем домашнее задание.

    — Did you do your homework?

    — Сделал домашнее задание?

    You, recite your homework.

    Вот ты! Прочти свое домашнее задание.

    I’ll have to give you some homework.

    Мне придётся задать вам домашнее задание.

    — Have you made you homework?

    — Ты сделал домашнее задание?

    Показать ещё примеры для «домашнее задание»…

    You didn’t do your homework so you got punished?

    — Ты не сделал домашнюю работу и тебя наказали?

    You’ll do your homework.

    Будешь делать домашнюю работу.

    You have done your homework.

    Вы сделали домашнюю работу.

    You’re doing your homework at this hour?

    Ты делаешь домашнюю работу?

    You know, you ought to have done your homework before you came on this dig.

    Знаете ли, вы должны были сделать свою домашнюю работу, прежде чем придти на эти раскопки.

    Показать ещё примеры для «домашнюю работу»…

    No, do your homework here.

    Нет, делай уроки здесь.

    — Have you done your homework? — Yes.

    — Ты сделал уроки?

    He did all my homework.

    Это он делал за меня уроки.

    You and your homework!

    Твои уроки.

    Tosya, you should do your homework

    — Тось, тебе ведь сегодня еще уроки делать.

    Показать ещё примеры для «уроки»…

    I’ll be at your house at 8:00 and we can do our homework.

    Ладно, Глория, я подойду к тебе в восемь, и сделаем домашку.

    — Have you done your homework?

    — Ты уже сделал домашку?

    I’m trying to do my homework.

    Я свою домашку пытаюсь делать.

    I was going to do my homework.

    А я собрался домашку делать.

    My dad knows I never do homework.

    Мой отец знает, что я не делаю домашку.

    Показать ещё примеры для «домашку»…

    Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment… will be penalized one point off their final grade.

    Каждый, кто хотя бы раз не сдаст домашнее задание… лишится одного балла на экзамене.

    So there’s homework. -Preparation.

    Домашнее задание?


    На самом деле, если ты не против пройти в будуар – мне надо выполнить домашнее задание.

    All right kids, for your homework tonight I want you all to read chapters seven…

    Итак, дети, домашнее задание –глава седьмая.

    this isn’t some homework assignment his parents forced on him.

    Это не домашнее задание Его родители давили на него.

    Показать ещё примеры для «домашнее»…

    My homework.

    — Что? Мое задание.

    I have a question about our maths homework.

    Я просто хотел спросить задание по математике.

    How many times did I tell you to write your homework in a book? How many times, Nematzadeh?

    Сколько раз тебе повторять, что задание нужно выполнять в тетради?

    He has to do his homework in his book.

    — Играть. Он должен сделать задание в своей тетрадке.

    He has to do his homework in his book.

    Он должен сделать задание в своей тетрадке.

    Показать ещё примеры для «задание»…

    Well, you’ve done your homework.

    Вижу, вы неплохо подготовились.

    I see you’ve done your homework.

    Вижу, вы хорошо подготовились.

    I presume you have done your homework, and that you have a warrant?

    Я думаю, вы подготовились должны образом, и у вас есть ордер?

    You certainly did your homework, Detective.

    Вы хорошо подготовились, детектив.

    — Who’s been doing her homework?

    — Вы хорошо подготовились.

    Показать ещё примеры для «подготовились»…

    Do you have homework?

    — Тебе надо делать уроки?

    I’m just finishing up some homework.

    Я заканчиваю делать уроки.

    — I have homework.

    — Мне надо делать уроки.

    Do you help him out with his homework or what?

    А ты что же, помогала ему делать уроки, или как?

    Her evenings were spent helping with homework.

    Вечерами помогает делать уроки.

    Показать ещё примеры для «делать уроки»…

    — Did he look at your homework? — No.

    — Он проверял твою работу?

    Do you have to do your homework?

    Тебе очень нужно сделать свою работу?

    Do your homework.

    Делайте свою работу.

    Dog ate your homework?

    И что ты сказал, что собака съела твою работу? Нет.

    I did my homework.

    Я выполнил свою работу

    Показать ещё примеры для «работу»…

    — Don’t you have homework?

    Тебе что, не нужно делать домашнее задание?

    The homework thing.

    Делать домашнее задание? Делать домашнее задание.

    Well, Alex went to bed early, probably has homework he didn’t want to finish, and Justin’s in his room… you know, this would be a great time to have that little talk with him.

    Алекс рано лег. Наверное, не хотел делать домашнее задание. Джастин в своей комнате.

    Look, I’ve got homework.

    Послушай, мне надо делать домашнее задание.

    It’s time for your homework.

    Пора делать домашнее задание.

    Показать ещё примеры для «делать домашнее задание»…

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