Is the word heard a verb

Asked by: Miss Sophia Stoltenberg V

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(44 votes)

part of speech: transitive verb. inflections: hears, hearing, heard.

What type of word is heard?

Heard is the past tense of the verb hear, and it’s also an adjective when you use it to describe a particular sound, as when you say, «The music was even lovelier since it was mysteriously heard from afar.» A word you might confuse with heard is herd, which means «group of animals.»

Is heard a verb?

verb (used with object), heard [hurd], hear·ing. … to learn by the ear or by being told; be informed of: to hear news. to listen to; give or pay attention to: They refused to hear our side of the argument.

What kind of noun is heard?

(uncountable) The sense used to perceive sound. (countable) The act by which something is heard. (uncountable) A proceeding at which discussions are heard.

Is heard a common noun?

In English grammar, a common noun names any person, place, thing, or idea. … Common nouns can be subdivided into countable or uncountable, depending on the function of the noun itself, as well as abstract (meaning intangible) or concrete (meaning physically capable of being touched, tasted, seen, smelled, or heard).

40 related questions found

What is the verb of hear?

transitive verb. 1 : to perceive or become aware of by the ear didn’t hear what she said thought I heard them leave. 2 : to gain knowledge of by hearing heard that you were ill. 3a : to listen to with attention : heed would not hear my side of the story.

Is were a verb or noun?

As detailed above, ‘were’ can be a noun or a verb. Verb usage: John, you were the only person to see him. Verb usage: We were about to leave. … Verb usage: Were it simply that she wore a hat, I would not be upset at all.

Is the verb went?

Yes, ‘went’ is the preterite (or simple past tense) of the verb ‘to go‘. It is an irregular verb.

Is crawl a verb or noun?

crawl 1. / (krɔːl) / verb (intr) to move slowly, either by dragging the body along the ground or on the hands and knees. to proceed or move along very slowly or laboriouslythe traffic crawled along the road.

What is the verb 3 of have?

Have is an irregular verb. Its three forms are have, had, had. The present simple third person singular is has: We usually have breakfast at about eight.

What is the verb form of hide?

Hide is the present tense, hid is the past simple and hidden is the past participle form of the verb.

What is the difference between hear and heard?

The verb hear means to perceive sound or to listen. Hear also means to receive a message or gain information. The past form of hear is heard. The adverb here means at, in, or toward a place or a particular point in a process.

What are hear words?

hear word (from someone or something)

To receive or be given a message or communication (from someone or something).

Is the word am a verb?

The definition of am is a verb that is used with the word I as the first person singular version of the verb be. An example of when the word am would be used is when saying you are having dinner.

What is the word went in grammar?

Went is the past tense of go. Gone is the past participle of go.

What are the examples of verb?

Action verb examples:

  • Run.
  • Dance.
  • Slide.
  • Jump.
  • Think.
  • Do.
  • Go.
  • Stand.

What verb is were?

Commonly Confused Words: were / we’re / where

Meaning — Were is the past tense of the verb are. Look at this example of were used in a sentence. Since were means the same as the past tense of are in this sentence, it is the correct word to use.

What are the parts of speech in English?

There are eight parts of speech in the English language: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection.

How do you say hear in British?

Break ‘hear’ down into sounds: [HEER] — say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them. Record yourself saying ‘hear’ in full sentences, then watch yourself and listen. You’ll be able to mark your mistakes quite easily.

What is the verb form of have?

The verb have has the forms: have, has, having, had. The base form of the verb is have. The present participle is having. The past tense and past participle form is had.

  • 1

    слышать; слышный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. received (adj.) caught; had audio input; listened to; made out the words; noticed; perceived; received

    2. understood (adj.) comprehended; heeded; registered; remembered; responded; retained; taken to heart; understood

    3. discovered (verb) ascertained; caught on; determined; discovered; find out; found out; learned; saw/seen; tumbled; unearthed

    4. listened (verb) attended; harked; hearkened; heeded; listened

    English-Russian base dictionary > heard

  • 2

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accompanied (verb) accompanied; bore/borne; chaperoned; companioned; conducted; consorted with; convoyed; escorted

    2. heard (verb) harked; heard; hearkened; heeded; listened; pay attention

    3. minded (verb) care for; cared for; look after; minded; minister to; see to; tended; watched

    English-Russian base dictionary > attended

  • 3

    Синонимический ряд:

    3. heard (verb) ascertained; determined; discovered; find out; heard

    English-Russian base dictionary > learnt

  • 4

    Синонимический ряд:

    heard (verb) attended; harked; heard; hearkened; heeded; pay attention

    English-Russian base dictionary > listened

  • 5





    past participle


    1) слышать

    2) слушать, внимать; выслушивать (часто hear out); to hear a course of lectures прослушать курс лекций

    3) услышать, узнать (of, about — о)

    4) получить известие, письмо (from)

    hear out

    hear! hear! правильно!, правильно! (возглас, выражающий согласие с выступающим)

    I won’t hear of it я этого не потерплю

    you will hear about this вам за это попадет

    * * *

    (v) выслушать; прослушать; прослушивать; слышать; услышать

    * * *

    (heard) слышать, слушать; узнать

    * * *

    [hɪr /hɪə]
    слышать, услышать, слушать, внимать, внять, выслушивать, заслушивать, услыхать; узнавать, получать известия; получить письмо

    * * *

























    * * *

    прош. вр. и прич. прош. вр. — heard
    1) а) слышать, обладать слухом
    б) слышать
    2) а) внимательно слушать, выслушивать (часто hear out)
    б) посещать, слушать
    3) заслушивать, выслушивать (свидетелей и т. п.); юр. слушать (дело)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > hear

  • 6

    1. v слышать, услышать

    2. v слышать, обладать слухом

    3. v слушать, внимать

    4. v слушать регулярно, быть регулярным слушателем

    hear out — выслушать; дать высказаться

    5. v школ. спрашивать

    6. v заслушать официально или публично; выслушать

    7. v юр. слушать, разбирать дело

    8. v услышать, узнать

    9. v получать известие, сообщение

    10. v согласиться на; внять

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. discover (verb) ascertain; catch on; determine; discover; find out; learn; see; tumble; unearth

    2. listen (verb) apprehend; attend; descry; detect; hark; hearken; heed; listen; perceive; regard

    English-Russian base dictionary > hear

  • 7

    1. a пропащий, потерянный

    gone case — безнадёжный случай; пропащее дело

    2. a разорённый

    3. a прошедший, истекший

    4. a беременная

    5. a ушедший, умерший

    6. a возникающий в момент физической слабости

    7. a использованный, израсходованный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. absent (adj.) absent; away; lacking; missing; omitted; wanting

    2. ceased to exist (adj.) a casualty; ceased to exist; disappeared; disintegrated; dissipated; not around; past

    3. extinct (adj.) bygone; dead; defunct; departed; extinct; lost; vanished

    4. left (adj.) gone away; gone out; left; moved; not here; quit; taken leave

    5. pregnant (adj.) big; childing; enceinte; expectant; expecting; gravid; heavy; parous; parturient; pregnant

    6. agreed (verb) accorded; agreed; checked; checked out; cohered; comported; conformed; consisted; consorted; corresponded; dovetailed; fitted in; harmonized; jibed; marched; rhymed; squared; suited; tallied

    7. become (verb) become; come; got or gotten; grown; waxed

    8. borne (verb) abode or abided; borne; brooked; digested; endured; lumped; stood; stuck out; suffered; supported; sustained; swallowed; sweat out or sweated out; taken; tolerated

    9. consumed (verb) consumed; exhausted; expended; finished; run through; spent; used up; washed up

    10. departed (verb) departed; exited; get away; gone; got away or gotten away; got off or gotten off; left; moved; popped off; pull out; pulled out; pushed off; quit; retired; run along; shoved off; taken off; withdrawn

    11. died (verb) cashed in; conked; deceased; demised; died; dropped; elapsed; expired; go away; go by; pass away; passed away; passed out; pegged out; perished; pipped; succumbed

    13. fared (verb) fared; hied; journeyed; passed; proceeded; push on; pushed on; traveled or travelled; travelled; wended

    16. given (verb) bent; break down; broken; buckled; cave in; caved; collapsed; crumpled; folded up; given; yielded

    17. happened (verb) befallen; betided; chanced; developed; done; fallen out; happened; occurred; risen; transpired

    18. made (verb) headed; made; set out; strike out

    20. resorted (verb) applied; recurred; referred; repaired; resort to; resorted; turned

    21. run (verb) carried; extended; led; made; ranged; reached; run; stretched; varied

    22. set (verb) betted; gambled; laid; risked; set; staked; ventured; wagered

    23. succeeded (verb) arrived; clicked; come off; come through; flourished; go over; gone over; made out; panned out; prospered; proved out or proven out; scored; succeeded; thriven; work out

    English-Russian base dictionary > gone

  • 8

    1. n пила

    2. n полотно пилы

    3. v пилить, распиливать

    4. v пилиться

    5. v пиликать

    6. n изречение, афоризм; поговорка, пословица

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cutting tool (noun) circular saw; cutting tool; hacksaw; handsaw; jigsaw; keyhole saw; saber saw; tool; wood saw

    2. saying (noun) adage; aphorism; byword; maxim; proverb; saying; word

    3. beheld (verb) beheld; descried; discerned; distinguished; espied; marked; minded; noted; noticed; observed; perceived; remarked; twigged; viewed

    4. cut (verb) chop; cut; cut to length; lop; prune; rend; sever; shape; trim

    5. discovered (verb) ascertained; caught on; determined; discovered; found out; heard; learned; tumbled; unearthed

    6. foresaw (verb) anticipated; divined; envisioned; forefelt; foreknew; foresaw; visualized

    7. guided (verb) conducted; directed; escorted; guided; led; piloted; routed; showed; steered

    8. had (verb) experienced; go through; had; knew; meet with; suffered; sustained; tasted; underwent

    10. saw (verb) accepted; apprehended; caught; compassed; comprehended; dated; fathomed; followed; grasped; made out; make out; read; saw; take in; took; took in; took out; tumbled to; understood

    11. stopped (verb) called; come by; drop by; drop in; look in; look up; pop in; run in; stopped

    12. thought (verb) conceived; envisaged; envisioned; fancied; fantasised; featured; imaged; imagined; pictured; projected; realized; thought; visioned; visualised

    13. visited (verb) came by; came over; dropped by; dropped in; looked in; looked up; popped in; ran in; stepped in; stopped by; stopped in; visited

    English-Russian base dictionary > saw

  • 9

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. beheld (verb) beheld; descried; discerned; distinguished; espied; marked; minded; noted; noticed; observed; perceived; remarked; twigged; viewed

    3. discovered (verb) ascertained; caught on; determined; discovered; found out; heard; learned; tumbled; unearthed

    4. foreseen (verb) anticipated; divined; envisioned; forefelt; foreknown; foreseen; visualized

    5. guided (verb) conducted; directed; escorted; guided; led; piloted; routed; shown or showed; steered

    6. had (verb) experienced; go through; had; known; meet with; suffered; sustained; tasted; undergone

    8. read (verb) accepted; apprehended; caught; compassed; comprehended; fathomed; followed; grasped; made out; make out; read; take in; taken; taken in; tumbled to; understood

    9. thought (verb) conceived; envisaged; envisioned; fancied; fantasised; featured; imaged; imagined; pictured; projected; realized; thought; visioned; visualised

    10. visited (verb) called; come by; come over; drop by; drop in; dropped by; dropped in; look in; look up; looked in; looked up; pop in; popped in; run in; stepped in; stopped; stopped by; stopped in; visited

    English-Russian base dictionary > seen

  • 10

    1. n геогр. прол. Зунд

    2. n звук; шум

    3. n фон. звук; тон

    stereo sound — стереофонический звук, объёмное звучание

    4. n тк. впечатление

    5. n предел слышимости

    6. n муз. разг. «звучок», стиль исполнения

    7. v звучать, издавать звук

    8. v иметь то или иное звучание

    9. v извлекать звук

    10. v звучать, создавать впечатление, казаться

    11. v возвещать, провозглашать

    12. v произносить

    13. v мед. выслушивать, выстукивать, аускультировать

    14. v юр. касаться, иметь отношение к

    15. n спец. зонд; щуп; пробник

    16. n спец. зондирование; промер лотом

    17. v спец. измерять глубину воды

    18. v спец. мед. исследовать; зондировать

    19. v спец. выведывать, выпытывать, осторожно выспрашивать; разузнавать, выяснять; прощупывать, зондировать

    will you sound him on the subject? — разведайте-ка, что он думает по этому поводу?; может быть, вы постараетесь выведать, что ему известно?

    20. v спец. исследовать, постигать

    21. v спец. глубоко нырять; опускаться на дно

    22. a здоровый, крепкий

    23. a спокойный, крепкий

    24. a доброкачественный, неиспорченный, хороший

    25. a исправный; прочный

    26. a здравый, разумный; правильный, логичный

    27. a благоразумный, предусмотрительный

    28. a глубокий, тщательный

    29. a платёжеспособный; надёжный, устойчивый

    30. a умелый, хороший

    31. a разг. сильный, здоровый

    32. a юр. законный, действительный

    33. adv крепко, сильно

    34. n плавательный пузырь

    35. n пролив

    36. n узкий залив, фиорд

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. deep (adj.) deep; fast; intellectual; profound; thoughtful; unbroken; undisturbed

    2. orthodox (adj.) accepted; authoritative; canonical; orthodox; received; sanctioned

    3. proper (adj.) allowed; correct; legal; proper; right

    4. reasonable (adj.) balanced; commonsensical; consequent; fair; intelligent; judicious; just; level-headed; logical; prudent; rational; reasonable; sagacious; sage; sane; sensible; true; wise

    5. reliable (adj.) dependable; faithful; honest; honorable; loyal; reliable; safe; trustworthy

    6. sure (adj.) competent; firm; secure; solid; stable; sturdy; sure

    7. valid (adj.) cogent; convincing; just; persuasive; satisfactory; satisfying; solid; telling; valid

    8. whole (adj.) complete; effectual; entire; fit; flawless; good; hale; hardy; healthy; hearty; intact; perfect; robust; severe; thorough; total; unblemished; undamaged; unharmed; unhurt; unimpaired; uninjured; unmarred; untouched; vigorous; vigourous; well; well-conditioned; well-liking; whole; wholesome

    11. clamor (noun) clamor; clatter; din; noise; racket; sonance

    14. tone (noun) intonation; note; pitch; resonance; reverberation; timbre; tone; vibration

    16. declare (verb) advertise; announce; annunciate; blaze abroad; blazon; broadcast; bruit about; declare; disseminate; proclaim; promulgate; publish; toot; vend

    17. examine (verb) ascertain; determine; dive; examine; feel out; inspect; investigate; probe

    21. resound (verb) blare; echo; resound; reverberate; ring; vibrate

    22. say (verb) roar; say; shout; shrill; sing; snort; talk; whine

    23. utter (verb) articulate; enunciate; express; pronounce; utter; verbalise; verbalize

    Антонимический ряд:

    defective; deficient; dilapidated; diseased; fallacious; fragile; frail; hollow; impaired; imperfect; incorrect; infirm; injured; silence; unfit; weak

    English-Russian base dictionary > Sound

  • 11
    Irregular verbs

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > Irregular verbs

  • 12

    1. a решительный, полный решимости; непреклонный

    2. a определённый, установленный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. decided (adj.) agreed; bent; closed; concluded; decided; fixed; intent; resolved; set; settled

    2. firm (adj.) decisive; firm; tough; unbending; uncompromising; unyielding

    3. resolute (adj.) inflexible; positive; resolute; rigid; rigorous; strenuous; sturdy

    4. stubborn (adj.) dogged; obstinate; stubborn

    5. closed (verb) closed; completed; consummated; did/done; ended; finished; halted; terminated; wound up; wrapped up

    6. decided (verb) concluded; decided; figured; resolved; settled

    7. determined (verb) bounded; delimited; demarcated; determined; limited; mark out; marked out; measured

    8. discovered (verb) ascertained; caught on; discovered; find out; found out; heard; learned; saw/seen; tumbled; unearthed

    9. established (verb) demonstrated; established; made out; proved/proved or proven; showed/shown or showed

    10. predestined (verb) destined; doomed to; fated; foreordained; predestined; predetermined; preformed; preordained

    11. ruled (verb) arbitrated; judged; refereed; ruled; umpired

    Антонимический ряд:

    flexible; fluctuating; inconstant; irresolute; uncertain; vacillating; wavering

    English-Russian base dictionary > determined

  • 13

    a общепринятый, общепризнанный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. accepted (adj.) accepted; authoritative; canonical; conventional; orthodox; sanctioned; sound; time-honoured

    2. heard (adj.) caught; had audio input; heard; listened to; made out the words; noticed; perceived

    3. admitted (verb) accepted; admitted; received; take in; took

    4. took/taken (verb) took in/taken in; took/taken

    English-Russian base dictionary > received

  • 14

    1. n разг. размышление

    2. n разг. мысль; мнение

    3. v думать, размышлять; мыслить

    privately, I think that … — лично я думаю, что …

    4. v думать, иметь в голове

    personally, I think … — я лично думаю …

    5. v полагать, считать; предполагать

    then you think that … — значит, ты считаешь, что …

    6. v иметь мнение

    7. v представлять себе, воображать

    8. v воображать, рисовать в воображении

    9. v придумывать, находить

    10. v придумывать, додумываться

    think through — продумывать, додумывать до конца; добраться до сути дела

    11. v иметь в виду, намереваться; замышлять

    12. v ожидать, предполагать, рассчитывать

    13. v подозревать, ждать

    to think no evil — не заподозрить злого умысла, не ждать ничего плохого

    14. v уст. подозревать, предполагать

    15. v вспоминать

    16. v постоянно думать, мечтать

    17. v разг. умственный; интеллектуальный, философский

    to think big — далеко метить, иметь честолюбивые планы

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. conceive (verb) conceive; envisage; envision; fancy; fantasise; feature; image; project; realize; see; vision; visualise; visualize

    2. conjecture (verb) conclude; conjecture; guess; presume; pretend; repute; suppose; surmise

    3. contemplate (verb) cerebrate; cogitate; contemplate; create; deliberate; invent; meditate; picture; ponder; reason; reflect; regard; speculate

    5. hold (verb) anticipate; believe; consider; credit; deem; feel; hold; judge; opine; sense

    6. remember (verb) bear in mind; bethink; recall; recollect; remember; retain; revive; think of

    7. understand (verb) assume; expect; gather; imagine; suspect; take; understand

    English-Russian base dictionary > think

  • 15

    1. a прямой, открытый; правдивый; ясный, недвусмысленный

    2. a очевидный, явный

    3. a прямой, непосредственный

    direct process — процесс непосредственного получения железа из руд, бездоменный процесс

    direct fire — огонь прямой наводкой, огонь с открытых позиций

    4. a происходящий по прямой линии

    5. a усил. полный, абсолютный

    direct code — абсолютный код; программа в абсолютных адресах

    6. a вертикальный; отвесный; перпендикулярный к данной плоскости

    direct after — сразу после; сразу после того, как

    7. a астр. движущийся с запада на восток

    8. a эл. постоянный

    9. adv прямо; сразу, непосредственно

    10. v направлять, наводить

    11. v направлять, обращать, устремлять

    12. v руководить, управлять; контролировать

    13. v предписывать; давать указание, распоряжение

    14. v решать

    15. v наставлять; давать советы, учить; инструктировать

    16. v показывать дорогу

    17. v обращать, предназначать

    18. v адресовать

    19. v направлять, посылать

    20. v дирижировать

    21. v режиссировать, ставить кинофильм

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. frank (adj.) blunt; candid; explicit; forthright; frank; honest; man-to-man; openhearted; plain; plainspoken; single; single-eyed; single-hearted; single-minded; unconcealed; undisguised; undissembled; undissembling; unmannered; unreserved; unvarnished

    2. immediate (adj.) evident; firsthand; immediate; immediatefirst-hand; primary; prompt; simple; unbroken

    3. lineal (adj.) lineal

    4. linear (adj.) linear; straight; straightforward; through; true; undeviating; uninterrupted; unswerving

    5. open (adj.) categorical; downright; earnest; express; main; naked; officious; open; plump

    6. personal (adj.) inside; intimate; personal

    7. address (verb) address; aim; apply; bend; buckle; buckle down; cast; concentrate; dedicate; devote; focus; give; incline; lay; level; point; present; set; sight; superscribe; throw; train; turn; zero in

    8. administer (verb) administer; control; dominate; govern; handle; regulate; rule

    9. guide (verb) advise; dispose; escort; guide; influence; lead; oversee; pilot; route; see; shepherd; show; usher

    10. instruct (verb) bid; charge; command; enjoin; inform; instruct; order; require; tell; warn; will; wish

    11. manage (verb) carry on; conduct; keep; manage; operate; ordain; steer; supervise

    12. run (verb) administrate; head; run; superintend

    13. directly (other) dead; directly; due; right; straight; straightly; undeviatingly

    14. verbatim (other) literally; literatim; verbatim; word for word

    Антонимический ряд:

    beguile; crooked; deceive; delude; devious; diverge; divert; follow; indirect; lead astray; meandering; mislead; obey; reflect; sly; subtle

    English-Russian base dictionary > direct

  • 16

    1. n отпечаток, оттиск

    2. n штемпель, печать, клеймо

    3. n след, впечатление, отпечаток, печать

    4. v производить впечатление, поражать

    5. v делать отпечаток; штемпелевать; клеймить

    6. v чеканить; штамповать

    7. v давить с силой

    8. n воен. насильственная вербовка

    9. n воен. реквизиция

    10. v воен. насильственно вербовать

    11. v воен. реквизировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. print (noun) impression; imprint; indent; indentation; print; stamp

    2. dazzle (verb) amaze; awe; blow away; dazzle; fascinate; overawe; overwhelm; wow

    6. fix (verb) brand; drive; engrave; etch; fix; grave; hammer; imprint; inscribe; mark; pound; stamp

    7. influence (verb) affect; be conspicuous; carry; engage attention; enthuse; find favor; get; impact; influence; inspire; make an impression; move; persuade; strike; sway

    English-Russian base dictionary > impress

  • 17

    1. a помятый

    2. a взъерошенный, растрёпанный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. discovered (verb) ascertained; caught on; determined; discovered; found out; heard; learned; saw/seen; unearthed

    2. disordered (verb) confused; deranged; disarranged; disarrayed; discomposed; disjointed; dislocated; disordered; disorganised; disorganized; disrupted; distempered; disturbed; fouled up; jumbled; mess up; messed up; mix up; mixed up; muddled; mussed up; rummaged; shuffled; snarled up; unsettled; upset

    3. fell/fallen (verb) dipped; dove; dropped; fell; fell/fallen; go down; keeled over; pitched; plummeted; plunged; sank; skidded; slumped; spilled; sprawled; went down/gone down

    4. felled (verb) bowled down; bowled over; brought down; downed; felled; flattened; floored; grounded; knocked down; knocked over; laid low; leveled or levelled; mowed down/mowed down or mown down; prostrated; threw down/thrown down

    5. happened (verb) bumped; chanced; happened; hit; lighted or lit; met; stumbled

    6. overthrew/overthrown (verb) overthrew/overthrown; overturned; toppled; unhorsed

    English-Russian base dictionary > tumbled

  • 18

    1. v предпринимать

    2. v брать на себя

    3. v ручаться, гарантировать

    4. v разг. быть содержателем похоронного бюро

    5. v арх. обязаться, ручаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. assume (verb) accept; assume; enter upon; incur; shoulder; tackle; take on; take over; take up

    3. engage (verb) contract; engage; pass; pledge; promise

    4. open (verb) approach; begin; commence; embark; enter; inaugurate; initiate; launch; open; set out; set to; start

    5. take upon oneself (verb) answer for; devote oneself to; endeavor; hazard; move; take upon oneself

    6. try (verb) address; assay; attempt; endeavour; essay; offer; seek; strive; struggle; try; venture

    Антонимический ряд:

    defer; give up; quit; refuse

    English-Russian base dictionary > undertake

  • 19

    1. n быстрый взгляд

    he took a peep at the back of the book to find out the answers to the questions — он украдкой заглянул в конец книги, где давались ответы на вопросы

    2. n первое появление, проблеск

    3. n полоска света

    4. n щель, просвет

    5. n минимум

    6. v заглядывать, смотреть прищурясь

    7. v заглядывать в маленькое отверстие; подглядывать

    8. v рассматривать с любопытством, разглядывать

    9. v выглядывать, проглядывать, появляться

    peep out — выглядывать, появляться

    10. v проявляться

    11. v прорастать

    12. n писк, чириканье

    13. n звук

    14. v чирикать, пищать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. cheep (noun) chatter; cheep; chip; chirp; chirrup; hoot; squeak; tweet; twitter

    2. glance (noun) eye; furtive glance; glance; glimpse; peek; quick look

    3. chirp (verb) cheep; chip; chipper; chirp; chirrup; clutter; titter; tweedle; tweet; twitter

    Антонимический ряд:

    disappear; inspection; scrutinize

    English-Russian base dictionary > peep

  • 20

    1. v превращать в камень

    2. v превращаться в камень, окаменевать

    3. v поражать, ошеломлять, приводить в оцепенение

    4. v часто остолбенеть, оцепенеть; застыть

    5. v лишить жизненности, высушить, выхолостить

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. daze (verb) bedaze; bemuse; benumb; daze; stun; stupefy

    3. frighten (verb) alarm; astonish; frighten; paralyse; scare; startle; terrify

    4. ossify (verb) clarify; crystallize; fossilise; fossilize; mineralize; ossify; stiffen; strengthen

    5. set (verb) cake; concrete; congeal; dry; harden; set; solidify

    English-Russian base dictionary > petrify

  • услышанный, выслушанный

    неправильный глагол

    - past и p. p. от hear

    Мои примеры


    Примеры с переводом

    I heard the birds sing.

    Я слышал, как поют птицы.

    I heard a weird noise.

    Я услышал странный шум.

    I heard a knock on the door.

    Я услышала стук в дверь.

    Sudden I heard a voice.

    Вдруг я услышал чей-то голос.

    We heard a faint noise.

    Мы услышали слабый шум.

    I heard a loud crash.

    Я услышал страшный грохот. /Я услышал сильный треск.

    We heard hellish noises.

    Мы услышали ужасные звуки.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    He heard a low growl behind him.

    We heard gunfire in the distance.

    I heard yaps coming from the yard.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    misheard  — ослышаться
    overheard  — подслушивать, нечаянно услышать
    reheard  — вновь слышать, слушать вторично
    unheard  — неизвестный, неслышный, невыслушанный

    3 формы глагола hear

    Английский глагол hear [hɪə], переводится как: слушать.
    Входит в группы:
    неправильные глаголы,
    глаголы 4-й класс,
    глаголы 5-й класс.

    3 формы глагола hear: Infinitive (hear), Past Simple — (heard), Past Participle — (heard).

    📚 Глагол hear имеет значения: слышать, слушать, услышать, внимать, обладать слухом, узнавать, получить известие.

    👉 Формы глагола hear в настоящем и прошедшем времени 2-я и 3-я форма.
    ❓ Как будет hear в прошедшем времени past simple.

    Три формы глагола hear

    Base Form Past Simple Past Participle Перевод
    hear [hɪə]

    heard [hɜ:d]

    heard [hɜ:d]


    Как поставить hear во 2-ю и 3-ю форму?

    🎓 Как поставить глагол hear в Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect?

    👉 Всё очень просто, в этих временах прошедшего, будущего и совершённого времени, в английском используются 2я и 3я форма глагола:

    • First form (V1) — hear. (Present simple, Future Simple)
    • Second form (V2) —

      (Past simple)

    • Third form (V3) —

      (Present perfect, Past perfect)

    Как поставить hear в past simple?

    Если вы не совсем поняли какую форму для hear нужно использовать в прошедшем времени, будет:
    hear в past simple — heard.

    What is the past tense of hear?

    The past tense of hear is heard.

    The past participle of hear is heard.

    Временные формы глагола — Verb Tenses

    Past simple — hear в past simple, будет heard.

    Future simple — hear в future simple будет hear. (will + V1)

    Present Perfect — hear в present perfect будет
    (havehas + V3)

    Past Perfect — hear в past perfect будет

    (had + V3)

    Правильный или неправильный глагол hear?

    👉 Правильный это глагол ли нет? Глагол hear это неправильный глагол.

    Примеры применения глагола hear

      Can they hear us? — Они слышат нас?
      (Present Simple)

      He heard Emily go upstairs — Он услышал, как Эмили поднималась по лестнице.
      (Past Simple)

      She doesn’t hear the radio — Она не слышит радио.
      (Present Simple)

      I didn’t hear you a minute ago, what was it? — Минуту назад я тебя не слышал, что это было?
      (Past Simple)

      I haven’t heard anything, and you? — Я ничего не слышал, а ты?
      (Present Perfect)

      They hadn’t heard their parents before they called them — До того, как родители их позвали, они их не слышали.
      (Past Perfect)

      Have you heard the thunder? — Ты слышал гром?
      (Present Perfect)

      My grandfather can’t hear well — Мой дедушка плохо слышит.
      (Present Simple)

      We heard some noise, but didn’t pay attention to it — Мы слышали некий шум, но не обратили внимание.
      (Past Simple)

      They will hear it and come home — Они услышат это и придут домой.
      (Future Simple)

    Вместе с hear, часто смотрят глаголы


    and sing.

    Глаголы на букву:


























    - detected or perceived by the sense of hearing

    a conversation heard through the wall

    Extra examples

    The men shouted and I distinctly heard them through the falling snow.

    I heard a noise in the bushes and out jumped a cat!

    I heard you met the president—is that so?

    I’ve never heard of such a thing!

    Had heard that the after section of an aircraft is safer in the event of a crash

    That man has never heard of you.

    We heard a bird that had a very loud and unusual call.

    I thought I heard something outside.

    I’ve heard it’s a good place to raise children.

    I heard her scream and ran to help.

    I heard every word you said.

    I thought I heard him leave.

    I heard her in concert a few years ago.

    Have you ever heard Wagner sung in English?

    I’ve heard it said that smoking is bad for your health.

    • Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks.
    From the verb hear: (⇒ conjugate)
    heard is: Click the infinitive to see all available inflections
    v past
    v past p

    WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

    Главные переводы
    английский русский
    hear⇒ vtr (perceive sound) слышать несов + вин
      He heard a crash in the kitchen and went to see what had happened.
      Он услышал грохот на кухне, и пошёл посмотреть, что случилось.
    hear vtr (detect faint sound) (тихий звук) услышать сов + вин
      Can you hear the train whistle?
      Слышите свисток поезда?
    hear vi (sound: be able to perceive) слышать несов
      She can no longer hear well and is becoming deaf.
      Она слышит уже не так хорошо и постепенно становится глухой.

    heard‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


    If your dog trembled and shook at the sound of fireworks, he might have thought he heard gunshots. Heard means «perceived by the sense of hearing.»

    If you detected a sound using your ears, you heard it. Heard is the past tense of the verb hear, and it’s also an adjective when you use it to describe a particular sound, as when you say, «The music was even lovelier since it was mysteriously heard from afar.» A word you might confuse with heard is herd, which means «group of animals.»

    Definitions of heard

    1. adjective

      detected or perceived by the sense of hearing

      “a conversation
      heard through the wall”



      perceived or discerned

    DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘heard’.
    Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
    Send us feedback


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