Is the word green an adjective

Table of Contents

  1. Is an apple green?
  2. What is a verb for green?
  3. What is adjective for green?
  4. What’s another word for the color green?
  5. What are green words?
  6. What are five common words that contain the word green?
  7. What other words can you spell with Green?
  8. What words go with Green?
  9. What words can you make with green?
  10. How many words are in the word green?
  11. What items are green?
  12. What body part is spelled the same backwards?
  13. What is boyfriend spelled backwards?
  14. What 7 letter word is a palindrome?
  15. Is Mom a palindrome?
  16. What is a 3 letter palindrome?
  17. What 5 letter word is spelled the same backwards?
  18. What is a palindrome string?
  19. Is Tacocat a palindrome?

Yes, ‘green’ is an adjective. Here are some example sentences in which ‘green’ is used as an adjective: There are a lot of green leaves here.

Is an apple green?

This is correct when you are talking about a member of a group, something general, for example, fruit. An orange is orange, but an apple is green.

What is a verb for green?

greened; greening; greens. Definition of green (Entry 3 of 6) transitive verb. 1 : to make green. 2 : rejuvenate, revitalize.

What is adjective for green?

green. adjective. /ɡrin/ (greener, greenest) color.

What’s another word for the color green?

What is another word for green?

greenish aquamarine
chartreuse grass
jade khaki
lime olive
vert viridian

What are green words?

‘Green’ words are phonetically decodable words that the children learn to read. These are learnt in accordance with the sounds that they are learning at that time and support children to become fluent readers. Regular reading of these words ensures children are able to recognise/read them quickly.

What are five common words that contain the word green?

10 letter words containing green

  • greenhouse.
  • greenfield.
  • greenbrier.
  • greenstone.
  • greensward.
  • greenheart.
  • greenfinch.
  • greenstuff.

What other words can you spell with Green?

Words that can be made with green

  • eger.
  • erne.
  • gene.
  • gree.

What words go with Green?

10-letter words that start with green

  • greenhouse.
  • greenfield.
  • greenbrier.
  • greenstone.
  • greensward.
  • greenheart.
  • greenfinch.
  • greenstuff.

What words can you make with green?

Words made by unscrambling the letters G R E E N

  • eger.
  • erne.
  • gene.
  • gree.

How many words are in the word green?

19 words

What items are green?

Use the list of words for green things to answer simple questions. Words: leaf, lettuce, peas, grass, lime, pickle, emerald, cactus, frog, alligator, evergreen.

What body part is spelled the same backwards?


What is boyfriend spelled backwards?

boyfriend spelled backwards is dneirfyob.

What 7 letter word is a palindrome?

Originally Answered: What 7-letter word is spelled the same backwards and forwards? Some examples of seven letter palindromic words are: redivider (8), deified and reviver. (racecar is two words). An emordnilap (palindrome spelled backwards) is a word that has a different meaning in reverse.

Is Mom a palindrome?

Some palindromic names are: Ada, Anna, Bob, Bub, Dad, Eve, Hannah, Lil, Mom, Mum, Nan, Otto, Pip, Pop, and Sis.

What is a 3 letter palindrome?

Here is the list of all the English words with 3 letters grouped by number of letters: AAA, A.A.A., aba, A.B.A., ACA, ADA, A.D.A., AEA, AFA, aga, aha, a-ha, aia, Aja. Palindromes are words that can be read from left to right or right to left, the letters are symetric. Rise to vote, sir. Madam, I’m Adam.

What 5 letter word is spelled the same backwards?

Here is the list of all the English words with 5 letters grouped by number of letters: Aeaea, alala, alula, anana, anona, APIPA, arara, Ardra, Arora, arura, batab. Palindromes are words that can be read from left to right or right to left, the letters are symetric. Rise to vote, sir.

What is a palindrome string?

A string is said to be a palindrome if the string read from left to right is equal to the string read from right to left. For example, ignoring the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters, the string “iTopiNonAvevanoNipoti” is a palindrome, while the string “iGattiNonAvevanoCugini” is not so.

Is Tacocat a palindrome?

tacocat is a palindrome, meaning spelled backwards and forwards its the same.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Antonetta DuBuque III

Score: 4.2/5
(36 votes)

adjective, green·er, green·est. of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves. covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields. characterized by the presence of verdure.

Is greenness a noun?

greenness noun [U] (LACK OF EXPERIENCE)

Is greenish a noun or adjective?

Adjective. greenish ˈgrē-​nish adjective. greenishness noun.

What does greenness mean?

the quality or state of being simple and sincere. was charmed by her genteel greenness and childlike innocence.

Is color green an adjective?

green adjective, noun [C/U] (COLOR)

38 related questions found

Is yellow an adjective?

yellow (adjective) … yellow–bellied (adjective) yellow card (noun) yellow fever (noun)

What is green adjective?

adjective, green·er, green·est. of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves. covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields. characterized by the presence of verdure. … fresh, recent, or new: an insult still green in his mind.

What is the spelling of greenness?

the quality or state of being green. green vegetation, grass, or the like; verdure or verdancy. lack of maturity or experience; youthfulness.

What does the blue ? mean?

The Blue Heart emoji ? depicts a classic representation of heart, colored blue. It can be used to express love, support, admiration, happiness, and excitement—particularly toward various things that have some relation to the color blue, from the Smurfs to Duke University to autism awareness.

Is Verdancy a word?

the quality or condition of being green, as the condition of being covered with green plants or grass or inexperience attributable to youth. — verdant, adj. -Ologies & -Isms.

Are Colours adjectives?

Colors(Blue, Red, Purple, etc) are usually adjectives but they can also form parts of nouns too. … The color blue in this example describes the dolphin so therefore “blue” is an adjective. An adjective describes a noun.

Is Brown an adjective?

usage note for brown

Brown as a noun and adjective to describe people with a brownish skin color is often perceived as insulting.

Is Apple an adjective?

apple (noun) apple–cheeked (adjective) apple pie (noun)

Does benefited have two Ts?

Since benefitted and Nottinghamshire are each spelled with a double T, remembering that this spelling is standard in English will be a simple task. To summarize, benefited is the American spelling of this word. Benefitted is the British spelling.

What does viridity mean?

1a : the quality or state of being green. b : the color of grass or foliage. 2 : naive innocence.

What is the synonym of green?

verdant, grassy, grass-covered, leafy, verdurous. rural, pastoral. barren. 3usually Green’he has become preoccupied with Green issues’ environmentalist, ecologist, conservationist, preservationist.

What does ? mean on TikTok?

The brain emoji you see all over TikTok is actually code for oral sex.

What does ? mean in texting?

What does the ? Butterfly emoji mean? The butterfly emoji represents the butterfly, as well as the symbolism associated with it: positive transformations, hope during a dark time, and new beginnings.

What does the phrase in the pink mean?

In the pink is an informal expression meaning the peak of health or an optimal state. … More generally, it is often used to convey the idea that someone or something is in the best of health or condition.

Is big an adjective or noun?

Big has many other senses as an adjective and a few as an adverb and a noun. Big can describe things that are tall, wide, massive, or plentiful. It’s a synonym of words such as large, great, and huge, describing something as being notably high in number or scale in some way.

Which GREY is the color?

Gray is more common in the U.S., while grey is more common in other English-speaking countries. In proper names—like Earl Grey tea and the unit Gray, among others—the spelling stays the same, and they need to be memorized. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great?

What part of speech is the word stinky?

adjective, stink·i·er, stink·i·est. foul smelling; stinking.

What types of adjectives are there?

Common types of adjectives

  • Comparative adjectives.
  • Superlative adjectives.
  • Predicate adjectives.
  • Compound adjectives.
  • Possessive adjectives.
  • Demonstrative adjectives.
  • Proper adjectives.
  • Participial adjectives.

Why is green an adjective?

green used as an adjective:

The color the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 520–570-nm. The color produced by mixing yellow and blue pigments.

Is red an adjective?

As detailed above, ‘red’ can be an adjective, a noun or a verb. Adjective usage: The girl wore a red skirt. Adjective usage: Her hair had red highlights. Adjective usage: a red state.

зеленый, сырой, свежий, зелень, зеленый цвет, зеленеть


- зелёный, зелёного цвета

green dress — зелёное платье, платье зелёного цвета
green fire — зелёный огонь (фейерверка)
green light — а) зелёный свет (светофора); б) разг. «зелёная улица»
to give the green light — дать «зелёную улицу», «дать добро»

- зелёный, бледный, болезненный (о цвете лица)

to grow /to go, to turn/ green — позеленеть, побледнеть
green with envy [jealousy] — позеленевший /побледневший/ от зависти [ревности]

- покрытый зеленью, зелёный

green fields — зелёные луга
green tree — дерево, покрытое листвой; зелёное дерево

- мягкий, тёплый, бесснежный

green winter — бесснежная зима
we shall have a green Christmas — рождество будет бесснежным, на рождество снега не будет /снег не выпадет/

- незрелый, неспелый, зелёный

green apple — неспелое /зелёное/ яблоко
the grapes are too green — зелен виноград

ещё 10 вариантов


- зелёный цвет

a girl (dressed) in green — девушка в зелёном

- pl. оттенки зелёного цвета

a picture in greens and blues — картина в зелёных и синих тонах

- зелёный цвет как национальная эмблема Ирландии
- зелёная краска, зелень
- растительность; листва

ещё 5 вариантов


- становиться зелёным, зеленеть
- красить в зелёный цвет
- одевать в зелёный цвет
- разг. обманывать, мистифицировать

Мои примеры


fields green with meadow grass — поля, зелёные от луговой травы  
a mixture of blues and greens — смесь голубого и зелёного  
to keep the bones green — сохранять хорошее здоровье  
cool green — светло-зелёный  
dark green — тёмно-зелёный  
consumed / green with envy — снедаемый завистью  
green frog — зелёная лягушка  
green salad — зелёный салат  
green bananas — незрелые бананы  
green fruit — незрелые фрукты  
gosling green — бледно-зеленый цвет с желтоватым отливом  
green hand — новичок  

Примеры с переводом

The trees are greening

Деревья зеленеют (обрастают листвой).

My bedroom carpet is green.

Ковер в моей спальне зеленого цвета.

The grass is brightly green.

Трава ярко-зеленая.

The bananas are still green.

Бананы всё еще зеленые. / Бананы еще не созрели.

She forged a Green Card

Она подделала грин-карту.

A long coat in green velvet.

Длинное пальто из зелёного бархата.

Green color harmonizes with red one.

Зелёный цвет сочетается с красным.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The golfer chipped onto the green.

The golfer chipped the ball onto the green.

Tender green shoots will appear in February.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

greener  — новичок, простак
greening  — зеленое яблоко
greenish  — зеленоватый
greenness  — зелень, незрелость, неопытность
greeny  — зеленоватый
greens  — зелень, овощи, деньги, бабки, деньжата
greenly  — зеленовато, с зеленью, молодо, свежо, просто, безыскусно

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: green
ing ф. (present participle): greening
2-я ф. (past tense): greened
3-я ф. (past participle): greened

ед. ч.(singular): green
мн. ч.(plural): greens

срав. степ. (comparative): greener
прев. степ. (superlative): greenest

Recent Examples on the Web

Weather has dominated the headlines of the 2023 Masters after multiple delays, but Brooks Koepka could snatch them back by winning his first green jacket at Augusta National on Sunday.

Cydney Henderson, USA TODAY, 9 Apr. 2023

Heavy rain that left pools of standing water across Augusta National brought play to a halt at the Masters on Saturday, and Brooks Koepka and the rest of the field will have a long Sunday slog to decide who will wear the green jacket.

Dave Skretta And Steve Reed, Chicago Tribune, 8 Apr. 2023

Woods’ window to win a sixth green jacket, or a 16th major championship, has surely closed.

Paul Newberry, ajc, 8 Apr. 2023

At the Masters, though, the trophy is essentially an afterthought to the green jacket — however ironically, given the winner’s limited time with the sartorial prize.

Alan Blinder Doug Mills, New York Times, 8 Apr. 2023

Heavy rains that left pools of standing water across Augusta National brought play to a halt at the Masters on Saturday, and Brooks Koepka and the rest of the field will have a long Sunday slog to decide who will wear the green jacket.

CBS News, 8 Apr. 2023

In 1937 the green jacket was born.

Sam Dangremond, Town & Country, 7 Apr. 2023

Nicklaus didn’t have a green jacket until 1998.

Sam Farmer, Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2023

No Notable news: As the previous year’s champ, Woods presented the signature green jacket to winner Mark O’Meara.

Kate Hogan, Peoplemag, 7 Apr. 2023

While older leaves get a bit bitter over time these can still be used at any time as a cooked green—perhaps combined with others without as much bitterness.

Elizabeth Waddington, Treehugger, 10 Apr. 2023

Woods came up short of the green, backed up his approach shot and two-putted for another bogey.

Dave Skretta, ajc, 8 Apr. 2023

Her hair is now eight shades of green.

Jonathan Van Meter, SPIN, 8 Apr. 2023

The ball landed just short of the green, and then bounced onto it, rolling toward the right.

Alan Blinder Doug Mills, New York Times, 7 Apr. 2023

The jackets are a very specific shade of green, Pantone 342, and the color is trademarked.

Sam Farmer, Los Angeles Times, 7 Apr. 2023

Oh, a Cosmo and Wanda is where one person wears solid pink and the other person wears solid green.

Elizabeth Logan, Glamour, 29 Mar. 2023

This tropical destination is known for its golden strips of shore and cliffs every shade of green.

Patricia Doherty, Travel + Leisure, 25 Mar. 2023

To make this fresh grass design, simply mask off your pattern with tape, then spray various shades of green.

Jessica Bennett, Better Homes & Gardens, 21 Mar. 2023

From tee to green this hole is home to over 1,600 azaleas.

Chris Mckeown, The Enquirer, 8 Apr. 2023

Consider all the Florida citrus groves plowed under to make room for housing developments and, more recently, the arrival of a greening disease, Huanglongbin, with 80 percent of the Florida citrus industry’s trees afflicted and no cure yet found.

Jamie Kitman, Car and Driver, 1 Apr. 2023

It was changed to green in 1934.

Jamie L. Lareau, Detroit Free Press, 16 Mar. 2023

There are also incentives for upgrading appliances and greening your home.

Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY, 13 Mar. 2023

In the years leading up to the war, Ukraine, long a laggard in greening its power grid, had begun making progress.

Evan Halper, Washington Post, 9 Mar. 2023

Don’t forget to green the health care industry.

Gwendolyn Wu, San Francisco Chronicle, 10 Jan. 2022

The practice, at best, redirects funds that would’ve gone to fossil fuel firms and the like, potentially paving the way for consequential innovation that might help green the economy.

Prem Thakker, The New Republic, 20 Mar. 2023

The white panicles age to green over time, and the foliage turns a shiny burgundy in the fall.

Sheryl Geerts, Better Homes & Gardens, 3 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘green.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Asked by: Antonetta DuBuque III

Score: 4.2/5
(36 votes)

adjective, green·er, green·est. of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves. covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields. characterized by the presence of verdure.

Is greenness a noun?

greenness noun [U] (LACK OF EXPERIENCE)

Is greenish a noun or adjective?

Adjective. greenish ˈgrē-​nish adjective. greenishness noun.

What does greenness mean?

the quality or state of being simple and sincere. was charmed by her genteel greenness and childlike innocence.

Is color green an adjective?

green adjective, noun [C/U] (COLOR)

38 related questions found

Is yellow an adjective?

yellow (adjective) … yellow–bellied (adjective) yellow card (noun) yellow fever (noun)

What is green adjective?

adjective, green·er, green·est. of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves. covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields. characterized by the presence of verdure. … fresh, recent, or new: an insult still green in his mind.

What is the spelling of greenness?

the quality or state of being green. green vegetation, grass, or the like; verdure or verdancy. lack of maturity or experience; youthfulness.

What does the blue ? mean?

The Blue Heart emoji ? depicts a classic representation of heart, colored blue. It can be used to express love, support, admiration, happiness, and excitement—particularly toward various things that have some relation to the color blue, from the Smurfs to Duke University to autism awareness.

Is Verdancy a word?

the quality or condition of being green, as the condition of being covered with green plants or grass or inexperience attributable to youth. — verdant, adj. -Ologies & -Isms.

Are Colours adjectives?

Colors(Blue, Red, Purple, etc) are usually adjectives but they can also form parts of nouns too. … The color blue in this example describes the dolphin so therefore “blue” is an adjective. An adjective describes a noun.

Is Brown an adjective?

usage note for brown

Brown as a noun and adjective to describe people with a brownish skin color is often perceived as insulting.

Is Apple an adjective?

apple (noun) apple–cheeked (adjective) apple pie (noun)

Does benefited have two Ts?

Since benefitted and Nottinghamshire are each spelled with a double T, remembering that this spelling is standard in English will be a simple task. To summarize, benefited is the American spelling of this word. Benefitted is the British spelling.

What does viridity mean?

1a : the quality or state of being green. b : the color of grass or foliage. 2 : naive innocence.

What is the synonym of green?

verdant, grassy, grass-covered, leafy, verdurous. rural, pastoral. barren. 3usually Green’he has become preoccupied with Green issues’ environmentalist, ecologist, conservationist, preservationist.

What does ? mean on TikTok?

The brain emoji you see all over TikTok is actually code for oral sex.

What does ? mean in texting?

What does the ? Butterfly emoji mean? The butterfly emoji represents the butterfly, as well as the symbolism associated with it: positive transformations, hope during a dark time, and new beginnings.

What does the phrase in the pink mean?

In the pink is an informal expression meaning the peak of health or an optimal state. … More generally, it is often used to convey the idea that someone or something is in the best of health or condition.

Is big an adjective or noun?

Big has many other senses as an adjective and a few as an adverb and a noun. Big can describe things that are tall, wide, massive, or plentiful. It’s a synonym of words such as large, great, and huge, describing something as being notably high in number or scale in some way.

Which GREY is the color?

Gray is more common in the U.S., while grey is more common in other English-speaking countries. In proper names—like Earl Grey tea and the unit Gray, among others—the spelling stays the same, and they need to be memorized. Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great?

What part of speech is the word stinky?

adjective, stink·i·er, stink·i·est. foul smelling; stinking.

What types of adjectives are there?

Common types of adjectives

  • Comparative adjectives.
  • Superlative adjectives.
  • Predicate adjectives.
  • Compound adjectives.
  • Possessive adjectives.
  • Demonstrative adjectives.
  • Proper adjectives.
  • Participial adjectives.

Why is green an adjective?

green used as an adjective:

The color the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelength of roughly 520–570-nm. The color produced by mixing yellow and blue pigments.

Is red an adjective?

As detailed above, ‘red’ can be an adjective, a noun or a verb. Adjective usage: The girl wore a red skirt. Adjective usage: Her hair had red highlights. Adjective usage: a red state.

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

Is green an adverb noun or adjective?

Green can be an adjective (something green) or a noun (the color green).There is no formal adverb greenly but there is «greenishly.»

What are the example of adjective -noun pattern?

Examples of Adjective Noun patterns are:
The football team is good. (Football is the Adjective in this
sentence, but, it can also be a Noun.) <— Example: The
football was sticky. (Football is now a Noun in this sentence.)
The green eyes scared me! (Green is the Adjective in this
sentence, but, it can also be a Noun.) <— Example: Green is my
favorite color. (Green is now the Noun in this sentence.)

This apple is green. is green an adjective or noun?

It is an adjective because it is descriptive. If you say «that
is a green apple» Then it is a noun, because the green and the
apple go together as a name.

This apple is green is green a noun?

In that sentence,, the word «green» is functioning as an adjective, describing the noun «apple» as a predicate adjective (subject complement) following the linking verb «is» (apple = green).

Is green a verb or an adjective?

It can be either, but more typically an adjective.
The word green can be a noun (color), an adjective (color of
something), or a verb (to make green, to add greenery).

What is an adjective?

Blue is an adjective.
Cold is an adjective.
Happy is an adjective.

An adjective is a describing word. An adjective gives more information about something.
An adjective generally describes a noun. A noun is a person, a thing, or a place.

The monster

Monster is the name of a thing. Monster is a noun.

There is no description of the monster. Describe the monster in the video.

How is the monster? Green.
Green is a colour.
Green is a description of the monster.
Green is an adjective.

What is the position of the adjective?

Where do we put the adjective?
Do we say… The green monster OR The monster green?

The correct order is….

  • The green monster.

The order is: Adjective + noun

Green is an adjective, Monster is a noun.
Green is a description of the monster. Green is an adjective.

We do not say the monster green. No, the adjective is before the noun… The green monster.

We can also use the verb To Be + Adjective. For example…

  • The monster is green.

IS is a form of the verb To Be. The monster IS.
After IS we put the adjective… IS GREEN.

  • The monster is green.

What is another description of the monster?

Is the monster happy? No, the monster is SAD.
Sad is an adjective.

We can say:

  • The sad monster. (adjective + noun) OR
  • The monster is sad. (To Be + Adjective)

Sad is an adjective.

The girl

Another example: Describe the girl in the video.

Is the girl sad? No, she is happy.
We can say…

  • The happy girl.

Happy is an adjective … girl is a noun.
We can also say…

  • The girl is happy.

To Be + the adjective HAPPY.

Adjectives in English have one form.

For example the adjective red.

  • One red car.

Red is an adjective. It gives us more information about the car. We describe the car. The car is red.
When there is more than one car, for example two cars, the adjective RED does not change.
We say:

  • Two red cars.

Red is used with one car and Red is used for two cars.
We do not say two reds cars. No. (There is no S at the end of red)

Practice Exercise

Which word is an adjective in each of these?

  • The yellow bus.
  • The boy is dirty.
  • She is nervous.
  • The relaxed woman.
  • The smelly shoe.
  • The man is cold.
  • The fast horse.
  • The doors are closed.

The answers appear in our video.

What is an adjective? – Summary Chart

What is an adjective? Basic English Grammar

Lesson tags: Adjectives, Grammar, Nouns, Parts of Speech, To Be, Word Order
Back to: English Course > Descriptions in English

For those interested in a little info about this site: it’s a side project that I developed while working on Describing Words and Related Words. Both of those projects are based around words, but have much grander goals. I had an idea for a website that simply explains the word types of the words that you search for — just like a dictionary, but focussed on the part of speech of the words. And since I already had a lot of the infrastructure in place from the other two sites, I figured it wouldn’t be too much more work to get this up and running.

The dictionary is based on the amazing Wiktionary project by wikimedia. I initially started with WordNet, but then realised that it was missing many types of words/lemma (determiners, pronouns, abbreviations, and many more). This caused me to investigate the 1913 edition of Websters Dictionary — which is now in the public domain. However, after a day’s work wrangling it into a database I realised that there were far too many errors (especially with the part-of-speech tagging) for it to be viable for Word Type.

Finally, I went back to Wiktionary — which I already knew about, but had been avoiding because it’s not properly structured for parsing. That’s when I stumbled across the UBY project — an amazing project which needs more recognition. The researchers have parsed the whole of Wiktionary and other sources, and compiled everything into a single unified resource. I simply extracted the Wiktionary entries and threw them into this interface! So it took a little more work than expected, but I’m happy I kept at it after the first couple of blunders.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: the UBY project (mentioned above), @mongodb and express.js.

Currently, this is based on a version of wiktionary which is a few years old. I plan to update it to a newer version soon and that update should bring in a bunch of new word senses for many words (or more accurately, lemma).

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